

class Shell extends Model
  var $Database;
  function __construct($System)
  function HistoryUpdate()
    $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT Id FROM Server');
    while($Server = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
      $History = new History($this->System, $Server['Id'], 1);
      $Server = new Server($this->System, $Server['Id']);

  function Show() 
    $Output = ''; 
    if(count($_SERVER['argv']) > 1) 
      $Command = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; 
      if($Command == 'ServerProcessLog') 
        if((count($_SERVER['argv']) > 2) and is_numeric($_SERVER['argv'][2])) 
          $MangosDebug = new MangosDebug($this->System); 
          $Output = $MangosDebug->ProcessLog($_SERVER['argv'][2]); 
        } else $Output = 'Jako druhý parameter je nutno zadat Id serveru.'; 
      } else 
      if($Command == 'ServerLock') 
        if((count($_SERVER['argv']) > 2) and is_numeric($_SERVER['argv'][2])) 
          $Server = new Server($this->System, $_SERVER['argv'][2]); 
        } else $Output = 'Jako druhý parameter je nutno zadat Id serveru.'; 
      } else  
      if($Command == 'ServerUnLock')
        if((count($_SERVER['argv']) > 2) and is_numeric($_SERVER['argv'][2]))
          $Server = new Server($this->System, $_SERVER['argv'][2]);
        } else $Output = 'Jako druhý parameter je nutno zadat Id serveru.';
      } else 
      if($Command == 'RealmLock')
        if((count($_SERVER['argv']) > 2) and is_numeric($_SERVER['argv'][2]))
          $Realm = new Realm($this->System, $_SERVER['argv'][2]);
        } else $Output = 'Jako druhý parameter je nutno zadat Id světa.';
      } else 
      if($Command == 'RealmUnLock')
        if((count($_SERVER['argv']) > 2) and is_numeric($_SERVER['argv'][2]))
          $Realm = new Realm($this->System, $_SERVER['argv'][2]);
        } else $Output = 'Jako druhý parameter je nutno zadat Id světa.';
      } else 
      if($Command == 'EmulatorLock')
        if((count($_SERVER['argv']) > 2) and is_numeric($_SERVER['argv'][2]))
          $Emulator = new Emulator($this->System, $_SERVER['argv'][2]);
        } else $Output = 'Jako druhý parameter je nutno zadat Id emulátoru.';
      } else 
      if($Command == 'EmulatorUnLock')
        if((count($_SERVER['argv']) > 2) and is_numeric($_SERVER['argv'][2]))
          $Emulator = new Emulator($this->System, $_SERVER['argv'][2]);
        } else $Output = 'Jako druhý parameter je nutno zadat Id emulátoru.';
      } else 
      if($Command == 'BackupLock')
        if((count($_SERVER['argv']) > 2) and is_numeric($_SERVER['argv'][2]))
          $Backup = new Backup($this->System, $_SERVER['argv'][2]);
        } else $Output = 'Jako druhý parameter je nutno zadat Id zálohy.';
      } else 
      if($Command == 'BackupUnLock')
        if((count($_SERVER['argv']) > 2) and is_numeric($_SERVER['argv'][2]))
          $Backup = new Backup($this->System, $_SERVER['argv'][2]);
        } else $Output = 'Jako druhý parameter je nutno zadat Id zálohy.';
      } else 
      if($Command == 'TaskProcess')
        $Task = new Task($this->System);
      } else 
      if($Command == 'ServerStartAll')
        // Start servers
        $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Server', 'Id'); 
        while($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
          $Server = new Server($this->System, $DbRow['Id']);
          $this->System->Modules['User']->User['Id'] = $Server->Server['User'];
        // Start realmd
        $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Realm', 'Id'); 
        while($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
          $Realm = new Realm($this->System, $DbRow['Id']);
          $this->System->Modules['User']->User['Id'] = $Realm->Data['User'];
      } else 
      if($Command == 'BackupCreateAll')
        // Servers
        $Backup = new Backup($this->System, 0);
        $DbResult = $this->Database->select('Server', 'Id, User'); 
        while($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
          $this->System->Modules['User']->User['Id'] = $DbRow['User'];
      } else 
      if($Command == 'ServerProcessLogPipe')
        if((count($_SERVER['argv']) > 2) and is_numeric($_SERVER['argv'][2]))
          $Server = new Server($this->System, $_SERVER['argv'][2]);
        } else $Output = 'Jako druhý parameter je nutno zadat Id serveru.';
      } else 
      if($Command == 'HistoryUpdate')
      } else 
      if($Command == 'UpdateState')
        $Realm = new Realm($this->System, 0);
        $Server = new Server($this->System, 0);
      } else 
      if($Command == 'ServerDatabaseChange')
        if((count($_SERVER['argv']) > 3) and is_numeric($_SERVER['argv'][2]) and is_numeric($_SERVER['argv'][3]))
          $Server = new Server($this->System, $_SERVER['argv'][2]);
        } else $Output = 'Jako druhý parameter je nutno zadat Id serveru, jako třetí Id databáze.';
      } else
      if($Command == 'RealmDatabaseChange')
        if((count($_SERVER['argv']) > 3) and is_numeric($_SERVER['argv'][2]) and is_numeric($_SERVER['argv'][3]))
          $Realm = new Realm($this->System, $_SERVER['argv'][2]);
        } else $Output = 'Jako druhý parameter je nutno zadat Id světa, jako třetí Id databáze.';
      } else 
        $Output = 'Neznámý příkaz '.$Command;
    } else $Output = 'Jako první parameter je nutno zadat povel.';