array( 'Contacts' => $contact, 'Leads' => $lead, 'Prospects' => $prospect, ), 'Accounts' => array( 'Accounts' => $account, ), 'Users' => array( 'Users' => $current_user, ), ); $prefixes = array( 'Contacts' => 'contact_', 'Accounts' => 'account_', 'Users' => 'contact_user_', ); $collection = array(); foreach($loopControl as $collectionKey => $beans) { $collection[$collectionKey] = array(); foreach($beans as $beankey => $bean) { foreach($bean->field_defs as $key => $field_def) { if( ($field_def['type'] == 'relate' && empty($field_def['custom_type'])) || ($field_def['type'] == 'assigned_user_name' || $field_def['type'] =='link') || ($field_def['type'] == 'bool') || (in_array($field_def['name'], $this->badFields)) ) { continue; } if(!isset($field_def['vname'])) { //echo $key; } // valid def found, process $optionKey = strtolower("{$prefixes[$collectionKey]}{$key}"); $optionLabel = preg_replace('/:$/', "", translate($field_def['vname'], $beankey)); $dup=1; foreach ($collection[$collectionKey] as $value){ if($value['name']==$optionKey){ $dup=0; break; } } if($dup) $collection[$collectionKey][] = array("name" => $optionKey, "value" => $optionLabel); } } } $json = getJSONobj(); $ret = "var field_defs = "; $ret .= $json->encode($collection, false); $ret .= ";"; return $ret; } function get_summary_text() { return "$this->name"; } function create_list_query($order_by, $where, $show_deleted=0) { $custom_join = $this->custom_fields->getJOIN(); $query = 'SELECT,, email_templates.description, email_templates.date_modified '; if($custom_join) { $query .= $custom_join['select']; } $query .= ' FROM email_templates '; if($custom_join) { $query .= $custom_join['join']; } $where_auto = '1 = 1'; if($show_deleted == 0) { $where_auto = "email_templates.deleted=0"; }else if($show_deleted == 1) { $where_auto = "email_templates.deleted=1"; } if($where != "") $query .= "WHERE $where AND ".$where_auto; else $query .= "WHERE ".$where_auto; if($order_by != "") $query .= " ORDER BY $order_by"; else $query .= " ORDER BY"; return $query; } function create_export_query(&$order_by, &$where) { return $this->create_list_query($order_by, $where); } function fill_in_additional_list_fields() { $this->fill_in_additional_parent_fields(); } function fill_in_additional_detail_fields() { $this->created_by_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->created_by); $this->modified_by_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->modified_user_id); $this->fill_in_additional_parent_fields(); } function fill_in_additional_parent_fields() { } function get_list_view_data() { global $app_list_strings, $focus, $action, $currentModule; $fields = $this->get_list_view_array(); $fields["DATE_MODIFIED"] = substr($fields["DATE_MODIFIED"], 0 , 10); if($fields['BASE_MODULE']!='') { $fields['BASE_MODULE'] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$fields['BASE_MODULE']]; } return $fields; } //function all string that match the pattern {.} , also catches the list of found strings. //the cache will get refreshed when the template bean instance changes. //The found url key patterns are replaced with name value pairs provided as function parameter. $tracked_urls. //$url_template is used to construct the url for the email message. the template should have place holder for 1 varaible parameter, represented by %1 //$template_text_array is a list of text strings that need to be searched. usually the subject, html body and text body of the email message. //$removeme_url_template, if the url has is_optout property checked then use this template. function parse_tracker_urls($template_text_array,$url_template,$tracked_urls,$removeme_url_template) { global $beanFiles,$beanList, $app_list_strings,$sugar_config; $this->parsed_urls=array(); //parse the template and find all the dynamic strings that need replacement. $pattern = '/\{*[^\{\}]*\}/'; // cn: bug 6638, find multibyte strings foreach ($template_text_array as $key=>$template_text) { if (!empty($template_text)) { $template_text = urldecode($template_text); if(!isset($this->parsed_urls[$key])) { $matches=array(); $count=preg_match_all($pattern,$template_text,$matches,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $this->parsed_urls[$key]=$matches; } else { $matches=$this->parsed_urls[$key]; if(!empty($matches[0])) { $count=count($matches[0]); } else { $count=0; } } //navigate thru all the matched keys and replace the keys with actual strings. for ($i=($count -1); $i>=0; $i--) { $url_key_name=$matches[0][$i][0]; if (!empty($tracked_urls[$url_key_name])) { if ($tracked_urls[$url_key_name]['is_optout']==1){ $tracker_url = $removeme_url_template; } else { $tracker_url = sprintf($url_template,$tracked_urls[$url_key_name]['id']); } } if(!empty($tracker_url) && !empty($template_text) && !empty($matches[0][$i][0])){ $template_text=substr_replace($template_text,$tracker_url,$matches[0][$i][1], strlen($matches[0][$i][0])); $template_text=str_replace($sugar_config['site_url'].'/'.$sugar_config['site_url'],$sugar_config['site_url'],$template_text); } } } $return_array[$key]=$template_text; } return $return_array; } function parse_email_template($template_text_array, $focus_name, $focus, &$macro_nv) { require_once("modules/Users/User.php"); global $beanFiles, $beanList, $app_list_strings; // generate User instance that owns this "Contact" for contact_user_* macros $user = new User(); if(isset($focus->assigned_user_id) && !empty($focus->assigned_user_id)){ $user->retrieve($focus->assigned_user_id); } if(!isset($this->parsed_entities)) $this->parsed_entities=array(); //parse the template and find all the dynamic strings that need replacement. $pattern_prefix = '$'.strtolower($beanList[$focus_name]).'_'; $pattern_prefix_length = strlen($pattern_prefix); $pattern = '/\\'.$pattern_prefix.'[A-Za-z_0-9]*/'; foreach($template_text_array as $key=>$template_text) { if(!isset($this->parsed_entities[$key])) { $matches = array(); $count = preg_match_all($pattern, $template_text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); if($count != 0) { for($i=($count -1); $i>=0; $i--) { if(!isset($matches[0][$i][2])) { //find the field name in the bean. $matches[0][$i][2]=substr($matches[0][$i][0],$pattern_prefix_length,strlen($matches[0][$i][0]) - $pattern_prefix_length); //store the localized strings if the field is of type enum.. if(isset($focus->field_defs[$matches[0][$i][2]]) && $focus->field_defs[$matches[0][$i][2]]['type']=='enum' && isset($focus->field_defs[$matches[0][$i][2]]['options'])) { $matches[0][$i][3]=$focus->field_defs[$matches[0][$i][2]]['options']; } } } } $this->parsed_entities[$key]=$matches; } else { $matches=$this->parsed_entities[$key]; if(!empty($matches[0])) { $count=count($matches[0]); } else { $count=0; } } for ($i=($count -1); $i>=0; $i--) { $field_name=$matches[0][$i][2]; // cn: feel for User object attribute key and assign as found if(strpos($field_name, "user_") === 0) { $userFieldName = substr($field_name, 5); $value = $user->$userFieldName; //_pp($userFieldName."[{$value}]"); } else { $value = $focus->{$field_name}; } //check dom if(isset($matches[0][$i][3])) { if(isset($app_list_strings[$matches[0][$i][3]][$value])) { $value=$app_list_strings[$matches[0][$i][3]][$value]; } } //generate name value pair array of macros and corresponding values for the targed. $macro_nv[$matches[0][$i][0]] =$value; $template_text=substr_replace($template_text,$value,$matches[0][$i][1], strlen($matches[0][$i][0])); } //parse the template for tracker url strings. patter for these strings in {[a-zA-Z_0-9]+} $return_array[$key]=$template_text; } return $return_array; } /** * Convenience method to parse for user's values in a template * @param array $repl_arr * @param object $user * @return array */ function _parseUserValues($repl_arr, &$user) { foreach($user->field_defs as $field_def) { if(($field_def['type'] == 'relate' && empty($field_def['custom_type'])) || $field_def['type'] == 'assigned_user_name') { continue; } if($field_def['type'] == 'enum') { $translated = translate($field_def['options'], 'Users', $user->$field_def['name']); if(isset($translated) && ! is_array($translated)) { $repl_arr["contact_user_".$field_def['name']] = $translated; } else { // unset enum field, make sure we have a match string to replace with "" $repl_arr["contact_user_".$field_def['name']] = ''; } } else { if(isset($user->$field_def['name'])) { $repl_arr["contact_user_".$field_def['name']] = $user->$field_def['name']; } else { $repl_arr["contact_user_".$field_def['name']] = ""; } } } return $repl_arr; } function parse_template_bean($string, $bean_name, &$focus) { global $current_user; global $beanFiles, $beanList; $repl_arr = array(); // cn: bug 9277 - create a replace array with empty strings to blank-out invalid vars if(!class_exists('Account')) require_once('modules/Accounts/Account.php'); if(!class_exists('Contact')) require_once('modules/Contacts/Contact.php'); if(!class_exists('Leads')) require_once('modules/Leads/Lead.php'); if(!class_exists('Prospects')) require_once('modules/Prospects/Prospect.php'); $acct = new Account(); $contact = new Contact(); $lead = new Lead(); $prospect = new Prospect(); foreach($lead->field_defs as $field_def) { if(($field_def['type'] == 'relate' && empty($field_def['custom_type'])) || $field_def['type'] == 'assigned_user_name') { continue; } $repl_arr["contact_".$field_def['name']] = ''; $repl_arr["contact_account_".$field_def['name']] = ''; } foreach($prospect->field_defs as $field_def) { if(($field_def['type'] == 'relate' && empty($field_def['custom_type'])) || $field_def['type'] == 'assigned_user_name') { continue; } $repl_arr["contact_".$field_def['name']] = ''; $repl_arr["contact_account_".$field_def['name']] = ''; } foreach($contact->field_defs as $field_def) { if(($field_def['type'] == 'relate' && empty($field_def['custom_type'])) || $field_def['type'] == 'assigned_user_name') { continue; } $repl_arr["contact_".$field_def['name']] = ''; $repl_arr["contact_account_".$field_def['name']] = ''; } foreach($acct->field_defs as $field_def) { if(($field_def['type'] == 'relate' && empty($field_def['custom_type'])) || $field_def['type'] == 'assigned_user_name') { continue; } $repl_arr["account_".$field_def['name']] = ''; $repl_arr["account_contact_".$field_def['name']] = ''; } // cn: end bug 9277 fix // feel for Parent account, only for Contacts traditionally, but written for future expansion if(isset($focus->account_id) && !empty($focus->account_id)) { $acct->retrieve($focus->account_id); } if($bean_name == 'Contacts') { // cn: bug 9277 - email templates not loading account/opp info for templates if(!empty($acct->id)) { foreach($acct->field_defs as $field_def) { if(($field_def['type'] == 'relate' && empty($field_def['custom_type'])) || $field_def['type'] == 'assigned_user_name') { continue; } if($field_def['type'] == 'enum') { $translated = translate($field_def['options'], 'Accounts' ,$acct->$field_def['name']); if(isset($translated) && ! is_array($translated)) { $repl_arr["account_".$field_def['name']] = $translated; $repl_arr["contact_account_".$field_def['name']] = $translated; } else { // unset enum field, make sure we have a match string to replace with "" $repl_arr["account_".$field_def['name']] = ''; $repl_arr["contact_account_".$field_def['name']] = ''; } } else { $repl_arr["account_".$field_def['name']] = $acct->$field_def['name']; $repl_arr["contact_account_".$field_def['name']] = $acct->$field_def['name']; } } } if(!empty($focus->assigned_user_id)) { $user = new User(); $user->retrieve($focus->assigned_user_id); $repl_arr = EmailTemplate::_parseUserValues($repl_arr, $user); } } elseif($bean_name == 'Users') { /** * This section of code will on do work when a blank Contact, Lead, * etc. is passed in to parse the contact_* vars. At this point, * $current_user will be used to fill in the blanks. */ $repl_arr = EmailTemplate::_parseUserValues($repl_arr, $current_user); } else { // assumed we have an Account in focus foreach($contact->field_defs as $field_def) { if(($field_def['type'] == 'relate' && empty($field_def['custom_type'])) || $field_def['type'] == 'assigned_user_name' || $field_def['type'] == 'link') { continue; } if($field_def['type'] == 'enum') { $translated = translate($field_def['options'], 'Accounts' ,$contact->$field_def['name']); if(isset($translated) && ! is_array($translated)) { $repl_arr["contact_".$field_def['name']] = $translated; $repl_arr["contact_account_".$field_def['name']] = $translated; } else { // unset enum field, make sure we have a match string to replace with "" $repl_arr["contact_".$field_def['name']] = ''; $repl_arr["contact_account_".$field_def['name']] = ''; } } else { if (isset($contact->$field_def['name'])) { $repl_arr["contact_".$field_def['name']] = $contact->$field_def['name']; $repl_arr["contact_account_".$field_def['name']] = $contact->$field_def['name']; } // if } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// LOAD FOCUS DATA INTO REPL_ARR foreach($focus->field_defs as $field_def) { if(isset($focus->$field_def['name'])) { if(($field_def['type'] == 'relate' && empty($field_def['custom_type'])) || $field_def['type'] == 'assigned_user_name') { continue; } if($field_def['type'] == 'enum' && isset($field_def['options'])) { $translated = translate($field_def['options'],$bean_name,$focus->$field_def['name']); if(isset($translated) && ! is_array($translated)) { $repl_arr[strtolower($beanList[$bean_name])."_".$field_def['name']] = $translated; } else { // unset enum field, make sure we have a match string to replace with "" $repl_arr[strtolower($beanList[$bean_name])."_".$field_def['name']] = ''; } } else { $repl_arr[strtolower($beanList[$bean_name])."_".$field_def['name']] = $focus->$field_def['name']; } } else { if($field_def['name'] == 'full_name') { $repl_arr[strtolower($beanList[$bean_name]).'_full_name'] = $focus->get_summary_text(); } else { $repl_arr[strtolower($beanList[$bean_name])."_".$field_def['name']] = ''; } } } // end foreach() krsort($repl_arr); reset($repl_arr); foreach ($repl_arr as $name=>$value) { if($value != '' && is_string($value)) { $string = str_replace("\$$name", $value, $string); } else { $string = str_replace("\$$name", ' ', $string); } } return $string; } function parse_template($string, &$bean_arr) { global $beanFiles, $beanList; foreach($bean_arr as $bean_name => $bean_id) { require_once($beanFiles[$beanList[$bean_name]]); $focus = new $beanList[$bean_name]; $result = $focus->retrieve($bean_id); if($bean_name == 'Leads' || $bean_name == 'Prospects') { $bean_name = 'Contacts'; } if(isset($this) && isset($this->module_dir) && $this->module_dir == 'EmailTemplates') { $string = $this->parse_template_bean($string, $bean_name, $focus); } else { $string = EmailTemplate::parse_template_bean($string, $bean_name, $focus); } } return $string; } function bean_implements($interface) { switch($interface) { case 'ACL':return true; } return false; } } ?>