'cache', $prefix.'include/javascript/tiny_mce' => 'include/javascript/tiny_mce', $prefix.'jscalendar/lang' => 'jscalendar/lang', $prefix.'modules/Emails' => 'modules/Emails', $prefix.'jssource' => 'jssource', $prefix.'modules/ModuleBuilder' => 'modules/ModuleBuilder', ); return $compress_exempt_files; } /**ConcatenateFiles($from_path) * * This method takes in a string value of the root directory to begin processing * it uses the predefined array of groupings to create a concatenated file for each grouping * and places the concatenated file in root directory * @from_path root directory where processing should take place */ function ConcatenateFiles($from_path){ $js_groupings = array(); if(isset($_REQUEST['root_directory'])){ require('jssource/JSGroupings.php'); }else{ require('JSGroupings.php'); } //get array with file sources to concatenate $file_groups = $js_groupings;//from JSGroupings.php; $files_opened = array(); $currPerm = ''; //for each item in array, concatenate the source files foreach($file_groups as $fg){ //process each group array foreach($fg as $loc=>$trgt){ $relpath = $loc; $loc = $from_path.'/'.$loc; $trgt = $from_path.'/'.$trgt; //check to see that source file exists, that it is a file, and is readable if(file_exists($loc) && is_file($loc) && is_readable($loc)){ $currPerm = fileperms($loc); //check to see if target exists, if it does then open file if(file_exists($trgt)){ if(in_array($trgt, $files_opened)){ //open target file if(function_exists('sugar_fopen')){ $trgt_handle = sugar_fopen($trgt, 'a'); }else{ $trgt_handle = fopen($trgt, 'a'); } }else{ //open target file if(function_exists('sugar_fopen')){ $trgt_handle = sugar_fopen($trgt, 'w'); }else{ $trgt_handle = fopen($trgt, 'w'); } } }else{ //create and open target file if(function_exists('sugar_fopen')){ $trgt_handle = @sugar_fopen($trgt, 'w'); }else{ $trgt_handle = @fopen($trgt, 'w'); } // todo: make this failure more friendly. Ideally, it will display a // warning to admin users and revert back to displaying all of the // Javascript files insted of displaying the minified versions. if ($trgt_handle === false) { $target_directory = dirname($trgt); $base_name = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..') . '/'; $target_directory = substr($target_directory, strlen($base_name)); sugar_die("please make sure {$target_directory} is writable\n"); } } $files_opened[] = $trgt; //make sure we have handles to both source and target file if ($trgt_handle) { $buffer = file_get_contents($loc); $buffer .= "// End of File $relpath "; $num = fwrite($trgt_handle, $buffer); if( $num=== false){ //log error, file did not get appended echo "Error while concatenating file $loc to target file $trgt \n"; } //close file opened. fclose($trgt_handle); } } } //set permissions on this file if(!empty($currPerm) && $currPerm !== false){ //if we can retrieve permissions from target files, use same //permission on concatenated file if(function_exists('sugar_chmod')){ @sugar_chmod($trgt, $currPerm); }else{ @chmod($trgt, $currPerm); } }else{ //no permissions could be retrieved, so set to 777 if(function_exists('sugar_chmod')){ @sugar_chmod($trgt, 0777); }else{ @chmod($trgt, 0777); } } } } function create_backup_folder($bu_path){ $bu_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $bu_path); //get path after root $jpos = strpos($bu_path,'jssource'); if($jpos===false){ $process_path = $bu_path; }else{ $process_path = substr($bu_path, $jpos); $prefix_process_path = substr($bu_path, 0, $jpos-1); } //get rest of directories into array $bu_dir_arr = explode('/', $process_path); //iterate through each directory and create if needed foreach($bu_dir_arr as $bu_dir){ if(!file_exists($prefix_process_path.'/'.$bu_dir)){ if(function_exists('sugar_mkdir')){ sugar_mkdir($prefix_process_path.'/'.$bu_dir); }else{ mkdir($prefix_process_path.'/'.$bu_dir); } } $prefix_process_path = $prefix_process_path.'/'.$bu_dir; } } /**CompressFiles * This method will call jsmin libraries to minify passed in files * This method takes in 2 string values of the files to process * Processing will back up javascript files and then minify the original javascript. * Back up javascript files will have an added .src extension * @from_path file name and path to be processed * @to_path file name and path to be used to place newly compressed contents */ function CompressFiles($from_path,$to_path){ if(!defined('JSMIN_AS_LIB')){ define('JSMIN_AS_LIB', true); } //assumes jsmin.php is in same directory if(isset($_REQUEST['root_directory'])){ require_once('jssource/jsmin.php'); }else{ require_once('jsmin.php'); } $nl=' '; //check to make sure from path and to path are not empty if(isset($from_path) && !empty($from_path)&&isset($to_path) && !empty($to_path)){ $lic_str = ''; $ReadNextLine = true; // Output a minified version of example.js. if(file_exists($from_path) && is_file($from_path)){ //read in license script if(function_exists('sugar_fopen')){ $file_handle = sugar_fopen($from_path, 'r'); }else{ $file_handle = fopen($from_path, 'r'); } if($file_handle){ $beg = false; //Read the file until you hit a line with code. This is meant to retrieve //the initial license string found in the beginning comments of js code. while (!feof($file_handle) && $ReadNextLine) { $newLine = fgets($file_handle, 4096); $newLine = trim($newLine); //See if line contains open or closing comments //if opening comments are found, set $beg to true if(strpos($newLine, '/*')!== false){ $beg = true; } //if closing comments are found, set $beg to false if(strpos($newLine, '*/')!== false){ $beg = false; } //if line is not empty (has code) set the boolean to false if(! empty($newLine)){$ReadNextLine = false;} //If we are in a comment block, then set boolean back to true if($beg){ $ReadNextLine = true; //add new line to license string $lic_str .=trim($newLine).$nl; }else{ //if we are here it means that uncommented and non blank line has been reached //Check to see that ReadNextLine is true, if so then add the last line collected //make sure the last line is either the end to a comment block, or starts with '//' //else do not add as it is live code. if(!empty($newLine) && ((strpos($newLine, '*/')!== false) || ($newLine{0}.$newLine{1}== '//'))){ //add new line to license string $lic_str .=$newLine; } //set to false because $beg is false, which means the comment block has ended $ReadNextLine = false; } } } if($file_handle){ fclose($file_handle); } //place license string into array for use with jsmin file. //this will preserve the license in the file $lic_arr = array($lic_str); //minify javascript $jMin = new JSMin($from_path,$to_path,$lic_arr); $jMin->minify(); }else{ //log failure echo" COULD NOT COMPRESS $from_path, it is not a file \n"; } }else{ //log failure echo" COULD NOT COMPRESS $from_path, missing variables \n"; } } function reverseScripts($from_path,$to_path=''){ $from_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $from_path); if(empty($to_path)){ $to_path = $from_path; } $to_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $to_path); //check to see if provided paths are legit if (!file_exists("$from_path")) { //log error echo "JS Source directory at $from_path Does Not Exist

\n"; return; } //get correct path for backup $bu_path = $to_path; $bu_path .= substr($from_path, strlen($to_path.'/jssource/src_files')); //if this is a directory, then read it and process files if(is_dir("$from_path")){ //grab file / directory and read it. $handle = opendir("$from_path"); //loop over the directory and go into each child directory while (false !== ($dir = readdir($handle))) { //make sure you go into directory tree and not out of tree if($dir!= '.' && $dir!= '..'){ //make recursive call to process this directory reverseScripts($from_path.'/'.$dir, $to_path ); } } } //if this is not a directory, then //check if this is a javascript file, then process $path_parts = pathinfo($from_path); if(is_file("$from_path") && isset($path_parts['extension']) && $path_parts['extension'] =='js'){ //create backup directory if needed $bu_dir = dirname($bu_path); if(!file_exists($bu_dir)){ //directory does not exist, log it and return echo" directory $bu_dir does not exist, could not restore $bu_path"; return; } //delete backup src file if it exists already if(file_exists($bu_path)){ unlink($bu_path); } copy($from_path, $bu_path); } } /**BackUpAndCompressScriptFiles * * This method takes in a string value of the root directory to begin processing * it will process and iterate through all files and subdirectories * under the passed in directory, ignoring directories and files from the predefined exclude array. * Processing includes calling a method that will minify the javascript children files * @from_path root directory where processing should take place * @to_path root directory where processing should take place, this gets filled in dynamically */ function BackUpAndCompressScriptFiles($from_path,$to_path = '', $backup = true){ //check to see if provided paths are legit if (!file_exists("$from_path")) { //log error echo "The from directory, $from_path Does Not Exist

\n"; return; }else{ $from_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $from_path); } if(empty($to_path)){ $to_path = $from_path; }elseif (!file_exists("$to_path")) { //log error echo "The to directory, $to_path Does Not Exist

\n"; return; } //now grab list of files to exclude from minifying $exclude_files = get_exclude_files($to_path); //process only if file/directory is not in exclude list if(!isset($exclude_files[$from_path])){ //get correct path for backup $bu_path = $to_path.'/jssource/src_files'; $bu_path .= substr($from_path, strlen($to_path)); //if this is a directory, then read it and process files if(is_dir("$from_path")){ //grab file / directory and read it. $handle = opendir("$from_path"); //loop over the directory and go into each child directory while (false !== ($dir = readdir($handle))) { //make sure you go into directory tree and not out of tree if($dir!= '.' && $dir!= '..'){ //make recursive call to process this directory BackUpAndCompressScriptFiles($from_path.'/'.$dir, $to_path,$backup); } } } //if this is not a directory, then //check if this is a javascript file, then process $path_parts = pathinfo($from_path); if(is_file("$from_path") && isset($path_parts['extension']) && $path_parts['extension'] =='js'){ if($backup){ $bu_dir = dirname($bu_path); if(!file_exists($bu_dir)){ create_backup_folder($bu_dir); } //delete backup src file if it exists already if(file_exists($bu_path)){ unlink($bu_path); } //copy original file into a source file rename($from_path, $bu_path); }else{ //no need to backup, but remove file that is about to be copied //if it exists in both backed up scripts and working directory if(file_exists($from_path) && file_exists($bu_path)){unlink($from_path);} } //now make call to minify and overwrite the original file. CompressFiles($bu_path, $from_path); } } } //if we are coming from browser if(isset($_REQUEST['root_directory'])){ if(!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point'); require_once('include/utils.php'); require_once('include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php'); //get the root directory to process $from = $_REQUEST['root_directory']; $forceReb = false; //make sure that the rebuild option has been chosen if(isset($_REQUEST['js_rebuild_concat'])){ if($_REQUEST['js_rebuild_concat'] == 'rebuild'){ //rebuild if files have changed $js_groupings = array(); if(isset($_REQUEST['root_directory'])){ require('jssource/JSGroupings.php'); }else{ require('JSGroupings.php'); } //iterate through array of grouped files $grp_array = $js_groupings;//from JSGroupings.php; //for each item in array, concatenate the source files foreach($grp_array as $grp){ foreach($grp as $original =>$concat){ //make sure both files are still valid if(is_file($original) && is_file($concat)){ //if individual file has been modifed date later than modified date of //concatenated file, then force a rebuild if(filemtime($original) > filemtime($concat)){ $forceReb = true; //no need to continue, we will rebuild break; } }else{ //if files are not valid, rebuild as one file could have been deleted $forceReb = true; //no need to continue, we will rebuild break; } } } } //if boolean has been set, concatenate files if($forceReb){ ConcatenateFiles("$from"); } }else{ //We are only allowing rebuilding of concat files from browser. } return; }else{ //run via command line //print_r($argv); $from=""; if(isset($argv[1]) && !empty($argv[1])){ $from = $argv[1]; }else{ //Root Directory was not specified echo 'Root Directory Input was not provided'; return; } // require_once($argv[1].'/include/utils/sugar_file_utils.php'); if($argv[1] == '-?'){ $argv[2] = '-?'; } //if second argument is set, then process commands if(!empty($argv[2])){ if($argv[2] == '-r'){ //replace the compressed scripts with the backed up version reverseScripts("$from/jssource/src_files","$from"); }elseif($argv[2] == '-m'){ //replace the scripts, and then minify the scripts again reverseScripts("$from/jssource/src_files","$from"); BackUpAndCompressScriptFiles("$from","",false,true); }elseif($argv[2] == '-c'){ //replace the scripts, concatenate the files, and then minify the scripts again reverseScripts("$from/jssource/src_files","$from"); BackUpAndCompressScriptFiles("$from","",false,true); ConcatenateFiles("$from",true); }elseif($argv[2] == '-mo'){ //do not replace the scriptsjust minify the existing scripts again BackUpAndCompressScriptFiles("$from","",false,true); }elseif($argv[2] == '-co'){ //concatenate the files only ConcatenateFiles("$from",true); }elseif($argv[2] == '-?'){ die(" Usage : minify [[-r]|[-m]|[-c]] = path of directory to process. Should be root of sugar instance. -r = replace javascript of root with scripts from backed up jssource/src_files directory -m = same as r, only the script is minified and then copied -c = same as m, only the concatenated files are processed again. -co = concatenates only the js files that are to be concatenated. Main use is for development when files that make up a concatenated file have been modified. -mo = minifies only the existing js files. Will not use source files and will not back up scripts. Main use is for development, when changes have been made to working javascript and you wish to recompress your scripts. *** note that options are mutually exclusive. You would use -r OR -m OR -c examples: say your patch is located in 'c:/sugar' You wish to have files from root directory concatenated according to file grouping array, as well as all js files compressed and backed up: minify 'c:/sugar' You wish to have backed up jssource files replace your current javascript files: minify 'c:/sugar' -r You wish to have backed up jssource files minified, and replace your current javascript files: minify 'c:/sugar' -m You wish to have backed up jssource files concatenated, minified, and replace your current javascript files: minify 'c:/sugar' -c "); } }else{ //default is to concatenate the files, then back up and compress them if(empty($from)){ echo("directory root to process was not specified"); } BackUpAndCompressScriptFiles("$from", '', true, true); ConcatenateFiles("$from",true); } } ?>