Version 1.3.1 (2016-11-02) ========================== * Added: DPI scaling for icons and toolbars under Windows. * Added: Main form hide action to tray icon popup menu. * Added: Automatically resize ListView filter column width according ListView column width. * Added: Support for acronym category selection in import source format form. * Added: Multi select support in category list form. * Modified: Optimalized export speed. * Modified: Do not initialize all forms at startup to save some memory. * Fixed: Characters encoding for string loaded from MS Access database. * Fixed: Replace special symbol for non-breaking space by space so trimming such spaces from string works as expected. * Fixed: Row height in ListView to respect visual styles. * Fixed: Incorrect update of last opened files if the application was started with file name as parameter. * Fixed: Add back links from categories to import sources. * Fixed: Export to MediaWiki tables was not correctly generated for multi line strings. * Fixed: Wrong access to main thread from export jobs causing exception. * Fixed: Loading of import source references for acronyms from file was not working due wrong execution sequence. Version 1.3.0 (2016-08-15) ========================== * Added: Acronym export action in menu Tools - Export. Supported formats are CSV and MediaWiki list/table. * Added: Show from which imports acronym meanings come from. This would easy correcting wrong acronyms directly in source. * Added: Dropdown menu for open file icon in main toolbar. * Added: Button to open URL in internet browser from source import configuration dialog. * Modified: References to categories stored more efficiently in XML project file. * Modified: Set focus to filter control if main form is shown. * Fixed: Merge categories to new items also for MS Access source import. * Fixed: Trim name and meaning imported from MS Access. * Fixed: ESC and ENTER keys handling in some dialogs. * Fixed: Starting minimalized in system tray. * Fixed: Clear filtered acronym list correctly after project is closed. * Fixed: Select all text inside acronym name edit field in main form. This will speed up inputing different acronyms. * Fixed: Store main form position before form is hidden to be able to restore it on same position. * Fixed: Use correct path for language files under Linux. Version 1.2.0 (2016-08-02) ========================== * Added: Text filtering in list of import sources. * Added: Allow enable/disable import source by context menu in import sources list. * Added: Allow to configure application to start automatically on user logon and start minimized to tray. * Added: Open example acronyms by default if no other files were openned yet. * Added: Internet slang acronym source to Example acronyms. * Added: Build profile for 32-bit and 64-bit Linux. * Modified: Open dialogs positioned at center of screen. * Fixed: Do not sort items in lists if no order is set by clicking to column header. * Fixed: Now checkboxes in list of import sources are visible and working for enabling item. * Fixed: Update acronym list in main form if some items were changed in acronym list subwindow. * Fixed: Set zero imported acronyms count before start of processing import sources. * Fixed: Number of acronyms per category was not updated properly after import source was processed. * Fixed: Stream for reading web pages was not cleared before each execution. * Fixed: Main form was unexpectedly initialized and project reopened if main form was hidden to system tray and user clicked to system tray icon to show it again. * Fixed: After click to system tray icon and show of hidden window also put window in front of others. Version 1.1.0 (2016-07-26) ========================== * Added: Show how many new acronyms were imported. * Added: Remember last import date for import sources. * Added: Bottom action toolbar to windows with lists. * Added: New pattern action "Remove on start". * Added: New import source type "Text parse file" which allows to load and parse acronym from file. * Added: Now user name and password can be specified for import sources which require user authentication. Password is not stored in project file for safety reasons. Only Basic authentication is supported. * Added: Deb packages build script for Ubuntu/Debian Linux. * Modified: More translated strings. * Fixed: Set correct tab order of controls on forms. * Fixed: Locale autodetection under Linux. Version 1.0.1 (2016-07-14) ========================== * Added: Job progress view for longer processing of all import sources. * Added: Another wikipedia example acronyms import source. * Modified: Use application icon also for system tray icon. * Fixed: Build with cthreads under Linux. * Fixed: Do not allow operations with acronym database if file is in closed state. * Fixed: Do not show dash symobol if no project is openned. * Fixed: Wrong interface translation in case of automatic english language. Version 1.0.0 (2016-07-13) ========================== * Acronym names and meanings management * Quick searching by acronym name, meaning or category. Exact or partial match. * Acronym categories * Database stored as XML project file * Configurable import from external web pages (http, https) with custom parsing rules * Support for import from MS Access database file * Support for interface translation (English, Czech) * Allows minimization to system tray