Chat 1 -1 Internet 2 -1 Bussines and finance 3 -1 Energy 4 -1 IT 5 -1 Internet slang 6 -1 Aviation 7 -1 1 Mediawiki acronyms 0 <div style="margin:auto; display:inline-block;"> <h2 id="References">References</h2> <li><b> </b> 1 0 0 </li> 2 1 0 2 MediaWiki Lingo 0 <dl> </dl> <dt> </dt> 1 0 0 <dd> </dd> 2 1 0 3 MediaWiki 2 0 <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="A"> >See also< <li> 1 0 0 </li> 2 1 0 4 wikitonary 0 </ul> <span class="mw-headline" id="See_also">See also <li> : 1 0 0 </li> 2 1 0 5 MediaWiki 3 0 <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="0–9"> <h2 id="See_also">See also</h2> <li> 1 0 0 </li> 2 1 0 <sup class=" </sup> 0 3 -1 6 MediaWiki table 0 <th>Abbreviation <div class="mw-heading mw-heading2"><h2 id="See_also"> <tr> </td> 1 0 0 <td> </td></tr> 2 1 0 <th>Abbreviation </th></tr> 0 3 0 Wikipedia - List of business and finance abbreviations 1 -1 402 2025-01-25T21:07:29.122+01:00 3 terminology 2 -1 73 2025-01-25T21:07:29.356+01:00 Wikipedia - List of energy abbreviations 3 -1 821 2025-01-25T21:07:29.685+01:00 4 Wikipedia - List of Computing and IT abbreviations 5 -1 1491 2025-01-25T21:07:30.013+01:00 5 English internet slang 4 -1 321 2025-01-25T21:07:30.231+01:00 6 Wikipedia - Aviation,_avionics,_aerospace_and_aeronautical_abbreviations 6 -1 1253 2025-01-25T21:07:30.591+01:00 7 100B-FX 100BASE-FX 5 4 100B-TX 100BASE-TX 5 4 100BVG 100BASE-VG 5 4 10B-F 10BASE-F 5 4 10B-FB 10BASE-FB 5 4 10B-FL 10BASE-FL 5 4 10B-FP 10BASE-FP 5 4 10B-T 10BASE-T 5 4 10B2 10BASE-2 5 4 10B5 10BASE-5 5 4 10q Thank you 6 5 10x Thanks 6 5 1GL first-generation programming language 5 4 1H First half of the year 3 1 1NF first normal form 5 4 2 too, or to 6 5 24/7 24 hours a day, seven days a week 3 1 286 Intel 80286 processor 5 4 2B1Q 2 binary 1 quaternary 5 4 2FA Two-factor authentication 5 4 2GL second-generation programming language 5 4 2NF second normal form 5 4 386 Intel 80386 processor 5 4 3GL third-generation programming language 5 4 3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project – 3G comms 5 4 3GPP2 3rd Generation Partnership Project 2 5 4 3NF third normal form 5 4 4 For 6 5 486 Intel 80486 processor 5 4 4B5BLF 4-bit 5-bit local fiber 5 4 4GL fourth-generation programming language 5 4 4NF fourth normal form 5 4 5GL fifth-generation programming language 5 4 5NF fifth normal form 5 4 6NF sixth normal form 5 4 80/20 According to the Pareto principle, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes 3 1 802.11 wireless LAN 5 4 8B10BLF 8-bit 10-bit local fiber 5 4 <3 Love 6 5 A C? AH! SI? 6 5 A11Y Accessibility 5 4 AAA Authentication Authorization, Accounting 5 4 AABB Axis Aligned Bounding Box 5 4 AAC Advanced Audio Coding 5 4 AAF As A Friend 6 5 AAL ATM Adaptation Layer 5 4 AALC ATM Adaptation Layer Connection 5 4 AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol 5 4 ABAC Attribute-Based Access Control 5 4 ABCL Actor-Based Concurrent Language 5 4 ABI Application Binary Interface 5 4 ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode 5 4 ABR Area Border Router 5 4 Auto Baud-Rate detection 5 4 Available Bitrate 5 4 Average Bitrate 5 4 Adaptive Bitrate (Streaming) 5 4 AC Acoustic Coupler 5 4 Alternating Current 5 4 Altocumulus Cloud type 7 6 Advisory circular&#91;2&#93; Information and guidance publication 7 6 Alternating current 4 3 ACD Automatic Call Distributor 5 4 ACE Advanced Computing Environment 5 4 Actuator control electronics 7 6 Area Control Error (electricity) 4 3 ACID Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability 5 4 ACK ACKnowledgement 5 4 Amsterdam Compiler Kit 5 4 ACL Access Control List 5 2 4 Active Current Loop 5 4 ACM Association for Computing Machinery 5 4 Air cycle machine Part of A/C air conditioning system 7 6 ACME Automated Classification of Medical Entities 5 4 ACP Airline Control Program 5 4 Audio Control Panel 7 6 ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface 5 4 ACR Allowed Cell Rate 5 4 Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio 5 4 Avionic Communication Router 7 6 AD Active Directory 5 4 Administrative Domain 5 4 Airworthiness Directive 7 6 ADAD Another Day Another Dollar 6 5 ADB Apple Desktop Bus 5 4 ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter 5 4 Apple Display Connector 5 4 Air data computer 7 6 ADCCP Advanced Data Communications Control Procedures 5 4 ADIH Another Day In Hell 6 5 ADIP Another Day in Paradise 6 5 ADO ActiveX Data Objects 5 4 ADR Alternative dispute resolution 3 1 Asset Depreciation Range (finance) 4 3 ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 5 4 ADT Abstract Data Type 5 4 AE Adaptive Equalizer 5 4 AEAP As Early As Possible 6 5 AES Advanced Encryption Standard 5 4 AF Anisotropic Filtering 5 4 As fuck 6 5 AFAICR As far as I can recall / remember 6 5 AFAICS As far as I can see 6 5 AFAICT As far as I can tell 6 5 AFAIK As far as I know 6 5 AFAIR As far as I remember 6 5 AFAIU As far as I understand 6 5 AFAIUI As far as I understand it 6 5 AFAP As far as possible (cf ASAP) 6 5 AFK Away from keyboard 6 5 AFP Apple Filing Protocol 5 4 AGI Artificial General Intelligence 5 4 AGP Accelerated Graphics Port 5 4 AH Active Hub 5 4 AI Artificial Intelligence 3 5 1 4 AIX Advanced Interactive eXecutive 5 4 AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML 2 AL Active Link 5 4 Access List 5 4 ALAC Apple Lossless Audio Codec 5 4 ALGOL Algorithmic Language 5 4 ALOL Actually laughing out loud 6 5 ALSA Advanced Linux Sound Architecture 5 4 ALU Arithmetic and Logical Unit 5 4 AM Account manager 3 1 Access Method 5 4 Active Matrix 5 4 Active Monitor 5 4 Allied Mastercomputer 5 4 Amplitude Modulation 5 4 AMA Ask me anything 6 5 AMD Advanced Micro Devices 5 4 AMOLED Active-Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode 5 4 AMQP Advanced Message Queuing Protocol 5 4 AMR Audio Modem Riser 5 4 Automated meter reading also known as Automatic Meter Reading 4 3 ANN Artificial Neural Network 5 4 Annunciator panel Caution warning system normally containing visual and audio alerts to the pilot 7 6 ANSI American National Standards Institute 5 4 4 3 ANT Another Neat Tool 5 4 Antenna (radio) 7 6 AOP Adjusted operating profit 3 1 Annual operating plan 3 1 Aspect-Oriented Programming 5 4 Airport operating plan 7 6 AOT Ahead-Of-Time 5 4 AP Accounts payable 3 1 Access Point 2 Autopilot 7 6 Action Point 4 3 APCI Application-Layer Protocol Control Information 5 4 API Application Programming Interface 5 2 4 American Petroleum Institute (oil) 4 3 APIC Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller 5 4 APIPA Automatic Private IP Addressing 5 4 APL A Programming Language 5 4 APR Apache Portable Runtime 5 4 Actual peak reduction (e.g. in demand response systems) (electricity) 4 3 AR Accounts receivable 3 1 Airworthiness review 7 6 Authorization required 7 6 As required 7 6 ARC Adaptive Replacement Cache 5 4 Advanced RISC Computing 5 4 Airworthiness review certificate 7 6 ARIN American Registry for Internet Numbers 5 4 ARM Advanced RISC Machines 5 4 AROS AROS Research Operating System 5 4 ARP Address Resolution Protocol 5 4 Aerodrome reference point 7 6 ARPA Address and Routing Parameter Area 5 4 Advanced Research Projects Agency 5 4 ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network 5 4 ARPU Average revenue per user 3 1 AS Autonomous System 2 Access Server 5 4 ASAP As soon as possible 6 5 ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange 5 4 ASG Abstract Semantic Graph 5 4 ASIC Application-Specific Integrated Circuit 5 4 ASIMO Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility 5 4 ASL or A/S/L Age / sex / location 6 5 ASLP or A/S/L/P Age, sex, location, picture 6 5 ASLR Address Space Layout Randomization 5 4 ASM Algorithmic State Machine 5 4 Airspace management 7 6 Available seat miles 7 6 ASMP Asymmetric Multiprocessing 5 4 ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation 1 5 4 ASP Average selling price 3 1 Active Server Pages 5 4 Application Service Provider 5 4 ASR Asynchronous Signal Routine 5 4 Airport surveillance radar 7 6 AST Abstract Syntax Tree 5 4 AT Advanced Technology 5 4 Access Time 5 4 Active Terminator 5 4 ATA Advanced Technology Attachment 5 4 Air Transport Association 7 6 ATAG Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 5 4 Air Transport Action Group A coalition of aviation industry experts focusing on sustainable development issues. 7 6 ATAPI Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface 5 4 ATB All the best 6 5 ATEOTD At The End of the Day 6 5 ATFQ Answer the fucking / full question 6 5 ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode 5 4 At the moment 6 5 Air traffic management 7 6 ATX Advanced Technology eXtended 2 AV Antivirus 5 4 AVC Advanced Video Coding 5 4 AVI Audio Video Interleaved 5 4 AWK Aho Weinberger Kernighan 5 4 AWOL Absent Without (Official) Leave 6 5 AWS Amazon Web Services 5 4 AWT Abstract Window Toolkit 5 4 AYBABTU (also abbreviated as AYB) all your base are belong to us (from the video game Zero Wing) 6 5 Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript and XML 5 4 AoE ATA over Ethernet 5 4 AuthIP Authenticated Internet Protocol 5 4 AuthN Authentication 5 4 AuthZ Authorization 5 4 B TAM Basic Telecommunications Access Method 5 4 B2B Business-to-business 3 1 Business-to-Business 5 4 Business to Business 6 5 B2C Business-to-consumer 3 1 Business-to-Consumer 5 4 Business to Customer 6 5 B2E Business-to-Employee 5 4 B2G Business-to-government 3 1 B4 Before 6 5 BAL Basic Assembly Language 5 4 BAM Block Availability Map 5 4 BASIC Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code 5 4 BAU Business as usual 3 1 BBIAB Be back in a bit 6 5 BBL/BBS Be back later / shortly / soon 6 5 BBP Baseband Processor 5 4 BBQ Barbecue. While not Internet slang in itself, it is often combined with other initialisms as a point of satire, absurdity, or a non-sequitur. For example OMG WTF BBQ. 6 5 BBS Bulletin Board System 5 4 BC Business Continuity 5 4 Back course Or 'BCRS' 7 6 BCC Blind Carbon Copy 5 4 BCD Binary Coded Decimal 5 4 Boot Configuration Data 5 4 Barrel per day, on calendar days 4 3 BCNF Boyce–Codd normal form 5 4 BCNU Be seein' you 6 5 BCP Business Continuity Planning 5 4 Best Current Practice 5 4 Blackstart Capability Plan 4 3 BE Backend 5 4 BEEP Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol 5 4 BEP Break-even point 3 1 BER Bit Error Rate 5 4 Beyond economic repair Hull loss 7 6 BF Best Friend / Boyfriend 6 5 BFD Bidirectional Forwarding Detection 5 4 Binary File Descriptor 5 4 BFF Best Friends Forever 6 5 BFN Bye For Now 6 5 BFS Breadth-First Search 5 4 BFT Byzantine Fault Tolerant 5 4 BGP Border Gateway Protocol 5 2 4 BI Business intelligence 3 1 Business Intelligence 5 4 BIC Bank identifier code 3 1 BINAC Binary Automatic Computer 5 4 BIND Berkeley Internet Name Domain 5 4 BIOS Basic Input Output System 5 2 4 BJT Bipolar Junction Transistor 5 4 BLS Balance sheet 3 1 Bureau of Labor Statistics of United States Department of Labor 4 3 BMP Basic Multilingual Plane 5 4 BNC Baby Neill Constant 5 4 BOFH Bastard operator from hell 6 5 BOINC Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing 5 4 BOM Bill of materials 3 1 Byte Order Mark 5 4 bill of material 7 6 BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol 5 4 BPDU Bridge Protocol Data Unit 5 4 BPEL Business Process Execution Language 5 4 BPL Broadband over Power Lines 5 4 Broadband over power line 4 3 BPM Business Process Management 5 4 Business Process Modeling 5 4 BPO Business process outsourcing 3 1 BPR Brief project report 3 1 bypass ratio 7 6 BPV Bank payment voucher 3 1 BRB Be right back 6 5 BRD Business requirements document 3 1 BRM Business Reference Model 5 4 BRMS Business Rule Management System 5 4 BRR Business Readiness Rating 5 4 BRS Broadband Radio Service 5 4 BRU Business recovery unit 3 1 BRV Bank receipt voucher 3 1 BSA Business Software Alliance 5 4 BSB Backside Bus 5 4 BSD Berkeley Software Distribution 5 4 BSOD Blue Screen of Death 6 5 BSS Block Started by Symbol 5 4 BSoD Blue Screen of Death 5 4 BT BitTorrent 5 4 Bluetooth 5 4 BTDT Been there done that 6 5 BTTT Back to the top 6 5 BTW By the way 3 6 1 5 BU Business unit 3 1 BUSI Business 3 1 BW Bandwidth 5 4 BYOD Bring Your Own Device 5 4 Bash Bourne-again shell 5 4 BiDi Bi-Directional 5 4 Blob Binary large object 5 4 Blog Web Log 5 4 Byte By eight (group of 8 bits) 5 4 C&F Cost With Freight 3 1 C2B Consumer-to-business 3 1 C2C Consumer-to-consumer 3 1 CA Current account (disambiguation)Current Account 3 1 Certificate authority 5 4 Captain 7 6 Carbon Abatement- increasing carbon-neutrality —Control area (EU) – The portion of the generation and transmission system controlled by a single transmission system operator. (See also TSO). 4 3 CAD Computer-aided design 5 4 CAE Computer-aided engineering 5 4 CAGR Compound annual growth rate 3 1 CAI Computer-aided instruction 5 4 Caution Advisory Panel Sometimes spelled "caution-advisory" or "caution/advisory". Also known as annunciator panel or Centralized Warning Panel (CWP) 7 6 CAID Computer-aided industrial design 5 4 CAM Computer-aided manufacturing 5 4 cockpit area microphone Part of a cockpit voice recorder 7 6 Compact Auxiliary Module 4 3 CAO Chief administrative officer or chief accounting officer 3 1 CAP Consistency availability partition tolerance (theorem) 5 4 cabin attendant panel 7 6 Capacity market programs —Climate Action Plan 4 3 CAPEX Capital expenditure 3 1 CAPM Capital asset pricing model&#91;1&#93; 3 1 Capital asset pricing model 4 3 CAPTCHA Completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart 5 4 CAQ Computer-aided quality assurance 5 4 CASE Computer-aided software engineering 5 4 CAT Computer-aided translation 5 4 CBOE Collateralized debt obligation or chief data officer 3 1 CC Carbon copy 5 4 Combined cycle see also CCPP and CCGT 4 3 CD Compact Disc 5 4 Contract Demand 4 3 CD-R CD-Recordable 5 4 CD-ROM CD Read-Only Memory 5 4 CD-RW CD-Rewritable 5 4 CDE Common Desktop Environment 5 4 CDM Change and data management 3 1 Clean Development Mechanism 4 3 CDMA Code Division Multiple Access 2 Code-division multiple access 5 4 CDN Content delivery network 5 4 CDP Cisco Discovery Protocol 5 4 Continuous data protection 5 4 CDS Credit default swap 3 1 CDSA Common Data Security Architecture 5 4 CEO Chief executive officer 3 1 CERT Computer emergency response team 5 4 CES Consumer Electronics Show 5 4 CF Compact Flash 5 4 CFA Chartered Financial Analyst 3 1 CFC Consumption of fixed capital 3 1 CFCT Cash flow cycle time 3 1 CFD Contract for difference 3 1 Computational fluid dynamics 5 4 CFG Context-free grammar 5 4 Control-flow graph 5 4 constant frequency generator 7 6 CFM Certified Financial Manager 3 1 CFO Chief Financial Officer 3 1 CFS Consolidated Financial Statement 3 1 cubic feet per second 4 3 CG Computer graphics 5 4 center of gravity 7 6 CGA Color graphics array 5 4 CGI Common Gateway Interface 5 4 Computer-generated imagery 5 4 CGT Computational Graph Theory 5 4 CHAP Challenge–handshake authentication protocol 5 4 CHS Cylinder–head–sector 5 4 CIA Certified Internal Auditor 3 1 CIDR Classless inter-domain routing 5 4 CIF Cost Insurance With Freight 3 1 CIFS Common Internet Filesystem 5 4 CIM Common Information Model 5 4 CIMA Chartered Institute of Management Accountants 3 1 CIO Chief Information Officer, Chief Innovation Officer or Chief Investment Officer 3 1 Chief information officer 5 4 CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid 3 1 Critical Infrastructure Protection (US) —see also EPCIP European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection 4 3 CIR Committed information rate 5 4 CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor 3 1 CISC Complex-instruction-set computer 5 4 CISO Chief Information Security Officer 3 1 CIT Computer information technology 5 4 CJK Chinese, Japanese, and Korean 5 4 CJKV Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese 5 4 CKM Customer Knowledge Management 3 1 CLI Command line interface 5 4 CLO Chief Legal Officer 3 1 CLR Common Language Runtime 5 4 Clear Seen on GFA and is used for sky coverage 7 6 CM Configuration management 5 4 Content management 5 4 CMA Certified Management Accountant 3 1 CMDB Configuration management database 5 4 CMFB Committee on monetary, finance and balance of payments statistics 3 1 CMIIW Correct me if I'm wrong 6 5 CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration 5 4 CMO Chief Marketing Officer 3 1 Certificate Management Office FAA 7 6 CMOS Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor 5 4 CMS Content management system 5 4 CN Canonical Name 5 4 Common Name 5 4 CNC Computerized numerical control 5 4 CNG Cryptographic Next Generation 5 4 Compressed natural gas 4 3 CNR Communications and Networking Riser 5 4 COA Chart of accounts 3 1 COB Close of Business 3 1 Close Of Business 6 5 COBOL Common Business-Oriented Language 5 4 COC – Cost of Debt&#91;4&#93; or Cash on Delivery 3 1 COE Center of Excellence or Cost of Equity&#91;5&#93; 3 1 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 4 3 COGS Cost of Goods Sold 3 1 COM Component Object Model or communication 5 4 COO Chief Operating Officer 3 1 CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture 5 4 CORS Cross-origin resource sharing 5 4 COTS Commercial off-the-shelf 5 7 4 6 CP/M Control Program/Monitor 5 4 CPA Certified Public Accountant 3 1 Cell processor architecture 5 4 Closest point of approach 7 6 California Power Authority 4 3 CPAN Comprehensive Perl Archive Network 5 4 CPI Chief People Officer also Chief Procurement Officer 3 1 Consumer Price Index 4 3 CPQ Configure, Price, Quote 3 1 CPRI Common Public Radio Interface 5 4 CPS Characters per second 5 4 Cycles per second 7 6 Control Performance Standard —Cycles per second (hertz) 4 3 CPU Central processing unit 3 5 1 4 Central Processing Unit 2 CQRS Command Query Responsibility Segregation 5 4 CQS Command–query separation 5 4 CR Carriage return 5 4 CRAN Comprehensive R Archive Network 5 4 CRC Cyclic redundancy check 5 4 CRLF Carriage return line feed 5 4 CRM Customer Relationship Management 3 5 1 2 4 Crew resource management 7 6 CRS Computer Reservations System 5 4 CRT Cathode-ray tube 5 7 4 6 Capacity Reservation Tariff 4 3 CRUD Create, read, update and delete 5 4 CS Cable Select 5 4 Computer Science 5 4 certification specification (EASA) 7 6 CSE Computer science and engineering 5 4 CSI Corporate social investment 3 1 Common System Interface 5 4 CSM Compatibility support module 5 4 CSMA/CD Carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection 5 4 CSO Chief security officer 3 1 cycles since overhaul 7 6 CSP Cloud service provider 5 4 Communicating sequential processes 5 4 Country Strategy Paper —Curtailment service provider 4 3 CSR Corporate social responsibility 3 1 CSRF Cross-site request forgery 5 4 CSS Cascading Style Sheets 2 Cascading style sheets 5 4 Content-scrambling system 5 4 Closed-source software 5 4 Cross-site scripting 5 4 cabin services system 7 6 CSV Comma-separated Values 2 Comma-separated values 5 4 CT Computerized tomography 5 4 Combustion turbine (electricity) 4 3 CTA Call to action 3 1 CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network 5 4 CTC Cost to company 3 1 CTCP Client-to-client protocol 5 4 CTFE Compile-time function execution 5 4 CTI Computer telephony integration 5 4 CTL Computation tree logic 5 4 CTM Close To Metal 5 4 CTO Chief technology officer 3 1 CTS Clear to send 5 4 CTSS Compatible Time-Sharing System 5 4 CU See you (later) 6 5 CUA Common User Access 5 4 CUSIP number Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures number 3 1 CVE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures 5 4 CVP Cost volume profit 3 1 CVS Concurrent Version Control 2 Concurrent Versions System 5 4 CX Customer experience 3 5 1 4 CXO Any chief officer(s), x being a placeholder. 3 1 CYA See ya OR Cover Your Ass 6 5 Corp. Corporation 3 1 Cr Credit 3 1 D/L Download 6 5 DAC Digital-To-Analog Converter 5 4 Discretionary Access Control 5 4 DAL Database Abstraction Layer 5 4 DAO Data Access Object 5 4 Data Access Objects 5 4 Disk-At-Once 5 4 DAP Directory Access Protocol 5 4 DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 5 4 DAS Direct Attached Storage 5 4 DAT Digital Audio Tape 5 4 DB Database 5 4 DBA Database Administrator 5 4 DBCS Double Byte Character Set 5 4 DBMS Database Management System 5 4 DCC Direct Client-to-Client 5 4 DCCA Debian Common Core Alliance 5 4 DCCP Datagram Congestion Control Protocol 5 4 DCL Data Control Language 5 4 Departure Clearance via CPDLC 7 6 DCMI Dublin Core Metadata Initiative 5 4 DCOM Distributed Component Object Model 5 4 DCS Distributed Control System 5 4 Disturbance Control Standard 4 3 DD Double Density 5 4 Dangerous Detected 4 3 DDA Depletion Depreciation amortization 3 1 DDE Dynamic Data Exchange 5 4 DDL Data Definition Language 5 4 DDR Double Data Rate 5 4 DDoS Distributed Denial of Service 5 4 DEC Digital Equipment Corporation 5 4 DES Data Encryption Standard 5 4 DFA Deterministic Finite Automaton 5 4 DFD Data Flow Diagram 5 4 DFS Dynamic Frequency Selection 2 Depth-First Search 5 4 Distributed File System 5 4 DFTBA Don't forget to be awesome 6 5 DFTT Don't feed the trolls 6 5 DGAF Don't give a fuck 6 5 DGD Dworkin's Game Driver 5 4 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 5 4 DHTML Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language 5 4 DI Dispatch information 3 1 DIAF Die in a fire 6 5 DIF Data Integrity Field 5 4 DIFOT Delivery in full on time, a variant of On Time In Full 3 1 DILLIGAF/D/S Does it look like I give a flip / fuck / damn / shit 6 5 DIMM Dual Inline Memory Module 5 4 DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung 5 4 DIP Dual In-line Package 5 4 DISM Deployment Image and Service Management Tool 5 4 DIVX Digital Video Express 5 4 DKIM Domain Keys Identified Mail 5 4 DL Download 5 4 DLL Dynamic Link Library 5 4 DLNA Digital Living Network Alliance 5 4 DMA Direct market access 3 1 Direct Memory Access 5 4 DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act 5 4 DMI Direct Media Interface 5 4 deferred maintenance item 7 6 DML Data Manipulation Language 5 4 Definitive Media Library 5 4 DMR Dennis M. Ritchie 5 4 DMZ Demilitarized Zone 5 4 DN Distinguished Name 5 4 DND Drag-and-Drop 5 4 Do not disturb 6 5 DNS Domain Name Server 2 Domain Name System 5 4 DOA Dead on Arrival 5 4 Dead on arrival. Refers to hardware that is broken on delivery. 6 5 design organization approval EASA 7 6 DOCSIS Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification 5 4 DOE Depending on Experience 3 1 United States Department of Energy (government) 4 3 DOM Document Object Model 5 4 design organization manual 7 6 DORA Discover, Offer, Request, Acknowledge 5 4 DOS Disk Operating System 5 4 DP Dot Pitch 5 4 Departure Procedures 7 6 Distribution point 4 3 DPC Deferred Procedure Call 5 4 DPI Deep packet inspection 5 4 Dots per inch 5 4 Differential Pressure Indicator 4 3 DPMI DOS Protected Mode Interface 5 4 DPMS Display Power Management Signaling 5 4 DPO Days Payable Outstanding 3 1 DR Depositary receipt 3 1 Disaster Recovery 5 4 dead reckoning 7 6 Demand response 4 3 DR-DOS Digital Research – Disk Operating System 5 4 DRAM Dynamic Random-Access Memory 5 4 Demand Response and Advanced Metering Coalition 4 3 DRI Direct Rendering Infrastructure 5 4 DRM Digital rights management 5 4 Direct rendering manager 5 4 DSA Digital Signature Algorithm 5 4 DSDL Document Schema Definition Languages 5 4 DSDM Dynamic Systems Development Method 5 4 DSKT Desktop 5 4 DSL Digital Subscriber Line 5 4 Domain-Specific Language 5 4 DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer 5 4 DSN Database Source Name 5 4 Data Set Name 5 4 DSO Days Sales Outstanding 3 1 Distribution system operator (regarding electricity distribution) 4 3 DSP Delivery service provider 3 1 Digital Signal Processor 5 4 Digital signal processing 7 6 DSSSL Document Style Semantics and Specification Language 5 4 DTD Document Type Definition 5 4 DTE Data Terminal Equipment or data transfer rate 5 4 DTO Data Transfer Object 5 4 declared training organisation 7 6 DTP Desktop Publishing 3 5 1 4 DTR Data Terminal Ready or Data transfer rate 5 4 DVB-T Digital Video Broadcast - Terrestrial 2 DVD Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc 5 4 DVD-R DVD-Recordable 5 4 DVD-ROM DVD-Read-Only Memory 5 4 DVD-RW DVD-Rewritable 5 4 DVI Digital Visual Interface 5 4 DVP Delivery versus payment 3 1 DVR Digital Video Recorder 5 4 DW Data Warehouse 5 4 Dept. Department 3 1 Dir Director 3 1 DoS Denial of Service 5 4 E-mail Electronic mail 5 4 EAI Enterprise Application Integration 5 4 EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol 5 4 EAR Effective annual rate 3 1 Estimated additional resources, as in considering reserves of uranium deposits 4 3 EAS Exchange ActiveSync 5 4 equivalent airspeed&#91;1&#93; 7 6 EAY Effective Annual Yield 3 1 EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code 5 4 EBITA Earnings before interest and taxes and amortization 3 1 EBITDA Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization 3 1 EBML Extensible Binary Meta Language 5 4 ECB European Central Bank 3 1 ECC Error-correcting code memory 2 Elliptic Curve Cryptography 5 4 ECGC Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India 3 1 ECMA European Computer Manufacturers Association 5 4 ECN Explicit Congestion Notification 5 4 ECOS Embedded Configurable Operating System 5 4 ECRS Expense and Cost Recovery System 5 4 ECS Electronic Clearing Service or Electronic Clearing System 3 1 Entity-Component-System 5 4 Environmental control system 7 6 EDA Electronic Design Automation 5 4 EDGE Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution 2 Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution 5 4 EDI Electronic Data Interchange 3 5 1 4 EDO Extended Data Out 5 4 EDSAC Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator 5 4 EDVAC Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer 5 4 EEPROM Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory 5 4 EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation 5 4 EFI Extensible Firmware Interface 5 4 EFM Eight-to-Fourteen Modulation 5 4 Ethernet in the First Mile 5 4 EFS Encrypting File System 5 4 elevator feel shift 7 6 EFSM European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism 3 1 EFTPOS Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale 3 1 EGA Enhanced Graphics Array 5 4 EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol 5 4 EIDE Enhanced IDE 5 4 EIDL Economic Injury Disaster Loan 3 1 EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol 5 4 EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture 5 4 ELF Extremely Low Frequency 5 4 Executable and Linkable Format 5 4 ELI5 Explain like I'm Five 6 5 ELM ELectronic Mail 5 4 EMACS Editor MACroS 5 4 EMI Equated Monthly Installment 3 1 EMS Expanded Memory Specification 5 4 ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer 5 4 EOB End of business 3 1 EOD End of day 3 1 EOF End of File 5 4 EOL End of Life 5 4 End of Line 5 4 EOM End of Message 3 5 1 4 EOS End of Support 5 4 EPC Export Promotion Council 3 1 EPIC Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing 5 4 EPROM Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory 5 4 EPS Earnings per share 3 1 ERD Entity–Relationship Diagram 5 4 ERM Entity–Relationship Model 5 4 engineering request for maintenance 7 6 ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 3 5 1 2 4 ESAD eat shit and die 6 5 ESB Enterprise service bus 5 4 ESCON Enterprise Systems Connection 5 4 ESD Electrostatic Discharge 5 4 ESI Electronically Stored Information 5 4 Environmental Sustainability Index 4 3 ESR Eric Steven Raymond 5 4 ETA Estimated Time of Arrival 3 5 1 4 estimated time of arrival 7 6 ETD Estimated Time of Departure or Estimated Time of Delivery 3 1 estimated time of departure&#91;1&#93; 7 6 ETL Extract, Transform, Load 5 4 effective translational lift 7 6 ETW Event Tracing for Windows 5 4 EUC Extended Unix Code 5 4 Equipment Under Control 4 3 EULA End User License Agreement 5 4 EWMH Extended Window Manager Hints 5 4 EXP Export 3 1 EXT EXTended file system 5 4 EXW Ex Works 3 1 F/U Follow-Up 3 1 F9 Fine 6 5 FAB Feature Advantage Benefits 3 1 FAP FORTRAN Assembly Program 5 4 final approach point 7 6 forward attendant panel Aircraft equipment 7 6 FAQ Frequently Asked Questions 5 4 Frequently Asked Question(s) 6 5 FASM Flat ASseMbler 5 4 FAT File Allocation Table 5 4 Free air temperature 7 6 Factory Acceptance Testing 4 3 FBDIMM Fully Buffered Dual Inline Memory Module 5 4 FC-AL Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop 5 4 FCB File Control Block 5 4 FCS Frame Check Sequence 5 4 flight control system 7 6 FDC Floppy-Disk Controller 5 4 FDD Frequency-Division Duplexing 5 4 Floppy Disk Drive 5 4 FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface 5 4 FDM Frequency-Division Multiplexing 5 4 flight data monitoring Operations planning 7 6 FDMA Frequency-Division Multiple Access 5 4 FDP Finance Department 3 1 flight duty period 7 6 FDS Fedora Directory Server 5 4 FE Frontend 5 4 Final Element 4 3 FEC Forward Error Correction 5 4 FEMB Front-End Motherboard 5 4 FET Field Effect Transistor 5 4 FFS For fuck's sake 6 5 full flight simulator Flight crew training 7 6 FHS Filesystem Hierarchy Standard 5 4 FICON FIber CONnectivity 5 4 FIFO First In, First Out 3 1 First In First Out 5 4 FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards 5 4 FIX Financial Information Exchange 3 1 FL Financial leverage 3 1 Function Level 5 4 flight level ATC 7 6 FLAC Free Lossless Audio Codec 5 4 FLOPS FLoating-Point Operations Per Second 5 4 FLOSS Free/Libre/Open-Source Software 5 4 FMC Fixed Mobile Convergence "Mobile UC or Unified Communications over Wireless" 5 4 flight management computer (part of a FMS) Avionics 7 6 FMCDH From my cold, dead hands 6 5 FML Fuck my life. 6 5 FNF Full and Final 3 1 FOAD Fuck off and die 6 5 FOAF Friend of a friend 6 5 FOB Freight On Board 3 1 Fuel On-Board 7 6 FOC Free Of Cost 3 1 FOLDOC Free On-line Dictionary of Computing 5 4 FOMC Federal Open Market Committee 3 1 FORTRAN Formula Translation 5 4 FOSDEM Free and Open-source Software Developers' European Meeting 5 4 FOSI Formatted Output Specification Instance 5 4 FOSS Free and Open-Source Software 5 4 FP Function Programming 5 4 Functional Programming 5 4 FP&A Financial Planning & Analysis 3 1 FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array 5 4 FPO Follow-on Public Offer 3 1 FPS Frames Per Second 2 Floating Point Systems 5 4 Firm peaking service. See Peaking power plant 4 3 FPU Floating-Point Unit 5 4 FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name 5 4 FRU Field-Replaceable Unit 5 4 FS File System 5 4 Fuselage station 7 6 Functional Safety 4 3 FSA Financial Services Authority 3 1 Functional Safety Assessment 4 3 FSB Front-Side Bus 5 4 FSF Free Software Foundation 5 4 Flight Safety Foundation U.S.-based nonprofit organisation 7 6 FSM Finite State Machine 5 4 Functional Safety Management 4 3 FTE Full-Time Equivalent 3 1 FTFY Fixed that for you 6 5 FTL For the loss 6 5 flight time limitations 7 6 FTP File Transfer Protocol 5 2 4 FTR For the record 6 5 Firm Transmission Rights —Financial Transmission Rights. See explanation in electricity markets. 4 3 FTTC Fiber To The Curb 5 4 FTTH Fiber To The Home 5 4 FTTP Fiber To The Premises 5 4 FTW For the win 6 5 FTW? Can be construed as "Fuck the what?" (reversal of WTF?, implies increased confusion) 6 5 FU Fuck you 6 5 FUBAR Fucked up beyond all recognition / repair (from military slang; pronounced "foo-bar") 6 5 FUD Fear Uncertainty Doubt 5 4 Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (the purposeful spread of misinformation) 6 5 FUP Fair User Policy 2 FV Future Value 3 1 FWIW For what it's worth 6 5 FWS Folding White Space 5 4 Flight warning system 7 6 FX Foreign exchange market 3 1 FXP File eXchange Protocol 5 4 FY Fiscal year or Financial year 3 1 FYA For Your Action 3 1 FYF Full Year Forecast 3 1 FYI For Your Information 3 5 1 4 For your information 6 5 Fin Min Finance Minister 3 1 FinMin Finance Minister 3 1 G&A General and Administration expense. expenditures related to the day-to-day operations of a business. 3 1 G11N Globalization 5 4 GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 3 1 GAAS Generally Accepted Audit Standards 3 1 GB Gigabyte 5 4 GBTW Get back to work 6 5 GCC GNU Compiler Collection 5 4 GCJ GNU Compiler for Java 5 4 GCP Google Cloud Platform 5 4 GCR Group Coded Recording 5 4 GDB GNU Debugger 5 4 GDI Graphics Device Interface 5 4 GDP Gross Domestic Product 3 1 gross domestic product (economics) 4 3 GDPR General Data Protection Regulation 3 1 GDR Global depository receipt 3 1 GERAN GSM EDGE Radio Access Network 5 4 GF Girlfriend 6 5 GFCF Gross fixed capital formation 3 1 GFDL GNU Free Documentation License 5 4 GFU Good for you 6 5 GFY Go fuck yourself 6 5 GG Good game, used at or near the conclusion of a gaming match 6 5 GGS Good games 6 5 Global positioning system ground station 7 6 GIF Graphics Interchange Format 5 4 GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out 5 4 GIMP GNU Image Manipulation Program 5 4 GIMPS Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search 5 4 GIS Geographic Information System 5 4 GIYF Google is your friend: a suggestion that somebody could find something out using an Internet search engine, rather than asking others. 6 5 GJ Good job, often used in online gaming when a teammate performs an act benefitting his team, such as killing an opponent or enabling that kill 6 5 GL General Ledger 3 1 Good luck, used before commencing a game 6 5 GLUT OpenGL Utility Toolkit 5 4 GM Game Master 2 guidance material (EASA) 7 6 GML Geography Markup Language 5 4 GMROII Gross Margin Return on Inventory Investment 3 1 GMTA Great minds think alike 6 5 GMV Gross Merchandise Volume 3 1 GNOME GNU Network Object Model Environment 5 4 GNU GNU's Not Unix 5 4 GOMS Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection rules 5 4 GP Gross Profit 3 1 glide path See instrument landing system 7 6 GPASM GNU PIC ASseMbler 5 4 GPFS General Parallel File System 5 4 GPG GNU Privacy Guard 5 4 GPGPU General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units 5 4 GPIB General-Purpose Instrumentation Bus 5 4 GPL General Public License 5 4 General-Purpose Language 5 4 GPO Group purchasing organization 3 1 GPRS General Packet Radio Service 5 4 Gas Pressure Reduction System 4 3 GPS Global Positioning System 2 Global Positioning System Avionics 7 6 GPT GUID Partition Table 5 4 GPU Graphics Processing Unit 5 4 Ground Power Unit Aerospace Ground Equipment 7 6 GR Good Race, Good Round 6 5 GR8 Great 6 5 GRN Goods Receipt Note 3 1 GRNI Goods Receipt Not Invoiced 3 1 GRUB Grand Unified Boot-Loader 5 4 GSM Global System for Mobile Communications 5 4 GSV Gross Sales Value 3 1 GTFO Get the fuck out 6 5 GTG or G2G 'Got to go' or 'Good to go' 6 5 GTK/GTK+ GIMP Toolkit&#91;1&#93; 5 4 GUI Graphical user interface 5 4 GUID Globally Unique IDentifier 5 4 GVC Global value chain 3 1 GWT Google Web Toolkit 5 4 Gas GNU Assembler 5 4 Gb Gigabit 5 4 Gbps Gigabits per second 5 4 Godwin's law Dictates that the longer a thread, the more likely someone will post a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler 6 5 HA High availability 5 4 HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer 5 4 HAND have a nice day 6 5 HASP Houston Automatic Spooling Priority 5 4 HBA Host Bus Adapter 5 4 HBU how (a)bout you? 6 5 HCI Human—Computer Interaction 5 4 HCL Hardware Compatibility List 5 4 HD High Definition,Half Duplex 2 High Density 5 4 HD DVD High Definition DVD 5 4 HDD Hard Disk Drive 5 4 Heating degree days a qualitative index used to reflect the demand for energy to heat a business (conservation) 4 3 heating degree day 4 3 HDL Hardware Description Language 5 4 HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface 5 4 HECI Host Embedded Controller Interface 5 4 HF Hedge fund 3 1 High Frequency 5 4 Have fun 6 5 High frequency 7 6 HFS Hierarchical File System 5 4 HHD Hybrid Hard Drive 5 4 HID Human Interface Device 5 4 high intensity discharge (electricity) 4 3 high-intensity discharge 4 3 HIG Human Interface Guidelines 5 4 HIRD Hurd of Interfaces Representing Depth 5 4 HLASM High Level ASseMbler 5 4 HLS HTTP Live Streaming 5 4 HMA High Memory Area 5 4 HMRC Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs 3 1 HP Hire purchase 3 1 Hewlett-Packard 5 4 HPC High-Performance Computing 5 4 high pressure compressor In turbine engine 7 6 HPFS High Performance File System 5 4 HQ Headquarters 3 1 HR Human Resources 3 1 HRD Human Resource Development 3 1 HS Code Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System 3 1 HSDPA High-Speed Downlink Packet Access 5 2 4 HSM Hierarchical Storage Management 5 4 HT Hyper Threading 5 4 HTC High-Throughput Computing 5 4 HTH Hope this / that helps 6 5 HTM Hierarchical Temporal Memory 5 4 HTML HyperText Markup Language 2 Hypertext Markup Language 5 4 HTTP Hypertext Transport Protocol 2 Hypertext Transfer Protocol 5 4 HTTPS HTTP Secure 5 4 HTTPd Hypertext Transport Protocol Daemon 5 4 HTX HyperTransport eXpansion 5 4 HURD Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons 5 4 HVD Holographic Versatile Disc 5 4 Hz Hertz 5 4 Hertz Symbol for unit of frequency 7 6 I/O Input/output 5 4 I18N Internationalization 5 4 IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority 5 4 IANAL I am not a lawyer 6 5 IAS International Accounting Standards 3 1 indicated airspeed 7 6 IB Investment banking 3 1 inboard 7 6 IBAN International Bank Account Number 3 1 IBM International Business Machines 5 4 IBTL In before the lock 6 5 IC Integrated Circuit 5 4 ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers 5 4 ICB Industry Classification Benchmark 3 1 ICE In-Circuit Emulator 5 4 Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics 5 4 Internal combustion engine (transportation) 4 3 ICH I/O Controller Hub 5 4 ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol 5 4 ICP Internet Cache Protocol 5 4 ICRM Innovative Customer Relationship Management 3 1 ICS Internet Connection Sharing 5 4 ICT Information and Communication Technology 5 4 Independent Coordinator of Transmission (US) (electricity) —Information and Communication Technology 4 3 IDE Integrated Development Environment 5 4 Integrated Drive Electronics 5 4 IDF Intermediate Distribution Frame 5 4 Intermediate Data Format 5 4 IDGAF I don't give a fuck 6 5 IDK I don't know 6 5 IDL Interactive Data Language 5 4 Interface Definition Language 5 4 IDS Intrusion Detection System 5 4 information display system Or: integrated display system 7 6 IE Interest expense 3 1 Internet Explorer 5 4 IEC International Electrotechnical Commission 5 4 4 3 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 5 4 4 3 IETF Internet Engineering Task Force 5 4 IFL Integrated Facility for Linux 5 4 IFRS International Financial Reporting Standard 3 1 IG I guess 6 5 IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol 5 4 IGRP Interior Gateway Routing Protocol 5 4 IHT I had to 6 5 IHV Independent Hardware Vendor 5 4 IIOP Internet Inter-Orb Protocol 5 4 IIRC If I recall / remember correctly 6 5 IIS Internet Information Services 5 4 IIUC If I understand correctly 6 5 IKE Internet Key Exchange 5 4 IL Intermediate Language 5 4 ILCLP IdentLogic Systems Customer Loyalty Program 3 1 ILY I love you 6 5 IM Instant Message or Instant Messaging 5 4 IMAO In my arrogant opinion 6 5 IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol 5 4 IME Input Method Editor 5 4 IMF International Monetary Fund 3 1 IMHO In my humble / honest opinion 6 5 IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion 6 5 IMO In my opinion 6 5 IMP Import 3 1 INFOSEC Information Systems Security 5 4 IOW In other words 6 5 IP Internet Protocol 5 2 4 Intellectual Property 5 4 IPAM IP Address Management 5 4 IPC Inter-Process Communication 5 4 illustrated parts catalog (e.g. by Boeing, Airbus) 7 6 IPL Initial Program Load 5 4 IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface 5 4 IPO Initial public offering 3 1 Inter Procedural Optimization 5 4 IPP Internet Printing Protocol 5 4 Independent Power Producer (electricity) 4 3 IPS In-Plane Switching 5 4 Instructions Per Second 5 4 Intrusion Prevention System 5 4 IPT Item Per Transaction 3 1 IPTV Internet Protocol Television 5 2 4 IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange 5 4 IPsec Internet Protocol security 5 4 IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4 5 4 IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6 5 4 IR Interest rate – typically referring to an IR derivative product 3 1 Intermediate Representation 5 4 initial release 7 6 IRC Internet Relay Chat 5 6 2 4 5 ISO / RTO Council (electricity) 4 3 IRI Internationalized Resource Identifier 5 4 IRL In real life 6 5 IRP I/O Request Packet 5 4 Integrated resource planning 4 3 IRQ Interrupt Request 5 4 IRR Internal Rate of Return 3 1 Internal Rate of Return (finance) 4 3 IRS Internal Revenue Service 3 1 inertial reference system 7 6 IS Information Systems 5 4 IS-IS Intermediate System to Intermediate System 5 4 ISA Industry Standard Architecture 5 4 Instruction Set Architecture 5 4 International Standard Atmosphere 7 6 ISAM Indexed Sequential Access Method 5 4 ISATAP Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol 5 4 ISC Internet Storm Center 5 4 ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 5 4 ISIN International Securities Identification Number 3 1 ISM Institute for Supply Management 3 1 ISO International Organization for Standardization 5 4 Independent System Operator (US) (see also TSO) Responsible for grid management, but does not own assets. (electricity) 4 3 NE ISO New England, Inc. (electricity) 4 3 ISP Internet Service Provider 5 2 4 integrated switching panel 7 6 ISPF Interactive System Productivity Facility 5 4 ISR Interrupt Service Routine 5 4 ISTM It seems to me 6 5 ISV Independent Software Vendor 5 4 IT Information Technology 5 4 Interruptible Transportation is gas shipment via pipeline whose delivery may be interrupted in favor of "firm shipment" contracts if there is lack of capacity. (natural gas) 4 3 ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library 5 4 ITL Interval Temporal Logic 5 4 ITT Invitation to tender 3 1 interstage turbine temperature 7 6 ITU International Telecommunication Union 5 4 ITYM I Think You Mean 6 5 IVR(S) Interactive Voice Response (System) 5 4 IWSN I want sex now 6 5 IYDMMA If you don't mind my asking 6 5 IYKWIM If you know what I mean 6 5 IYR In Year Revenue 3 1 IaC Infrastructure as Code 5 4 IaaS Infrastructure as a Service 5 4 IdP Identity Provider (cybersecurity) 5 4 Inc. Incorporated 3 1 IoT Internet of Things 3 5 1 4 IrDA Infrared Data Association 5 4 I²C Inter-Integrated Circuit 5 4 I²S Integrated Interchip Sound 5 4 J Journal 3 1 J2EE Java 2 Enterprise Edition 5 4 J2ME Java 2 Micro Edition 5 4 J2SE Java 2 Standard Edition 5 4 JAS Just a sec 6 5 JAX-RPC Jakarta XML (formerly Java XML) for Remote Procedure Calls 5 4 JAXB Java Architecture for XML Binding 5 4 JAXP Java API for XML Processing 5 4 JBOD Just a Bunch of Disks 5 4 JCE Java Cryptography Extension 5 4 JCL Job Control Language 5 4 JCP Java Community Process 5 4 JDBC Java Database Connectivity 5 4 JDK Java Development Kit 5 4 JDS Java Desktop System 5 4 JEE Java Enterprise Edition 5 4 JES Job Entry Subsystem 5 4 JFC Java Foundation Classes 5 4 JFET Junction Field-Effect Transistor 5 4 JFGI just google it! 6 5 JFS IBM Journaling File System 5 4 JFTR Just for the record 6 5 JINI Jini Is Not Initials 5 4 JIS Just in sequence 3 1 JIT Just in time 3 1 Just-In-Time 5 4 JK or j/k Just kidding, or joke; 6 5 JME Java Micro Edition 5 4 JMS Java Message Service 5 4 JMX Java Management Extensions 5 4 JNDI Java Naming and Directory Interface 5 4 JNI Java Native Interface 5 4 JNZ Jump non-zero 5 4 JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group 5 4 JRE Java Runtime Environment 5 4 JS JavaScript 5 4 JSE Java Standard Edition 5 4 JSON JavaScript Object Notation 5 2 4 JSP Jackson Structured Programming 5 4 JavaServer Pages 5 4 JST Joint Supervisory Team 3 1 JTAG Joint Test Action Group 5 4 JTLYK Just to let you know 6 5 JV Joint Venture 3 1 JVM Java Virtual Machine 5 4 K Is used as an abbreviation for 1,000. For example, $225K would be understood to mean $225,000, and $3.6K would be understood to mean $3,600. Multiple K's are not commonly used to represent larger numbers. In other words, it would look odd to use $1.2KK to represent $1,200,000. 3 1 K&R Kernighan and Ritchie 5 4 K8s Kubernetes 5 4 KB Keyboard 5 4 Kilobyte 5 4 Knowledge Base 5 4 KDE K Desktop Environment 5 4 KISS Keep it simple stupid 6 5 KOS Kill on sight 6 5 KPI Key Performance Indicator, a type of performance measurement. An organization may use KPIs to evaluate its success, or to evaluate the success of a particular activity in which it is engaged. 3 1 Key Performance Indicator 4 3 KRL Knowledge Representation Language 5 4 KTHX OK, thanks 6 5 KVM Keyboard Video Mouse 2 Keyboard, Video, Mouse 5 4 KYC "Know Your Customer" refers to due diligence activities that financial institutions and other regulated companies must perform to ascertain relevant information. 3 1 KYS kill yourself 6 5 Kb Kilobit 5 4 Kbps Kilobits per second 5 4 Ke – Karachi Interbank Offered Rate 3 1 KiB Kibibyte 5 4 L10N Localization 5 4 L2TP Layer two Tunneling Protocol 5 4 LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol 5 4 LAMP Linux Apache MySQL Perl 5 4 Linux Apache MySQL PHP 5 4 Linux Apache MySQL Python 5 4 LAN Local Area Network 5 4 LB Load Balancer 5 4 LBA Logical Block Addressing 5 4 Local Balancing Authority (electricity) 4 3 LBO Leveraged Buyout 3 1 LC Letter of credit 3 1 LCD Liquid Crystal Display 5 4 liquid crystal display 7 6 LCOS Liquid Crystal On Silicon 5 4 Levelized cost of storage (electricity) 4 3 LCR Least Cost Routing 5 4 LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol 5 4 LE Latest Estimate 3 4 1 3 Logical Extents 5 4 LED Light-Emitting Diode 5 4 light-emitting diode 7 6 Light Emitting Diode 4 3 LF Line Feed 5 4 Low Frequency 5 4 LFG Looking for group 6 5 LFM Looking for more 6 5 LFS Linux From Scratch 5 4 LGA Land Grid Array 5 4 LGPL Lesser General Public License 5 4 LIB LIBrary 5 4 LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate 3 1 LIF Low Insertion Force 5 4 LIFFE Last In, First Out 3 1 LIFO Last In First Out 5 4 LILO Linux Loader 5 4 LIP Loop Initialization Primitive 5 4 LISP LISt Processing 5 4 LKML Linux Kernel Mailing List 5 4 LLC Limited Liability Company 3 1 Life Limited Component 7 6 LM Lan Manager 5 4 land and marine 7 6 LMAO Laughing my ass off 6 5 LMBO Laughing my butt off 6 5 LME Limited Company 3 1 LMFAO Laughing my fucking ass off 6 5 LMGTFY Let me Google that for you 6 5 LMIRL Let's meet in real life. 6 5 LMK Let me know 6 5 LOC Lines of Credit 3 1 Lines of Code 5 4 localizer 7 6 loss of control 7 6 LOI Letter of intent 3 1 LOL Laughing out loud, laugh out loud 6 5 LPC Lars Pensjö C 5 4 low pressure compressor In turbine engines 7 6 LPI Linux Professional Institute 5 4 LPT Line Print Terminal 5 4 low pressure turbine 7 6 LRU Least Recently Used 5 4 line-replaceable unit 7 6 LSB Least Significant Bit 5 4 Linux Standard Base 5 4 LSI Large-Scale Integration 5 4 LTE Long Term Evolution 5 4 Loss of Tail Rotor Effectiveness Helicopters 7 6 LTL Linear Temporal Logic 5 4 LTNS Long time no see 6 5 LTR Left-to-Right 5 4 LTV Loan to Value 3 1 LUG Linux User Group 5 4 LUN Logical Unit Number 5 4 LV Logical Volume 5 4 LVD Low Voltage Differential 5 4 LVM Logical Volume Management 5 4 LXC LinuX Containers 2 LY Last Year 3 1 LYLAB Love you like a brother. 6 5 LYLAS Love you like a sister. 6 5 LZW Lempel-Ziv-Welch 5 4 LoU Letters of Undertaking 3 1 M8 Mate 6 5 MAC Media Access Control address 2 Mandatory Access Control 5 4 Media Access Control 5 4 Message authentication code 5 4 mean aerodynamic chord 7 6 mid-air collision 7 6 MAN Metropolitan Area Network 5 4 MANET Mobile Ad-Hoc Network 5 4 MAPI Messaging Application Programming Interface 5 4 MB Megabyte 5 4 Marker beacon 7 6 MBCS Multi Byte Character Set 5 4 MBD Model-Based Design 5 4 million barrels per day 4 3 MBR Master Boot Record 5 4 Market based Rates 4 3 MBS Manufacturing 3 1 Macro economic Budget Support 4 3 MCA Micro Channel Architecture 5 4 Microsoft Certified Architect 5 4 MCAD Microsoft Certified Application Developer 5 4 MCAS Microsoft Certified Application Specialist 5 4 Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System Held responsible for Boeing 737 MAX groundings 7 6 MCDBA Microsoft Certified DataBase Administrator 5 4 MCDST Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician 5 4 MCITP Microsoft Certified Information Technology Professional 5 4 MCM Microsoft Certified Master 5 4 MCP Microsoft Certified Professional 5 4 mode control panel 7 6 MCPD Microsoft Certified Professional Developer 5 4 MCSA Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator 5 4 MCSD Microsoft Certified Solution Developer 5 4 MCSE Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer 5 4 MCT Microsoft Certified Trainer 5 4 maximum continuous thrust 7 6 MCTS Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist 5 4 MDA Monochrome Display Adapter 5 4 Mail Delivery Agent 5 4 Model-Driven Architecture 5 4 minimum descent altitude Or: minimum decision altitude. Non-precision approach. 7 6 MDD/MDSD Model-Driven (Software) Development 5 4 MDF Main Distribution Frame 5 4 MDI Multiple-Document Interface 5 4 MDM Master Data Management 5 4 multi-disciplinary measure EASA 7 6 Meter Data Management 4 3 ME Microsoft Edge 5 4 [Windows] Millennium Edition 5 4 Manufacturing Engineer 7 6 MF Medium Frequency 5 4 Medium frequency 7 6 MFA Multi-factor authentication 5 4 MFC Microsoft Foundation Classes 5 4 MFM Modified Frequency Modulation 5 4 MFT Master File Table 5 4 MFW My face when (usually accompanied by an image) 6 5 MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol 5 4 MGMT Management 3 1 MHz Megahertz 5 4 MIB Management Information Base 5 4 MIC Market Identifier Code 3 1 Microphone 7 6 MICR Magnetic Ink Character Recognition or Magnetic Ink Character Reader 5 4 MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface 5 4 MILE Maximum impact, little effort &#91;10&#93; 3 1 MIMD Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data 5 4 MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions 5 4 MIMO Multiple-Input Multiple-Output 5 4 MINIX MIni-uNIX 5 4 MIPS Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages 5 4 Million Instructions Per Second 5 4 MIS Management Information Systems 5 4 MISD Multiple Instruction, Single Data 5 4 MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5 4 ML Machine Learning 5 4 maintenance laptop 7 6 MMC Microsoft Management Console 5 4 Market Monitoring Center 4 3 MMDS Mortality Medical Data System 5 4 Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service 5 4 MMF Multi-Mode (optical) Fiber 5 4 MMI Man Machine Interface. 5 4 MMIO Memory-Mapped I/O 5 4 MMO Massive Multi-player Online [game] 6 5 MMORPG Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game 5 4 MMO + RPG (Massive Multi-player Online Role-Playing Game). The most frequent genre of MMO. 6 5 MMS Multimedia Message Service 5 4 Minerals Management Service (US) 4 3 MMU Memory Management Unit 5 4 MMX Multi-Media Extensions 5 4 MNG Multiple-image Network Graphics 5 4 MOM Message-Oriented Middleware 5 4 MOO MUD Object Oriented 5 4 MOP Meta-Object Protocol 5 4 MOQ Minimum Order Quantity 3 1 MOS Microsoft Office Specialist 5 4 MOSFET Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor 5 4 MOTD Message Of The Day 5 4 Message of the day 6 5 MOU Memorandum of understanding 3 1 Memorandum of Understanding 4 3 MOUS Microsoft Office User Specialist 5 4 MOV Apple QuickTime Multimedia File 5 4 MPAA Motion Picture Association of America 5 4 MPC marginal propensity to consume 3 1 MPEG Motion Pictures Experts Group 5 4 MPL Mozilla Public License 5 4 multi-crew pilot license 7 6 MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching 5 4 MPR Monthly Progress Report 3 1 MPU Microprocessor Unit 5 4 Multifunction Processor Unit 7 6 MRO Maintenance, Repair, and Operations 3 1 maintenance, repair, overhaul 7 6 maintenance and repair organization 7 6 Midwest Reliability Organization (US) 4 3 MRP Maximum Retail Price 3 1 Material Resources Planning 7 6 MS Microsoft 5 4 Memory Stick 5 4 MS-DOS Microsoft DOS 5 4 MSA Mail Submission Agent 5 4 minimum safe altitude /&#32;minimum sector altitude 7 6 metropolitan statistical area 4 3 MSB Most Significant Bit 5 4 MSDN Microsoft Developer Network 5 4 MSI Medium-Scale Integration 5 4 Message Signaled Interrupt 5 4 Microsoft Installer 5 4 MSN Microsoft Network 5 4 MSOD Monthly Statement of Select Operational Data 3 1 MSRP Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price 3 1 MT Machine Translation 5 4 MTA Mail Transfer Agent 5 4 Microsoft Technology Associate 5 4 MTBF Mean Time Between Failures 5 4 Mean time between failures 7 6 MTD Month-to-date 3 1 MTFBWY May The Force be with you 6 5 MTM Mark To Market 3 1 MTU Maximum Transmission Unit 5 2 4 MU Memory Unit 5 4 MUA Mail User Agent 5 4 MUD Multi-User Dungeon 5 6 4 5 MUSH Multi-User Shared Hallucination 6 5 MVC Model-View-Controller 5 4 MVP Most Valuable Professional 5 4 MVS Multiple Virtual Storage 5 4 MWC Managerial Working Capital 3 1 Mobile World Congress 5 4 MX Mail exchange 5 4 Maintenance 7 6 MXF Material Exchange Format 5 4 MYOB Mind your own business 6 5 Mb Megabit 5 4 Mbps Megabits per second 5 4 MiFID Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 3 1 MoBo Motherboard 5 4 MoM Month on Month / Month over Month 3 1 N1 Nice one, used mostly often in gaming 6 5 NAC Network Access Control 5 4 NACK Negative ACKnowledgement 5 4 NAK Negative AcKnowledge Character 5 4 NAP Network Access Protection 5 4 National Renewable Energy Action Plan 4 3 NAS Network-Attached Storage 5 4 National Airspace System United States 7 6 United States National Academy of Sciences 4 3 NASM Netwide ASseMbler 5 4 NAT Network Address Translation 5 4 NAV Net asset value 3 1 Navigation receiver Normally VHF navigation receiver for VOR 7 6 NCBO No Change of Beneficial Ownership 3 1 NCND Non-Circumvent and Non-Disclosure 3 1 NCP NetWare Core Protocol 5 4 NCQ Native Command Queuing 5 4 NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications 5 4 NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement 3 1 NDIS Network Driver Interface Specification 5 4 NDPS Novell Distributed Print Services 5 4 NDS Novell Directory Services 5 4 NE1 "Anyone" 6 5 NEP Network Equipment Provider 5 4 NEXT Near-End CrossTalk 5 4 NFA Nondeterministic Finite Automaton 5 4 NFC Near-field communication 5 4 NFO Opportunity cost 3 1 NFS Network File System 5 2 4 NGL aNGeL 5 4 Not gonna lie 6 5 natural gas liquids 4 3 NGSCB Next-Generation Secure Computing Base 5 4 NI National Instruments 5 4 NIAS Net Income Attributable to Shareholders 3 1 NIC Network Interface Controller or Network Interface Card 5 4 NIFOC Naked In Front Of Computer 6 5 NII Net Interest Income 3 1 NIM Net Interest Margin 3 1 No Internal Message 5 4 NIO Non-blocking I/O 5 4 NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology 5 7 4 6 NLE Non-Linear Editing system 5 4 NLP Natural Language Processing 5 4 NLS Native Language Support 5 4 NM (Sometimes written N/M) 6 5 Nautical mile Or: NMI 7 6 NMI Non-Maskable Interrupt 5 4 NNTO No Need To Open 3 1 NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol 5 4 NOA Net Operating Assets 3 1 NOC Network Operations Center 5 4 National Oil Company 4 3 NOI Net Operating Income 3 1 Notice of Intent or Notice of Inquiry or Notice of Investigation 4 3 NOP No OPeration 5 4 NOPAT Net Operating Profit After Tax 3 1 NOS Network Operating System 5 4 NP Nondeterministic Polynomial time 5 4 No problem 6 5 NPA Non Performing Asset 3 1 non-precision approach Instrumental approach 7 6 notice of proposed amendment EASA 7 6 NPL Non-performing loan 3 1 Netscape Public License 5 4 NPTL Native POSIX Thread Library 5 4 NPU Network Processing Unit 5 4 NPV Net Present Value 3 4 1 3 NS Netscape 5 4 Nice shot. Used in online gaming. 6 5 NSFW Not safe for work. Warning about content that may get the viewer in trouble with his employer or co-workers. 6 5 NSIS Nullsoft Scriptable Install System 5 4 NSOH No sense of humor. 6 5 NSPR Netscape Portable Runtime 5 4 NSS Novell Storage Service 5 4 Network Security Services 5 4 Name Service Switch 5 4 NT New Technology 5 4 NTE Not To Exceed 3 1 NTFS NT Filesystem 5 4 NTLM NT Lan Manager 5 4 NTP Network Time Protocol 5 2 4 NUMA Non-Uniform Memory Access 5 4 NURBS Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline 5 4 NVM, NVMD, or nm Nevermind, not much 6 5 NVR Network Video Recorder 5 4 NVRAM Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory 5 4 NYMEX New York Mercantile Exchange 3 4 1 3 NYSE New York Stock Exchange 3 1 NaN Not a Number 5 4 NetBIOS Network Basic Input/Output System 5 4 NetBT NetBIOS over TCP/IP 5 4 O RLY Oh really? 6 5 OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards 5 4 Open Access Same-Time Information System 4 3 OAT Operational Acceptance Testing 5 4 outside air temperature 7 6 OBSAI Open Base Station Architecture Initiative 5 4 OCF Operating cash flow 3 1 OCR Optical Character Recognition 5 4 ODBC Open Database Connectivity 5 4 OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 3 4 1 3 OEM Original equipment manufacturer 3 1 Original Equipment Manufacturer 5 4 original equipment manufacturer 7 6 original equipment manufacturers 4 3 OES Open Enterprise Server 5 4 OFDM Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing 5 4 OFN Old freaking news 6 5 OFTC Open and Free Technology Community 5 4 OFX Open Financial Exchange 2 OIBDA Operating income before depreciation and amortization 3 1 OIC Oh, I see 6 5 OID Object Identifier 5 4 OKR Objectives and key results 3 1 OLAP Online Analytical Processing 5 4 OLE Object Linking and Embedding 5 4 OLED Organic Light Emitting Diode 5 4 OLPC One Laptop per Child 5 4 OLTP Online Transaction Processing 5 4 OMF Object Module Format 5 4 OMFG Oh my fucking God 6 5 OMG Object Management Group 5 4 Oh my God 6 5 OMGWTF Oh my God what the fuck 6 5 OMGWTFBBQ Oh my God what the fuck barbecue 6 5 OMR Optical Mark Reader 5 4 OMW On my way or Oh my word 6 5 ONOZ Oh, no 6 5 OO Object-Oriented 5 4 OpenOffice 5 4 OOE Out-of-Order Execution 5 4 OOF Out of facility, used interchangeably with out of office and originating from the Microsoft Xenix mail system &#91;11&#93; 3 1 OOM Out Of Memory 5 4 OOO Out of office 3 1 OOP Object-Oriented Programming 5 4 OOTB Out of the box 5 4 OOo 5 4 OP Original poster / Operator / Outpost / Overpowered 6 5 OPEX Operating expenditure or operational expenditure 3 1 OPML Outline Processor Markup Language 5 4 ORB Object Request Broker 5 4 ORM Object–Relational Mapping 5 4 OS Operační Systém 2 Open Source 5 4 Operating System 5 4 Operating system 6 5 OSA Ochranný svaz autorský 2 OSCON O'Reilly Open Source CONvention 5 4 OSDN Open Source Development Network 5 4 OSI Open Source Initiative 5 4 Open Systems Interconnection 5 4 OSPF Open Shortest Path First 5 4 OSS Open Sound System 5 4 Open-Source Software 5 4 Operations Support System 5 4 OSTG Open Source Technology Group 5 4 OT Off topic 6 5 OTB Off to bed 6 5 OTC Over-the-counter (finance) 3 1 OTIF On Time In Full 3 1 OTOH On the other hand 6 5 OTP One-time password 5 4 On the phone or One true pairing or On The Piss 6 5 OUI Organizationally Unique Identifier 5 4 OoOE Out-of-Order Execution 5 4 P&L Profit and Loss 3 1 P/E Price-to-earnings ratio 3 1 P2B Platform to Business&#91;12&#93; 3 1 P2P Peer-To-Peer 5 4 Peer to peer, or pay to play 6 5 PA Purchasing agent or Personal Assistant 3 1 Promotional Activity &#91;citation needed&#93; 3 1 pressure altitude 7 6 Public address system 7 6 Planning Authority —Programmatic Agreement 4 3 PAM Privileged Access Management 5 4 PAN Personal Area Network 5 4 PAP Password Authentication Protocol 5 4 PARC Palo Alto Research Center 5 4 PAT Profit After Tax 3 1 PATA Parallel ATA 5 4 PAW Parents are watching 6 5 PBS Portable Batch System 5 4 PBT Profit Before Tax 3 1 PC Personal Computer 5 2 4 proficiency check 7 6 PC DOS Personal Computer Disc Operating System 5 4 PCB Printed Circuit Board 5 4 Process Control Block 5 4 polychlorinated biphenyl 4 3 PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect 5 2 4 PCI-X PCI Extended 5 4 PCIe Peripheral Component Interconnect Express 2 PCI Express 5 4 PCL Printer Command Language 5 4 Pilot Controlled Lighting 7 6 PCM Pulse-Code Modulation 5 4 Project Cycle Management 4 3 PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association 5 4 PCRE Perl Compatible Regular Expressions 5 4 PD Public Domain 5 4 Profile descent 7 6 Preliminary Determination 4 3 PDA Personal Digital Assistant 5 4 performance degradation allowance 7 6 PDF Portable Document Format 5 4 PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy 5 4 PDP Programmed Data Processor 5 4 PE Private Equity 3 1 Physical Extents 5 4 Portable Executable 5 4 PEBKAC/PEBCAK Problem exists between keyboard and chair 6 5 PEG Price-to-earnings growth ratio 3 1 PERL Practical Extraction and Reporting Language 5 4 PFA Please Find Attachment 5 4 PFI Private Finance Initiative 3 1 PG Peripheral Gateway 5 4 PGA Pin Grid Array 5 4 Programmable Gate Array 5 4 Purchased gas adjustment 4 3 PGO Profile-Guided Optimization 5 4 PGP Pretty Good Privacy 5 4 PHEK Planherstellungskosten (Product Planning cost) 3 1 PHP Hypertext Preprocessor 5 4 PI Professional Indemnity (insurance coverage) 3 1 PIC Person in charge 3 1 Peripheral Interface Controller 5 4 Programmable Interrupt Controller 5 4 Pilot In Command 7 6 PID Proportional-Integral-Derivative 5 4 Process ID 5 4 PII Personally identifiable information 3 1 PIM Personal Information Manager 5 4 PINE Program for Internet News and Email 5 4 PING Packet Internet Gopher 5 4 PIO Programmed Input/Output 5 4 Pilot Induced Oscillations 7 6 PITA Pain in the arse / ass 6 5 PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standards 5 4 PKI Public Key Infrastructure 5 4 PL Powerleveling, used in online games. 6 5 PL/I Programming Language One 5 4 PL/M Programming Language for Microcomputers 5 4 PL/P Programming Language for Prime 5 4 PLC Power Line Communication 5 4 Programmable logic controller 5 4 Power line communication (electricity), Programmable Logic Controller 4 3 PLD Programmable logic device 5 4 PLMK Please let me know 6 5 PLR Prime Lending Rate 3 1 PLT Power Line Telecommunications 5 4 PM Portfolio manager 3 1 Private message 6 5 pilot monitoring 7 6 Particulate matter 4 3 PMAC Period Moving Average Cost 3 1 PMM POST Memory Manager 5 4 PMSL Pissing myself laughing 6 5 PNG Portable Network Graphics 5 4 PNRP Peer Name Resolution Protocol 5 4 PO Profit Objective or Purchase Order 3 1 Pilot's Operating Handbook Sometimes referred to as a POH 7 6 POA Plan Of Action 3 1 Production Organisation Approval EASA; see also PAH and MHC 7 6 POC Point of contact 3 1 POCO Plain Old Class Object 5 4 POID Persistent Object Identifier 5 4 POJO Plain Old Java Object 5 4 POP Point of Presence 5 4 POP3 Post Office Protocol v3 5 4 POS Point of sale 3 1 Piece of shit, or parent over shoulder. 6 5 Position 7 6 POSIX Portable Operating System Interface, formerly IEEE-IX 5 4 POST Power-On Self Test 5 4 POTS Plain old telephone service 6 5 POV Point of view 6 5 PP&E Property, plant, and equipment 3 1 PPC PowerPC 5 4 PPI Public-private partnership 3 1 Pixels Per Inch 5 4 producer price index 4 3 PPL People 6 5 private pilot licence 7 6 PPM Pages Per Minute 5 4 PPP Purchasing power parity 3 1 Point-to-Point Protocol 5 4 PPPoA PPP over ATM 5 4 PPPoE PPP over Ethernet 5 4 PPT Powerpoint presentation 3 1 PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol 5 4 PR Purchase Requisition 3 1 Pull Request 5 4 PRC Procedure Remote Call 5 4 PROM Programmable Read-Only Memory 5 4 PS PostScript 5 4 passenger step 7 6 PS/2 Personal System/2 5 4 PSA Professional Services Automation 5 4 PSM Platform Specific Model 5 4 PSP Profit Sharing Plan 3 1 PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network 5 4 PSU Power Supply Unit 5 4 passenger service unit 7 6 PSVI Post-Schema-Validation Infoset 5 4 PTC Private Trust Company 3 1 PTD Project to Date 3 1 PTS-DOS PhysTechSoft – Disk Operating System 5 4 PV Physical Volume 5 4 photovoltaic (solar) 4 3 PVG Physical Volume Group 5 4 PVR Personal Video Recorder 5 4 PW Persistent World (gaming) 6 5 PWIN Percent win (a measure of performance of capture when bidding for contracts with a targeted customer base such as bidding for government contracts) &#91;13&#93;&#91;14&#93; 3 1 PWP Personal Wealth Portfolio 3 1 PXE Preboot Execution Environment 5 4 PXI PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation 5 4 PaaS Platform as a Service 5 4 Pixel Picture element 5 4 PnP Plug-and-Play 5 4 PoE Power over Ethernet 5 4 4 3 PoS Point of Sale 5 4 Q1 quarters of the accounting year, calendar year or fiscal year 3 1 QA Quality Assurance 5 4 QC Quality control or Quality costs 3 1 QDR Quad Data Rate 5 4 QFP Quad Flat Package 5 4 QFT Quoted for truthiness—either to show satire or agreement with something satiric. 6 5 QOTD Quote of the Day 5 4 QPR Quarterly Performance Report 3 1 QRP Qualified Retirement Plan 3 1 QSOP Quarter Small Outline Package 5 4 QTAM Queued Teleprocessing Access Method 5 4 QWP (texting) Quit Whining, Please. (gaming) equip (verb) / equipment (noun). 6 5 QoQ Quarter on quarter 3 1 QoS Quality of Service 5 4 Qt Quasar Toolkit 5 4 R&D Research and Development 3 1 R/O Rollover 3 1 RACF Resource Access Control Facility 5 4 RAD Rapid Application Development 5 4 RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial In User Service 5 4 RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks 5 4 RAII Resource Acquisition Is Initialization 5 4 RAIT Redundant Array of Inexpensive Tapes 5 4 RAM Random Access Memory 2 Random-Access Memory 5 4 RAQSCI Regulatory, Assurance of Supply, Quality, Service, Cost, Innovation (see RAQSCI) 3 1 RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol 5 4 RAS Reliability, Availability and Serviceability 5 4 Remote access service 5 4 rectified air speed 7 6 Remedial Action Scheme 4 3 RBA Reserve Bank of Australia 3 1 RBI Reserve Bank of India 3 1 RC Retail Company 3 1 Region Code 5 4 Release Candidate 5 4 Run Commands 5 4 Reliability Coordinator 4 3 RCA Root Cause Analysis 5 4 RCP Reality Coprocesser 5 4 RCS Revision Control System 5 4 RD Remote Desktop 5 4 RDBMS Relational Database Management System 5 4 RDC Remote Desktop Connection 5 4 RDF Resource Description Framework 5 4 refuse derived fuel (electricity) 4 3 RDM Relational Data Model 5 4 RDOS Real-time Disk Operating System 5 4 RDP Remote Desktop Protocol 5 4 Radar data processing system 7 6 RDS Remote Data Services 5 4 RE Retained Earnings 3 1 REFAL Recursive Functions Algorithmic Language 5 4 REIT Real Estate Investment Trust 3 1 REP RAID Error Propagation 5 4 REST Representational State Transfer 5 4 RESV Reservation Message 5 4 REXX Restructured Extended Executor Language 5 4 RF Radio Frequency 5 4 Radio frequency 7 4 6 3 RFC Request For Comments 5 4 ReliabilityFirst Corporation (US) (electricity) 4 3 RFI Request for information 3 1 Radio Frequency Interference 5 4 Radio frequency interference 7 6 recreational flight instructor 7 6 Request for Interchange 4 3 RFID Radio Frequency Identification 5 4 RFP Request for Proposal 3 1 Request for proposals 4 3 RFQ Request for Quotation 3 1 RFX Generic name for a Request for Information, Proposal or Quotation 3 1 RGB Red, Green, Blue 5 4 reduction gear box 7 6 RGBA Red, Green, Blue, Alpha 5 4 RHEL Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 4 RHL Red Hat Linux 5 4 RIA Rich Internet Application 5 4 regulatory impact assessment (EASA) 7 6 RIAA Recording Industry Association of America 5 4 RIP Raster Image Processor 5 4 Routing Information Protocol 5 4 RIR Regional Internet registry 5 4 RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer 5 4 RISC OS Reduced Instruction Set Computer Operating System 5 4 RJE Remote Job Entry 5 4 RL Real Life 6 5 RLE Run-Length Encoding 5 4 RLL Run-Length Limited 5 4 RMD Required Minimum Distribution 3 1 RMI Remote Method Invocation 5 4 radio magnetic indicator 7 6 RMS Richard Matthew Stallman 5 4 Ride me sideways 6 5 ROA Return on assets 3 1 Return of Assets (finance) 4 3 ROB Return on brand 3 1 ROC Registration Of Company 3 1 ROCE Return on Capital Employed 3 1 ROE Return on Equity 3 1 Return of Equity (finance) 4 3 ROFL/ROTFL Rolling on (the) floor laughing 6 5 ROFLCOPTER Indicate extreme amusement 6 5 ROFLMAO/ROTFLMAO Rolling on (the) floor laughing my ass off 6 5 ROFLOL/ROTFLOL Rolling on (the) floor laughing out loud 6 5 ROI Return on Investment 3 4 1 3 ROIC Return on Invested Capital 3 1 ROM Read-Only Memory 5 4 ROM-DOS Read-Only Memory – Disk Operating System 5 4 ROMB Read-Out Motherboard 5 4 RONA Return on net assets 3 1 ROS Return on Sales 3 1 RPA Robotic Process Automation 5 4 Remotely Piloted Aircraft Or: Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) 7 6 RPC Remote Procedure Call 5 4 RPG Report Program Generator 5 4 RPM Redhat Pakage Manager 2 RPM Package Manager 5 4 Revolutions per minute 7 6 Reliability Pricing Model. See explanation in electricity market#Deregulated market experience. (electricity) 4 3 RR Resource rent 3 1 RRAS Routing and Remote Access Service 5 4 RSA Rivest Shamir Adleman 5 4 runway safety area 7 6 RSI Repetitive Strain Injury 5 4 RSN Real soon now (used sarcastically) 6 5 RSP Retail selling price 3 1 Reversion switch panel 7 6 RSS Rich Site Summary 2 Radio Service Software 5 4 Rich Site Summary, RDF Site Summary, or Really Simple Syndication 5 4 RSVP Resource Reservation Protocol 5 4 RTAI Real-Time Application Interface 5 4 RTC Real-Time Clock 5 4 RTE Real-Time Enterprise 5 4 Route 7 6 RTEMS Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems 5 4 RTF Rich Text Format 5 4 radiotelephony 7 6 RTFB Read the fucking binary (or book) 6 5 RTFM/RTM Read the (fucking/fine) manual or reboot the (fucking) machine 6 5 RTFS Read the fucking source 6 5 RTL Right-to-Left 5 4 rudder travel limiting 7 6 RTMP Real Time Messaging Protocol 5 4 RTOS Real-Time Operating System 5 4 RTP Real-time Transport Protocol 5 4 Real time Pricing 4 3 RTS Ready To Send 5 4 RTSP Real Time Streaming Protocol 5 2 4 RTTI Run-time Type Information 5 4 RTU Remote Terminal Unit 5 4 4 3 RWA Risk-weighted asset 3 1 RWD Responsive Web Design 5 4 S&M Sales & Marketing 3 1 S&OP Sales and operations planning 3 1 S/MIME Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions 5 4 SAAS Software-as-a-Service 3 1 SAM Strategic Asset Management or Software Asset Management 3 1 Security Account Manager 5 4 SAN Storage Area Network 5 4 SAS Serial-Attached SCSI 2 Serial attached SCSI 5 4 stability augmentation system 7 6 SASS Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets 5 4 SATA Serial AT Attachment 2 Serial ATA 5 4 SAX Simple API for XML 5 4 SBLC Stand By Letter of Credit 3 1 SBOD Spinning Beachball of Death 5 4 SBP-2 Serial Bus Protocol 2 5 4 SBU Strategic Business Unit 3 1 Standard Build Unit 5 4 SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition 5 4 Supervisory control and data acquisition a remote control and telemetry system used to monitor and control the electrical system 4 3 SCBA Social Cost Benefit Analysis 3 1 SCID Source Code in Database 5 4 SCM Supply Chain Management 3 1 Software Configuration Management 5 4 Source Code Management 5 4 SCNR Sorry, could not resist 6 5 SCP Secure copy 2 Secure Copy 5 4 SCPC Single Channel Per Carrier 5 4 SCPI Standard Commands for Programmable Instrumentation 5 4 SCSA Secure Content Storage Association 5 4 SCSI Small Computer System Interface 5 4 SCTP Stream Control Transmission Protocol 5 4 SD Secure Digital 5 4 Secure digital 7 6 SDDL Security Descriptor Definition Language 5 4 SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 5 4 SDI Single-Document Interface 5 4 SDIO Secure Digital Input Output 5 4 SDK Software Development Kit 5 2 4 SDL Simple DirectMedia Layer 5 4 SDN Service Delivery Network 5 4 SDP Session Description Protocol 5 4 SDR Software-Defined Radio 5 4 SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory 5 4 SDSL Symmetric DSL 5 4 SE Single Ended 5 4 SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India 3 1 SEC Securities and Exchange Commission 3 1 Single Edge Contact 5 4 Securities and Exchange Commission (US) 4 3 SEDOL Stock Exchange Daily Official List 3 1 SEI Software Engineering Institute 5 4 SEO Search Engine Optimization 5 4 SF Structured Finance 3 1 Stratus Fractus Cloud type 7 6 Safe Failure 4 3 SFTP Secure FTP 5 4 Simple File Transfer Protocol 5 4 SSH File Transfer Protocol 5 4 SFW Safe for Work, see NSFW 6 5 SG&A Sales, General, and Administrative expenses 3 1 SGI Silicon Graphics, Incorporated 5 4 SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language 5 4 SGR Select Graphic Rendition 5 4 State game refuge (US) 4 3 SHA Secure Hash Algorithm 5 4 SHDSL Single-pair High-speed Digital Subscriber Line 5 4 SIEM Security information and event management 5 4 SIGCAT Special Interest Group on CD-ROM Applications and Technology 5 4 SIGGRAPH Special Interest Group on Graphics 5 4 SIM Subscriber Identification Module 5 4 SIMD Single Instruction, Multiple Data 5 4 SIMM Single Inline Memory Module 5 4 SIMPLE Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees 3 1 SIOP Sales Inventory and Operations Plan 3 1 SIP Session Initiation Protocol 5 4 Supplementary Ideographic Plane 5 4 SIR Stores Issuance Requisition 3 1 savings-to-investment ratio (energy conservation investments) 4 3 SISD Single Instruction, Single Data 5 4 SISO Single-Input and Single-Output 5 4 SIV Structured investment vehicle 3 1 SKU Stock keeping unit 3 1 SLA Service Level Agreement 3 5 1 4 Specific leakage area 4 3 SLED SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 5 4 SLES SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 5 4 SLI Scalable Link Interface 5 4 SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol 5 4 SLM Service Level Management 5 4 SLOC Source Lines of Code 5 4 SLR Statutory Liquidity Ratio 3 1 SMA Separately Managed Account 3 1 SubMiniature version A 5 4 SMB Server Message Block 5 4 SMBIOS System Management BIOS 5 4 SME Small and Medium Enterprises 3 1 Subject Matter Expert 5 4 SMF Single-Mode (optical) Fiber 5 4 SMH Shaking my head 6 5 SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language 5 4 SMP Supplementary Multilingual Plane 5 4 Symmetric Multi-Processing 5 4 SMPS Switch Mode Power Supply 5 4 SMS Short Message Service 5 4 System Management Server 5 4 Short Messaging Service 7 6 SMT Simultaneous Multithreading 5 4 software maintenance tool 7 6 SMTP Simple Mail Transport Protocol 2 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 5 4 SNA Systems Network Architecture 5 4 SNAFU Situation normal: all (fucked/fouled) up 6 5 SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol 5 4 SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol 5 4 SO-DIMM Small Outline DIMM 5 4 SOA Service-Oriented Architecture 5 4 SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol, 2 Simple Object Access Protocol 5 4 Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program 5 4 SOE Standard Operating Environment 5 4 SOHF Sense of humor failure 6 5 SOHO Small office/home office 3 1 Small Office/Home Office 5 4 SOI Silicon On Insulator 5 4 SOLID Single-responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation, Dependency Inversion 5 4 SOP Standard operating procedure 3 1 standard operating procedure 7 6 SOPA Stop Online Piracy Act 5 4 SOS Someone (watching) Over Shoulder 6 5 SOW Statement of Work 3 7 1 6 SOX Sarbanes-Oxley 3 1 SP Service Pack 5 4 SPA Single Page Application 5 4 SPARC Scalable Processor Architecture 5 4 SPF Sender Policy Framework 5 4 SPI Serial Peripheral Interface 5 4 Stateful Packet Inspection 5 4 SPM Software project management 5 4 SPMD Single Program, Multiple Data 5 4 SPOF Single point of failure 5 4 SPP Systematic Payment Plan 3 1 Southwest Power Pool Inc., a regional transmission organization (US) —Statewide Pricing Pilot (US-California) 4 3 SQL Server Query Language 2 Structured Query Language 5 4 SRAM Static Random-Access Memory 5 4 SROI Social return on investment 3 1 SSA Static Single Assignment 5 4 SSD Solid State Drive 2 Software Specification Document 5 4 Solid-State Drive 5 4 SSDP Simple Service Discovery Protocol 5 4 SSE Streaming SIMD Extensions 5 4 steady-state efficiency 4 3 SSH Secure Shell 5 4 SSI Server Side Includes 5 4 Single-System Image 5 4 Small-Scale Integration 5 4 SSID Service Set Identifier 5 4 SSL Secure Sockets Layer 2 Secure Socket Layer 5 4 SSN Social Security Number 3 1 SSO Single Sign On 5 4 SSP Supplementary Special-purpose Plane 5 4 SSR Server Side Rendering 5 4 Secondary surveillance radar 7 6 SSSE Supplementary Streaming SIMD Extensions 5 4 SSSP Single Source Shortest Path 5 4 SSTP Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol 5 4 STFU Shut the fuck up 6 5 STFW Search the fucking web 6 5 STP Situation Target Proposal or Situation Target Path &#91;15&#93; 3 1 Standard temperature and pressure 7 6 SUA Start Up Agreement 3 1 Special use airspace 7 6 SUS Single UNIX Specification 5 4 SUSE Software und System-Entwicklung 5 4 SVC Scalable Video Coding 5 4 Static VAR compensator (electricity) 4 3 SVD Structured VLSI Design 5 4 SVG Scalable Vector Graphics 5 4 SVGA Super Video Graphics Array 5 4 SVN Subversion 2 SWF Shock Wave Flash 5 4 SWIP Systematic Withdrawal from Investment Plan 3 1 SWM Strategic Wealth Management 3 1 SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats 3 1 SWT Standard Widget Toolkit 5 4 SaaS Software as a Service 5 4 See also 0–9 1337 From the word Leet, derived from the word elite 6 5 SoC System-on-a-Chip 5 4 State of charge of rechargeable battery 4 3 St Sales, during time period t. 3 1 Stg Sterling, the currency of the United Kingdom 3 1 Sysop System operator 5 4 TANSTAAFL There ain't no such thing as a free lunch, a quote originally from Robert Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress 6 5 TAO Track-At-Once 5 4 TAPI Telephony Application Programming Interface 5 4 TASM Turbo ASseMbler 5 4 TB Transaction Banking 3 1 TeraByte 5 4 TBA To Be Announced 3 1 tertiary butyl alcohol 4 3 TBC To Be Completed or To Be Confirmed 3 1 TBD To Be Defined or To Be Determined 3 1 TBF To be fair, Time between failures 6 5 TBH To be honest 6 5 TCO Total Cost of Ownership 3 1 TCP Transmission Control Protocol 5 2 4 TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 5 4 TCU Telecommunication Control Unit 5 4 Telecommunication control unit Or: terminal control unit, or line control unit, used in Air traffic control 7 6 TCV Total Contract Value 3 1 TDMA Time Division Multiple Access 2 Time-Division Multiple Access 5 4 TDP Thermal Design Power 5 2 4 TFT Thin-Film Transistor 5 4 Thin-film transistor 7 6 TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol 5 4 TFW That feel when 6 5 TG That's great 6 5 TGIF Thank God it's Friday 6 5 THX/THNX, TNX or TX Thanks 6 5 TI Texas Instruments 5 4 TIA Thanks in advance 6 5 TIFF Tagged Image File Format 5 4 TIL Today I learned 6 5 TIMWTK This inquiring mind wants to know 6 5 TINC There Is No Cabal, a term discouraging conspiracy theories 6 5 TL;DR Too Long; Didn't Read 6 5 TLA Three-Letter Acronym 5 4 Three-letter acronym 7 6 Thrust lever angle 7 6 TLD Top-Level Domain 5 4 time-limited dispatch 7 6 TLS Thread-Local Storage 5 4 Transport Layer Security 5 4 transponder landing system 7 6 TLV Type—length—value 5 4 TMI Too much information 6 5 TNC Terminal Node Controller 5 4 Threaded Neill-Concelman connector 5 4 TOS Terms of service 6 5 TOTW Time Off for Time Worked 3 1 TPF Transaction Processing Facility 5 4 TPM Trusted Platform Module 5 4 TQM Total Quality Management 3 1 TROFF Trace Off 5 4 TRON Trace On 5 4 The Real-time Operating system Nucleus 5 4 TRSDOS Tandy Radio Shack – Disk Operating System 5 4 TSO Time Sharing Option 5 4 technical standard order&#91;2&#93; FAA specification of quality standard. 7 6 Transmission system operator) (electricity) 4 3 TSP Traveling Salesman Problem 5 4 TSR Total shareholder return 3 1 Terminate and Stay Resident 5 4 Transmission service request (electricity) 4 3 TTA True Tap Audio 5 4 TTBOMK To the best of my knowledge 6 5 TTF TrueType Font 5 4 TTFN Ta ta for now 6 5 TTL Transistor—Transistor Logic 5 4 Time To Live 5 4 Tuned to Localizer 7 6 TTM Trailing Twelve Months 3 1 TTS Text-to-Speech 5 4 Time to station 7 6 TTY Teletype 5 4 TTYL Talk to you later (also spelled TTUL, T2UL or T2YL) 6 5 TTYN Talk to you never 6 5 TTYS Talk to you soon 6 5 TUCOWS The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software 5 4 TUG TeX Users Group 5 4 TVM Time Value of Money 3 1 TWAIN Technology Without An Interesting Name 5 4 TY Thank you 6 5 TYT Take your time 6 5 TYVM Thank you very much 6 5 Tcl Tool Command Language 5 4 Ts & Cs Terms and Conditions 3 1 U You 6 5 UAAG User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 5 4 UAC User Account Control 5 4 Upper area control 7 6 UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 5 4 Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter 7 6 UAT User Acceptance Testing 5 4 UB Undefined Behavior 5 4 UCS Universal Character Set 5 4 UDDI Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration 5 4 UDMA Ultra DMA 5 4 UDP User Datagrap Protocol 2 User Datagram Protocol 5 4 UEFI Unified Extensible Firmware Interface 5 4 UGO You got Owned 6 5 UHF Ultra High Frequency 5 4 ultra-high frequency 7 6 UI User Interface 5 4 UL Upload 5 4 ULA Uncommitted Logic Array 5 4 ULSI Ultra Large Scale Integration 5 4 UMA Upper Memory Area 5 4 UMB Upper Memory Block 5 4 UML Unified Modeling Language 5 4 User-Mode Linux 5 4 UMPC Ultra-Mobile Personal Computer 5 4 UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System 5 4 UNC Universal Naming Convention 5 4 UNIVAC Universal Automatic Computer (By MKS) 5 4 UPI Unified Payment Interface 3 1 UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply or Uninterrupted Power Supply 5 4 URI Uniform Resource Identifier 5 4 URL Uniform Resource Locator 5 2 4 URN Uniform Resource Name 5 4 URS You Really Suck 6 5 USB Universal Serial Bus 5 7 2 4 6 USP Unique Selling Proposition 3 1 USR U.S. Robotics 5 4 UTC Coordinated Universal Time 5 4 Universal Time Coordinated Indicates time zones 7 6 UTF Unicode Transformation Format 5 4 UTFSE Use the fucking search engine 6 5 UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair 5 4 UTRAN Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network 5 4 UUCP Unix to Unix Copy 5 4 UUID Universally Unique Identifier 5 4 UUN Universal User Name 5 4 UVC Universal Virtual Computer 5 4 UWP Universal Windows Platform 5 4 UX User Experience 5 4 VAD Value-Added Distributor 3 1 VAR Value-Added Reseller 3 1 Variation 7 6 VAT Value-Added Tax 3 1 VAX Virtual Address eXtension 5 4 VB Visual Basic 5 4 VBA Visual Basic for Applications 5 4 VBS Visual Basic Script 5 4 VC Venture Capital 3 1 VCPI Virtual Control Program Interface 5 4 VCS Version Control System 2 vehicle control service 7 6 VDI Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 5 4 VDM Virtual DOS machine 5 4 VDSL Very High Bitrate Digital Subscriber Line 5 4 VDU Visual Display Unit 5 4 VESA Video Electronics Standards Association 5 4 VFAT Virtual FAT 5 4 VFS Virtual File System 5 4 VG Volume Group 5 4 vortex generator 7 6 VGA Video Graphics Array 5 7 4 6 VHD Virtual Hard Disk 5 4 VHF Very High Frequency 5 4 very high frequency 7 6 VIRUS Vital Information Resource Under Seize 5 4 VLAN Virtual Local Area Network 5 4 VLB Vesa Local Bus 5 4 VLF Very Low Frequency 5 4 VLIW Very Long Instruction Word 5 4 VLSI Very-Large-Scale Integration 5 4 VLSM Variable-length subnet masking 5 4 VM Virtual Machine 5 4 Virtual Memory 5 4 VMM Virtual Machine Monitor 5 4 VNC Virtual Network Computing 5 2 4 VFR navigation chart 7 6 VOD Video On Demand 5 4 VP Vice President 3 1 VPN Virtual Private Network 5 2 4 VPS Virtual Private Server 5 2 4 VPU Visual Processing Unit 5 4 VR Virtual Reality 5 4 VRAM Video Random-Access Memory 5 4 VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language 5 4 VSAM Virtual Storage-Access Method 5 4 VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal 5 4 VT Video Terminal 5 4 VTAM Virtual Telecommunications Access Method 5 4 VTL Virtual Tape Library 5 4 VaR Value at Risk 3 1 VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol 5 4 VoLTE Voice Over Long Term Evolution 5 4 W/ or W/O With or without 6 5 W/E Whatever 6 5 Weekend 6 5 W3C World Wide Web Consortium 5 4 W8 Wait 6 5 WACC Weighted average cost of capital 3 1 WAFS Wide Area File Services 5 4 WAI Web Accessibility Initiative 5 4 WAIS Wide Area Information Server 5 4 WAN Wide Area Network 5 4 WAP Wireless Access Point 5 4 Wireless Application Protocol 5 4 WASM Watcom ASseMbler 5 4 WB Welcome back 6 5 WBEM Web-Based Enterprise Management 5 4 WBU What (a)bout you 6 5 WC Working capital 3 1 WCAG Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 5 4 WCF Windows Communication Foundation 5 4 WDM Wavelength-Division Multiplexing 5 4 Wiring Diagram Manual 7 6 WDS Wireless Distribution System 2 WDYM What do you mean? 6 5 WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy 5 4 War Emergency Power 7 6 WFH Work From Home 3 1 WFI Wait For Interrupt 5 4 WHT Withholding Tax 3 1 WIGs Wildly Important Goals 3 1 WINS Windows Internet Name Service 5 4 WLAN Wireless Local Area Network 5 4 WLL With Limited Liability 3 1 WMA Windows Media Audio 5 4 WXR waveguide adapter 7 6 WMI Windows Management Instrumentation 5 4 WXR indicator mount 7 6 WMV Windows Media Video 5 4 WNS Windows Push Notification Service 5 4 WOGs With other Goods 3 1 WOL Wake-on-LAN 5 4 WOR Wake-on-Ring 5 4 WORA Write once, run anywhere 5 4 WORE Write once, run everywhere 5 4 WORM Write Once Read Many 5 4 WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access 5 4 WPAD Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol 5 4 WPAN Wireless Personal Area Network 5 4 WPF Windows Presentation Foundation 5 4 WRT With respect / regard to 6 5 WXR receiver transmitter 7 6 WS-D Web Services-Discovery 5 4 WSDL Web Services Description Language 5 4 WSFL Web Services Flow Language 5 4 WTB Want to buy 6 5 WTD Week-To-Date 3 1 WTF What the fuck 6 5 WTG Way to go 6 5 Wind turbine generator (wind) 4 3 WTH What the hell 6 5 WTI Withdraw Voucher Note 3 1 West Texas Intermediate (US) 4 3 WTO World Trade Organization 3 1 WTS Want to sell 6 5 WTT Want to trade 6 5 WUBU2 What (have) you been up to? 6 5 WUG What you got? 6 5 WUSB Wireless Universal Serial Bus 5 4 WUU2 What (are) you up to? 6 5 WW World Wide 3 1 WWAN Wireless Wide Area Network 5 4 WWDC Apple World Wide Developer Conference 5 4 WWID World Wide Identifier 5 4 WWN World Wide Name 5 4 WWW World Wide Web 5 4 WYD What (are) you doing? 6 5 WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get 5 4 What you see is what you get 6 5 WZC Wireless Zero Configuration 5 4 WebDAV WWW Distributed Authoring and Versioning 5 4 WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access 5 4 WinFS Windows Future Storage 5 4 WinRT Windows RunTime 5 4 WoW World of Warcraft 2 XAML eXtensible Application Markup Language 5 4 XCBL XML Common Business Library 5 4 XDM X Window Display Manager 5 4 XDMCP X Display Manager Control Protocol 5 4 XHTML eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language 5 4 XILP X Interactive ListProc 5 4 XML eXtensible Markup Language 5 2 4 XMMS X Multimedia System 5 4 XMPP eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol 5 4 XMS Extended Memory Specification 5 4 XNS Xerox Network Systems 5 4 XP Cross-Platform 5 4 Extreme Programming 5 4 XPCOM Cross Platform Component Object Model 5 4 XPI XPInstall 5 4 XPIDL Cross-Platform IDL 5 4 XPS XML Paper Specification 5 4 XSD XML Schema Definition 5 4 XSL eXtensible Stylesheet Language 5 4 XSL-FO eXtensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects 5 4 XSLT eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations 5 4 XSS Cross-Site Scripting 5 4 XTF eXtensible Tag Framework 5 4 eXtended Triton Format 5 4 XUL XML User Interface Language 5 4 XVGA Extended Video Graphics Adapter 5 4 Y2K Year Two Thousand 5 4 Y2K38 Year Two Thousand Thirty Eight 5 4 YAAF Yet Another Application Framework 5 4 YACC Yet Another Compiler Compiler 5 4 YAGNI You Aren't Gonna Need It 5 4 You Ain't Gonna Need It. 6 5 YAGTOH you are going to own him. 6 5 YAML YAML Ain't Markup Language 5 4 YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator 5 4 YEJ Year-Ending-June 3 1 YGM You've Got Mail. 6 5 YHBT You have been trolled. 6 5 YKW You know what? 6 5 YMMV Your mileage may vary. 6 5 YOLO You Only Live Once. 6 5 YOY Year-over-year 3 1 YOYO You're On Your Own. 6 5 YTC Yet-To-Confirm 3 1 YTD Year-to-date 3 1 YTG Year-to-go 3 1 YTMND You're The Man Now, Dog 6 5 YW You're welcome. 6 5 YaST Yet another Setup Tool 5 4 ZBB Zero Based Budgeting 3 1 ZCAV Zone Constant Angular Velocity 5 4 ZCS Zero Code Suppression 5 4 ZIF Zero Insertion Force 5 4 ZIFS Zero Insertion Force Socket 5 4 ZIP ZIP file archive 5 4 ZISC Zero Instruction Set Computer 5 4 ZMA Zone Multicast Address 5 4 ZOI Zero One Infinity 5 4 ZOMG An intentional misspelling of the acronym shorthand for "Oh My God" and pronounced "Zoh My God" This version is mainly used in jest or to ridicule people who use abbreviations like OMG and OMFG 6 5 ZOPA Zone of Possible Agreement 3 1 ZOPE Z Object Publishing Environment 5 4 ZPL Z-level Programming Language 5 4 a/c. Account 3 1 agcy. Agency 3 1 agt. Agent 3 1 assoc. Associate 3 1 asst. Assistant 3 1 bin binary 5 4 bit binary digit 5 4 bldg. Building 3 1 blog Also known as web log or an online journal 6 5 bot Any type of automated software in chatrooms and web-cataloging software 6 5 bps bits per second 5 4 bump Increment (for example, C's ++ operator.) or a backronym for "Bring Up My Post" 6 5 bus. Business 3 1 cc C compiler 5 4 crapplet A poorly written computer application 6 5 crapware Unwanted software that is often installed with another program 6 5 crawl To retrieve a web page along with the hyperlinks that reference it 6 5 cyber- (prefix) A term used to connect the subsequent word loosely to the world of computers or the Internet or sex over a computer 6 5 cyberspace Virtual reality, the Internet, the World Wide Web, and other kinds of computer systems. Science fiction author William Gibson popularized the term in his novel Neuromancer. Gibson used the word to describe a virtual world of computer networks that his cyberpunk heroes 'jacked into' 6 5 dev development 5 4 disc. Discount 3 1 eID electronic ID card 5 4 eSATA external SATA 5 4 emoticon Internet leet slang ^ p [1] Barseghyan, L. (2013). On some aspects of Internet slang. Graduate School of Foreign Languages N, 14, 19-31. 6 5 flamer Someone who makes inflammatory, abusive or directly offensive comments. Similar to, but not quite the same as an Internet troll. 6 5 fsck File System Check 5 4 gratz Congratulations 6 5 handle Name used in online chat, (AKA nick(name), alias, screen/user name) 6 5 haxor or H4x0r (1337) Hacker 6 5 hit A request made to the web server, (noun) the results of an Internet search, (verb) loading a Web page. Hits are not equivalent to visitors of a webpage. 6 5 home page The website's introduction page, starting point, and guide. The technical term is "index" 6 5 hot list A collection of publicly available URLs (World Wide Web site addresses), sometimes available as text files. 6 5 iBCS Intel Binary Compatibility Standard 5 4 iSCSI Internet Small Computer System Interface 5 4 iSNS Internet Storage Name Service 5 4 inb4 In before... (someone else says or does something) 6 5 information superhighway The Internet (AKA: I-way, infobahn) 6 5 jaggy aliased computer graphics 6 5 k or kk OK 6 5 kHz Kilohertz 5 4 kms kill myself 6 5 kthxbye OK, thanks, goodbye, used either to cut short a conversation or to express displeasure with being cut short 6 5 l8r Later, L8R also sometimes abbreviated as L8ER is commonly used in chat rooms and other text based communications as a way of saying good bye 6 5 lag Slang term for slow Internet speeds or high Internet latency; Lag is sometimes due to a server problem, but more frequently due to the connection between client and server. A slow or intermittent connection may often be referred to as laggy 6 5 lamer A know-nothing, one who is lame. 6 5 leet Often spelled as l33t or 1337. Originally short for 'elite' 6 5 lulz Corruption of LOL 6 5 lurker Someone who reads only but does not write and/or load up anything in a community, group or discussion 6 5 n0rp Alternate form of pr0n, intentional misspelling of porn 6 5 namewaster person who abandons an account shortly after its creation 6 5 newbie, newb, n00b An inexperienced user of a system or game, or an annoying person. Usually a derogatory term for someone inexperienced at a game. 6 5 ooRexx Open Object Rexx 5 4 pip Percentage in point or Periodic Investment Plan\ 3 1 pog/poggers An expression of shock or excitement 6 5 pr0n Intentional misspelling of porn 6 5 pwned Intentional misspelling of owned 6 5 q/q Quarter-to-date 3 1 qWave Quality Windows Audio/Video Experience 5 4 rd remove directory 5 4 regex Regular Expression 5 4 regexp Regular Expression 5 4 rehi (or merely re) Hello again 6 5 rmdir remove directory 5 4 s TINS: There is no spoon 6 5 sauce source, particularly when asking for the source of an image or other posted material online.&#91;1&#93; 6 5 sbin superuser binary 5 4 sbs Small Business Server 5 4 sk8/sk8r/sk8er skate/skater 6 5 smiley Another name for emoticons 6 5 snail mail Normal paper mail service 6 5 spider The program behind a search engine 6 5 su superuser 5 4 tmp temporary 5 4 toobs Internets (refering to the Internet as a series of tubes) 6 5 tweedler One who has deep love for all computer related technology and gadgets 6 5 usr User System Resources 5 4 var variable 5 4 Volt-ampere reactive (measurement) 4 3 w.r.t With Respect To 3 1 w00t, w00T or WOOT First two express exuberance, the last is a backronym for the term "We Own the Other Team". 6 5 wasp weighted average selling price 3 1 wk week 3 1 wo work order 3 1 wrk work 3 1 y English internet slang 6 5 English glossaries 6 5 English appendices 6 5 This page was last edited on 22 December 2024, at 20:07. 6 5 Definitions and other text are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 6 5 Privacy policy 6 5 About Wiktionary 6 5 Disclaimers 6 5 Code of Conduct 6 5 Developers 6 5 Statistics 6 5 Cookie statement 6 5 Mobile view 6 5 zcyc Zero Coupon Yield Curve 3 1 A/A Air to air TACAN function 7 6 A/C Aircraft&#91;1&#93; 7 6 ACC Altocumulus castellanus Cloud type 7 6 Area Control Centre 7 6 Area control centre&#91;1&#93; 7 6 Active clearance control Turbine engine system 7 6 Accessory In gas turbine engine 7 6 A/D Aerodrome 7 6 ACT Alternative Configuration Tool 7 6 A/F Autofeather 7 6 A/FD Airport/Facility Directory 7 6 A/P Autopilot 7 6 Airplane (US), Aeroplane (ICAO) 7 6 AAE Above aerodrome elevation&#91;1&#93; In aviation, above aerodrome level (AAL), or above aerodrome elevation (AAE), denotes that an altitude is given above the nearest aerodrome or airport. 7 6 AAIB Air Accidents Investigation Branch United Kingdom 7 6 AAIM Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring 7 6 AAO Assumed adverse obstacle 7 6 AAS Airport advisory service&#91;1&#93; 7 6 ACAM Aircraft continuous airworthiness monitoring 7 6 ACARS Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System 7 6 ACAS Airborne collision avoidance system 7 6 ACFT Aircraft&#91;3&#93; 7 6 ACI Airports Council International 7 6 ACLS Automatic carrier landing system Aircraft carrier operations 7 6 ACMS Aircraft condition monitoring system 7 6 ACS1 Airman Certification Standards&#91;4&#93; FAA pilot testing 7 6 ACS2 Audio control system 7 6 ACU1 Air condition unit 7 6 ACU2 Alternator control unit&#91;2&#93; Protection from alternator over-voltage. 7 6 ADA Advisory area 7 6 ADAHRS Air data attitude heading reference system 7 6 ADD Acceptable deferred defect 7 6 ADF Automatic direction finder Navigation equipment 7 6 ADI Attitude Director Indicator 7 6 ADIRS Air Data Inertial Reference System 7 6 ADIRU Air Data Inertial Reference Unit 7 6 ADIZ Air defense identification zone 7 6 ADJ Adjustment Mechanical term 7 6 ADM1 Aeronautical decision-making&#91;5&#93; Piloting term of judgment 7 6 ADM2 Air data module 7 6 ADN Aircraft Data Network Ethernet derivative for Commercial Aircraft 7 6 ADS1 Air data system 7 6 ADS2 Automatic dependent surveillance 7 6 ADS-A Automatic dependent surveillance – address 7 6 ADS-B Automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast 7 6 ADS-C Automatic dependent surveillance – contract 7 6 ADV Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Verkehrsflughäfen "German Airports Association" 7 6 AEA Association of European Airlines 7 6 AESA Active electronically scanned array 7 6 AFCS automatic flight control system 7 6 AFD Autopilot flight director 7 6 AFDC Autopilot flight director computer 7 6 AFDS Autopilot flight director system 7 6 AFDX Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet 7 6 AFE Above field elevation 7 6 Authority for Expenditure or Authorization for Expenditure 4 3 AFIS Airborne flight information system Also called automatic flight information service 7 6 AFM Aircraft flight manual 7 6 AFS Aeronautical fixed service 7 6 AFT Aft The direction against the aircraft movement 7 6 AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network 7 6 AGACS Automatic ground–air communications system Also known as ATCSS or data link 7 6 AGB Accessory gear box Mainly used in turbine engine 7 6 AGC Automatic gain control 7 6 Automatic generation control 4 3 AGDL Air–ground data link 7 6 AGL Above ground level 7 6 AHC Attitude heading control 7 6 AHRS Attitude and heading reference system 7 6 AIDS Aircraft integrated data system 7 6 AIM Aeronautical Information Manual 7 6 AIP Aeronautical Information Publication 7 6 AIRAC Aeronautical information regulation and control 7 6 AIRMET Air-mission's Meteorological Advisory&#91;6&#93; In-flight advisory given over 126.7 7 6 AIS Aeronautical Information Services A place mostly for presenting Flight Plans and filing reports 7 6 AIXM Aeronautical information exchange model 7 6 ALC Automatic level control 7 6 ALI Airworthiness Limitation Item 7 6 ALNA Airline network architecture 7 6 ALS Approach lighting system 7 6 ALT1 Alternate 7 6 ALT2 Altimeter 7 6 ALT3 Altitude 7 6 ALT hold Altitude hold mode 7 6 ALTS Altitude select 7 6 ALUM Aluminum 7 6 AMC Acceptable Means of Compliance (EASA) 7 6 AME Aircraft Maintenance Engineer 7 6 Aviation Medical Examiner 7 6 AMLCD Active-matrix liquid-crystal display 7 6 AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual 7 6 AMO Approved Maintenance Organization 7 6 AMS Air management system 7 6 AMSL Above mean sea level 7 6 AMP Aircraft maintenance program 7 6 AMT Aircraft Maintenance Technician 7 6 ANC Active noise cancellation 7 6 AND Aircraft Nose Down 7 6 ANPT Aeronautical national pipe taper 7 6 ANR Active noise reduction 7 6 ANSP1 Air navigation service provider 7 6 ANSP2 Authorization of Aircraft Network Security Program (FAA) 7 6 ANSOG Airport Network Security Operator Guidance (Boeing) 7 6 A/O Air oil In turbine engines 7 6 AOA Angle of attack 7 6 AOC1 Air operator's certificate 7 6 AOC2 Aeronautical operational control 7 6 AOG Aircraft on ground 7 6 AOM1 Aircraft operations manual 7 6 AOM2 Airport/aerodrome operating minima 7 6 APARS Automatic pressure altitude reporting system 7 6 APC Auto pilot computer 7 6 APIRS Attitude and positioning inertial reference system 7 6 APOA Airport of arrival 7 6 APOD Airport of departure 7 6 APM Aircraft personality module 7 6 APP Appendix 7 6 Approach Control ATC 7 6 APPL Application 7 6 APPROX Approximately 7 6 APS Auto pilot system 7 6 APT Airport 7 6 APU Auxiliary power unit 7 6 APV Approach procedure with vertical guidance Instrumental approach 7 6 AQP Advanced Qualification Program FAA training and testing 7 6 ARINC Aeronautical Radio Inc. 7 6 ARO Airport reservation office 7 6 ARTCC Air route traffic control centers 7 6 ASAS Airborne Separation Assurance System 7 6 ASD Aircraft situation display 7 6 ASDA Accelerate Stop Distance Available 7 6 ASDE-X Airport Surface Detection Equipment, Model X 7 6 ASDL Aeronautical satellite data link 7 6 ASI Airspeed indicator 7 6 ASL Above sea level&#91;1&#93; 7 6 ASLO Aircraft Security Logging Overview 7 6 A-SMGCS Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System 7 6 ASOS Automated Surface Observation System 7 6 assy Assembly 7 6 A/S Anti-Skid 7 6 ASU Avionics switching unit 7 6 A/T Autothrottle Also 'AT' 7 6 A/THR Autothrust 7 6 ATC Air traffic control 7 6 Available transfer capability 4 3 ATCC Air traffic control centre 7 6 ATCO Air traffic controller 7 6 ATCT Airport traffic control tower 7 6 ATCRBS Air traffic control radar beacon system 7 6 ATCSS Air traffic control signalling system 7 6 ATD Actual time of departure Equivalent to off-block time&#91;7&#93; 7 6 ATE Advanced Technology Engine 7 6 ATF Aerodrome traffic frequency 7 6 ATFM Air traffic flow management 7 6 ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service 7 6 ATN Aeronautical Telecommunication Network 7 6 ATO Approved Training Organisation 7 6 ATPL Airline Transport Pilot Licence 7 6 ATQP Alternative Training and Qualification Programme 7 6 ATR1 1 Air transportable racking 7 6 ATR2 Automatic thrust restoration 7 6 ATS Air traffic service 7 6 ATSAW Airborne traffic situational awareness 7 6 ATSU Air traffic services unit Avionics LRU for ACARS 7 6 ATT Attitude 7 6 ATTCS Automatic Take-off Thrust Control System 7 6 AUPRTA Airplane Upset Prevention & Recovery Training Aid 7 6 AVAIL Available 7 6 Avionics Aviation electronics 7 6 AVSA "Adjust vertical speed adjust" TCAS Voice command to adjust traffic separation 7 6 AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System Airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) or Boeing E-3 Sentry 7 6 AWBS Aviation weather briefing service&#91;6&#93; Available at designated FSS's 7 6 AWG American Wire Gage The larger the size number, the smaller the wire diameter. 7 6 AWIS Aviation weather information service&#91;6&#93; Available at FSS 7 6 AWO All weather operations 7 6 AWOS Automated weather observation system&#91;6&#93; Automated METAR reporting system 7 6 AWWS Aviation weather web site&#91;8&#93; In Canada 7 6 B RNAV Basic area navigation 7 6 BARO Barometric indication, setting or pressure 7 6 baro-VNAV Barometric vertical navigation 7 6 BCAA Belgian Civil Aviation Authority 7 6 BDC bottom dead centre&#91;1&#93; Piston engine 7 6 BDI Bearing distance indicator 7 6 BFL Balanced field length 7 6 BFR Biennial flight review 7 6 BGAN Broadcast Global Area Network 7 6 BHP Brake horsepower&#91;1&#93; 7 6 BITE Built-In Test Equipment 7 6 BL Butt Line 7 6 BME Bridge Mounted Equipment 7 6 B/P Blue Print 7 6 BTV Brake-to-Vacate System A new feature introduced by Airbus A380 7 6 BWC bird watch condition 7 6 BVID Barely Visible Impact Damage 7 6 BVR Beyond Visual Range 7 6 C2 command and control 7 6 CAA Civil Aviation Authority 7 6 Clean Air Act (US) 4 3 CACTCS Cabin Air Conditioning and Temperature Control System (Pronounced "Cactus") 7 6 CAME Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition 7 6 CAMO Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation 7 6 CAMP Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (FAA) 7 6 CAN bus Controller Area Network 7 6 CANSO Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation 7 6 CAR civil aviation regulation 7 6 CARs civil aviation regulations&#91;9&#93;&#91;10&#93; 7 6 CARS Canadian Aviation Regulations 7 6 CAS calibrated airspeed 7 6 CASS Commercial Air Service Standards 7 6 continuing analysis and surveillance system 7 6 CAT (I–IIIc) Operational performance Category CAT I: Operational performance Category 1 CAT I Enhanced: Allows for lower minimums than CAT I in some cases to CAT 2 minimums CAT II: Operational performance Category II CAT IIIa: Operational performance Category IIIa CAT IIIb: Operational performance Category IIIb CAT IIIc: Operational performance Category IIIc 7 6 CAT1 clear air turbulence&#91;1&#93; 7 6 CAT2 Commercial Air Transport 7 6 CAVOK Ceiling and Visibility OK&#91;11&#93; Visibility is at least 10 kilometres and no clouds below 5000 feet with no forecasted significant weather change such as precipitation. 7 6 CAVU Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited 7 6 CAW continuing airworthiness (EASA) 7 6 CB Cumulonimbus cloud 7 6 CBT computer-based training 7 6 CCRs closed circuit mixed gas rebreathers 7 6 constant current regulators 7 6 CDA Continuous descent approach 7 6 CDCCL critical design configuration control limitation 7 6 CDI course deviation indicator 7 6 CDU Control Display Unit 7 6 control/display unit 7 6 CDFA Continuous Descent Final Approach 7 6 CDTI Cockpit display of traffic information 7 6 CDL configuration deviation list 7 6 CFIT controlled flight into terrain 7 6 CFR Code of Federal Regulations In the United States 7 6 CH Course Heading 7 6 CHDO certificate-holding district office (FAA) 7 6 CHP Course Heading Panel 7 6 Combined heat and power 4 3 CHT Cylinder Head Temperature (Piston engine aviation) 7 6 CI cost index 7 6 CID Customer induced damage 7 6 C/L Centre line 7 6 CL checklist A flight deck manual, usually part of a Quick Reference Handbook 7 6 CMC central maintenance computer 7 6 CMM component maintenance manual 7 6 CMV converted meteorological visibility 7 6 CMPA complex motor-powered aircraft 7 6 CMU Communications Management Unit 7 6 CNS Communication, navigation and surveillance 7 6 CNS/ATM Communication, navigation and surveillance / Air traffic management&#91;12&#93; 7 6 CODEC Coder/decoder 7 6 CofA Certificate of airworthiness 7 6 COMM or COM Communications transceiver, Communications receiver, or Communications radio transmitter Now, normally: either VHF or UHF; HF communications avionics are usually abbreviated simply HF 7 6 CORSIA Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation 7 6 CPDLC controller–pilot data link communications 7 6 CPR Changed product rule EASA 7 6 CRD Comment-response document (EASA) Part of rule making process 7 6 CRES Corrosion resistant steel 7 6 CSD constant speed drive 7 6 Commission for Sustainable Development (UN) 4 3 CSDB Commercial Standard Digital Bus 7 6 Collins Standard Digital Bus 7 6 CSN Cycles since new Normally measured in FC or EFC for an aircraft, engine or component 7 6 CSU constant speed unit 7 6 CSCT Configuration Item Signer Crater Tool Boeing 7 6 CTAF common traffic advisory frequency 7 6 CTR controlled traffic region/control zone 7 6 CV/DFDR Cockpit voice and digital flight data recorder See Flight recorder 7 6 CVR cockpit voice recorder See Flight recorder 7 6 CWS control wheel steering 7 6 D Compass Deviation 7 6 DA/H decision altitude/height (rel. to THR) See instrument landing system 7 6 DA1 Decision Altitude Precision approach or vertical guidance 7 6 DA2 density altitude 7 6 DA3 Drift angle 7 6 DAH design approval holder (EASA) 7 6 DAPs Downlink of aircraft parameters 7 6 DBER damaged beyond economic repair Hull loss 7 6 DCDU Datalink control and display unit 7 6 DCP Display control panel 7 6 DDG Dispatch deviation guide 7 6 DEFDARS Digital Expandable Flight Data Acquisition and Recording System 7 6 DER departure end of runway 7 6 Designated Engineering Representative 7 6 Distributed Energy Resources 4 3 DEU display electronic unit 7 6 DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder See flight recorder 7 6 DFMC Dual Frequency Multiple Constellation 7 6 DG directional gyro 7 6 Distributed generation (electricity) —Directorate-General (EU) (government) 4 3 DGPS differential GPS&#91;1&#93; 7 6 DGR Dangerous Goods Regulation 7 6 DH Decision height Precision approach, referred to threshold elevation 7 6 DIA diameter 7 6 DLR datalink recorder 7 6 German Aerospace Center / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. 7 6 DME distance measuring equipment 7 6 Designated Mechanic Examiner&#91;2&#93; A person appointed by the FAA 7 6 Disturbance Monitoring Equipment 4 3 DNC Direct noise canceling 7 6 DO design organization 7 6 Dissolved oxygen 4 3 DODAR diagnose, options, decide, act/assign, review 7 6 DOW dry operational weight 7 6 DPU Display Processor Unit 7 6 DRMC Direct Reading Magnetic Compass 7 6 DTU Data transfer unit 7 6 DUATS Direct User Access Terminal Service 7 6 DVE Degraded Visual Environment 7 6 EA engineering authorisation 7 6 Environmental assessment as in an Environmental impact assessment 4 3 EADI Electronic Attitude Direction Indicator 7 6 EASA European Aviation Safety Agency 7 6 EAT expected approach time&#91;1&#93; 7 6 EBOM engineering Bill of Material 7 6 EBU engine build-up 7 6 EC engineering control (also E/C) 7 6 European Commission 4 3 ECAM electronic centralised aircraft monitor 7 6 ECET end of civil evening twilight 7 6 ECR Engineering Change Request 7 6 ECU Engine Control Unit (=EEC) 7 6 EDR engineering data record 7 6 EDTO extended diversion time operations 7 6 EEC electronic engine control 7 6 EET estimated elapsed time 7 6 EFB electronic flight bag 7 6 EFC1 Engine Flight Cycle 7 6 EFC2 expect further clearance 7 6 EFD Electronic flight display 7 6 EFFRA engine failure flap retraction altitude 7 6 EFIS electronic flight instrument system 7 6 EFH Engine Flight Hour 7 6 EFP engine failure procedure 7 6 EFTO engine failure on take-off 7 6 EFVS Enhanced flight visual system 7 6 EGPWS enhanced ground proximity warning system 7 6 EGI Embedded GPS Inertial 7 6 EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service 7 6 EGT exhaust gas temperature 7 6 EHM engine health monitoring 7 6 EHS Enhanced surveillance 7 6 EHSI Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator 7 6 EICAS engine-indicating and crew-alerting system 7 6 EIS Electronic Instrument System 7 6 Environmental Impact Statement (US) 4 3 E-LSA experimental light-sport aircraft 7 6 ELAC elevator and aileron computer 7 6 ELOS Equivalent Level of Safety 7 6 ELT emergency locator transmitter 7 6 EMAS engineered materials arresting system 7 6 EMDP electric motor driven pump 7 6 ENC Electronic noise canceling 7 6 ENCASIA European Network of Civil Aviation Safety Investigation Authorities 7 6 ENG engine 7 6 ENR Electronic noise reduction 7 6 EOBT estimated off-blocktime 7 6 EPA European part approval (EASA) 7 6 United States Environmental Protection Agency 4 3 EPR engine pressure ratio 7 6 EPU Emergency Power Unit 7 6 ERAM En Route Automation Modernization 7 6 ESA emergency safe altitude 7 6 ETE estimated time en route&#91;1&#93; 7 6 ETOPS Extended-range Twin-engine Operation Performance Standards 7 6 ETSO European Technical Standard Order, issued by EASA; see TSO 7 6 European Transmission System Operators association 4 3 EUROCAE European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment 7 6 EVAS Emergency Vision Assurance System 7 6 EVSI Enhanced Vision Systems Instrument 7 6 EVS Enhanced Vision Systems 7 6 EW Empty Weight 7 6 FAA Federal Aviation Administration U.S. Department of Transportation agency 7 6 FAC Final approach course 7 6 Flight Augmentation computer Avionics 7 6 Fuel Adjustment Clause 4 3 FACF final approach course fix Point at which the final approach descent is begun 7 6 FADEC full authority digital engine control Engine equipment 7 6 FAF final approach fix 7 6 first available flight Airline operations 7 6 FALS full approach lighting system 7 6 FANS Future Air Navigation System Avionics 7 6 FAR Federal Aviation Regulation FAA regulation 7 6 FAR/AIM Federal Aviation Regulation /Aeronautical Information Manual Bundle of FAA regulations and Aeronautical Manual&#91;13&#93; 7 6 FAROS final approach runway occupancy signal 7 6 FAS final approach segment 7 6 FATO final approach and take off 7 6 FB Winds aloft World Meteorological Organization abbrev. see also FD 7 6 FBO fixed-base operator Airfield operations 7 6 FBS fixed base simulator Flight crew training 7 6 FBW fly-by-wire 7 6 FCC Flight Control Computer 7 6 FC flight crew 7 6 FCF functional flight check Check functionality after maintenance 7 6 FCMC Fuel Control & Monitoring Computer 7 6 FCOM flight crew operating manual Aircraft operations 7 6 FCTM flight crew training manual 7 6 FCU fuel control unit In turbine engines 7 6 FD flight director Avionics 7 6 upper winds and temperature forecast&#91;1&#93; US and Canada abbrev. See also FB 7 6 FDAU flight-data acquisition unit 7 6 FDPS flight plan data processing system Flight planning 7 6 FDR flight data recorder Avionics. Also known as 'black box'. 7 6 FDRS flight data recorder system Avionics 7 6 FDTL flight duty time limitations 7 6 FDU flux detector unit 7 6 FEP final end point 7 6 FF fuel flow 7 6 FFDZ free fall drop zone (parachutists) 7 6 FG Flight Guidance 7 6 Fuel Gas 4 3 FIC flight information centre 7 6 FIDO Fog Investigation and Dispersal Operation Airfield operations 7 6 FIKI Flight Into Known Icing Aircraft operations 7 6 FIR flight information region ATC 7 6 FIS Federal Inspection Services 7 6 FIS-B Flight information services – broadcast 7 6 FISE flight information service enroute 7 6 FLIR Forward-looking infra-red 7 6 FLTA Forward-looking terrain avoidance 7 6 FM frequency modulation Example: FM immunity 7 6 FMA flight mode annunciator Equipment 7 6 FMGC Flight management and guidance computer Avionics. Also FMGS: Flight Management & Guidance System 7 6 FMS flight management system Avionics 7 6 FO first officer Flight crew 7 6 FOD foreign object damage Airfield operations 7 6 FOO flight operations officer Airline employee 7 6 FOQA flight operational quality assurance 7 6 FPA flight path angle 7 6 Federal Power Act (US) 4 3 FPL filed flight plan ATC 7 6 FPM feet per minute 7 6 FQIS Fuel Quantity Indication System 7 6 FREQ Frequency 7 6 FSDO Flight Standards District Office (FAA) 7 6 FSIMS Flight Standards Information Management System (FAA) 7 6 FSS flight service station 7 6 FTD flight training device Flight crew training 7 6 FVU flux valve unit Equipment 7 6 FYDS Flight director / yaw damper system 7 6 GA general aviation 7 6 G/A or GA go-around Aborted landing procedure 7 6 GAST GBAS Approach Service Type 7 6 GBAS Ground based augmentation system 7 6 GCAS Ground collision avoidance system 7 6 GBST ground-based, software tool Airfield operations 7 6 GCA Ground-controlled approach Airfield operations 7 6 GCU generator control unit 7 6 GDOP Geometric dilution of precision 7 6 GEA Ground effect area 7 6 GHz Gigahertz 7 6 GLOC g-induced loss of consciousness "g" Is acceleration relevant to the acceleration caused by gravity 7 6 GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System Or GNSS 7 6 GLNS GPS Landing and Navigation System 7 6 GLNU GPS Landing and Navigation Unit 7 6 GLS GBAS Landing System 7 6 GLU GPS landing unit 7 6 GMM general maintenance manual 7 6 GMT Greenwich Mean Time 7 6 GND ground Airfield operations 7 6 GPP general practices and procedures 7 6 GPWS ground proximity warning system Avionics 7 6 G/S glideslope Avionics 7 6 GS groundspeed 7 6 GSE ground support equipment Aerospace ground equipment 7 6 GSPT Gross shop processing time 7 6 GSPU Glider snatch pick-up 7 6 GUMPS Gas, Undercarriage, Mixture, Propeller, Seat belts/Switches Mental checklist before landing 7 6 H Heavy Wake turbulence category 7 6 High 7 6 HAA Height above airport 7 6 HAT Height Above Touchdown 7 6 HAZMAT Hazardous Material 7 6 HBCS High Bandwidth Connectivity System 7 6 HDB Horizontal Deviation Bar (GS) 7 6 HDG Heading Navigation 7 6 HDG SEL Heading select Navigation 7 6 HDI Horizontal Deviation Indicator 7 6 HDOP Horizontal dilution of precision 7 6 HFE Human Factors Engineering&#91;14&#93; 7 6 HFES Human Factors and Ergonomics Society U.S.-based nonprofit organisation 7 6 "Hg Inch of Mercury Symbol for unit of pressure 7 6 HHLD Heading hold Navigation 7 6 HIGE hover in ground effect Helicopter operations 7 6 HIRL High Intensity Runway lighting Airfield operations 7 6 HIRO High Intensity Runway Operation Airfield operations 7 6 HIRTA High Intensity Radio Transmission Area 7 6 HIWAS Hazardous Inflight Weather Advisory Service 7 6 HL Height loss 7 6 HLD hold Maintain same altitude or speed or direction 7 6 HMG hydraulic motor generator 7 6 HMD Helmet-mounted display 7 6 HMU hydro-mechanical unit In turbine engine 7 6 HOGE hover out of ground effect Helicopter operations 7 6 HOTAS Hands On Throttle And Stick 7 6 HPA human-powered aircraft Aircraft type 7 6 HPR High Pressure Rotor 7 6 HPT high pressure turbine In turbine engines 7 6 HPTACC high pressure turbine active clearance control Mainly used in turbofan engines 7 6 HSD High-speed data 7 6 HSI horizontal situation indicator Avionics 7 6 HSL Heading select 7 6 HUD head-up display Avionics 7 6 HUM Human Remains 7 6 HUMS Health and usage monitoring systems 7 6 HW headwind 7 6 HYD hydraulic Aircraft equipment 7 6 HYDIM hydraulic interface module 7 6 IAC instrument approach chart 7 6 IAF initial approach fix 7 6 IAN Integrated Approach Navigation IAN approaches provide the functions, indications and alerting features similar to an ILS approach (B737 FCTM) 7 6 IAP instrument approach procedure 7 6 IATA International Air Transport Association 7 6 ICA Instructions for Continuous Airworthiness 7 6 ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization 7 6 ICAS International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 7 6 ICD interface control document 7 6 ICO idle cut-off 7 6 ICTS ice-contaminated tailplane stall 7 6 ID identify/identification or identifier 7 6 IDENT identify/identifier 7 6 IDG integrated drive generator Combination of a CSD and generator in a single case 7 6 IDT identify XPDR 7 6 IEPR integrated engine pressure ratio 7 6 IETM interactive electronic technical manual 7 6 IF intermediate approach fix Instrumental approach 7 6 IFA International Federation of Airworthiness 7 6 IFATCA International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations 7 6 IFE in-flight entertainment 7 6 IFF identification friend or foe 7 6 IFICS integrated flight instrument and control system British Aircraft Corporation, now British Aerospace 7 6 IFLD In-flight Landing Distance Airbus term 7 6 IFP instrument flight procedure 7 6 IFR instrument flight rules 7 6 IFSD in-flight shutdown 7 6 IGV inlet guide vane 7 6 ILS instrument landing system 7 6 IMC instrument meteorological conditions 7 6 IML inside mold line 7 6 IND indicator 7 6 InHg inch of mercury 7 6 INS inertial navigation system 7 6 IRT instrument rating test 7 6 IRU inertial reference unit 7 6 IRVR instrumented runway visual range 7 6 ISFD integrated standby flight display 7 6 ISIS integrated standby instrument system 7 6 ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations 7 6 IVSI instantaneous vertical speed indicator 7 6 JAA Joint Aviation Authorities 7 6 JAR Joint Aviation Requirements 7 6 JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Distribution System 7 6 KCAS knots calibrated airspeed 7 6 KIAS knots indicated airspeed 7 6 KRE key risk element 7 6 KTAS knots true airspeed 7 6 L Light Wake turbulence category 7 6 LAAS Local Area Augmentation System 7 6 LADGPS Local Area Differential GPS 7 6 LAHSO Land And Hold Short Operations 7 6 LAME licensed aircraft maintenance engineer 7 6 LAT large air tanker A class of waterbomber 7 6 LCC low-cost carrier 7 6 LCG load classification group 7 6 LCN load classification number 7 6 LDA landing distance available 7 6 localizer type directional aid 7 6 LDGPS local area differential global positioning satellite 7 6 LDR landing distance required 7 6 LHO live human organs 7 6 LHS left hand seat Jargon for captain 7 6 LIFR Low Instrument Flight Rules ceiling < 500 ft and/or visibility < 1 sm 7 6 LIR Loading Instruction Report 7 6 LKP last known position 7 6 LLP Life Limited Part EASA, ICAO 7 6 LLZ localizer ILS approach 7 6 LMM Locator middle marker 7 6 LNAV lateral navigation 7 6 LOA letter of authorization FAA 7 6 LOCI loss of control inflight 7 6 LOFT line-oriented flight training 7 6 LOM limitation of movement 7 6 locator outer marker 7 6 LOPA Location of Passenger Accommodations 7 6 Layer of Protection Analysis 4 3 LORAN Long-range navigation 7 6 LOTC loss of thrust control 7 6 LPR Low Pressure Rotor 7 6 LPTACC low pressure turbine active clearance control Mainly used in turbofan engines 7 6 LPV localizer performance with vertical guidance 7 6 LRC long range cruise 7 6 LSAP loadable software aircraft part (EASA) Introduced in RMP for technical records 7 6 LSAS longitudinal stability augmentation system 7 6 LTC line training captain 7 6 LTP landing threshold point 7 6 LVP low visibility procedures Designated state of operations at aerodromes where instrument approaches and low-visibility takeoff procedures are used during inclement weather 7 6 LW landing weight 7 6 LX Lightning 7 6 LZ landing zone 7 6 M medium Wake turbulence category 7 6 MAHF Missed Approach Holding Fix Used in RNAV 7 6 MANAB Manual of Word Abbreviations&#91;15&#93; Used in Canada 7 6 MAP manifold absolute pressure 7 6 missed approach point Or: MAPt. Instrument approach. 7 6 MAPS Minimum Aviation Performance Standards 7 6 MATS Manual of Air Traffic Services 7 6 MBC Main Base Check 7 6 MCBF Mean cycles between failures 7 6 MCC Multi-crew cooperation 7 6 MCDU multifunction control display unit 7 6 multi control display unit 7 6 MCH Manufacturer Certificate Holder TCCA; see also PAH and POA 7 6 MDDR maintenance deferred defect record 7 6 MDH minimum descent height Or: minimum decision height. Non-precision approach. 7 6 MEA Minimum En-route Altitude 7 6 MEDEVAC medical evacuation 7 6 MEF maximum elevation figure 7 6 modified energy factor (clothes washers) 4 3 MMEL master minimum equipment list 7 6 MEL minimum equipment list 7 6 MEP multi-engine piston 7 6 METAR meteorological aerodrome report 7 6 MFD multi-function display 7 6 MFDS multi-function display system 7 6 MFRA minimum flap retraction altitude 7 6 MH magnetic heading 7 6 MIDS Multifunctional information distribution system 7 6 MIJI Meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and interference&#91;16&#93; 7 6 MILSPEC Military specification 7 6 MKP Multi-function Keypad 7 6 MKR Marker beacon 7 6 MLDW maximum landing weight 7 6 MLG Main Landing Gear 7 6 MLS microwave landing system 7 6 MM middle marker 7 6 Used to denote million in gas usage 4 3 MMD Moving map display 7 6 MNPS Minimum navigation performance specifications 7 6 MOA Military operations area 7 6 MOCA Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude 7 6 Mode A Transponder pulse-code reporting 7 6 Mode B Transponder code and altitude reporting 7 6 Mode C Transponder code, altitude, and TCAS reporting 7 6 MOE maintenance organisation exposition 7 6 MOPS Minimum Operational Performance Standard 7 6 MORA Minimum Off Route Altitude 7 6 MOSArt Modular Open System Architecture 7 6 MP manifold pressure 7 6 MRB Material Review Board 7 6 MROT Minimum Runway Occupancy Time 7 6 MRW maximum ramp weight 7 6 MSD Minimum Stabilization Distance 7 6 MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet 7 6 MSG Message 7 6 MSL mean sea level 7 6 MSLW Max. Structural Landing Weight 7 6 MSP Modes S-Specific Protocol 7 6 MSSS Mode S-Specific Services 7 6 MSTOW Max. Structural Take-off Weight 7 6 MSZFW Max. Structural Zero Fuel Weight 7 6 MTBSV Mean time between shop visit 7 6 MTBUR Mean time between unscheduled removals 7 6 MTOW maximum take-off weight 7 6 MTTF Mean time to failure 7 6 MVA Minimum Vectoring Altitude 7 6 Megavolt amperes (one million volt amperes) 4 3 MVFR Marginal visual flight rules ceiling 1000-3000′ and/or visibility 3-5 miles 7 6 MZFW Maximum Zero Fuel Weight 7 6 NADP noise abatement departure procedure 7 6 Navaid Navigational aid Or: aid to navigation (ATON) 7 6 NAVCOMM Combination navigation and communications equipment Or: NAV/COM or NAV-COM. normally VHF navigation receiver integrated with VHF communications transceiver 7 6 NAVSTAR-GPS Navigation Satellite Timing And Ranging The space-borne or satellite navigation system 7 6 NCAT National Center for Aviation Training US educational facility 7 6 NCATT National Center for Aircraft Technician Training US educational facility 7 6 ND Navigation display 7 6 NDB non-directional beacon 7 6 NDT non-destructive testing 7 6 NFF No fault found Or: no trouble found (NTF) or no defect found (NDF) 7 6 NGS nitrogen generation system 7 6 NHA next higher assembly 7 6 NLG nose landing gear 7 6 NLR Netherlands Aerospace Research Centre 7 6 NNC non-normal checklist 7 6 NNM non-normal maneuver (Boeing QRH - 737 Flight Crew Operations Manual) 7 6 NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command US-Canadian military security agency 7 6 NORDO no radio 7 6 NOTAM Notice to air missions&#91;17&#93; 7 6 NOTAR no tail rotor&#91;2&#93; Helicopter control system 7 6 NOZ Normal Operating Zone Parallel runways operation 7 6 NPRM notice of proposed rulemaking FAA 7 6 NRR noise reduction rating hearing protector attenuation 7 6 NRTC nonroutine task card 7 6 NVD Night-vision device Or: Night-vision goggles (NVG) 7 6 NTSB National Transportation Safety Board U.S. governmental agency 7 6 NTZ no-transgression zone Parallel runways operation 7 6 N# compressor speed&#91;1&#93; N1, N2, etc. refers to the specific compressor spool (in the order that air passes over them). (See: Jet engine) 7 6 Ng gas generator speed&#91;1&#93; 7 6 Nh high rotor speed&#91;1&#93; 7 6 Np power turbine speed&#91;1&#93; 7 6 Nr rotor speed (helicopters) Np and Nr are typically shown on the same gauge with two needles, both expressed in percent, so that the pilot can tell if the power turbine is driving the rotor or if it is freewheeling. 7 6 OAS Obstacle Assessment Surface 7 6 OBE overcome by events 7 6 OBI Omnibearing indicator See CDI 7 6 OBS omni-bearing selector 7 6 OCA obstacle clearance altitude 7 6 OCC Operations control center 7 6 OCCM on condition / condition monitored components 7 6 OCH obstacle clearance height 7 6 OEI one engine inoperative 7 6 OFZ Obstacle Free Zone 7 6 OGV outlet guide vane 7 6 OHM overhaul manual 7 6 OIS obstacle identification surface Instrumental procedures 7 6 Operational Information System 7 6 OLD Operational Landing Distance Boeing term 7 6 OM outer marker 7 6 OML outer mold line 7 6 ONS onboard network system 7 6 ONAT Onboard Network Access Terminal 7 6 O/R On Request 7 6 OTS out of service 7 6 OPC operational check 7 6 OPS/CHK operational check 7 6 OW operational weight 7 6 OWE/OEW Operating Weight Empty/Operating empty weight 7 6 P (as a prefix:) prohibited airspace 7 6 PAEW Personnel and equipment working 7 6 PAH production approval holder FAA; see also POA and MCH 7 6 PAL Pilot Activated Lighting 7 6 PANS-OPS procedures for air navigation services – aircraft operations 7 6 PAOG Pre Aircraft on Ground 7 6 PAPI precision approach path indicator 7 6 PAR precision approach radar 7 6 PATWAS Pilot's Automatic Telephone Weather Answering Service&#91;6&#93; 7 6 PAX passenger 7 6 PBCS performance-based communication and surveillance 7 6 PBD place bearing distance RNAV waypoint 7 6 PBE Protective Breathing Equipment 7 6 PBN Performance-Based Navigation 7 6 P-Code GPS precision code 7 6 PCN pavement classification number 7 6 PDAS public domain aeronautical software 7 6 PDC Pre-Departure Clearance 7 6 Phasor data concentrator. See description in phasor measurement unit article. (electricity) 4 3 PDG procedure design gradient 7 6 PDM pilot decision making 7 6 PDOP Position dilution of precision 7 6 PDU power drive unit Flap actuation 7 6 PET point of equal time 7 6 PESA Passive electronically scanned array 7 6 PF pilot flying 7 6 PFAF precision final approach fix 7 6 PFD primary flight display Or: primary flight director 7 6 Probability of Failure on Demand 4 3 PICUS Pilot In Command, under supervision&#91;18&#93; 7 6 PIP performance improvement package 7 6 PIREP Pilot Report 7 6 PJA Parachute Jumping Area 7 6 PJE Parachute jumping exercise 7 6 PMA Parts Manufacturer Approval 7 6 Power Marketing Administration or Fed. Power Marketing Agency (US) (electricity) 4 3 PMI Principal Maintenance Inspector 7 6 PMC power management computer Turbine engines 7 6 PMG permanent magnet generator 7 6 PN part number Also P/N 7 6 PND primary navigation display 7 6 PNF pilot not flying 7 6 PNR passive noise reduction 7 6 Point of No Return 7 6 POB persons on board 7 6 POF Phase of flight 7 6 Principles Of Flight 7 6 PPR prior permission required 7 6 Potential peak reduction 4 3 PRA Pre-recorded announcement 7 6 PSAA Product support and assurance agreement 7 6 PSEU Proximity Switch Electronic Unit / B737 7 6 PSR point of safe return 7 6 power supply reset 7 6 primary surveillance radar 7 6 PTCU power transfer Control unit 7 6 PTF permit to fly 7 6 PTOL point take-off and landing 7 6 PTR Pilot Training Record 7 6 PTT push to talk 7 6 PYLD payload 7 6 QAR quick access recorder 7 6 QCM quality and compliance monitoring 7 6 QEC quick engine change 7 6 QFE the Q-code for: Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome elevation (or at runway threshold) 7 6 QNE the Q-code for pressure altitude 7 6 QNH the Q-code for: Altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain elevation when on the ground, i.e. altitude above MSL 7 6 QRA quick reaction alert 7 6 Quantitative Risk Assessment 4 3 QRH quick reference handbook 7 6 QTOL quiet take-off and landing&#91;19&#93; 7 6 R (as a prefix:) restricted airspace 7 6 RA radio altitude or radar altimeter 7 6 resolution advisory In the context of TCAS 7 6 Risk Assessment 4 3 RAAS Runway Awareness and Advisory System 7 6 remote airport advisory service 7 6 Rad Alt Radio Altitude 7 6 Radar RAdio Detection And Ranging 7 6 RAI Radio altimeter indicator 7 6 RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring Or: remote autonomous integrity monitoring 7 6 RALT Radar or radio altimeter 7 6 RAREPS Weather Radar Reports&#91;6&#93; Provided by Air Traffic Controllers 7 6 RA(T) restricted area (temporary) 7 6 RAT ram air turbine 7 6 RCO remote communications outlet 7 6 RCR Reverse current relay 7 6 RCVR Radio receiver 7 6 RDH reference datum height For instrument landing system (ILS) 7 6 RDMI Radio distance magnetic indicator 7 6 RDR Radar 7 6 REF Reference 7 6 REIL Runway end identifier lights 7 6 REL Relative 7 6 REO Repair engineering order 7 6 RESA runway end safety area 7 6 RFF rescue and fire fighting 7 6 RHS right hand seat Jargon for first officer 7 6 RHSM reduced horizontal separation minimal 7 6 RII required inspection items 7 6 RLG Ring laser gyroscope 7 6 RLTC Remaining Life Time Cycle Counter to the limiter especially for LLPs in engines 7 6 RLY Relay 7 6 RMP Radio Management Panel 7 6 RMT rule making task (EASA) 7 6 RNAV area navigation 7 6 RNG Range (aeronautics) 7 6 RNP required navigation performance 7 6 RoC Rate of climb 7 6 RoD Rate of descent Or: sink rate 7 6 RPAS Remotely Piloted Aircraft System 7 6 RPL Recreational Pilot Licence 7 6 repetitive flight planning 7 6 RPT regular public transport 7 6 RQR Required 7 6 RSR en-route surveillance radar 7 6 RT radiotelephony 7 6 RTB return to base 7 6 RTO Rejected takeoff 7 6 Regional transmission organization (US) 4 3 RTOL Reduced take-off and landing 7 6 RTOW regulatory take-off weight 7 6 RVDT rotary variable differential transformer In a turbine engine 7 6 RVR runway visual range 7 6 RVSM reduced vertical separation minima 7 6 RW ramp weight 7 6 RWY runway 7 6 RX Radio receiver 7 6 SAF Sustainable aviation fuel 7 6 SAIL Specific assurance and integrity level 7 6 SAR Search and rescue 7 6 Smart ACMS Recorder 7 6 Surveillance Approach Radar 7 6 SAT Static Air Temperature Or: Outside air temperature (OAT) 7 6 SATCOM Satellite communication 7 6 SATNAV Satellite navigation 7 6 SB service bulletin 7 6 SBAAS Satellite-Based Augmentation System Or: SBAS 7 6 SC special condition 7 6 shading coefficient (windows) 4 3 SCAP Standard Computerized Airplane Performance 7 6 SCCM senior cabin crew member 7 6 SDF Simplified directional facility 7 6 SDU Satellite data unit 7 6 SELCAL Selective calling 7 6 SEP Safety and Emergency Procedures 7 6 single-engine piston 7 6 SESAR Single European Sky ATM Research 7 6 SESMA Special Event Search and Master Analysis 7 6 SFCC Slat Flap Control Computer 7 6 SFO Senior First Officer 7 6 SFP Short Field Performance B737 Enhancement program for landing in short runways 7 6 SFOC Special Flight Operating Certificate 7 6 SID standard instrument departure 7 6 SIGMET Significant Meteorological Information 7 6 SIU Satellite interface unit 7 6 SLPC single lever power control 7 6 SM service manual 7 6 SMM safety management document ICAO 7 6 SMOH Since major overhaul 7 6 SMR surface movement radar 7 6 SN serial number 7 6 SNR signal-to-noise ratio 7 6 SOC start of climb at missed approach 7 6 SODPRO simultaneous opposite direction parallel runway operations 7 6 SOF special operations forces Military unit 7 6 SOG speed over ground Same as ground speed 7 6 Special Operations Group 7 6 SPKR Speaker 7 6 SPS Stall Protection System 7 6 Special Protection System 4 3 SQ Squelch Or: SQL 7 6 SR sunrise 7 6 Speculative resources For example, regarding uranium deposits. (nuclear) 4 3 SRM structural repair manual 7 6 SRS Speed Reference System 7 6 Safety Requirement Specification 4 3 SS sunset 7 6 SSCV/DR Solid-state cockpit voice/data recorder See flight recorder 7 6 SSCVR Solid-state cockpit voice recorder See flight recorder 7 6 SSFDR Solid-state flight data recorder See flight recorder 7 6 STAR standard terminal arrival route 7 6 STARS Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System 7 6 STC supplemental type certificate 7 6 STCA Short-Term Conflict Alert 7 6 STOL short take-off and landing&#91;1&#93; 7 6 STS speed trim system 7 6 SVFR Special visual flight rules 7 6 SVGS Synthetic vision guidance system 7 6 TA traffic advisory See TCAS 7 6 TAA terminal arrival altitude 7 6 terminal arrival area 7 6 TAC thrust asymmetry compensation 7 6 TACAN tactical air navigation (system) 7 6 Tach Tachometer 7 6 TAD Terrain awareness display 7 6 TAF terminal aerodrome forecast Or: Terminal area forecast. 7 6 TAI thermal anti-ice 7 6 TALPA Takeoff and Landing Performance Assessment Aviation Rules Committee 7 6 TAM total airport management 7 6 TAR terminal approach radar 7 6 TAS true airspeed 7 6 TAT total air temperature Or: true air temperature 7 6 TAWS terrain awareness and warning system 7 6 TBO time between overhauls Or: time before overhaul 7 6 TBV transient bleed valve In turbine engines 7 6 TC Transport Canada 7 6 towering cumulus 7 6 turn coordinator 7 6 True Course 7 6 type certificate 7 6 TCA terminal control area (USA/Canada) Europe: terminal manoeuvring area (TMA) 7 6 Throttle control assembly 7 6 TCAS traffic collision avoidance system 7 6 TCCA Transport Canada's Civil Aviation 7 6 TCDS type certificate data sheet 7 6 TCF Terrain clearance floor 7 6 TCH threshold crossing height 7 6 TCI thrust computer indicator 7 6 TCN TACAN 7 6 TDOP Time dilution of precision 7 6 TDR Transponder (In some cases) 7 6 TDZ touchdown zone 7 6 TERPS terminal instrument procedures Or: terminal en route procedures 7 6 TFC traffic 7 6 TFR temporary flight restriction Airspace 7 6 TGB transfer gearbox 7 6 TGL temporary guidance leaflet 7 6 TGL(S) touch-and-go landing(s) 7 6 TGT Target 7 6 Turbine gas temperature 7 6 THLD threshold Or: THR 7 6 TH True Heading Or: THDG 7 6 THR runway threshold 7 6 THS trimmable horizontal stabilizer, see tailplane 7 6 TIS–B Traffic information service – broadcast 7 6 TIT turbine inlet temperature 7 6 TK Track angle 7 6 TKE Track-angle error 7 6 TLB technical logbook (EASA) 7 6 TMA terminal manoeuvring area (Europe) USA/Canada: terminal control area 7 6 TMG touring motor glider 7 6 TML Toolbox Mobile Library (Boeing) 7 6 TMZ transponder mandatory zone 7 6 TOC Top of climb Or: T/C 7 6 TOD top of descent (point) Or: T/D 7 6 TODA take-off distance available 7 6 TO/GA Takeoff/go-around switch / thrust Or: TOGA 7 6 TOP take-off power 7 6 transmission operator (electricity) 4 3 TOR take-off runway 7 6 TORA take-off runway available 7 6 TOT Turbine outlet temperature 7 6 TOW take-off weight 7 6 TOWS take-off warning system 7 6 TP turning point at missed approach 7 6 TPA traffic pattern altitude 7 6 TR tail rotor Or: T/R. Helicopters. 7 6 thrust reverser(s) Or: T/R 7 6 transformer rectifier 7 6 transmitter receiver or transceiver Or: T/R 7 6 TRA temporary reserved area (airspace) 7 6 TRACON terminal radar approach control 7 6 TRANS transition 7 6 Transmission (telecommunications) Or: transmit 7 6 TRE type rating examiner 7 6 TRK Track 7 6 TRP thrust rating panel 7 6 Mode S transponder 7 6 TSLOVH Time since last overhaul Normally measured in FH or EFH 7 6 TSN Time since new Normally measured in FH or EFH for an aircraft, engine or component 7 6 TTAF total time air frame 7 6 TTR TCAS II transmitter/receiver 7 6 TTSN total time since new 7 6 TTSO total time since overhaul 7 6 TVE Total vertical error 7 6 TWB Transcribed Weather Broadcasts&#91;6&#93; Abbreviated area forecast 7 6 TWC tail wind component 7 6 TWDL Two-way data link Or: terminal weather data link 7 6 TWDR Terminal Doppler Weather Radar 7 6 TWIP Terminal weather information for pilots 7 6 TWLU Terminal Wireless LAN Unit 7 6 TWR Air traffic control tower 7 6 Terminal weather radar 7 6 TWY taxiway 7 6 TX Transmit 7 6 UAS Unmanned Aircraft System&#91;20&#93; 7 6 UAV Unmanned aerial vehicle Commonly called 'drones', also 'Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA)' 7 6 UIR upper information region 7 6 ULB underwater locator beacon 7 6 UNICOM Universal Communications, air-ground communication facility 7 6 UNL Unlimited Seen on GFA and is used for visibility 7 6 UPRT upset prevention and recovery training 7 6 V magnetic variation 7 6 Volts or voltage 7 6 Volt (measurement) 4 3 V&V video & vision&#91;21&#93; 7 6 VASI visual approach slope indicator VASIS = visual approach slope indicator system 7 6 VBV variable bleed valve In turbine engines 7 6 VCR visual control room 7 6 VDF VHF direction-finding 7 6 VDL VHF Data Link 7 6 VDP visual descent point Point in a direct approach where a 3º normal visual descent can be started to achieve a safe landing and stabilized approach to the RWY - VDP (in distance) = HAT (height over terrain) / 300 (HAT is the height of the MDA read in the approach chart of the AD) 7 6 VDR VHF digital radio 7 6 VFO Variable-frequency oscillator 7 6 VFR visual flight rules 7 6 VG/DG Vertical gyroscope/directional gyroscope 7 6 VGLS Visual Guidance Lighting Systems FAA navigation services 7 6 VGM voice generator module See AWOS 7 6 VID visible impact damage 7 6 VIGV variable inlet guide vane 7 6 V/L VOR/Localizer 7 6 VMC visual meteorological conditions 7 6 minimum control speed with critical engine out 7 6 VNAV vertical navigation Or: V/NAV 7 6 VNE Never exceed speed 7 6 VNO Maximum structural cruising speed 7 6 VNR VHF navigation receiver 7 6 VOR VHF omni-directional range 7 6 VOR/DME VOR with Distance measuring equipment 7 6 VOR/MB VOR marker beacon 7 6 VORTAC VOR and TACAN combination 7 6 VOX Voice transmission Voice Operated Transmitter 7 6 VPA Vertical Path Approach 7 6 VPATH Vertical path 7 6 V/R Voltage regulator 7 6 VRP Visual point of reference 7 6 VRS vortex ring state Helicopter flight phenomenon 7 6 V/S Vertical speed 7 6 VSCF variable speed constant frequency Electricity generation system 7 6 VSI vertical speed indicator 7 6 VSM Vertical separation limit 7 6 VSO Stall speed in landing configuration 7 6 VSV variable stator vane In a turbine engine 7 6 VSWR Voltage–standing wave ratio 7 6 VTA VFR terminal area chart&#91;1&#93; 7 6 VTOL vertical take-off and landing&#91;1&#93; 7 6 V/TRK Vertical track 7 6 VVI vertical velocity indicator Same as VSI 7 6 VX Speed for best angle of climb 7 6 VY Speed for best rate of climb 7 6 WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System 7 6 WAC World Aeronautical Chart 7 6 WAT weight, altitude, temperature Variables that affect takeoff performance 7 6 W&B Weight & Balance Sometimes referred to as WxB 7 6 WCA Wind Correction Angle 7 6 WD Wind direction Or: WINDR 7 6 WEF with effect from 7 6 WL Waterline 7 6 WMS Wide-area master station 7 6 WMSC Weather message switching center 7 6 WMSCR Weather message switching center replacement 7 6 WOCL window of circadian low 7 6 WOFW weight-off-wheels Indicates aircraft is off ground since lift off 7 6 WONW weight-on-wheels Indicates aircraft is on ground since touch down 7 6 WPT Waypoint Or: WYPT 7 6 WS wind shear 7 6 WTC Wake Turbulence Category 7 6 Wx weather&#91;1&#93; 7 6 WXR Weather radar system 7 6 XC cross-country&#91;1&#93; 7 6 XCVR Transceiver 7 6 XFR Transfer 7 6 XMIT transmit 7 6 XMSN transmission 7 6 XMTR transmitter 7 6 XPDR transponder 7 6 XPNDR transponder 7 6 XTK Crosstrack 7 6 X-Start Cross-start Using the air pressure or electrical power from a working engine 7 6 Y yaw or yaw angle 7 6 Y/D yaw damper Or: YD 7 6 Z Zulu Time Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) 7 6 ZFT zero-fuel time 7 6 ZFW zero-fuel weight 7 6 AAQS Ambient Air Quality Standards (environment) (US) 4 3 AAU Assigned amount units (measurement) 4 3 ABT Availability based tariff (electricity) 4 3 ABF Aquatic Base Flow (Hydropower) (electricity) 4 3 ACA Annual Charge Adjustment (electricity) 4 3 ACEEE American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy 4 3 ACRS Accelerated Cost Recovery System (finance) 4 3 ADITC Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credit (policy) 4 3 AEP American Electric Power (electricity) 4 3 AESO Alberta Electric System Operator 4 3 AFUDC allowance for funds used during construction 4 3 AFV Alternative fuel vehicle 4 3 AGA American Gas Association 4 3 AGD Associated Gas Distributors (US) 4 3 AIEE American Institute of Electrical Engineers 4 3 AIMA Agricultural Impact Mitigation Agreement (US) 4 3 ALARP As low as reasonably practicable 4 3 ALJ Administrative law judge 4 3 AMBO Armenia, Macedonia, Bulgaria Oil pipeline 4 3 AMI Advanced metering infrastructure 4 3 AMRA Automatic Meter Reading Association 4 3 ANGTA Alaskan Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1977 to build the Alaska gas pipeline 4 3 ANGTS Alaskan Natural Gas Transportation System 4 3 AOS Authorized Overrun Service 4 3 APA Administrative Procedure Act —Alaska Power Administration 4 3 APE Area of potential effect (electricity) 4 3 APPA American Public Power Association (electricity) 4 3 AQCR Air Quality Control Region (US) (environment) 4 3 ARA (in shipping) ports of Amsterdam – Rotterdam – Antwerp (oil) 4 3 ARR Auction Revenue Rights (electricity) 4 3 ASCC Alaskan System Coordination Council 4 3 ASE Alliance to Save Energy 4 3 ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 4 3 AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator (electricity) 4 3 BA Balancing Authority 4 3 Biological Assessment 4 3 BACT Best Available Control Technology 4 3 BBL/D Barrel per day 4 3 BBL/SD Barrel per day, on stream days 4 3 BBL barrel (42 gallons) —Balgzand Bacton Line (BBL Pipeline) 4 3 BCF billion cubic feet 4 3 BES Bulk electric system (Electricity transmission) 4 3 BESS Battery Energy Storage System 4 3 BfP Bureau Fédéral du Plan (Belgium). (Has responsibilities over economic, social and environmental policy 4 3 bhp Brake horsepower 4 3 BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs (US) 4 3 BIPS Bulk Independent Power System 4 3 BIPV Building Integrated Photo Voltaic 4 3 bl Barrel 4 3 BLM Bureau of Land Management of United States Department of the Interior 4 3 BOE Barrel of oil equivalent (international) 4 3 BPA Bonneville Power Administration (US) 4 3 BPS Bulk Power System (Electricity transmission) 4 3 BTMG Behind The Meter Generation 4 3 BTU British thermal unit(s) 4 3 Board of Trade unit (1 kWh) (UK historical) 4 3 BTX from BTX process, a mixture of benzene, toluene, and xylene (oil) 4 3 BuRec United States Bureau of Reclamation (government) 4 3 BWR Boiling water reactor (nuclear) 4 3 C&I Commercial and industrial customers (Electricity transmission) 4 3 CAEM Center for the Advancement of Energy Markets (US) 4 3 CAES Compressed Air Energy Storage 4 3 CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards (US) 4 3 CAISO California Independent System Operator Corporation, a regional transmission organization. (US) 4 3 CARB California Air Resources Board 4 3 CBL Customer Baseline Load&#91;1&#93; 4 3 CBM Capacity Benefit Margin 4 3 CBOB Conventional Gasoline Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (Motor Gasoline Blending Component) 4 3 CCGT Combined cycle gas turbine electricity generator 4 3 CCLIP Conditional Credit Line for Investment Projects 4 3 CCN Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (utilities regulation) 4 3 CCPG Colorado Coordinated Planning Group 4 3 CCPP Combined cycle power plant 4 3 CDD Cooling degree day, a qualitative index used to reflect the demand for energy to cool a business 4 3 CDR Carbon dioxide removal 4 3 CEA Country Environmental Analysis 4 3 CEC California Energy Commission —Commission for Environmental Cooperation 4 3 CEEC Central and Eastern European Countries 4 3 CEMS Continuous emissions monitoring system 4 3 CEP Country Environmental Profile —Clean Energy Partnership, a joint hydrogen-project in Europe. 4 3 CEPS Centre for European Policy Studies 4 3 CEPII Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales Economics think tank 4 3 CEQ Council on Environmental Quality 4 3 CER Certified Emission Reduction 4 3 CERA Cambridge Energy Research Associates 4 3 CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act "Superfund" (US) 4 3 CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (US) 4 3 CERTS Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions sponsored by the United States Department of Energy and California Energy Commission (US) 4 3 CfD Contract for difference 4 3 CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission 4 3 CGR Charge Gas Recirculation, Compact Gas Ramp (like FGSU) 4 3 CH4 Methane 4 3 CIAC Contributions in Aid of Construction 4 3 CMVE Competitive Market Value Estimate 4 3 CO Carbon monoxide 4 3 CO2 Carbon dioxide 4 3 COC Cost of capital 4 3 CP Coincident Peak —Certificate Proceeding 4 3 CPP Critical Peak Pricing 4 3 CPP-F Critical peak fixed 4 3 Critical peak variable 4 3 CPUC California Public Utilities Commission 4 3 CREF Caribbean Renewable Energy Facility 4 3 CRP Conservation Reserve Program (US) 4 3 CSEM Center for the Study of Energy Markets (US) 4 3 CW Cooling Water 4 3 CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act 4 3 DADRP Day Ahead Demand Response Program 4 3 DADS Demand response Availability Data System 4 3 DANIDA Danish International Development Agency 4 3 DA-RTP RTP Day ahead real time pricing (regarding Electricity metering) 4 3 DC Direct current 4 3 DCLM Direct control load management 4 3 DEFG Distributed Energy Financial Group (US) 4 3 DEIS Draft Environmental Impact Statement (US) 4 3 DERMS Distributed Energy Resource Management Systems 4 3 DF Distribution Factor, Dual-Fuel 4 3 DIIS Danish Institute for International Studies (organization) 4 3 DLC Direct load control (regarding Load management) 4 3 DoD Depth of discharge, energy drawn from a battery 4 3 DOE/FE United States Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy (government) 4 3 DOI United States Department of the Interior (government) 4 3 DOT United States Department of Transportation (government) 4 3 DRB Demonstrated reserve base 4 3 DRCC Demand Response Coordinating Council (coalition) 4 3 DRR Demand Response resources 4 3 DRRC Demand Response Research Center (California) 4 3 DSM Demand side management 4 3 Dth Dekatherm (defined as 1 million British thermal units, also written "MMBtu") (measurement) 4 3 DTW dealer tank wagon (as in, "oil companies setting regional dealer tank wagon pricing") (Oil) 4 3 DU Dangerous Undetected 4 3 E&D Exploration and development expenses 4 3 E/E/PE Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic 4 3 E85 E85 fuel: A fuel containing a mixture of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline 4 3 E95 like E85 fuel but with less gasoline. A fuel containing a mixture of 95 percent ethanol and 5 percent gasoline 4 3 ECAR East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement (US) 4 3 EPCIP European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection 4 3 ECPA Electric Consumers Protection Act (US) 4 3 EDC Electric Distribution Company (electricity) 4 3 EdF Electricité de France 4 3 EDRP Emergency demand response program 4 3 EE Energy efficiency 4 3 EEI Edison Electric Institute —Energy Efficiency Index for European Union energy labels 4 3 EERS Energy Efficiency Resource Standards 4 3 EF Earth Fault 4 3 energy factor (clothes washers) 4 3 EHV Extra high voltage 4 3 EIA Energy Information Administration (US) —Environmental impact assessment (international) 4 3 EIB European Investment Bank 4 3 EIM Energy Imbalance Market (electricity) 4 3 Energy Improvement Mortgage 4 3 EIPP Eastern Interconnection Phasor Project 4 3 ELCON Electricity Consumers Resources Council 4 3 EMF Electro magnetic field 4 3 EMP Environmental Management Plan 4 3 EOR Enhanced oil recovery 4 3 EPAct Energy Policy Act of 1992 (US) —Energy Policy Act of 2005 (US) 4 3 EPRI Electric Power Research Institute (US) 4 3 EPSA Electric Power Supply Association 4 3 EQR Electric Quarterly Report 4 3 ERA Economic Regulatory Administration (part of United States Department of Energy 4 3 ERCOT Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc, a regional transmission organization. (US) 4 3 ERGEG European Regulators Group for Electricity and Gas 4 3 ERIS Energy Resource Interconnection Service (electricity) 4 3 ERO Electric Reliability Organization. The US designated NERC as its ERO. 4 3 ERoEI Energy returned on energy invested 4 3 ERRA Energy Regulators Regional Association 4 3 ESCO Energy service company 4 3 ESMAP Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme 4 3 ESM Engine Safety Module 4 3 ESP Electrostatic precipitator 4 3 ESS Energy Storage System, as in grid energy storage (electricity) 4 3 ETBE ethyl tertiary butyl ether 4 3 EU European Union 4 3 EUEF European Union Energy Facility 4 3 EUEI European Union Energy Initiative 4 3 FACTS Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System 4 3 FASB Financial Accounting Standards Board 4 3 FBD Function(al) Block Diagram 4 3 FBR fast breeder reactor 4 3 FCITC First Contingency Incremental Transfer Capability 4 3 FEIS Final Environmental impact statement (US) 4 3 FELCC Firm Energy Load Carrying Capability 4 3 FERA Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment 4 3 FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (U.S.) 4 3 FGD Flue-gas desulfurization 4 3 FGSU Fuel Gas Supply Unit (like CGR) 4 3 FINESSE Financing Energy Services for Small Scale Users 4 3 Fishway Fish ladder 4 3 FLD Functional Logic Diagram 4 3 FLPMA Federal Land Policy and Management Act (US) 4 3 FME Free market economics 4 3 FONSI Finding of no significant impact. See Environmental impact statement (US) 4 3 FPC Federal Power Commission (US) 4 3 FRCC Florida Reliability Coordinating Council (US) 4 3 FRS Financial Reporting System 4 3 FT Firm Transportation Service 4 3 FTA Fault Tree Analysis 4 3 FTC Federal Trade Commission (US) 4 3 FTS Firm transportation service 4 3 FUA The Fuel Use Act (US) 4 3 FUCO Foreign Utility Company 4 3 FWPA Federal Water Power Act (US) 4 3 G&T Generation and transmission utility cooperative (electricity) 4 3 GADS Generating Availability Data System (electricity) 4 3 GAL gallon (measurement) 4 3 GAO Government Accountability Office (General Accounting Office) (US) (government) 4 3 GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (government) 4 3 GEF Global Environmental Facility (environment) 4 3 Genco Any company doing electricity generation (US) (electricity) 4 3 GFN Global Footprint Network 4 3 GFSE Global Forum on Sustainable Energy (organization) 4 3 GIC Gross Inland (energy) Consumption (EU) (energy) 4 3 Gas Inventory Charge (natural gas) 4 3 GHG Greenhouse gas (climate) 4 3 GIA Generator Interconnection Agreement (electricity) 4 3 GISB Gas Industry Standards Board (now NAESB) (US) (natural gas) 4 3 GLDF Generator to Load Distribution Factor. See Load balancing (electricity) 4 3 Gm3 Billion cubic metres (measurement – gas) 4 3 GMO Genetically modified organism 4 3 GMP Green Mountain Power (US) (electricity) 4 3 GNP gross national product (economics) 4 3 GNSED Global Network for Sustainable Energy Development 4 3 GRI Gas Research Institute (US) (natural gas) 4 3 GRC General rate case (US) (regulatory) 4 3 GridCo Any company running a transmission grid (electricity). Also known as a TransCo (US) (electricity) 4 3 GSF Generator to Load Distribution Factor. See Load balancing (electricity) 4 3 GPE gravitational potential energy 4 3 GSR Gas Supply Realignment (natural gas) 4 3 Gt Gigaton (1 billion tons) (measurement) 4 3 GTCC Gas Turbine Combined Cycle (electricity) 4 3 GTI Gas Technology Institute (US) 4 3 Gtoe One billion tons of oil equivalent(EU) (measurement- oil) 4 3 GVEP Global Village Energy Partnership (organization) 4 3 GVW gross vehicle weight (transportation) 4 3 GW Gigawatt (one billion watts) (measurement- elect) 4 3 GWE Gigawatt of electric energy (measurement- elect) 4 3 GWh Gigawatt hour (one billion watt hours) (measurement- elect) 4 3 GWP global warming potential (climate) 4 3 HAZOP Hazard And Operability Study 4 3 HCA Host Control Area (electricity) 4 3 HERS Home energy rating standard (conservation) 4 3 HHI Herfindahl–Hirschman Index (markets) 4 3 home heating index 4 3 hp Horsepower (measurement) 4 3 HRSG Heat recovery steam generation 4 3 HTGR high temperature gas cooled reactor (nuclear) 4 3 HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (conservation) —High voltage alternating current (electricity) 4 3 HVAR Highly Valued Aquatic Resource 4 3 HVDC High Voltage Direct Current 4 3 I/C Interruptible /Curtailable (electricity) 4 3 ICAP Installed Capacity (electricity) 4 3 ICAP-SCR Installed capacity special case resources (electricity) 4 3 ICCP Inter-Control Center Communications Protocol (electricity) 4 3 IDC Interchange Distribution Calculator (electricity) 4 3 IEA International Energy Agency (Paris) 4 3 IEM Internal electricity market (electricity) 4 3 IEPE Institute of Energy Policy and Economics (France) 4 3 IER Incremental Energy Rate 4 3 IET International emission trading (policy) 4 3 IGCC Integrated coal gasification combined cycle 4 3 IGIC Interim gas inventory charge (natural gas) 4 3 IGSC Interim gas supply charge (natural gas) 4 3 IGT Institute of Gas Technology (natural gas) 4 3 IGU International Gas Union (natural gas) 4 3 IHR Incremental Heat Rate- plant monitoring (electricity) 4 3 IIASA International Institute for Applied System Analysis 4 3 IJC International Joint Commission 4 3 ILP Integrated Licensing Process 4 3 INGAA Interstate Natural Gas Association of America 4 3 IOS Interconnected Operations Services (electricity) 4 3 IOU Investor owned utility (electricity) 4 3 IPAA Independent Petroleum Association of America (oil) 4 3 IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (climate) 4 3 IPS/UPS Integrated Power System/United Power System, consisting of Independent Power Systems of 12 countries bordering Russia and the Unified Power System of Russia 4 3 IROL Interconnection Reliability Operating Limit (electricity) 4 3 ISO-NE Independent System Operator of New England, a regional transmission organization. (US) (electricity) 4 3 ISS Interruptible Sales Service 4 3 ITC Investment tax credit (policy) 4 3 ITS "Interruptible Transportation Service" is gas shipment via pipeline whose delivery may be interrupted in favor of "firm shipment" contracts if there is lack of capacity. (natural gas) 4 3 JRC Joint Research Centre 4 3 JREC Johannesburg Renewable Energy Coalition 4 3 koe One kilogram oil equivalent (EU) (measurement) 4 3 kV Kilovolt (one thousand volts) (measurement) 4 3 kVA One thousand volt Ampere (measurement) 4 3 kvar one thousand vars (measurement) 4 3 kW Kilowatt (one thousand watts) (measurement) 4 3 kWE kilowatt electric (measurement) 4 3 kWh Kilowatt hour (one thousand watt hours) (measurement) 4 3 LaaR Load acting as a resource (ERCOT category) (electricity) 4 3 LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (US) 4 3 LCOD Levelized cost of delivery (electricity) 4 3 LCOE Levelized cost of energy (electricity) 4 3 LDC Local distribution company (electricity) 4 3 LEVP Low Emissions Vehicle Program 4 3 LHV lower heating value 4 3 Li-Ion Lithium Ion (electricity storage) 4 3 LIHEAP Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program 4 3 LIPA Long Island Power Authority (US) (electricity) 4 3 LLF Load-loss factor (electricity) 4 3 LMP Locational marginal price/pricing. See explanation in electricity markets. 4 3 LMR Load Modifying Resource (electricity) 4 3 LNG Liquified Natural Gas 4 3 LODF Line Outage Distribution Factor (electricity) 4 3 LOLE Loss of load expectation (electricity) 4 3 LOLP Loss of load probability (electricity) 4 3 LOTO Lockout / tagout. 4 3 LPG liquefied petroleum gas 4 3 LPN Lender Participation Notes 4 3 LRG liquefied refinery gases 4 3 LSE Load serving entity 4 3 LSF Load Shift Factor 4 3 lsfo Low sulfur fuel oil 4 3 LWR light water reactor 4 3 MAAC Mid Atlantic Area Council (US- geographically within PJM) 4 3 MADRI Mid Atlantic Distributed Resources Initiative (US) 4 3 MAIN Mid America Interconnected Network (US) 4 3 MAOP Maximum allowable operating pressure 4 3 MAPP Mid Continent Area Power Pool (US) 4 3 MBOE One million barrels of oil equivalent(EU) 4 3 MBU Main Breaker Unit 4 3 Mcf Roman numeral "M" for one thousand cubic feet (measurement of natural gas) 4 3 MDAS Meter Data Acquisition System 4 3 MDD Maximum Daily Delivery Obligations 4 3 MDDQ Maximum Daily Delivery Quantity 4 3 MDQ Maximum Daily Quantities 4 3 MECS Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey 4 3 MEDREG Mediterranean Energy Regulators 4 3 MEDREP Mediterranean Renewables Energy Partnership 4 3 MER Maximum efficient rate 4 3 MERC Mobile Emission Reduction Credit (MERC) (US) 4 3 MFS Minimum Functional Specification 4 3 MFV Modified fixed variable rate 4 3 MISO Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. A regional transmission organization. (US) 4 3 MLP Maximum lawful price 4 3 MLRA Major Land Resource Areas 4 3 MMbbl/d one million barrels of oil per day 4 3 MMBtu 1 million British thermal units, same as dekatherm 4 3 MMCF one million cubic feet (measurement of natural gas) 4 3 MMCFD one million cubic feet per day 4 3 MMGAL one million gallons 4 3 MMGAL/D one million gallons per day 4 3 MMST one million short tons 4 3 MoC Management of Change 4 3 MODFLOW model of groundwater flow 4 3 MOX mixed oxide fuel (nuclear) 4 3 MPAN Meter Point Administration Number 4 3 MPG Miles per gallon 4 3 MSHA Mine Safety and Health Administration (US) 4 3 msl Mean sea level 4 3 MSW Municipal solid waste 4 3 Mt one million tons (ambiguous as to whether short tons or metric tons) —one Metric ton 4 3 MTBE methyl tertiary butyl ether 4 3 MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework 4 3 MTEP Midwest ISO Transmission Expansion Plan 2005 (US) 4 3 Mtoe One million tons of oil equivalent(EU) 4 3 Muni Municipality 4 3 MW Megawatt (one million watts) 4 3 MWE megawatt electric 4 3 MWh Megawatt hour (one million watt hours) 4 3 NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards (US) 4 3 NAESB North American Energy Standards Board (formerly GISB) 4 3 NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement 4 3 NAICS North American Industry Classification System 4 3 NARUC National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (US) [1] 4 3 NASPI North American Synchrophasor Initiative 4 3 NASUCA National Association of Utility Consumer Advocates(US) 4 3 NATC Non Recallable Available Transfer Capability 4 3 NBS National Bureau of Standards (US) 4 3 NCD Non coincidental Demand 4 3 NCEP National Council on Electricity Policy (US) [2] 4 3 NCSL National Conference of State Legislatures (US) 4 3 NEA The National Energy Act of 1978 (US) 4 3 NEB National Energy Board (Canada) 4 3 NEDRI New England Distributed Resources Initiative (US) 4 3 NEM Net energy metering (US) 4 3 NEPA National Environmental Policy Act (US) 4 3 NEPOOL New England Power Pool 4 3 NERC North American Electric Reliability Council 4 3 NGA Natural Gas Act (US) 4 3 NGAA Natural Gasoline Association of America (US) 4 3 NGPA Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 (US) 4 3 NGPL Natural gas plant liquids 4 3 NGPSA Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968 (US) 4 3 NGSA Natural Gas Supply Association (US) 4 3 NGV Natural gas vehicle 4 3 NHPA National Historic Preservation Act (US) 4 3 NIETC National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor (US) 4 3 NITC Normal Incremental Transfer Capability 4 3 NIMBY Not in my backyard regarding siting of energy generation and transmission infrastructure. 4 3 NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US) 4 3 NOPR Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (US) 4 3 NORDEL association of Nordic electric system operators, comprising Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden 4 3 NOx nitrogen oxides 4 3 NPCC Northeast Power Coordinating Council (US) 4 3 NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US) 4 3 NRCS National Resource Conservation Service (US) 4 3 NRECA National Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives (US) 4 3 NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory (US) 4 3 NREPA National Resource and Environmental Protection Act (US) 4 3 NRI National Rivers Inventory (US) 4 3 NRIS Network Resource Interconnection Service (electricity) 4 3 NSA Noise sensitive area 4 3 NTAC Northwest Transmission Assessment Committee (US) 4 3 NUG Non Utility Generator 4 3 NURE national uranium resource evaluation (US) 4 3 NYDER New York Department of Environmental Resources 4 3 NYISO New York Independent System Operator, Inc. (US) 4 3 NYPSC New York Public Service Commission 4 3 NYSERDA New York State Energy Research and Development Authority 4 3 NIMYBY Not In My BackYard 4 3 O&M Operation and Maintenance Expenses 4 3 O3 Ozone 4 3 OATI Open Access Technology International (US energy software company) 4 3 OATT Open Access Transmission Tariff (US) 4 3 OCGT Open Cycle Gas Turbine 4 3 OCS Outer Continental Shelf (oil and wind resources) 4 3 OCSLA Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (oil) 4 3 OFO Operational Flow Order 4 3 OMP Operation and Maintenance Plan 4 3 Ontario IESO Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator (Canada) 4 3 OPEC Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries (oil) 4 3 OPRG oxygenated fuels program reformulated gasoline (oil) 4 3 OREC ocean resource energy credits 4 3 ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory (U.S.) (nuclear) 4 3 OSHA U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration 4 3 OTAG Ozone Transport Assessment Group 4 3 OTDF Outage Transfer Distribution Factor 4 3 OTEC ocean thermal energy conversion (electricity) 4 3 P&ID Piping & Instrumentation Diagram 4 3 PADD Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts (US) 4 3 PBR pebble bed reactor (nuclear) 4 3 PCS Power conversion system, electric power conversion. Plant Control System. 4 3 PCT Programmable Communicating Thermostat (electricity), Production Conformity Test 4 3 PDCI Pacific Direct Current Intertie (US) (electricity) 4 3 PDT Pressure Differential Transmitter 4 3 PERC Passivated Emitter Rear Contact (type of PV cell) 4 3 PEM Proton Exchange Membrane 4 3 PFC perfluorocarbons 4 3 PG&E Pacific Gas & Electric (US) (electricity) 4 3 PHA Production Handling Agreement, Process Hazard Analysis 4 3 PHFFU Plant held for future use 4 3 PIDX Petroleum Industry Data Exchange (oil) 4 3 PIER Public Interest Energy Research (CEC) 4 3 PIFUA Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978 4 3 PIU Proven In Use 4 3 PJM PJM Interconnection, LLC, a regional transmission organization. (US) (electricity) 4 3 PLMA Peak Load Management Association (US) (electricity) 4 3 PM&E Protection, mitigation and enhancement 4 3 PMU Phasor measurement unit (electricity) 4 3 PNNL Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (DOE) (US) 4 3 POD Point of Delivery 4 3 POLES Prospective On Long Term Energy Systems 4 3 POLR Provider of last resort (electricity) 4 3 PPA Power Purchase Agreement (electricity) 4 3 ppmv Parts Per Million by Volume 4 3 ppp Purchasing power parity 4 3 PREP Pacific Regional Energy Programme 4 3 PRESSEA Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources in South East Asia (PRESSEA) 4 3 Prim Primary (electricity) nuclear, hydro, geothermal, wind, solar 4 3 PSC Public Service Commission 4 3 PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration 4 3 PSE Puget Sound Energy (US) (electricity) 4 3 PSoC Partial State of Charge, operational mode of grid supporting batteries able to respond to both demand and excess production, see UltraBattery 4 3 PTDF Power Transfer Distribution Factor (electricity) 4 3 PTP Point to Point Transmission Service (electricity) 4 3 PUC Public utilities commission (electricity) 4 3 PUD Public utility district (electricity) 4 3 PUHCA Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 (US) (electricity) 4 3 PURPA Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (US) (electricity) 4 3 PVC photovoltaic cell (solar) 4 3 polyvinyl chloride 4 3 PWR pressurized water reactor (nuclear) 4 3 PX Power exchange 4 3 QF qualifying facility 4 3 QSE Qualifying scheduling entity 4 3 QUAD 1015 Btu (a quadrillion in the short scale) 4 3 R/P Reserve on Production —Reserves to Production 4 3 RAB Regional Advisory Body (US) 4 3 RAC Refiners' acquisition cost 4 3 RAP Regulatory Assistance Project 4 3 RAR Reasonable assured resources 4 3 RATC Recallable Available Transmission Capability 4 3 RBMK Russian: Реактор Большой Мощности Канальный = "High Power Channel Type Reactor" (RU) 4 3 RBOB reformulated gasoline blendstock for oxygenate blending 4 3 RCIS Reliability Coordinator Information System 4 3 RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (US) 4 3 REA Rural Electrification Administration (US) 4 3 REC Renewable energy credit (US) 4 3 RECS Residential Energy Consumption Survey (US) 4 3 REEEP Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership 4 3 RER Renewable Energy Rider 4 3 RES Renewable energy source 4 3 RET/EE IAF Renewable Energy Technology & Energy Efficiency Investment Advisory Facility 4 3 RFA Regulatory Flexibility Act (US) 4 3 RFG reformulated gasoline (oil) 4 3 RGGI Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative 4 3 RGS Renewable Generating System 4 3 RM Rulemaking 4 3 RMATS Rocky Mountain Area Transmission Study (US) (electricity) 4 3 RMR Reliability Must Run (electricity) 4 3 RMU Removal Units 4 3 ROFR Right of First Refusal (finance) 4 3 ROW Right of Way 4 3 RPS Renewable Portfolio Standards (US) 4 3 RRO Regional reliability organization (US) 4 3 RSE Revenue Stream Estimate (finance) 4 3 relative standard error 4 3 RTBM Real-Time Balancing Market (electricity) 4 3 RTEP Regional transmission expansion plan 4 3 RTG Regional Transmission Group (US) 4 3 RUS Rural Utilities Service 4 3 RVP Reid vapor pressure 4 3 SCE Southern California Edison (US) 4 3 SCE&G South Carolina Electric & Gas (US) 4 3 scf Standard cubic foot 4 3 SCO Stranded Cost Obligation (finance) 4 3 SCR Special Case Resources (US- NYISO category) 4 3 Selective Catalytic Reduction 4 3 SDG&E San Diego Gas & Electric (US) 4 3 SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment 4 3 SEER seasonal energy efficiency ratio 4 3 seasonal E efficiency ratio 4 3 SEFI Sustainable Energy Finance Initiative 4 3 SEIA Sustainable Energy Industry Association 4 3 Seams Interconnections Seam Study 4 3 SEPA Smart Energy Power Alliance 4 3 SERC Southeastern Electric Reliability Council (US) 4 3 SF6 sulfur hexafluoride 4 3 SFC Solid oxide fuel cell (transportation) 4 3 SFEIS Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Statement (US) 4 3 SFF Safe Failure Fraction 4 3 SFV Straight Fixed Variable 4 3 SG Spark-ignited Gas 4 3 SHPO State Historic Preservation Office (US) 4 3 SI International System of Units (Système international d'unités) 4 3 SIC Standard Industrial Classification 4 3 SIF Safety Instrumented Function 4 3 SIL Safety Integrity Level 4 3 SIS Safety Instrumented System 4 3 SMES Superconducting magnetic energy storage 4 3 SMPs Special Marketing Programs 4 3 SNG Synthetic Natural Gas or Substitute Natural Gas 4 3 SO2 Sulfur dioxide 4 3 SoH State of health of rechargeable battery 4 3 SOL System Operating Limit 4 3 SPCC Spill Prevention, Containment and Countermeasure Plan SPM—Synchronized phasor measurement- a WAMS network with synchrophasor sensors (PMUs). (electricity) 4 3 SPR Strategic Petroleum Reserve (US) 4 3 SRP Salt River Agricultural Improvement & Power District (US) (electricity) 4 3 SSG WI PWG Seams Steering Group of Western Interconnection PlanningWork Group (US) (electricity) 4 3 SSM Synchronized system measurement-a WAMS with synchronous sensors in addition to PMUs. See Phasor networks. 4 3 SSOV Safety ShutOff Valve 4 3 STEP Southwest Transmission Expansion Plan group (US) (electricity) 4 3 SVEC Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative 4 3 SWAT Southwest Area Transmission (US) (electricity) 4 3 SWU Separative work unit 4 3 TAME Tertiary amyl methyl ether 4 3 TAPS Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (natural gas) 4 3 TBL transmission business line (electricity) 4 3 TBS town border station 4 3 Tcf Trillion cubic feet (measurement) 4 3 TCR Transition cost recovery (mechanism) 4 3 TDU Transmission Dependent Utility (electricity) 4 3 TEFRA Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1985 4 3 TEN Trans-European Networks (electricity) 4 3 TLR Transmission Line Loading Relief Procedures (electricity) 4 3 TO Transmission owner (electricity) 4 3 toe Ton of oil equivalent (EU) 4 3 TOU time of use (rate) (electricity) 4 3 Transco transmission company (US) (electricity) —Transcontinental Pipeline (US) (natural gas) 4 3 TRM Transmission reliability margin (electricity) 4 3 TS Two-stage 4 3 TTC Total transfer capability (electricity) 4 3 TVA Tennessee Valley Authority (US) (electricity) 4 3 TW terawatt (one trillion watts) (measurement) 4 3 TWH terawatt-hour (one trillion watt hours) 4 3 T&D Transmission and distribution 4 3 U.S.C. United States Code 4 3 U3O8 triuranium octaoxide (nuclear) 4 3 UAE United Arab Emirates (oil) 4 3 UCAP Unforced Capacity (electricity) 4 3 UCTE Union for the Coordination of the Transport of Electricity, the power transmission system of continental Europe 4 3 UF6 uranium hexafluoride (nuclear) 4 3 UFLS Under frequency load shedding (electricity) 4 3 UHVAC ultra-high-voltage alternating current (electricity) 4 3 UHVDC ultra-high-voltage direct current (electricity) 4 3 ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier (oil) 4 3 UMTRA Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978 (US) 4 3 UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification 4 3 UNDESA UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs 4 3 UNDP United Nations Development Programme 4 3 UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 4 3 UNEP United Nations Environment Programme 4 3 UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 4 3 UO2 uranium dioxide (nuclear) 4 3 UO3 uranium trioxide (nuclear) 4 3 UO4 uranyl peroxide (nuclear) 4 3 UOX uranium oxide (nuclear) 4 3 URR Ultimate Recoverable Resources 4 3 USBR United States Bureau of Reclamation 4 3 USCE United States Army Corps of Engineers 4 3 US DOE United States Department of Energy 4 3 USGS United States Geological Survey 4 3 UVLS under voltage load shedding (electricity) 4 3 VA Volt-ampere (measurement) 4 3 VAWT vertical axis wind turbine (wind) 4 3 VIN vehicle identification number (US) (transportation) 4 3 VLCC very large crude carrier (oil) 4 3 VMT vehicle miles traveled (transportation) 4 3 VOC volatile organic compound 4 3 VPP Variable peak pricing (electricity) 4 3 VSA Voltage stability analysis 4 3 W Watt 4 3 WACOG weighted average cost of gas 4 3 WAMS Wide area measurement system, also Wide area monitoring system - see description in phasor measurement unit article. (electricity) 4 3 WCMC World Conservation Monitoring Centre 4 3 WCRE World Commission on Renewable Energy 4 3 WEA World Energy Assessment 4 3 WEC World Energy Council 4 3 WECC Western Electricity Coordinating Council (US) 4 3 WEI Western Electric Institute (US) 4 3 WEEA World Energy Efficiency Organization 4 3 WH watthour (measurement) 4 3 WHO World Health Organization 4 3 WIRAB Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Body (US) 4 3 WRI World Resources Institute 4 3 WSCC Western Systems Coordinating Council (US) 4 3 WSPP Western Systems Power Pool (US) 4 3 WSSD World Summit on Sustainable Development 4 3 WTP Willingness to pay 4 3 WY Water Year (measurement) 4 3 AFUE annual fuel utilization efficiency 4 3 BTL building tightness limit (building tightness) 4 3 CDH cooling degree hours (climate) 4 3 CFL compact fluorescent light 4 3 COP coefficient of performance 4 3 CRI color rendering index 4 3 EEM Energy Efficient Mortgage 4 3 EER energy efficiency ratio 4 3 ERV energy-recovery ventilator 4 3 HRV heat-recovery ventilator 4 3 HSPF heating seasonal performance factor 4 3 HVI Home Ventilating Institute 4 3 IECC International Energy Conservation Code 4 3 K-value thermal conductance 4 3 Low-e low emissivity 4 3 LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, standard for Green Building design 4 3 MINHERS Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Systems Standards 4 3 MVG minimum ventilation guideline (building tightness) 4 3 MVL minimum ventilation level (building tightness) 4 3 NAECA National Appliance Energy Conservation Act 4 3 ODS oxygen depletion sensor 4 3 RESNET Residential energy services network 4 3 R-value thermal resistance 4 3 SHGC solar heat gain coefficient 4 3 SPB Simple Payback (energy conservation investments) 4 3 U-value thermal transmittance (also called U-factor) 4 3 WF water factor (clothes washers) 4 3