RUWOW_QuestObjective_count=2;RUWOW_QuestObjective_2={["\"cookie\" mcweaksauce at the odesyus' landing wants you to bring him 6 skittering crawler meat."]="\"Cookie\" McWeaksauce из Odesyus' Landing хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему 6 Skittering Crawler Meat.",["according to legend, the leader of the mighty winterax trolls appears at will to reek havoc on the denizens of alterac valley. should korrak make himself known, destroy him and return to warmaster laggrond."]="Как гласит легенда, вожак стаи сильных троллей Winteraxа желает пронестись смерчем опустошения и разрушения через Alterac Valley. \r\n\r\nКогда Korrak объявится, убей его и вернись отчитаться перед Warmaster Laggrond.",["acquire 15 silithus venom samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of beaststalker's bindings to mokvar in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 15 Silithus Venom Samples, 20 золотых и Beaststalker's Bracers Mokvar в Orgrimmar.",["acquire 15 silithus venom samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of bindings of elements to mokvar in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 15 Silithus Venom Samples, 20 золотых и Bindings of the Elements Mokvar в Orgrimmar.",["acquire 15 silithus venom samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of bracers of valor to mokvar in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 20 Silithus Venom Samples, 20 золотых и Bracers of Valor Mokvar в Orgrimmar.",["acquire 15 silithus venom samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of devout bracers to mokvar in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 15 Silithus Venom Samples, 20 золотых и Devout Bracers Mokvar в Orgrimmar.",["acquire 15 silithus venom samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of dreadmist bracers to mokvar in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 15 Silithus Venom Samples, 20 золотых и Dreadmist Bracers Mokvar в Orgrimmar.",["acquire 15 silithus venom samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of lightforge bracers to mokvar in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 15 Silithus Venom Samples, 20 золотых и Lightforge Bracers Mokvar в Orgrimmar.",["acquire 15 silithus venom samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of magister's bindings to mokvar in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 15 Silithus Venom Samples, 20 золотых и Magister's Bindings Mokvar в Orgrimmar.",["acquire 15 silithus venom samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of shadowcraft bracers to mokvar in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 15 Silithus Venom Samples, 20 золотых и Shadowcraft Bracers Mokvar в Orgrimmar.",["acquire 15 silithus venom samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of wildheart bracers to mokvar in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 15 Silithus Venom Samples, 20 золотых и Wildheart Bracers Mokvar в Orgrimmar.",["acquire 15 winterspring blood samples and 20 gold and bring them along with 1 set of devout bracers to deliana in ironforge."]="Собери 20 Winterspring Blood Samples и 20 золота и отнеси их вместе с Devout Bracers Deliana в Ironforge.",["acquire 15 winterspring blood samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of beaststalker's bindings to deliana in ironforge."]="Собери 15 Winterspring Blood Samples и 20 золота и отнеси их вместе с Beaststalker's Bindings Deliana в Ironforge.",["acquire 15 winterspring blood samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of bracers of valor to deliana in ironforge."]="Собери 15 Winterspring Blood Samples и 20 золота и отнеси их вместе с Bracers of Valor Deliana в Ironforge.",["acquire 15 winterspring blood samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of dreadmist bracers to deliana in ironforge."]="Принеси 15 Winterspring Blood Samples, 20 золотых и Wildheart Bracers Deliana в Ironfoge.",["acquire 15 winterspring blood samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of lightforge bracers to deliana in ironforge."]="Принеси 15 Winterspring Blood Samples, 20 золотых и Lightforge Bracers Deliana в Ironfoge.",["acquire 15 winterspring blood samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of magister's bindings to deliana in ironforge."]="Собери 15 Winterspring Blood Samples и 20 золота и отнеси их вместе с Magister's Bindings Deliana в Ironforge.",["acquire 15 winterspring blood samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of shadowcraft bracers to deliana in ironforge."]="Принеси 15 Winterspring Blood Samples, 20 золотых и Shadowcraft Bracers Deliana в Ironfoge.",["acquire 15 winterspring blood samples and 20 gold and bring them along with a set of wildheart bracers to deliana in ironforge."]="Принеси 15 Winterspring Blood Samples, 20 золотых и Wildheart Bracers Deliana в Ironfoge.",["acquire 18 skullsplitter tusks and return them to kebok."]="Добудь 18 Skullsplitter Tusks и верни их Kebok.",["acquire 8 vials of moth blood from the nearby vale moths and give them to proenitus at the crash site in ammen vale."]="Возьми 8 Vials of Moth Blood из ближайшей Vale Moths и отдай их Proenitus из Crash Site в Ammen Vale.",["acquire a bottle of suntouched special reserve, springpaw appetizers and a bundle of fireworks, and return them to lord saltheril at saltheril's haven in eversong woods."]="Достань бутылку Suntouched Special Reserve, Springpaw Appetizers и Bundle of Fireworks и принеси их к Lord Saltheril из Saltheril's Haven в Eversong Woods.",["acquire acceptable samples for 8 basilisks, 8 hyenas, and 8 scorpions. bring the testing kit back to chief engineer bilgewhizzle in gadgetzan before the power source runs out."]="Добудь приемлемые образцы для 8 basilisks, 8 hyenas, и 8 scorpions. Доставь тестер обратно к Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle в Gadgetzan перед тем как его батареи окончательно разрядятся.",["acquire the horn of banthar and return it to hemet nesingwary at the nesingwary safari in nagrand."]="Добудь Horn of Banthar и вернись к Hemet Nesingwary из Nesingwary Safari, Nagrand.",["activate the scrap reaver x6000 controller and test out its capabilities. then give your feedback to doctor vomisa, ph.t at the proving grounds in the netherstorm. deal with any problems that arise."]="Активируй Scrap Reaver X6000 Controller и испытай его возможности. Доложи о результатах испытания Doctor Vomisa Ph.T из Proving Grounds, Netherstorm. Разберись с проблемами, которые могут возникнуть.",["a'dal has tasked you with the recovery of the top and bottom shards of the arcatraz key. return them to him, and he will fashion them into the key to the arcatraz for you."]="A'dal дал тебе задание найди Top и Bottom Shards of the Arcatraz Key. Верни их ему, и он изготовит из них ключ от Arcatraz.",["a'dal in shattrath city wants you to recover kalithresh's trident and murmur's essence. this quest must be completed in heroic dungeon difficulty."]="A'dal из Shattrah City хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." Kalithresh's Tridend и Murmur's Essence.\n\nЭто задание необходимо выполнить в Heroic dungeon.",["a'dal in shattrath city wants you to recover the unused axe of the executioner from the shattered halls of hellfire citadel. this quest must be completed in heroic dungeon difficulty."]="A'dal из Shattrah City хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." Unused Axe of the Executioner из Shattered Halls, Hellfire Citadel.\n\nЭто задание необходимо выполнить в Heroic dungeon.",["a'dal in shattrath city wants you to rescue millhouse manastorm from the arcatraz of tempest keep. this quest must be completed in heroic dungeon difficulty."]="A'dal из Shattrah City хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "спас"), "^3$", "спасла").." Millhouse Manastorm из Arcatraz, Tempest Keep.\n\nЭто задание необходимо выполнить в Heroic dungeon.",["admiral odesyus at odesyus' landing on azuremyst isle wants you to bring him a hollowed out tree and 5 piles of leaves."]="Admiral Odesyus из Odesyus' Landing хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему Hollowed Out Tree и 5 Piles of Leaves.",["admiral odesyus at odesyus' landing on azuremyst isle wants you to observe the meeting that is to take place between geezle and the traitor. return to him when you know the identity of the traitor."]="Admiral Odesyus из Odesyus' Landing хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "проследил"), "^3$", "проследила").." за встречей предателя и Geezle.\n\nВернись к ниму, когда выяснишь личность предателя.",["admiral odesyus at odesyus' landing wants you to recover the nautical compass and nautical map stolen by the venture co."]="Admiral Odesyus из Odesyus' Landing хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "вернул"), "^3$", "вернула").." Nautical Compass и Nautical Map, украденные Venture Co.",["admiral odesyus at odesyus' landing wants you to recover the traitor's communication from engineer \"spark\" overgrind."]="Admiral Odesyus из Odesyus' Landing хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "забрал"), "^3$", "забрала").." Traitor's Communication у Engineer \"Spark\" Overgrind..",["ahab wheathoof at bloodhoof village in mulgore wants you to feed his prized puppy, kyle the frenzied. feed kyle tender strider meat and return to ahab wheathoof."]="Anab Wheathoof из Bloodhoof Village в Mulgore хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "накормил"), "^3$", "накормила").." его питомца, Kyle the Frenzied.\n\nПокорми Kyle Tender Strider Meat и вернись к Ahab Wheathoof.",["altruis the sufferer in western nagrand has asked that you destroy forge camp: hate and destroy forge camp: fear."]="Altruis the Sufferer из западного Nagrand попросил тебя разрушить Forge Camp: Hate и разрушить Forge Camp: Fear.",["altruis the sufferer in western nagrand has asked that you kill 2 felguard legionnaires, 3 mo'arg engineers and 8 gan'arg tinkerers."]="Altruis the Sufferer из западного Nagrand попросил тебя убить 2 Felguard Legionnaires, 3 Mo'arg Engineers и 8 Gan'arg Tinkerers.",["altruis the sufferer in western nagrand has asked that you recover the master planner's blueprints."]="Altruis the Sufferer из западного Nagrand попросил тебя принести Master Planner's Blueprints.",["altruis the sufferer in western nagrand wants you to take the master planner's blueprints to sal'salabim in shattrath city and convince him to help you."]="Altruis the Sufferer из западного Nagrand просит тебя отнести Master Planner's Blueprints к Sal'salabim в Shattrath City и убедить его помочь тебе.\r\n",["amaan the wise wants you to go to the pools of aggonar and slay 6 terrorfiends and 6 blistering rots."]="Amaan the Wise хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "пошел"), "^3$", "пошла").." в Pools of Aggonar и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 6 Terrorfiends и 6 Blistering Rots.",["amaan the wise wants you to travel to the pools of aggonar and use the cleansing vial at aggonar's corpse. return to him when aggonar's essence is cleansed from the water."]="Amaan the Wise хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "отправился"), "^3$", "отправилась").." в Pools of Aggonar и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "использовал"), "^3$", "использовала").." Cleansing Vial на трупе Aggonar. Вернись к нему, когда вода очиститься от заразы Aggonar.",["amaan the wise would like for you to offer your services to thiah redmane at the cenarion post in hellfire peninsula."]="Amaan the Wise хочет, чтобы ты предложил свои услуги Thiah Redmane из Cenarion Post в Hellfire Peninsula.",["ambassador rualeth at aerie peak wants you to kill 10 mangy silvermane and 5 silvermane wolves."]="Ambassador Rualeth из Aerie Peak хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 10 Mangy Silvermane и 5 Silvermane Wolves.",["ambassador rualeth at aerie peak wants you to slay witch doctor mai'jin and his pet spider tcha'kaz."]="Ambassador Rualeth из Aerie Peak хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." Witch Doctor Mai'jin и его питомца, паука Tcha'kaz.",["anchorite ahuurn at telredor wants you to bring him 4 spore bat eyes and 4 fen strider tentacles."]="Anchorite Ahuurn из Telredor хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему 4 Spore Bat Eyes и 4 Fen Strider Tentacles..",["anchorite ahuurn at telredor wants you to explore the boha'mu ruins."]="Anchorite Ahuurn из Telredor хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "исследовал"), "^3$", "исследовала").." Boha'mu Ruins.",["anchorite ceyla at the altar of sha'tar wants you to collect 12 baa'ri tablets from the ground and from ashtongue workers at the ruins of baa'ri. completing quests with the aldor will cause your scryers reputation level to decrease."]="Anchorite Ceyla из Altar of Sha'tar хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "собрал"), "^3$", "собрала").." 12 Baa'ri Tablets из земли и с Ashtongue Workers из Ruins of Baa'ri.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Aldor приведет к снижению репутации со Scryers.",["anchorite ceyla at the altar of sha'tar wants you to obtain the orders from akama from oronu the elder at the ruins of baa'ri. completing quests for the aldor will cause your scryers reputation level to decrease."]="Anchorite Ceyla из Altar of Sha'tar хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "добыл"), "^3$", "добыла").." Orders from Akama у Oronu the Elder из Ruins of Baa'ri.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Aldor приведет к снижению репутации со Scryers.",["anchorite ceyla wants you to enter the warden's cage, south of the ruins of baa'ri and interrogate sanoru on akama's whereabouts. completing quests for the aldor will cause your scryers reputation to decrease."]="Anchorite Ceyla из Altar of Sha'tar хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "вошел"), "^3$", "вошла").." в Warden's Cage, южнее Ruins of Baa'ri, и расспросила Sanoru о местоположении Akama.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Aldor приведет к снижению репутации со Scryers.",["anchorite fateema at azure watch wants you to bring her 8 root trapper vines."]="Anchorite Fateema из Azure Watch хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему 8 Root Trapper Vines.",["anchorite karja wants you to go manaforge duro and obtain the duro access crystal from overseer athanel. use it at the manaforge duro console to shut it down. performing quests for the aldor will cause your scryers reputation level to decrease."]="Anchorite Karja хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "отправился"), "^3$", "отправилась").." в Manaforge Duro и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "получил"), "^3$", "получила").." Duro Access Crystal от Overseer Athanel. Используй его у Manaforge Duro Console, чтобы выключить ее.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Aldor приведет к снижению репутации со Scryers.",["anchorite obadei wants you to look for his brother, sedai, nearby to the east in hellfire peninsula."]="Anchorite Obadei из Hellfire Peninsula хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "поискал"), "^3$", "поискала").." его брата, Sedai.",["andormu at the caverns of time has asked that you follow the custodian of time around the cavern."]="Andormu из Caverns of Time попросил тебя следовать за Custodian of Time по пещере.",["andormu at the caverns of time has asked that you venture to old hillsbrad and speak with erozion."]="Andormu из Caverns of Time попросил тебя отправиться в Old Hillsbrad и поговорить с Erozion.",["answer braug dimspirit's question successfully and then speak to him again. he will remain in stonetalon mountains when you are ready."]="Правильно ответь на вопрос Braug Dimspirit's и затем поговори с ним снова. Он будет ожидать в Stonetalon Mountains, пока ты будешь готов.",["apothecary thedra in eversong woods wants you to bring her 4 plagued blood samples from beasts in the ghostlands."]="Apothecary Thedra из Eversong Woods хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ей 4 Plauged Blood Samples, добытых из животных в Ghostlands.",["apprentice andrethan in kirin'var village wants you to kill the ghost of rhonsus, the town's master blacksmith."]="Apprentice Andrethan из Kirin'Var хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." призрак Rhonsus, главного кузнеца города.",["apprentice meledor in eversong woods wants you to search the water beneath the bridge nearby and bring him antheol's elemental grimoire."]="Apprentice Meledor в Eversong Woods хочет, чтобы ты обшарил реку под мостом поблизости и принес ему Antheol's Elemental Grimoire.",["apprentice mirveda at the east sanctum in eversong woods wants you to collect 8 tainted soil samples."]="Apprentice Mirveda из East Sanctum в Eversong Woods просит тебя собрать 8 Tainted Soil Samples.",["arcanist thelis at the sanctum of the stars wants you to collect 12 baa'ri tablets from the ground and from ashtongue workers at the ruins of baa'ri. completing quests with the scryers will cause your aldor reputation level to decrease."]="Arcanist Thelis из Sanctum of the Stars хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "собрал"), "^3$", "собрала").." 12 Baa'ri Tablets, которые можно найти в Ruins of Baa'ri на земле и у Ashtongue Workers.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации с Aldor.",["arcanist thelis at the sanctum of the stars wants you to obtain the orders from akama from oronu the elder at the ruins of baa'ri. completing quests for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation level to decrease."]="Arcanist Thelis из Sanctum of the Stars хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "забрал"), "^3$", "забрала").." Orders from Okama у Oronu the Elder из Ruins of Baa'ri.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации с Aldor.",["arcanist thelis wants you to enter the warden's cage, south of the ruins of baa'ri and interrogate sanoru on akama's whereabouts. completing quests for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation to decrease."]="Arcanist Thelis из Sanctum of the Stars хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "вошел"), "^3$", "вошла").." в Warden's Cage, что к югу от Ruins of Baa'ri, и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "расспросил"), "^3$", "расспросила").." Sanoru о местонахождении Akama.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации с Aldor.",["archaeologist adamant ironheart at odesyus' landing on azuremyst isle wants you to bring him 8 ancient relics."]="Archaeologist Adamant Ironheart из Odesyus' Landing, Azuremyst Isle, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему 8 Ancient Relics.",["archmage alturus at deadwind pass wants you go into karazhan and speak to wravien."]="Achmage Alturus из Deadwind Pass хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "пошел"), "^3$", "пошла").." в Karazhan и поговорила с Wravien.",["archmage alturus wants you to destroy the demonic presence at the top of karazhan."]="Archmage Alturus хочет, чтобы ты уничтожил Demonic Presence на вершине Karazhan.",["archmage alturus wants you to go to the mountains south of karazhan in deadwind pass and retrieve a charred bone fragment."]="Archmage Alturus хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "добыл"), "^3$", "добыла").." Charred Bone Fragment.",["archmage angela dosantos at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands wants 2 arcane crystals, 1 nexus crystal and 30 gold pieces. you must also be revered with the argent dawn."]="Archmage Angela Dosantos из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands хочет 2 Arcane Crystals, 1 Nexus Crystal и 30 золота. Ты должен быть Revered с Argent Dawn.",["archmage angela dosantos at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands wants 5 arcane crystals, 2 nexus crystals, 1 righteous orb and 60 gold pieces. you must also be honored with the argent dawn."]="Archmage Angela Dosantos из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands хочет 5 Arcane Crystals, 2 Nexus Crystals, 1 Righteous Orb и 60 золота. Ты также должен быть Honored с Argent Dawn.\r",["archmage angela dosantos at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will grant you arcane cloaking at no cost. you must be exalted with the argent dawn."]="Archmage Angela Dosantos из Light's Hope Chapel в the Eastern Plaguelands даст тебе Arcane Cloaking даром. Ты должен быть Exalted с the Argent Dawn.",["archmage angela dosantos at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a frostfire belt if you bring her the following: 1 desecrated belt, 8 wartorn cloth scraps, 2 arcane crystals and 2 mooncloth."]="Archmage Angela Dosantos из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Frostfire Belt, если ты принесешь ей 1 Desecrated Belt, 8 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Arcane Crystals и 2 Mooncloth.",["archmage angela dosantos at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a frostfire circlet if you bring her the following: 1 desecrated circlet, 15 wartorn cloth scraps, 3 mooncloth and 3 nexus crystals."]="Archmage Angela Dosantos из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Frostfire Circlet, если ты принесешь ей 1 Desecrated Circlet, 15 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 3 Mooncloth и 3 Nexus Crystals.",["archmage angela dosantos at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a frostfire robe if you bring her the following: 1 desecrated robe, 25 wartorn cloth scraps, 4 mooncloth and 2 nexus crystals."]="Archmage Angela Dosantos из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Frostfire Robe, если ты принесешь ей 1 Desecrated Robe, 25 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 4 Mooncloth и 2 Nexus Crystals.",["archmage angela dosantos at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make frostfire bindings if you bring her the following: 1 desecrated bindings, 6 wartorn cloth scraps, 1 arcane crystal and 1 nexus crystal."]="Archmage Angela Dosantos из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Frostfire Bindings, если ты принесешь ей 1 Desecrated Bindings, 6 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 1 Arcane Crystal и 1 Nexus Crystal.",["archmage angela dosantos at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make frostfire gloves if you bring her the following: 1 desecrated gloves, 8 wartorn cloth scraps and 4 mooncloth."]="Archmage Angela Dosantos из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Frostfire Gloves, если ты принесешь ей 1 Desecrated Gloves, 8 Wartorn Cloth Scraps и 4 Mooncloth.",["archmage angela dosantos at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make frostfire leggings if you bring her the following: 1 desecrated leggings, 20 wartorn cloth scraps, 4 mooncloth and 2 nexus crystals."]="Archmage Angela Dosantos из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Frostfire Leggings, если ты принесешь ей 1 Desecrated Leggings, 20 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 4 Mooncloth и 2 Nexus Crystals.",["archmage angela dosantos at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make frostfire sandals if you bring her the following: 1 desecrated sandals, 12 wartorn cloth scraps, 2 mooncloth and 3 cured rugged hides."]="Archmage Angela Dosantos из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Frostfire Sandals, если ты принесешь ей 1 Desecrated Sandals, 12 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Mooncloth и 3 Cured Rugged Hides.",["archmage angela dosantos at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make frostfire shoulderpads if you bring her the following: 1 desecrated shoulderpads, 12 wartorn cloth scraps, 2 mooncloth and 3 cured rugged hides."]="Archmage Angela Dosantos из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Frostfire Shoulderpads, если ты принесешь ей 1 Desecrated Shoulderpads, 12 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Mooncloth и 3 Cured Rugged Hides.\r\n",["arechron wants you to find corki at warmaul hill."]="Arechron хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "нашел"), "^3$", "нашла").." Corki в Warmaul Hill.",["artificer morphalius wants you to kill 10 ethereal crypt raiders, 5 ethereal sorcerers, 5 nexus stalkers and 5 ethereal spellbinders. once that's done, find the ethereal transporter in the chamber before shaffar's and activate it."]="Artificer Morphalius предлагает тебе убить 10 Ethereal Crypt Raiders, 5 Ethereal Sorcerers, 5 Nexus Stalkers и 5 Ethereal Spellbinders.\r\n\r\nКак только ты сделаешь это, найди Ethereal Transporter в комнате перед Shaffar's и активируй его.",["arygos in the temple of ahn'qiraj will create elementium infused armaments for you should you bring him imperial qiraji armaments and 3 elementium ore."]="Arygos из Temple of Ahn'Qiraj сделает для тебя Elementium Infused Armaments, если ты принесешь ему Imperial Qiraji Armaments и 3 Elementium Ore.",["assault a graveyard, then return to sergeant durgen stormpike in the alterac mountains."]="Атакуй кладбище, затем возвращайся к Sergeant Durgen Stormpike в Alterac Mountains.",["assemble an army and travel to the eastern plaguelands. launch a full assault on nathanos blightcaller and any horde filth that may attempt to protect him. keep your wits about you, "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..". the horde will defend the ranger lord with their very lives."]="Собери войско и отправляйся в Eastern Plaguelands. Атакуй Nathanos Blightcaller и все отребье Орды, которое встанет на его защиту.\r\n\r\nТолько действуй с умом, "..UnitName("player")..". Орда будет защищать своего повелителя до последнего вздоха.",["audi the needle at the stormspire wants you to bring her 10 dome generator segments."]="Audi the Needle из Stormspire хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ей 10 Dome Generator Segments.",["beat bartleby, then talk to him."]="Побей Bartleby, после чего снова поговори с ним.",["blood guard gulmok outside of shadowmoon village, wants you to kill 10 infernal attackers."]="Blood Guard Gulmok, стоящий возле Shadowmoon Village, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 10 Infernal Attackers.",["blow the unyielding battle horn near the alliance banner. kill urtrak and then return to althen the historian at spinebreaker post."]="Подуй в Unyielding Battle Horn возле Alliance Banner. Убей Urtrak и вернись к Althen the Historian из Spinebreaker Post.",["bor wildmane at cenarion hold in silithus wants you to destroy an abyssal templar and bring him an abyssal crest as proof of the deed."]="Bor Wildmane в Cenarion Hold в Silithusе хочет чтобы ты уничтожили Abyssal Templar и принес ему Abyssal Crest как доказательство сего события.",["break the cursed eggs in veil lithic. redeem 3 hatchlings and slay 3 malevolent hatchlings before returning to kirrik at the refugee caravan."]="Разбей проклятые яйца в Veil Lithic. Освободи 3 Hatchlings и убей 3 Malevolent Hatchlings, прежде чем вернуться к Kirrik в Refugee Caravan.",["bring 1 cologne bottle and 1 perfume bottle to apothecary zinge in the undercity's apothecarium."]="Принеси 1 Cologne Bottle и 1 Perfume Bottle в Undercity's Apothecarium для Apothecary Zinge .",["bring 1 cologne bottle and 1 perfume bottle to morgan pestle in the trade district of stormwind."]="Принеси 1 Cologne Bottle и 1 Perfume Bottle для Morgan Pestle в Trade District, в Stormwind.",["bring 1 deeprock salt and 5 gold coins to the holly preserver machine, upon which you will receive 5 preserved holly."]="Принеси 1 Deeprock Salt и 5 gold coins к Holly Preserver, и ты получишь 5 Preserved Holly.",["bring 1 embossed leather gloves, 5 embossed leather boots and 5 embossed leather cloaks to lotherias in darnassus."]="Принеси 1 Embossed Leather Gloves, 5 Embossed Leather Boots и 5 Embossed Leather Cloaks к Lotherias в Darnassus.",["bring 1 large brilliant shard, 1 large radiant shard and 1 huge emerald to geologist larksbane at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring logistics task briefing v in order to complete this quest."]="Достань 1 Large Brilliant Shard, 1 Large Radiant Shard и 1 Huge Emerald для Geologist Larksbane в Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Имей при себе Logistics Task Briefing V.",["bring 1 mooncloth, 2 bolts of runecloth and 1 ironweb spider silk to windcaller proudhorn at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring logistics task briefing viii in order to complete this quest."]="Принеси Windcaller Proudhorn в Cenarion Hold в Silithus 1 Mooncloth, 2 Bolts of Runecloth и 1 Ironweb Spider Silk. А чтобы завершить задание, ты должен также добыть Logistics Task Briefing VIII.",["bring 1 qiraji ceremonial ring, 2 amber idols, 5 gold scarabs and 5 clay scarabs to windcaller yessendra in silithus. you must also attain honored reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси Windcaller Yessendra в Silithus 1 Qiraji Ceremonial Ring, 2 Amber Idols, 5 Gold Scarabs и 5 Clay Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию Honored с Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji ceremonial ring, 2 jasper idols, 5 stone scarabs and 5 crystal scarabs to windcaller yessendra in silithus. you must also attain honored reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси Windcaller Yessendra в Silithus 1 Qiraji Ceremonial Ring, 2 Jasper Idols, 5 Gold Scarabs и 5 Crystal Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию Honored с Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji ceremonial ring, 2 obsidian idols, 5 silver scarabs and 5 bone scarabs to windcaller yessendra in silithus. you must also attain honored reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси 1 Qiraji Ceremonial Ring, 2 Obsidian Idols, 5 Silver Scarabs и 5 Bone Scarabs и отдай Windcaller Yessendra в Silithus. Кроме того, тебе нужно заработать Honored репутацию у Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji ceremonial ring, 2 onyx idols, 5 stone scarabs and 5 crystal scarabs to windcaller yessendra in silithus. you must also attain honored reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси 1 Qiraji Ceremonial Ring, 2 Onyx Idols, 5 Stone Scarabs и 5 Crystal Scarabs и отдай Windcaller Yessendra в Silithus. Кроме того, тебе нужно заработать Honored репутацию у Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji magisterial ring, 2 alabaster idols, 5 bronze scarabs and 5 ivory scarabs to windcaller yessendra in silithus. you must also attain honored reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси Windcaller Yessendra в Silithus 1 Qiraji Magisterial Ring, 2 Alabaster Idols, 5 Bronze Scarabs и 5 Ivory Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию Honored с Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji magisterial ring, 2 azure idols, 5 gold scarabs and 5 clay scarabs to windcaller yessendra in silithus. you must also attain honored reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси 1 Qiraji Magisterial Ring, 2 Azure Idols, 5 Gold Scarabs и 5 Clay Scarabs и отдай Windcaller Yessendra в Silithus. Кроме того, тебе нужно заработать Honored репутацию у Cenarion Circle.\r\n",["bring 1 qiraji magisterial ring, 2 lambent idols, 5 bronze scarabs and 5 ivory scarabs to windcaller yessendra in silithus. you must also attain honored reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси 1 Qiraji Magisterial Ring, 2 Lambent Idols, 5 Bronze Scarabs и 5 Ivory Scarabs и отдай Windcaller Yessendra в Silithus. Кроме того, тебе нужно заработать Honored репутацию у Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji magisterial ring, 2 vermillion idols, 5 silver scarabs and 5 bone scarabs to windcaller yessendra in silithus. you must also attain honored reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси 1 Qiraji Magisterial Ring, 2 Vermillion Idols, 5 Silver Scarabs и 5 Bone Scarabs и отдай Windcaller Yessendra в Silithus. Кроме того, тебе нужно заработать Honored репутацию у Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji martial drape, 1 onyx idol, 5 silver scarabs and 5 bone scarabs to keyl swiftclaw in silithus. you must also obtain revered reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси Keyl Swiftclaw в Silithus 1 Qiraji Martial Drape, 1 Onyx Idol, 5 Silver Scarabs и 5 Bone Scarabs. Но ты должен заслужить Revered reputation в Cenarion Circle чтобы выполнить это задание.",["bring 1 qiraji martial drape, 2 alabaster idols, 5 stone scarabs and 5 crystal scarabs to keyl swiftclaw in silithus. you must also obtain revered reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси 1 Qiraji Martial Drape, 2 Alabaster Idols, 5 Stone Scarabs и 5 Crystal Scarabs и отдай Keyl Swiftclaw в Silithus. Кроме того, тебе нужно заработать Revered репутацию у Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji martial drape, 2 jasper idols, 5 gold scarabs and 5 clay scarabs to keyl swiftclaw in silithus. you must also obtain revered reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси 1 Qiraji Martial Drape, 2 Jasper Idols, 5 Gold Scarabs и 5 Clay Scarabs и отдай Keyl Swiftclaw в Silithus. Кроме того, тебе нужно заработать Revered репутацию у Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji martial drape, 2 onyx idols, 5 silver scarabs and 5 bone scarabs to keyl swiftclaw in silithus. you must also obtain revered reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси Keyl Swiftclaw в Silithus 1 Qiraji Martial Drape, 2 Onyx Idols, 5 Silver Scarabs и 5 Bone Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо достичь репутации Revered с Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji ornate hilt, 2 jasper idols, 5 crystal scarabs and 5 stone scarabs to warden haro in silithus. you must also attain exalted reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси Warden Hero в Silithus 1 Qiraji Ornate Hilt, 2 Jasper Idols, 5 Crystal Scarabs и 5 Stone Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Exalted с Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji ornate hilt, 2 lambent idols, 5 bronze scarabs and 5 ivory scarabs to warden haro in silithus. you must also attain exalted reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Достань 1 Qiraji Ornate Hilt, 2 Lambent Idols, 5 Bronze Scarabs и 5 Ivory Scarabs для Warden Haro в Silithus. Кроме того, твоя репутация у Cenarion Circle должна быть Exalted.",["bring 1 qiraji ornate hilt, 2 obsidian idols, 5 silver scarabs and 5 bone scarabs to warden haro in silithus. you must also attain exalted reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси 1 Qiraji Ornate Hilt, 2 Obsidian Idols, 5 Silver Scarabs и 5 Bone Scarabs и отдай Warden Haro в Silithus. Кроме того, твоя репутация у Cenarion Circle должна быть Exalted.",["bring 1 qiraji ornate hilt, 2 onyx idols, 5 gold scarabs and 5 clay scarabs to warden haro in silithus. you must also attain exalted reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси Warden Hero в Silithus 1 Qiraji Ornate Hilt, 2 Onyx Idols, 5 Gold Scarabs и 5 Clay Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Exalted с Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji regal drape, 2 amber idols, 5 ivory scarabs and 5 bronze scarabs to keyl swiftclaw in silithus. you must also obtain revered reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси Keyl Swiftclaw в Silithus 1 Qiraji Regal Drape, 2 Amber Idols, 5 Ivory Scarabs и 5 Bronze Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо достичь репутации Revered с Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji regal drape, 2 obsidian idols, 5 gold scarabs and 5 clay scarabs to keyl swiftclaw in silithus. you must also obtain revered reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принести 1 Qiraji Regal Drape, 2 Obsidian Idols, 5 Gold Scarabs и 5 Clay Scarabs Keyl Swiftclaw, находящемуся в Silithus. Кроме того, тебе нужно заработать Revered репутацию у Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji spiked hilt, 2 alabaster idols, 5 crystal scarabs and 5 stone scarabs to warden haro in silithus. you must also attain exalted reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси 1 Qiraji Spiked Hilt, 2 Alabaster Idols, 5 Crystal Scarabs и 5 Stone Scarabs и отдай Warden Haro в Silithus. Кроме того, тебе нужно заработать Exalted репутацию у Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji spiked hilt, 2 amber idols, 5 bronze scarabs and 5 ivory scarabs to warden haro in silithus. you must also attain exalted reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принести 1 Qiraji Spiked Hilt, 2 Amber Idols, 5 Bronze Scarabs и 5 Ivory Scarabs Warden Haro, находящемуся в Silithus. Кроме того, тебе нужно заработать Exalted репутацию у Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji spiked hilt, 2 amber idols, 5 ivory scarabs and 5 bronze scarabs to warden haro in silithus. you must also attain exalted reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси Warden Hero в Silithus 1 Qiraji Spiked Hilt, 2 Amber Idols, 5 Ivory Scarabs и 5 Bronze Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Exalted с Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji spiked hilt, 2 azure idols, 5 silver scarabs and 5 bone scarabs to warden haro in silithus. you must also attain exalted reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси 1 Qiraji Spiked Hilt, 2 Azure Idols, 5 Silver Scarabs и 5 Bone Scarabs и отдай Warden Haro в Silithus. Кроме того, тебе нужно заработать Exalted репутацию у Cenarion Circle.",["bring 1 qiraji spiked hilt, 2 vermillion idols, 5 gold scarabs and 5 clay scarabs to warden haro in silithus. you must also attain exalted reputation with cenarion circle to complete this quest."]="Принеси 1 Qiraji Spiked Hilt, 2 Vermillion Idols, 5 Gold Scarabs и 5 Clay Scarabs и отдай Warden Haro в Silithus. Кроме того, тебе нужна Exalted репутация у Cenarion Circle.",["bring 10 argent dawn valor tokens to quartermaster hasana at the bulwark, western plaguelands."]="Принеси 10 Argent Dawn Valor Tokens и отдай Quartermaster Hasana в Bulwark, в Western Plaguelands.",["bring 10 coldtooth supplies to the alliance quartermaster in dun baldar."]="Принеси 10 Coldtooth Supplies к Alliance Quartermaster в Dun Baldar.",["bring 10 condensed voidwalker essences to \"screaming\" screed luckheed at the zeppelin crash."]="Принеси \"Screaming\" Screed Luckheed из Zeppelin Crash 10 Condensed Voidwalker Essences.",["bring 10 dense grinding stones, 10 solid grinding stones and 10 heavy grinding stones to vish kozus, captain of the guard at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring logistics task briefing iii in order to complete this quest."]="Достань 10 Dense Grinding Stones, 10 Solid Grinding Stones и 10 Heavy Grinding Stones для Vish Kozus, Captain of the Guard, находящемуся в Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Имей при себе Logistics Task Briefing III.",["bring 10 ghostly essences to archmage alturus outside of karazhan."]="Принеси 10 Ghostly Essences Archmage Alturus из окрестностей Karazhan.",["bring 10 glowcaps to msshi'fn at sporeggar in zangarmarsh."]="Принеси 10 Glowcaps Msshi'fn из Sporeggar, Zangarmarsh.",["bring 10 hatecrest naga scales to latronicus moonspear in feathermoon stronghold."]="Принеси 10 Hatecrest Naga Scales к Latronicus Moonspear в Feathermoon Stronghold.",["bring 10 heavy leather to skinner jamani at the valley of spirits in orgrimmar."]="Достань 10 Heavy Leather для Skinner Jamani, который находится в Valley of Spirits в Orgrimmar.",["bring 10 incendrites to tsunaman at sun rock retreat."]="Принеси 10 Incendrites к Tsunaman в Sun Rock Retreat.",["bring 10 irondeep supplies to the alliance quartermaster in dun baldar."]="Принеси 10 Irondeep Supplies к Alliance Quartermaster в Dun Baldar.",["bring 10 kodo bones from the kodo graveyard to bibbly f'utzbuckle at kormek's hut."]="Принеси 10 Kodo Bones с Kodo Graveyard для Bibbly F'utzbuckle в Kormek's Hut.",["bring 10 light leather to bonnie stoneflayer at the airfield in dun morogh."]="Принеси 10 light leather для Bonnie Stoneflayer на airfield в Dun Morogh.",["bring 10 light leather to bonnie stoneflayer at the military ward in ironforge."]="Достань 10 Light Leather и принеси их Bonnie Stoneflayer в Military Ward в Ironforge.",["bring 10 linen cloth and 6 dalaran mana gems to josef gregorian."]="Принеси 10 Linen Cloth и 6 Dalaran Mana Gems к Josef Gregorian.",["bring 10 marks of kil'jaeden to adyen the lightwarden in shattrath city. completing quests for the aldor will cause your scryers reputation level to decrease."]="Принеси 10 Marks of Kil'jaeden Adyen the Lightwarden из Shattrath City.\n\nВыполнение квестов за Aldor приведет к снижению репутации с Scryers.",["bring 10 medium leather to private porter at the airfield in dun morogh."]="Принеси 10 medium leather Private Porter, находящемуся на авиабазе в Dun Morogh.",["bring 10 medium leather to private porter at the military ward in ironforge."]="Принеси 10 Medium Leather для Private Porter в Military Ward в Ironforge.",["bring 10 obsidian warbeads to gezhe at aeris landing in nagrand."]="Принеси 10 Obsidian Warbeads Gezhe из Aeris Landing, Nagrand.",["bring 10 pieces of turtle meat and some soothing spices to christoph jeffcoat in tarren mill."]="Принеси 10 pieces of Turtle Meat и немного Soothing Spices к Christoph Jeffcoat в Tarren Mill.",["bring 10 ripfang lynx pelts to shauly pore at midrealm post."]="Принеси 10 Ripfang Lynx Pelts Shauly Pore из Midrealm Post.",["bring 10 rotting wood and 4 bloodvenom essence to impsy in felwood."]="Принеси 10 Rotting Wood и 4 Bloodvenom Essence к Impsy в Felwood.",["bring 10 rugged leather to doctor serratus at the valley of spirits in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 10 Rugged Leather для Doctor Serratus, находящемуся в Valley of Spirits в Orgrimmar.",["bring 10 specks of dream dust to krazek in booty bay. dream dust is gathered from the dragon whelps of the swamp of sorrows."]="Принеси 10 Specks of Dream Dust к Krazek in Booty Bay. Dream Dust получается из dragon whelps в Swamp of Sorrows.",["bring 10 thick leather to jangdor swiftstrider in camp mojache."]="Принеси 10 Thick Leather к Jangdor Swiftstrider в Camp Mojache.",["bring 10 thick leather to marta finespindle at the airfield in dun morogh."]="Принеси 10 thick leather и отдай Marta Finespindle на airfield в Dun Morogh.",["bring 10 thick leather to marta finespindle at the military ward in ironforge."]="Принеси 10 Thick Leather для Marta Finespindle в Military Ward в Ironforge.",["bring 10 thick leather to sergeant umala at the valley of spirits in orgrimmar."]="Достань 10 Thick Leather для Sergeant Umala, находящемуся в Valley of Spirits в Orgrimmar.",["bring 10 twilight pendants to argent guard manados in darnassus."]="Принеси 10 Twilight Pendants для Argent Guard Manados в Darnassus.",["bring 10 unidentified plant parts to lauranna thar'well at the cenarion refuge in zangarmarsh."]="Принеси 10 Unidentified Plant Parts Lauranna Thar'well из Cenarion Refuge, Zangarmarsh.",["bring 10 vials of hatefury blood and 1 lesser infernal stone to menara voidrender in the barrens."]="Принеси 10 Vials of Hatefury Blood и 1 Lesser Infernal Stone к Menara Voidrender в Barrens.",["bring 12 bonechewer blood vials to vurtok axebreaker in thrallmar."]="Принеси 12 Bonechewer Blood Vials Vurtok Axebreaker из Thrallmar.",["bring 12 cursed talismans to corporal ironridge at expedition point."]="Принеси 12 Cursed Talismans Corporal Ironridge из Expedition Point.",["bring 12 electropellers to wizbang cranktoggle in auberdine."]="Принеси 12 электрических Electropellers к Wizbang Cranktoggle который в Auberdine.",["bring 12 plump buzzard wings to legassi at the zeppelin crash."]="Принеси Legassi из Zeppelin Crash 12 Plump Buzzard Wings.",["bring 12 pridewing venom sacs to shindrell swiftfire in astranaar."]="Принеси 12 Venom Sacs к Shindrell Swiftfire в Astranaar.",["bring 12 pristine crawler legs to morgan stern in theramore."]="Принеси 12 Pristine Crawler Legs для Morgan Stern in Theramore.",["bring 12 timberling sprouts to denalan at lake al'ameth."]="Принеси 12 Timberling Sprouts к Denalan возле Lake Al’Ameth.",["bring 15 cenarion combat badges, 20 cenarion logistics badges, 17 cenarion tactical badges and 1 mark of remulos to vargus at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also attain revered reputation with cenarion circle to be able to complete this quest."]="Принеси 15 Cenarion Combat Badges, 20 Cenarion Logistics Badges, 17 Cenarion Tactical Badges и 1 Mark of Remulos для Vargus в Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Кроме того, твоя репутация у Cenarion Circle должна быть Revered или выше.",["bring 15 cenarion combat badges, 20 cenarion logistics badges, 20 cenarion tactical badges and 1 mark of cenarius to vargus at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also attain exalted reputation with cenarion circle to be able to complete this quest."]="Принеси 15 Cenarion Combat Badges, 20 Cenarion Logistics Badges, 20 Cenarion Tactical Badges и 1 Mark of Cenarius к Vargus из Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Чтобы выполнить это задание , тебе нужно достигнуть репутации Exalted у Cenarion Circle.",["bring 15 deepmoss eggs to mebok mizzyrix in ratchet."]="Принеси 15 Deepmoss Eggs к Mebok Mizzyrix в Ratchet.",["bring 16 satyr horns to illiyana in forest song."]="Принеси 16 Satyr Horns для Illiyana из Forest Song.",["bring 2 elixir of fortitudes to quentin in thousand needles."]="Принеси 2 Elixir of Fortitudes к Quentin в Thousand Needles.",["bring 2 enchanted thorium bars and 2 enchanted leather to vargus at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring logistics task briefing ix in order to complete this quest."]="Принеси 2 Enchanted Thorium Bars и 2 Enchanted Leather для Vargus в Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Имей при себе Logistics Task Briefing IX.",["bring 2 moonsteel broadswords to janela stouthammer at the ironforge brigade outpost outside of hive'zora. you must also bring logistics task briefing vi in order to complete this quest."]="Принеси 2 Moonsteel Broadswords и отдай Janela Stouthammer близ Ironforge Brigade Outpost неподалёку от Hive'Zora. Имей при себе Logistics Task Briefing VI.",["bring 2 tough scorpid breastplates, 2 tough scorpid gloves, and 10 worn dragonscales to peter galen in azshara. completing this quest will give you access to the dragonscale leatherworking arts. the completion of this quest will prevent you from learning elemental leatherworking and tribal leatherworking; be sure this is the path you wish to follow before doing so."]="Принеси 2 Tough Scorpid Breastplates, 2 Tough Scorpid Gloves и 10 Worn Dragonscales Peter Galen из Azshara.\n\nВыполнение этого квеста даст доступ к Dragonscale Leatherworking.\n\nВыполнение этого квеста сделает невозможным изучение Elemental Leatherworking и Tribal Leatherworking; убедись, что ты хочешь выбрать именно этот путь.",["bring 2 tough scorpid breastplates, 2 tough scorpid gloves, and 10 worn dragonscales to thorkaf dragoneye in the badlands. completing this quest will give you access to the dragonscale leatherworking arts. the completion of this quest will prevent you from learning elemental leatherworking and tribal leatherworking; be sure this is the path you wish to follow before doing so."]="Принеси 2 Tough Scorpid Breastplates, 2 Tough Scorpid Gloves и 10 Worn Dragonscales Thorkaf Dragoneye из Badlands.\n\nВыполнение этого квеста даст доступ к Dragonscale Leatherworking.\n\nВыполнение этого квеста сделает невозможным изучение Elemental Leatherworking и Tribal Leatherworking; убедись, что ты хочешь выбрать именно этот путь.",["bring 2 undamaged hippogryph feathers to sanath lim-yo in azshara if you wish to speak to his master."]="Принесите 2 Undamaged Hippogryph Feathers к Sanath Lim-yo в Azshara если вы хотите поговорить с его хозяином.",["bring 20 arthas' tears to sergeant major germaine at the airfield in dun morogh."]="Принеси 20 arthas' tears Sergeant Major Germaine'у на airfield в Dun Morogh.",["bring 20 arthas' tears to sergeant major germaine at the military ward in ironforge."]="Принеси 20 Arthas' Tears для Sergeant Major Germaine в Military Ward в Ironforge.",["bring 20 baked salmon to chief sharpclaw at the valley of spirits in orgrimmar."]="Достань 20 Baked Salmon для Chief Sharpclaw в Valley of Spirits в Orgrimmar.",["bring 20 cenarion combat badges, 15 cenarion logistics badges, 20 cenarion tactical badges and 1 mark of cenarius to vargus at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also attain exalted reputation with cenarion circle to be able to complete this quest."]="Принеси 20 Cenarion Combat Badges, 15 Cenarion Logistics Badges, 20 Cenarion Tactical Badges и 1 Mark of Cenarius для Vargus в Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Кроме того, твоя репутация у Cenarion Circle должна быть Exalted.",["bring 20 copper bars to miner cromwell at the valley of spirits in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 20 Copper Bars в Valley of Spirits в Orgrimmar для Miner Cromwell.",["bring 20 copper bars to miner cromwell in durotar."]="Принести 20 медных слитков в Miner Cromwell, в Durotar.",["bring 20 copper bars to sergeant stonebrow at the airfield in dun morogh."]="Принеси 20 медных слитков сержанту Stonebrow на летное поле в Dun Morogh.",["bring 20 copper bars to sergeant stonebrow at the military ward in ironforge."]="Принеси 20 Copper Bars для Sergeant Stonebrow в Military Ward в Ironforge.",["bring 20 firebloom to batrider pele'keiki at the valley of spirits in orgrimmar."]="Принести 20 Firebloom для Batrider Pele'keiki, находящемуся в Valley of Spirits в Orgrimmar.",["bring 20 iron bars to corporal carnes at the airfield in dun morogh."]="Достань 20 iron bars для Corporal Carnes, находящемуся на airfield в Dun Morogh.",["bring 20 iron bars to corporal carnes at the military ward in ironforge."]="Принеси 20 Iron Bars для Corporal Carnes, находящемуся в Military Ward в Ironforge.",["bring 20 lean wolf steaks to bloodguard rawtar at the valley of spirits in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 20 Lean Wolf Steaks для Bloodguard Rawtar в Valley of Spirits в Orgrimmar.",["bring 20 linen bandages to sentinel silversky at the airfield in dun morogh."]="Достань 20 linen bandages и принеси их Sentinel Silversky на аэродром в Dun Morogh",["bring 20 linen bandages to sentinel silversky at the military ward in ironforge."]="Достань 20 Linen Bandages и принеси их Sentinel Silversky в Military Ward в Ironforge.",["bring 20 mageweave bandages to lady callow at the valley of spirits in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 20 Mageweave Bandages для Lady Callow в Valley of Spirits, в Orgrimmar.",["bring 20 mithril bars to senior sergeant t'kelah at the valley of spirits in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 20 Mithril Bars и отдай Senior Sergeant T'kelah в Valley of Spirits в Orgrimmar.",["bring 20 peacebloom to herbalist proudfeather at the valley of spirits in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 20 Peacebloom для Herbalist Proudfeather в Valley of Spirits, в Orgrimmar.",["bring 20 purple lotus to apothecary jezel at the valley of spirits in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 20 Purple Lotus для Apothecary Jezel, находящемуся в Valley of Spirits в Orgrimmar.",["bring 20 purple lotus to master nightsong at the airfield in dun morogh."]="Достань 20 purple lotus для Master Nightsong, находящемуся на airfield в Dun Morogh.",["bring 20 purple lotus to master nightsong at the military ward in ironforge."]="Принеси 20 Purple Lotus Master Nightsong, находящемуся в Military Ward в Ironforge.",["bring 20 rainbow fin albacore to slicky gastronome at the airfield in dun morogh."]="Достань 20 rainbow fin albacore для Slicky Gastronome на airfield в Dun Morogh.",["bring 20 rainbow fin albacore to slicky gastronome at the military ward in ironforge."]="Принеси 20 Rainbow Fin Albacore и отдай Slicky Gastronome в Military Ward в Ironforge.",["bring 20 roast raptor to sarah sadwhistle at the military ward in ironforge."]="Принеси 20 Roast Raptor для Sarah Sadwhistle в Military Ward в Ironforge.",["bring 20 runecloth bandages to keeper moonshade at the military ward in ironforge."]="Достань 20 Runecloth Bandages для Keeper Moonshade в Military Ward в Ironforge.",["bring 20 runecloth bandages to stoneguard clayhoof at the valley of spirits in orgrimmar."]="Достань 20 Runecloth Bandages для Stoneguard Clayhoof в Valley of Spirits в Orgrimmar.",["bring 20 silk bandages to nurse stonefield at the airfield in dun morogh."]="Принеси 20 silk bandages для Nurse Stonefield на аэродром в Dun Morogh.",["bring 20 silk bandages to nurse stonefield at the military ward in ironforge."]="Принеси 20 Silk Bandages для Nurse Stonefield в Military Ward в Ironforge.",["bring 20 spotted yellowtail to fisherman lin'do at the valley of spirits in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 20 Spotted Yellowtail и отдай Fisherman Lin'do в Valley of Spirits в Orgrimmar.",["bring 20 spotted yellowtail to huntress swiftriver at the military ward in ironforge."]="Достань 20 Spotted Yellowtail для Huntress Swiftriver в Military Ward в Ironforge.",["bring 20 stranglekelp to private draxlegauge at the airfield in dun morogh."]="Принеси 20 stranglekelp Private Draxlegauge'у на airfield в Dun Morogh.",["bring 20 stranglekelp to private draxlegauge at the military ward in ironforge."]="Достань 20 Stranglekelp для Private Draxlegauge в Military Ward в Ironforge.",["bring 20 thorium bars to dame twinbraid at the military ward in ironforge."]="Принеси Dame Twinbraid в Military Ward в Ironforge 20 Thorium Bars.",["bring 20 tin bars to grunt maug at the valley of spirits in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 20 Tin Bars для Grunt Maug в Valley of Spirits в Orgrimmar.",["bring 20 tin bars to grunt maug in durotar."]="Достань 20 tin bars для Grunt Maug'у в Durotar.",["bring 20 un'goro soil samples to ghede in thunder bluff."]="Доставь 20 образцов почвы Un'Goro Soil к Ghede в Thunder Bluff.",["bring 20 wool bandages to healer longrunner at the valley of spirits in orgrimmar."]="Принеси 20 Wool Bandages для Healer Longrunner в Valley of Spirits в Orgrimmar.",["bring 20 wrathtail heads to marukai along the zoram strand."]="Принеси 20 Wrathtail Heads для Marukai в Zoram Strand.",["bring 25 argent dawn valor tokens to quartermaster hasana at the bulwark, western plaguelands."]="Принеси 25 Argent Dawn Valor Tokens для Quartermaster Hasana из the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.",["bring 3 black dragonscales to gorzeeki wildeyes in the burning steppes."]="Принеси Gorzeeki Wildeyes в Burning Steppes 3 Black Dragonscales.",["bring 3 dark iron bars, 20 enchanted leather, 3 mooncloth and 4 cured rugged hides to anthion harmon in the eastern plaguelands."]="Принеси 3 Dark Iron Bars, 20 Enchanted Leather, 3 Mooncloth и 4 Cured Rugged Hides к Anthion Harmon в Eastern Plaguelands.",["bring 3 ornate mithril boots to vish kozus, captain of the guard at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring logistics task briefing ii in order to complete this quest."]="Принеси Vish Kozus, капитану стражи в Cenarion Hold в Silithus, 3 пары Ornate Mithril Boots. Добудь также Logistik Task Briefing II, и твое задание будет выполнено.",["bring 3 soothing spices to \"swamp eye\" jarl in dustwallow marsh."]="Принеси 3 Soothing Spices к “Swamp Eye” Jarl в Dustwallow Marsh.",["bring 30 arakkoa feathers to vekax in shattrath's lower city."]="Принеси Vekax из Shattrath's Lower City 30 Arakkoa Feathers.",["bring 30 heavy runecloth bandages, 30 heavy silk bandages and 30 heavy mageweave bandages to windcaller proudhorn at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring logistics task briefing x in order to complete this quest."]="Достань 30 Heavy Runecloth Bandages, 30 Heavy Silk Bandages и 30 Heavy Mageweave Bandages для Windcaller Proudhorn в Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Имей при себе Logistics Task Briefing X.",["bring 30 runecloth to meilosh in timbermaw hold."]="Принеси 30 Runecloth к Meilosh в Timbermaw Hold.",["bring 4 buzzard wings to rigglefuzz."]="Принеси 4 Buzzard Wings к Rigglefuzz.",["bring 4 carved stone urns to prospector ironband in loch modan."]="Принеси 4 Carved Stone Urns и отдай Prospector Ironband в Loch Modan.",["bring 4 globes of water, 4 powerful anti-venom and 4 smoked desert dumplings to calandrath at the inn in cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring logistics task briefing i in order to complete this quest."]="Собери 4 Globes of Water, 4 Powerful Anti-Venom и 4 Smoked Desert Dumplings Calandrath в таверну Cenarion Hold, Silithus. Для выполнении этого квеста необходимо иметь при себе Logistics Task Briefing I.",["bring 4 light leather and 4 coarse thread to veren tallstrider in thunder bluff."]="Принеси 4 Light Leather и 4 Coarse Thread Veren Tallstrider в Thunder Bluff.",["bring 4 light leathers to veren tallstrider in thunder bluff."]="Принесите 4 Light Leathers к Veren Tallstrider в Thunder Bluff.",["bring 5 cenarion combat badges, 3 cenarion logistics badges and 7 cenarion tactical badges to vargus at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also attain friendly reputation with cenarion circle to be able to complete this quest."]="Принеси 5 Cenarion Combat Badges, 3 Cenarion Logistics Badges и 7 Cenarion Tactical Badges для Vargus в Cenarion Hold, в Silithus. Кроме того, твоя репутация у Cenarion Circle должна быть Friendly или выше. ",["bring 5 handfuls of stardust to pelturas in astranaar."]="Принеси 5 Handfuls of Stardust для Pelturas в Astranaar.",["bring 5 large brilliant shards and 3 abyssal signets to aurel goldleaf in cenarion hold."]="Принеси 5 Large Brilliant Shards и 4 Abyssal Signets Aurel Goldleaf в Cenarion Hold.",["bring 5 lightning glands, 1 thunderhawk saliva gland and 1 kodo liver to brewmaster drohn in ratchet."]="Принеси 5 Lightning Glands, 1 Thunderhawk Saliva Gland и 1 Kodo Liver для Brewmaster Drohn в Ratchet.",["bring 5 silvermane stalker flanks to agnar beastamer in hinterlands."]="Принеси 5 Silvermane Stalker Flanks для Agnar Beastamer в Hinterlands.",["bring 5 twitching antennae to ruga ragetotem at camp taurajo"]="Принес 5 twitching antennae к Ruga Ragetotem в Camp Taurajo.",["bring 6 copper axes and 6 copper chain belts to thorvald in the southern guard tower of loch modan"]="Принеси 6 Copper Axes и 6 Copper Chain Belts к Thorvald в южной караульной башне Loch Modan.",["bring 6 filled cursed ooze jars and 6 filled tainted ooze jars to laris geardawdle in ironforge."]="Принеси 6 Filled Cursed Ooze Jars и 6 Filled Tainted Ooze Jars к Laris Geardawdle в Ironforge.",["bring 6 moongraze buck hides to acteon at azure watch."]="Принести 6 Moongraze Buck Hides Acteon из Azure Watch.",["bring 6 moongraze stag tenderloins to acteon at azure watch."]="Принеси Acteon из Azure Watch 6 Moongraze Stag Tenderloins.",["bring 6 oils of immolation, 5 goblin rocket fuel and 10 dense blasting powder to arcanist nozzlespring near hive'zora in silithus. you must also bring logistics task briefing iv in order to complete this quest."]="Достань 6 Oils of Immolation, 5 Goblin Rocket Fuel и 10 Dense Blasting Powder и отнеси их Arcanist Nozzlespring, находящемуся возле Hive'Zora в Silithus. Имей при себе Logistics Task Briefing IV.",["bring 6 plagued murloc spines to apothecary renzithen in tranquillien in the ghostlands."]="Принеси 6 Plagued Murloc Spines Apothecary Renzithen из Tranquillen, Ghostlands.",["bring 6 portions of wailing essence to mebok mizzyrix in ratchet."]="Принеси 6 portions of Wailing Essence к Mebok Mizzyrix в Ratchet.",["bring 6 powerful mojo, 6 flasks of big mojo and 8 oils of immolation to shadow priestess shai near hive'regal in silithus. you must also bring logistics task briefing iv in order to complete this quest."]="Принеси 6 Powerful Mojo, 6 Flasks of Big Mojo и 8 Oils of Immolation Shadow Priestess Shai к Hive'Regal, Silithus. Для выполнения этого задания необходимо иметь с собой Task Briefing IV.",["bring 6 vile familiar heads to ruzan."]="Принеси 6 Vile Familiar Heads к Ruzan.",["bring 7 cenarion combat badges, 4 cenarion logistics badges and 4 cenarion tactical badges to vargus at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also attain honored reputation with cenarion circle to be able to complete this quest."]="Принеси 7 Cenarion Combat Badges, 4 Cenarion Logistics Badges и 4 Cenarion Tactical Badges для Vargus в Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Кроме того, твоя репутация у Cenarion Circle должна быть Honored или выше.",["bring 7 uncloven satyr hooves to ula'elek at sen'jin village in durotar."]="Принеси 7 Uncloven Satyr Hooves для Ula'elek из Sen'jin Village в Durotar.",["bring 7 vials of scorpashi venom and 3 aged kodo hides to kreldig ungor in desolace."]="Принеси 7 сосудов с Scorpashi Venom и 3 Aged Kodo Hides для Kreldig Ungor в Desolace.",["bring 8 bundles of wood to raelen at the eastvale logging camp."]="Принеси 8 Bundle of Wood к Raelen в Eastvale Logging Camp",["bring 8 crates of milly's harvest to milly osworth at northshire abbey."]="Принеси 8 ящиков Milly's Harvest к Milly Osworth в Northshire Abbey.",["bring 8 gnoll paws to captain danuvin on sentinel hill."]="Принеси 8 Gnoll Paws к Captain Danuvin в Sentinel Hill.",["bring 8 pieces of salvaged metal and 8 pieces of salvaged wood to dumphry at honor hold."]="Принеси 8 кусков Salvaged Metal и 8 кусков Salvaged Wood Dumphry из Honor Hold.",["bring 8 pieces of salvaged metal and 8 pieces of salvaged wood to megzeg nukklebust in thrallmar."]="Принеси 8 Salvaged Metal и 8 Salvaged Wood Megzeg Nukklebust из Thrallmar.",["bring 8 pieces of tough wolf meat to eagan peltskinner outside northshire abbey."]="Принеси 8 кусков Tough Wolf Meat для Eagan Peltskinner рядом с Northshire Abbey.",["bring 8 pristine shimmerscale eels to seth in shattrath."]="Принеси 8 Pristine Shimmerscale Eels Seth из Shattrath.",["bring 8 rugged armor kits and 8 heavy armor kits to janela stouthammer at the ironforge brigade outpost near hive'zora in silithus. you must also bring logistics task briefing vii in order to complete this quest."]="Достань 8 Rugged Armor Kits и 8 Heavy Armor Kits для Janela Stouthammer, находящейся в Ironforge Brigade Outpost возле Hive'Zora в Silithus. Имей при себе Logistics Task Briefing VII.",["bring 8 sin'dorei armaments to velendris whitemorn in eversong woods."]="Принеси 8 Sin'dorei Armaments Velendris Whitemorn из Eversong Woods.",["bring 8 sturdy dragonmaw shinbones to velora nitely in the undercity."]="Принеси 8 Sturdy Dragonmaw Shinbones к Velora Nitely в Undercity.",["bring 8 trogg stone teeth to captain rugelfuss in the southern guard tower."]="Принеси 8 Trogg Stone Teeth к Captain Rugelfuss в южной караульной башне.",["bring 8 vials of warp chaser blood to sab'aoth at cosmowrench."]="Принеси 8 vials of Warp Chaser Blood Sab'aoth в Cosmowrench.",["bring 9 carved stone urns to prospector ironband in loch modan."]="Принеси 9 урн Carved Stone Urns к Prospector Ironband в Loch Modan.",["bring a beaststalker's belt and a set of beaststalker's gloves to mokvar in orgrimmar."]="Принеси a Beaststalker's Belt и немного Beaststalker's Gloves к Mokvar в Orgrimmar.",["bring a belt of valor and a set of gauntlets of valor to deliana in ironforge."]="Принеси a Belt of Valor и пару Gauntlets of Valor к Deliana в Ironforge.",["bring a belt of valor and a set of gauntlets of valor to mokvar in orgrimmar."]="Принеси a Belt of Valor пару Gauntlets of Valor к Mokvar в Orgrimmar.\r\n",["bring a cord of the elements and a set of gauntlets of the elements to mokvar in orgrimmar."]="Принеси a Cord of the Elements пару Gauntlets of the Elements к Mokvar в Orgrimmar.\r\n",["bring a devout belt and a set of devout gloves to mokvar in orgrimmar."]="Принеси a Devout Belt и немного Devout Gloves к Mokvar в Orgrimmar.",["bring a dreadmist belt and a set of dreadmist wraps to deliana in ironforge."]="Принеси a Dreadmist Belt и пару Dreadmist Wraps к Deliana в Ironforge.",["bring a dreadmist belt and a set of dreadmist wraps to mokvar in orgrimmar."]="Принеси a Dreadmist Belt и немного Dreadmist Wraps к Mokvar в Orgrimmar.\r\n",["bring a fel armament to ishanah in shattrath city. completing quests for the aldor will cause your scryers reputation to decrease."]="Принеси Ishanah из Shattrath City Fel Armament.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Aldor снижает репутацию с Scryers.",["bring a libram of focus, 1 pristine black diamond, 4 large brilliant shards, and 2 skin of shadow to lorekeeper lydros in dire maul to receive an arcanum of focus."]="Принести Libram of Focus, 1 Pristine Black Diamond, 4 Large Brilliant Shards, и 2 Skin of Shadow для Lorekeeper Lydros в Dire Maul, чтобы получить Arcanum of Focus.",["bring a libram of protection, 1 pristine black diamond, 2 large brilliant shards, and 1 frayed abomination stitching to lorekeeper lydros in dire maul to receive an arcanum of protection."]="Принеси 1 Libram of Protection, 1 Pristine Black Diamond, 2 Large Brilliant Shards, и 1 Frayed Abomination Stitching к Lorekeeper Lydros в Dire Maul, чтобы получить Arcanum of Protection.",["bring a magister's belt and a set of magister's gloves to mokvar in orgrimmar."]="Принеси a Magister's Belt и пару Magister's Gloves к Mokvar в Orgrimmar.",["bring a mana potion, coal, and sweet nectar to talvash del kissel in ironforge to get a replacement for talvash's phial of scrying."]="Принеси 1 Mana Potion, 1 Coal, и 1 Sweet Nectar к Talvash del Kissel в Ironforge чтобы он сделал еще один Talvash's Phial of Scrying.",["bring a piece of corroded shrapnel to kaela shadowspear in stonetalon."]="Принеси кусок Corroded Shrapnel к Kaela Shadowspear в Stonetalon.",["bring a shadowcraft belt and a set of shadowcraft gloves to mokvar in orgrimmar."]="Принеси a Shadowcraft Belt и пару Shadowcraft Gloves к Mokvar в Orgrimmar.",["bring a skin of shadow, 3 frayed abomination stitchings and 1 twilight cultist robe to aurel goldleaf at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring logistics task briefing xi in order to complete this quest."]="Принеси 1 Skin of Shadow, 3 Frayed Abomination Stitchings и 1 Twilight Cultist Robe и отдай Aurel Goldleaf в Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Имей при себе Logistics Task Briefing XI.\r\n",["bring a venom bottle to an apothecary in tarren mill."]="Доставь Venom Bottle к аптекарю в Tarren Mill.",["bring albreck's findings to apothecary antonivich in thrallmar."]="Принеси Albreck's Findings Apothecary Antonivich из Thrallmar.",["bring aldaron's head to velendris whitemorn near sunsail anchorage in eversong woods."]="Принеси Aldaron's Head Velendris Whitemorn, который находится возле Sunsail Anchorage, Eversong Woods.",["bring al'tabim the all-seeing a primal hakkari aegis. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than revered with the zandalar tribe. al'tabim the all-seeing is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Al'tabim the All-Seeing a Primal Hakkari Aegis. Ты должен иметь репутацию не хуже \rRevered с Zandalar Tribe.\n\r\nAl'tabim the All-Seeing находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.",["bring al'tabim the all-seeing a primal hakkari kossack. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than revered with the zandalar tribe. al'tabim the all-seeing is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Al'tabim the All-Seeing a Primal Hakkari Kossack. Ты должен иметь репутацию не ниже \rRevered с Zandalar Tribe.\n\r\nAl'tabim the All-Seeing находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.",["bring al'tabim the all-seeing a primal hakkari sash. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than honored with the zandalar tribe. al'tabim the all-seeing is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Al'tabim the All-Seeing Primari Hakkari Sash. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию с Zandalar Tribe, равную или большую Honored.\nAl'tabim the All-Seeing находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.",["bring al'tabim the all-seeing a primal hakkari shawl. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than honored with the zandalar tribe. al'tabim the all-seeing is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Al'tabim the All-Seeing Primari Hakkari Shawl. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию с Zandalar Tribe, равную или большую Honored.\n\nAl'tabim the All-Seeing находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.",["bring al'tabim the all-seeing a primal hakkari stanchion. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than friendly with the zandalar tribe. al'tabim the all-seeing is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Al'tabim the All-Seeing Primari Hakkari Stanchion. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию с Zandalar Tribe, равную или большую Friendly.\n\nAl'tabim the All-Seeing находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.",["bring al'tabim the all-seeing primal hakkari bindings. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than friendly with the zandalar tribe. al'tabim the all-seeing is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Al'tabim the All-Seeing Primari Hakkari Bindings. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию с Zandalar Tribe, равную или большую Friendly.\n\nAl'tabim the All-Seeing находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.",["bring alturus's report to archmage cedric in the outskirts of dalaran."]="Отнеси Alturus's Report Archmage Cedric, который бродит недалеко от Dalaran.",["bring an enchanted thorium bar, 5 crystal restore, and a vial of dire water to aurora skycaller at northpass tower in eastern plaguelands."]="Принеси Enchanted Thorium Bar, 5 Crystal Restore, Vial of Dire Water к Aurora Skycaller в Northpass Tower в Eastern Plaguelands.",["bring antheol's elemental grimoire to instructor antheol at stillwhisper pond in eversong woods."]="Принеси Antheol's Elemental Grimoire для Instructor Antheol в Stillwhisper Pond в Eversong Woods.",["bring augustus' receipt book to augustus the touched in terrordale."]="Принеси Augustus the Touched из Terrordale его Augustus' Receipt Book.",["bring back 6 unstable mana crystals to aeldon sunbrand at falconwing square."]="Верни 6 Unstable Mana Crystals для Aeldon Sunbrand из Falconwing Square.",["bring barak's head to regthar deathgate, west of the crossroads."]="Принеси Barak's Head к Regthar Deathgate, к западу от Crossroads.",["bring bibbly f'utzbuckle at the orc hut 10 kodo bones from the kodo graveyard."]="Принести 10 Kodo Bones из Kodo Graveyard для Bibbly F'utzbuckle у Orc Hut.",["bring bossi's spare parts to rocket-chief fuselage at area 52."]="Принеси Bossi's Spare Parts Rocket-Chief Fuselage из Area 52.",["bring brock's list to thorgrum borrelson in thelsamar."]="Отнеси Brock's List к Thorgrum Borrelson в Thelsamar.",["bring coleman farthing the agamand family axe, the agamand family sword, the agamand family mace and the agamand family dagger."]="Принести Coleman’у Farthing’у - Agamand Family Axe, Agamand Family Sword, Agamand Family Mace и Agamand Family dagger.",["bring dal bloodclaw's skull to raene wolfrunner in astranaar."]="Принеси Dal Bloodclaw’s Skull к Raene Wolfrunner в Astranaar.",["bring dar'khan's journal to magister kaendris at the sanctum of the sun in the ghostlands."]="Отнеси Dar'Khan's Journal Magister Kaendris из Sanctum of the Sun, Ghostlands.",["bring deadmire's tooth to melor in thunder bluff."]="Принеси Deadmire's Tooth для Melor в Thunder Bluff.",["bring doc mixilpixil one bundle of simple wildflowers, one leaded vial, one bronze tube, and one spool of light chartreuse silk thread. the 'itis' doesn't cure itself, young "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "fella"), "^3$", "lady").."."]="Достань 1 связку Simple Wildflowers, 1 Leaded Vial, 1 Bronze Tube и 1 Spool of Light Chartreuse Silk Thread и принеси к Doc Mixilpixil. И запомни: \"итис\" сам по себе не проходит, "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "парень"), "^3$", "леди")..". ",["bring falthir the sightless a primal hakkari aegis. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than revered with the zandalar tribe. falthir the sightless is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Falthir the Sightless a Primal Hakkari Aegis. Ты должен иметь репутацию не ниже \rRevered с Zandalar Tribe.\n\r\nFalthir the Sightless a Primal Hakkari Aegis находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.",["bring falthir the sightless a primal hakkari armsplint. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than friendly with the zandalar tribe. falthir the sightless is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Falthir the Sightless Primari Hakkari Armsplint. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию с Zandalar Tribe, равную или большую Friendly.\n\nFalthir the Sightless находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.",["bring falthir the sightless a primal hakkari girdle. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than honored with the zandalar tribe. falthir the sightless is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Falthir the Sightless Primari Hakkari Girdle. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию с Zandalar Tribe, равную или большую Honored.\n\nFalthir the Sightless находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.",["bring five centipaar insect parts from the noxious lair to alchemist pestlezugg in gadgetzan."]="Принеси пять Centipaar insect part из Noxious Lair к Alchemist Pestlezugg в Gadgetzan.",["bring fizzle's claw to orgnil soulscar in razor hill."]="Принеси Fizzle's Claw к Orgnil Soulscar в Razor Hill.",["bring furen's notes to klockmort spannerspan."]="Доставь Furen's Notes к Klockmort Spannerspan.",["bring ironband's progress report to jern hornhelm in thelsamar."]="Принеси Ironband's Progress Report и отдай Jern’у Hornhelm’у в Thelsamar.",["bring jin'rokh the breaker a primal hakkari armsplint. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than friendly with the zandalar tribe. jin'rokh the breaker is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Jin'rokh the Breaker Primal Hakkari Armsplint. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию с Zandalar Tribe, равную или большую Friendly.\n\nJin'rokh the Breaker находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.\n",["bring jin'rokh the breaker a primal hakkari girdle. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than honored with the zandalar tribe. jin'rokh the breaker is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Jin'rokh the Breaker Primari Hakkari Girdle. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию с Zandalar Tribe, равную или большую Honored.\n\nJin'rokh the Breaker находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.",["bring jin'rokh the breaker a primal hakkari kossack. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than revered with the zandalar tribe. jin'rokh the breaker is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Jin'rokh the Breaker a Primal Hakkari Kossack. Ты должен иметь репутацию не ниже \rRevered с Zandalar Tribe.\n\r\nJin'rokh the Breaker находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.",["bring jin'rokh the breaker a primal hakkari shawl. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than honored with the zandalar tribe. jin'rokh the breaker is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Jin'rokh the Breaker Primal Hakkari Shawl. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию с Zandalar Tribe, равную или большую Honored.\nJin'rokh the Breaker находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale. ",["bring jin'rokh the breaker a primal hakkari tabard. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than revered with the zandalar tribe. jin'rokh the breaker is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Jin'rokh the Breaker Primari Hakkari Tabard. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию с Zandalar Tribe, равную или большую Revered.\n\nJin'rokh the Breaker находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.",["bring jin'rokh the breaker primal hakkari bindings. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than friendly with the zandalar tribe. jin'rokh the breaker is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Jin'rokh the Breaker Primal Hakkari Bindings. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию с Zandalar Tribe, равную или большую Friendly.\n\nJin'rokh the Breaker находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale. ",["bring johaan's special drink to the captured mountaineer."]="Отнеси Johaan's Special Drink Captured Mountaineer’у.",["bring joseph's key to joseph's chest."]="Отнеси Joseph's Key к Joseph's Chest.",["bring ken'zigla's draught to grunt logmar at camp taurajo."]="Принеси Ken'zigla's Draught к Grunt Logmar в Camp Taurajo.",["bring khan dez'hepah's head to felgur twocuts in desolace."]="Принеси голову Khan Dez'hepah'а к Felgur Twocuts в Desolace.",["bring lethtendris's web to talo thornhoof at camp mojache in feralas."]="Принеси Lethtendris's Web к Talo Thornhoof в Camp Mojache в Feralas.",["bring malyfous darkhammer 6 enchanted thorium bars, 2 essence of fire, and 4 star rubies. you will also need to turn in your unfired plate gauntlets."]="Достань для Malyfous Darkhammer 6 Enchanted Thorium Bars, 2 Essence of Fire, и 4 Star Rubies. Тебе также придется отдать ему Unfired Plate Gauntlets.",["bring maury's key to \"sea wolf\" mackinley in booty bay."]="Принеси Maury's Key для \"Sea Wolf\" Mackinley в Booty Bay.",["bring maywiki of zuldazar a primal hakkari armsplint. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than friendly with the zandalar tribe. maywiki of zuldazar is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Maywiki of Zuldazar Primal Hakkari Armsplit. Для выполнения квеста необходимо иметь репутацию с Zandalar, большую или равную Friendly.\n\nMaywiki of Zuldazar находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale. ",["bring maywiki of zuldazar a primal hakkari girdle. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than honored with the zandalar tribe. maywiki of zuldazar is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Maywiki of Zuldazar Primal Hakkari Girdle. Для выполнения квеста необходимо иметь репутацию с Zandalar, большую или равную Honored.\n\nMaywiki of Zuldazar находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale. ",["bring maywiki of zuldazar a primal hakkari sash. maywiki of zuldazar is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale. you must also be honored with zandalar."]="Принеси Maywiki of Zuldazar Primal Hakkari Sash. Maywiki of Zuldazar находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale. Для выполнения квеста необходимо иметь репутацию Honored с Zandalar.",["bring maywiki of zuldazar a primal hakkari stanchion. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than friendly with the zandalar tribe. maywiki of zuldazar is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Maywiki of Zuldazar Primal Hakkari Stanchion. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию с Zandalar Tribe, равную или большую Friendly.\n\nMaywiki of Zuldazar находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.\n",["bring maywiki of zuldazar a primal hakkari tabard. maywiki of zuldazar is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale. you must also be revered with zandalar."]="Принеси Primal Hakkari Tabard Maywiki of Zuldazar. Maywiki of Zuldazar находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale. Чтобы завершить квест, необходимо иметь репутацию Revered с Zandalar.",["bring maywiki of zuldazar a primal hakkari tabard. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than revered with the zandalar tribe. maywiki of zuldazar is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Maywiki of Zuldazar Primal Hakkari Tabard. Для выполнения квеста необходимо иметь репутацию Revered с Zandalar.\n\nMaywiki of Zuldazar находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale. ",["bring ol' sooty's head to vyrin swiftwind at the farstrider lodge."]="Принеси Ol' Sooty's head и отдай Vyrin’у Swiftwind около Farstrider Lodge.",["bring otto's head and falconcrest's head to captain nials at refuge pointe."]="Доставь головы - Otto's Head и Falconcrest's Head к Captain Nials в Refuge Pointe.",["bring ouro's intact hide, 2 idols of death, 5 bronze scarabs and 5 ivory scarabs to kandrostrasz inside ahn'qiraj. you must also attain friendly reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Kandrostrasz из Ahn'Qiraj Ouro's Intact Hide, 2 Idols of Death, 5 Bronze Scarabs и 5 Ivory Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Friendly с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring ouro's intact hide, 2 idols of life, 5 gold scarabs and 5 clay scarabs to kandrostrasz inside ahn'qiraj. you must also attain friendly reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Kandrostrasz из Ahn'Qiraj Ouro's Intact Hide, 2 Idols of Life, 5 Gold Scarabs и 5 Clay Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Friendly с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring ouro's intact hide, 2 idols of night, 5 stone scarabs and 5 crystal scarabs to kandrostrasz inside ahn'qiraj. you must also attain friendly reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Kandrostrasz из Ahn'Qiraj Ouro's Intact Hide, 2 Idols of Night, 5 Stone Scarabs и 5 Crystal Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Friendly с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring ouro's intact hide, 2 idols of the sage, 5 silver scarabs and 5 bone scarabs to kandrostrasz inside ahn'qiraj. you must also attain friendly reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Kandrostrasz из Ahn'Qiraj Ouro's Intact Hide, 2 Idols of the Sage, 5 Silver Scarabs и 5 Bone Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Friendly с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring pages 1, 4, 6, and 8 of nesingwary's the green hills of stranglethorn to barnil stonepot in order to complete chapter i."]="Принеси страницы 1, 4, 6 и 8 из The Green Hills of Stranglethorn к Barnil Stonepot, чтобы завершить Chapter I.",["bring pages 18, 20, 21and 24 of nesingwary's the green hills of stranglethorn to barnil stonepot in order to complete chapter iii."]="Принеси страницы 18, 20, 21 и 24 из The Green Hills of Stranglethorn к Barnil Stonepot, чтобы закончить главу III.",["bring prospector anvilward's head to aeldon sunbrand at falconwing square in eversong woods."]="Принеси Prospector Anvilward's Head для Aeldon Sunbrand в Falconwing Square в Eversong Woods.",["bring quartermaster lymel's goods to skymistress gloaming just outside silvermoon city's shepherd's gate."]="Отнеси Quartermaster Lymel's Goods Skymistress Gloaming, стоящей на выходе из Silvermoon City, у Shepherd's Gate.",["bring ran bloodtooth's skull and dartol's rod of transformation to raene wolfrunner in astranaar."]="Доставь череп Ran Bloodtooth's Skull и палочку Dartol's Rod of Transformation к Raene Wolfrunner в Astranaar.",["bring reethe's badge to krog in brackenwall village."]="Отнеси Reethe's Badge к Krog в Brackenwall Village.",["bring roon's kodo horn to hemet nesingwary in stranglethorn."]="Принеси Roon's Kodo Horn для Hemet Nesingwary в Stranglethorn.",["bring roon's kodo horn to hemet nesingwary jr. in stranglethorn."]="Отнеси Roon's Kodo Horn для Hemet Nesingwary Jr. в Stranglethorn.",["bring smotts' chest to hecklebury smotts in booty bay."]="Принеси Smotts' Chest к Hecklebury Smotts в Booty Bay.",["bring stoley's shipment to stoley in steamwheedle port."]="Принеси Stoley’s Shipment к Stoley в Steamwheedle Port.",["bring stonegazer's blood to sha'nir in shattrath city. completing quests for the aldor will cause your scryers reputation level to decrease."]="Принеси Stonegazer's Blood Sha'nir из Shattrath City.\n\nВыполнение квестов за Aldor приведет к снижению репутации с Scryers.",["bring terokk's mask, terokk's quill, and the saga of terokk to isfar outside the sethekk halls."]="Принеси Terokk's Mask, Terokk's Quill и Saga of Terokk для Isfar снаружи Sethekk Halls.",["bring thaelis's head to sergeant kan'ren at falconwing square in eversong woods."]="Принеси Thaelis's Head Sergeant Kan'ren из Falconwing Square в Eversong Woods.",["bring tharil'zun's head to marshal marris in redridge."]="Принеси голову Tharil'zun маршалу Marris в Redridge.",["bring thazz'ril's pick to foreman thazz'ril."]="Принеси Thazz'ril's Pick к Foreman Thazz'ril.",["bring the brain of the black stalker to khn'nix at sporeggar in zangarmarsh."]="Принеси Brain of the Black Stalker для Khn'nix из Sporeggar в Zangarmarsh.",["bring the brilliant gold ring, a silver bar, a moss agate, and 30 silver coins to talvash del kissel in ironforge."]="Принеси кольцо Brilliant Gold Ring, слиток Silver Bar, камень Moss Agate и 30 серебряных монет к Talvash del Kissel в Ironforge.",["bring the cabal orders to mekeda at the refugee caravan in terokkar forest."]="Принеси Cabal Orders Mekeda из Refugee Caravan, Terokkar Forest.",["bring the camp narache gift voucher to vorn skyseer."]="Отнеси Camp Narache Gift Voucher to Vorn Skyseer.",["bring the carapace of the old god, 2 idols of the sage, 5 silver scarabs and 5 bone scarabs to vethsera inside ahn'qiraj. you must also attain honored reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Vethsera из Ahn'Qiraj Carapace of Old God, 2 Idols of the Sage, 5 Silver Scarabs и 5 Bone Scarabs. Для выполнения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Honored с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the cask of scalder to furen longbeard."]="Принеси Cask of Scalder для Furen Longbeard.",["bring the cracked necrotic crystal to lieutenant orrin outside the gates of stormwind."]="Принеси Cracked Necrotic Crystal к Lieutenant Orrin за воротами Stormwind.",["bring the damaged mask to o'mally zapnabber in ruuan weald."]="Отнеси Damaged Mask O'Mally Zapnabber из Ruuan Weald.",["bring the deathknell gift voucher to claire willower in deathknell."]="Отнеси Deathknell Gift Voucher к Claire Willower в Deathknell.",["bring the defiant orc head to nazeer bloodpike in brackenwall village."]="Принеси Defiant Orc Head к Nazeer Bloodpike в Brackenwall Village.",["bring the extra-dimensional ghost revealer to deliana in ironforge."]="Принеси Extra-Dimensional Ghost Revealer Deliana в Ironforge.",["bring the eye of gutripper to fitz at the nesingwary safari in nagrand."]="Принеси Eye of Gutripper Fitz из Nesingwary Safari, Nagrand.",["bring the eye of reskk and the eye of shienor to rilak the redeemed in the lower city district of shattrath."]="Принеси Eye of Reskk и Eye of Shienor для Rilak the Redeemed из Lower City района Shattrath.",["bring the faint necrotic crystal to lieutenant rukag in the courtyard of the undercity."]="Отнеси Faint Necrotic Crystal Lieutenant Rukag во внутренний двор Undercity.",["bring the following paragons of power from zul'gurub to al'tabim the all-seeing: 5 witherbark coins, 5 vilebranch coins, 2 blue hakkari bijous, and a primal hakkari bindings. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than friendly with the zandalar tribe. al'tabim the all-seeing is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси следующие Paragons of Power из Zul'Gurubа к Al'tabim the All-Seeing: 5 Witherbark Coins, 5 Vilebranch Coins, 2 Blue Hakkari Bijous, и 1 Primal Hakkari Bindings. Также надо иметь репутацию равную или большую чем Дружественный у племени Zandalar Tribe. \r\n\r\nAl'tabim the All-Seeing находится на Yojamba Isle, в Stranglethorn Vale.",["bring the following paragons of power from zul'gurub to falthir the sightless: 5 razzashi coins, 5 hakkari coins, 2 green hakkari bijous, and a primal hakkari shawl. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than honored with the zandalar tribe. falthir the sightless is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси следующие Paragons of Power из Zul'Gurubа к Falthir the Sightless: 5 Razzashi Coins, 5 Hakkari Coins, 2 Green Hakkari Bijous, и 1 Primal Hakkari Shawl. Также надо иметь репутацию как минимум Уважаемый в племени Zandalar Tribe. \r\n\r\nFalthir the Sightless находится на Yojamba Isle, в Stranglethorn Vale.",["bring the following paragons of power from zul'gurub to falthir the sightless: a primal hakkari aegis. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than revered with the zandalar tribe. falthir the sightless is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Falthir the Sightless следующий Paragon of Power из Zul'Gurub: Primal Hakkari Aegis. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию с Zandalar Tribe, равную или большую Revered.\n\nFalthir the Sightless находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale.\n\n",["bring the following paragons of power from zul'gurub to falthir the sightless: a primal hakkari bindings. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than friendly with the zandalar tribe. falthir the sightless is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Falthir the Sightless следующий Paragon of Power из Zul'Gurub: Primal Hakkari Bindings. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию с Zandalar Tribe, равную или большую Friendly.\n\nFalthir the Sightless находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale. ",["bring the following paragons of power from zul'gurub to falthir the sightless: a primal hakkari shawl. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than honored with the zandalar tribe. falthir the sightless is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси Falthir the Sightless следующий Paragon of Power из Zul'Gurub: Primal Hakkari Shawl. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо иметь репутацию с Zandalar Tribe, равную или большую Honored.\n\nFalthir the Sightless находится на Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale. ",["bring the following paragons of power from zul'gurub to maywiki of zuldazar: 5 skullsplitter coins, 5 gurubashi coins, 2 purple hakkari bijous, and a primal hakkari girdle. you must also have a reputation equal to or greater than honored with the zandalar tribe. maywiki of zuldazar is located on yojamba isle, stranglethorn vale."]="Принеси следующие Paragons of Power от Zul'Gurub к Maywiki of Zuldazar: 5 Skullsplitter Coins, 5 Gurubashi Coins, 2 Purple Hakkari Bijous, и 1 Primal Hakkari Girdle. Также требуется иметь репутацию больше или равную чем Honored у Zandalar Tribe. \r\n\r\nMaywiki of Zuldazar находится на Yojamba Isle, в Stranglethorn Vale.",["bring the following to falrin treeshaper inside dire maul: 1 jeering spectre's essence, 4 dark runes and 8 large brilliant shards."]="Принеси все это Falrin Treeshaper из Dire Maul: 1 Jeering Spectre's Essence, 4 Dark Runes и 8 Large Brilliant Shards.",["bring the fool's stout back to kravel in the shimmering flats."]="Отнеси Fool's Stout Kravel в Shimmering Flats.",["bring the fool's stout to the gnome pit boss."]="Принеси Fool's Stout к Gnome Pit Boss.",["bring the goblin rumors to kravel koalbeard in the shimmering flats."]="Принеси Goblin Rumors к Kravel Koalbeard в Shimmering Flats.",["bring the gordunni orb to uthel'nay in the darkbriar lodge in orgrimmar."]="Доставь Gordunni Orb к Uthel'nay в Darkbriar Lodge в Orgrimmar.",["bring the head of baron vardus to magistrate maleb in southshore."]="Принеси Head of Baron Vardus для Magistrate Maleb в Southshore.",["bring the heart of tusker to hemet nesingwary at nesingwary's safari in nagrand."]="Принеси Hemet Nesingwary из Nesingwary's Safari, Nagrand, Heart of Tusker.",["bring the heavy stone axe to far seer regulkut at thrallmar in hellfire peninsula."]="Принеси Heavy Stone Axe Far Seer Regulkut из Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula.",["bring the heavy stone axe to nazgrel in thrallmar in hellfire peninsula."]="Отнеси Heavy Stone Axe Nazgrel из Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula.",["bring the husk of the old god, 2 idols of the sun, 5 gold scarabs and 5 clay scarabs to vethsera inside ahn'qiraj. you must also attain honored reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Vethsera из Ahn'Qiraj Husk of Old God, 2 Idols of the Sun, 5 Gold Scarabs и 5 Clay Scarabs. Для выполнения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Honored с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the imp in a jar to the alchemy lab in the scholomance. after the parchment is created, return the jar to gorzeeki wildeyes."]="Доставь импа в банке(Imp in a Jar) в alchemy lab в Scholomance. После того как пергамент будет создан, верни банку к Gorzeeki Wildeyes.",["bring the incriminating documents to aeldon sunbrand at falconwing square in eversong woods."]="Отнеси Incriminating Documents к Aeldon Sunbrand из Falconwing Square в Eversong Woods.",["bring the letter from silvermoon to arcanist vandril at tranquillien in the ghostlands."]="Отнеси Letter from Silvermoon Arcanist Vandril из Tranquillien, Ghostlands.",["bring the mystery mask to wildlord antelarion in ruuan weald."]="Отнеси Mystery Mask Wildlord Antelarion из Ruuan Weald.",["bring the preserved fruit to rocket-chief fuselage at area 52."]="Отвези Preserved Fruit Rocket-Chief Fuselage в Area 52.",["bring the qiraji bindings of command, 2 idols of death, 5 bronze scarabs and 5 gold scarabs to kandrostrasz in ahn'qiraj. this quest also requires neutral faction with the brood of nozdormu."]="Принеси Kandrostrasz из Ahn'Qiraj Qiraji Bindings of Command, 2 Idols of Death, 5 Bronze Scarabs и 5 Gold Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Neutral с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the qiraji bindings of command, 2 idols of life, 5 stone scarabs and 5 bone scarabs to kandrostrasz in ahn'qiraj. this quest also requires neutral faction with the brood of nozdormu."]="Принеси Kandrostrasz из Ahn'Qiraj Qiraji Bindings of Command, 2 Idols of Life, 5 Stone Scarabs и 5 Bone Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Neutral с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the qiraji bindings of command, 2 idols of night, 5 stone scarabs and 5 clay scarabs to andorgos in ahn'qiraj. you must also attain neutral reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Andorgos из Ahn'Qiraj Qiraji Bindings of Command, 2 Idols of Night, 5 Stone Scarabs и 5 Clay Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Neutral с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the qiraji bindings of command, 2 idols of rebirth, 5 silver scarabs and 5 ivory scarabs to andorgos in ahn'qiraj. you must also attain neutral reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Andorgos из Ahn'Qiraj Qiraji Bindings of Command, 2 Idols of Rebirth, 5 Silver Scarabs и 5 Ivory Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Neutral с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the qiraji bindings of command, 2 idols of strife, 5 crystal scarabs and 5 bone scarabs to kandrostrasz in ahn'qiraj. this quest also requires neutral faction with the brood of nozdormu."]="Принеси Kandrostrasz из Ahn'Qiraj Qiraji Bindings of Command, 2 Idols of Strife, 5 Crystal Scarabs и 5 Bone Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Neutral с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the qiraji bindings of command, 2 idols of the sun, 5 silver scarabs and 5 clay scarabs to andorgos in ahn'qiraj. you must also attain neutral reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Andorgos из Ahn'Qiraj Qiraji Bindings of Command, 2 Idols of the Sun, 5 Silver Scarabs и 5 Clay Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Neutral с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the qiraji bindings of command, 2 idols of war, 5 crystal scarabs and 5 ivory scarabs to andorgos in ahn'qiraj. you must also attain neutral reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Andorgos из Ahn'Qiraj Qiraji Bindings of Command, 2 Idols of War, 5 Crystal Scarabs и 5 Ivory Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Neutral с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the qiraji bindings of command, 2 idols of war, 5 ivory scarabs and 5 gold scarabs to kandrostrasz in ahn'qiraj. this quest also requires neutral faction with the brood of nozdormu."]="Принеси Kandrostrasz из Ahn'Qiraj Qiraji Bindings of Command, 2 Idols of War, 5 Ivory Scarabs и 5 Gold Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Neutral с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the qiraji bindings of dominance, 2 idols of life, 5 crystal scarabs and 5 gold scarabs to andorgos in ahn'qiraj. you must also attain neutral reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Qiraji Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of Life, 5 Crystal Scarabs и 5 Gold Scarabs Andorgos из Ahn'Qiraj. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Neutral с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the qiraji bindings of dominance, 2 idols of life, 5 gold scarabs and 5 crystal scarabs to andorgos in ahn'qiraj. you must also attain neutral reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Andorgos из Ahn'Qiraj Qiraji Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of Life, 5 Gold Scarabs и 5 Crystal Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Neutral с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the qiraji bindings of dominance, 2 idols of night, 5 clay scarabs and 5 ivory scarabs to kandrostrasz in ahn'qiraj. this quest also requires neutral faction with the brood of nozdormu."]="Принеси Kandrostrasz из Ahn'Qiraj Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of Night, 5 Clay Scarabs и 5 Ivory Scarabs. Для завершения этого задания необходимо добиться репутации Neutral с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the qiraji bindings of dominance, 2 idols of rebirth, 5 silver scarabs and 5 ivory scarabs to andorgos in ahn'qiraj. you must also attain neutral reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Andorgos из Ahn'Qiraj Qiraji Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of Rebirth, 5 Silver Scarabs и 5 Ivory Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Neutral с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the qiraji bindings of dominance, 2 idols of rebirth, 5 stone scarabs and 5 silver scarabs to kandrostrasz in ahn'qiraj. this quest also requires neutral faction with the brood of nozdormu."]="Принеси Kandrostrasz из Ahn'Qiraj Qiraji Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of Rebirth, 5 Stone Scarabs и 5 Silver Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Neutral с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the qiraji bindings of dominance, 2 idols of strife, 5 gold scarabs and 5 bone scarabs to andorgos in ahn'qiraj. you must also attain neutral reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Andorgos из Ahn'Qiraj Qiraji Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of Strife, 5 Gold Scarabs и 5 Bone Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Neutral с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the qiraji bindings of dominance, 2 idols of the sage, 5 bronze scarabs and 5 bone scarabs to andorgos in ahn'qiraj. you must also attain neutral reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Andorgos из Ahn'Qiraj Qiraji Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of the Sage, 5 Bronze Scarabs и 5 Bone Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Neutral с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the qiraji bindings of dominance, 2 idols of the sage, 5 bronze scarabs and 5 clay scarabs to kandrostrasz in ahn'qiraj. this quest also requires neutral faction with the brood of nozdormu."]="Принеси Kandrostrasz из Ahn'Qiraj Qiraji Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of the Sage, 5 Bronze Scarabs и 5 Clay Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Neutral с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the qiraji bindings of dominance, 2 idols of the sun, 5 silver scarabs and 5 crystal scarabs to kandrostrasz in ahn'qiraj. this quest also requires neutral faction with the brood of nozdormu."]="Принеси Kandrostrasz из Ahn'Qiraj Bindings of Dominance, 2 Idols of the Sun, 5 Silver Scarabs и 5 Crystal Scarabs. Для завершения этого задания необходимо добиться репутации Neutral с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the reconstructed tome and 3 rods of channeling to strahad farsan in ratchet."]="Принеси Reconstructed Tome и 3 Rods of Channeling к Strahad Farsan в Ratchet.",["bring the scroll of messaging to gaxim rustfizzle in stonetalon."]="Отнеси Scroll of Messaging к Gaxim Rustfizzle в Stonetalon.",["bring the sealed blood container to mux manascrambler inside gadgetzan in tanaris."]="Принеси Sealed Blood Container к Mux Manascrambler в Gadgetzan в Tanaris.",["bring the secure crate to wharfmaster dizzywig in ratchet."]="Отнеси Secure Crate к Wharfmaster Dizzywig в Ratchet.",["bring the sketh'lon war totem to parshah in the magma fields."]="Принеси Sketh'lon War Totem Parshah из Magma Fields.",["bring the skin of the great sandworm, 2 idols of rebirth, 5 gold scarabs and 5 clay scarabs to kandrostrasz inside ahn'qiraj. you must also attain friendly reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Kandrostrasz из Ahn'Qiraj Skin of the Great Sandworm, 2 Idols of Rebirth, 5 Gold Scarabs и 5 Clay Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Friendly с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the skin of the great sandworm, 2 idols of strife, 5 bronze scarabs and 5 ivory scarabs to kandrostrasz inside ahn'qiraj. you must also attain friendly reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Skin of the Great Sandworm, 2 Idols of Strife, 5 Bronze Scarabs и 5 Ivory Scarabs Kandrostrasz из Ahn'Qiraj. Для выполнения этого квеста необходимо достичь репутации Friendly с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the skin of the great sandworm, 2 idols of the sun, 5 silver scarabs and 5 bone scarabs to kandrostrasz inside ahn'qiraj. you must also attain friendly reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Kandrostrasz из Ahn'Qiraj Skin of the Great Sandworm, 2 Idols of the Sun, 5 Silver Scarabs и 5 Bone Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Friendly с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the skin of the great sandworm, 2 idols of war, 5 stone scarabs and 5 crystal scarabs to kandrostrasz inside ahn'qiraj. you must also attain friendly reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Kandrostrasz из Ahn'Qiraj Skin of the Great Sandworm, 2 Idols of War, 5 Stone Scarabs и 5 Crystal Scarabs. Для завершения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Friendly с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the tablet of ryun'eh to theldurin the lost."]="Отнеси Tablet of Ryun'eh к Theldurin the Lost.",["bring the tablet transcript to maxwort uberglint in the burning steppes."]="Принеси Tablet Transcript для Maxwort Uberglint в Burning Steppes.",["bring the tainted arcane sliver to arcanist helion at the gazebo of the sunspire on sunstrider isle."]="Принеси Tainted Arcane Sliver для Arcanist Helion на вышке Sunspire на Sunstrider Isle.",["bring the the carapace of the old god, 2 idols of life, 5 gold scarabs and 5 clay scarabs to vethsera inside ahn'qiraj. you must also attain honored reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Vethsera из Ahn'Qiraj Carapace of Old God, 2 Idols of Life, 5 Gold Scarabs и 5 Clay Scarabs. Для выполнения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Honored с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the the carapace of the old god, 2 idols of strife, 5 bronze scarabs and 5 ivory scarabs to vethsera inside ahn'qiraj. you must also attain honored reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Vethsera из Ahn'Qiraj Carapace of Old God, 2 Idols of Strife, 5 Bronze Scarabs и 5 Ivory Scarabs. Для выполнения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Honored с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the the carapace of the old god, 2 idols of the sage, 5 silver scarabs and 5 bone scarabs to vethsera inside ahn'qiraj. you must also attain honored reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Vethser из Ahn'Qiraj Carapace of Old God, 2 Idols of the Sage, 5 Silver Scarabs и 5 Bone Scarabs. Для выполнения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Honored с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the the husk of the old god, 2 idols of death, 5 stone scarabs and 5 crystal scarabs to vethsera inside ahn'qiraj. you must also attain honored reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Vethsera из Ahn'Qiraj Husk of Old God, 2 Idols of Death, 5 Stone Scarabs и 5 Crystal Scarabs. Для выполнения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Honored с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the the husk of the old god, 2 idols of night, 5 stone scarabs and 5 crystal scarabs to vethsera inside ahn'qiraj. you must also attain honored reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Vethsera из Ahn'Qiraj Husk of Old God, 2 Idols of Night, 5 Stone Scarabs и 5 Crystal Scarabs. Для выполнения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Honored с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the the husk of the old god, 2 idols of rebirth, 5 bronze scarabs and 5 ivory scarabs to vethsera inside ahn'qiraj. you must also attain honored reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Vethsera из Ahn'Qiraj Husk of Old God, 2 Idols of Rebirth, 5 Bronze Scarabs и 5 Ivory Scarabs. Для выполнения этого квеста необходимо добиться репутации Honored с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring the timbermaw offering of peace to king magni bronzebeard in ironforge."]="Отнеси Timbermaw Offering of Peace к King Magni Bronzebeard в Ironforge.",["bring the timbermaw offering of peace to thrall in orgrimmar."]="Доставь Timbermaw Offering of Peace для Thrall в Orgrimmar.",["bring the urgent message to cliffwatcher longhorn at freewind post."]="Отнеси Urgent Message к Cliffwatcher Longhorn в Freewind Post.",["bring the valley of trials gift voucher to magga."]="Принеси Valley of Trials Gift Voucher к Magga.",["bring the wolf heart sample to apothecary helbrim in the barrens."]="Отнеси Wolf Heart Sample к Apothecary Helbrim в Barrens.",["bring vek'lor's diadem, 2 idols of life, 5 gold scarabs and 5 clay scarabs to andorgos in ahn'qiraj. you must also attain friendly reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Andorgos из Ahn'Qiraj Vek'lor's Diadem, 2 Idols of Life, 5 Gold Scarabs и 5 Clay Scarabs. Для завершения этого задания необходимо добиться репутации Friendly с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring vek'lor's diadem, 2 idols of rebirth, 5 stone scarabs and 5 crystal scarabs to andorgos in ahn'qiraj. you must also attain friendly reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Andorgos из Ahn'Qiraj Vek'lor's Diadem, 2 Idols of Rebirth, 5 Stone Scarabs и 5 Crystal Scarabs. Для завершения этого задания необходимо добиться репутации Friendly с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring vek'lor's diadem, 2 idols of the war, 5 gold scarabs and 5 clay scarabs to andorgos in ahn'qiraj. you must also attain friendly reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Andorgos из Ahn'Qiraj Vek'lor's Diadem, 2 Idols of the War, 5 Gold Scarabs и 5 Clay Scarabs. Для завершения этого задания необходимо добиться репутации Friendly с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring vek'nilash's circlet, 2 idols of death, 5 silver scarabs and 5 bone scarabs to andorgos in ahn'qiraj. you must also attain friendly reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Andorgos из Ahn'Qiraj Vek'nilash's Circlet, 2 Idols of Death, 5 Silver Scarabs и 5 Bone Scarabs. Для завершения этого задания необходимо добиться репутации Friendly с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring vek'nilash's circlet, 2 idols of night, 5 bronze scarabs and 5 ivory scarabs to andorgos in ahn'qiraj. you must also attain friendly reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Andorgos из Ahn'Qiraj Vek'nilash's Circlet, 2 Idols of Night, 5 Bronze Scarabs и 5 Ivory Scarabs. Для завершения этого задания необходимо добиться репутации Friendly с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring vek'nilash's circlet, 2 idols of the sage, 5 silver scarabs and 5 bone scarabs to andorgos in ahn'qiraj. you must also attain friendly reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Andorgos из Ahn'Qiraj Vek'nilash's Circlet, 2 Idols of the Sage, 5 Silver Scarabs и 5 Bone Scarabs. Для завершения этого задания необходимо добиться репутации Friendly с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring vek'nilash's circlet, 2 idols of the sun, 5 stone scarabs and 5 crystal scarabs to andorgos in ahn'qiraj. you must also attain friendly reputation with the brood of nozdormu to complete this quest."]="Принеси Andorgos из Ahn'Qiraj Vek'nilash's Circlet, 2 Idols of the Sun, 5 Stone Scarabs и 5 Crystal Scarabs. Для завершения этого задания необходимо добиться репутации Friendly с Brood of Nozdormu.",["bring warchief kargath's fist to force commander danath trollbane in honor hold."]="Принеси Warchief Kargath's Fist Force Commander Danath Trollbane из Honor Hold.",["bring warchief kargath's fist to nazgrel in thrallmar."]="Принеси Warchief Kargath's Fist Nazgrel из Thrallmar.",["bring warlord morkh's shattered armor to corporal ironridge in expedition point."]="Принеси Warlord Morkh's Shattered Armor Corporal Ironridge из Expedition Point.",["bring your violet signet to archmage leryda at deadwind pass after obtaining exalted reputation with the violet eye."]="Принеси Violet Signet Archmage Leryda из Deadwind Pass, после того, как добьешься репутации Exalted с Violet Eye.",["bring your violet signet to archmage leryda at deadwind pass after obtaining honored reputation with the violet eye."]="Принеси Violet Signet Archmage Leryda из Deadwind Pass, после того, как добьешься репутации Honored с Violet Eye.",["bring your violet signet to archmage leryda at deadwind pass after obtaining revered reputation with the violet eye."]="Принеси Violet Signet Archmage Leryda из Deadwind Pass, после того, как добьешься репутации Revered с Violet Eye.",["bring ysida's locket to anthion harmon in eastern plaguelands."]="Принеси Ysida's Locket к Anthion Harmon в Eastern Plaguelands.",["buy a gryphon ride from the gryphon master thor, then bring lewis' note to osric strang, in the shop limited immunity, in the old town of stormwind."]="Подойди к мастеру грифонов, Thor и отправься в Stormwind на его грифоне, затем доставь Lewis' Note к Osric Strang, в магазин Limited Immunity, в Old Town.",["buy a wind rider to orgrimmar from the wind rider master devrak, then bring zargh's meats to gryshka in orgrimmar."]="Найми wind rider в Orgrimmar у wind rider master Dervak и доставь Zargh’s Meats к Gryshka в Orgrimmar.",["call down torgos with trachela's carcass. acquire a tail feather of torgos and return it to mawg grimshot at stonebreaker hold in terokkar forest."]="Вызови Torgos с помощью Trachela's Carcass. Возьми Tail Feather of Torgos и вернись с ним к Mawg Grimshot из Stonebreaker Hold, Terokkar Forest.",["call down torgos with trachela's carcass. acquire a tail feather of torgos and return it to taela everstride at the allerian stronghold in terokkar forest."]="Вызови Torgos с помощью Trachela's Carcass. Возьми Tail Feather of Torgos и вернись с ним к Taela Everstride из Allerian Stronghold, Terokkar Forest.",["capture a mine that the stormpike does not control, then return to sergeant durgen stormpike in the alterac mountains."]="Захвати шахту, которую Stormpike еще не поставил под свой контроль, затем вернись к Sergeant Durgen Stormpike в Alterac Mountains.",["capture crown guard tower, eastwall tower, northpass tower and plaguewood tower in the eastern plaguelands, then return to emmisary gormok at light's hope chapel."]="Захвати Crown Guard Tower, Eastwall Tower, Northpass Tower и Plaguewood Tower в Eastern Plaguelands, затем возвращайся к Emmisary Gormok из Light's Hope Chapel.",["capture the overlook, the stadium and broken hill, then return to battlecryer blackeye in thrallmar."]="Захвати Overlook, Stadium и Broken Hill, после чего возвращайся к Battlecryer Blackeye в Thrallmar.",["capture the overlook, the stadium and broken hill, then return to warrant officer tracy proudwell in honor hold in hellfire peninsula."]="Завладей Overlook, Stadium и Broken Hill, после чего возвращайся к Warrant Officer Tracy Proudwell в Honor Hold в Hellfire Peninsula.",["check the top of the altar of zul, then return to gryphon master talonaxe."]="Обследуй вершину Altar of Zul, затем вернись к Gryphon Master Talonaxe.\r\n",["check your map to find an area under scourge attack. go there and damage a necropolis by defeating the scourge around them. return 10 of their necrotic runes to commander thomas helleran at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Поищи на карте район нападений Scourge. Иди туда и уничтожь некрополь, убив всех Scourge, окружающих его. Верни 10 Necrotic Runes к Commander Thomas Helleran из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands.",["chief researcher amereldine at halaa wants 20 oshu'gun crystal powder samples."]="Chief Researcher Amereldine из Halaa нужны 20 Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Samples.",["chief researcher kartos at halaa wants 20 oshu'gun crystal powder samples."]="Chief Researcher Kartos из Halaa нужны 20 Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Samples.",["cleanse 8 trampled skeletons on the path of glory with draenei holy water, then return to warp-scryer kryv at honor hold."]="Очисти 8 Trampled Skeletons на Path of Glory с помощью Dreanei Holy Water и вернись к Warp-Scryer Kryv из Honor Hold.",["collect 10 boxes of mushrooms and return them to watcher leesa'oh at the cenarion watchpost in zangarmarsh."]="Собери 10 Boxes of Mushrooms и вернись с ними к Watcher Leesa'oh из Cenarion Watchpost, Zangarmarsh.",["collect 10 boxes of surveying equipment and return them to gahruj at the midrealm post inside eco-dome midrealm in the netherstorm."]="Собери 10 Boxes of Surveying Equipment и верни их Gahruj из Midrealm Post в Eco-Dome Midrealm, Netherstorm.",["collect 10 etherlithium matrix crystals and return them to rocket-chief fuselage at area 52 in the netherstorm."]="Собери 10 Etherlithium Matrix Crystals и вернись с ними к Rocket-Chief Fuselage из Area 52, Netherstorm.",["collect 10 fel orc blood vials and return them to centurion caza'rez at thrallmar in hellfire peninsula."]="Собери 10 Fel Orc Blood Vials и вернись с ними к Caza'rez из Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula.",["collect 10 fel orc blood vials and return them to gunny at honor hold in hellfire peninsula."]="Собери 10 Fel Orc Blood Vials и вернись с ними к Gunny из Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula.",["collect 10 illidari tabards and then use the kor'kron flare gun to signal another kor'kron wind rider. speak with overlord or'barokh at shadowmoon village in shadowmoon valley should you lose your kor'kron flare gun and require a replacement."]="Собери 10 Illidari Tabards, после чего используй Kor'kron Flare Gun, чтобы подать сигнал Kor'kron Wind Rider.\n\nЕсли ты потеряешь Kor'kron Flare Gun и тебе понадобится замена, поговори с Overlod Or'barokh из Shadowmoon Village, Shadowmoon Valley.",["collect 10 illidari tabards and then use the wildhammer flare gun to signal another wildhammer gryphon rider. speak with thane yoregar at wildhammer stronghold in shadowmoon valley should you lose your wildhammer flare gun and require a replacement."]="Собери 10 Illidari Tabards, после чего используй Wildhammer Flare Gun, чтобы подать сигнал Wildhammer Gryphon Rider.\n\nЕсли ты потеряешь Wildhammer Flare Gun и тебе понадобится замена, поговори с Thane Yoregar из Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley.",["collect 10 moontouched feathers from winterspring, then return to erelas ambersky in rut'theran village."]="Собери 10 Moontouched Feathers в Winterspring, и вернись к Erelas Ambersky в Rut'theran Village.",["collect 10 pieces of discarded nutriment and then return to watcher leesa'oh at the cenarion watchpost in zangarmarsh."]="Собери 10 образцов Discarded Nutriment и вернись с ними к Watcher Leesa'oh из Cenarion Watchpost, Zangarmarsh.",["collect 10 pieces of ethereal technology and return them to papa wheeler at area 52 in the netherstorm."]="Собери 10 образцов Ethereal Technology и вернись с ними к Papa Wheeler из Area 52, Netherstorm.",["collect 10 restless bones. deliver them to ramdor the mad, just off the western side of the ring of observance in auchindoun, which is in the middle of the bone wastes of terokkar forest."]="Собери 10 Restless Bones. Доставь их Ramdor the Mad, которых находится недалеко от западного края Ring of Observance, Auchindoun, что в центре Bone Wastes, Terokkar Forest.",["collect 10 shadowshard fragments from maraudon and return them to archmage tervosh in theramore on the coast of dustwallow marsh."]="Собери 10 Shadowshard Fragments в Maraudon и принеси их Archmage Tervosh в Theramore на берегу Dustwallow Marsh.",["collect 10 water elemental cores from the sea elementals and sea sprays along the forgotten coast of feralas, and bring them back to zorbin fandazzle who is near the dock there."]="Собери 10 Water Elemental Cores из Sea Elementals и Sea Sprays вдоль Forgotten Coast of Feralas, и принеси их к Zorbin Fandazzle который околачивается там возле доков.",["collect 10 zaxxis insignias and return them to nether-stalker khay'ji at area 52 in the netherstorm."]="Собери 10 Zaxxis Insignias и вернись с ними к Nether-Stalker Khay'ji из Area 52, Netherstorm.",["collect 15 bloodpetals and return to muigin."]="Собери 15 Bloodpetals для Muigin.",["collect 15 mushroom samples and return them to watcher leesa'oh at the cenarion watchpost in zangarmarsh."]="Собери 15 Mushroom Samples и вернись с ними к Watcher Leesa'oh из Cenarion Watchpost, Zangarmarsh.",["collect 20 fetishes of hakkar and bring them to fel'zerul in stonard."]="Собери 20 Fetishes of Hakkar и принеси их к Fel'Zerul в Stonard.",["collect 20 minion's scourgestones and bring them to high priest thel'danis in the western plaguelands."]="Собери 20 Minion's Scourgestones и отнеси их High Priest Thel'danis в Western Plaguelands.",["collect 200 silithid carapace fragments and return to baristolth."]="Собери 200 Silithid Carapace Fragments и вернись к Baristolth.",["collect 25 ogre warbeads from ogres inside dire maul or blackrock spire and return to falrin treeshaper inside the athenaeum in dire maul."]="Собери 25 Ogre Warbeads от Ogres в Dire Maul или Blackrock Spire и возвращайся к Falrin Treeshaper внутри the Athenaeum в Dire Maul.",["collect 3 headhunter axes, 3 shadowcaster maces, 3 catlord claws and 3 hexxer staves. return them to captain helios at farstrider enclave in the ghostlands."]="Собери 3 Headhunter Axes, 3 Shadowcaster Maces, 3 Catlord Claws и 3 Hexxer Staves. Принеси их Captain Helios из Farstrider Enclave, Ghostlands.",["collect 3 pair of ivory tusks and return them to shadrek at aeris landing in nagrand."]="Собери 3 Pair of Ivory Tusks и вернись с ними к Shadrek из Aeris Landing, Nagrand.",["collect 3 thresher eyes from darkshore threshers in the deep sea near buzzbox 411."]="Собери 3 Thresher Eyes с Darkshore Threshers в море возле Buzzbox 411.",["collect 30 pieces of zeppelin debris and bring them to \"screaming\" screed luckheed at the zeppelin crash."]="Собери 30 кусков Zeppelin Debris и отнеси их \"Screaming\" Screed Luckheed из Zeppelin Crash.",["collect 4 emitter spare parts and then return to technician zhanaa at the crash site in ammen vale."]="Собери 4 Emitter Spare Parts, затем возвращайся к Technician Zhanaa из Crash Site в Ammen Vale.",["collect 4 teromoth samples and 4 vicious teromoth samples. then return to earthbinder tavgren just outside the cenarion thicket in terokkar forest."]="Собери 4 Teromoth Samples и 4 Vicious Teromoth Samples. Затем вернись к Earthbinder Tavgren, что стоит возле Cenarion Thicket из Terokkar Forest.",["collect 5 crunchy spider legs and return them to master chef mouldier at tranquillien in the ghostlands."]="Собери 5 Crunchy Spider Legs и вернись с ними к Master Chef Mouldier из Tranquillien, Ghostlands.",["collect 5 prospector's picks. at a forge, smash the prospector's picks to create broken tools. bring 5 broken tools to baine bloodhoof in bloodhoof village."]="Собери 5 Prospector’s Picks. \r\n\r\nУ forge разбей Prospector’s Picks чтобы получить Broken Tolls. \r\n\r\nПринеси 5 Broken Tools к Baine Bloodhoof в Bloodhoof Village.",["collect 5 samples of atal'ai haze, then return to muigin in un'goro crater."]="Собери 5 образцов Atal'ai Haze, и вернись к Muigin в Un'Goro Crater.",["collect 5 sanguine hibiscus and return them to gzhun'tt at sporeggar in zangarmarsh."]="Собери 5 Sanguine Hibiscus и верни их Gzhun'tt из Sporeggar, Zangarmarsh.",["collect 5 shaleskin shale and give them to boots at area 52 in the netherstorm."]="Собери 5 Shaleskin Shale и отдай их Boots из Area 52, Netherstorm.",["collect 6 arcane cores from the arcane patrollers that roam the ruins of silvermoon city and bring them to magister jaronis at falconwing square in eversong woods."]="Собери 6 Arcane Cores с Arcane Patrollers, скитающихся в руинах Silvermoon City, и принеси их Magister Jaronis из Falconwing Square в Eversong Woods.",["collect 6 arcane slivers from any creature on the isle that uses mana, and then return to arcanist ithanas on sunstrider isle."]="Собери 6 Arcane Slivers у любых существ на острове, использующих mana, после чего возвращайся к Arcanist Ithanas на Sunstrider Isle.",["collect 6 giant crocolisk skins and bring them to james halloran in menethil harbor."]="Собери 6 Giant Crocolisk Skins и принеси их к James Halloran в Menethil Harbor.",["collect 6 moonstalker fangs and place them in buzzbox 323."]="Собери 6 Moonstalker Fangs и помести их в Buzzbox 323.",["collect 6 zeb'sora troll ears and return them to ranger valanna in the ghostlands."]="Собери 6 Zeb'Sora Troll Ears и верни их Ranger Valanna из Ghostlands.",["collect 7 hyacinth mushrooms, 4 moonpetal lilies, and 1 webwood ichor for dirania silveshine in shadowglen."]="Собери 7 Hyacinth Mushrooms, 4 Moonpetal Lilies, и 1 Webwood Ichor для Dirania Silveshine в Shadowglen.",["collect 7 mana wraith essences and return them to chief engineer trep at area 52 in the netherstorm."]="Собери 7 Mana Wraith Essences и вернись с ними к Chief Engineer Trep из Area 52, Netherstorm.",["collect 8 bloodcap and 8 gorishi stings, and return to torwa pathfinder in un'goro crater."]="Собери 8 Bloodcap и 8 Gorishi Stings и вернись с ними к Torwa Pathfinder в Un'Goro Crater.",["collect 8 lynx collars from slain springpaw lynxes and springpaw cubs. return to magistrix erona on sunstrider isle when you are done."]="Собериt 8 Lynx Collars с убитых Springpaw Lynxes и Springpaw Cubs. Возвращайся к Magistrix Erona на Sunstrider Isle, когда закончишь.",["collect 8 troll juju and return them to deathstalker maltendis at tranquillien in the ghostlands."]="Собери 8 Troll Juju и верни их Deathstalker Maltendis из Tranquillien, Ghostlands.",["collect three dim necrotic stones from the scourge outside darnassus and investigate the glowing runic circles nearby their encampment."]="Собери три Dim Necrotic Stones, убивая солдатов Плети возле Darnassus, и исследуй светящиеся рунные круги возле их лагеря.",["collect three dim necrotic stones from the scourge outside ironforge and investigate the glowing runic circles nearby their encampment."]="Собери три Dim Necrotic Stones, убивая солдатов Плети возле Ironforge, и исследуй светящиеся рунные круги возле их лагеря.",["collect three dim necrotic stones from the scourge outside orgrimmar and investigate the glowing runic circles nearby their encampment."]="Собери три Dim Necrotic Stones, убивая солдатов Плети возле Orgrimmar, и исследуй светящиеся рунные круги возле их лагеря.",["collect three dim necrotic stones from the scourge outside stormwind and investigate the glowing runic circles nearby their encampment."]="Собери три Dim Necrotic Stones, убивая солдатов Плети возле Stormwind, и исследуй светящиеся рунные круги возле их лагеря.",["collect three dim necrotic stones from the scourge outside the undercity and investigate the glowing runic circles nearby their encampment."]="Собери три Dim Necrotic Stones, убивая солдатов Плети возле Undercity, и исследуй светящиеся рунные круги возле их лагеря.",["collect three dim necrotic stones from the scourge outside thunder bluff and investigate the glowing runic circles nearby their encampment."]="Собери три Dim Necrotic Stones из Плети, окружившей Thunder Bluff и исследуй светящиеся рунные круги возле их лагерей.",["collect well watcher solanian's scrying orb, his scroll of scourge magic, and his journal. they are found on sunstrider isle by the pond, the fountain, and one of the burning crystals. return them to the well watcher at the sunspire on sunstrider isle when you've collected them all."]="Собери Well Watcher Solanian's Scrying Orb, его Scroll of Scourge Magic и его Journal. Они находятся на Sunstrider Isle у пруда, фонтана и у одного из Burning Crystals. Когда соберешь их все, верни их Well Watcher в Sunspire на Sunstrider Isle.",["commander ameer wants you to kill 5 ethereum assassins, 5 ethereum shocktroopers, 2 ethereum researchers and captain zovax then activate ethereum transponder zeta."]="Commander Ameer хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 5 Ethereum Assassins, 5 Ethereum Shocktroopers, 2 Ethereum Researches и Captain Zovax, после чего "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "активировал"), "^3$", "активировала").." Ethereum Transponder Zeta.",["commander duron at the dark portal in hellfire peninsula wants you to bring duron's report to amish wildhammer."]="Commander Duron из Dark Portal, Hellfire Peninsula, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "отнес"), "^3$", "отнесла").." Duron's Report Amish Wildhammer.",["commander eligor dawnbringer at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands wants you to slay 5 living monstrosities, 5 stoneskin gargoyles, 8 deathknight captains and 3 venom stalkers."]="Коммандир Eligor Dawnbringer из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands хочет, чтобы ты достал 5 Living Monstrosities, 5 Stoneskin Gargoyles, 8 Deathknight Captains и 3 Venom Stalkers.",["commander mar'alith at cenarion hold in silithus wants you to find his beloved natalia. the information that you gathered points to hive'regal in the south as being the area in which you may find mistress natalia mar'alith. do not forget to visit the dwarves at bronzebeard's camp before venturing into the hive. they might have some additional work and advice for you. and "..strlower(UnitName("player"))..", remember the commander's words: \"do what you must...\""]="Commander Mar'alith в Cenarion Hold в Silithus просит тебя найти его возлюбленную Natalia. Судя по собранным сведениям, Mistress Natalia Mar'alith надо искать где-то на юге, в Hive'Regal.\r\n\r\nПеред тем, как отправиться в Hive, не забудь навестить дварфов в Bronzebeard's camp: у них найдется для тебя работа и совет.\r\n\r\nИ помни что сказал на прощание Commander, "..UnitName("player")..": \"Исполни свой долг...\"",["commander ra'vaj at the sha'tari outpost in the bone wastes of terokkar forest wants you to burn 8 slain auchenai warriors and 8 slain sha'tar vindicators."]="Commander Ra'vaj из Sha'tari Outpost в Bone Wastes, Terokkar Forest, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "сжег"), "^3$", "сожгла").." 8 Slain Auchenai Warriors и 8 Slain Sha'tar Vindicators.",["commander ra'vaj at the sha'tari outpost in the bone wastes of terokkar forest wants you to destroy the contents of the auchenai coffin."]="Commander Ra'vaj из Sha'tari Outpost в Bone Wastes, Terokkar Forest, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "уничтожил"), "^3$", "уничтожила").." содержимое Auchenai Coffin.",["commander ra'vaj at the sha'tari outpost in the bone wastes of terokkar forest wants you to slay 12 auchenai initiates and 5 auchenai doomsayers."]="Commander Ra'vaj из Sha'tari Outpost в Bone Wastes, Terokkar Forest, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 12 Auchenai Initiates и 5 Auchenai Doomsayers.",["communicate with gordawg."]="Пообщайся с Gordawg.",["contact cenarion scout azenel inside hive'zora and return the hive'zora scout report to windcaller proudhorn at cenarion hold. you must also bring tactical task briefing vi in order to complete this quest."]="Свяжись с Cenarion Scout Azenel в Hive'Zora, получи от нее Hive'Zora Scout Report для Windcaller Proudhorn в Cenarion Hold. Имей при себе Tactical Task Briefing V.",["contact cenarion scout jalia inside hive'ashi and return the hive'ashi scout report to windcaller proudhorn at cenarion hold. you must also bring tactical task briefing viii in order to complete this quest."]="Найди Cenarion Scout Jalia внутри Hive'Ashi и получи Hive'Ashi Scout для Windcaller Proudhorn в Cenarion Hold. Имей при себе Tactical Task Briefing VIII.",["contact cenarion scout landion inside hive'regal and return the hive'regal scout report to windcaller proudhorn at cenarion hold. you must also bring tactical task briefing vii in order to complete this quest."]="Свяжись с Cenarion Scout Landion, находящимся в Hive'Regal и забери у него Hive'Regal Scout Report для Windcaller Proudhorn в Cenarion Hold. Имей при себе Tactical Task Briefing VII.",["corki wants you to get cho'war's key so that you can free him from his cage. return to arechron at telaar should you manage this task."]="Corki хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "добыл"), "^3$", "добыла").." Cho'war's Key, чтобы освободить его из клетки. Вернись к Arechron из Telaar, если тебе это удастся.",["cowlen on azuremyst isle wants you to recover the remains of cowlen's family."]="Cowlen из Azuremyst хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "спас"), "^3$", "спасла").." Remains of Cowlen's Family.",["craftsman wilhelm at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands wants 4 frozen runes, 12 enchanted leather, 3 essence of water, 3 cured rugged hides and 200 gold."]="Craftsman Wilhelm из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands нужны 4 Frozen Runes, 12 Enchanted Leather, 3 Essence of Water, 3 Cured Rugged Hides и 200 золотых.",["craftsman wilhelm at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands wants 4 frozen runes, 12 thorium bars, 2 arcanite bars, 2 essence of water and 200 gold."]="Craftsman Wilhelm из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands нужны 4 Frozen Runes, 12 Thorium Bars, 2 Arcanite Bars, 2 Essence of Water и 200 золотых.",["craftsman wilhelm at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands wants 4 frozen runes, 2 bolts of runecloth, 2 essences of water, 2 ironweb spider silks and 200 gold."]="Craftsman Wilhelm из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands нужны 4 Frozen Runes, 2 Bolts of Runecloth, 2 Essences of Water, 2 Ironweb Spider Silks и 200 золотых.",["craftsman wilhelm at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands wants 5 frozen runes, 12 enchanted leather, 3 essence of water, 3 cured rugged hides and 200 gold."]="Craftsman Wilhelm из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands нужны 5 Frozen Runes, 12 Enchanted Leather, 3 Essence of Water, 3 Cured Rugged Hides и 200 золотых.",["craftsman wilhelm at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands wants 5 frozen runes, 12 thorium bars, 2 arcanite bars, 2 essences of water and 200 gold."]="Craftsman Wilhelm из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands нужны 5 Frozen Runes, 12 Thorium Bars, 2 Arcanite Bars, 2 Essences of Water и 200 золотых.",["craftsman wilhelm at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands wants 5 frozen runes, 4 bolts of runecloth, 2 essences of water, 4 ironweb spider silks and 200 gold. you must also be of exalted reputation with the argent dawn."]="Craftsman Wilhelm из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands нужны 5 Frozen Runes, 4 Bolts of Runecloth, 2 Essences of Water, 4 Ironweb Spider Silks и 200 золотых. Также у тебя должна быть репутация Exalted у Argent Dawn.",["craftsman wilhelm at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands wants 5 frozen runes, 4 bolts of runecloth, 4 essences of water, 2 ironweb spider silks and 200 gold."]="Craftsman Wilhelm из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands нужны 5 Frozen Runes, 4 Bolts of Runecloth, 4 Essences of Water, 2 Ironweb Spider Silks и 200 золотых.",["craftsman wilhelm at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands wants 8 frozen runes, 16 enchanted leathers, 5 essences of water, 5 cured rugged hides and 300 gold. you must also be of exalted reputation with the argent dawn."]="Craftsman Wilhelm из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands нужны 8 Frozen Runes, 16 Enchanted Leathers, 5 Essences of Water, 5 Cured Rugged Hides и 300 золотых. Ты также должен иметь репутацию Exalted у Argent Dawn.",["craftsman wilhelm at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands wants 8 frozen runes, 16 thorium bars, 2 arcanite bars, 4 essence of water and 300 gold. you will also need to be of exalted reputation with the argent dawn."]="Craftsman Wilhelm из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands нужны 8 Frozen Runes, 16 Thorium Bars, 2 Arcanite Bars, 4 Essence of Water и 300 золотых. Также у тебя должна быть репутация Exalted из Argent Dawn.\r\n",["craftsman wilhelm at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands wants 8 frozen runes, 8 bolts of runecloth, 6 essences of water, 4 ironweb spider silks and 300 gold. you must also be of exalted reputation with the argent dawn."]="Craftsman Wilhelm из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands нужны 8 Frozen Runes, 8 Bolts of Runecloth, 6 Essences of Water, 4 Ironweb Spider Silks и 300 золотых. Также у тебя должна быть репутация Exalted у Argent Dawn.",["craftsman wilhelm at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands wants you to bring him 2 frozen runes, 2 essence of water, 2 blue sapphires and 30 gold pieces."]="Craftsman Wilhelm из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands хочет, чтобы ты принес ему 2 Frozen Runes, 2 Essence of Water, 2 Blue Sapphires и 30 кусков золота.",["daedal at azure watch wants you to bring him 5 azure snapdragon bulbs."]="Daedal из Azure Watch хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему 5 Azure Snapdragon Bulbs.",["daedal wants you to travel south and seek out the people that the injured creature mentioned."]="Daedal хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "отправился"), "^3$", "отправилась").." на юг и нашла людей, о которых говорило раненое существо.",["dalar dawnweaver at the sepulcher wants you to kill 5 moonrage whitescalps."]="Dalar Dawnweaver в Sepulcher хочет, чтобы ты убил 5 Moonrage Whitescalps.",["deactivate the 3 duskwither spire power sources inside duskwither spire. then return the deactivating jewel to apprentice loralthalis in eversong woods."]="Деактивируй 3 Diskwither Spire Power Sources внутри Duskwither Spire. После чего верни Deactivating Jewel Apprentice Loralthalis из Eversong Woods.",["defeat 6 quel'dorei ghosts and 4 quel'dorei wraiths at goldenmist village, and then return to arcanist vandril at tranquillien in the ghostlands."]="Убей 6 Quel'dorei Ghosts и 4 Quel'dorei Wraiths в Goldermist Village, после чего вернись к Arcanist Vandril из Tranquillien, Ghostlands.",["defeat brokentoe. should you win, speak with wodin the troll-servant to collect your reward."]="Победи Brokentoe. В случае победы поговори о награде с Wodin the Troll-Servant.",["defeat enemies around portal grimh and portal kaalez to gather demonic rune stones. use kingston's primer inside portal grimh and portal kaalez. return to forward commander kingston with the remaining explosives."]="Убивай врагов возле Portal Grimh и Portal Kaalez, чтобы собрать Demonic Rune Stones.\n\nИспользуй Kingston's Primer внутри Portal Grimh и Portal Kaalez.\n\nВернись к Forward Commander Kingston с оставшейся взрывчаткой.",["defeat enemies around portal xilus and portal kruul to gather demonic rune stones. use to'arch's primer within portal xilus and portal kruul. return to to'arch with to'arch's primers at reaver's fall in hellfire peninsula."]="Убивай врагов возле Portal Xilus и Portal Kruul, чтобы собрать Demonic Rune Stones.\n\nИспользуй To'arch's Primer внутри Portal Xilus и Portal Kruul.\n\nВернись к To'arch из Reaver's Fall, Hellfire Peninsula, с To'arch's Primers.",["defeat summoner kanthin at manaforge duro, on the island to the north of sunfury hold, and reclaim the stone of glacius from him. when you have obtained the stone, use archmage vargoth's staff to contact the archmage. if you lose archmage vargoth's staff, speak to ravandwyr at area 52 to receive a replacement."]="Победи Summoner Kanthin из Manaforge Duro, что на острове к северу от Sunfury Hold, и забери у него Stone of Glacius. Получив камень, используй Archmage Vargoth's Staff, чтобы связаться с архимагом.\n\nЕсли ты потеряешь Archmage Vargoth's Staff, поговори с Ravandwyr из Area 52, чтобы получить новый.",["defeat the corrupt manifestation of water and place the corrupted manifestation's bracers along with the remaining drops of purest water on the brazier of everfount in silverpine forest."]="Порази Corrupt Manifestation of Water и помести Corrupted Manifestation’s Bracers вместе с Remaining Drops of Purest Water на Brazier of Everfount в Silverpine Forest.",["deliver 1 flask of petrification and the craftsman's writ - flask of petrification - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь 1 Flask of Petrification и Craftsman's Writ — Flask of Petrification — Packmaster Stonebruiser из Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaugelands.",["deliver 10 major mana potions and the craftsman's writ - major mana potion - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь 10 Major Mana Potions и Craftsman's Writ — Major Mana Potion — Packmaster Stonebruiser из Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaugelands.",["deliver 10 wicked leather headbands and the craftsman's writ - wicked leather headband - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь 10 Wicked Leather Headbands и Craftsman's Writ — Wicked Leather Headband — Packmaster Stonebruiser из Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaugelands.",["deliver 20 goblin sapper charges and the craftsman's writ - goblin sapper charge - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь 20 Goblin Sapper Charges и Craftsman's Writ — Goblin Sapper Charges— Packmaster Stonebruiser из Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands.",["deliver 20 major healing potions and the craftsman's writ - major healing potion - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь 20 Major Healing Potions и Craftsman's Writ — Major Healing Potion — Packmaster Stonebruiser из Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaugelands.",["deliver 20 thorium grenades and the craftsman's writ - thorium grenade - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь 20 Thorium Grenades и Craftsman's Writ — Thorium Grenade — Packmaster Stonebruiser из Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands.",["deliver 25 rugged armor kits and the craftsman's writ - rugged armor kit - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь 25 Rugged Armor Kits и Craftsman's Writ — Rugged Armor Kit — Packmaster Stonebruiser из Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands.",["deliver 3 imperial plate chests and the craftsman's writ - imperial plate chest - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь 3 Imperial Plate Chests и Craftsman's Writ — Imperial Plate Chest — Packmaster Stonebruiser из Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands.",["deliver 3 radiant circlets and the craftsman's writ - radiant circlet - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь 3 Radiant Circlets и Craftsman's Writ — Radiant Circlet — Packmaster Stonebruiser из Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands.",["deliver 3 volcanic hammers and the craftsman's writ - volcanic hammer - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь 3 Volcanic Hammers и Craftsman's Writ — Volcanic Hammer — Packmaster Stonebruiser из Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands.",["deliver 30 lightning eel and the craftsman's writ - lightning eel - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь 30 Lightning Eel и Craftsman's Writ — Lightning Eel — Packmaster Stonebruiser из Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands.",["deliver 30 plated armorfish and the craftsman's writ - plated armorfish - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь 30 Plated Armorfish и Craftsman's Writ — Plated Armorfish — Packmaster Stonebruiser из Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands.",["deliver 4 gnomish battle chickens and the craftsman's writ - gnomish battle chicken - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь 4 Gnomish Battle Chickens и Craftsman's Writ — Gnomish Battle Chicken — Packmaster Stonebruiser из Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaugelands.",["deliver 4 runic leather pants and the craftsman's writ - runic leather pants - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь Packmaster Stonebruiser в Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands 4 Runic Leather Pants и Craftsman's Writ – Runic Leather Pants.",["deliver 40 stonescale eel and the craftsman's writ - stonescale eel - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь Packmaster Stonebruiser в Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands 20 Stonescale Eel и Craftsman's Writ – Stonescale Eel.",["deliver 6 brightcloth pants and the craftsman's writ - brightcloth pants - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь 6 Brightcloth Pants и Craftsman's Writ — Brightcloth Pants— Packmaster Stonebruiser из Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands.",["deliver 8 runecloth boots and the craftsman's writ - runecloth boots - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь 8 Runecloth Boots и Craftsman's Writ — Runecloth Boots — Packmaster Stonebruiser из Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaugelands.",["deliver 8 runecloth robes and the craftsman's writ - runecloth robe - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь 8 Runecloth Robes и Craftsman's Writ — Runecloth Robe — Packmaster Stonebruiser из Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaugelands.",["deliver 9 wicked leather belts and the craftsman's writ - wicked leather belt - to packmaster stonebruiser at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь 9 Wicked Leather Belts и Craftsman's Writ — Wicked Leather Belt— Packmaster Stonebruiser из Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands.",["deliver admiral proudmoore's orders to nazgrel in thrall's chamber in orgrimmar."]="Доставь Admiral Proudmoore's Orders к Nazgrel в Thrall's chamber в Orgrimmar.",["deliver admiral proudmoore's orders to vol'jin in thrall's chamber in orgrimmar."]="Доставь Admiral Proudmoore's Orders для Vol'jin в Thrall's chamber в Orgrimmar.",["deliver alturus's report to khadgar in shattrath city in terokkar forest."]="Доставь Alturus's Report Khadgar из Shattrath City, Terokkar Forest.",["deliver azuregos's magical ledger to narain soothfancy in tanaris."]="Принеси Azuregos's Magical Ledger к Narain Soothfancy в Tanaris.",["deliver belgrom's sealed note to moktar krin in thousand needles."]="Доставь Belgrom’s Sealed note для Muktar Krin в Thousand Needles.",["deliver erona's package to innkeeper delaniel inside the inn at falconwing square in eversong woods."]="Доставь Erona's Package для Innkeeper Delaniel в гостиницу на Falconwing Square в Eversong Woods.",["deliver jes'rimon's note to jediga in azshara."]="Доставь Jes'rimon's Note к Jediga в Azshara.",["deliver keryn sylvius's package to master mathias shaw at the stormwind barracks."]="Доставь пакет Keryn Sylvius's к Master Mathias Shaw в Stormwind Barracks.",["deliver lieutenant heldric's carefully penned note to colara dean outside the bank in stormwind."]="Доставь Carefully Penned Note от Lieutenant Heldri к банку Stormwind и вручи Colara Dean.",["deliver magatha's note to jediga in azshara."]="Доставь Magatha's Note к Jediga в Azshara.",["deliver quartermaster lymel's bill of lading to skymaster sunwing in tranquillien."]="Доставь Quartermaster Lymel's Bill of Landing Skymaster Sunwing из Tranquillien.",["deliver the 500 pound chicken to narain soothfancy in tanaris."]="Доставь 500 Pound Chicken Narain Soothfancy из Tanaris.",["deliver the amani invasion plans to lieutenant dawnrunner at farstrider retreat."]="Доставь Amani Invasion Plans Lieutenant Dawnrunner из Farstrider Retreat.",["deliver the ata'mal crystal to a'dal on the terrace of light in shattrath city."]="Доставь Ata'mani Crystal A'dal из Terrace of Light, Shattrath City.",["deliver the bad news to rocket-chief fuselage at area 52 in the netherstorm."]="Доставь плохие новости Rocket-Chief Fuselage из Area 52, Netherstorm.",["deliver the b'naar console transcription to anchorite karja at area 52 in netherstorm. completing quests for the aldor will cause your scryers reputation to decrease."]="Доставь B'naar Console Transcription Anchorite Karja из Area 52, Netherstorm.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Aldor приведет к снижению репутации со Scryers.",["deliver the bundle of vials to zalduun at the crash site in ammen vale."]="Доставь Bundle of Vials для Zalduun в Crash Site в Ammen Vale.",["deliver the call to arms announcement to the keeper of the rolls at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь Call to Arms Announcement к Keeper of the Rolls из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands.",["deliver the carefully written letter to elenia haydon near the bank in the undercity."]="Доставь Carefully Written Letter к банку Undercity и вручи Elenia Haydon.",["deliver the crate of inn supplies to tannok frosthammer in kharanos."]="Доставь Crate of Inn Supplies к Tannok Frosthammer в Kharanos.",["deliver the crate of reagents to magistrix elosai at freewind post."]="Доставь Crate of Reagents для Magistrix Elosai в Freewind Post.",["deliver the crate of red snapper to acteon at azure watch."]="Доставь Crate of Red Snapper Acteon из Azure Watch.",["deliver the creased letter to colara dean outside the bank in stormwind."]="Доставь Creased Letter в Stormwind, к банку, и вручи Colara Dean.",["deliver the crimson crystal shard to tola'thion at the cenarion post in hellfire peninsula."]="Доставь Crimson Crystal Tola'thion из Cenarion Post, Hellfire Peninsula.",["deliver the diabolical plans to valusha at splintertree post in ashenvale."]="Доставь Diabolical Plans Valusha из Splintertree Post, Ashenvale.",["deliver the diabolical plans to vindicator vedaar at forest song in ashenvale."]="Доставь Diabolical Plans Vindicator Vedaar из Forest Song, Ashenvale.",["deliver the earth crystal to firmanvaar at the crash site in ammen vale."]="Доставь Earth Crystal Firmanvaar из Crash Site, Ammen Vale.",["deliver the etherlithium matrix crystals to chief engineer trep at area 52 in the netherstorm."]="Доставь Ehterlithium Matrix Crystals Chief Engineer Trep из Area 52, Netherstorm.",["deliver the everlook report to argent officer pureheart at chillwind point, western plaguelands."]="Доставить Everlook Report для Argent Officer Pureheart в Chillwind Point, Western Plaguelands.",["deliver the faintly glowing crystal to exarch menelaous at azure watch."]="Доставь Faintly Glowing Crystal Exarch Menelaous из Azure Watch.",["deliver the free ticket voucher to gelvas grimgate, located inside the darkmoon faire carnival."]="Доставь Free Ticket Voucher к Gelvas Grimgate, находящемуся на карнавале Darkmoon Faire.",["deliver the head of ossirian the unscarred to commander mar'alith at cenarion hold in silithus."]="Доставь Head of Ossirian the Unscarred к Commander Mar'alith в Cenarion Hold в Silithus.\n",["deliver the immaculate letter to colara dean outside the bank in stormwind."]="Доставь Immaculate Letter к банку в Stormwind и вручи его Colara Dean.",["deliver the letter from the mag'har to nazgrel at thrallmar in hellfire peninsula."]="Доставь Letter from the Mag'har Nazgrel из Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula.",["deliver the lovingly composed letter to elenia haydon near the bank in the undercity."]="Доставь Lovingly Composed Letter к банку в Undercity и вручи его Elenia Haydon.",["deliver the meeting note to watcher moonshade at the entrance of the wyrmskull tunnel in the blade's edge mountains."]="Доставь Meeting Note Watcher Moonshade, стоящему у входа в Wyrmskull Tunnel, Blade's Edge Mountains.",["deliver the night elf plans to magister sylastor at an'telas in the ghostlands."]="Доставь Night Elf Plans Magister Sylastor из An'telas, Ghostlands.",["deliver the orders from lady vashj to ysiel windsinger at the cenarion refuge in zangarmarsh."]="Доставь Orders from Lady Vashj Ysiel Windsinger из Cenarion Refuge, Zangarmarsh.",["deliver the package for stormpike to mountaineer stormpike in loch modan."]="Доставь Package for Stormpike к Mountaineer Stormpike в Loch Modan.",["deliver the research notes to magistrix landra dawnstrider at fairbreeze village in eversong woods."]="Доставь Research Notes Magistrix Landra Dawnstrider из Fairbreeze Village, Eversong Woods.",["deliver the sack of murloc heads to marshall redpath in southshore."]="Отнеси мешок с Murloc Heads к Marshall Redpath в Southshore.",["deliver the sealed letter to ag'tor to ag'tor bloodfist in azshara."]="Доставь the Sealed Letter to Ag'tor к Ag'tor Bloodfist в Azshara.",["deliver the slightly creased note to elenia haydon near the bank in the undercity."]="Доставь Slightly Creased Note к банку в Undercity и вручи его Elenia Haydon.",["deliver the surveying equipment to the image of nexus-prince haramad at the stormspire in the netherstorm."]="Доставь Serveying Equipment изображению Nexus-Prince Haramad из Stormspire, Netherstorm.",["deliver the traitor's communication to exarch menelaous at azure watch."]="Доставь Traitor's Communication Exarch Menelaous из Azure Watch.",["deliver the unidentified ore to ziz fizziks in the stonetalon mountains."]="Доставьте Unidentified Ore к Ziz Fizziks в Stonetalon Mountains.",["deliver the unmarked letter to ley-keeper caidanis at the north sanctum in eversong woods."]="Доставь Unmarked Letter для Ley-Keeper Caidanis в North Sanctum в Eversong Woods.",["deliver timothy's letter to kialon at sylvanaar in the blade's edge mountains."]="Доставь Timothy's Letter Kialon из Sylvanaar, Blade's Edge Mountains.",["destroy 10 lost spirits and 10 broken skeletons, and then speak with soolaveen at the refugee caravan in the bone wastes of terokkar forest."]="Уничтожь 10 Lost Spirits и 10 Broken Skeletons, после чего поговори с Soolaveen из Refugee Caravan, Bone Wastes, Terokkar Forest.",["destroy levixus and take the book of the dead from his possession. deliver the book of the dead to ramdor the mad standing outside the auchenai crypt entrance of auchindoun. you had a deal, remember?"]="Уничтожь Levixus и забери у него Book of the Dead.\r\n\r\nДоставь Book of the Dead для Ramdor the Mad, стоящего снаружи Auchenai Crypt входа в Auchindoun.\r\n\r\nТы заключил сделку, помнишь?",["destroy murmur and inform spymistress mehlisah highcrown at the terrace of light in shattrath city of the events that have transpired inside the shadow labyrinth."]="Уничтожь Murmur и доложи Spymistress Mehlisah Highcrown из Terrace of Light в Shattrath City о событиях, произошедших в Shadow Labyrinth.",["dirge quickcleave in gadgetzan wants you to bring him 20 goblin rocket fuel and 20 deeprock salt."]="Dirge Quickcleave из Gadgetzan хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему 20 Goblin Rocket Fuel и 20 Deeprock Salt.",["dirge quikcleave wants you to get the following items: 12 giant eggs. you will find those on the rocs wandering tanaris or any other species of large bird. 10 pieces of zesty clam meat. you can find those in clams, naturally! 20 pieces of alterac swiss. get thee to a cheesery! gather all of the items and return to dirge."]="Dirge Quikcleave просит достать (или купить) следующие ингридиенты:\r\n\r\n12 Giant Eggs. Ты найдёшь их у Rocs, блуждающих по Tanaris'у или у других представителей гигантских птиц. \r\n\r\n10 кусочков Zesty Clam Meat. Их можно найти в раковинах моллюсков.\r\n\r\n20 кусочков Alterac Swiss. Просто обратись к продавцу сыра. \r\n\r\nСобери всё необходимое и вернись к Dirge.",["discover what happened to earthbinder rayge, naturalist bite, weeder greenthumb, and windcaller claw. then, return to watcher jhang at coilfang reservoir in zangarmarsh."]="Узнай, что случилось с Earthbinder Rayge, Naturalist Bite, Weeder Greenthumb и Windcaller Claw. Затем возвращайся к Watcher Jhang из Coilfang Reservoir в Zangarmarsh.",["disperse the neutralizing agent at the irradiated power crystal, then return to botanist taerix at the crash site in ammen vale."]="Рассыпь Neutralizing Agent у Irradiated Power Crystal, затем возвращайся к Botanist Taerix из Crash Site в Ammen Vale.",["do a chicken emote at innkeeper firebrew, and in exchange you'll receive an ironforge mint!"]="Сделай эмоцию \"курица\" - chicken emote для Innkeeper Firebrew, и он даст тебе Ironforge Mint!",["do a chicken emote at innkeeper norman, and in exchange you'll receive an undercity mint!"]="Покажи Innkeeper Norman chicken emote, и он даст тебе Undercity Mint!",["do a flex emote at innkeeper allison, and in exchange you'll receive stormwind nougat!"]="Покажи Innkeeper Allison flex emote, и он даст тебе Stormwind Nougat!",["do a flex emote at innkeeper gryshka, and in exchange you'll receive orgrimmar nougat!"]="Сделай жест /flex перед Innkeeper Gryshka, и получи в обмен Orgrimmar Nougat!",["do a train emote at kali remik, and in exchange you'll receive a darkspear gumdrop!"]="Примени на Kali Remik train emote, и ты получишь Darkspear Gumdrop!",["donova snowden in winterspring wants you to defeat high chief winterfall."]="Donova Snowden в Winterspringе хочет чтобы ты сразил High Chief Winterfall.",["drink ahuurn's elixir while standing in the boha'mu ruins. speak to elder kuruti while you are in the form of an arakkoa."]="Выпей Ahuurn's Elixir в Boha'mu Ruins. Поговори с Elder Kuruti, пока ты находишься в форме arakkoa.",["dwarfowitz at the sha'tari outpost in the bone wastes wants you to bring him 8 mature bone sifter carcasses."]="Dwarfowitz из Sha'tari Outpost, Bone Wastes, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему 8 Mature Bone Sifter Carcasses.",["dwarfowitz at the sha'tari outpost in the bone wastes wants you to recover enormous bone worm organs. he wants his fumper back too."]="Dwarfowitz из Sha'tari Outpost, Bone Wastes, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "добыл"), "^3$", "добыла").." Enormous Bone Worm Organs.\n\nИ ему понадобится его Fumper.",["earthmender torlok at the altar of damnation in shadowmoon valley wants you to use the totem of spirits to capture 10 airy souls."]="Earthmender Torlok из Altar of Damnation, Shadowmoon Valley, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "воспользовался"), "^3$", "возспользовалась").." Totem of Spirits для пленения 10 Airy Souls.",["earthmender torlok at the altar of damnation in shadowmoon valley wants you to use the totem of spirits to capture 5 watery souls."]="Earthmender Torlok из Altar of Damnation, Shadowmoon Valley, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "воспользовался"), "^3$", "возспользовалась").." Totem of Spirits для пленения 5 Watery Souls.",["earthmender torlok at the altar of damnation in shadowmoon valley wants you to use the totem of spirits to capture 8 earthen souls and 8 fiery souls."]="Earthmender Torlok из Altar of Damnation, Shadowmoon Valley, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "воспользовался"), "^3$", "возспользовалась").." Totem of Spirits для пленения 8 Earthen Souls и 8 Fiery Souls.",["elder torntusk at jintha'alor wants you to kill hitah'ya the keeper to get the shackle key to his bindings. return to elder torn'tusk when you have recovered the key."]="Elder Torntusk в Jintha'alor хочет чтобы ты убил Hitah'ya the Keeper чтобы получить Shackle Key к его оковам. Возвращайся к Elder Torn'tusk когда добудешь ключ.",["elder yorley at the mag'hari procession in nagrand has asked that you slay 15 warmaul brutes and 15 warmaul warlocks."]="Elder Yorley из Mag'hari Procession, Nagrand, попросил тебя убить 15 Warmaul Brutes и 15 Warmaul Warlocksr.",["elder yorley at the mag'hari procession in nagrand has asked that you slay cho'war the pillager and retrieve the head of cho'war."]="Elder Yorley из Mag'hari Procession, Nagrand, попросил тебя убить Cho'war the Pillager и принести его Head of Cho'war.",["elementalist lo'ap at the throne of the elements in nagrand wants you to bring him 15 digested caracoli."]="Elementalist Lo'ap из Throne of the Elements, Nagrand, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему 15 Digested Caracoli.",["elementalist lo'ap at the throne of the elements in nagrand wants you to destroy 12 lake spirits."]="Elementalist Lo'ap из Throne of the Elements, Nagrand, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "уничтожил"), "^3$", "уничтожила").." 12 Lake Spirits.",["elementalist lo'ap at the throne of the elements in nagrand wants you to destroy the large hut, the western hut, the southern hut and the eastern hut at windyreed village. return the living fire to elementalist lo'ap when the task is complete."]="Elementalist Lo'ap из Throne of the Elements, Nagrand, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "уничтожил"), "^3$", "уничтожила").." Large Hut, Western Hut, Southern Hut и Eastern Hut в Windyreed Village.\n\nПосле выполнения задачи верни Elementalist Lo'ap Living Fire.",["elementalist lo'ap at the throne of the elements in nagrand wants you to destroy watoosun's polluted essence and 10 lake surgers."]="Elementalist Lo'ap из Throne of the Elements, Nagrand, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "уничтожил"), "^3$", "уничтожила").." Watoosun's Polluted Essence и 10 Lake Surgers..",["elementalist lo'ap at the throne of the elements in nagrand wants you to retrieve 5 muck-ridden cores."]="Elementalist Lo'ap из Throne of the Elements в Nagrand хочет, что ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему 5 Muck-ridden Cores.",["elementalist morgh at the throne of the elements in nagrand wants you to slay 8 murkblood putrifiers."]="Elementalist Morgh из Throne of Elements, Nagrand, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 8 Murkblood Putrifiers.",["eliminate draaca longtail, the leader of the wyrmcultists in wyrmskull tunnel. report back to watcher moonshade at the wyrmskull tunnel in the blade's edge mountains once you have done so."]="Устрани Dracca Longtail, лидера wyrmcultists из Wyrmskull Tunnel. Доложи о его сметри Watcher Moonshade из Wyrmskull Tunner, Blade's Edge Mountains.",["enter blackrock depths and track down lord incendius. slay him and return any source of information you may find to thunderheart."]="Иди в Blackrock Depths и выследи Lord Incendius. Уничтожь его и принеси все что найдешь на нем к Thunderheart.",["enter the violet tower at the center of kirin'var village and defeat ar'kelos, then speak with archmage vargoth."]="Войди в Violet Tower, что в центре Kirin'Var Village и победи Ar'kelos, после чего поговори с Archmage Vargoth.",["enter warsong gulch and defeat the alliance, gain a warsong gulch mark of honor, and bring it to captain shatterskull at the mor'shan base camp."]="Отправляйся в Warsong Gulch, победи Альянс, получи Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor, и принеси его Captain Shatterskull в Mor'shan Base Camp.",["equip the unfinished headpiece, travel to the altar of damnation, and use it while standing near gul'dan. when the headpiece is energized, return to parshah in the magma fields."]="Надень Unfinished Headpiece, отправляйтся к Altar of Damnation и используй его возле Gul'dan. Когда headpiece будет заряжен, верни его Parshah из Magma Fields.",["eridan bluewind in felwood wants you to kill 8 jadefire hellcallers, 8 jadefire betrayers, 8 jadefire tricksters, and xavaric. return to eridan when the task is completed."]="Eridan Bluewind в Felwood приказывает тебе убить 8 Jadefire Hellcallers, 8 Jadefire Betrayers, 8 Jadefire Tricksters, и Xavaric. Вернись к Eridan когда задача будет завершена.",["escort anchorite truuen to uther's tomb in the western plaguelands. afterward, speak with high priestess macdonnell at chillwind camp in the western plaguelands."]="Сопроводи Anchorite Truuen в Uther's Tomb, Western Plaguelands. После этого поговори с High Priestess MacDonnel из Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands.",["escort belnistrasz to the quilboar's idol in razorfen downs. protect belnistrasz while he performs the ritual to shut down the idol."]="Сопроводи Belnistrasz к Quilboar’s idol в Razorfen Downs.\r\n\r\nЗащищай Belnistrasz пока он выполняет ритуал по закрытию идола.",["escort cryo-engineer sha'heen safely through the mana-tombs so that he can gather the ether held inside shaffar's ether collectors. report to nexus-prince haramad located outside the mana-tombs at the consortium encampment should you succeed."]="Сопроводи Cryo-Engineer Sha'heen чере Mana-Tombs, чтобы он собрать ether, хранимый внутри Shaffar's ether collectors.\n\nДоложи о своем успехе Nexus-Prince Haramad, который находится вне Mana-Tomb, в Consortium encampment.",["escort dalinda malem from thunder axe fortress and then return to vahlarriel demonslayer in desolace."]="Сопроводи Dalinda Malem из Thunder Axe Fortress и затем вернись к Vahlarriel Demonslayer в Desolace.",["escort drijya to the warp-gate at invasion point: destroyer, and see to it that he is kept safe while he attempts to sabotage it. then speak to gahruj at the midrealm post inside eco-dome midrealm in the netherstorm."]="Сопроводи Drijya к порталу в Invasion Point: Destroyer и убедись, что он в безопасности, пока проводит саботаж. После этого поговори с Gahruj из Midrealm Post внутри Eco-Dome Midrealm, Netherstorm.",["escort galen out of danger, then find his camp in the swamp of sorrows and open his strongbox."]="Сопроводи Galen’а, затем найди его лагерь в Swamp of Sorrows и открой его сундук.",["escort letoll and his crew and protect them while they make their dig. return to dwarfowitz at the sha'tari outpost if you succeed."]="Следуй за Letoll и его людьми и защищай их, пока они ведут раскопки. Вернись к Dwarfowitz из Sha'tari Outpost, когда задание будет выполнено. ",["escort melizza brimbuzzle, then speak with hornizz brimbuzzle at the kodo graveyard in desolace."]="Сопроводи Melizza Brimbuzzle, затем поговори Hornizz Brimbuzzle из Kodo Graveyard в Desolace.",["escort ruul, then speak with yama snowhoof in spintertree post."]="Сопроводи Ruul’а, затем поговори с Yama Stonehoof’ой в Splintertree Post.",["escort ruul, then speak with yama snowhoof in splintertree post."]="Проводи Ruul, затем поговори с Yama Snowhoof в Splintertree Post.",["ethan wants you to find 12 of his missing friends in veil skith and then return to him at the refugee caravan."]="Ethan хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "нашел"), "^3$", "нашла").." его 12 пропавших друзей в Veil Skith, после чего "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "вернулся"), "^3$", "вернулась").." к нему в Refugee Caravan.",["examine the vessel of rebirth and return it to highlord demitrian."]="Исследуй Vessel of Rebirth и верни его Highlord Demitrian.",["exarch menelaous at azure watch has asked that you deliver the exarch's orders to torallius the pack handler, standing outside of the exodar."]="Exarch Menelaous из Azure Watch попросил тебя доставить Exarch's Orders Torallius the Pack Handler, стоящему возле Exodar.",["exarch menelaous at azure watch has asked that you slay 8 infected nightstalker runts."]="Exarch Menelaous из Azure Watch попросил тебя убить 8 Infested Nightstalker Runts.",["exarch onaala at the altar of sha'tar wants you to obtain 8 sunfury glaives from demon hunter supplicants and demon hunter initiates at the ruins of karabor, southeast of the altar of sha'tar. completing quests for the aldor will cause your scryers reputation level to decrease."]="Exarch Onaala из Altar of Sha'tar хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему 8 Sunfury Graives с Demon Hunter Supplicants и Demon Hunter Initiates из Ruins of Karabor, к юго-востоку от Altar of Sha'tar.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Aldor приведет к снижению репутации с Scryers.",["exarch onaala wants you to return to the ruins of karabor and find a way to unleash azaloth on his captors. completing quests for the aldor will cause your scryers reputation level to decrease."]="Exarch Onaala хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "вернулся"), "^3$", "вернулась").." в Ruins of Karabor и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "нашел"), "^3$", "нашла").." способ натравить Azaloth на своих тюремщиков.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Aldor приведет к снижению репутации со Scryers.",["extract 5 elemental power for chief engineer trep at area 52 in the netherstorm."]="Извлеки 5 Elemental Power для Chief Engineer Trep из Area 52, Netherstorm.",["ezekiel said the book has been stolen. your best bet is to find the ruffians and see if they have any information."]="Ezekiel сказал, что книга украдена. Твой лучший выбор - найти Ruffians и узнать, есть ли у них какая-нибудь информация.",["fahssn at the spawning glen in zangarmarsh wants you to bring him 6 bog lord tendrils."]="Fahssn из Spawning Glen, Zangarmarsh, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему 6 Bog Lord Tendrils.",["fahssn at the spawning glen wants you to collect 10 mature spore sacs."]="Fahssn из Spawning Glen хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "собрал"), "^3$", "собрала").." 10 Mature Spore Sacs.",["falconer drenna riverwind wants you to offer your services to thiah redmane at the cenarion post in hellfire peninsula."]="Falconer Drenna Riverwind просит тебя предложить свои услуги Thiah Redmane из Cenarion Post в Hellfire Peninsula.",["farstrider sedina at the farstrider enclave in the ghostlands wants you to slay 10 ghostclaw lynxes."]="Farstrider Sedina из Farstrider Enclave, Ghostlands, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 10 Ghostclaw Lynxes.",["farstrider sedina at the farstrider enclave in the ghostlands wants you to slay 8 spindleweb lurkers and 10 vampiric mistbats."]="Farstrider Sedina из Farstrider Enclave, Ghostlands, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 8 Spindleweb Lurkers и 10 Vampiric Mistbats.",["father inigo montoy at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a belt of faith if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated belt, 8 wartorn cloth scraps, 2 arcane crystals and 2 mooncloth."]="Father Inigo Montoy из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Belt of Faith, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Belt, 8 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Arcane Crystals и 2 Mooncloth.",["father inigo montoy at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a circlet of faith if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated circlet, 15 wartorn cloth scraps, 3 mooncloth and 3 nexus crystals."]="Father Inigo Montoy из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Circlet of Faith, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Circlet, 15 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 3 Mooncloth и 3 Nexus Crystals.",["father inigo montoy at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a robe of faith if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated robe, 25 wartorn cloth scraps, 4 mooncloth and 2 nexus crystals."]="Father Inigo Montoy из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Robe of Faith, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Robe, 25 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 4 Mooncloth и 2 Nexus Crystals.",["father inigo montoy at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make bindings of faith if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated bindings, 6 wartorn cloth scraps, 1 arcane crystal and 1 nexus crystal."]="Father Inigo Montoy из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Bindings of Faith, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Bindings, 6 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 1 Arcane Crystal и 1 Nexus Crystal.",["father inigo montoy at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make gloves of faith if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated gloves, 8 wartorn cloth scraps and 4 mooncloth."]="Father Inigo Montoy из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Gloves of Faith, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Gloves, 8 Wartorn Cloth Scraps и 4 Mooncloth.\r\n",["father inigo montoy at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make leggings of faith if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated leggings, 20 wartorn cloth scraps, 4 mooncloth and 2 nexus crystals."]="Father Inigo Montoy из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Leggings of Faith, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Leggings, 20 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 4 Mooncloth и 2 Nexus Crystals.",["father inigo montoy at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make sandals of faith if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated sandals, 12 wartorn cloth scraps, 2 mooncloth and 3 cured rugged hides."]="Father Inigo Montoy из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Sandals of Faith, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Sandals, 12 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Mooncloth и 3 Cured Rugged Hides.\r\n",["father inigo montoy at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make shoulderpads of faith if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated shoulderpads, 12 wartorn cloth scraps, 2 mooncloth and 3 cured rugged hides."]="Father Inigo Montoy из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Shoulderpads of Faith, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Shoulderpads, 12 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Mooncloth и 3 Cured Rugged Hides.",["feel free to read the book, \"the feast of winter veil\", to learn more about the holiday. when you are finished with the book, deliver it to king magni bronzebeard in ironforge."]="А ну-ка почитай эту книжицу, \"The Feast of Winter Veil\", чтобы узнать больше про сей праздник. Когда читать закончишь, то доставь ее King Magni Bronzebeard в Ironforge.",["field commander romus at honor hold wants you to kill 8 shattered hand legionnaires, 4 shattered hand centurions, and 4 shattered hand champions."]="Field Commander Romus из Honor Hold хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 8 Shattered Hand Legionnaires, 4 Shattered Hand Centurions и 4 Shattered Hand Champons.",["fight to the top of jintha'alor, kill vile priestess hexx for the key to sharpbeak's cage, and save sharpbeak."]="Прорвись на вершину Jintha'Alor и убей Vile Priestess Hexx, чтобы получить ключ от клетки с Sharpbeak и спасти его.",["fill the coated cerulean vial at the orange crystal pool in maraudon. use the filled cerulean vial on the vylestem vines to force the corrupted noxxious scion to emerge. heal 8 plants by killing these noxxious scion, then return to vark battlescar in shadowprey village."]="Наполни Coated Cerulean Vial у оранжевого кристального озера в Maraudon. \r\n \r\nИспользуй Filled Cerulean Vial на Vylestem Vines, чтобы вызвать Corrupted Noxxious Scion. \r\n \r\nИсцели 8 растений, убив эти Noxxious Scion, затем вернись к Vark Battlescar в Shadowprey Village.",["fill the empty water tube at the auberdine moonwell, and then investigate the red crystal along darkshore's eastern mountain wall."]="Наполни Empty Water Tube в лунном колодце подле Auberdine. После этого исследуй красный кристалл. Кристалл находится где-то в районе восточных гор Darkshore.",["fill the tourmaline phial and bring it back to corithras moonrage in dolanaar."]="Наполни Tourmaline Phial и принеси его обратно к Corithras Moonrage в Dolanaar.",["find 6 ruuan'ok claws and use them at the ruaan'ok oracle circle to summon a harbinger of the raven. kill it and return its harbinger's pendant to timeon at ruuan weald."]="Найди 6 Ruuan'ok Claws и используй их в Ruaan'ok Oracle Circle, чтобы вызвать Harbinger of the Raven. Убей его и верни его Harbinger's Pendant Timeon из Ruuan Weald.",["find 6 shredder parts and return to foreman razelcraz by the mine northwest of thrallmar."]="Найди 6 Shredder Parts и верни их Foreman Razelcraz, что стоит возле шахты северо-западнее Thrallmar.",["find a way to summon and slay the duke of cynders, the duke of fathoms, the duke of zephyrs and the duke of shards and report back to commander mar'alith in cenarion hold. you must also bring tactical task briefing v in order to complete this quest."]="Найди способ вызвать и уничтожить Duke of Cynders, Duke of Fathoms, Duke of Zephyrs и Duke of Shards, после чего доложи об их гибели Commander Mar'alith в Cenarion Hold. Для выполнения этого квеста необходимо принести Tactical Task Briefing V.",["find an unrefined ore sample on a gravelsnout digger or surveyor and bring it to tatternack steelforge at camp taurajo in the barrens."]="Найди Unrefined Ore Sample у Gravelsnout Digger или Surveyor и принеси его Tatternack Steelforge в Camp Taurajo в Barrens.",["find and convince empoor to tell you what he knows."]="Найди и убеди Empoor рассказать все, что он знает.",["find and deliver silithyst to the silithyst extractor then speak with general kirika at the horde encampment near hive'regal."]="Найди и доставь Silithyst к Silithyst Extractor, затем поговори с General Kirika из лагеря Horde около Hive'Regal.",["find and deliver silithyst to the silithyst extractor, then speak with marshal bluewall at the alliance encampment near hive'zora."]="Найди и доставь Silithyst к Silithyst Extractor, затем поговори с Marshal Bluewall в лагере Alliance неподалеку от Hive'Zora.",["find and return bingles' supplies: bingles' wrench, bingles' screwdriver, bingles' hammer, and bingles' blastencapper."]="Найди и верни припасы Bingle: Bingles’ Wrench, Bingles’ Screwdriver, Bingles’ Hammer и Bingles’ Blastencapper.",["find and search tyranis and dalinda malem's wagon in desolace."]="Найди и обыщи Tyranis and Dalinda Malem’s wagon в Desolace.",["find and speak with ezekiel of shattrath in shattrath city."]="Найди и поговори с Ezekiel из Shattrath в Shattrath City.",["find and speak with tolaan at shadow ridge in ammen vale."]="Найди и поговори с Tolaan из Shadow Ridge в Ammen Vale.",["find apothecary staffron lerent in the hillsbrad foothills behind ravenholdt manor."]="Отыщи Apothecary Staffron Lerent в Hillsbrad Foothills за Ravenholdt Manor.",["find apothecary staffron lerent in the hillsbrad foothills past ravenholdt manor."]="Разыщи Apothecary Staffron Lerent в предгорьях Hillsbrad Foothills позади Ravenholdt Manor.",["find bingles blastenheimer in loch modan."]="Найди Bingles Blastenheimer в Loch Modan.",["find bishop delavey in stormwind keep."]="Найди Bishop DeLavey в Stormwind Keep.",["find cowlen at the southeast docks of silvermyst isle off the coast of azuremyst."]="Найди Cowlen в юго-восточных доках Silvermyst Isle.",["find groundskeeper wyllithen on the duskwither grounds in eversong woods."]="Найди Groundskeeper Wyllithen в Duskwither Grounds, Eversong Woods.",["find guard roberts and heal his wounds using lesser heal (rank 2). afterwards, grant him power word: fortitude and then return to priestess josetta in goldshire."]="Найди стражника Guard Roberts и исцели его раны используя свою способность Lesser Heal (Rank 2). После излечения используй на нем Power Word: Fortitude и выслушав его благодарность, вернись к Priestess Josetta в Goldshire.",["find jorgen in stormwind city."]="Найди Jorgen’а в Stormwind City.",["find kodo rock and drink the earth sapta."]="Найди Kodo Rock и выпей Earth Sapta.",["find koren inside karazhan."]="Найди Koren в Karazhan.",["find larianna riverwind near the scorched grove in the southwest of eversong woods."]="Найди Larianna Riverwind рядом с Scorched Grove на юго-западе от Eversong Woods.",["find mankrik's wife and then return to him in the crossroads."]="Найди жену Mankrik'а и вернись к нему в Crossroads.",["find metzen the reindeer. use the notes provided to you for clues as to where he is being held. when you find metzen, have the pouch of reindeer dust in your possession so you can sprinkle some of the dust on him; this should free metzen from his bonds of captivity. return the pouch of reindeer dust to wulmort jinglepocket in ironforge once metzen is freed."]="Найди Metzen the Reindeer. Используй записки которые тебе дали чтобы понять где он находится. \r\n\r\nКогда найдешь Metzen, имей при себе Pouch of Reindeer Dust чтобы ты мог распылить немного dust на него; это освободит Metzenа от оков держащих его. \r\n\r\nВерни Pouch of Reindeer Dust к Kaymard Copperpinch в Ironforge когда Metzen будет свободен. ",["find narain's scrying goggles and return them to narain soothfancy in tanaris."]="Найди Narain's Scrying Goggles и верни их Narain Soothfancy в Tanaris",["find nitrin the learned at the abandoned armory in nagrand."]="Найди Nitrin the Learned в Abandoned Armory в Nagrand.",["find rackmore's silver key. find rackmore's golden key. find and open rackmore's chest."]="Найди Rackmore's Silver Key. Найди Rackmore's Golden Key. Найди наконец и открой сундук - Rackmore's Chest.",["find raene wolfrunner in ashenvale."]="Отыщи Raene Wolfrunner в Ashenvale.",["find ranger valanna and lieutenant tomathren on the shore of lake elrendar in the ghostlands near suncrown village."]="Найди Ranger Valanna и Lieutenant Tomathren на берегу Lake Elrendar в Ghostlands, недалеко от Suncrown Village.",["find seer udalo inside the arcatraz in tempest keep."]="Найди Seer Udalo в Arcatraz, Tempest Keep.",["find sethir the ancient and bring back any clues that you may discover to syurna."]="Отыщи Sethir the Ancient и принеси любые улики, которые найдешь, к Syurna.",["find someone at the throne of the elements that knows how to speak kalimag and show them the howling wind."]="Найди в Throne of the Elements кого-нибудь, знающего Kalimag, и покажи ему Howling Wind.",["find someone capable of deciphering the meaning behind the nightmare engulfed object. perhaps a druid of great power could assist you."]="Найди кого-нибудь способного расшифровать значение Nightmare Engulfed Object.\r\n\r\nВозможно, это может сделать могущественный друид.",["find someone who knows of ghost howl."]="Найди кого-нибудь, кто знает об Ghost Howl.",["find starfall in winterspring and speak with wynd nightchaser."]="Отыщи город Starfall в Winterspring и поговори с Wynd Nightchaser.",["find teronis in ashenvale."]="Найди Teronis в Ashenvale.",["find the author of the message in a bottle."]="Найди автора записки из бутылки.",["find the frostwolf explosives expert and kill him. return to the stormpike explosives expert when the task is complete."]="Найди Frostwolf Explosives Expert и убей его. Вернись к Stormpike Explosives Expert когда задача будет выполнена.",["find the owner of the ancient petrified leaf. good luck, "..strlower(UnitName("player")).."; it's a big world."]="Найди владельца Ancient Petrified Leaf. Удачи, "..UnitName("player").."; Мир велик.",["find the ruby, sapphire, and topaz that are scattered throughout uldaman. once acquired, contact talvash del kissel remotely by using the phial of scrying he previously gave you. from the journal, you know... * the ruby has been stashed in a barricaded shadowforge area. * the topaz has been hidden in an urn in one of the trogg areas, near some alliance dwarves. * the sapphire has been claimed by grimlok, the trogg leader."]="Найди ruby, sapphire, и topaz, которые разбросаны по всему Uldaman. Выполнив задание, свяжись с Talvash del Kissel, используя Phial of Scrying, который он дал тебе прежде.\r\n\r\nПо выпискам из журнала ты знаешь, что...\r\n* Ruby спрятан где-то в области Shadowforge.\r\n* Topaz был спрятан в одной из урн зоны троггов, недалеко от группы дварфов Альянса.\r\n* Sapphire принадлежит Grimlok, лидеру троггов.",["find the sealed box and then deliver it to earthbinder tavgren just outside of the cenarion thicket in terokkar forest."]="Найди Sealed Box и доставь ее Earthbinder Tavgren, который стоит возле Cenarion Thicket, Terokkar Forest.",["find the skull piles in the middle of the summoning circles of skettis. summon and defeat each of the descendants by using 10 time-lost scrolls at the skull pile. return to hazzik at blackwind landing with a token from each."]="Найди Skull Piles среди кругов для вызова в Skettis. Вызови и победи всех потомков с помощью 10 Time-Lost Scrolls у Skull Pile. Вернись к Hazzik из Blackwind Landing со знаком от каждого их них.",["find the three gemstones of command: the gemstone of smolderthorn, gemstone of spirestone, and gemstone of bloodaxe. return them, along with the unadorned seal of ascension, to vaelan. the generals, as told to you by vaelan, are: war master voone of the smolderthorn; highlord omokk of the spirestone; and overlord wyrmthalak of the bloodaxe."]="Найди три драгоценных камня власти: Gemstone of Smolderthorn, Gemstone of Spirestone и Gemstone of Bloodaxe. Принеси их вместе с Unadorned Seal of Ascension к Vaelan.\r\n\r\nСо слов Vaelan, генералами являются: War Master Voone из Smolderthorn; Highlord Omokk из Spirestone и Overlord Wyrmthalak из Bloodaxe.",["find the totem of coo using the clues provided to you."]="Найди Totem of Coo, используя данную тебе подсказку.",["find the totem of tikti using the clues provided to you."]="Найди Totem of Tikti, используя данную тебе подсказку.",["find the totem of vark using the clues provided to you."]="Найди Totem of Vark, используя данную тебе подсказку.",["find the totem of yor using the clues provided to you."]="Найди Totem of Yor, используя данную тебе подскажку.",["find tyranis malem in desolace."]="Найди Tyranis Malem в Desolace.",["find tyri at the north end of the celestial ridge and speak with her."]="Найди Tyri на северной оконечности Celestial Ridge и поговори с ней.",["first mate nilzlix wants you to retrieve the charts and logs from the maiden's folly and the spirit of silverpine."]="First Mate Nilzlix умоляет тебя спасти Charts и Logs с кораблей Maiden's Folly и Spirit of Silverpine.",["flesh handler viridius at the protectorate watch post in netherstorm has asked that you find and free captain tyralius."]="Flesh Handler Viridius из Protectorate Watch Post, Netherstorm, попросил тебя найти и освободить Captain Tyralius.",["follow donova snowden's instructions, then report back."]="Следуй инструкциям Donova Snowden, потом отрапортуй о результатах.",["follow khadgar's servant and listen to its story. return to khadgar after completing this task."]="Следуй за слугой Khadgar и выслушай его рассказ. Выполнив это здание, возвращайся к Khadgar.",["follow the road out of fairbreeze village towards the south and look for courier dawnstrider as you approach the ghostlands."]="Выйди из Fairbreeze Village по южной дороге и найди Courier Dawnstrider на пути в Ghostlands.",["for 110 insignias of the dawn and 110 insignias of the crusade you may choose an item from the argent dawn's treasure cache."]="За 110 Insignias of the Dawn и 110 Insignias of the Crusade ты можешь выбрать любую вещицу из сокровищницы Argent Dawn.",["for 20 insignias of the dawn and 20 insignias of the crusade you may choose an item from the argent dawn's treasure cache."]="За 20 Insignias of the Dawn и 20 Insignias of the Crusade ты можешь выбрать любую вещицу из сокровищницы Argent Dawn.",["for 27 insignias of the dawn and 27 insignias of the crusade you may choose an item from the argent dawn's treasure cache."]="За 27 Insignias of the Dawn и 27 Insignias of the Crusade ты можешь выбрать предмет из тайника сокровищей Argent Dawn. ",["for 30 insignias of the dawn and 30 insignias of the crusade you may choose an item from the argent dawn's treasure cache."]="За 30 Insignias из Dawn и 30 Insignias из Crusade ты можешь выбрать любую вещицу из сокровищницы Argent Dawn.",["for 45 insignias of the dawn and 45 insignias of the crusade you may choose an item from the argent dawn's treasure cache."]="За 45 Insignias из Dawn и 45 Insignias из Crusade ты можешь выбрать любую вещицу из сокровищницы Argent Dawn.",["for 6 insignias of the dawn and 6 insignias of the crusade you may choose an item from the argent dawn's treasure cache."]="За 6 Insignias of the Dawn и 6 Insignias of the Crusade ты можешь выбрать предмет из тайника сокровищей Argent Dawn. ",["for 7 insignias of the dawn and 7 insignias of the crusade you may choose an item from the argent dawn's treasure cache."]="За 7 Insignias of the Dawn и 7 Insignias of the Crusade ты можешь выбрать любую вещицу из сокровищницы Argent Dawn.",["for 75 insignias of the dawn and 75 insignias of the crusade you may choose an item from the argent dawn's treasure cache."]="За 75 Insignias of the Dawn и 75 Insignias of the Crusade ты можешь выбрать любую вещицу из сокровищницы Argent Dawn.",["forward commander to'arch at reaver's fall in hellfire peninsula has asked that you destroy 20 gan'arg peons, 5 mo'arg overseers and 5 fel cannons."]="Forward Commander To'arch из Reaver's Fall, Hellfire Peninsula, попросил тебя уничтожить 20 Gan'arg Peons, 5 Mo'arg Overseers и 5 Fel Cannons.",["free 8 stillpine captives from cages found in bristlelimb village. return to arugoo of the stillpine at azure watch when you have completed this task."]="Освободи 8 Stillpine Captives из клеток Bristlelimb Village. После выполнения задания вернись к Arugoo of the Stillpine из Azure Watch.",["free gol'dir then return to krusk in tarren mill."]="Освободи Gol'dir, затем вернись к Krusk в Tarren Mill.",["free morod the windstirrer, akoru the firecaller and aylaan the waterwaker at the ruins of sha'naar. return to naladu after completing this task."]="Освободи Morod the Windstirrer, Akoru the Firecaller и Aylaan the Waterwalker в Ruins of Sha'naar. Вернись к Naladu после выполнения этого задания.",["free the trapped highborne souls in night run and satyrnaar, then return to delgren the purifier at maestra's post."]="Освободи захваченные Highborne souls в Night Run и Satyrnaar, затем вернись к Delgren the Purifier в Maestra's Post.",["fully investigate the blood furnace and then report to force commander danath trollbane at honor hold in hellfire peninsula."]="Полностью исследуй Blood Furnace и доложи о результатах Force Commander Danath Trollbane из Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula.",["fully investigate the blood furnace and then report to nazgrel at thrallmar in hellfire peninsula."]="Полностью исследуй Blood Furnace и доложи о результатах Nazgrel из Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula.",["gather 10 atal'ai tablets for brohann caskbelly in stormwind."]="Собери 10 Atal'ai Tablets для Brohann Caskbelly в Stormwind.",["gather 10 fel reaver parts and return them to mama wheeler at the midrealm post inside eco-dome midrealm in the netherstorm."]="Собери 10 Fel Reaver Parts и верни их Mama Wheeler из Midrealm Post внутри Eco-Dome Midrealm, Netherstorm.",["gather 10 lasher samples and return them to botanist taerix at the crash site in ammen vale."]="Собери 10 Lasher Samples и принеси их Botanist Taerix из Crash Site в Ammen Vale.",["gather 15 nether dragonkin eggs, then return to tyri and jorad on the celestial ridge."]="Собери 15 Nether Dragonkin Eggs, после чего вернись к Tyri и Jorad из Celestial Ridge.",["gather 2 handfuls of purifying earth from thundering boulderkin and take them to wizlo bearingshiner at whitereach post."]="Собери 2 горсти Purifying Earth из Thundering Boulderkin и отнеси их Wizlo Bearingshiner из Whitereach Post.",["gather 20 bloodkelp from the strashaz naga and then return to bodley inside blackrock mountain."]="Собери 20 Bloodkelp у Strashaz naga и вернись к Bodley в Blackrock Mountain.",["gather 3 corrupted flowers and return them to apprentice vishael at the crash site in ammen vale."]="Собери 3 Corrupted Flowers и принеси их Apprentice Vishael из Crash Site в Ammen Vale.",["gather 4 chunks of boar meat and 2 thick bear furs, and deliver them to pilot bellowfiz at steelgrill's depot."]="Собери 4 Chunks of Boar Meat и 2 Thick Bear Furs и доставь их Pilot Bellowfiz'у в Steelgrill's Depot.",["gather 4 pieces of raw farahlite and return to zuben elgenubi at the stormspire."]="Собери 4 куска Raw Farahlite и вернись к Zuben Elgenubi в Stormspire.",["gather 5 gryphon eggs and return them to ambassador rualeth at aerie peak."]="Собери 5 Gryphon Eggs и верни их Ambassador Rualeth из Aerie Peak.",["gather 6 feralfen idols and return them to anchorite ahuurn at telredor."]="Собери 6 Feralfen Idols и верни их Anchorite Ahuurn из Telredor.",["gather 6 phantasmal substance and 4 gargoyle fragments. return them to arcanist vandril at tranquillien in the ghostlands."]="Собери 6 Phantasmal Substance и 4 Gargoyle Fragments. Вернись с ними к Arcanist Vandril из Tranquillien, Ghostlands.",["gather 8 nether dragon essence, then return to the ethereal teleport pad area. nether dragon essence may be obtained from nether drakes or nether dragons."]="Собери 8 Nether Dragon Essence и вернись с ним к Ethereal Teleport Pad. Nether Dragon Essence можно собрать с Nether Drakes или с Nether Dragons.",["gather 8 rot blossoms and bring them to tavernkeep smitts in darkshire."]="Собери 8 Rot Blossoms и принеси их к Tavernkeep Smitts in Darkshire.",["gather 8 sketh'lon feathers and bring them to parshah in the magma fields."]="Собери 8 Sketh'lon Feathers и отнеси их Parshah из Magma Fields.",["gather an underspore frond and return it to t'shu at sporeggar in zangarmarsh."]="Возьми Underspore Frond и принеси его T'shu из Sporeggar в Zangarmarsh.",["gather the incendicite of incendius, the ember of emberseer and the cinder of cynders, along with a hallowed brazier, and return them to bodley inside blackrock mountain."]="Собери Incendicite of Incendius, Ember of Emberseer и Cinder of Cynders, захвати Hallowed Brazier и вернись к Bodley в Blackrock Mountain.",["gather up enough costume scraps from the various wyrmcultists to create an overseer disguise. use the disguise to attend the meeting with kolphis darkscale, and report your findings back to tree warden chawn at evergrove in the blade's edge mountains."]="Собери достаточно Costume Scarps с различных wyrmcultists, чтобы создать Overseer Disguise. Используй маскировку, чтобы встретиться с Kolphis Darkscale, и расскажи то, что тебе удалось выяснить, Tree Warden Chawn из Evergrove, Blade's Edge Mountains.",["general krakork in thrallmar wants you to speak with nazgrel."]="General Krakork из Thrallmar хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "поговорил"), "^3$", "поговорила").." с Nazgrel.",["get 5 pieces of crocolisk meat and 6 crocolisk skins for marek ironheart at the farstrider lodge."]="Добудь 5 кусков Crocolisk Meat и 6 Crocolisk Skin для Marek Ironheart в Farstrider Lodge.",["get a cask of evershine from rejold barleybrew in brewnall village."]="Доставь cask of Еvershine у Rejold’а Barleybrew в Brewnall Village.",["get a guardian's moldy card and bring it to fenstad argyle in the undercity."]="Раздобудь Guardian's Moldy Card и принести ее Fenstad Argyle в Undercity.",["get a stormwind guard's card and return it to aristan mottar in stormwind."]="Получи Card у Stormwind Guard и верни ее Aristan Mottar в Stormwind.",["get the intrepid strongbox key from captain halyndor use the key to open the intrepid's strongbox."]="Добудь Intrepid Strongbox Key у Captain Halyndor.\r\n\r\nИспользуй этот ключ, чтобы открыть Intrepid’s Strongbox.",["get the sceptre of light and then return it to azore aldamort at the tower in ethel rethor."]="Azore Aldamort хочет, чтобы ты достал Sceptre of Light и принес его ему в башню в Ethel Rethor.",["give deliana your devout crown and devout robe."]="Отдай Deliana твои Devout Crown и Devout Robe.",["give deliana your helm of valor and breastplate of valor."]="Отдай Deliana твои Helm of Valor и Breastplate of Valor.",["give deliana your magister's crown and magister's robes."]="Отдай Deliana твои Magister's Crown и Magister's Robes.",["give deliana your shadowcraft cap and shadowcraft tunic."]="Отдей Deliana твои Shadowcraft Cap и Shadowcraft Tunic.",["give faustin's truth serum to deathstalker zraedus at beggar's haunt."]="Отнеси Faustin's Truth Serum к Deathstalker Zraedus из Beggar's Haunt.",["give mokvar your helm of valor and breastplate of valor."]="Отдай Mokvar твои Helm of Valor и Breastplate of Valor.",["give mokvar your magister's crown and magister's robes."]="Отдай Mokvar твои Magister's Crown и Magister's Robes.",["give mokvar your wildheart cowl and wildheart vest."]="Отдай Mokvar твои Wildheart Cowl и Wildheart Vest.",["give the dull and flat elven blade to lorekeeper lydros."]="Дай Dull и Flat Elven Blade в руки Lorekeeper Lydros.",["give the sealed note to watcher backus in duskwood."]="Отдай Sealed Note - Watcher’у Backus’у в Duskwood’е.",["gnomus at wildhammer stronghold in shadowmoon valley wants you to recover 1 overdeveloped felfire gizzard."]="Gnomus из Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "добыл"), "^3$", "добыла").." 1 Overdeveloped Felfire Gizzard.",["gnomus at wildhammer stronghold in shadowmoon valley wants you to recover 8 felfire spleens."]="Gnomus из Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему 8 Felfire Spleens.",["gnomus at wildhammer stronghold in shadowmoon valley wants you to recover felspine's hide."]="Gnomus из Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "добыл"), "^3$", "добыла").." Felspine's Hide.",["go inside manaforge b'naar and find the b'naar control console. completing quests for the aldor will cause your scryers reputation to decrease."]="Отправляйся в Manaforge B'naar и найди B'naar Control Console.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Aldor приведет к снижению репутации со Scryers.",["go into the caverns of time and convince medivh to enable your restored apprentice's key."]="Иди к Caverns of Time и убеди Medivh активировать твой Restored Apprentice's Key.",["go into the shadow tomb, west of the refugee caravan and retrieve the drape of arunen, the gavel of k'alen and the scroll of atalor. return to mekeda at the refugee caravan after you've completed this task."]="Отправляйся в Shadow Tomb, что к западу от Refugee Caravan и добудь Drape of Arunen, Gavel of K'alen и Scroll of Atalor. После выполнения задания вернись к Mekeda из Refugee Caravan.",["go south into the ruins of silvermoon and look for the slain outrunner in dawning lane."]="Отправляйся на юг к руинам Silvermoon и разыщи Slain Outrunner в Dawning Lane.",["go to a summoning circle and kill a shadow of doom, then return to commander thomas helleran at light's hope chapel in eastern plaguelands."]="Войди в круг призыва и убей Shadow of Doom, затем возвращайся к Commander Thomas Helleran из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands.",["go to featherbeard's hovel and visit the dwarf if he is at home. if he is not at home, search for evidence of where he can be found."]="Отправляйся в Featherbeard's Hovel и поговори с дварфом, если он дома. Если его не окажется на месте, найди подказку о том, где он может быть.",["go to sporeggar, north of the spawning glen, and deliver the salvaged spore sacs to msshi'fn."]="Отправляйся в Sporeggar к северу от Spawning Glen и отдай Salvaged Spore Sacs Msshi'fn.",["go to sven's farm and find what was buried behind the old stump."]="Иди к ферме - Sven's Farm и найди то, что зарыто позади здоровенного пня.",["go to the canal tailor shop and bring rema schneider the cloth request from harlan bagley."]="Сходи в Canal Tailor Shop и принеси Cloth Request для Rema Schneider от Harlan Bagley.",["go to the howling vale and study the tome of mel'thandris, then return to sentinel melyria frostshadow at forest song."]="Отправляйся в Howling Vale и изучи Tome of Mel'Thandris, а затем возвращайся к Sentinel Melyria Frostshadow в Forest Song.",["go to the howling vale and study the tome of mel'thandris, then return to sentinel melyria frostshadow at the shrine of aessina."]="Отправляйся в Howling Vale и изучи там книгу Tome of Mel'Thandris, затем возвращайся к Sentinel Melyria Frostshadow в Shrine of Aessina.",["go to the master's terrace in karazhan and read medivh's journal. return to archmage alturus with medivh's journal after completing this task."]="Иди в Master's Terrace, Karazhan и прочти Medivh's Journal. Вернись к Archmage Alturus с Medivh's Journal после выполнения этой задачи.",["go to the master's terrace in karazhan and use kalynna's urn to summon nightbane. retrieve the faint arcane essence from nightbane's corpse and bring it to archmage alturus."]="Отправляйся в Master's Terrace, Karazhan, и используй Kalynna's Urn, чтобы вызвать Nightbane. Добудь Faint Arcane Essence из трупа Nightbane и принеси ее Archmage Alturus.",["go to the shards of myzrael, summon her and defeat her. gather her eldritch shackles and bind them to the shards of myzrael."]="Отправляйся к Shards of Myzrael, призови ее и побори. \r\n \r\nВозьми ее Eldritch Shackles и прикрепи к Shards of Myzrael.\r\n",["go to the top of the atam'al terrace in shadowmoon valley and obtain the heart of fury. return to akama at the warden's cage in shadowmoon valley when you've completed this task."]="Отправляйся на вершину Atam'al Terrace, Shadowmoon Valley, и получи Heart of Fury. Вернись к Akama из Warden's Cage, Shadowmoon Valley, после выполнения задания.",["go to void ridge and kill the creatures you find. collect 40 void ridge soul shards and return them to ogath the mad in spinebreaker post."]="Отправляйся в Void Rigde и убей существ, которых ты там найдешь. Собери 40 Void Ridge Soul Shards и вернись с ними к Ogath the Mad из Spinebreaker Post.",["go with ogron to speak with reethe, then return to krog in brackenwall village."]="Отправляйся с Ogron, чтобы поговорить с Reethe, затем возвращайся к Krog в Brackenwall Village.",["gordawg at the throne of the elements in nagrand has asked that you bring him 15 enraged crusher cores."]="Gordawg из Throne of the Elements in Nagrand просит тебя принести ему 15 Enraged Crusher Cores. ",["gordawg at the throne of the elements in nagrand has asked that you destroy 15 tortured earth spirits."]="Gordawg из Throne of the Elements в Nagrand просит тебя уничтожить 15 Tortured Earth Spirits.",["gordawg at the throne of the elements in nagrand has asked that you destroy gurok the usurper and bring back gurok's earthen head."]="Gordawg из Throne of the Elements в Nagrand попросил тебя уничтожить Gurok the Usurper и принести ему Gurok's Earthen Head.",["gordawg at the throne of the elements in nagrand has asked that you slay 30 minions of gurok."]="Gordawg из Throne of the Elements в Nagrand попросил тебя убить 30 Minions of Gurok.",["grazle wants you to prove yourself by killing 5 deadwood warriors, 5 deadwood pathfinders, and 5 deadwood gardeners."]="Grazle хочет, чтобы ты зарекомендовал себя, убив 5 Deadwood Warriors, 5 Deadwood Pathfinders, и 5 Deadwood Gardeners.",["grazle wants you to prove yourself by killing 6 deadwood warriors, 6 deadwood pathfinders, and 6 deadwood gardeners. return to him in southern felwood near the emerald sanctuary when you are done."]="Grazle желает, чтобы ты показал свою доблесть, убив 6 Deadwood Warriors, 6 Deadwood Pathfinders, и 6 Deadwood Gardeners. Когда исполнишь приказ, возвращайся ко мне в южный Felwood близ Emerald Sanctuary.",["gremni longbeard in hellfire peninsula wants you to slay 4 haal'eshi windwalkers and 6 haal'eshi talonguards."]="Gremni Longbeard из Hellfire Peninsula хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 4 Haal'eshi Windwalkers и 6 Haal'eshi Talonguards.",["grimbooze thunderbrew wants a sack of barley, a sack of rye and a sack of corn."]="Grimbooze Thunderbrew желает Sack of Barley, Sack of Rye и Sack of Corn.",["grull hawkwind in camp narache wants you to bring him 10 mountain cougar pelts."]="Grull Hawkwind в Camp Narache хочет, чтобы ты принес ему 10 Mountain Cougar Pelts.",["grull hawkwind in camp narache wants you to bring him 7 plainstrider feathers and 7 pieces of plainstrider meat."]="Grull Hawkwind в Camp Narache хочет чтобы ты добыл ему 7 Plainstrider Feather и 7 кусков Plainstrider Meat.",["gryan stoutmantle wants you to kill 15 defias pillagers and 15 defias looters and return to him on sentinel hill."]="Gryan Stoutmantle хочет, чтобы ты убил 15 Defias Pillagers и 15 Defias Looters и вернулся к нему в Sentinel Hill.",["gshaff wants you to gather 10 fertile spores from the various zangarmarsh spore bats and marsh walkers. return to ghsaff at sporeggar when you've completed this task."]="Gshaff хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "собрал"), "^3$", "собрала").." 10 Fertile Spores с обитающих в Zangarmarsh Spore Bats и Marsh Walkers. После выполнения задачи вернись к Ghsaff из Sporeggar.",["hansel heavyhands wants you to kill 20 greater lava spiders in the searing gorge. you can find greater lava spiders in the plateaus and lava pools of the searing gorge. return to hansel heavyhands in the searing gorge when you have killed enough greater lava spiders."]="Hansel Heavyhands хочет чтобы ты убил 20 Greater Lava Spiders в Searing Gorge. Найдешь Greater Lava Spiders на плато и в лавовых ямах Searing Gorge. \r\n\r\nВовзращайся к Hansel Heavyhands в Searing Gorge когда выполнишь задание.",["hansel heavyhands wants you to kill 20 incendosaurs. you will find incendosaurs occupying the lava pools inside the slag pit. the slag pit can be found in the cauldron of the searing gorge. return to hansel heavyhands in the searing gorge when you have killed enough incendosaurs."]="Hansel Heavyhands хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 20 Incendosaurs.\n\nIncendosaurs обитают возле лавовых озер в Slag Pit. Slag Pit находится в Cauldron в Searing Gorge.\n\nПосле того, как ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." достаточное количество Incendosaurs, возвращайся к Hansel Heavyhands в Searing Gorge.",["hemet nesingwary jr. wants you to bring him the head of king bangalash, the great white tiger."]="Hemet Nesingwary Jr. предлагает тебе принести ему голову King Bangalash, великого белого тигра.",["hemet nesingwary jr. wants you to kill 10 jungle stalkers."]="Hemet Nesingwary Jr. предлагает тебе убить 10 Jungle Stalkers.",["hemet nesingwary jr. wants you to kill 10 lashtail raptors."]="Hemet Nesingwary Jr. предлагает тебе убить 10 Lashtail Raptors.",["hemet nesingwary jr. wants you to kill 10 stranglethorn raptors."]="Hemet Nesingwary Jr. предлагает тебе убить 10 Stranglethorn Raptors.",["hemet nesingwary jr. wants you to kill tethis, an elusive, dangerous raptor in stranglethorn."]="Hemet Nesingwary Jr. предлагает тебе убить Tethis, неуловимого и опасного хищника из Stranglethorn.",["hemet nesingwary wants you to kill 10 lashtail raptors."]="Hemet Nesingwary хочет, что ты убил 10 Lashtail Raptors.",["hermit ortell wants you to bring him 10 encrypted twilight texts"]="Отшельник Ortell хочет чтобы ты принес ему 10 Encrypted Twilight Texts.",["high priest orglum wants you to journey into the tomb of lights and use the draenei tomb relic near the ancient draenei altar. defend the tomb guardian and defeat the vengeful harbinger. when the ritual is complete, speak with the draenei ascendant at the ancient draenei altar."]="High Priest Orglum хочет, чтобы ты отправился в Tomb of Lights и применил Draenei Tomb Relic рядом с Ancient Draenei Altar.\r\n\r\nЗащити Tomb Guardian и победи Vengeful Harbinger. После окончания ритуала поговори с Draenei Ascendant у Ancient Draenei Altar.",["high priest orglum wants you to journey to the tomb of lights and kill 10 ethereal nethermancers and 10 ethereal plunderers and then return to him by the refugee caravan."]="High Priest Orglum хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "отправился"), "^3$", "отправилась").." в Tomb of Light и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 10 Ethereal Nethermancers и 10 Ethereal Plunderers, после чего "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "вернулся"), "^3$", "вернулась").." к нему в Refugee Caravan.",["hunt down 30 clefthoof and return to hemet nesingwary at nesingwary's safari in nagrand to prove yourself."]="Убей 30 Clefthoof и поговори с Hemet Nesingwary из Nesingwary's Safari, Nagrand, чтобы доказать, что ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "достоин"), "^3$", "достойна")..".",["hunt down 30 ravenous windrocs and then return to fitz at the nesingwary safari in nagrand."]="Убей 30 Ravenous Windroc и вернись к Fitz из Nesingwary Safari, Nagrand.",["hunt down 30 talbuk thorngrazers and then return to harold lane at the nesingwary safari in nagrand."]="Убей 30 Talbuk Thorngrazers, после чего вернись к Harold Lane из Nesingwary Safari, Nagrand.",["huntress bintook at telaar in nagrand wants you to recover boulderfist plans."]="Huntress Bintook из Telaar, Nagrand, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "добыл"), "^3$", "добыла").." Boulderfist Plans.",["huntress bintook at telaar in nagrand wants you to speak to lump. return to huntress bintook when you have gathered the information that she requested."]="Huntress Bintook из Telaar, Nagrand, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "поговорил"), "^3$", "поговорила").." с Lump. Возвращайся к Huntress Bintook, когда соберешь необходимые ей сведения..",["huntress bintook at telaar in nagrand wants you to speak to mo'mor the breaker."]="Huntress Bintook из Telaar, Nagrand, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "поговорил"), "^3$", "поговорила").." c Mo'mor the Breaker.",["huntress kima at telaar in nagrand wants you to recover 20 telaar supply crates."]="Huntress Kima из Telaar, Nagrand, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "спас"), "^3$", "спасла").." 20 Telaar Supply Crates.",["huntsman leopold at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a cryptstalker girdle if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated girdle, 8 wartorn chain scraps, 1 arcanite bar and 3 nexus crystals."]="Huntsman Leopold из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Cryptstalker Girdle, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Girdle, 8 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar и 3 Nexus Crystals.\r\n",["huntsman leopold at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a cryptstalker headpiece if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated headpiece, 15 wartorn chain scraps, 4 arcanite bars and 2 nexus crystals."]="Huntsman Leopold из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Cryptstalker Headpiece, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Headpiece, 15 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 4 Arcanite Bars и 2 Nexus Crystals.",["huntsman leopold at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a cryptstalker tunic if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated tunic, 25 wartorn chain scraps, 4 arcanite bars and 3 cured rugged hides."]="Huntsman Leopold из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Cryptstalker Tunic, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Tunic, 25 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 4 Arcanite Bars и 3 Cured Rugged Hides.",["huntsman leopold at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make cryptstalker boots if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated boots, 12 wartorn chain scraps, 1 arcanite bar and 3 nexus crystals."]="Huntsman Leopold из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Cryptstalker Boots, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Boots, 12 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar и 3 Nexus Crystals.",["huntsman leopold at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make cryptstalker handguards if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated handguards, 8 wartorn chain scraps, 1 arcanite bar and 5 cured rugged hides."]="Huntsman Leopold из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Cryptstalker Handguards, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Handguards, 8 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar и 5 Cured Rugged Hides.",["huntsman leopold at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make cryptstalker legguards if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated legguards, 20 wartorn chain scraps, 3 arcanite bars and 5 cured rugged hides."]="Huntsman Leopold из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Cryptstalker Legguards, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Legguards, 20 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 3 Arcanite Bars и 5 Cured Rugged Hides.",["huntsman leopold at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make cryptstalker spaulders if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated spaulders, 12 wartorn chain scraps, 2 arcanite bars and 3 cured rugged hides."]="Huntsman Leopold из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Cryptstalker Spaulders, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Spaulders, 12 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 2 Arcanite Bars и 3 Cured Rugged Hides.",["huntsman leopold at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make cryptstalker wristguards if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated wristguards, 6 wartorn chain scraps, 1 arcanite bar and 2 cured rugged hides."]="Huntsman Leopold из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Cryptstalker Wristguards, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Wristguards, 6 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar и 2 Cured Rugged Hides.",["if you agree to aid belnistrasz, speak with him again and hand the oathstone he gave you back to him."]="Если ты согласен помочь Belnistrasz’у, заговори с ним снова и отдай ему Oathstone.",["ikeyen at the cenarion refuge wants you to travel to umbrafen village and slay kataru, 8 umbrafen seers, 6 umbrafen witchdoctors and 6 umbrafen oracles."]="Ikeyen из Cenarion Refuge просит тебя отправиться в Umbrafen Village и убить Kataru, 8 Umbrafen Seers, 6 Umbrafen Witchdoctors и 6 Umbrafen Oracles.",["in the basement of the thunderbrew distillery in kharanos, replace a barrel of thunder ale with a barrel of barleybrew scalder."]="В погребе Thunderbrew Distillery в Kharanos подмени Barrel of Thunder Ale на Barrel of Barleybrew Scalder.",["in the heart of blackrock spire you will find mother smolderweb. engage her and get her to poison you. chances are good that you will have to kill her as well. return to ragged john when you are poisoned so that he can 'milk' you."]="В самом сердце Blackrock Spire ты найдешь Mother Smolderweb. Начни с ней бой и дай ей отравить тебя ядом. У тебя еще будут шансы победить ее, а затем сразу же возвращайся к Ragged John. Пока яд у тебя в крови, я смогу “подоить” тебя.",["investigate the amani catacombs and burn 10 mummified troll remains, then return to advisor valwyn at tranquillien in the ghostlands."]="Исследуй Amani Catacombs и сожги 10 Mummified Troll Remains, после чего вернись к Advisor Valwyn из Tranquillien, Ghostlands.",["investigate the area at an'daroth, kill 12 sentinel spies and then return to dame auriferous at tranquillien in the ghostlands."]="Исследуй район An'daroth, убей 12 Sentinel Spies и вернись к Dame Auriferous из Tranquillien, Ghostlands.",["investigate the cause of the water depletion at umbrafen lake. then return to ysiel windsinger at the cenarion refuge in zangarmarsh."]="Исследуй причину уменьшения воды у Umbrafen Lake. Затем возвращайся к Ysiel Windsinger из Cenarion Refuge в Zangarmarsh.",["investigate the spawning glen in zangarmarsh, and then report back to watcher leesa'oh at the cenarion watchpost in zangarmarsh with your findings."]="Обследуй Spawning Glen в Zangarmarsh и вернись с докладом о своих находках Watcher Leesa'oh из Cenarion Watchpost, Zangarmarsh.",["investigate the strange object next to the broken corpse to determine what might have befallen the cenarion thicket. then return to earthbinder tavgren just outside the thicket in terokkar forest."]="Обследуй Strange Object, лежащий возле Broken Corpse, чтобы понять участь Cenarion Thicket. После этого вернись к Earthbinder Tavgren, что стоит у thicket в Terokkar Forest.",["ishanah wants you to go to the arakkoa outpost east of shattrath city and use the blessed vial to cleanse the eastern altar, the western altar and the northern altar. completing quests for the aldor will cause your scryers reputation level to decrease."]="Ishanah хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "пошел"), "^3$", "пошла").." в поселение Arakkoa к востоку от Shattrath City и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "использовал"), "^3$", "использовала").." Blessed Vial, чтобы очистить Eastern Altar, Western Altar и Northern Altar.\n\nВыполнение квеста за Aldor снизит репутацию со Scryers.",["jorin deadeye at garadar in nagrand has asked that you find and speak with lantresor of the blade in the burning blade ruins."]="Jorin Deadeye из Garadar, Nagrand, попросил тебя найти и поговорить с Lantresor of the Blade из Burning Blade Ruins.",["jorin deadeye at garadar in nagrand has asked that you slay 15 boulderfist crushers and 15 boulderfist mystics."]="Jorin Deadeye из Garadar, Nagrand, попросил тебя убить 15 Boulderfist Crushers и 15 Boulderfist Mystics.",["jorin deadeye at garadar in nagrand has asked that you slay 25 boulderfist warriors and 25 boulderfist mages."]="Jorin Deadeye из Garadar, Nagrand, попросил тебя убить 25 Boulderfist Warriors и 25 Boulderfist Mages.",["jorin deadeye has asked that you find and speak with kilrath."]="Jorin Deadeye попросил тебя найти и поговорить с Kilrath.",["kalynna lathred wants you to retrieve the tome of dusk from grand warlock nethekurse in the shattered halls of hellfire citadel and the book of forgotten names from darkweaver syth in the sethekk halls in auchindoun. this quest must be completed in heroic difficulty."]="Kalynna Lathred хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ей Tome of Dusk от Grand Warlock Nethekurse из Shattered Halls, Hellfire Citadel, и Book of Forgotten Names от Darkweaver Syth из Sethekk Halls, Auchindoun.\n\nЭтот квест необходимо выполнить в Heroic dungeons.",["khadgar wants you to enter the shadow labyrinth at auchindoun and retrieve the first key fragment from an arcane container hidden there."]="Khadgar хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "вошел"), "^3$", "вошла").." в Shadow Labyrinth, Auchindoun и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "добыл"), "^3$", "добыла").." First Key Fragment из спрятанного там Arcane Container.",["kill 1 den watcher, 2 ursas, 10 totemics, and 12 warriors of the foulweald tribe, and then return to raene wolfrunner in astranaar."]="Убей 1 Den Watcher, 2 Ursas, 10 Totemics и 12 Warriors из племени Foulweald, после этого вернись к Raene Wolfrunner к Astranaar.",["kill 10 blood elf scouts then return to tolaan in the shadow ridge of ammen vale."]="Убей 10 Blood Elf Scouts, после чего возвращайся к Tolaan в Shadow Ridge в Ammen Vale.",["kill 10 marshfang rippers and return to noraani at telredor."]="Убей 10 Marshfang Rippers и вернись к Noraani из Telredor.",["kill 10 shadowpine catlords and 10 shadowpine hexxers, and return to farstrider solanna at the farstrider enclave in the ghostlands."]="Убей 10 Shadowpine Catlords и 10 Shadowpine Hexxers, после чего вернись к Farstrider Solanna из Farstrider Enclave, Ghostlands.",["kill 10 young wolfs, then return."]="Убей 10 Young Wolfs, а затем возвращайся.",["kill 11 jadefire felsworns, 9 jadefire shadowstalkers, 9 jadefire rogues, and xavathras. return to eridan bluewind in felwood when the task has been completed."]="Убей 11 Jadefire Felsworns, 9 Jadefire Shadowstalkers, 9 Jadefire Rogues, и Xavathras. Возвращайся к Eridan Bluewind в Felwood когда задача будет выполнена.",["kill 12 bloodscale slavedrivers and 12 bloodscale enchantresses, and then return to gzhun'tt at sporeggar in zangarmarsh."]="Убей 12 Bloodscale Slavedrivers и 12 Bloodscale Enchantresses, после чего вернись к Gzhun'tt из Sporeggar, Zangarmarsh.",["kill 12 bluegill murlocs. slay gobbler and take his head. bring gobbler's head to karl boran in menethil harbor."]="Убей 12 Bluegill Murlocs.\r\n\r\nУбей Gobbler и сними с него голову.\r\n\r\nПринеси Gobbler’s Head к Karl Boran в Menethil Harbor.",["kill 12 dustwind savages and 8 dustwind storm witches for rezlak near drygulch ravine."]="Убей 12 Dustwind Savages и 8 Dustwind Storm Witches возле Drygulch Ravine для Rezlak.",["kill 12 land walkers or cliff giants. use the muisek vessel to shrink and capture the fallen mountain giants."]="Убейте 12 Land Walkers или Cliff Giants. Используйте Muisek Vessel, чтобы уменьшить и затем поймать павших Mountain Giants.",["kill 12 rattlecage skeletons, and then return to shadow priest sarvis in deathknell when you are done."]="Убей 12 Rattlecage Skeletons, и возвращайся к Shadow Priest Sarvis в Deathknell, когда сделаешь это.",["kill 14 venture co. workers and 6 venture co. supervisors for morin cloudstalker at bloodhoof village."]="Убей 14 Venture Co. Workers и 6 Venture Co. Supervisors для Morin Cloudstalker в Bloodhoof Village.",["kill 15 blackrock champions and guard howe in lakeshire will reward you."]="Убей 15 Blackrock Champions и Guard Howe в Lakeshire вознаградит тебя.",["kill 15 dust stormers and 15 desert rumbers and then return to duke hydraxis in azshara."]="Убей 15 Dust Stormers и 15 Desert Rumbers и затем вернись к Duke Hydraxis в Azshara.",["kill 15 dust stormers and 15 desert rumblers and then return to duke hydraxis in azshara."]="Убей 15 Dust Stormers и 15 Desert Rumblers и затем возвращайся к Duke Hydraxis в Azshara.",["kill 15 marauding crust bursters and return to foreman biggums at honor hold."]="Убей 15 Marauding Crust Bursters и вернись к Foreman Biggums из Honor Hold.",["kill 20 bonechewer orcs and return to amadi in honor hold."]="Убей 20 Bonechewer Orcs и вернись к Amadi из Honor Hold.",["kill 20 bonelashers and then report to mawg grimshot at stonebreaker hold in terokkar forest."]="Убей 20 Bonelashers и доложи Mawg Grimshot из Stonebreaker Hold, Terokkar Forest.",["kill 20 bonelashers and then report to taela everstride at the allerian stronghold in terokkar forest."]="Убей 20 Bonelashers и доложи Taela Everstride из Allerian Stronghold, Terokkar Forest.",["kill 20 shattered hand orcs, then return to apothecary antonivich in thrallmar."]="Убей 20 Shattered Hand orcs, после чего вернись к Apothecary Antonivich из Thrallmar.",["kill 30 clefthoof bulls and then speak to hemet nesingwary at nesingwary's safari in nagrand about your prowess."]="Убей 30 Clefthoof Bulls и поговори о своей состоятельности с Hemet Nesingwary из Nesingwary's Safari, Nagrand.",["kill 30 hive'ashi stingers and report back to commander mar'alith at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring combat task briefing xii in order to complete this quest."]="Убей 30 Hive'Ashi Stingers и вернись с докладом к Commander Mar'alith в Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Имей при себе Combat Task Briefing XII.\r\n",["kill 30 hive'regal ambushers and report back to commander mar'alith at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring combat task briefing viii in order to complete this quest."]="Убей 30 Hive'Regal Ambushers и доложи Commander Mar'alith в Cenarion Hold. Кроме того, чтобы выполнить квест, ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "должен"), "^3$", "должна").." принести Comand Task Briefing VIII.",["kill 30 hive'regal burrowers and report back to commander mar'alith at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring combat task briefing xi in order to complete this quest."]="Убей 30 Hive'Regal Burrowers и доложи об этом Commander Mar'alith, находящемуся в Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Когда будешь говорить с ним, имей при себе Combat Task Briefing XI.",["kill 30 hive'regal slavemakers and report back to commander mar'alith at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring combat task briefing x in order to complete this quest."]="Убей 30 Hive'Regal Slavemakers и доложи Commander Mar'alith в Cenarion Hold. Кроме этого, чтобы выполнить квест, необходимо принести Comand Task Briefing X.",["kill 30 hive'regal spitfires and report back to commander mar'alith at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring combat task briefing ix in order to complete this quest."]="Убей 30 Hive'Regal Spitfires и вернись с докладом к Commander Mar'alith в Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Когда будешь говорить с ним, имей при себе Combat Task Briefing IX.\r\n",["kill 30 talbuk stags and then return to harold lane at the nesingwary safari in nagrand."]="Убей 30 Talbuk Stags, после чего вернись к Harold Lane из Nesingwary Safari, Nagrand.",["kill 30 windrocs and then return to fitz at the nesingwary safari in nagrand."]="Убей 30 Windrocs и вернись к Fitz из Nesingwary Safari, Nagrand.",["kill 4 deathtalon spirits, 4 screeching spirits and 2 spirit ravens and return to kirrik at the refugee caravan."]="Убей 4 Deathtalon Spirits, 4 Screeching Spirits и 2 Spirit Ravens, после чего возвращайся к Kirrik из Refugee Caravan.",["kill 4 doomforge attendants and 4 doomforge engineers."]="Убей 4 Doomforge Attendants и 4 Doomforge Engineers.",["kill 4 felsworn scalewing, 4 felsworn daggermaw, and 2 fel corrupters."]="Убей 4 Felsworn Scalewing, 4 Felsworn Daggermaw и 2 Fel Corrupters.",["kill 5 mo'arg doomsmiths and 15 gan'arg engineers. then return to papa wheeler at area 52 in the netherstorm."]="Убей 5 Mo'arg Doomsmiths и 15 Gan'arg Engineers. Вернись к Papa Wheeler из Area 52, Netherstorm.",["kill 5 wretched thugs and 5 wretched hooligans and report to ranger degolien in eversong woods."]="Убей 5 Wretched Thugs и 5 Wretched Hooligans, после чего доложи о результатах Ranger Degolien в Eversong Woods.",["kill 6 dalaran summoners and 12 elemental slaves, then return to magus voidglare in tarren mill."]="Убей 6 Dalaran Summoners и 12 Elemental Slaves, затем вернись к Magus Voidglare в Tarren Mill.",["kill 6 kurzen elite, 4 kurzen subchiefs, and bring kurzen's head to lieutenant doren at the rebel camp."]="Убей 6 Kurzen Elite, 4 Kurzen Subchiefs, и принеси Kurzen's Head к Lieutenant Doren в Rebel Camp.",["kill 6 mana serpents and 6 ether fiends and return to groundskeeper wyllithen at duskwither grounds in eversong woods."]="Убей 6 Mana Serpents и 6 Ether Fiends и вернись к Groundkeeper Wyllithen из Duskwitter Grounds, Eversong Woods.",["kill 7 tenders and 7 feral tenders, and then return to lanthan perilon on sunstrider isle."]="Убей 7 Tenders и 7 Feral Tenders, после чего возвращайся к Lanthan Perilon на Sunstrider Isle.",["kill 8 arcane wraiths and 2 tainted arcane wraiths, as well as felendren the banished; they are located in the falthrien academy. bring felendren's head to lanthan perilon on sunstrider isle."]="Убей 8 Arcane Wraiths и 2 Tainted Arcane Wraiths, а также Felendren the Banished. Они находятся в Falthrien Academy. Принеси Felendren's Head для Lanthan Perilon на Sunstrider Isle.",["kill 8 fen creepers, then return to rethiel the greenwarden in the wetlands."]="Убей 8 Fen Creepers, затем возвращайся к Rethiel the Greenwarden в Wetlands.",["kill 8 grimtotem ruffians and 6 grimtotem mercenaries, and then return to makaba flathoof near the southeastern edge of stonetalon."]="Убей 8 Grimtotem Ruffians и 6 Grimtotem Mercenaries, а затем возвращайся к Makaba Flathoof у юго-восточной оконечности Stonetalon.\r\n",["kill 8 mana wyrms; they are located close to the burning crystals that are adjacent to the tower and gazebo. return to magistrix erona at the tower on sunstrider isle when you are done."]="Убей 8 Mana Wyrms; они находятся рядом с Burning Crystals недалеко от башни и вышки. Возвращайся к Magistrix Erona в башню на Sunstrider Isle, когда закончишь.",["kill 8 shadowpine shadowcasters and 8 shadowpine headhunters, and return to farstrider solanna at farstrider enclave in the ghostlands."]="Убей 8 Shadowpine Shadowcasters и 8 Shadowpine Headhunters и вернись к Farstrider Solanna из Farstrider Enclave, Ghostlands.",["kill 8 sprite darters or sprite dragons. use the muisek vessel to shrink and capture the fallen faerie dragons."]="Убей 8 Sprite Darters или Sprite Dragons. Используй Muisek Vessel чтобы сохранить их сущность.",["kill 8 thornfang ravagers and 8 thornfang venomspitters, and then return to mahuram stouthoof at the cenarion post in hellfire peninsula."]="Убей 8 Thornfang Ravagers и 8 Thornfang Venomspitters, после чего возвращайся к Mahuram Stouthoof из Cenarion Post в Hellfire Peninsula.",["kill 8 volatile mutations, then return to botanist taerix at the crash site in ammen vale."]="Убей 8 Volatile Mutations, затем возвращайся к Botanist Taerix из Crash Site в Ammen Vale.",["kill 9 theramore infiltrators, then return to nazeer bloodpike in brackenwall village."]="Убей 9 Theramore Infiltrators, затем вернись к Nazeer BloodPike в BrackenWall Willage.",["kill arugal and bring his head to dalar dawnweaver at the sepulcher."]="Убей Arugal и принеси его голову к Dalar Dawnweaver в Sepulcher.",["kill ashkaz in veil reskk, ayit in veil shienor, and urdak in veil skith and return to rokag at stonebreaker hold."]="Убей Ashkaz из Veil Reskk, Ayit из Veil Shienor и Urdak из Veil Skith и вернись к Rokag из Stonebreaker Hold.",["kill ashkaz in veil reskk, ayit in veil shienor, and urdak in veil skith and return to thander at the allerian stronghold."]="Убей Ashkaz из Veil Reskk, Ayit из Veil Shienor и Urdak из Veil Skith и вернись к Thander из Allerian Stronghold.",["kill bleeding hollow peons for their torches, ignite them at zeth'gor's forge then thrown the burning torches at zeth'gor buildings."]="Убей Bleeding Hollow Peons, чтобы взять у них torches, зажги их в Zeth'Gor's forge и брось burning torches в Zeth'Gor Buildings.",["kill darkweaver syth in the sethekk halls, then free lakka from captivity. return to isfar outside the sethekk halls when you've completed the rescue."]="Убей Darkweaver Syth в Sethekk halls, затем освободи Lakka из плена. Возвращайся к Isfar снаружи Sethekk Halls, выполнив задание.",["kill doomcryer and report back to wildlord antelarion in evergrove."]="Убей Doomcryer и доложи о ее гибели Wildlord Antelarion из Evergrove.",["kill force commander gorax, place the challenge from the horde upon his corpse, kill the hand of kargath, and then bring the head of the hand of kargath to nazgrel in thrallmar."]="Убей Force Commander Gorax, помести Challenge From the Horde на его труп, убей Hand of Kargath и принеси Head of the Hand of Kargath Nazgrel из Thrallmar.",["kill geltharis and return the branch of cenarius to illiyana at forest song."]="Убей Geltharis и верни Branch of Cenarius для Illiyana из Forest Song.",["kill gorgannon and diathorus the seeker, and then return to velusha at splintertree post in ashenvale."]="Убей Gorgannon и Diathorus the Seeker, после чего вернись к Velusha из Splintertree Post, Ashenvale.",["kill gorgannon and diathorus the seeker, and then return to vindicator vedaar at forest song in ashenvale."]="Убей Gorgannon и Diathorus the Seeker, после чего вернись к Vindicator Vedaar из Forest Song, Ashenvale.",["kill grishna arakkoa to gain understanding ravenspeech for 2 minutes. while under the effects of the spell, you can find and receive the prophecy from the four shrines. return when you have visited all four."]="Убей Grishna arakkoa, чтобы получить на 2 минуты Understanding Ravenspeech. Пока заклинание действует, ты можешь найти и постичь предстказание из четырех святилищ. Возвращайся, когда посетил все четыре храма.",["kill high inquisitor whitemane, scarlet commander mograine, herod, the scarlet champion and houndmaster loksey and then report back to raleigh the devout in southshore."]="Убей High Inquisitor Whitemane, Scarlet Commander Mograine, Herod, the Scarlet Champion и Houndmaster Loksey и доложи об этом Raleigh the Devout в Southshore",["kill lord aliden perenolde and ask his mistress, elysa, about taretha's pendant."]="Убей Lord Aliden Perenolde и спроси его хозяйку, Elysa, о кулоне Taretha.",["kill lord aliden perenolde and retrieve taretha's pendant from his mistress, elysa. return it to elysa in tarren mill."]="Убей Lord Aliden Perenolde и получи Taretha's pendant из его повелительницы, Elysa. Верни его Elysa в Tarren Mill.",["kill lord klaq and return to windcaller blackhoof at the cenarion refuge."]="Убей Lord Klaq и вернись к Windcaller Blackhoof из Cenarion Refuge.",["kill magistrate burnside and 5 hillsbrad councilmen. destroy the hillsbrad proclamation. steal the hillsbrad town registry. report back to darthalia in tarren mill afterwards."]="Убей Magistrate Burnside и 5 Hillsbrad Councilmen. Уничтожь Hillsbrad Proclamation. Укради Hillsbrad Town Registry. А потом доложи об исполнении Darthalia в Tarren Mill.",["kill morphaz in the sunken temple of atal'hakkar, and return his blood to greta mosshoof in felwood. the entrance to the sunken temple can be found in the swamp of sorrows."]="Убей Morphazа в sunken temple Atal'Hakkar, и принеси его кровь к Greta Mosshoof в Felwood. Вход в этот храм находится в Swamp of Sorrows.",["kill naphthal'ar and then return to warden treelos at the cenarion thicket in terokkar forest."]="Убей Naphthal'ar и вернись к Warden Treelos из Cenarion Thicket, Terokkar Forest.",["kill ol' sooty then show your handiwork to daryl the youngling at the farstrider lodge."]="Убей Ol’ Sooty и покажи дело рук своих Daryl the Youngling в Farstrider Lodge.",["kill prince galen trollbane and bring the sigil of trollbane to zengu in hammerfall."]="Убей Prince Galen Trollbane и принеси Sigil of Trollbane к Zengu в Hammerfall.",["kill ran bloodtooth and 4 bloodtooth guards and return to krolg near lake mystral."]="Убей Ran Bloodtooth и 4 Bloodtooth Guards и вернись к Krolg возле Lake Mystral.",["kill sarkoth and bring his claw back to hana'zua."]="Убей Sakroth и принеси его claw к Hana’zua.",["kill the demon of the orb, then speak with tabetha."]="Убей Demon of the Orb, затем поговори с Tabetha.",["kill urga'zz and return to foreman razelcraz by the mine northwest of thrallmar."]="Убей Urga'zz и вернись к Foreman Razelcraz, стоящему возле шахты к северо-западу от Thrallmar.",["kill ursal the mauler and return to athridas bearmantle in dolanaar."]="Убей Ursal the Mauler и вернись к Athridas Bearmantle в Dolanaar.",["kill valdred moray. bring his hands to raleigh andrean in the undercity."]="Убей Valdred’а Moray. \r\n\r\nПринеси его руки к Raleigh Andrean’у в Undercity.",["kill void baron galaxis and collect his soul shard. take the shard to ogath the mad in spinebreaker post."]="Убей Void Baron Galaxis и собери его soul shard. Отнеси shard Ogath the Mad из Spinebreaker Post.",["kill warp-raider nesaad and then return to nether-stalker khay'ji at area 52 in the netherstorm."]="Убей Warp-Raider Nesaad и вернись к Nether-Stalker Khay'ji из Area 52, Netherstorm.",["kilrath in terokkar forest has asked that you kill 10 boulderfist invaders and beat unkor the ruthless until he talks."]="Kilrath из Terokkar Forest попросил тебя уничтожить 10 Boulderfist Invaders и бить Unkor the Ruthless, пока он не заговорит.",["kirrik at the refugee caravan wants you to extinguish the four signal fires of veil shalas."]="Kirrik из Refugee Caravan просит тебя погасить четыре сигнальных огня Veil Shalas.",["kirrik the awakened wants you to speak with rilak the redeemed in the lower city district of shattrath."]="Kirrik the Awakened просит тебя поговорить с Rilak the Redeemed в Lower City части Shattrath.",["korfax at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a dreadnaught breastplate if you bring him the following items: 1 desecrated breastplate, 25 wartorn plate scraps, 4 arcanite bars and 2 nexus crystals."]="Korfax из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Dreadnaught Breastplate, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Breastplate, 25 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 4 Arcanite Bars и 2 Nexus Crystals.\r\n",["korfax at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a dreadnaught helmet if you bring him the following items: 1 desecrated helmet, 15 wartorn plate scraps, 5 arcanite bars and 1 nexus crystal."]="Korfax из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Dreadnaught Helmet, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Helmet, 15 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 5 Arcanite Bars и 1 Nexus Crystal.",["korfax at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a dreadnaught waistguard if you bring him the following items: 1 desecrated waistguard, 8 wartorn plate scraps, 1 arcanite bar and 5 cured rugged hides."]="Korfax из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Dreadnaught Waistguard, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Waistguard, 8 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar и 5 Cured Rugged Hides.",["korfax at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make dreadnaught bracers if you bring him the following items: 1 desecrated bracers, 6 wartorn plate scraps, 1 arcanite bar and 1 nexus crystal."]="Korfax из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Dreadnaught Bracers, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Bracers, 6 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar и 1 Nexus Crystal.",["korfax at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make dreadnaught gauntlets if you bring him the following items: 1 desecrated gauntlets, 8 wartorn plate scraps, 1 arcanite bar and 5 cured rugged hides."]="Korfax из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Dreadnaught Gauntlets, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Gauntlets, 8 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar и 5 Cured Rugged Hides.",["korfax at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make dreadnaught legplates if you bring him the following items: 1 desecrated legplates, 20 wartorn plate scraps, 4 arcanite bars and 3 cured rugged hides."]="Korfax из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Dreadnaught Legplates, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Legplates, 20 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 4 Arcanite Bars и 3 Cured Rugged Hides.",["korfax at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make dreadnaught pauldrons if you bring him the following items: 1 desecrated pauldrons, 12 wartorn plate scraps, 2 arcanite bars and 3 cured rugged hides."]="Korfax из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Dreadnaught Pauldrons, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Pauldrons, 12 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 2 Arcanite Bars и 3 Cured Rugged Hides.",["korfax at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make dreadnaught sabatons if you bring him the following items: 1 desecrated sabatons, 12 wartorn plate scraps, 2 arcanite bars and 3 cured rugged hides."]="Korfax из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Dreadnaught Sabatons, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Sabatons, 12 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 2 Arcanite Bars и 3 Cured Rugged Hides.\r\n",["krakle in un'goro crater wants you to find the hottest area of fire plume ridge. whenever you find a hot spot, right click the thermometer to check the temperature. keep looking until you find the hottest one."]="Krakle из Un'Goro Crater хочет, чтобы ты нашел самое горячее место в Fire Plume Ridge.\r\n\r\nКогда найдешь горячее место, сделай правый клик на термометре, чтобы измерить температуру. Делай это, пока не найдешь самое горячее место.\r\n",["lady dena kennedy wants you to seek out rilak the redeemed in shattrath and find out what secrets he will share of the arakkoa."]="Lady Dena Kennedy просит тебя разыскать Rilak the Redeemed в Shattrath и узнать, какие секреты об Arakkoa он может рассказать.",["lakotae wants you to kill 25 wood mites and then return to him at the refugee caravan. the mites can be found living inside the bodies of rotting forest-ragers and infested root-walkers."]="Lakotae хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 25 Wood Mites и затем "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "вернулся"), "^3$", "вернулась").." в Refugee Caravan. Mites живут в телах Rotting Forest-Ragers и Infested Root-Walkers.",["lantresor of the blade at the burning blade ruins in nagrand wants you to drive 20 warmaul ogre banners through the bodies of kil'sorrow members at kil'sorrow fortress. return any unused warmaul ogre banners."]="Lantressor of the Blade из Burning Blade Ruins, Nagrand, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "воткнул"), "^3$", "воткнула").." 20 Warmaul Ogre Banners в тела членов Kil'sorrow из Kil'sorrow Fortress.\n\nВерни неиспользованные Warmaul Ogre Banners.",["larissa sunstrike at the sanctum of the stars wants you to obtain 8 sunfury glaives from the demon hunter supplicants and demon hunter initiates at the ruins of karabor, northeast of the sanctum of the stars. completing quests for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation level to decrease."]="Larissa Sunstrike из Sanctum of the Stars хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "добыл"), "^3$", "добыла").." 8 Sunfury Glaives с Demon Hunter Supplicants и Demon Hunter Initiates из Ruins of Karabor, к северо-востоку от Sanctum of the Stars.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации с Aldor.",["larissa sunstrike wants you to return to the ruins of karabor and find a way to unleash azaloth on his captors. completing quests for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation level to decrease."]="Larissa Sunstrike хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "вернулся"), "^3$", "вернулась").." в Ruins of Karabor и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "нашел"), "^3$", "нашла").." способ натравить Azaloth на пленивших его.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации с Aldor.",["launch 8 lunar fireworks and 2 cluster fireworks and return to a lunar festival harbinger at any capital city."]="Запусти 8 Lunar Fireworks и 2 Cluster Fireworks, а затем возвращайся к Lunar Festival Harbinger в любой столице.",["legassi at the zeppelin crash wants you to gather 8 purified helboar meat. to purify the meat, use the purification mixture on the tainted helboar meat you gather from helboars."]="Legassi из Zeppelin Crash хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "собрал"), "^3$", "собрала").." 8 Purified Helboar Meat. Чтобы получить очищенное мясо, используй Purification Mixture на Tainted Helboar Meat, полученном из Helboars.",["ley-keeper velania wants you to kill 5 manawraiths and 5 mana stalkers."]="Ley-Keeper Velania просит тебя убить 5 Manawraiths и 5 Mana Stalkers.",["lieutenant amadi in honor hold wants you to bring 1 cursed talisman to corporal ironridge at expedition point."]="Lieutenant Amadi из Honor Hold, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." 1 Cursed Talisman Corporal Ironridge из Expedition Point.",["lieutenant dawnrunner at the farstrider retreat in eversong woods wants you to kill 5 amani berserkers and 5 amani axe throwers."]="Lieutenant Dawnrunner из Farstrider Retreat в Eversong Woods предлагает тебе убить 5 Amani Berserkers и 5 Amani Axe Throwers.",["lieutenant general orion at the dark portal in hellfire peninsula wants you to bring orion's report to vlagga freyfeather."]="Lieutenant General Orion из Dark Portal, Hellfire Peninsula, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "доставил"), "^3$", "доставила").." Orion's Report Vlagga Freyfeather.",["locate and deal with boglash, then return to lethyn moonfire at cenarion refuge."]="Найди и справься с Boglash, затем возвращайся к Lethyn Moonfire из Cenarion Refuge.",["locate and retrieve the three secret notes in darkcloud pinnacle."]="Найди и возьми три Secret Notes в Darkcloud Pinnacle.",["locate and return the stolen treats to wulmort jinglepocket in ironforge. it was last thought to be in the possession of the abominable greench, found somewhere in the snowy regions of the alterac mountains."]="Отыщи Stolen Treats и верни их Wulmort Jinglepocket в Ironforge. Последний, в чьих руках видели то, что тебе нужно, - Abominable Greench, обитающий где-то в снегах Alterac Mountains.",["locate apex and obtain apex's crystal focus from him. return to the violet tower and use apex's crystal focus near archmage vargoth's orb to discover who holds the key to breaking the tower's curse."]="Найди Apex и возьми с него Apex's Crystal Focus. Вернись в Violet Tower и используй Apex's Crystal Focus возле Archmage Vargoth's Orb, чтобы узнать, у кого находится ключ для снятия проклятья с башни.",["locate parshah in the magma fields and speak to him."]="Найди Parshah в Magma Fields и поговори с ним.",["locate spy to'gun in the shadow labyrinth of auchindoun."]="Найди Spy To'gun в Shadow Labyrinth, Auchindoun.",["locate the courier's boat somewhere along the coast of feralas."]="Найди лодку курьера где-то вдоль побережья Feralas.",["locate the crystalline tear in silithus and gaze into its depths."]="Найди Crystalline Tear в Silithus и загляни в ее глубины.",["locate the forsaken's wickerman festival in tirisfal glade. return to sergeant hartman in southshore once you've done so."]="Найди Forsaken's Wickerman Festival в Tirisfal Glade. Вернись к Sergeant Hartman в Southshore после того как это сделаешь.",["look for gremni longbeard northwest of the den of haal'esh, to the far west of honor hold in hellfire peninsula."]="Разыщи Gremni Longbear к северо-западу от Den of Haal'esh, далеко к западу от Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula.",["look for ikeyen's belongings inside a cave south of umbrafen. return them to ikeyen at cenarion refuge in zangarmarsh."]="Отыщи Ikeyen's Belongings внутри пещеры на юг от Umbrafen. Верни их Ikeyen в Cenarion Refuge в Zangarmarsh.",["look for signs of the scythe of elune then return to jonathan carevin in darkshire."]="Ищи следы Scythe of Elune, затем возвращайся к Jonathan Carevin в Darkshire.",["maggran at sun rock retreat wishes you to slay bloodfury ripper and bring her remains as proof of your deed."]="Maggran из Sun Rock Retreat хочет, чтобы ты убил Bloodfury Ripper и принес ее remains как доказательство.",["magister darenis wants you to travel to the sanctum of the moon to the west of tranquillien and recover 8 crystallized mana essences from the arcane devourers and mana shifters that inhabit the structure."]="Magister Darenis хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "отправился"), "^3$", "отправилась").." к Sanctum of the Moon к западу от Tranquillien и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "добыл"), "^3$", "добыла").." 8 Crystallized Mana Essences из Arcane Devourers и Mana Shifters, населяющих эту постройку.",["magister falris in shattrath wants you to take the vial of sedative serum to the terrace of light and pour it into haronem's regiment cooking pot."]="Magister Falris из Shattrath хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "отнес"), "^3$", "отнесла").." Vial of Sedative Serum в Terrace of Light и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "вылил"), "^3$", "вылила").." ее в Haronem's Regiment Cooking Pot.",["magister idonis wants you to venture into deatholme to slay masophet the black, jurion the deceiver, borgoth the bloodletter and mirdoran the fallen. report back to him in the sanctum of the sun in the ghostlands after you've completed this task."]="Magister Idonis хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "отправился"), "^3$", "отправилась").." в Deatholme и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." Masophet the Black, Jurion the Deciever, Borgoth the Bloodletter и Mirdoran the Fallen. Вернись к нему в Sanctum of the Sun, когда задание будет выполнено.",["magister kaendris, at the sanctum of the sun, wants you to talk to ranger vynna at the farstrider enclave in the ghostlands."]="Magister Kaendris из Sanctum of the Sun хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "поговорил"), "^3$", "поговорила").." с Ranger Vynna из Farstrider Enclave, Ghostlands.",["magistrate solomon wants you to take his written plea to gryan stoutmantle in westfall."]="Magistrate Solomon просит тебя отнести Written Plea в Westfall и отдать его Gryan Stoutmantle.",["magistrix carinda at falcon watch in hellfire peninsula wants you to go to the pools of aggonar and retrieve arelion's journal."]="Magistrix Carinda из Falcon Watch, Hellfire Peninsula, хочет, чтобы "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "пошел"), "^3$", "пошла").." в Pools of Aggonar и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "нашел"), "^3$", "нашла").." Arelion's Journal.",["magistrix carinda at falcon watch wants you to lure viera sunwhisper away from the settlement and then use carinda's scroll of retribution on her."]="Magistrix Carinda из Falcon Watch хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "выманил"), "^3$", "выманила").." Viera Sunwhisper из города и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "использовал"), "^3$", "использовала").." на нее Carinda's Scroll of Retribution.",["magistrix carinda wants you to interrogate magister aledis, last seen traveling from falcon watch to zangarmarsh."]="Magistrix Carinda из Falcon Watch хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "распросил"), "^3$", "распросила").." Magister Aledis, которого видели последний раз направляющимся в Zangarmarsh из Falcon Watch.",["magistrix fyalenn in shattrath city wants you to bring her 10 firewing signets. performing quests for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation level to decrease."]="Magistrix Fyalenn из Shattrath City хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ей 10 Firewing Signets.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации с Aldor.",["magus zabraxis at honor hold wants you to bring her a fel ember."]="Magus Zabraxis из Honor Hold хочет, чтобы "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ей Fel Ember.",["make your way to forest song and speak with architect nemos."]="Доберись до Forest Song и поговори с Architect Nemos.",["make your way to legion hold and locate the legion communication device. while standing near the communication device, use your disguise and learn about the legion's plans. return to wing commander nuainn at wildhammer stronghold when you've completed your mission."]="Войди в Legion Hold и найди Legion Communication Device. Встав у communication device, используй маскировку и узнай о планах Легиона. Вернись к Wing Commander Nuainn из Wildhammer Stronghold, когда задание будет выполнено.",["make your way to legion hold, locate the legion communication device, and learn about the legion's plans while in disguise. return to blood guard gulmok at shadowmoon village when you've completed your mission."]="Проберись в Legion Hold, найди Legion Communication Device и узнай о планах Легиона, пока на тебе надета маскировка. Вернись к Blood Guard Gulmok из Shadowmoon Village, когда задание будет выполнено.",["marshal dughan wants you to speak with guard thomas."]="Marshal Dughan хочет, чтобы ты поговорил с Guard Thomas.",["marshal isildor wants you to report to force commander danath trollbane in honor hold."]="Marshal Isildor хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "представился"), "^3$", "представилась").." Force Commander Danath Trollbane из Honor Hold.",["master apothecary faranell in the undercity wants 20 hearts of zeal."]="Master Apothecary Faranell в Undercity хочет 20 Hearts of Zeal.",["mataus the wrathcaster at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands wants 10 insignia of the crusade and 30 gold."]="Mataus the Wrathcaster из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands хочет 10 Insignia of the Crusade и 30 золота.",["mataus the wrathcaster at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a plagueheart belt if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated belt, 8 wartorn cloth scraps, 2 arcane crystals and 2 mooncloth."]="Mataus the Wrathcaster из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Plagueheart Belt, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Belt, 8 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 2 Arcane Crystals и 2 Mooncloth.",["mataus the wrathcaster at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a plagueheart circlet if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated circlet, 15 wartorn cloth scraps, 3 mooncloth and 3 nexus crystals."]="Mataus the Wrathcaster из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Plagueheart Circlet, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Circlet, 15 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 3 Mooncloth и 3 Nexus Crystals.",["mataus the wrathcaster at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a plagueheart robe if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated robe, 25 wartorn cloth scraps, 4 mooncloth and 2 nexus crystals."]="Mataus the Wrathcaster из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Plagueheart Robe, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Robe, 25 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 4 Mooncloth и 2 Nexus Crystals.",["mataus the wrathcaster at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make plagueheart bindings if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated bindings, 6 wartorn cloth scraps, 1 arcane crystal and 1 nexus crystal."]="Mataus the Wrathcaster из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Plagueheart Bindings, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Bindings, 6 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 1 Arcane Crystal и 1 Nexus Crystal.",["mataus the wrathcaster at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make plagueheart gloves if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated gloves, 8 wartorn cloth scraps and 4 mooncloth."]="Mataus the Wrathcaster из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Plagueheart Gloves, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Gloves, 8 Wartorn Cloth Scraps и 4 Mooncloth.",["mataus the wrathcaster at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make plagueheart leggings if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated leggings, 20 wartorn cloth scraps, 4 mooncloth and 2 nexus crystals."]="Mataus the Wrathcaster из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Plagueheart Leggings, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Leggings, 20 Wartorn Cloth Scraps, 4 Mooncloth и 2 Nexus Crystals.",["mekeda at the refugee caravan in terokkar forest wants you to kill 8 cabal skirmishers, 4 cabal spell-weavers and 2 cabal initiates."]="Mekeda из Refugee Caravan, Terokkar Forest, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 8 Cabal Skirmishers, 4 Cabal Spell-Weavers и 2 Cabal Initiates.",["merithra of the dream in the temple of ahn'qiraj will create elementium infused armaments for you should you bring her imperial qiraji regalia and 3 elementium ore."]="Merithra of the Dream из Temple of Ahn'Qiraj изготовит для тебя Elementium Infused Armaments, если ты принесешь ей Imperial Qiraji Regalia и 3 Elementium Ore.",["mirren longbeard in hellfire peninsula wants you to bring him 8 kaliri feathers from the various kaliri found in the den of haal'esh."]="Mirren Longbeard хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему 8 Kaliri Feathers от kaliri, обитающих в Den of Haal'esh.",["mirren longbeard wants you to bring him 1 nethergarde bitter. you must also attain friendly reputation with honor hold to complete this quest."]="Mirren Longbeard хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему 1 Nethergarde Bitter. Для выполнения этого задания необходимо добиться репутации Friendly с Honor Hold.",["mo'mor the breaker at telaar in nagrand has asked that you find and speak with lantresor of the blade in the burning blade ruins."]="Mo'mor the Breaker из Telaar, Nagrand, попросил тебя найти и поговорить с Lantressor of the Blade из Burning Blade Ruins.",["mo'mor the breaker at telaar in nagrand has asked that you slay 25 boulderfist warriors and 25 boulderfist mages."]="Mo'mor the Breaker из Telaar, Nagrand, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 15 Boulderfist Warriors и 15 Boulderfist Mages.",["mo'mor the breaker at telaar in nagrand wants you to kill 15 boulderfist crushers and 15 boulderfist mystics."]="Mo'mor the Breaker из Telaar, Nagrand, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 15 Boulderfist Crushers и 15 Boulderfist Mystics.",["mordenai at netherwing fields in shadowmoon valley wants you to feed 8 mature netherwing drakes."]="Mordenai из Netherwing Fields, Shadowmoon Valley, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "накормил"), "^3$", "накормила").." 8 Mature Netherwing Drakes.",["mosswood the ancient wants you to journey to skald and plant ironroot seeds in three different mounds of fertile volcanic soil and then return to him in ruuan weald."]="Mosswood the Ancient хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "отправился"), "^3$", "отправилась").." в Skald и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "посадил"), "^3$", "посадила").." Ironroot Seeds в трех разных насыпях Fertile Volcanic Soil, после чего "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "вернулся"), "^3$", "вернулась").." к нему в Ruuan Weald.",["mosswood the ancient wants you to kill 8 scorch imps and then return to him in ruuan weald."]="Mosswood the Ancient хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 8 Scorch Imps и затем "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "вернулся"), "^3$", "вернулась").." к нему в Ruuan Weald.",["mystic yayo'jin at revantusk village in the hinterlands wants you to kill 30 vilebranch scalpers and 15 vilebranch soothsayers. return to her when this task is complete. yayo'jin indicated that these trolls could be found near the shaol'watha and agol'watha temples in the north by northeastern region of the hinterlands."]="Mystic Yayo'jin в Revantusk Village, что в Hinterlands, желает смерти 30 Vilebranch Scalpers и 15 Vilebranch Soothsayers. Возвращайся к нему, выполнив задачу.\r\n\r\nYayo'jin сказал, что эти тролли могут быть найдены около Shaol'watha и Agol'watha в северном и северо-восточном районе Hinterlands.",["nafien would like you to kill 6 deadwood den watchers, 6 deadwood avengers, and 6 deadwood shamans. return to him in northern felwood near the entrance to timbermaw hold."]="Выполни задание Nafien: убей 6 Deadwood Den Watchers, 6 Deadwood Avengers и 6 Deadwood Shamans. Он ждет твоего возвращения в северном Felwood у входа в Timbermaw Hold.",["naladu at the ruins of sha'naar wants you to obtain the sha'naar key from a nearby hut."]="Naladu из Ruins of Sha'naar хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "взял"), "^3$", "взяла").." Sha'naar Key из хижины поблизости.",["narain soothfancy in tanaris wants you to bring him 20 arcanite bars, 10 elementium ore, 10 azerothian diamonds, and 10 blue sapphires."]="Narain Soothfancy в Tanaris хочет, чтобы ты принес ему 20 Arcanite Bars, 10 Elementium Ore, 10 Azerothian Diamonds, и 10 Blue Sapphires.",["narain soothfancy in tanaris wants you to speak with dirge quickcleave in gadgetzan."]="Narain Soothfancy из Tanaris хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "поговорил"), "^3$", "поговорила").." с Dirge Quickcleave из Gadgetzan.",["narain soothfancy wants you to find his ex-best friend forever (bff), stewvul, and take back the scrying goggles that stewvul stole from him."]="Narain Soothfancy хочет, чтобы ты нашел его бывшего лучшего друга-навеки (BFF), Stewvul, и вернул ему scrying goggles, которые Stewvul украл у него.",["nazgrel wants you to travel to the road north of hellfire citadel and look for an assassin named krun spinebreaker."]="Nazgrel хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "отправился"), "^3$", "отправилась").." к дороге к северу от Hellfire Citadel и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "разыскал"), "^3$", "разыскала").." там убийцу по имени Krun Spinebreaker.",["neltharaku, flying high above netherwing fields in shadowmoon valley, wants you to collect 12 nethervine crystals from netherwing ledge."]="Neltharaku, летающий над Netherwing Fields, Shadowmoon Valley, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "собрал"), "^3$", "собрала").." 12 Nethervine Crystals в Netherwing Ledge.",["neltharaku, flying high above netherwing fields in shadowmoon valley, wants you to slay 15 dragonmaw orcs. any dragonmaw orc in dragonmaw fortress will suffice."]="Neltharaku, летающий над Netherwing Fields, Shadowmoon Valley, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 15 Dragonmaw Orcs.\n\nПодойдет любой Dragonmaw Orc из Dragonmaw Fortress.",["nemeth hawkeye at grom'gol base camp wants you to bring him a bloodscalp totem from a bloodscalp shaman."]="Nemeth Hawkeye из Grom'gol Base Camp хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему Bloodscalp Totem от Bloodscalp Shaman.",["netharaku, flying high above netherwing fields in shadowmoon valley, wants you to free 5 enslaved netherwing drakes."]="Neltharaku, летающий над Netherwing Fields, Shadowmoon Valley, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "освободил"), "^3$", "освободила").." 5 Enslaved Netherwing Drakes.",["nether-stalker nauthis wants you to slay 12 wrathbringers at forge base: gehenna, north of the stormspire."]="Nether-Stalker Nauthis хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 12 Wrathbringers в Forge Base: Gehenna, к северу от Stormspire.",["nether-stalker nauthis wants you to use the mental interference rod on the mo'arg at forge base: gehenna and use their detonate teleporter ability on the three teleporters in the forge camp."]="Nether-Stalker Nauthis хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "использовал"), "^3$", "использовала").." Mental Interference Rod на Mo'arg из Forge Base: Gehenna и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "использовал"), "^3$", "использовал").." их способность Detonate Teleporter на трех телепортерах в forge camp.",["nexus-prince haramad located outside of the mana-tombs wants you to kill nexus-prince shaffar and bring shaffar's wrappings back to him."]="Nexus-Prince Haramad, что находится снаружи Mana-Tombs, предлагает тебе убить Nexus-Prince Shaffar и принести ему Shaffar's Wrappings.",["nitrin at the abandoned armory in nagrand wants you to bring him 1 mountain gronn eyeball, 1 flawless greater windroc beak, and 1 aged clefthoof blubber."]="Nitrin в Abandoned Armory в Nagrand просит тебя принести ему 1 Mountain Gronn Eyeball, 1 Flawless Greater Windroc Beak и 1 Aged Clefthoof Blubber.",["noraani at telredor wants you to bring her 8 eel filets."]="Noraani из Telredor хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ей 8 Eel Filets.",["novice elreth requires 6 scavenger paws and 6 duskbat wings."]="Novice Elreth нужны 6 Scavenger Paw и 6 Duskbat Wing.",["oakun wants you to take the dread relic to the writhing mound. once there, kill auchenai death-speakers and auchenai doomsayers to collect 20 doom skulls. then find the writhing mound summoning circle and use the dread relic to summon and destroy teribus the cursed. return to oakun when the deed is done."]="Oakun хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "отнес"), "^3$", "отнесла").." Dread Relic в Writhing Mound. Когда будешь там, убивай Auchenai Death-Speaker и Auchenai Doomsayers, чтобы собрать 20 Doom Skulls. После этого найди Writhing Mound Summoning Circle и используй там Dread Relic, чтобы вызвать и убить Teribus the Cursed. Сделав это, вернись к Oakun.",["oakun wants you to travel east to the derelict caravan to recover the dread relic. return to oakun when the task is complete."]="Oakun хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "отправился"), "^3$", "отправилась").." к Derelict Caravan, чтобы забрать Dread Relic. Вернись к Oakun, когда задача будет выполнена.",["obtain 10 oshu'gun crystal fragments and bring them to gezhe at aeris landing in nagrand."]="Добудь 10 Oshu'gun Crystal Fragments и принеси их Gezhe из Aeris Landing, Nagrand.",["obtain 4 flawless crystal shards from the ghosts at the enkaat ruins and return them to ravandwyr at area 52."]="Добудь 4 Flawless Crystal Shards из призраков Enkaat Ruins и вернись с ними к Ravandwyr из Area 52.",["obtain 5 condensed nether gas from gan'arg mekgineers at forge base: oblivion, northwest of the stormspire, and load them into a nearby inactive fel reaver. return to nether-stalker nauthis after you've completed this task."]="Добудь 5 Condensed Nether Gas из Gan'arg Mekgineers в Forge Base: Oblivion, к северо-западу от Stormspire, и залей их в ближайший выключенный Fel Reaver. Вернись к Nether-Stalker Nauthis после выполнения этого задания.",["obtain 5 nether ray stingers for boots at area 52 in the netherstorm."]="Принеси Boots из Area 52, Netherstorm, 5 Nether Ray Stingers.",["obtain a fel reaver power core and a fel reaver armor plate and bring them to wing commander nuainn at wildhammer stronghold."]="Добудь Fel Reaver Power Core и Fel Reaver Armor Plate и отнеси их Wing Commander Nuainn из Wildhammer Stronghold.",["obtain a fel reaver power core and a fel reaver armor plate, then bring them to blood guard gulmok at shadowmoon village."]="Добудь Fel Reaver Power Core и Fel Reaver Armor Plate и отнеси их Blood Guard Gulmor из Shadowmoon Village.",["obtain a power source from the most powerful construct you can find in uldaman, and deliver it to talvash del kissel in ironforge."]="Добудь power source с наиболее мощной construct, которую ты можешь найти в Uldaman, и доставь его Talvash del Kissel в Ironforge.",["obtain a set of sunfury arcanist robes, one pair of sunfury researcher gloves and a sunfury guardsman medallion and bring them to caledis brightdawn at manaforge coruu in netherstorm. completing quests for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation to decrease."]="Добудь Sunfury Arcanist Robes, пару Sunfury Researcher Gloves и Sunfury Guardsman Medallion и принеси их Caledis Brightdawn из Manaforge Coruu, Netherstorm.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации с Aldor.",["obtain an annihilator servo and deliver it to papa wheeler at area 52 in the netherstorm."]="Добудь Annihilator Servo и доставь его Papa Wheeler из Area 52, Netherstorm.",["obtain an arklon crystal artifact and return it to nether-stalker khay'ji at area 52 in the netherstorm."]="Добудь Arklon Crystal Artifact и верни его Nether-Stalker Khay'ji из Area 52, Netherstorm.",["obtain an elixir of shadows from severin and use it to find and slay talonpriest ishaal, talonpriest skizzik and talonpriest zellek in skettis. return to commander adaris after completing this task."]="Возьми у Severin Elixir of Shadows и используй его, чтобы найти и убить Talonprist Ishaal, Talonpriest Skizzik и Tallonprist Zellek из Skettis. Вернись к Commander Adaris после выполнения задачи.",["obtain blacktalon's claws from blacktalon the savage at the great fissure and bring it to ikan at the temple of telhamat in hellfire peninsula."]="Возьми Blacktalon's Claws с Blacktalon the Savage из Great Fissure и принеси их Ikan из Temple of Telhamat, Hellfire Peninsula.",["obtain coilfang armaments from naga at coilfang reservoir and return them to ysiel windsinger at the cenarion refuge in zangarmarsh."]="Заполучи у наг из Coilfang Reservoir Coifang Armaments и принеси их Ysiel Windsinger из Cenarion Refuge, Zangarmarsh.",["obtain doomclaw's hand and deliver it to mama wheeler at the midrealm post inside eco-dome midrealm in the netherstorm."]="Добудь Doomclaw's Hand и доставь ее Mama Wheeler из Midrealm Post внутри Eco-Dome Midrealm, Netherstorm.",["obtain hazzik's package at his dwelling in eastern skettis and return to him with it."]="Забери Hazzik's Package из его жилища в восточном Skettis и верни его ему.",["obtain lianthe's key from any of the blood elves at eclipse point and use it to open lianthe's strongbox and claim the rod of lianthe. return the rod to parshah in the magma fields."]="Добудь Lianthe's Key с любого кровавого эльфа в Eclipse Point и используй его, чтобы открыть Lianthe's Strongbox и взять Rod of Lianthe. Верни rod Parshah из Magma Fields.",["obtain medivh's journal and return to kamsis at the guardian's library in karazhan."]="Добудь Medivh's Journal и верни его Kamsis из Guardian's Library, Karazhan.",["obtain the coruu access crystal from overseer seylanna. use it at the coruu control console to shut down the manaforge and return to caledis brightdawn. performing quests for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation level to decrease."]="Отправляйся в Manaforge Coruu, к востоку от Area 52, и забери у Overseer Seylanna Coruu Access Crystal. Используй его у Manaforge Coruu Console, чтобы выключить ее, после чего вернись к Caledis Brightdawn.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации с Aldor.",["obtain the four medallion fragments from haalum, eykenen, lakaan and uylaru and return to anchorite ceyla at the altar of sha'tar in shadowmoon valley. performing quests for the aldor will cause your scryers reputation level to decrease."]="Забери четыре фрагмента медальона у Haalum, Eykenen, Lakkan и Uyalru и отнеси их Anchorite Ceyla из Altar of Sha'tar, Shadowmoon Valley.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Aldor приведет к снижению репутации со Scryers.",["obtain the four medallion fragments from haalum, eykenen, lakaan and uylaru and return to arcanist thelis at the sanctum of the stars in shadowmoon valley. performing quests for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation level to decrease."]="Забери четыре фрагмента медальона у Haalum, Eykenen, Lakkan и Uyalru и отнеси их Arcanist Thelis из Sanctum of the Stars, Shadowmoon Valley.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации с Aldor.",["obtain the heliotrope oculus from spellreaver marathelle at sunfury hold. use archmage vargoth's staff to contact the archmage once you have achieved your goal. if you lose archmage vargoth's staff, speak to ravandwyr at area 52 to receive a replacement."]="Забери у Spellreaver Marathelle из Sunfury Hold Heliotrope Oculus. Добившись своей цели, используй Archmage Vargoth's Staff, чтобы связаться с архимагом.\n\nЕсли ты потеряешь Archmage Vargoth's Staff, поговори с Ravandwyr из Area 52, чтобы получить новый.",["obtain the hoof of bach'lor and return it to harold lane at the nesingwary safari in nagrand."]="Добудь Hoof of Bach'lor и принеси его Harold Lane из Nesingwary Safari, Nagrand.",["obtain the mark of the lightbringer and return it to anchorite truuen at chillwind camp in the western plaguelands."]="Найди Mark of the Lightbringer и принеси ее Anchorite Truuen из Chillwind Camp, Western Plaugelands.",["obtain the second key fragment from an arcane container inside coilfang reservoir and the third key fragment from an arcane container inside tempest keep. return to khadgar in shattrath city after you've completed this task."]="Добудь Second Key Fragment из Arcane Container из Coilfand Reservoir и Third Key Fragment из Arcane Container из Tempest Keep. После выполнения задачи вернись к Khadgar в Shattrath City.",["obtain the twilight battle orders and bring them commander mar'alith at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring tactical task briefing x in order to complete this quest."]="Завладей Twilight Battle Orders и принеси их Commander Mar'alith в Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Имей при себе Tactical Task Briefing X.",["on behalf of the cenarion expedition druids of evergrove, and the indigenous life of the ruuan weald, tree warden chawn has asked you to slay maxnar the ashmaw. return to him at evergrove in the blade's edge mountains after you have done so."]="Tree Warden Chawn, от лица друидов Evergrove из Cenarion Expedition и местной природы, попросил тебя убить Maxnar the Ashmaw. Вернись к нему в Evergrove из Blade's Edge Mounatains после выполнения задания.",["oran snakewrithe in undercity wants you to travel to the hinterlands and burn the highvale records, highvale report, and highvale notes."]="Oran Snakewrithe в Undercity хочет чтобы ты отправился в Hinterlands и сжег следующие документы: Highvale Records, Highvale Report, и Highvale Notes.",["oronok torn-heart at oronok's farm in shadowmoon valley wants you to destroy 10 ravenous flayer eggs on the shattered plains."]="Oronok Torn-heart из Oronok's Farm, Shadowmoon, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "уничтожил"), "^3$", "уничтожила").." 10 Ravenous Flayer Eggs в Shattered Plains.",["oronok torn-heart at oronok's farm in shadowmoon valley wants you to listen to his story. speak to oronok to begin hearing his story."]="Oronok Torn-heart из Oronok's Farm, Shadowmoon, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "выслушал"), "^3$", "выслушала").." его историю. Поговори с Oronok, чтобы он начал рассказ.",["oronok torn-heart at oronok's farm in shadowmoon valley wants you to recover 10 shadowmoon tubers from the shattered plains. he also wants oronok's boar whistle back when you're done."]="Oronok Torn-heart из Oronok's Farm, Shadowmoon, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "выкопал"), "^3$", "выкопала").." 10 Shadowmoon Tubers из Shattered Plains.",["otonbu the sage at telaar in nagrand wants you to use the torch of liquid fire to destroy 10 sunspring villager corpses. return the torch of liquid fire when the task is complete."]="Otonbu the Sage из Telaar, Nagrand, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "использовал"), "^3$", "использовала").." Torch of Liquid Fire, чтобы уничтожить 10 Sunspring Villager corpses. Верни ему Torch of Liquid Fire, когда задание будет завершено.",["pick up jaron's supplies from the snow, then find the wildkin that stole the amulet jaron spoke of. bring jaron's supplies and the blue-feathered amulet to jaron stoneshaper at the lodge in winterspring."]="Подними Jaron's supplies со снега, затем найди wildkinа что украл амулет о котором говорил Jaron. \r\n\r\nПринеси Jaron's Supplies и Blue-feathered Amulet к Jaron Stoneshaper в Winterspring.",["place the infused crystal at the eastern runestone and protect it from the scourge for 1 minute. return the infused crystal to runewarden deryan in eversong woods for a reward."]="Помести Infused Crystal возле Eastern Runestone и защищай его от нападения Плети в течение 1 минуты. Верни Infused Crystal Runewarder Deryan из Eversong Woods, чтобы получить награду.",["place the tainted keg on the rug for the captured farmers."]="Помести Tainted Keg на ковер перед плененными фермерами.",["place the three surveying markers and then return to zephyrion at the stormspire in the netherstorm."]="Помести три Surveying Markers и вернись к Zephyrion из Stormspire, Netherstorm.",["plant the demon summoning torch in the mouth of high chief winterfall's cave in the winterfall furbolg village. defeat the demon and retrieve the essence of xandivious for gorn one eye in timbermaw hold."]="Установи Demon Summoning Torch у входа в пещеру High Chief Winterfall в furbolg деревне Winterfall. Победи демона и возьми Essence of Xandivious для Gorn One Eye из Timbermaw Hold.",["plant the tainted heart in denalan's planter."]="Посади Tainted Heart в Denalan’s Planter.",["polymorph the spitelash of azshara and kill the clones that appear several seconds later. when you have slain 50 polymorph clones, return to archmage xylem in azshara."]="Сколдуй polymorph на Spitelash of Azshara и убей появившихся клонов. Убив 50 Polymorph Clones, вернись к Archmage Xylem из Azshara.",["priestess kyleen il'dinare at odesyus' landing on azuremyst isle wants you to kill 5 wrathscale myrmidons, 5 wrathscale naga and 5 wrathscale sirens."]="Priestess Kyleen Il'dinare из Odesyus' Landing, Azuremyst Isle, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 5 Wrathscale Myrmidons, 5 Wrathscale Naga и 5 Wrathscale Sirens.",["priestess kyleen il'dinare at odesyus' landing on azuremyst isle wants you to kill warlord sriss'tiz."]="Priestess Kyleen Il'dinare из Odesyus' Landing, Azuremyst Isle, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." Warlord Sriss'tiz.",["proceed to the scarlet crusade's base camp between felstone field and dalson's tears and destroy their command tent. place the scourge banner at the camp, and then return to high executor derrington at the bulwark, western plaguelands."]="Иди в базовый лагерь Scarlet Crusade, расположенный между Felstone Field и Dalson's Tears и уничтожь их штабную палатку.\r\n\r\nВодрузи там знамя Scourge и возвращайся к High Executor Derrington в Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.\r\n",["professor dabiri at the protectorate watch post in netherstorm wants you to recover 8 fragments of dimensius."]="Professor Dabiri из Protectorate Watch Post, Netherstorm, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "добыл"), "^3$", "добыла").." 8 Fragments of Dimensius.",["professor dabiri at the protectorate watch post in netherstorm wants you to speak with captain saeed and then follow his army to manaforge ultris and kill dimensius the all-devouring!"]="Professor Dabiri из Protectorate Watch Post, Netherstorm, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "поговорил"), "^3$", "поговорила").." с Captain Saeed и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "проводил"), "^3$", "проводила").." его войска до Manaforge Ultris, чтобы убить Dimensius the All-Devouring!.",["professor dabiri at the protectorate watch post in netherstorm wants you to use your phase disruptor when you get in range of the void conduit that rests atop ultris. drop as many charges of the phase disruptor as you can to ensure total annihilation. the phase disruptor charges will automatically home in on the void conduit so long as you are close enough to use it. return to professor dabiri should you succeed!"]="Professor Dabiri из Protectorate Watch Post, Netherstorm, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "использовал"), "^3$", "использовала").." Phase Disruptor, когда окажешься в радиусе поражения от Void Conduit, что находится на вершине Ultris. Сбрось столько зарядов Phase Disruptor, сколько сможешь, чтобы обеспечить полное уничтожение. Заряды Phase Disruptor буду оавтомачески нацеливаться на Void Conduit, если ты будешь достаточно близко к нему.\n\nВернись к Professor Dabin в случае успеха!",["protect apprentice mirveda from the scourge ambush."]="Защити Apprentice Merveda от нападения Плети.",["protect corporal keeshan on the journey back to redridge."]="Защити Corporal Keeshan во время путешествия обратно в Redridge.",["purchase a flight back to tranquillien in the ghostlands and deliver quartermaster lymel's goods to quartermaster lymel at tranquillien in the ghostlands."]="Возьми полет до Tranquillien, Ghostlands и доставь Quartermaster Lymel's Goods Quartermaster Lymel из Tranquillien, Ghostlands.",["purchase a flight to silvermoon city and deliver quartermaster lymel's bill of lading to sathren azuredawn in silvermoon city."]="Возьми рейс до Silvermoon City и доставь Quartermaster Lymel's Bill of Landing Sathren Azuredawn из Silvermoon City.",["ranger krenn'an, at the farstrider enclave in the ghostlands, wants you to kill 8 vengeful apparitions and 8 ravening apparitions in the nearby lake."]="Ranger Krenn'an из Farstrider Enclave, Ghostlands, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 8 Vengeful Apparitions и 8 Ravening Apparitions в ближайшем озере.",["rayne at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a dreamwalker girdle if you bring her the following: 1 desecrated girdle, 8 wartorn leather scraps, 3 mooncloth and 2 cured rugged hides."]="Rayne из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Dreamwalker Girdle, если ты принесешь ей 1 Desecrated Girdle, 8 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 3 Mooncloth и 2 Cured Rugged Hides.",["rayne at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a dreamwalker headpiece if you bring her the following: 1 desecrated headpiece, 15 wartorn leather scraps, 6 cured rugged hides and 2 nexus crystals."]="Rayne из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Dreamwalker Headpiece, если ты принесешь ей 1 Desecrated Headpiece, 15 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 6 Cured Rugged Hides и 2 Nexus Crystals.",["rayne at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a dreamwalker tunic if you bring her the following: 1 desecrated tunic, 25 wartorn leather scraps, 6 cured rugged hides and 2 nexus crystals."]="Rayne из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Dreamwalker Tunic, если ты принесешь ей 1 Desecrated Tunic, 25 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 6 Cured Rugged Hides и 2 Nexus Crystals.",["rayne at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make dreamwalker boots if you bring her the following: 1 desecrated boots, 12 wartorn leather scraps, 3 mooncloth and 2 cured rugged hides."]="Rayne из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Dreamwalker Boots, если ты принесешь ей 1 Desecrated Boots, 12 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 3 Mooncloth и 2 Cured Rugged Hides.",["rayne at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make dreamwalker handguards if you bring her the following: 1 desecrated handguards, 8 wartorn leather scraps, 5 cured rugged hides and 1 nexus crystal."]="Rayne из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Dreamwalker Handguards, если ты принесешь ей 1 Desecrated Handguards, 8 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 5 Cured Rugged Hides и 1 Nexus Crystal.",["rayne at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make dreamwalker legguards if you bring her the following: 1 desecrated legguards, 20 wartorn leather scraps, 8 cured rugged hides and 1 nexus crystal."]="Rayne из Light's Hope Chapel в Plaguelands сделает Dreamwalker Legguards, если ты принесешь ей 1 Desecrated Legguards, 20 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 8 Cured Rugged Hides и 1 Nexus Crystal.",["rayne at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make dreamwalker spaulders if you bring her the following: 1 desecrated spaulders, 12 wartorn leather scraps, 5 cured rugged hides and 1 nexus crystal."]="Rayne из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Dreamwalker Spaulders, если ты принесешь ей 1 Desecrated Spaulders, 12 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 5 Cured Rugged Hides и 1 Nexus Crystal.",["rayne at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make dreamwalker wristguards if you bring her the following: 1 desecrated wristguards, 6 wartorn leather scraps, 1 arcane crystal and 2 cured rugged hides."]="Rayne из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Dreamwalker Wristguards, если ты принесешь ей 1 Desecrated Wristguards, 6 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 1 Arcane Crystal и 2 Cured Rugged Hides.",["read from the codex of blood in the shadow labyrinth of auchindoun."]="Прочти Codex of Blood в Shadow Labyrinth, Auchindoun.",["read the encrypted rune and speak to solm hargrin in coldridge valley."]="Прочитай руну Encrypted Rune и поговори с Solm Hargrin в Coldridge Valley.",["read the hallowed letter and speak to priestess anetta in northshire abbey."]="Прочитай Hallowed Letter и поговори с Priestess Anetta в Northshire Abbey.",["read the pariah's instructions. afterwards, obtain the amulet of union from maraudon and return it to the centaur pariah in southern desolace."]="Прочти Pariah's Instructions. Затем добудь Amulet of Union в Maraudon’е и верни его Centaur Pariah в южном Desolace.",["read the plaque on the shrine of dath'remar and then return to well watcher solanian at the sunspire on sunstrider isle."]="Прочти надпись на надгробии Shrine of Dath'Remar, после чего возвращайся к Well Watcher Solanian в Sunspire на Sunstrider Isle.",["read the simple memorandum and speak to thran khorman in coldridge valley."]="Прочитай Simple Memorandum и поговори с Thran Khorman в Coldridge Valley.",["read the stillpine furbolg language primer that aurren gave you and interact with the totem of akida at azure watch."]="Прочти Stillpine Furbolg Language Primer, который дал тебе Aurren, после чего изучи Totem of Akida в Azure Watch.",["read the tainted memorandum and speak to alamar grimm inside anvilmar above coldridge valley."]="Прочитай Tainted Memorandum и поговори с Alamar Grimm в Anvilmar над Coldridge Valley.",["reclaim krasus's compendium - chapter 1, krasus's compendium - chapter 2, and krasus's compendium - chapter 3 from kirin'var village's town square. use archmage vargoth's staff to contact the archmage once you have the chapters. if you lose archmage vargoth's staff, speak to ravandwyr at area 52 to receive a replacement."]="Найди Krasus's Compendium — Chapter 1, Krasus's Compendium — Chapter 2 и Krasus's Compendium — Chapter 3 из Kirin'Var Village's Town Square. Как только ты получишь все chapters, используй Archmage Vargoth's Staff, чтобы связаться с архимагом.\n\nЕсли ты потеряешь Archmage Vargoth's Staff, поговори с Ravandwyr из Area 52, чтобы получить новый.",["recover 20 plagued flesh samples from stratholme and return them to betina bigglezink. you suspect that any creature in stratholme would have said flesh sample."]="Собери 20 Plagued Flesh Samples из Stratholme и верни их Betina Bigglezink. Вероятно, их можно взять у любого существа в Stratholme.",["recover egalin's grimoire and bring it to carendin halgar in the temple of the damned."]="Добудь Egalin's Grimoire и принеси его Carendin Halgar в Temple of the Damned.",["recover lakmaeran's carcass and 20 chimaerok tenderloins for dirge quickcleave in tanaris."]="Добудь Lakmaeran's Carcass и 20 Chimaerok Tenderloins для Dirge Quickcleave из Tanaris.",["recover sha'ni's nose-ring from krom'grul and return it to thal'trak in kargath. search the various caves and mines in dreadmaul rock."]="Отбери Sha'ni's Nose-Ring у Krom'Grul и возврати его Thal'trak в Kargath. Обыщи различные пещеры и копи в Dreadmaul Rock.",["recover the ata'mal crystal and deliver it to the image of nexus-prince haramad at the stormspire in the netherstorm."]="Добудь Ata'mani Crystal и доставь его Image of Nexus-Prince Haramad из Stormspire, Netherstorm.",["recover the draenei prayer beads and bring them to assistant klatu in honor hold."]="Найди Draenei Prayer Beads и принеси их Assistant Klatu из Honor Hold.",["recover the heart of the fel reaver and deliver it to n. d. meancamp at the heap in the netherstorm."]="Вынь Heart of the Fel Reaver и доставь его N.D. Meancamp из The Heap, Netherstorm.",["recover the skethlon commander's journal page 1, skethlon commander's journal page 2, and skethlon commander's journal page 3 from the dark conclave arakkoa at the sketh'lon wreckage to gryphonrider kieran."]="Добудь Skethlon Commander's Journal Page 1, Skethlon Commander's Journal Page 2 и Skethlon Commander's Journal Page 3 у Dark Conclave arakkoa из Sketh'lon Wreckage. Доставь их Gryphonrider Kieran.",["recover the skethlon commander's journal page 1, skethlon commander's journal page 2, and skethlon commander's journal page 3 from the dark conclave arakkoa at the sketh'lon wreckage to sergeant kargrul at shadowmoon village."]="Добудь у Dark Conclave arakkoa из Sketh'lon Wreckage Skethlon Commander's Journal Page 1, Skethlon Commander's Journal Page 2 и Skethlon Commander's Journal Page 3 и доставь их Sergeant Kargrul из Shadowmoon Village.",["report about the suspicious prints at the shady rest inn to captain garran vimes in theramore."]="Доложи о подозрительных отпечаках на земле около Shady Rest Inn к Captain Garran Vimes в Theramore.",["report back to rhag garmason and show him the parchment you found on rustlocke's corpse."]="Вернись к Rhag Garmason и покажи ему parchment который ты нашел возле трупа Rustlocke.",["report back to tonga runetotem with your findings."]="Вернись с докладом к Tonga Runetotem.",["report for duty at the ironforge brigade post near hive'zora, obtain signed field duty papers from captain blackanvil and return to windcaller kaldon at cenarion hold in silithus. note: healing or casting beneficial spells on a member of the ironforge brigade will flag you for pvp."]="Явись на службу на пост Ironforge Brigade близ Hive'Zora, получи документы Signed Field Duty Papers у Captain Blackanvil и вернись к Windcaller Kaldon в Cenarion Hold в Silithus.\r\n\r\nЗамечание: использование магии на служащих Ironforge Brigade разблокирует тебя для PvP.",["report to commander hogarth in the expedition armory."]="Поговори с Commander Hogarth из Expedition Armory.",["report to deputy feldon."]="Явись с докладом к Deputy Feldon.",["report to field commander mahfuun at the entrance to the shadow labyrinth at auchindoun in terokkar forest."]="Поговори с Field Commander Mahruun у входа в Shadow Labyrinth, что в Auchindound, Terokkar Forest.",["report to forward commander kingston at expedition point."]="Доложи Forward Commander Kingston из Expedition Point.",["report to forward commander to'arch at reaver's fall."]="Доложи Forward Commander To'arch из Reaver's Fall.",["report to gakin the darkbinder in the mage quarter of stormwind."]="Доложи о себе Gakin the Darkbinder в Mage Quarter of Stormwind.",["report to gezhe at aeris landing in nagrand."]="Доложи Gezhe из Aeris Landing, Nagrand.",["report to gornek in the den."]="Отчитайся перед Gornek в Den.",["report to krug skullsplit at the orgrimmar legion post in front of hive'regal, obtain signed field duty papers and bring them to windcaller kaldon in cenarion hold. note: healing or casting beneficial spells on a member of the orgrimmar legion will flag you for pvp."]="Найди Krug Skullsplit, который командует Orgrimmar Legion около Hive'Regal, получи Signed Field Duty Papers и принести их Windcaller Kaldon, находящемуся в Cenarion Hold.\r\n\r\nЗамечание: Использование магии на воинах Orgrimmar Legion изменит ваш статус на PvP.",["report to lieutenant dawnrunner at the farstrider enclave in eversong woods."]="Отчитайся перед Lieutenant Dawnrunner из Farstrider Enclave в Eversong Woods.",["report to ranger sareyn outside fairbreeze village in eversong woods."]="Доложи Ranger Sareyn за пределами Fairbreeze Village, Eversong Woods.",["report to rocket-chief fuselage at area 52 in the netherstorm immediately!"]="Немедленно доложи Rocket-Chief Fuselage из Area 52, Netherstorm!",["report to scout zagran at slag watch."]="Поговори с Scout Zagran из Slag Watch.",["report to spymaster thalodien at area 52."]="Доложи Spymaster Thalodien из Area 52.",["report to stormer ewan wildwing at the deathforge tower."]="Поговори с Stormer Ewan Wildwing из Deathforge Tower.",["report to warden hamoot at the cenarion refuge in zangarmarsh."]="Отчитайся перед Warden Hamoot из Cenarion Refuge в Zangarmarsh.",["rescue manni, moh and jakk from the fel orc camps and return to foreman razelcraz by the mine northwest of thrallmar."]="Спаси Manni, Moh и Jakk из Fel Orc camps и вернись к Foreman Razelcraz, который стоит возле шахты северо-западнее Thrallmar.",["researcher navuud at the protectorate watch post in netherstorm has asked that you destroy 30 void waste globules and 30 seeping sludge globules."]="Researcher Navuud из Protectorate Watch Post, Netherstorm, попросил тебя уничтожить 30 Void Waste Globules и 30 Seeping Sludge Globules.",["resurrect, then look for the gravestone that gaeriyan told you to find."]="Вернись в свое тело, затем найди на кладбище могильную плиту, про которую рассказал Gaeriyan.",["retrieve 12 ravager eggs for legassi at the zeppelin crash in hellfire peninsula."]="Добудь 12 Ravager Eggs для Legassi из Zeppelin Crash, Hellfire Peninsula.",["retrieve 4 miners' union cards and return them to wilder thistlenettle in stormwind."]="Найди 4 Miners' Union Card и верни их Wilder Thistlenettle в Stormwind.",["retrieve 5 of lathrai's stolen goods. return them to wind trader lathrai near the world's end tavern in the lower city section of shattrath city."]="Добудь 5 Lathrai's Stolen Goods. Верни их Wind Trader Lathrai, что стоит возле World's End Tavern, Lower City, Shattrath City.",["retrieve 6 of captain kelisendra's cargo and return them to captain kelisendra at the defended camp just to the east of the sunsail anchorage in eversong woods."]="Разыщи 6 Captain Kelisendra's Cargo и верни их Captain Kelisendra в укрепленный лагерь к востоку от Sunsail Anchorage в Eversong Woods.",["retrieve 7 highborne relics for thundris windweaver in auberdine."]="Добудь 7 Highborne Relics для Thundris Windweaver в Auberdine.",["retrieve a defias script from the defias rogue wizards in elwynn, and return to gazin tenorm in stormwind."]="Отними Defias Script у Defias Rogue Wizards в Elwynn и вернись к Gazin Tenorm в Stormwind.",["retrieve apothecary berard's journal from pyrewood village and take it to apothecary renferrel at the sepulcher."]="Достань Apothecary Berard's journal из Pyrewood Village и отнеси Apothecary Renferrel’у в Sepulcher.",["retrieve archmage vargoth's staff from ekkorash the inquisitor and bring it to ravandwyr in area 52. to bring ekkorash out of hiding, sprinkle the conjuring powder on the brazier in the center of the ruins."]="Забери у Ekkorash the Inquisitor Archmage Vargoth's Staff и отнеси его Ravandwyr из Area 52. Чтобы выманить Ekkorash из убежища, насыпь Conjuring Powder на жаровню в центре руин.",["retrieve grulloc's dragon skull and deliver it to mog'dorg the wizened atop the tower at the circle of blood in the blade's edge mountains."]="Добудь Grulloc's Dragon Skull и принеси его Mog'dorg the Wizened на вершину башни у Circle of Blood, что в Blade's Edge Mountains.",["retrieve haggard's badge from dead-tooth jack's camp, and return to marshal haggard."]="Достань Haggard's Badge из лагеря Dead-tooth Jack'а, после этого вернись к Marshal Haggard.",["retrieve maggoc's treasure chest and deliver it to mog'dorg the wizened atop the tower at the circle of blood in the blade's edge mountains."]="Добудь Maggoc's Treasure Chest и доставь его Mod'dorg the Wizened на вершину башни возле Circle of Blood, Blade's Edge Mountains.",["retrieve mysteries of the light and return it to father malgor devidicus at honor hold."]="Добудь Mysteries of Light и верни книгу Father Malgor Devidicus из Honor Hold.",["retrieve rathis tomber's supplies and return it to him at tranquillien in the ghostlands."]="Разыщи Rathis Tomber's Supplies и верни их ему в Tranquillien, Ghostlands.",["retrieve slaag's standard and deliver it to mog'dorg the wizened atop the tower at the circle of blood in the blade's edge mountains."]="Добудь Slaag's Standart и принеси его Mog'dorg Wizend на вершину башни у Circle of Blood, Blade's Edge Mountains.",["retrieve the advisor's pack and advisor's rapier from their holding places in the angor fortress and return them to advisor sarophas at kargath."]="Верни Advisor's Pack и Advisor's Rapier из Angor Fortress и отнеси их Advisor Sarophas из Kargath.",["retrieve the contents of one of the dalaran wizards' crates. you will find pyrewood village to the south."]="Выкради содержимое одного из Dalaran wizards' crates. Pyrewood Village находится на юге.",["retrieve the powers of the void for drusilla la salle."]="Добудь “Powers of the Void” для Drusilla La Salle.",["retrieve the prismatic shell for archmage xylem. the archmage resides in a tower atop the cliffs of azshara."]="Добудь для Archmage Xylem Prismatic Shell. Archmage проживает на вершине скалы в Azshara.",["retrieve the sealed azure bag from the timbermaw shaman in azshara. then take the bag to archmage xylem, also found in azshara."]="Отбери Sealed Azure Bag у Timbermaw Shaman в Azshara. Затем доставь сумку к Archmage Xylem, также находящемуся в Azshara.",["retrieve the shipment of rare crystals from the forsaken and return it to huraan in southshore."]="Отбей у Forsaken Shipment of Rare Crystals и вернись к Huraan из Southshore.",["retrieve the sigil of krasus from spellbinder maryana at manaforge coruu, northwest of the violet tower. when you have gained the sigil, use archmage vargoth's staff to project an image of archmage vargoth and inform him of your progress. if you lose archmage vargoth's staff, speak to ravandwyr at area 52 to receive a replacement."]="Забери у Spellbinder Maryana из Manaforge Coruu, к северо-западу от Violet Tower, Sigil of Krasus. Получив sigil, используй Archmage Vargoth's Staff, чтобы вызвать изображение Archmage Vargoth и рассказать ему о своем успехе.\n\nЕсли ты потеряешь Archmage Vargoth's Staff, поговори с Ravandwyr из Area 52, чтобы получить новый.",["retrieve the sign of the earth for garek."]="Добудь Sign of the Earth для Garek.",["retrieve the smithing hammer from the kirin'var apprentices and bring it back to apprentice andrethan in kirin'var village."]="Возьми Smithing Hammer у Kirin'Var Apprentices и отнеси его Apprentice Andrethan из Kirin'Var Village.",["retrieve the stone circle from marvon rivetseeker's workshop in ratchet."]="Принеси Stone Circle из мастерской Marvon Rivetseeker'а в Ratchet'е.",["retrieve the teleporter power pack and bring it to the ethereal teleport pad on the celestial ridge to the east of manaforge ultris. activate the pad and give the teleporter power pack to the image of wind trader marid so he can install it."]="Раздобудь Teleporter Power Pack и отнеси его к Ethereal Teleport Pad, что в Celestial Ridge, к востоку от Manaforge Ultris. Активируй телепорт и отдай Teleporter Power Pack Image of Wind Trader Marid, чтобы тот установил его.",["return captain kelisendra's lost rutters to captain kelisendra at the defended camp just to the east of the sunsail anchorage in eversong woods."]="Верни Captain Kelisendra's Lost Rutters Captain Kelisendra из защищенного лагеря к востоку от Sunsail Anchorage, Eversong Woods.",["return foror's compendium of dragon slaying to the athenaeum."]="Верни Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying в Athenaeum.",["return gazlowe's ledger to gazlowe in ratchet."]="Верни Gazlowe’s Ledger к Gazlowe в Ratchet.",["return the alien egg to hagar lightninghoof in freewind post."]="Принеси Alien Egg к Hagar Lightninghoof в Freewind Post.",["return the eroded leather case to thiah redmane, camped near the ruins of sha'naar in western hellfire peninsula."]="Верни Eroded Leather Case Thiah Redmane, который разбил лагерь возле Ruins of Sha'naar, западный Hellfire Peninsula.",["return the flame of the undercity to the festival loremaster."]="Верни Flame of the Undercity к Festival Loremaster.",["return the head of kel'gash the wicked to captain helios at the farstrider enclave in the ghostlands."]="Принеси Head of Kel'gash the Wicked Captain Helios из Farstrider Enclave, Ghostlands.",["return the head of nefarian to highlord bolvar fordragon in stormwind."]="Верни Head of Nefarian к Highlord Bolvar Fordragon в Stormwind.",["return the head of nefarian to thrall in orgrimmar."]="Верни Head of Nefarian к Thrall в Orgrimmar.",["return the head of the broodlord lashlayer to baristolth of the shifting sands at cenarion hold in silithus."]="Отнеси голову Broodlord Lashlayer лично Baristolth из Shifting Sands в Cenarion Hold в Silithus.",["return the portals deck to the darkmoon faire when it comes to town."]="Верни Portals Deck на Darkmoon Faire когда она придет в город.",["return to akama at the warden's cage in shadowmoon valley."]="Вернись к Akama из Warden's Cage, Shadowmoon Valley.",["return to anchorite obadei at the temple of telhamat in hellfire peninsula and inform him of sedai's death."]="Вернись к Anchorite Obadei из Temple of Telhamat, Hellfire Peninsula, и сообщи ему о смерти Sedai.",["return to arcanist vandril at tranquillien in the ghostlands."]="Вернись к Arcanist Vandril из Tranquillien, Ghostlands.",["return to aristan mottar outside the bank in stormwind's trade district."]="Вернись к Aristan Mottar, стоящему снаружи банка в Stormwind's Trade District.",["return to athridas bearmantle in dolanaar."]="Вернись к Athridas Bearmantle в Dolanaar.",["return to darkcaller yanka at the wickerman festival in tirisfal glade."]="Возвращайся к Darkcaller Yanka на Wickerman Festival в Tirisfal Glade.",["return to darnassus and show mathrengyl bearwalker the pendant of the sea lion."]="Возвращайся в Darnassus и покажи Mathrengyl Bearwalker амулет - Pendant of the Sea Lion.",["return to deliana in ironforge with a set of boots of valor, legplates of valor and spaulders of valor."]="Вернись к Deliana из Ironforge с Boots of Valor, Legplates of Valor и Spaulders of Valor.",["return to deliana in ironforge with a set of devout sandals, devout skirt and devout mantle."]="Вернись к Deliana из Ironforge с Devout Sandals, Devout Skirt и Devout Mantle.",["return to deliana in ironforge with a set of dreadmist sandals, dreadmist leggings and dreadmist mantle."]="Вернись к Deliana из Ironforge с Dreadmist Sandals, Dreadmist Skirt и Dreadmist Mantle.",["return to deliana in ironforge with a set of magister's boots, magister's leggings and magister's mantle."]="Вернись к Deliana из Ironforge с Magister's Boots, Magister's Leggins и Magister's Mantle.",["return to fenstad argyle outside the bank in the undercity."]="Вернись к Fenstad Argyle, рядом с банком в Undercity.",["return to khadgar in shattrath city and show him the master's key."]="Возвращайся к Khadgar в Shattrath City и покажи ему Master's Key.",["return to magister duskwither at the farstrider retreat in eversong woods."]="Вернись к Magister Duskwither из Farstrider Retreat, Eversong Woods.",["return to magistrix carinda at falcon watch."]="Вернись к Magistrix Carinda из Falcon Watch.",["return to manaforge b'naar and obtain the b'naar access crystal from overseer theredis. use it at the b'naar control console to shut it down, then report back to spymaster thalodien. performing quests for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation level to decrease."]="Вернись в Manaforge B'naar и забери B'naar Access Crystal у Overseer Theredis. Используй его у Manaforge B'naar console, чтобы выключить ее, и доложи о проделанной работе Thalodien.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации с Aldor.",["return to manaforge b'naar and obtain the b'naar access crystal from overseer theredis. use it at the manaforge b'naar console to shut it down and report back to anchorite karja. performing quests for the aldor will cause your scryers reputation level to decrease."]="Вернись в Manaforge B'naar и забери B'naar Access Crystal у Overseer Theredis. Используй его у Manaforge B'naar console, чтобы выключить ее, и доложи о проделанной работе Anchorite Karja.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Aldor приведет к снижению репутации со Scryers.",["return to manaforge duro and obtain the duro access crystal from overseer athanel. use it at the duro control console to shut it down and report back to spymaster thalodien. performing quests for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation level to decrease."]="Вернись в Manaforge Duro и забери Duro Access Crystal у Overseer Athanel. Используй его у Duro Control Console, чтобы выключить ее, и доложи о проделанной работе Spymaster Thalodien.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации с Aldor.",["return to mokvar in orgimmar with a set of boots of valor, legplates of valor and spaulders of valor."]="Вернись к Mokvar из Orgrimmar с Boots of Valor, Legplates of Valor и Spaulders of Valor.",["return to mokvar in orgimmar with a set of devout sandals, devout skirt and devout mantle."]="Вернись к Mokvar из Orgimmar с Devout Sandals, Devout Skirt и Devout Mantle.",["return to mokvar in orgimmar with a set of shadowcraft boots, shadowcraft pants and shadowcraft spaulders."]="Вернись к Mokvar из Orgimmar с Shadowcraft Boots, Shadowcraft Pants и Shadowcraft Spaulders.",["return to mokvar in orgrimmar with the extra-dimensional ghost revealer."]="Вернись к Mokvar из Orgrimmar с Extra-Dimensional Ghost Revealer.",["return to mux manascrambler in gadgetzan with 1 delicate arcanite converter, 4 greater eternal essence, 10 stonescale oil, 25 volcanic ash and 40 gold."]="Возвращайся к Mux Manascrambler в Gadgetzan с 1 Delicate Arcanite Converter, 4 Greater Eternal Essence, 10 Stonescale Oil, 25 Volcanic Ash и 40 золотых.",["return to outrunner alarion with erona's package."]="Вернись к Outrunner Alarion с Erona's Package.",["return to ranger vynna at the farstrider enclave with dar'khan's journal."]="Вернись с Dar'Khan's Journal к Ranger Vynna из Farstrider Enclave.",["return to sentinel thenysil in ashenvale."]="Возвращайся к Sentinel Thenysil в Ashenvale.",["return to spymaster thalodien at area 52 in netherstorm."]="Вернись к Spymaster Thalodien из Area 52, Netherstorm.",["return to the child andormu at the caverns of time in the tanaris desert."]="Вернись к Andormu из Caverns of Time, Tanaris.",["return to the child, andormu, at the caverns of time in the tanaris desert."]="Вернись к ребенку, Andormu, из Caverns of Time, Tanaris.",["return to the stormspire and speak with ghabar."]="Вернись в Stormspire и поговори с Ghabar.",["return to thrall!"]="Возвращайся к Thrall!",["return to thyn'tel bladeweaver in darnassus."]="Вернись к Thyn'tel Bladeweaver в Darnassus.",["return to ysiel windsinger at the cenarion refuge in zangarmarsh."]="Вернись к Ysiel Windsinger из Cenarion Refuge, Zangarmarsh.",["rimblat earthshatter at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make earthshatter boots if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated boots, 12 wartorn chain scraps, 1 arcanite bar and 3 nexus crystals."]="Rimblat Earthshatter из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Earthshatter Boots, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Boots, 12 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar и 3 Nexus Crystals.",["rimblat earthshatter at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make earthshatter handguards if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated handguards, 8 wartorn chain scraps, 1 arcanite bar and 5 cured rugged hides."]="Rimblat Earthshatter из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Earthshatter Handguards, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Handguards, 8 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar и 5 Cured Rugged Hides.",["rimblat earthshatter at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make earthshatter wristguards if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated wristguards, 6 wartorn chain scraps, 1 arcanite bar and 2 cured rugged hides."]="Rimblat Earthshatter из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Earthshatter Wristguards, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Wristguards, 6 Wartorn Chain Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar и 2 Cured Rugged Hides.\r\n",["rohan the assassin at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a bonescythe breastplate if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated breastplate, 25 wartorn leather scraps, 2 arcanite bars and 6 cured rugged hides."]="Rohan the Assassin из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Bonescythe Breastplate, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Breastplate, 25 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 2 Arcanite Bars и 6 Cured Rugged Hides.",["rohan the assassin at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a bonescythe helmet if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated helmet, 15 wartorn leather scraps, 8 cured rugged hides, 1 nexus crystal and 75 gold pieces."]="Rohan the Assassin из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Bonescythe Helmet, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Helmet, 15 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 8 Cured Rugged Hides, 1 Nexus Crystal и 75 золотых.\r\n",["rohan the assassin at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make a bonescythe waistguard if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated waistguard, 8 wartorn leather scraps, 5 cured rugged hides, 1 nexus crystal and 15 gold pieces."]="Rohan the Assassin из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Bonescythe Waistguard, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Waistguard, 8 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 5 Cured Rugged Hides, 1 Nexus Crystal и 15 золотых.",["rohan the assassin at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make bonescythe bracers if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated bracers, 6 wartorn leather scraps, 1 arcanite bar, 2 cured rugged hides and 10 gold pieces."]="Rohan the Assassin из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Bonescythe Bracers, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Bracers, 6 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar, 2 Cured Rugged Hides и 10 золотых.",["rohan the assassin at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make bonescythe gauntlets if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated gauntlets, 8 wartorn leather scraps, 1 arcanite bar and 5 cured rugged hides."]="Rohan the Assassin из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Bonescythe Gauntlets, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Gauntlets, 8 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar и 5 Cured Rugged Hides. ",["rohan the assassin at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make bonescythe legplates if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated legplates, 20 wartorn leather scraps, 1 arcanite bar, 8 cured rugged hides and 100 gold pieces."]="Rohan the Assassin из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Bonescythe Legplates, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Legplates, 20 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar, 8 Cured Rugged Hides и 100 золотых.",["rohan the assassin at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make bonescythe pauldrons if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated pauldrons, 12 wartorn leather scraps, 5 cured rugged hides, 1 nexus crystal and 50 gold pieces."]="Rohan the Assassin из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Bonescythe Pauldrons, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Pauldrons, 12 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 5 Cured Rugged Hides, 1 Nexus Crystal и 50 золотых. ",["rohan the assassin at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands will make bonescythe sabatons if you bring him the following: 1 desecrated sabatons, 12 wartorn leather scraps, 3 cured rugged hides, 2 nexus crystals and 25 gold pieces."]="Rohan the Assassin из Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands сделает Bonescythe Sabatons, если ты принесешь ему 1 Desecrated Sabatons, 12 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 3 Cured Rugged Hides, 2 Nexus Crystals и 25 золотых. ",["rokag wants you to seek out rilak the redeemed in shattrath and demand that he and his people surrender to the horde."]="Rokag просит тебя разыскать Rilak the Redeemed в Shattrath и потребовать, чтобы он и его люди покорились Орде.",["sa'at inside the black morass of the caverns of time has tasked you with defending medivh until he succeeds in opening the dark portal. return to sa'at should you succeed in your task."]="Sa'at из Black Morass, Caverns of Time поручил тебе защищать Medivh, пока он не откроет Темный Портал.\n\nВернись к Sa'at, если ты преуспеешь.",["salfa wants you to kill 8 winterfall shaman, 8 winterfall den watchers, and 8 winterfall ursa. salfa is located just outside the entrance to timbermaw hold in winterspring."]="Salfa хочет, чтобы ты убил 8 Winterfall Shaman, 8 Winterfall Den Watchers и 8 Winterfall Ursa. Salfa находится у входа в Timbermaw Hold, в Winterspring.",["sal'salabim at shattrath city wants you to recover raliq's debt, coosh'coosh's debt and floon's debt."]="Sal'salabim из Shattrath City просит тебя вернуть ему Raliq's Debt, Coosh'coosh's Debt и Floon's Debt.",["sal'salabim at shattrath city wants you to return to altruis the sufferer in western nagrand."]="Sal'salabim из Shattrath City просит тебя вернуться к Altruis the Sufferer в западном Nagrand.",["samia inkling has asked you to acquire 5 wyrmcult nets and return them to her at evergrove in the blade's edge mountains."]="Samia Inkling попросила тебя добыть 5 Wyrmcult Nets и вернуться к ней с ними в Evergrove, Blade's Edge Mountains.",["samia inkling has asked you to use the blackwhelp net to capture 10 wyrmcult blackwhelps. return them to her at evergrove in the blade's edge mountains."]="Samia Inkling попросила тебя использовать Blackwhelp Net, чтобы наловить 10 Wyrmcult Blackwhelps. Принеси их ей в Evergrove, Blade's Edge Mountains.",["scout navrin wants you to travel to the netherweb ridge and free 6 webbed sha'tar warriors and then return to him at sha'tar outpost."]="Scout Navrin хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "отправился"), "^3$", "отправилась").." в Netherweb Ridge и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "освободил"), "^3$", "освободила").." 6 Webbed Sha'tar Warriors, после чего "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "вернулся"), "^3$", "вернулась").." к нему в Sha'tar Outpost.",["scout vanura at the temple of telhamat in hellfire peninsula wants you to slay 8 stonescythe whelps and 4 stonescythe alpha."]="Scout Vanura из Temple of Telhamat, Hellfire Peinsula, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 8 Stonescythe Whelps и 4 Stonescythe Alpha.",["scout zagran at slag watch wants you to kill 10 deathforge guardians and 5 deathforge summoners."]="Scout Zagran из Slag Watch хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 10 Deathforge Guardians и 5 Deathforge Summoners.",["search for an imp inside a cave at the entrance of darkwhisper gorge in southern winterspring, purchase a fel elemental rod and return to mux manascrambler in gadgetzan."]="Разыщи беса в пещере у входа в Darkwhisper Gorge на юге Winterspring, купи Fel Elemental Rod и возвращайся к Mux Manascrambler в Gadgetzan.",["search for clues as to the current disposition of talvash's necklace within uldaman. the slain paladin he mentioned was the person who had it last."]="Ищи ключи, которые подскажут тебе местонахождение Talvash's necklace в Uldaman. Убитый паладин, о котором он упоминал, - последний владелец ожерелья.",["search for longbraid near the town of dun modr."]="Найди Longbraid возле города Dun Modr.",["search for the missing mag'hari procession."]="Найди пропавшую процессию Mag'hari.",["search for the original creator of the shattered necklace to learn of its potential value."]="Найди настоящего создателя сломанного ожерелья, чтобы узнать о его реальной ценности.",["search sentry point for any sign of private hendel."]="Прочеши Sentry Point в поисках следов Private Hendel’а.",["search serpent lake for signs of a drain. return to ysiel windsinger at cenarion refuge with news of your discovery."]="Найди в Serpent Lake признаки осушения. Вернись к Ysiel Windsinger из Cenarion Refuge о своей находке.",["search stillpine hold for clues."]="Обыщи Stillpine Hold в поисках подсказок.",["search the deadwood furbolg camp in northern felwood for a clue."]="Тщательно осмотри Deadwood furbolg camp в северном Felwood.",["search the guest chambers inside karazhan for keanna's log and bring it to archmage alturus outside karazhan."]="Разыщи Keanna's Log в Guest Chambers в Karazhan и принеси его Archmage Alturus снаружи Karazhan.",["search the woodpaw gnoll camps of southern feralas for evidence of the courier's belongings or the courier himself."]="Обыщи лагеря Woodpaw Gnoll в южном Feralasе с целью найти следы присутствия там курьера или самого курьера.",["search tor'watha to the southeast of the farstrider retreat for spearcrafter otembe and bring otembe's hammer to arathel sunforge at the farstrider retreat in eversong woods."]="Разыщи Spearcrafter Otembe в Tor'Watha к юго-востоку от Farstrider Retreat и принеси Otembe's Hammer Arathel Sunforge из Farstrider Retreat в Eversong Woods.",["seek out anachronos at the caverns of time in tanaris."]="Разыщи Anachronos в Caverns of Time в Tanaris.",["seek out and offer your services to gahruj. he is located at the midrealm post inside eco-dome midrealm in the netherstorm."]="Найди Gahruj и предложи ему свои услуги. Его можно найти в Midrealm Post, что внутри Eco-Dome Midrealm, Netherstorm.",["seek out high executor derrington. his base camp is located at the bulwark, east of tirisfal glade and the undercity."]="Найди High Executor Derrington. Его лагерь находится в Bulwark, к востоку от Tirisfal Glade и Undercity.",["seek out karynaku at dragonmaw fortress."]="Найди Karynaku в Dragonmaw Fortress.",["seek out monstrous kaliri eggs on the tops of skettis dwellings and use the skyguard blasting charges on them. return to sky sergeant doryn."]="Разыщи Monstrous Kaliri Eggs наверху жилища Skettis и примени к ним Skyguard Blasting Charges. После возвращайся к Sky Sergeant Doryn.",["seek out naladu inside the ruins of sha'naar."]="Найди Naladu в Ruins of Sha'naar.",["seek out neltharaku, patron of the netherwing dragonflight."]="Найди Neltharaku, покровителя Netherwing Dragonflight.",["seek out oronok torn-heart on the shattered shelf - north of coilskar cistern."]="Найди Oronok Torn-heart в Shattered Shelf — к северу от Coilskar Cistern.",["sergeant altumus at the east supply caravan east of honor hold in hellfire peninsula wants you to kill 4 flamewaker imps, 6 infernal warbringers and 1 dreadcaller."]="Sergean Altumus из East Supply Caravan, к востоку от Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 4 Flamewaker Imps, 6 Infernal Warbringers и 1 Dreadcaller.",["sergeant shatterskull at the supply caravan east of thrallmar in hellfire peninsula wants you to kill 4 flamewaker imps, 6 infernal warbringers and 1 dreadcaller."]="Sergeant Shatterskull из Supply Caravan, к востоку от Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 4 Flamewaker Imps, 6 Infernal Warbringers и 1 Dreadcaller.",["severin wants you to venture into skettis and retrieve 6 shadow dusts from the arakkoa that dwell there."]="Severin хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "пошел"), "^3$", "пошла").." в Skettis и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "собрал"), "^3$", "собрала").." 6 Shadow Dusts с arakkoa, обитающих там.",["shadow hunter ty'jin at thrallmar wants you to kill 8 shattered hand legionnaires, 4 shattered hand centurions, and 4 shattered hand champions."]="Shadow Hunter Ty'jin из Thrallmar хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 8 Shattered Hand Legionnaires, 4 Shattered Hand Centurions и 4 Shattered Hand Champions.",["show clerk daltry the bloodstained journal page."]="Отнеси Bloodstained Journal Page к Clerk Daltry.",["show the blackened iron shield to mosarn in thunder bluff."]="Покажи Blackened Iron Shield Mosarn в Thunder Bluff.",["sit back and enjoy the ride. speak to altruis when the survey is complete."]="Расслабься и насладись поездкой. Поговори с Altruis, когда закончишь обзор.",["skar'this the heretic in the heroic slave pens of coilfang reservoir wants you to bring him the earthen signet and the blazing signet."]="Skar'this the Heritic из heroic Slave Pens of Coilfang Reservoir хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему Earthen Signet и Blazing Signet.",["slaughter the shadowsworn in the blasted lands and return the fallen hero of the horde."]="Победи Shadowsworn в Blasted Lands и вернись к Fallen Hero of the Horde.",["slaughter the shadowsworn in the blasted lands and return to the fallen hero of the horde."]="Убей Shadowsworn в Blasted Lands и вернись к Fallen Hero of the Horde.",["slay 10 hounds of culuthas and 5 eyes of culuthas. then return to nether-stalker nauthis at the stormspire in the netherstorm."]="Убей 10 Hounds of Culuthas и 5 Eyes of Culuthas. После этого вернись к Nether-Stalker Nauthis из Stormspire, Netherstorm.",["slay 10 marsh dredgers and 10 marsh lurkers, and then return to lauranna thar'well at the cenarion refuge in zangarmarsh."]="Убей 10 Marsh Dredgers и 10 Marsh Lurkers и вернись к Lauranna Thar'well из Cenarion Refuge, Zangarmarsh.",["slay 10 nerubis guards and then return to arcanist vandril at tranquillien in the ghostlands."]="Убей 10 Nerubis Guards, после чего вернись к Arcanist Vandril из Tranquillien, Ghostlands.",["slay 10 risen hungerers and 10 gangled cannibals on the dead scar. return to deathstalker rathiel in tranquillien for a reward."]="Убей 10 Risen Hungerers и 10 Gangled Cannibals в Dead Scar. Вернись к Deathstalker Rathiel из Tranquillien за наградой.",["slay 10 withered green keepers at the scorched grove. then report back to larianna riverwind inside the tower just to the northwest of the scorched grove in eversong woods."]="Убей 10 Withered Green Keepers из Scorched Grove. Сообщи о результате Larianna Riverwind в башне сразу на северо-запад от Scorched Grove в Eversong Woods.",["slay 15 crushridge warmongers, then return to marshal redpath in southshore."]="Убей 15 Crushridge Warmongers, и вернись к Marshal Redpath в Southshore.",["slay 20 eclipsion soldiers, 10 eclipsion cavaliers, and 10 eclipsion spellbinders and then use the kor'kron flare gun to signal another kor'kron wind rider to report your task complete. speak with overlord or'barokh at shadowmoon village in shadowmoon valley should you lose your kor'kron flare gun and require a replacement."]="Убей 20 Eclipsion Soldiers, 10 Eclipsion Cavaliers и 10 Eclipsion Spellbinders, затем используй Kor'kron Flare Gun, чтобы подать сигнал Kor'kron Wind Rider и доложить о выполнении задачи.\n\nЕсли ты потеряешь Kor'kron Flare Gun и тебе понадобится замена, поговори с Overlod Or'barokh из Shadowmoon Village, Shadowmoon Valley.",["slay 20 eclipsion soldiers, 10 eclipsion cavaliers, and 5 sons of corok and then use the wildhammer flare gun to signal another wildhammer gryphon rider to report your task complete. speak with thane yoregar at wildhammer stronghold in shadowmoon valley should you lose your wildhammer flare gun and require a replacement."]="Убей 20 Eclipsion Soldiers, 10 Eclipsion Cavaliers и 5 Sons of Corok, затем используй Wildhammer Flare Gun, чтобы подать сигнал Wildhammer Gryphon Rider и доложить о выполнении задачи.\n\nЕсли ты потеряешь Wildhammer Flare Gun и тебе понадобится новая, поговори с Thane Yoregar из Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley.",["slay 30 hive'ashi defenders and report back to commander mar'alith at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring combat task briefing i in order to complete this quest."]="Убей 30 Hive'Zora Hive Sisters и вернись с докладом к Commander Mar'alith, в Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Когда будешь говорить с ним, имей при себе Combat Task Briefing I.",["slay 30 hive'ashi sandstalkers and report back to commander mar'alith at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring combat task briefing ii in order to complete this quest."]="Убей 30 Hive'Ashi Sandstalkers и вернись с докладом к Commander Mar'alith в Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Имей при себе Combat Task Briefing II.",["slay 30 hive'ashi workers and report back to commander mar'alith at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring combat task briefing iii in order to complete this quest."]="Убей 30 Hive'Ashi Workers и доложи об этом Commander Mar'alith, находящемуся в Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Когда будешь говорить с ним, имей при себе Combat Task Briefing III.",["slay 30 hive'zora hive sisters and report back to commander mar'alith at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring combat task briefing v in order to complete this quest."]="Убей 30 Hive'Ashi Workers и доложи об этом Commander Mar'alith, находящемуся в Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Когда будешь говорить с ним, имей при себе Combat Task Briefing III.",["slay 30 hive'zora reavers and report back to commander mar'alith at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring combat task briefing iv in order to complete this quest."]="Убей 30 Hive'Zora Reavers и вернись с докладом к Commander Mar'alith в Cenarion Hold, в Silithus. Не забудь также принести Combat Task Briefing IV.",["slay 30 hive'zora tunnelers and report back to commander mar'alith at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring combat task briefing vii in order to complete this quest."]="Убей 30 Hive'Zora Tunnelers и доложи об этом Commander Mar'alith в Cenarion Hold, в Silithus. Еще ты должен принести Combat Task Briefing VII чтобы выполнить это задание.",["slay 30 hive'zora waywatchers and report back to commander mar'alith at cenarion hold in silithus. you must also bring combat task briefing vi in order to complete this quest."]="Убей 30 Hive'Zora Waywatcher и вернись с докладом к Commander Mar'alith в Cenarion Hold в Silithus. Имей при себе Combat Task Briefing VI.",["slay 4 illidari taskmasters at the ruins of sha'naar and return to ikan at the temple of telhamat in hellfire peninsula."]="Убей 4 Illidari Taskmasters в Ruins of Sha'naar и вернись к Ikan из Temple of Telhamat, Hellfire Penisula.",["slay 4 restless elements of earth and then return to the spirit of the vale at the sacred grove in ammen vale."]="Убей 4 Restless Elements и вернись к Spirit of the Vale из Sacred Grove, Ammen Vale.",["slay 4 rotlimb marauders and 4 darkwraiths and return to ranger sareyn at fairbreeze village in eversong woods."]="Убей 4 Rotlimb Marauders и 4 Darkwraiths и вернись к Ranger Sareyn в Fairbreeze Village в Eversong Woods.",["slay 5 crazed colossus while in disguise as an agent of illidan and return to thane yoregar at wildhammer stronghold in shadowmoon valley. he will also want his wildhammer flare gun returned."]="Убей 5 Crazed Colossus под личиной кровавого эльфа Illidari и вернись к Thane Yoregar из Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley. Ему понадобится также Wildhammer Flare Gun.",["slay 5 crazed colossus while in disguise as an illidari blood elf and return to overlord or'barokh at shadowmoon village in shadowmoon valley. he will also want his kor'kron flare gun returned."]="Убей 5 Crazed Colossus под личиной кровавого эльфа Illidari и вернись к Overlord Or'barokh из Shadowmoon Village, Shadowmoon Valley. Ему понадобится также Kor'kron Flare Gun.",["slay 5 eyes of dar'khan, 6 nerubis centurions and 6 wailers in deatholme and return to magister idonis at the sanctum of the sun in the ghostlands."]="Убей 5 Eyes of Dar'khan, 6 Nerubis Centurions и 6 Wailers из Deatholme, после чего вернись к Magister Idonis из Sanctum of the Sun, Ghostlands.",["slay 5 raging colossi and then return to tola'thion at the cenarion post in hellfire peninsula."]="Убей 5 Raging Colossi, после чего возвращайся к Tola'thion в Cenarion Post в Hellfire Peninsula.",["slay 6 mannoroc lashers, 6 felguards and 6 searing infernals, and then return to valusha at splintertree post in ashenvale."]="Убей 6 Mannoroc Lashers, 6 Felguards и 6 Searing Infernals, затем вернись к Valusha из Splintertree Post в Ashenvale.",["slay 6 mannoroc lashers, 6 felguards and 6 searing infernals, and then return to vindicator vedaar at forest song in ashenvale."]="Убей 6 Mannoroc Lashers, 6 Felguards и 6 Searing Infernals, затем вернись к Vindicator Veedar из Forest Song в Ashenvale.",["slay 8 blackpaw gnolls, 6 blackpaw scavengers and 4 blackpaw shaman, and return to deathstalker maltendis at tranquillien in the ghostlands."]="Убей 8 Blackpaw Gnolls, 6 Blackpaw Scavengers и 4 Blackpaw Shaman и возвращайся к Deathstalker Maltendis из Tranquillien, Ghostlands.",["slay 8 deatholme acolytes and 10 fallen rangers, and return to high executor mavren at tranquillien in the ghostlands."]="Убей 8 Deatholme Acolytes и 10 Fallen Rangers, и вернись к High Executor Mavren из Tranquillien, Ghostlands.",["slay 8 plaguebone pillagers and report back to ranger jaela on the dead scar in eversong woods."]="Убей 8 Plaguebone Pillagers и сообщи о результате Ranger Jaela на Dead Scar в Eversong Woods.",["slay anok'suten and return to arcanist vandril at tranquillien in the ghostlands."]="Убей Anok'suten и вернись к Arcanist Vandril из Tranquillien, Ghostlands.",["slay any 20 gordunni ogres in the barrier hills and return to yuula in shattrath city."]="Убей любых 20 Gordunni Ogres в Barrier Hills и возвращайся к Yuula in Shattrath City.",["slay chancellor bloodleaf and corok the mighty and recover illidan's command. use the kor'kron flare gun to signal another kor'kron wind rider once you have accomplished this task. speak with overlord or'barokh at shadowmoon village in shadowmoon valley should you lose your kor'kron flare gun and require a replacement."]="Убей Chancellor Bloodleaf и Corok the Mighty и изыми Illidan's Command. Используй Kor'kron Flare Gun, чтобы подать сигнал Kor'kron Wind Rider после выполнения задачи.\n\nЕсли ты потеряешь Kor'kron Flare Gun и тебе понадобится замена, поговори с Overlod Or'barokh из Shadowmoon Village, Shadowmoon Valley.",["slay chancellor bloodleaf and corok the mighty and recover illidan's command. use the wildhammer flare gun to signal another wildhammer gryphon rider once you have accomplished this task. speak with thane yoregar at wildhammer stronghold in shadowmoon valley should you lose your wildhammer flare gun and require a replacement."]="Убей Chancellor Bloodleaf и Corok the Mighty и изыми Illidan's Command. Используй Wildhammer Flare Gun, чтобы подать сигнал Wildhammer GryphonRider после выполнения задачи.\n\nЕсли ты потеряешь Wildhammer Flare Gun и тебе понадобится замена, поговори с Thane Yoregar из Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley.",["slay dar'khan drathir inside deatholme and bring his head to magister kaendris at the sanctum of the sun in the ghostlands."]="Убей Dar'Khan Drathir в Deatholm и принеси его голову Magister Kaendris из Sanctum of the Sun, Ghostlands.",["slay durn the hungerer. return to warden bullrok if you manage to complete this task."]="Убей Durn the Hungerer. Вернись к Warden Bullrok, если тебе удасться выполнить это задание.",["slay durn the hungerer. return to warden iolol if you manage to complete this task."]="Убей Durn the Hungerer. Вернись к Warden Iolol, если тебе удасться выполнить это задание.",["slay gava'xi near oshu'gun and return to zerid at aeris landing in nagrand."]="Убей Gava'xi, которого можно найти возле Oshu'gun и вернись к Zerid из Aeris Landing, Nagrand.",["slay nefarian and recover the red scepter shard. return the red scepter shard to anachronos at the caverns of time in tanaris. you have 5 hours to complete this task."]="Убей Nefarian и завладей Red Scepter Shard. Верни Red Scepter Shard к Anarchronos в Caverns of Time в Tanaris. У тебя 5 часов на выполнение этого задания.",["slay netherock and 3 netherock crumblers, and then report in with rocket-chief fuselage at area 52 in the netherstorm."]="Убей Netherock и 3 Netherock Crumblers, после чего доложи Rocket-Chief Fuselage из Area 52, Netherstorm.",["slay overmaster pyron and return to jalinda sprig. you recall jalinda talking about pyron guarding the quarry. perhaps you should search there?"]="Убей Overmaster Pyron и вернись к Jalinda Sprig. \r\n\r\nТы припоминаешь - Jalinda гооворила, что Pyron охраняет quarry. Может стоит начать свои поиски там?",["slay rajah haghazed at the lagoon and return to warden hamoot at the cenarion expedition in zangarmarsh for a reward."]="Убей Rajah Haghazed из Lagoon и вернись за наградой к Warden Hamoot из Cenarion Expedition, Zangarmarsh.",["slay rajis fyashe at serpent lake and return to warden hamoot at the cenarion refuge in zangarmarsh for a reward."]="Убей Rajis Fyashe из Serpent Lake и вернись за наградой к Warden Hamoot из Cenarion Refuge, Zangarmarsh.",["slay serena bloodfeather and return her head to darsok swiftdagger at the crossroads."]="Убей Serena Bloodfeather и принеси её голову к Darsok Swiftdagger в Crossroads.",["slay surveyor candress and then inform vindicator aldar at the crash site in ammen vale."]="Убей Surveyor Candress, после чего сообщи о результате Vindicator Aldar из Crash Site в Ammen Vale.",["slay the dark conclave ritualists and use the staff of parshah to end the dark conclave's summoning ritual, then return to parshah in the magma fields."]="Убей Dark Conclave Ritualists и используй Staff of Parshah, чтобы остановить ритуал вызова, проводимый Dark Conclave, после чего вернись к Parshah из Magma Fields.",["slay twilight marauder morna and 5 twilight marauders. report to windcaller proudhorn when your task is finished. you must also bring tactical task briefing ix in order to complete this quest."]="Убей Twilight Marauder Morna и 5 Twilight Marauders. Доложи Windcaller Proudhorn о завершении задания. Докладывая, имей при себе Tactical Task Briefing IX.",["slay uvuros and recover uvuros's fiery mane. return it to warcaller beersnout at wildhammer stronghold in shadowmoon valley."]="Убей Uvuros и достань Uvuros's Fiery Mane. Вернись с ней к Warcaller Beersnout из Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley.",["slay uvuros and recover uvuros's fiery mane. return it to warcaller sardon truslice at shadowmoon village in shadowmoon valley."]="Убей Uvuros и достань Uvuros's Fiery Mane. Вернись с ней к Warcaller Sardon Truslice из Shadowmoon Village, Shadowmoon Valley.",["slay watchkeeper gargolmar, omor the unscarred and the drake, nazan. return gargolmar's hand, omor's hoof and nazan's head to caza'rez at thrallmar in hellfire peninsula."]="Убей Watchkeeper Gargolmar, Omor the Unscarred и дракона, Nazan. Принеси Gargolmar's Hand, Omor's Hoof и Nazan's Head Caza'rez из Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula.",["slay watchkeeper gargolmar, omor the unscarred and the drake, nazan. return gargolmar's hand, omor's hoof and nazan's head to gunny at honor hold in hellfire peninsula."]="Убей Watchkeeper Gargolmar, Omor the Unscarred и дракона, Nazan. Принеси Gargolmar's Hand, Omor's Hoof и Nazan's Head Gunny из Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula.",["slay zandras at the warden's cage in shadowmoon valley and return to sanoru."]="Убей Zandras в Warden's Cage, Shadowmoon Valley и вернись к Sanoru.",["soridormi at caverns of time wants you to retrieve vashj's vial remnant from lady vashj at coilfang reservoir and kael's vial remnant from kael'thas sunstrider at tempest keep."]="Soridormi из Caverns of Time просит тебя забрать Vashj's Vial Remnant у Lady Vashj из Coilfang Reservoir и Kael's Vial Remnant у Kael'thas Sunstrider из Tempest Keep.",["speak to a'dal, the leader of the sha'tar, in the center of the terrace of light."]="Поговори с A'dal, лидером Sha'tar, в центре Terrace of Light.",["speak to aelthalyste in the undercity."]="Поговори с Aelthalyste в Undercity.",["speak to agnar beastamer in the hinterlands."]="Поговори с Agnar Beastamer в Hinterlands.",["speak to akama inside the hidden chamber in the warden's cage."]="Поговори с Akama в его тайных покоях в Warden's Cage.",["speak to amythiel mistwalker at cenarion post in hellfire peninsula."]="Поговори с Amythiel Mistwalker из Cenarion Post, Hellfire Peninsula.",["speak to andormu at the caverns of time."]="Поговори с Andormu из Caverns of Time.",["speak to apprentice meledor in eversong woods along the road heading south from silvermoon city."]="Поговори с Apprentice Meledor в Eversong Woods вдоль дороги на юг от Silvermoon City.",["speak to apprentice mirveda at the east sanctum in eversong woods."]="Поговори с Apprentice Mirveda из East Sanctum в Eversong Woods.",["speak to archmage alturus outside karazhan."]="Поговори с Archmage Alturus снаружи Karazhan.",["speak to archmage cedric in the outskirts of dalaran."]="Поговори с Archmage Cedric в Outskirts of Dalaran.",["speak to canaga earthcaller for another earth sapta."]="Поговори с Canaga Earthcaller чтобы получить еще одну Earth Sapta.",["speak to commander ashlam valorfist at chillwind camp."]="Поговори с Commander Ashlam Valorfist в Chillwind Camp.",["speak to dark cleric beryl in tirisfal glades."]="Поговори с Dark Cleric Beryl в Tirisfal Glades.",["speak to dorn plainstalker in thousand needles."]="Поговори с Dorn Plainstalker в Thousand Needles.",["speak to gradav at the guardian's library in karazhan."]="Поговори с Gradav в Guardian's Library, Karazhan.",["speak to ishanah inside the shrine of unending light at the aldor rise in shattrath city. performing quests for the aldor will cause your scryers reputation level to decrease."]="Поговори с Ishanah внутри Shrine of Undending Light в Aldor Rise, Shattrath City.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Aldor приведет к снижению репутации со Scryers.",["speak to jaina proudmore in dustwallow swamp."]="Поговори с Jaina Proudmore в Dustwallow Swamp.",["speak to jocaste in the cenarion enclave, in darnassus."]="Поговори с Jocaste в Cenarion Enclave, в Darnassus.",["speak to kamsis at the guardian's library in karazhan."]="Поговори с Kamsis из Guardian's Library, Karazhan.",["speak to ley-keeper velania at the west sanctum in eversong woods."]="Поговори с Ley-Keeper Velania из West Sanctum в Eversong Woods.",["speak to magister idonis in the sanctum of the sun in the ghostlands."]="Поговори с Magister Idonis из Sanctum of the Sun, Ghostlands.",["speak to maurin bonesplitter in desolace."]="Поговори с Maurin Bonesplitter в Desolace.",["speak to maxan anvol in dun morogh."]="Поговори с Maxan Anvol в Dun Morogh.",["speak to mikhail in the wetlands."]="Поговори с Mikhail в Wetlands.",["speak to priestess alathea in darnassus."]="Поговори с Priestess Alathea в Darnassus'е.",["speak to quentin in thousand needles."]="Поговори с Quentin в Thousand Needles.",["speak to ramdor the mad, standing on the bone pile outside of the auchenai crypts."]="Поговори с Ramdor the Mad, стоящим на груде костей снаружи Auchenai Crypts.",["speak to ranger degolien at fairbreeze village in eversong woods."]="Поговори с Ranger Degolien из Fairbreeze Village в Eversong Woods.",["speak to runewarden deryan in eversong woods, near the border with the ghostlands."]="Поговори с Runewarden Deryan из Eversong Woods, возле границы с Ghostlands.",["speak to seer ravenfeather for another earth sapta."]="Поговори с Seer Ravenfeather чтобы получить еще одну Earth Sapta.",["speak to telf joolam for another fire sapta."]="Поговори с Telf Joolam, чтобы получить ещё одну Fire Sapta.",["speak to tiza battleforge in ironforge"]="Поговори с Tiza Battleforge в Ironforge.",["speak to veronia outside area 52 and fly to manaforge coruu. completing quests for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation to decrease."]="Поговори с Veronia возле Area 52 и лети в Manaforge Coruu.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации с Aldor.",["speak to veronia when you're ready to depart to manaforge coruu. once there, speak to caledis brightdawn. completing quests for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation level to decrease."]="Поговори с Veronia, когда будешь "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "готов"), "^3$", "готова").." отбыть в Manaforge Coruu. Когда доберешься туда, поговори с Caledis Brightdawn.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации с Aldor.",["speak to ysiel windsinger at the cenarion refuge in zangarmarsh."]="Поговори с Ysiel Windsinger из Cenarion Refuge с Zangarmarsh.",["speak with amaan the wise at the temple of telhamat in western hellfire peninsula."]="Поговори с Amaan the Wise в Temple of Telhamat, в западном Hellfire Peinsula.",["speak with anastasia hartwell."]="Поговори с Anastasia Hartwell.",["speak with apothecary renferrel at the sepulcher."]="Поговори с Apothecary Renferrel в Sepulcher.",["speak with apothecary zamah in the pools of vision in thunder bluff."]="Поговори с Apothecary Zamah возле Pools of Vision в Thunder Bluff.",["speak with arch druid hamuul runetotem on the elder rise of thunder bluff about the cenarion circle's call to explore the frontiers of kalimdor."]="Поговори с Архидруидом Hamuul Runetotem в районе Elder Rise города Thunder Bluff о просьбе Cenarion'а Circle исследовать границы Kalimdor'а.",["speak with assistant klatu, at honor hold's inn."]="Поговори с Assistant Klatu из Honor Hold.",["speak with audi the needle at the stormspire."]="Поговори с Audi the Needle в Stormspire.",["speak with baron revilgaz in booty bay."]="Поговори с Baron Revilgaz в Booty Bay.",["speak with baros alexston in stormwind."]="Поговори с Baros Alexston в Stormwind.",["speak with blood guard gulmok at shadowmoon village."]="Поговори с Blood Guard Gulmor из Shadowmoon Village.",["speak with botanist taerix at the crash site in ammen vale."]="Поговори с Botanist Taerix в Crash Site в Ammen Vale.",["speak with captain helios at the farstrider enclave on the southern shore of lake elrendar in the ghostlands."]="Поговори с Captain Helios из Farstrider Enclave, что на южном берегу Lake Elrendar, Ghostlands.",["speak with caregiver chellan at azure watch on azuremyst isle."]="Поговори с Caregiver Chellan из Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle.",["speak with carendin halgar in undercity."]="Поговори с Carendin Halgar с Undercity.",["speak with clerk daltry in darkshire."]="Поговори с клерком Clerk Daltry в Darkshire.",["speak with deathguard linnea."]="Поговори с Deathguard Linnea.",["speak with deliana at the high seat in ironforge."]="Поговори с Deliana из High Seat в Ironforge.",["speak with doctor vomisa, ph.t. at the proving grounds in netherstorm."]="Поговори с Doctor Vomisa, Ph.T, в Proving Grounds, Netherstorm.",["speak with drijya near invasion point: destroyer in the netherstorm."]="Поговори с Drijya возле Invasion Point: Destroyer, Netherstorm.",["speak with earthmender torlok at the altar of damnation in shadowmoon valley."]="Поговори с Earthmender Torlok из Altar of Damnation, Shadowmoon Valley.",["speak with evert sorisam at the finest thread along stormwind's canals."]="Поговори с Evert Sorisam около The Finest Thread у каналов Stormwind.",["speak with field marshal snowfall in ironforge's military ward."]="Поговори с Field Marshal Snowfall в Ironforge's Military Ward",["speak with ganaar at the traders tier of the exodar."]="Поговори с Ganaar из Traders Tier of the Exodar.",["speak with gan'rul bloodeye in orgrimmar."]="Поговори с Gan’rul Bloodeye’ем в Orgrimmar’е.",["speak with gazrog at the crossroads."]="Поговори с Gazrog на Crossroads.",["speak with general kirika at the horde encampment near hive'regal."]="Поговори с General Kirika из лагеря орды около Hive'Regal.",["speak with ginro hearthkindle in feathermoon stronghold."]="Поговори с Ginro Hearthkindle в Feathermoon Stronghold.",["speak with gornek. you recall kaltunk marking your map with his location and mentioning that gornek resided in the den, a building to the west."]="Поговори с Gornek. Ты помнишь, что Kaltunk указывал на твоей карте, где его искать, и говорил, что Gornek проживает в Den, к западу отсюда.",["speak with gramma stonefield."]="Поговори с Gramma Stonefield",["speak with greatfather winter"]="Поговори с Greatfather Winter",["speak with greatfather winter; he is located near the smokywood pastures vendor area in orgrimmar."]="Поговори с Greatfather Winter; он расположен около Smokywood Pastures vendorа в Orgrimmarе (возле банка).",["speak with gryphon master talonaxe."]="Поговори с Gryphon Master Talonaxe.",["speak with halthenis in silvermoon city."]="Поговори с Halthenis в Silvermoon City.",["speak with hemet nesingwary jr."]="Поговори с Hemet Nesingwary Jr.",["speak with high chief stillpine at stillpine hold."]="Поговори с High Chief Stillpine в Stillpine Hold.",["speak with high executor mavren at tranquillien in the ghostlands."]="Поговори с High Executor Mavren из Tranquillien, Ghostlands.",["speak with high overlord saurfang in orgrimmar. he stands waiting for you in the valley of strength."]="Поговори с High Overlord Saurfang в Orgrimmar. Он ожидает тебя в Valley of Strength.",["speak with high thane falstad wildhammer at aerie peak in the hinterlands."]="Поговори с High Thane Falstad Wildhammer в Aerie Peak в Hinterlands.",["speak with huldar."]="Поговори с Huldar.",["speak with huntress kella nightbow near valaar's berth."]="Поговори с Huntress Kella Nightbow около Valaar's Berth.",["speak with innkeeper allison at the gilded rose in stormwind's trade district."]="Поговори с Innkeeper Allison, в The Gilded Rose в Stormwind's Trade District.",["speak with innkeeper farley at the lion's pride inn."]="Поговори с Innkeeper Farley в Lion's Pride Inn.",["speak with innkeeper norman in the undercity."]="Поговори с Innkeeper Norman в Undercity.",["speak with isfar, who can be found near the entrance to the sethekk halls in auchindoun."]="Поговори с Isfar, которого можно найти у входа в Sethekk Halls, Auchindoun.",["speak with jesthenis sunstriker - the paladin class trainer - inside the sunspire on sunstrider isle."]="Поговори с Jesthenis Sunstriker - наставником класса Рыцарей - в Sunspire на Sunstrider Isle.",["speak with julia sunstriker - the mage class trainer - inside the sunspire on sunstrider isle."]="Поговори с Julia Sunstriker - наставницой класса Магов - в Sunspire на Sunstrider Isle.",["speak with lanthan perilon on sunstrider isle; he is standing close to the path running west away from the sunspire."]="Поговори с Lanthan Perilon на Sunstrider Isle; ты найдешь его недалеко от дороги, ведущей на запад от Sunspire.",["speak with lieutenant amadi at the old guard tower just west of honor hold."]="Поговори с Lieutenant Amadi в старой сторожевой башне к западу от Honor Hold.",["speak with lieutenant dawnrunner at farstrider retreat."]="Поговори с Lieutenant Dawnrunner из Farstrider Retreat.",["speak with lorax. listen to what he has to say."]="Поговори с Lorax’ом. Послушай что он скажет.",["speak with lord jorach ravenholdt in ravenholdt manor."]="Поговори c Lord Jorach Ravenholdt в Ravenholdt Manor.",["speak with lord saltheril at saltheril's haven in eversong woods."]="Поговори с Lord Saltheril из Saltheril's Haven в Eversong Woods.",["speak with loremaster dibbs in southshore."]="Поговори с Loremaster Dibbs в Southshore.",["speak with mama wheeler at the midrealm post inside eco-dome midrealm in the netherstorm."]="Поговори с Mama Wheeler из Midrealm Post, что внутри Eco-Dome Midrealm, Netherstorm.",["speak with mara rennick at the tailor's shop in the undercity's mage quarter."]="Поговори с Mara Rennick, находящейся в tailor's shop в Undercity's Mage Quarter.",["speak with marshal bluewall at the alliance encampment near hive'zora."]="Поговори с Marshal Bluewall из лагеря Alliance неподалеку от Hive'Zora.",["speak with matron arena - the priest class trainer - inside the sunspire on sunstrider isle."]="Поговори с Matron Arena - наставницой класса Жрецов - в Sunspire на Sunstrider Isle.",["speak with menara voidrender in the barrens."]="Поговори с Menara Voidrender в Barrens.",["speak with mokasa at stonebreaker hold in terokkar forest."]="Поговори с Mokasa из Stonebreaker Hold, Terokkar Forest.",["speak with mokvar at grommash hold in orgrimmar's valley of wisdom."]="Поговори с Mokvar из Grommash Hold в Orgrimmar's Valley of Wisdom.",["speak with molthor in stranglethorn."]="Speak с Molthor в Stranglethorn.",["speak with nara wildmane."]="Поговори с Nara Wildmane.",["speak with nazgrel in thrallmar."]="Поговори с Nazgrel из Thrallmar.",["speak with neltharaku and listen to his story."]="Поговори с Neltharaku и выслушай его историю.",["speak with one of the druids at the cenarion thicket in terokkar forest."]="Поговори с одним из друидов в Cenarion Thicket в Terokkar Forest.",["speak with outrunner alarion near the bridge leading south of sunstrider isle."]="Поговори с Outrunner Alarion недалеко от моста, ведущего на юг от Sunstrider Isle.",["speak with pilot stonegear."]="Поговори с Pilot Stonegear.",["speak with proenitus at the crash site in ammen vale."]="Поговори с Proenitus у Crash Site в Ammen Vale.",["speak with ranger sallina - the hunter class trainer - inside the sunspire on sunstrider isle."]="Поговори с Ranger Sallina - наставницой класса Охотников - в Sunspire на Sunstrider Isle.",["speak with razzeric on the shimmering flats."]="Поговори с Razzeric в Shimmering Flats.",["speak with rocket-chief fuselage at area 52."]="Поговори с Rocket-Chief Fuselage из Area 52.",["speak with ruga ragetotem."]="Поговори с Ruga Ragetotem.",["speak with sergeant altumus at the east supply caravan just outside of honor hold, to the east."]="Поговори с Sergeant Altumus из East Supply Caravan, что к востоку от Honor Hold.",["speak with sergeant shatterskull at the supply caravan just outside of thrallmar, to the east."]="Поговори с Sergeant Shatterskull из Supply Caravan, снаружи Thrallmar, на востоке.",["speak with shadow priest allister at the sepulcher."]="Поговори с Shadow Priest Allister’ом в Sepulcher’е.",["speak with strahad farsan in the barrens."]="Поговори с Strahad Farsan в Barrens.",["speak with tabetha in dustwallow marsh."]="Поговори с Tabetha в Dustwallow Marsh.",["speak with tabetha."]="Поговори с Tabetha.",["speak with technician dyvuun at azure watch on azuremyst isle."]="Поговори с Technician Dyvuun из Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle.",["speak with technician zhanaa at the crash site in ammen vale."]="Поговори с Technician Zhanaa из Crash Site, Ammen Vale.",["speak with the ogre, grok, in the lower city section of shattrath city."]="Поговори с огром, Grok, в Lower City части Shattrath City.",["speak with the spirit of the vale at the sacred grove in ammen vale."]="Поговори с Spirit of the Vale из Sacred Grove, Ammen Vale.",["speak with therzok in the cleft of shadow in orgrimmar."]="Поговори с Therzok в Cleft of Shadow в Orgrimmarе.",["speak with torwa pathfinder in un'goro crater."]="Поговори с Torwa Pathfinder в Un'Goro Crater.",["speak with un'thuwa."]="Поговори с Un'thuwa.",["speak with vincent hyal in menethil harbor."]="Поговори с Vincent Hyal в Menethil Harbor.",["speak with vindicator aldar at the crash site in ammen vale."]="Поговори с Vindicator Aldar из Crash Site в Ammen Vale.",["speak with vorkhan the elekk herder on bloodmyst isle."]="Поговори с Vorkhan the Elekk Herder из Bloodmyst Isle.",["speak with warlord gorchuk in orgrimmar's valley of spirits."]="Поговори с Warlord Gorchuk в Orgrimmar's Valley of Spirits.",["speak with watcher callahan."]="Поговори с Watcher Callahan.",["speak with watcher leesa'oh at the cenarion watchpost in zangarmarsh."]="Поговори с Watcher Leesa'oh в Cenarion Watchpost, Zangarmarsh.",["speak with well watcher solanian at the sunspire on sunstrider isle."]="Поговори с Well Watcher Solanian из Sunrise, Sunstrider Isle.",["speak with wind trader lathrai near the world's end tavern in the lower city section of shattrath city."]="Поговори с Wind Trader Lathrai возле World's End Tavern в Lower City, Shattrath City.",["speak with wind trader marid and lure him away from his trading post. deal with him and then return to tyri and jorad on the celestial ridge."]="Поговори с Wind Trader Marid и замани подальше от его торговой точки. Разберись с ним и вернись к Tyri и Jorad из Celestial Ridge.",["speak with wing commander brack, bomb gateway murketh and gateway shaadraz and then return to forward commander to'arch at reaver's fall."]="Поговори с Wing Commandr Brack, разбомби Gateway Murketh и Gateway Shaadraz, после чего вернись к Forward Commander To'arch из Reaver's Fall.",["speak with wing commander nuainn at wildhammer stronghold."]="Поговори с Wing Commander Nuainn из Wildhammer Stronghold.",["speak with zaruk in hammerfall."]="Поговори с Zaruk в Hammerfall.",["speak with zggi, the servant of zardeth the blackclaw, to claim your reward."]="Поговори с Zggi, слугой Zardeth the Blackclaw, чтобы получить свою награду.",["spymaster thalodien at area 52 wants you to go to manaforge b'naar and slay 2 sunfury warp-masters, 6 sunfury warp-engineers and 8 sunfury geologists. completing quests for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation level to decrease."]="Spymaster Thalodien из Area 52 хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "отправился"), "^3$", "отправилась").." в Manaforge B'naar и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 2 Sunfury Warp-Masters, 6 Sunfury Warp-Engineers и 8 Sunfury Geologists.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации с Aldor.",["spymaster thalodien at area 52 wants you to go to the outskirts of manaforge b'naar and retrieve the b'naar personnel roster from captain arathyn. completing quests for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation level to decrease."]="Spymaster Thalodien из Area 52 хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "пробрался"), "^3$", "пробралась").." в окрестности Manaforge B'naar и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "взял"), "^3$", "взяла").." B'naar Personnel Roster у Captain Arathyn.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации с Aldor.",["stab a devilsaur with the devilsaur barb. return to torwa pathfinder in un'goro crater when you have completed this task."]="Вонзи Devilsaur Barb в Devilsaur. Вернись к Torwa Pathfinder в Un'Goro, когда задание будет выполнено.",["steal 5 soul devices and deliver them to spymistress mehlisah highcrown at the terrace of the light in shattrath city."]="Похить 5 Soul Devices и отнеси их Spymistress Mehlisah Highcrown из Terrace of the Light, Shattrath City.",["steal the night elf plans: an'daroth, night elf plans: an'owyn and night elf plans: scrying on the sin'dorei, and return them to dame auriferous at tranquillien in the ghostlands."]="Укради Night Elf Plans: An'daroth, Night Elf Plans: An'owyn и Night Elf Plans: Scrying on the Sin'dorei, и вернись с ними к Dame Auriferous из Tranquillien, Ghostlands.",["stormer ewan wildwing at the deathforge tower wants you to kill 10 deathforge guardians and 5 deathforge summoners."]="Stormer Ewan Wildwing из Deathforge Tower хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 10 Deathforge Guardians и 5 Deathforge Summoners.",["summon and slay a crimson templar and report back to bor wildmane in cenarion hold. you must also bring tactical task briefing ii in order to complete this quest."]="Вызови и убей Crimson Templar и вернись с докладом к Bor Wildmane в Cenarion Hold. Имей при себе Tactical Task Briefing II.",["summon and slay a hoary templar and report back to bor wildmane in cenarion hold. you must also bring tactical task briefing iv in order to complete this quest."]="Вызови и убей Hoary Templar и вернись с докладом к Bor Wildmane, находящемуся в Cenarion Hold. Имей при себе Tactical Task Briefing IV.",["summon and slay an azure templar and report back to bor wildmane in cenarion hold. you must also bring tactical task briefing i in order to complete this quest."]="Вызови и убей Azure Templar и вернись с докладом к Bor Wildmane в Cenarion Hold. Имей при себе Tactical Task Briefing I.",["summon and slay an earthen templar and report back to bor wildmane in cenarion hold. you must also bring tactical task briefing iii in order to complete this quest."]="Вызови и убей Earthen Templar и вернись с докладом к Bor Wildmane в Cenarion Hold. Имей при себе Tactical Task Briefing III.",["summon omen, defeat him and gain elune's blessing. return to valadar starsong in nighthaven"]="Вызови Omen, победи его и получи Elune's Blessing. Вернись к Valadar Starsong в Nighthaven.",["take a flight to honor hold and deliver duron's report to marshal isildor."]="Возьми рейс до Honor Hold и доставь Duron's Report Marshal Isildor.",["take admiral proudmoore's orders to gar'thok in razor hill."]="Отнеси Admiral Proudmoore's Orders к Gar'Thok в Razor Hill.",["take alaric to the hidden alcove."]="Отнеси Alaric'а к потайному алькову.",["take general drakkisath's command to marshal maxwell in burning steppes."]="Отнеси General Drakkisath's Command к Marshal Maxwell в Burning Steppes.",["take kravel's crate to hemet nesingwary jr. in stranglethorn."]="Отнеси Kravel's Crate к Hemet Nesingwary Jr. в Stranglethorn.",["take mackreel's moonshine to brewmeister bilger in southshore."]="Отнеси MacKreel's Moonshine к Brewmeister Bilger в Southshore.",["take margol's gigantic horn to curator thorius in ironforge."]="Отнеси Margol's Gigantic Horn к Curator Thorius в Ironforge.",["take meridith's love letter to narain soothfancy in tanaris."]="Отнеси Meridith's Love Letter к Narain Soothfancy в Tanaris.",["take rilak's missive to kirrik at the refugee caravan in the bone wastes."]="Отнеси Rilak's Missive к Kirrik из Refugee Caravan в Bone Wastes.",["take the ancient qiraji artifact to the dragons hiding near the entrance of the temple."]="Отнеси Ancient Qiraji Artifact драконам, скрывающимся у входа в храм.",["take the barrel of shimmer stout to mountaineer barleybrew."]="Отнеси Barrel of Shimmer Stout к Mountaineer Barleybrew.",["take the blood elf plans to vindicator aldar at the crash site in ammen vale."]="Отнеси Blood Elf Plans Vindicator Aldar из Crash Site, Ammen Vale.",["take the bloodstained envelope to the keeper of the rolls at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Отнеси Bloodstained Envelope Keeper of the Rolls в Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands.",["take the careworn note to the keeper of the rolls at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Отнеси Careworn Note Keeper of the Rolls в Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands.",["take the charred bone fragment to kalynna lathred at area 52 in netherstorm."]="Отнеси Charred Bone Fragment Kalynna Lathred из Area 52, Netherstorm.",["take the colossus of ashi's husk to oglethorpe obnoticus in booty bay."]="Отнеси Colossus Ashi's Husk, в Booty Bay и передай его Oglethorpe Obnoticus.",["take the crimson crystal shard to earthbinder galandria nightbreeze at the cenarion post in hellfire peninsula."]="Отдай Crimson Crystal Shard Earthbinder Galandria Nightbreeze из Cenarion Post, Hellfire Peninsula.",["take the crumpled missive to the keeper of the rolls at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Отнеси Crumpled Missive Keeper of the Rolls в Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands.",["take the deadwood ritual totem inside timbermaw hold and see if one of the furbolgs there will find a use for the item. the timbermaw will not speak with you unless you are of neutral reputation or greater with them."]="Отнеси Deadwood Ritual Totem в Timbermaw Hold и посмотри, смогут ли furbolgs найти ему применение. Timbermaw общаются лишь с теми, кто поддерживает с ними нейтралитет или имеет более высокий статус.",["take the discarded knife to quintis jonespyre in feathermoon stronghold."]="Отнеси Discarded Knife к Quintis Jonespyre в Feathermoon Stronghold.",["take the ensorcelled parchment to loremaster dibbs in southshore."]="Отнеси Ensorcelled Parchment к Loremaster Dibbs в Southshore.",["take the ensorcelled parchment to prospector stormpike in ironforge."]="Отнеси Ensorcelled Parchment к Prospector Stormpike в Ironforge.",["take the explosives package to sky sergeant doryn at blackwind landing outside skettis."]="Отнеси Explosives Package к Sky Sergeant Doryn в Blackwind Landing снаружи Skettis.",["take the incomplete banner of provocation to falrin treeshaper at the library in dire maul."]="Доставь incomplete Banner of Provocation к Falrin Treeshaper из библиотеки в Dire Maul.",["take the information that you beat out of unkor back to kilrath in terokkar forest."]="Расскажи Kilrath из Terokkar Forest о том, что тебе удалось выбить из Unkor.",["take the information that you beat out of unkor to jorin deadeye at garadar in nagrand."]="Расскажи Jorin Deadeye из Garadar, Nagrand, о том, что тебе удалось выбить из Unkor.",["take the letter from the keeper of the rolls to him at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Доставь Letter from the Keeper of the Rolls в Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands.",["take the miniature version of the discs of norgannon to the one of the sages in thunder bluff."]="Доставь уменьшенную версию Discs of Norgannon одному из мудрецов в Thunder Bluff.",["take the mysterious tome to althen the historian in spinebreaker post."]="Отдай Mysterious Tome Althen the Historian из Spinebreaker Post.",["take the orphan to the bank of darnassus. the bank itself is hollowed out of a tree known as the bough of the eternals."]="Возьми своего маленького друга в банк в Darnassus. Банк вырезан в дереве, известном как Bough of the Eternals.",["take the ragged page to the keeper of the rolls at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Отнеси Ragged Page Keeper of the Rolls в Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands.",["take the restored tablet to hermit ortell in silithus"]="Отнеси Restored Twilight Tablet к Hermit Ortell в Silithus.\r\n",["take the runed scroll to the northern guard tower in the barrens."]="Отнеси Runed Scroll к северной сторожевой башни в Barrens.",["take the rune-inscribed pendant to dalar dawnweaver at the sepulcher."]="Отнеси rune-inscribed pendant к Dalar Dawnweaver в Sepulcher.",["take the sealed venom container to mux manascrambler in gadgetzan."]="Доставь Sealed Venom Container к Mux Manascrambler в Gadgetzan.",["take the skeleton key mold and 2 thorium bars to the top of fire plume ridge in un'goro crater. use the skeleton key mold by the lava lake to forge the unfinished skeleton key. bring the unfinished skeleton key to apothecary dithers at the bulwark, western plaguelands."]="Отнеси слиток Skeleton Key Mold и 2 Thorium Bars на вершину Fire Plume Ridge в Un'Goro Crater. Используй Skeleton Key Mold на озере лавы чтобы получить Unfinished Skeleton Key. \r\n\r\nПринеси Unfinished Skeleton Key к Apothecary Dithers в Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.",["take the smudged document to the keeper of the rolls at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Отнеси Smudged Document Keeper of the Rolls в Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands.",["take the soulbound keepsake to leonid barthalomew in eastern plaguelands."]="Захвати Soulbound Keepsake к Leonid Barthalomew в Eastern Plaguelands.",["take the torn letter to the keeper of the rolls at light's hope chapel in the eastern plaguelands."]="Отнеси Torn Letter Keeper of the Rolls в Light's Hope Chapel в Eastern Plaguelands.",["take the unyielding battle horn from lieutenant commander thalvos and bring it to althen the historian in spinebreaker post."]="Забери у Lieutenant Commander Thalvos Unyielding Battle Horn и принеси его Althen the Historian из Spinebreaker Post.",["take the winterfall ritual totem inside timbermaw hold and see if one of the furbolgs there will find a use for the item. the timbermaw will not speak with you unless you are of neutral reputation or greater with them."]="Отнеси Winterfall Ritual Totem в Timbermaw Hold, возможно кто-нибудь из furbolgs найдет ему применение. Timbermaw общаются лишь с теми, кто поддерживает с ними нейтралитет или имеет более высокий статус.",["take vindicator idaar's letter to andarl at the allerian stronghold in terokkar forest."]="Отнеси Vindicator Idaar's Letter Andarl из Allerian Stronghold, Terokkar Forest.",["take vlagga freyfeather's wind rider to thrallmar. bring orion's report to general krakork."]="Лети в Thrallmar с пощью Vlagga Freyfeather's Wind Rider. Отдай Orion's Report General Krakork.",["take winna's kitten to the corrupted moonwell, release it, then bring it back to winna. once you have returned to winna, click on the cat to release it to winna."]="Отнеси Winna's kitten к corrupted moonwell, освободи его там, а затем принеси обратно к Winna.\r\n\r\nКогда вернешься к Winna, кликни по коту, чтобы освободить его для Winna.",["take your fragile sprite darter egg to the hinterlands and speak to agnar beastamer, but hurry, you only have 1 hour to find him before the hatchling within the egg dies."]="Отнеси свое Fragile Sprite Darter Egg в Hinterlands и поговори с Agnar Beastamer, но торопись, у тебя есть всего 1 час, чтобы найти его, пока зародыш внутри яйца не умер.",["take your ward to the old lordaeron throne room that lies just before descending into the undercity."]="Отведи своего подопечного в Throne Room, расположенную рядом с лифтами в Undercity.",["take zraedus's brew to infiltrator marksen in stonard."]="Отнеси Zraedus's Brew для Infiltrator Marksen в Stonard.",["talin keeneye would like you to kill 12 small crag boars."]="Talin Keeneye хочет, чтобы ты убил 12 Small Crag Boars.",["talk to captain o'breen in faldir's cove."]="Поговори с Captain O'Breen в Faldir's Cove.",["talk to krazek in booty bay."]="Побеседуй с Krazek в Booty Bay.",["talk to the lunar festival harbinger at the cenarion enclave in darnassus. you can also talk to lunar festival harbingers in other capital cities."]="Побеседуй с Lunar Festival Harbinger в Cenarion Enclave, в Darnassus. Можешь также поговорить с\r\nLunar Festival Harbingers в других городах.",["talk to the lunar festival harbinger at the elder rise in thunder bluff. you can also talk to lunar festival harbingers in other capital cities."]="Поговори с Lunar Festival Harbinger в Elder Rise в Thunder Bluff. Также ты можешь поговорить с Lunar Festival Harbingers в других столицах.",["talk to the lunar festival harbinger at the elder rise in thunderbluf. you can also talk to lunar festival harbingers in other capital cities."]="Побеседуй с Lunar Festival Harbinger в Elder Rise, в Thunderbluf. Можешь поговорить также с Lunar Festival Harbingers в других городах.",["talk to the lunar festival harbinger in the entrance to the undercity. you can also talk to lunar festival harbingers in other capital cities."]="Побеседуй с Lunar Festival Harbinger у ворот Undercity. Можешь также поговорить с Lunar Festival Harbingers в других городах.",["talk to the lunar festival harbinger in the mystic ward of ironforge. you can also talk to lunar festival harbingers in other capital cities."]="Побеседуй с Lunar Festival Harbinger в Mystic Ward, в Ironforge. Можешь также поговорить с Lunar Festival Harbingers в других городах.",["talk to the lunar festival harbinger in the park district in stormwind. you can also talk to lunar festival harbingers in other capital cities."]="Побеседуй с Lunar Festival Harbinger в Park District, в Stormwind. Стоит поговорить и с Lunar Festival Harbingers в других городах.",["talk to the lunar festival harbinger in the valley of wisdom in orgrimmar. you can also talk to lunar festival harbingers in other capital cities."]="Побеседуй с Lunar Festival Harbinger в Valley of Wisdom, в Orgrimmar. Можно также поговорить с\r\nLunar Festival Harbingers в других городах.",["talk to vargus at cenarion hold in silithus."]="Побеседуй с Vargus в Cenarion Hold в Silithus.",["talk with krog in brackenwall village."]="Поговори с Krog в Brackenwall Village.",["tharg in brackenwall village wants you to kill 15 firemane scouts, 10 firemane ash tails, and 5 firemane guards."]="Tharg в Brackenwall Village хочет, чтобы ты убил 15 Firemane Scouts, 10 Firemane Ash Tails и 5 Firemane Guards.",["tharg in brackenwall village wants you to kill 15 firemane scouts, 10 firemane ash tails, and 5 firemane scalebanes."]="Tharg из Brackenwall Village предлагает тебе убить 15 Firemane Scouts, 10 Firemane Ash Tails, и 5 Firemane Scalebanes.",["the ancient shadowmoon spirit at the altar of shadows in southeast shadowmoon valley wants you to recover gorefiend's armor."]="Ancient Shadowmoon Spirit из Altar of Shadows в юго-восточной Shadowmoon Valley предлагает тебе добыть Gorefiend's Armor.",["the ancient shadowmoon spirit at the altar of shadows in southeast shadowmoon valley wants you to recover gorefiend's cloak."]="Ancient Shadowmoon Spirit из Altar of Shadows, что на юго-востоке Shadowmoon Valley хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "добыл"), "^3$", "добыла").." Gorefiend's Cloak.",["the ancient shadowmoon spirit at the altar of shadows in southeast shadowmoon valley wants you to recover gorefiend's truncheon."]="Ancient Shadowmoon Spirit из Altar of Shadows, что на юго-востоке Shadowmoon Valley хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "добыл"), "^3$", "добыла").." Gorefiend's Truncheon.",["the evergrove druid has asked you to collect 5 fel cannonballs. once you have done so, use the druid signal to call to the evergrove druid inside of death's door at the blade's edge mountains."]="Evergrove Druid попросил тебя собрать 5 Fel Cannonballs. Когда соберешь достаточное их количество, используй Druid Signal, чтобы вызвать Evergrove Druid в Death's Door, Blade's Edge Mountains.",["the evergrove druid has told you that the final thing you must do is to slay baelmon the hound-master. afterward, return to evergrove in the blade's edge mountains, and inform wildlord antelarion of your success."]="Evergrove Druid сообщил тебе, что последнее, что надо сделать, это убить Bealmon the Hound-Master. После этого вернись в Evergrove, Blade's Edge Mountains и проинформируй Wildlord Antelarion об успехе.",["the image of commander ameer at the ethereum staging grounds - ethereum transponder zeta - wants you to escort the protectorate demolitionist to the manaforge ultris conduit and keep him protected while he works to sabotage the pipeline."]="Image of Commander Ameer из Ethereum Staging Grounds — Ethereum Staging Grounds — Ethereum Transpoder Zeta — хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "сопроводил"), "^3$", "сопроводила").." Protectorate Demolitionist в Manaforge Ultris и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "защищал"), "^3$", "защищала").." его пока он будет осуществлять диверсию на трубопроводе.",["the image of commander ameer at the ethereum staging grounds - ethereum transponder zeta - wants you to recover 1 prepared ethereum wrapping."]="Image of Commander Ameer из Ethereum Staging Grounds — Ethereum Staging Grounds — Ethereum Transpoder Zeta — хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "достал"), "^3$", "достала").." 1 Prepared Ethereum Wrapping.",["the image of commander ameer at the ethereum staging grounds - ethereum transponder zeta - wants you to recover 15 pieces of ethereum relay data."]="Image of Commander Ameer из Ethereum Staging Grounds — Ethereum Transponder Zeta — хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "раздобыл"), "^3$", "раздобыла").." 15 частей Ethereum Relay Data.",["the image of commander ameer at the ethereum staging grounds - ethereum transponder zeta - wants you to recover the ethereum data cell."]="Image of Commander Ameer из Ethereum Staging Grounds — Ethereum Transponder Zeta — хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "нашел"), "^3$", "нашла").." Ethereum Data Cell.",["the image of commander ameer at the ethereum staging grounds - ethereum transponder zeta - wants you to use the protectorate disruptor to bring down salhadaar's force fields and then destroy nexus-king salhadaar."]="Image of Commander Ameer из Ethereum Staging Grounds — Ethereum Staging Grounds — Ethereum Transpoder Zeta — хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "использовал"), "^3$", "использовала").." Protectorate Disruptor, чтобы убрать защитные поля Salhadaar, а затем "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "уничтожил"), "^3$", "уничтожила").." Nexus-King Salhadaar.",["thiah redmane, at the cenarion post in hellfire peninsula, has asked you to gather 6 helboar blood samples from hulking helboars."]="Thiah Redmane из Cenarion Post в Hellfire Peninsula просит тебя собрать 6 Helboar Blood Samples у Hulking Helboars.",["tormus deepforge wants you to bring 4 runed copper belts and 4 heavy copper mauls to verner osgood in redridge."]="Tormus Deepforge хочет, чтобы ты принес 4 Runed Copper Belts и 4 Heavy Copper Mauls к Verner Osggod в Redridge.",["touch the bonfires within orgrimmar, thunder bluff, and the undercity, then speak to a festival talespinner within the capital cities."]="Посети костры в Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff и Undercity, затем поговори с Festival Loremaster в одном из столичных городов.",["touch the bonfires within stormwind, ironforge, and darnassus, then speak to a festival loremaster within the capital cities."]="Прикоснись к кострам в Stormwind, Ironforge и Darnassus, затем поговори с Festival Loremaster в одном из столичных городов.",["travel north along the main road in felwood and speak with the furbolg named nafien. he stands guard outside the entrance to timbermaw hold."]="Отправляйся на север по большой дороге. Она приведет тебя в Timbermaw Hold. На страже у входа стоит furbolg по имени Nafien. Поговори с ним.",["travel through the caverns of time to the black morass during the opening of the dark portal and speak with sa'at."]="Пройди через Caverns of Time в Black Morass времен открытия Темного Портала и поговори с Sa'at.",["travel through the dark portal and find commander duron. he awaits your arrival on the other side - in the outland."]="Пройди через Dark Portal и найди Commander Duron. Он ожидает твоего прибытия на другой стороне — в Outland.",["travel through the dark portal and find lieutenant general orion. he awaits your arrival on the other side, in outland."]="Пройди через Темный Портал и найди Lieutenant General Orion. Он ожидает твоего прибытия на другой стороне, в Outland.",["travel through timbermaw hold and exit into winterspring. speak with salfa, who stands guard outside the entrance to timbermaw hold."]="Пройди через Timbermaw Hold в Winterspring. Поговори с Salfa, стоящим на страже у входа в Timbermaw Hold.",["travel to blackrock depths and recover 10 essence of the elements. your first inclination is to search the golems and golem makers. you remember vivian lagrave also muttering something about elementals."]="Иди в Blackrock Depths и добудь 10 Essence of the Elements. Ищи golemов и golem makers. Кроме того, Vivian Lagrave что-то упоминала про элементалей.",["travel to blackrock depths and slay general angerforge! return to warlord goretooth when the task is complete."]="Иди в Blackrock Depths и уничтожь General Angerforge! Возвращайся к Warlord Goretooth когда выполнишь задачу.",["travel to blackrock mountain and use the extra-dimensional ghost revealer to find bodley near blackrock spire."]="Отправляйся в Blackrock Mountains и используй Extra-Dimensional Ghost Revealer, чтобы найти Bodler возле Blackrock Spire.",["travel to blackrock spire and collect 20 black dragonspawn eyes. return to myranda the hag when the task is complete."]="Иди в Blackrock Spire и собери 20 Black Dragonspawn Eyes. Вернись к Myranda the Hag выполнив задачу.",["travel to blackrock spire and destroy the source of the worg menace. as you left helendis, he shouted a name: halycon. it is what the orcs refer to in regards to the worg."]="Отправляйся в Blackrock Spire и разрушь источник угрозы воргов. Когда ты уходил от Helendis, он выкрикнул имя Halycon. ",["travel to blackrock spire and find out what happened to bijou."]="Отправься в Blackrock Spire и выясни, что произошло с Bijou.",["travel to blackrock spire and slay general drakkisath. gather his blood and return it to rokaro."]="Отправляйся в Blackrock Spire и убей General Drakkisath. Собери его кровь и вернись с ней к Rokaro.",["travel to blackrock spire and slay warchief rend blackhand. take his head and return to orgrimmar."]="Иди в Blackrock Spire и убей Warchief Rend Blackhand. Отдели его голову от тела и вернись с ней в Orgrimmar.",["travel to dawnstar spire in the ghostlands and search for any clues involving dar'khan's past."]="Отправляйся в Dawnstar Spire, Ghostlands, и найди любые подсказки о прошлом Dar'Khan.",["travel to durnholde keep and set 5 incendiary charges at the barrels located inside each of the internment lodges using the pack of incendiary bombs given to you by erozion. speak to thrall in the basement prison of durnholde keep when you have the internment lodges set ablaze."]="Отправляйся в Durnholde Keep и с помощью Pack of Incendiary Bombs, который дал тебе Erozion, установи 5 Incendiary charges возле бочек, стоящих во всех internment lodges.\n\nПоговори с Thrall в подвале тюрьмы Durnholde Keep, когда все Internment Lodges Set Ablaze.",["travel to fairbreeze village in eversong woods and speak to ranger degolien."]="Отправляйся в Fairbreeze Village, Eversong Woods, и поговори с Ranger Degolien.",["travel to falstad wildhammer in the hinterlands."]="Доберись до Falstad Wildhammer который в Hinterlands.",["travel to gadgetzan in the tanaris desert and speak with dirge quikcleave about advancing your cooking career."]="Иди в Gadgetzan что в пустыне Tanaris и поговори с Dirge Quikcleave про твою дальнейшую поварскую карьеру.",["travel to gershala nightwhisper in auberdine."]="Отправляйся к Gershala Nightwhisper в Auberdine.",["travel to gnomeregan and bring back high potency radioactive fallout. be warned, the fallout is unstable and will collapse rather quickly. ozzie will also require your heavy leaden collection phial when the task is complete."]="Съезди в Gnomeregan и принеси High Potency Radioactive Fallout. Будь осторожен fallout очень хрупкий, его легко сломать.\n\nOzzie также попросит твои Heavy Leaden Collection Phial, когда задание будет выполнено.",["travel to kalimdor, to the coastal city of theramore. from there you must search for an island, south of the main town. nat pagle awaits your arrival!"]="Иди в Kalimdor, в прибрежный городок, Theramore. От города на юг, ищи маленький островок с одиноким рыбаком. Nat Pagle ждет твоего прибытия!",["travel to light's hope in eastern plaguelands and seek out leonid barthalomew the revered. show him the keepsake of remembrance and tell him all that you have discovered."]="Иди к Light's Hope в Eastern Plaguelands и найди Leonid Barthalomew the Revered. Покажи ему Keepsake of Remembrance и расскажи ему все что ты нашел.",["travel to manaforge ara and obtain the ara access crystal from overseer azarad. use it at the manaforge ara console to shut it down. performing quests for the aldor will cause your scryers reputation level to decrease."]="Отправляйся в Manaforge Ara и получи Ara Access Crystal с Overseer Azarad. Используй его у Manaforge Ara console, чтобы выключить ее.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Aldor приведет к снижению репутации со Scryers.",["travel to manaforge ara and obtain the ara access crystal from overseer azarad. use it at the manaforge ara console to shut it down. performing quests for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation level to decrease."]="Отправляйся в Manaforge Ara и получи Ara Access Crystal с Overseer Azarad. Используй его у Manaforge Ara console, чтобы выключить ее.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации со Aldor.",["travel to manaforge coruu, east of area 52, and obtain the coruu access crystal from overseer seylanna. use it at the manaforge coruu console to shut it down and return to anchorite karja. performing quests for the aldor will cause your scryers reputation level to decrease."]="Отправляйся в Manaforge Coruu, к востоку от Area 52, и забери у Overseer Seylanna Coruu Access Crystal. Используй его у Manaforge Coruu Console, чтобы выключить ее, после чего вернись к Anchorite Karja.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Aldor приведет к снижению репутации со Scryers.",["travel to orgrimmar and give thrall the letter from nazgrel."]="Отправляйся в Orgrimmar и отдай Thrall Letter from Nazgrel.",["travel to palemane rock in mulgore and seek out your fortune."]="Отправляйся к Palemane Rock в Mulgore и найди свою удачу.",["travel to shadra'alor and search for traces of featherbeard."]="Иди в Shadra'Alor, чтобы найти следы Featherbeard.",["travel to shattrath city and speak with rilak."]="Отправляйся в Shattrath City и поговори с Rilak.",["travel to stormwind city and venture to the city gates. speak with squire rowe so that he may let marshal windsor know that you have arrived."]="Съезди в Stormwind City и рискни пробраться за городские ворота. Поговори с Squire Rowe, чтобы он смог предупредить Marshal Windsor о том, что ты приехал.",["travel to stratholme and find menethil's gift. place the keepsake of remembrance upon the unholy ground."]="Доберись до Stratholme и отыщи Menethil's Gift. Опусти Keepsake of Remembrance на нечестивую землю. ",["travel to the bleeding ziggurat and the howling ziggurat and recover the stone of light and the stone of flame. return to magister kaendris at the sanctum of the sun after recovering the items."]="Отправляйся в Bleeding Ziggurat и Howling Ziggurat и верни Stone of Light и Stone of Flame. Получив их, вернись к Magister Kaendris из Sanctum of the Sun.",["travel to the continent of teldrassil and find malfurion's agent somewhere outside the walls of darnassus."]="Отправляйся на континент Teldrassil и найди агента Malfurion где-то у стен Darnassus.\n",["travel to the den of haal'esh in hellfire peninsula and search the kaliri nests for a female kaliri hatchling. use the empty birdcage to capture it and bring it to falconer drenna riverwind at falcon watch."]="Отправляйся в Den of Haal'esh, Hellfire Peninsula, и поищи Female Kaliri Hatchling в Kaliri Nests. Используй Empty Birdcage, чтобы поймать ее, и вернись к Falconer Drenna Riverwind из Falcon Watch.",["travel to the eastern part of winterspring and speak with umbranse the spiritspeaker."]="Направляйся в восточную часть Winterspring и поговори с Umbranse the Spiritspeaker.",["travel to the eastvale logging camp in elwynn forest and seek out your fortune."]="Отправляйся в Eastvale Logging Camp, находящийся в Elwynn Forest и разыщи свою fortune.",["travel to the four emerald dream portals in azeroth and collect a fragment of the nightmare's corruption from each. return to keeper remulos in the moonglade when you have completed this task."]="Отправляйся к четырем Emerald Dream порталам в Azeroth и собери по одному Fragment of the Nightmare's Corruption в каждом. Возвращайся к Keeper Remulos в Moonglade, когда выполнишь это задание.",["travel to the icewing caverns located southwest of dun baldar in alterac valley and recover the stormpike banner. return the stormpike banner to lieutenant haggerdin in the alterac mountains."]="Иди в пещеры - Icewing Caverns что на юго-западе от Dun Baldar в Alterac Valley и найди знамя - Stormpike Banner. Верни Stormpike Banner к Lieutenant Haggerdin в Alterac Mountains.",["travel to the moonbrook schoolhouse and bring back any updated information about stalvan to clerk daltry."]="Отправляйся в Moonbrook Schoolhouse и вернись с новостями о Stalvan к Clerk Daltry.",["travel to the moonglade and speak to keeper remulos."]="Отправляйся в Moonglade и поговори с Keeper Remulos. ",["travel to the path of conquest in shadowmoon valley. once you have done a preliminary assessment of the area, use the kor'kron flare gun to signal a kor'kron wind rider. speak with overlord or'barokh should you lose your kor'kron flare gun and require a replacement."]="Отправляйся в Path of Conquest, Shadowmoon Valley. Когда ты проведешь предварительную оценку обстановки, используй Kor'kron Flare Gun, чтобы подать сигнал Kor'kron Wind Rider.\n\nЕсли ты потеряешь Kor'kron Flare Gun и тебе понадобится новая, поговори с Overlord Kor'kron.",["travel to the path of conquest in shadowmoon valley. once you have done a preliminary assessment of the area, use the wildhammer flare gun to signal a wildhammer gryphon rider. speak with thane yoregar at wildhammer stronghold in shadowmoon valley should you lose your wildhammer flare gun and require a replacement."]="Отправляйся в Path of Conquest, Shadowmoon Valley. Когда ты проведешь предварительную оценку обстановки, используй Wildhammer Flare Gun, чтобы подать сигнал Wildhammer Gryphon Rider.\n\nЕсли ты потеряешь Wildhammer Flare Gun и тебе понадобится новая, поговори с Thane Yoregar из Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley.",["travel to the ring of the law in blackrock depths and place the banner of provocation in its center as you are sentenced by high justice grimstone. slay theldren and his gladiators and return to anthion harmon in the eastern plaguelands with the first piece of lord valthalak's amulet."]="Отправляйся в Ring of Law, Blackrock Depth, и помести Banner of Provocation в его центр, когда High Justice Grimstone будет выносить тебе свой приговор. Убей Theldren и его гладиаторов и вернись к Anthion Harmon из Eastern Plaguelands к первой частью амулета Lord Valthalak.",["travel to the ruins of sha'naar in hellfire peninsula and obtain 5 demonic essences from the illidari taskmasters. return to apothecary azethen at falcon watch after you've completed the task."]="Отправляйся в Ruins of Sha'naar, Hellfire Peninsula, и добудь 5 Demonic Essences с Illidari Taskmasters. Вернись к Apothecary Azethen из Falcon Watch после выполнения задания.",["travel to the wailing caverns in the barrens and seek out your fortune."]="Отправляйся в Wailing Caverns в Barrens на поиски своей удачи.",["travel to the warpwood quarter of dire maul and slay the water elemental, hydrospawn. return to lorekeeper lydros in the athenaeum with the hydrospawn essence."]="Иди в Warpwood Quarter что в Dire Maul и убей там водяного элементала Hydrospawn. Вернись к Lorekeeper Lydros в Athenaeum с Hydrospawn Essence.",["travel to the warpwood quarter of dire maul and slay the water elemental, hydrospawn. return to loremaster lydros in the athenaeum with the hydrospawn essence."]="Иди в Warpwood Quarter в Dire Maul и уничтожь водного элементаля, Hydrospawnа. Возвращайся к Loremaster Lydros в Athenaeum с Hydrospawn Essence.",["travel to the west sanctum, southwest of falconwing square and defeat any intruders present there. report your findings to ley-keeper velania."]="Отправляйся в West Sanctum, на юго-запад от Falconwing Square, и разберись с любыми самозванцами, которых увидишь там. Сообщи о результатах Ley-Keeper Velania.",["travel to uther's tomb in western plaguelands and use uther's tribute at his statue, and then return to wagner hammerstrike outside ironforge before the harvest festival is over."]="Иди к Uther Tomb что в Western Plaguelands и используй Uther's Tribute на его статуе а затем вернись к Wagner Hammerstrike который снаружи Ironforge перед тем как Harvest Festival закончится.",["travel to western nagrand and find altruis the sufferer. completing quests for the aldor will cause your scryers reputation level to decrease."]="Отправляйся в западный Nagrand и найди Altruis the Sufferer.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Aldor приведет к снижению репутации со Scryers.",["travel to western nagrand and find altruis the sufferer. completing quests for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation level to decrease."]="Отправляйся в западный Nagrand и найди Altruis the Sufferer. \n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации со Aldor.",["travel to winterspring and find haleh. giver her awbee's scale."]="Отправиться в Winterspring и разыскать Haleh. Отдать ей Awbee's scale.",["traverse dun algaz. kill 8 dragonmaw scouts and 6 dragonmaw grunts. report to valstag ironjaw in menethil harbor."]="Пересеки Dun Algaz. \r\n\r\nУбей 8 Drafgonmaw Scouts и 6 Dragonmaw Grunts. \r\n\r\nЯвись с докладом к Valstag Ironjaw в Menethil Harbor.",["tree warden chawn has asked you to negotiate with overseer nuaar. return to the tree warden at evergrove in the blade's edge mountains afterward."]="Tree Warden Chawn попросил тебя переговорить с Overseer Nuaar. После переговоров вернись к tree warden в Evergrove, Blade's Edge Mountains.",["trull failbane in felwood wants you to kill 15 raging owlbeasts and 15 ragged owlbeasts."]="Trull Failbane в Felwood желает, чтобы ты убил 15 Raging Owlbeasts и 15 Ragged Owlbeasts.",["use antheol's disciplinary rod on his two students: apprentice ralen and apprentice meledor. return to antheol at stillwhisper pond in eversong woods with the rod after this."]="Примени Antheol's Disciplinary Rod к его двум студентам: Apprentice Ralen и Apprentice Meledor. После этого возвращайся к Antheol в Stillwhisper Pond в Eversong Woods с rod.",["use archmage vargoth's staff to make contact with archmage vargoth. if you lose archmage vargoth's staff, speak to ravandwyr at area 52 to receive a replacement."]="Используй Archmage Vargoth's Staff, чтобы связаться с Archmage Vargoth.\n\nЕсли ты потеряешь Archmage Vargoth's Staff, поговори с Ravandwyr из Area 52, чтобы получить новый.",["use bleeding hollow blood at the cursed cauldron to make boiled blood. bring 12 boiled blood to apothecary albreck at spinebreaker post."]="Используй Bleeding Hollow Blood у Cursed Cauldron, чтобы сделать Boiled Blood. Принеси 12 Boiled Blood Apothecary Albreck из Spinebreaker Post.",["use jaron's pick to find the four highborne relic fragments. bring them to aurora skycaller in eastern plaguelands."]="Используй Jaron's Pick чтобы найти 4 Highborne Relic Fragments. Принеси их к Aurora Skycaller в Eastern Plaguelands.",["use the arcanite buoy at the swirling maelstrom at the bay of storms in azshara."]="Используй Arcanite Buoy у Swirling Maelstrom в Bay of Storms в Azshara.",["use the battery recharging blaster on enough phase hunters to get the battery recharge level to 10. then return it to bot-specialist alley at the ruins of enkaat in the netherstorm."]="Используй Battery Recharging Blaster на достаточном количестве Phase Hunters, чтобы Battery Recharge Level достиг 10. После этого вернись к Bot-Specialist Alley из Ruins of Enkaat, Netherstorm.",["use the brazier of beckoning to summon forth jarien and sothos and slay them. return to bodley inside blackrock mountain with the left piece of lord valthalak's amulet and the brazier of beckoning."]="Воспользуйся Brazier of Beckoning, чтобы вызвать дух Jarien и Sothos, и убей их. Вернись к Bodley в Blackrock Mountain с Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet и Brazier of Beckoning.",["use the brazier of beckoning to summon forth the spirit of kormok and slay him. return to bodley inside blackrock mountain with the left piece of lord valthalak's amulet and the brazier of beckoning."]="Воспользуйся Brazier of Beckoning для вызова духа Kormok и убей его. Вернись к Bodley в Blackrock Mountain с Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet и Brazier of Beckoning.",["use the cenarion antidote on a hulking helboar and observe the results. once you have the results of the experiment, return to thiah redmane at the cenarion post in hellfire peninsula."]="Примени Cenarion Antidote к Hulking Helboar и посмотри, что получится. Получив результаты эксперимента, возвращайся к Thiah Redmane в Cenarion Post в Hellfire Peninsula.",["use the cenarion moondust on the moonkin stone of auberdine to bring forth lunaclaw. from there, you must face lunaclaw and earn the strength of body and heart it possesses. speak with mathrengyl bearwalker in darnassus when you are done."]="Используй Cenarion Moondust на Moonkin Stone у Auberdine, чтобы вызвать Lunaclaw. Затем ты должен сразить Lunaclaw, чтобы овладеть силой, которой он обладает. \r\n\r\nПоговори с Mathrengyl Bearwalker в Darnassus, когда все будет исполнено.",["use the challenge of the blue flight to provoke veraku on the southern edge of the celestial ridge. defeat him and return to tyri and jorad on the celestial ridge."]="Используй Challenge of the Blue Flight на южном краю Celestial Ridge, чтобы спровоцировать Veraku. Победи его и вернись к Tyri и Jorad из Celestial Ridge.",["use the demoniac scryer in hellfire basin, wait for it to attune, and then take a reading. return the demoniac scryer and the demoniac scryer reading to apothecary antonivich in thrallmar."]="Используй Demoniac Scryer в Hellfire Basin, дождись, пока он настроится, и возьми запись.\n\nВерни Demoniac Scryer и Demoniac Scryer Reading Apothercary Antonivich из Thrallmar.",["use the draenei fishing net to catch 10 red snappers. return both the fish and the net to diktynna on azuremyst isle when the task is complete."]="Используй Draenei Fishing Net, чтобы поймать 10 Red Snappers. После того, как задача будет выполнена, принеси рыбу и сеть Diktynna из Azuremyst Isle.",["use the ectoplasmic distiller near incorporeal undead to collect 12 scorched ectoplasms in silithus, 12 frozen ectoplasms in winterspring and 12 stable ectoplasms in the eastern plaguelands. bring them along with the ectoplasmic distiller back to mux manascrambler in gadgetzan."]="Используй Ectoplasmic Distiller рядом с бестелесной нежитью чтобы собрать 12 Scorched Ectoplasms в Silithus, 12 Frozen Ectoplasms в Winterspring и 12 Stable Ectoplasms в Eastern Plaguelands. Принеси их мне вместе с Ectoplasmic Distiller, возвращайся к Mux Manascrambler в Gadgetzan.",["use the empty dreadmist peak sampler to draw a sample of water from a pool at the top of the peak. deliver the filled dreadmist peak sampler to tonga runetotem at the crossroads, barrens."]="Используй Empty Dreadmist Peak Sampler чтобы набрать образцы воды из водоёма на вершине пика. \r\n\r\nДоставь Filled Dreadmist Peak Sampler к Tonga Runetotem в Crossroads, Barrens.",["use the empty leaden collection phial on irradiated invaders or irradiated pillagers to collect radioactive fallout. once it is full, take it back to ozzie togglevolt in kharanos."]="Используй Empty Leaden Collection Phial на Irradiated Invader или Irradiated Pillager чтобы собрать продукты радиоактивного распада. Как только он наполнится, отнесите его обратно к Ozzie Togglevolt в Kharanos.",["use the fel bomb while standing on the green glyph in legion hold to destroy the infernals, then report to blood guard gulmok at shadowmoon village."]="Используй Fel Bomb, стоя в зеленом знаке в Legion Hold, после чего доложи Blood Guard Gulmor из Shadowmoon Village.",["use the fel bomb while standing on the green glyph in legion hold, then report to wing commander nuainn at wildhammer stronghold."]="Используй Fel Bomb, стоя в зеленом знаке в Legion Hold, после чего доложи Wing Commander Nuainn из Wildhammer Stronghold.",["use the felhound whistle to summon a fel guard hound. take the fel guard hound for a walk and kill some deranged helboars. search for the shredder keys in the fel guard hound's \"leavings.\" return the shredder keys to foreman razelcraz by the mine northwest of thrallmar."]="Используй Felhound Whistle, чтобы вызвать Fel Guard Hound. Выведи Fel Guard Hound на прогулку и убей несколько Deranged Helboars. Поищи Shredder Keys в том, что \"наделал\" Fel Guard Hound. Верни Shredder Keys Foreman Razelcraz, стоящему возле шахты к северо-западу от Thrallmar.",["use the flaming torch to burn the eastern alliance cannon and the western alliance cannon, and then return to megzeg nukklebust in thrallmar."]="Используй Flaming Torch, чтобы сжечь Eastern Alliance Cannon и Western Alliance Cannon, после чего вернись к Megzeg Nukklebust из Thrallmar.",["use the flaming torch to burn the horde blade throwers overlooking the path of glory. then, bring the flaming torch to dumphry in honor hold."]="Используй Flaming Torch, чтобы сжечь Horde Blade Throwers, направленные на Path of Glory. После этого принеси Flaming Torch Dumphry из Honor Hold.",["use the foreman's blackjack on lazy peons when they're sleeping. wake up 5 peons, then return the foreman's blackjack to foreman thazz'ril in the valley of trials."]="Используй Foreman's Blackjack на Lazy Peons когда они спят. Разбуди 5 батраков, потом верни Foreman's Blackjack к Foreman Thazz'ril в Valley of Trials.",["use the gift of naias near the altar of naias to summon the water elemental naias. defeat him and return to nemeth hawkeye at grom'gol base camp with the heart of naias."]="Используй Gift of Naias возле Altar of Naias, чтобы вызвать водного элементаля Naias. Победи его и вернись к Nemeth Hawkeye из Grom'gol Base Camp с Heart of Naias.",["use the inoculating crystal on 6 nestlewood owlkin. then return to vindicator aldar at the crash site in ammen vale."]="Примени Inoculating Crystal к 6 Nestlewood Owlkin. Затем возвращайся к Vindicator Aldar из Crash Site в Ammen Vale.",["use the naturalized ammunition to take control of the death's door fel cannons. use them to destroy both the south warp-gate and the north warp-gate. then, use the druid signal to call out to an evergrove druid to report your success."]="Используй Naturalized Ammunition, чтобы взять под контроль Death's Door Fel Cannons. Используй их, чтобы уничтожить South Warp-Gate и North Warp-Gate. После этого используй Druid Signal, чтобы вызвать Evergrove Druid и рассказать ему об успехе.",["use the nether ray cage in the woods south of blackwind landing and slay blackwind warp chasers near the hungry nether ray. return to skyguard handler deesak when you've completed your task."]="Используй Nether Ray Cage в лесах к югу от Blackwind Landing и убивай Blackwind Warp Chasers возле Hungry Nether Ray. Вернись к Skyguard Handler Deesak, когда задача будет выполнена.",["use the robotron control while standing near the concealed command console hidden in a small cluster of bushes on the rim of the needle closest to thalanaar to take command of a robotron 3000. pilot the robot to the western edge of thousand needles where the alliance outpost of thalanaar is located. use the robot to collect a sample of the moonwell's water and return it to wizlo bearingshiner at whitereach post."]="Воспользуйся Robotron Control рядом с Concealed Command Console, спрятанной в небольшой группке кустов на оконечности needle, ближайшей к Thalanaar, чтобы взять командование над Robotron 3000. Приведи робота к западной границе Thousand Needles, где находится аванпост Альянса под командованием Thalanaar. С помощью робота возьми образец moonwell's water и привези его к Wizlo Bearingshiner в Whitereach Post.",["use the rod of purification on the darkstone of terokk in veil skith and return to kirrik at the refugee caravan in bone wastes."]="Примени Rod of Purification к Darkstone of Terokk в Veil Skith и возвращайся к Kirrik из Refugee Caravan в Bone Wastes.",["use the sanctified crystal against a wounded uncontrolled voidwalker and return to elsaana at the temple of telhamat."]="Используй Sanctified Crystal против раненого Uncontrolled Voidwalker и вернись к Elsaana из Temple of Telhamat.",["use the seed of revitalization at the earthbinder's circle to heal the land around the crystal. then, return to earthbinder galandria nightbreeze at the cenarion post in hellfire peninsula with any information that you gain."]="Используй Seed of Revitalization в Earthbinder's Circle, чтобы вылечить землю вокруг кристалла. После этого верниськ Galandria Nightbreeze из Cenarion Post, Hellfire Peninsula, и расскажи ей об увиденном.",["use the shabby arakkoa disguise to obtain the adversarial bloodlines from sahaak and return to hazzik."]="Используй Shabby Arakkoa Disguise, чтобы получить Aversarial Bloodlines от Sahaak. Верни эту книгу Hazzik.",["use the smoke beacon at each of zeth'gor's towers, and then return to wing commander dabir'ee at expedition point."]="Используй smoke beacon возле каждой башни в Zeth'Gor, после чего вернись к Wing Commander Dabir'ee из Expedition Point.",["use the staff of dreghood elders on arzeth the merciless and slay him after he's lost his powers. return to naladu at the ruins of sha'naar after completing this task."]="Используй Staff of Dreghood Elders на Arzeth the Mercilees и убей его, когда он потеряет свои силы. Вернись к Naladu в Ruins of Sha'naar после выполнения этой задачи.",["use the sunfury disguise, go into manaforge coruu and listen to the conversation between commander dawnforge and arcanist ardonis. report back to caledis brightdawn after completing this task. completing tasks for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation level to decrease."]="Используй Sunfury Disguise, иди в Manaforge Coruu и послушай беседу между Commander Dawnforge и Arcanist Ardonis. Доложи Caledis Brightdawn о выполнении задачи.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации с Aldor.",["use the taming rod to tame a crazed dragonhawk, and then return to lieutenant dawnrunner."]="Используй Taming Rod для приручения Crazed Dragonhawk, затем возвращайся к Lieutenant Dawnrunner.",["use the taming rod to tame a mistbat, and then return to lieutenant dawnrunner."]="Используй Taming Rod для приручения Mistbat, затем возвращайся к Lieutenant Dawnrunner.",["use the taming rod to tame a snow leopard. practice your skills, then return to grif wildheart in kharanos."]="Используй Taming Rod чтобы приручить Snow Leopard. Потренируйся в этом и возвращайся к Grif Wildheart в Kharanos.",["use the taming rod to tame a webwood lurker. practice your skills, then return the taming rod to dazalar in dolanaar."]="Используй Taming Rod, чтобы приручить Webwood Lurker. Попрактикуй свои способности, после чего отнеси Taming Rod к Dazalar в Dolanaar.",["use the taming rod to tame an elder springpaw, then return to lieutenant dawnrunner."]="ИспользуйTaming Rod для приручения Elder Springpaw, затем возвращайся к Lieutenant Dawnrunner.",["use the taming totem to befriend a barbed crawler and return to huntress kella nightbow when you have succeeded."]="Используй Taming Totem для приручения Barbed Crawler и возвращайся к Huntress Kella Nightbow после успешного выполнения этого задания.",["use the taming totem to befriend a greater timberstrider and return to huntress kella nightbow."]="Используй Taming Totem для приручения Greater Timberstrider и возвращайся к Huntress Kella Nightbow.",["use the taming totem to befriend a nightstalker and return to huntress kella nightbow."]="Используй Taming Totem для приручения Nightstalker и возвращайся к Huntress Kella Nightbow.",["use the thunderhorn cleansing totem at the thunderhorn water well, then return to mull."]="Примени Thunderhorn Cleansing Totem в Thunderhorn Water Well, потом вернись к Mull.",["use the triangulation device to point your way toward the first triangulation point. once you have found it, report the location to dealer hazzin at the protectorate watchpost on the manaforge ultris island in the netherstorm."]="Используй Triangulation Device, чтобы узнать направление на первую точку триангуляции. Когда найдешь ее, доложи о ее местоположении Dealer Hazzir из Protectorate Watchpost на острове Manaforge Ultris, Netherstorm.",["use the triangulation device to point your way toward the second triangulation point. once you have found it, report the location to wind trader tuluman at tuluman's landing, just on the other side of the bridge from the manaforge ara island in the netherstorm."]="Используй Triangulation Device, чтобы узнать направление на вторую точку триангуляции. Когда найдешь ее, доложи о ее местоположении Wind Trader Tuluman из Tuluman's Landing, что на другой стороне моста острова Manaforge Ara, Netherstorm.",["use the ultra deconsolodation zapper to beam the hyper rotational dig-a-matic, servo-pneumatic dredging claw, multi-spectrum terrain analyzer, and the big wagon full of explosives back to area 52. then report to lead sapper blastfizzle at the eastern end of the fissure that runs through area 52 in the netherstorm."]="Используй Ultra Deconsolodation Zapper, чтобы передать по лучу в Area 52 Hyper Rotational Dig-A-Matic, Servo-Pneumatic Dredging Claw, Multi-Spectrum Terrain Analyzer и Big Wagon Full of Explosives. После этого доложи Lead Sapper Blastfizzle из восточной части расщелины, проходящей по Area 52, Netherstorm.",["use the unstable warp rift generator in the warp fields. gather 3 warp nethers from unstable voidwalkers and return them to ogath the mad in spinebreaker post."]="Используй Unstable Warp Rift Generator в Warp Fields. Собери 3 Warp Nether из Unstable Voilwalkers и вернись с ними к Ogath the Mad из Spinebreaker Post.",["use the untapped dowsing widget near the pool of water by sandsorrow watch. once you have collected the sample, return the tapped dowsing widget to senior surveyor fizzledowser in gadgetzan."]="Используй Untapped Dowsing Widget рядом с озером у Sandsorrow Watch. Получив образец воды, отнеси Tapped Dowsing Widget к Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser‘у в Gadgetzan.",["use the violet scrying crystal near underground sources of water in the master's cellar and return to archmage alturus outside of karazhan."]="Используй Violet Scrying Crystal возле подземного источника воды в Master's Cellar и вернись к Archmage Alturus, что стоит возле Karazhan.",["use the winterhoof cleansing totem at the winterhoof water well, then return to mull thunderhorn."]="Используй Winterhoof Cleansing Totem на Winterhoof Water Well, затем вернись к Mull Thunderhorn.",["use the wolf totem at the location where you found krun spinebreaker's body and follow the ancestral spirit wolf."]="Используй Wolf Totem там, где ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "нашел"), "^3$", "нашла").." Spinebreaker's body и следуй за Ancestral Spirit Wolf.",["use your gift of the naaru ability on one of the draenei survivors spread throughout ammen vale, then return to zalduun at the crash site in ammen vale."]="Используй свое умение Gift of the Naaru по отношению к одному из Draenei Survivors в Ammen Vale, затем возвращайся к Zalduun в Crash Site в Ammen Vale.",["use your lunar festival invitation in the moonlight to travel to moonglade. speak with valadar starsong in nighthaven when you arrive."]="В столбе лунного света воспользуйся Lunar Festival Invitation и ты перенесешься в Moonglade. По прибытии, поговори в Nighthaven с Valadar Starsong.",["use your mana tap racial ability on creatures with mana six times, then return to arcanist helion."]="Примени свое расовое умение Mana Tap по отношению к созданиям, обладающим mana, шесть раз, после чего возвращайся к Arcanist Helion.",["using the glyphs of summoning, summon and subdue a voidwalker, then return the glyphs of summoning to gan'rul bloodeye in orgrimmar."]="Используя могущественные руны Glyphs of Summoning, вызови и победи voidwalker, затем возврати Glyphs of Summoning к Gan'rul Bloodeye в Orgrimmar.",["using the heartswood core, summon and subdue a succubus, then return the heartswood core to gakin the darkbinder in the slaughtered lamb."]="Используя кору Heartswood Core вызови и одолей суккубу, прямо здесь и сейчас. Затем возвращайся к Gakin the Darkbinder, что в ждет тебя в Slaughtered Lamb и верни ему Heartswood Core.",["using the purified moon well water, douse the flames of the four braziers of protection within shadow hold in felwood, then return to greta mosshoof in the emerald sanctuary."]="Используя Purefied Moon Well Water, потуши пламя четырех braziers (жаровен) внутри Shadow Hold в Felwood, затем вернись в Greta Mosshoof в Emerald Sanctuary.",["velan brightoak at fairbreeze village in eversong woods wants you to bring him 6 springpaw pelts."]="Velan Brightoak из Fairbreeze Village в Eversong Woods хочет, чтобы ты принес ему 6 Springpaw Pelts.",["ven'jashi, the troll prisoner at tor'watha, wants you to bring him chieftain zul'marosh's head. chieftain zul'marosh can be found in zeb'watha, across lake elrendar."]="Ven'jashi, пленник Tor'Watha, хочет, чтобы ты принес ему Chieftain Zul'Marosh's Head. Chieftain Zul'Marosh можно найди в Zeb'Watha, на другой стороне Lake Elrendar.",["venture into tempest keep's botanica and retrieve the keystone from commander sarannis. bring it to archmage vargoth at the violet tower."]="Отправляйся в Tempest Keep's Botanica и отбери Keystone у Commander Sarannis. Принеси его Archmage Vargoth в Violet Tower.",["venture out into the ruuan weald and slay 10 wyrmcult hewers, then return to tree warden chawn at evergrove in the blade's edge mountains."]="Отправляйся в Ruuan Weald и убей 10 Wyrmcult Hewers, после чего вернись к Tree Warden Chawn из Evergrove, Blade's Edge Mountains.",["venture to the burning steppes and recover 10 fractured elemental shards for hierophant theodora mulvadania. you recall theodora mentioning the golems and elementals of that region as being a source for these shards."]="Иди в Burning Steppes и добудь 10 Fractured Elemental Shards для Hierophant Theodora Mulvadania. \r\n\r\nНе забудь, Theodora сказала, что големы и элементали в этих областях служат источниками таких камней.",["venture to the caverns of time in tanaris and find anachronos, brood of nozdormu."]="Отправляйся к Caverns of Time в Tanaris и разыщи там дракона Anachronos, Brood of Nozdormu",["venture to the valley of heroes in stormwind city and speak with field marshal afrasiabi."]="Отважься отправиться в Valley of Heroes в Stormwind City и поговори с Field Marshal Afrasiabi.",["vertok axebreaker in thrallmar wants you to bring bonechewer blood samples to apothecary zelana at reaver's fall."]="Vertox Axebreaker из Thrallmar хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "отнес"), "^3$", "отнесла").." Bonechewer Blood Samples Apothecary Zelana из Reaver's Fall.",["vindicator haylen wants you to kill the terokkarantula and then return to him west of netherweb ridge."]="Vindicator Haylen хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." Terokkarantula, почел чего "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "вернулся"), "^3$", "вернулась").." к нему в западную часть Netherweb Ridge.",["vindicator haylen wants you to return to sha'tari base camp and speak with scout navrin."]="Vindicator Haylen хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "вернулся"), "^3$", "вернулась").." Sha'tari Base Camp и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "поговорил"), "^3$", "поговорила").." с Scout Navrin.",["vindicator haylen wants you to slay 20 dreadfang widows and then return to him just west of netherweb ridge."]="Vindicator Haylen хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 20 Dreadfang Widows, после чего "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "вернулся"), "^3$", "вернулась").." к нему в западную часть Netherweb Ridge.",["visit mog'dorg the wizened atop one of the towers just outside the circle of blood in the blade's edge mountains."]="Посети Mog'dorg the Wizened наверху одной из башен сразу за Circle of Blood в Blade's Edge Mountains.",["visit the bonfires within ashenvale, the barrens, darkshore, and stonetalon mountains, then speak with the festival flamekeeper."]="Посети костры в Ashenvale, Barrens, Darkshore и Stonetalon Mountains, затем поговори с Festival Flamekeeper.",["visit the bonfires within hillsbrad foothills, silverpine forest, westfall, and the wetlands, then speak with the festival flamekeeper."]="Посети костры в Hillsbrad Foothills, Silverpine Forest, Westfall и Wetlands, затем поговори с Festival Flamekeeper.",["visit the fire festival camps located in blasted lands, eastern plaguelands, the hinterlands and searing gorge, then speak with the festival flamekeeper."]="Посети лагеря Fire Festival, расположенные на Blasted Lands, Eastern Plaguelands, the Hinterlands и Searing Gorge, затем поговори с Festival Flamekeeper.",["visit the midsummer camps located in azshara, silithus, un'goro crater, and winterspring, then return to the festival flamekeeper."]="Посети лагерь Midsummer, расположенный в Azshara, Silithus, Un'Goro Crater, и Winterspring, затем возвращайся в Festival Flamekeeper.",["voren'thal the seer in shattrath city wants you to obtain an arcane tome. performing quests for the scryers will cause your aldor reputation to decrease."]="Voren'thal the Seer из Shattrath City хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему Arcane Tome.\n\nВыполнение заданий за Scryers приведет к снижению репутации с Aldor.",["wait for keeper remulos at the moonglade to cleanse the nightmare engulfed object."]="Дождись в Moonglade пока Keeper Remulos очистит Nightmare Engulfed Object. ",["warden hamoot at the cenarion refuge wants you to bring him 30 naga claws."]="Warden Hamoot из Cenarion Refuge просит тебя принести ему 30 Naga Claws.",["watcher jhang wants you to find and slay warlord kalithresh inside coilfang reservoir."]="Watcher Jhang предлагает тебе найти и убить Warlord Kalithresh внутри Coilfang Reservoir.",["wazat across from clan watch in southern nagrand wants you to bring him 3 air elemental gases."]="Wazat, стоящий напротив Clan Watch, южный Nagrand, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "принес"), "^3$", "принесла").." ему 3 Air Elemental Gases.",["wazat in nagrand wants you to use the jump-a-tron 4000 to get to the nest in the nearby tree and steal the mysterious egg."]="Wazat из Nagrand хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "воспользовался"), "^3$", "воспользовалась").." Jump-a-tron 4000, чтобы попасть в гнездо, висящее на рядом стоящем дереве, и забрать Mysterious Egg.",["wear the felsworn gas mask and use the legion communicator at forge camp: anger."]="Надень Felsworn Gas Mask и используй Legion Communicator в Forge Camp: Anger.",["when you are ready to proceed, let thrall know. follow thrall out of durnholde keep and help him free taretha and fulfill his destiny. speak with erozion in old hillsbrad should you complete this task."]="Когда будешь "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "готов"), "^3$", "готова").." продолжить, дай знать об этом Thrall. Проводи Thrall из Durnholde Keep и помоги ему освободить Taratha и выполнить предначертанное.\n\nПоговори с Erozion в Old Hillsbrad, если задача будет выполнена.",["wildlord antelarion has implored you to travel to death's door. once you arrive there, use the druid signal to call down an evergrove druid so that you can speak with them."]="Wildlord Antelarion умоляет тебя отправиться в Death's Door. Когда доберешься туда, используй Druid Signal, чтобы вызвать Evergrove Druid и поговорить с ним.",["win the battle for arathi basin, get an arathi resource crate, and return it to sergeant maclear at refuge pointe."]="Выиграй битву за Arathi Basin, получи Arathi Resource Crate, и верни его Sergeant Maclear в Refuge Pointe.",["windcaller blackhoof wants you to speak to the ancients ashyen and keleth at cenarion refuge and obtain their blessings."]="Windcaller Blackhoof хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "поговорил"), "^3$", "поговорила").." со старейшинами Ashyen и Keleth в Cenarion Refuge и "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "получил"), "^3$", "получила").." их благословление.",["wing commander gryphongar at shatter point in hellfire peninsula has asked that you destroy 20 gan'arg peons, 5 mo'arg overseers and 5 fel cannons."]="Wing Commander Gryphongar из Shatter Point, Hellfire Peninsula, попросил тебя уничтожить 20 Gan'arg Peons, 5 Mo'arg Overseers и 5 Fel Cannons.",["wing commander nuainn, outside of wildhammer stronghold, wants you to kill 10 infernal attackers."]="Wing Commander Nuainn, стоящий возле Wildhammer Stronghold, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 10 Infernal Attackers.",["witch doctor uzer'i wants you to wait for a moment while he prepares the weapons."]="Witch Doctor Uzer'i хочет, чтобы ты немного подождал, пока он подготавливает оружие.",["you have been tasked to go to tempest keep's arcatraz satellite and slay harbinger skyriss. return to a'dal at the terrace of light in shattrath city after you have done so."]="Тебя попросили отправиться в Arcatraz, Tempest Keep и убить Harbinger Skyriss. Вернись к A'dal из Terrace of Light, Shattrath City после выполнения задания.",["you have been tasked with slaying opposing human players in alterac valley. kill a human and return to commander louis philips (who wanders between the front lines and frostwolf keep) with a human bone chip. a cure for the human condition is close at hand!"]="Задача- перебить противостоящих игроков людей в Alterac Valley. \r\n\r\nУбей человека и возвращайся к Commander Louis Philips (он болтается между линией фронта и Frostwolf keep) с Human Bone Chip. \r\n\r\nЛекарство для людей одно, и мы все знаем в чем оно!",["you have been tasked with slaying opposing night elf players in alterac valley. kill a night elf and return to najak hexxen at frostwolf keep with a severed night elf head."]="Боевая задача - уничтожать противостоящих игроков-ночных эльфов в Alterac Valley. \r\n\r\nУбей ночного эльфа и вернись к Najak Hexxen в Frostwolf Keep с Severed Night Elf Head.",["you have been tasked with slaying opposing troll players in alterac valley. kill a troll and return to athramanis at dun'baldar with darkspear troll mojo."]="Задача - поубивать противостоящих игроков-троллей в Alterac Valley. \r\n\r\nУбей тролля и вернись к Athramanis в Dun'Baldar с Darkspear Troll Mojo.",["ysiel windsinger wants you to use the ironvine seeds on the steam pump controls at serpent lake, umbrafen lake, marshlight lake and the lagoon. then return to her at the cenarion refuge in zangarmarsh with any leftover seeds you have."]="Ysiel Windsinger просит тебя применить Ironvine Seeds к Steam Pump Controls в Serpent Lake, Umbrafen Lake, Marshlight Lake в Lagoon. После возвращайся к ней в Cenarion Refuge в Zangarmarsh с остатком семян.",["ysiel windsinger wants you to use the stormcrow amulet to explore the major lakes in zangarmarsh."]="Ysiel Windsinger предлагает тебя воспользоваться Stormcrow Amulet для исследования главных озер в Zangarmarsh.",["zanza the restless in zul'gurub wants an arcanum of focus."]="Zanza the Restless в Zul'Gurub хочет Arcanum of Focus.",["zanza the restless in zul'gurub wants an arcanum of protection."]="Zanza the Restless в Zul'Gurub хочет Arcanum of Protection.",["zanza the restless in zul'gurub wants an arcanum of rapidity."]="Zanza the Restless в Zul'Gurub хочет Arcanum of Rapidity.",["zerid at aeris landing in nagrand wants you to kill 12 voidspawn near oshu'gun."]="Zerid из Aeris Landing, Nagrand, хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "убил"), "^3$", "убила").." 12 Voidspawn возле Oshu'gun.",["zuben elgenubi at the stormspire wants you to obtain a farahlite core."]="Zuben Elgenubi из Stormspire хочет, чтобы ты "..gsub(gsub(UnitSex("player"), "^2$", "получил"), "^3$", "получила").." Farahlite Core."};if not RUWOW_QuestObjective then RUWOW_QuestObjective=0; end; RUWOW_QuestObjective=RUWOW_QuestObjective+1631;