begin for k := 0 to NbShapeRows-1 do with shapeRow[shapeRowsList[k]],shapes[shapeRowsList[k]] do if densMinx <= densMaxx then begin if densMinx < minx then densMinx := minx; if densMaxx > maxx then densMaxx := maxx; if texture <> nil then begin texture.ScanMoveTo(densMinx,yb); ScanNextFunc := @texture.ScanNextPixel; pdens := density+(densMinX-minx); for xb := densMinx to densMaxx do with sums[xb-minx] do begin if pdens^ <> 0 then begin ec := GammaExpansion(ScanNextFunc()); {$ifdef PARAM_ANTIALIASINGFACTOR} w := DivByAntialiasPrecision65536(pdens^ * ec.alpha); {$else} w := (pdens^ * ec.alpha) shr 16; {$endif} if w <> 0 then begin inc(sumR,*w); inc(sumG,*w); inc(sumB,*w); inc(sumA,w); end; end else ScanNextFunc(); inc(pdens); end; end else begin ec := color; pdens := density+(densMinX-minx); for xb := densMinx to densMaxx do with sums[xb-minx] do begin if pdens^ <> 0 then begin {$ifdef PARAM_ANTIALIASINGFACTOR} w := DivByAntialiasPrecision65536(pdens^ * ec.alpha); {$else} w := (pdens^ * ec.alpha) shr 16; {$endif} if w <> 0 then begin inc(sumR,*w); inc(sumG,*w); inc(sumB,*w); inc(sumA,w); end; end; inc(pdens); end; end; end; end {$undef PARAM_ANTIALIASINGFACTOR}