array('', ''), 2 => array('', ''), 3 => array('', ''), 4 => array('', ''), 5 => array('', ''), 6 => array('', ''), 7 => array('', ''), 8 => array('', ''), 9 => array('', ''), 10 => array('', ''), 11 => array('', ''), 12 => array('', ''), 13 => array('', ''), 14 => array('', ''), 15 => array('', ''), 16 => array('', ''), 17 => array('', ''), 18 => array('', ''), 19 => array('', ''), 20 => array('', ''), 21 => array('', ''), 22 => array('', ''), 23 => array('', ''), 24 => array('', ''), 25 => array('', ''), 26 => array('', ''), 27 => array('', ''), 28 => array('', ''), 29 => array('', ''), 30 => array('', ''), 31 => array('', ''), 32 => array('', ''), 34 => array('', ''), ); function Events() { global $db, $EventsLinks, $Config, $System; $Events = array('Running' => array(), 'Planned' => array()); $Realm = new Realm($System, $_COOKIE['RealmIndex']); $DbResult = $Realm->MangosDatabase->query('SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(start_time) as start FROM game_event WHERE end_time > NOW() AND start_time < NOW()'); while($Row = $DbResult->fetch_array()) { if(!array_key_exists($Row['entry'], $EventsLinks)) $EventsLinks[$Row['entry']] = array('', ''); $Start = (floor((time() - $Row['start']) / ($Row['occurence'] * 60))) * $Row['occurence'] * 60 + $Row['start']; $End = $Start + $Row['length'] * 60; if((time() > $Start) and (time() < $End)) $EventState = 'Running'; else { $EventState = 'Planned'; $Start += $Row['occurence'] * 60; $End += $Row['occurence'] * 60; } $Events[$EventState][$Row['start']] = array('StartTime' => $Start, 'EndTime' => $End, 'Title' => $Row['description'], 'WoWWiki' => $EventsLinks[$Row['entry']][0], 'Official' => $EventsLinks[$Row['entry']][1]); } // Add events not started so far //$DbResult = $db->select('game_event', '*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(start_time) as start', 'start_time > NOW()'); $DbResult = $db->query('SELECT * , UNIX_TIMESTAMP(start_time) as start FROM game_event WHERE start_time > NOW()'); while($Row = $DbResult->fetch_array()) { if(!array_key_exists($Row['entry'], $EventsLinks)) $EventsLinks[$Row['entry']] = array('', ''); $Events['Planned'][$Row['start']] = array('StartTime' => $Row['start'], 'EndTime' => ($Row['start'] + $Row['length'] * 60), 'Title' => $Row['description'], 'WoWWiki' => $EventsLinks[$Row['entry']][0], 'Official' => $EventsLinks[$Row['entry']][1]); } sort($Events['Running']); sort($Events['Planned']); return($Events); } function ShowEventList($Events) { foreach($Events as $Event) { echo(''.$Event['Title'].''.date('j.n.Y H:i', $Event['StartTime']).''.date('j.n.Y H:i', $Event['EndTime']).''); if($Event['WoWWiki'] != '') echo('wowwiki'); else echo(' '); if($Event['Official'] != '') echo(' worldofwarcraft'); else echo('  '); echo(''); } } echo('

Události ve hře

'); $Realm = new Realm($System, $_COOKIE['RealmIndex']); $db = $Realm->MangosDatabase; $Events = Events(); echo(''); echo(''); echo(''); ShowEventList($Events['Running']); echo(''); ShowEventList($Events['Planned']); echo('
Probíhající akce
Plánované akce
'); ?>