== 09.09.2008 == Revision 86 ================================================
 * A lot of bugfixes

== 08.09.2008 == Revision 85 ================================================
 * Precaching system implemented.
 * Bugfixes

Warning! Do not forget to set cache delete time in config.
Admin panel coming soon

== 05.09.2008 == Revision 84 ================================================
 * Menu icons implemented. (see Database/Items subcategories)

== 05.09.2008 == Revision 83 ================================================
 * news.sql fix

== 05.09.2008 == Revision 82 ================================================
 * News system implemented. New sql: news.sql

== 05.09.2008 == Revision 81 ================================================
 * Locale problems fixed in spell.php
 * Quest spell reward fixed (broken in 75 rev)

== 04.09.2008 == Revision 80 ================================================
 * Fix questinfo error in faction.php

== 04.09.2008 == Revision 79 ================================================
 * Fix questinfo error in spell.php

== 04.09.2008 == Revision 78 ================================================
 * Include old aowow_zones in aowow_2.4.3.sql

== 04.09.2008 == Revision 77 ================================================
 * Set error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

== 04.09.2008 == Revision 76 ================================================
 * Changelog fix.
 * Missing file in revision 75.

== 04.09.2008 == Revision 75 ================================================
 * Locale system implemented.
 * ChangeLog files implemeted. (you are reading it)
 * Search system redone.
 * Quest system redone.
 * New icons.
 * Fixed: spell category search. (?spells=7.11.574)
 * Fixed: correctly show NPC / GO positions. (?npc=2914)
 * A lot of other bug fixes.

Warning! You have to download new icon pack for the icons be displayed correctly.