{$DEFINE BGRABITMAP} { You can define the following compiler directives in the package options, in tab Compiler options, in section Other. Directives must be prefixed with "-d". So for example: - to always have RGBA pixel format, write "-dBGRABITMAP_RGBAPIXEL" - to always have BGRA pixel format, write "-dBGRABITMAP_BGRAPIXEL" - to use fpGUI toolkit, write "-dBGRABITMAP_USE_FPGUI" } {$IFNDEF BGRABITMAP_DONT_USE_LCL} {$IFDEF LCL} {$DEFINE BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_FPGUI}{$UNDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL}{$ENDIF} { Extensions of LCL to be used. Add // at the beginning of the line to comment them if the functions are not available } {$DEFINE BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL12} { Use functions of Lazarus 1.2 } {$DEFINE BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL15} { Use functions of Lazarus 1.5 } {$MODESWITCH ADVANCEDRECORDS} {$MODESWITCH TypeHelpers}