# Translation of OpenERP Server. # This file contains the translation of the following modules: # * mrp_operations # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 6.0.0-rc2\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@openerp.com\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-01-03 16:58:04+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-07-14 16:03+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Chronos \n" "Language-Team: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2011-05-10 07:35+0000\n" "X-Generator: Launchpad (build 12959)\n" "X-Poedit-Language: Czech\n" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:mrp_operations.mrp_production_wc_action_form #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:mrp_operations.menu_mrp_production_wc_action_planning #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:mrp_operations.menu_mrp_production_wc_order #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 #: view:mrp.workorder:0 msgid "Work Orders" msgstr "Pracovní příkazy" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.node,note:mrp_operations.process_node_canceloperation0 msgid "Cancel the operation." msgstr "Zrušit operace." #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.model,name:mrp_operations.model_mrp_operations_operation_code msgid "mrp_operations.operation.code" msgstr "mrp_operations.operation.code" #. module: mrp_operations #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:133 #, python-format msgid "Production Order Cannot start in [%s] state" msgstr "Výrobní příkaz nemůže začít ve stavu [%s]" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 #: view:mrp.workorder:0 msgid "Group By..." msgstr "Seskupit podle..." #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.node,note:mrp_operations.process_node_workorder0 msgid "Information from the routing definition." msgstr "Informace z definice směrování" #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.workorder,month:0 msgid "March" msgstr "Březen" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:mrp_operations.mrp_production_wc_resource_planning #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:mrp_operations.menu_mrp_production_wc_resource_planning msgid "Work Centers" msgstr "Pracovní centra" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production:0 #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 #: selection:mrp_operations.operation.code,start_stop:0 msgid "Resume" msgstr "Znovu začít" #. module: mrp_operations #: report:mrp.code.barcode:0 msgid "(" msgstr "(" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 msgid "Product to Produce" msgstr "Výrobek k výrobě" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp_operations.operation:0 msgid "Production Operation" msgstr "Výrobní operace" #. module: mrp_operations #: field:mrp.production,allow_reorder:0 msgid "Free Serialisation" msgstr "Volné zřetězení" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.process,name:mrp_operations.process_process_mrpoperationprocess0 msgid "Mrp Operations" msgstr "Operace MRP" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.workorder:0 #: field:mrp.workorder,day:0 msgid "Day" msgstr "Den" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.node,name:mrp_operations.process_node_productionorder0 msgid "Production Order" msgstr "Výrobní příkaz" #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.production.workcenter.line,production_state:0 msgid "Picking Exception" msgstr "Vyjímka naskaldnění" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.transition,name:mrp_operations.process_transition_productionstart0 msgid "Creation of the work order" msgstr "Vytvoření výrobního příkazu" #. module: mrp_operations #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:461 #, python-format msgid "You cannot Pause the Operation other then Start/Resume state !" msgstr "Nemůžete pozastavit jinou operaci než ve stavu Započetí/Obnovení !" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 #: view:mrp.workorder:0 #: field:mrp.workorder,workcenter_id:0 msgid "Work Center" msgstr "Pracovní centrum" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.transition,note:mrp_operations.process_transition_productionstart0 msgid "The work orders are created on the basis of the production order." msgstr "Pracovní příkazy jsou vytvářeny na základě výrobních příkazů." #. module: mrp_operations #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:133 #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:461 #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:465 #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:477 #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:480 #, python-format msgid "Error!" msgstr "Chyba!" #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.production.workcenter.line,state:0 #: selection:mrp.workorder,state:0 #: selection:mrp_operations.operation.code,start_stop:0 msgid "Cancelled" msgstr "Zrušeno" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:mrp_operations.mrp_production_wc_confirm_action msgid "Confirmed Work Orders" msgstr "Potvrdit výrobní příkazy" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:mrp_operations.mrp_production_operation_action #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 msgid "Operations" msgstr "Operace" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.model,name:mrp_operations.model_stock_move msgid "Stock Move" msgstr "Přesun zásob" #. module: mrp_operations #: field:mrp.workorder,nbr:0 msgid "# of Lines" msgstr "# z řádek" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 #: selection:mrp.production.workcenter.line,production_state:0 #: selection:mrp.production.workcenter.line,state:0 #: selection:mrp.workorder,state:0 msgid "Draft" msgstr "Koncept" #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.production.workcenter.line,production_state:0 msgid "In Production" msgstr "Ve výrobě" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 #: field:mrp.production.workcenter.line,state:0 #: view:mrp.workorder:0 #: field:mrp.workorder,state:0 msgid "State" msgstr "Stav" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:mrp_operations.action_report_mrp_workorder #: model:ir.model,name:mrp_operations.model_mrp_production_workcenter_line msgid "Work Order" msgstr "Pracovní příkaz" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.transition,note:mrp_operations.process_transition_workstartoperation0 msgid "There is 1 work order per work center. The information about the number of cycles or the cycle time." msgstr "Je 1 pracovní příkaz na pracovní centrum. Informace o počtu cyklů nebo čase cyklů." #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.workorder:0 msgid "Month -1" msgstr "Měsíc -1" #. module: mrp_operations #: help:mrp.production.workcenter.line,state:0 msgid "" "* When a work order is created it is set in 'Draft' state.\n" "* When user sets work order in start mode that time it will be set in 'In Progress' state.\n" "* When work order is in running mode, during that time if user wants to stop or to make changes in order then can set in 'Pause' state.\n" "* When the user cancels the work order it will be set in 'Canceled' state.\n" "* When order is completely processed that time it is set in 'Finished' state." msgstr "" #. module: mrp_operations #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:470 #, python-format msgid "You cannot finish the operation without Starting/Resuming it !" msgstr "Nemůžete dokončit operace bez jejich Započetí/Obnovení !" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 msgid "Planned Date" msgstr "Plánovaný datum" #. module: mrp_operations #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:477 #, python-format msgid "There is no Operation to be cancelled !" msgstr "Žádná operace ke zrušení !" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.workorder:0 #: field:mrp.workorder,product_qty:0 msgid "Product Qty" msgstr "Množství výrobků" #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.workorder,month:0 msgid "July" msgstr "Červenec" #. module: mrp_operations #: field:mrp_operations.operation.code,name:0 msgid "Operation Name" msgstr "Jméno operace" #. module: mrp_operations #: field:mrp_operations.operation.code,start_stop:0 msgid "Status" msgstr "Stav" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:mrp_operations.mrp_production_wc_action_planning msgid "To manufacture or assemble products, and use raw materials and finished products you must also handle manufacturing operations. Manufacturing operations are often called Work Orders. The various operations will have different impacts on the costs of manufacturing and planning depending on the available workload." msgstr "K vyrobení nebo sestavení výrobků a použití surových materiálů a dokončení výrobků musíte také řídit výrobní operace. Výrobní operace jsou často nazýván Pracovní příkazy. Různé operace budou mít různý dopad na cenu výroby a plánování v závislosti na dostupném pracovním zatížení." #. module: mrp_operations #: field:mrp_operations.operation,order_date:0 msgid "Order Date" msgstr "Datum objednání" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:mrp_operations.mrp_production_wc_draft_action msgid "Future Work Orders" msgstr "Budoucí pracovní příkazy" #. module: mrp_operations #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:457 #, python-format msgid "Operation has already started !You can either Pause /Finish/Cancel the operation" msgstr "Operace byla již zahájena ! Můžete ji Pozastavit / Dokončit / Zrušit." #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.node,name:mrp_operations.process_node_canceloperation0 msgid "Operation Cancelled" msgstr "Operace zrušena" #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.workorder,month:0 msgid "September" msgstr "Září" #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.workorder,month:0 msgid "December" msgstr "Prosinec" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.workorder:0 #: field:mrp.workorder,month:0 msgid "Month" msgstr "Měsíc" #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.production.workcenter.line,production_state:0 msgid "Canceled" msgstr "Zrušeno" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.model,name:mrp_operations.model_mrp_operations_operation msgid "mrp_operations.operation" msgstr "mrp_operations.operation" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.model,name:mrp_operations.model_mrp_workorder msgid "Work Order Report" msgstr "Výkaz pracovních příkazů" #. module: mrp_operations #: field:mrp.production.workcenter.line,date_start:0 #: field:mrp.production.workcenter.line,date_start_date:0 #: field:mrp_operations.operation,date_start:0 msgid "Start Date" msgstr "Počáteční datum" #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.production.workcenter.line,production_state:0 msgid "Waiting Goods" msgstr "Čekající zboží" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production:0 #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 #: selection:mrp.production.workcenter.line,state:0 #: selection:mrp.workorder,state:0 #: selection:mrp_operations.operation.code,start_stop:0 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Pozastavit" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 #: selection:mrp.production.workcenter.line,state:0 #: selection:mrp.workorder,state:0 msgid "In Progress" msgstr "V běhu" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.model,name:mrp_operations.model_mrp_production msgid "Manufacturing Order" msgstr "Výrobní příkaz" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production:0 #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 #: selection:mrp_operations.operation.code,start_stop:0 msgid "Start" msgstr "Začátek" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp_operations.operation:0 msgid "Calendar View" msgstr "Kalendářový pohled" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.transition,note:mrp_operations.process_transition_startcanceloperation0 msgid "When the operation needs to be cancelled, you can do it in the work order form." msgstr "Pokud je potřeba zrušit operaci, můžete to provést ve formuláři pracovního příkazu." #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production:0 #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 msgid "Set Draft" msgstr "Nastavit na koncept" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.workorder:0 #: field:mrp.workorder,total_cycles:0 msgid "Total Cycles" msgstr "Celkem cyklů" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 msgid "Pending" msgstr "Čekající" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp_operations.operation.code:0 msgid "Production Operation Code" msgstr "Kód výrobní operace" #. module: mrp_operations #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:465 #, python-format msgid " You cannot Resume the operation other then Pause state !" msgstr "Nemůžete znovu zahájit jinou operaci než ve stavu pozastaveno !" #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.workorder,month:0 msgid "August" msgstr "Srpen" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.workorder:0 msgid "Started" msgstr "Zahájeno" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.module.module,description:mrp_operations.module_meta_information msgid "" "\n" " This module adds state, date_start,date_stop in production order operation lines\n" " (in the \"Work Centers\" tab)\n" " State: draft, confirm, done, cancel\n" " When finishing/confirming,cancelling production orders set all state lines to the according state\n" " Create menus:\n" " Production Management > All Operations\n" " Production Management > All Operations > Operations To Do (state=\"confirm\")\n" " Which is a view on \"Work Centers\" lines in production order,\n" " editable tree\n" "\n" " Add buttons in the form view of production order under Work Center tab:\n" " * start (set state to confirm), set date_start\n" " * done (set state to done), set date_stop\n" " * set to draft (set state to draft)\n" " * cancel set state to cancel\n" "\n" " When the production order becomes \"ready to produce\", operations must\n" " become 'confirmed'. When the production order is done, all operations\n" " must become done.\n" "\n" " The field delay is the delay(stop date - start date).\n" " So that we can compare the theoretic delay and real delay.\n" "\n" " " msgstr "" #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.workorder,month:0 msgid "June" msgstr "Červen" #. module: mrp_operations #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:480 #, python-format msgid "Operation is already finished !" msgstr "Operace již dokončena !" #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.production.workcenter.line,production_state:0 msgid "Ready to Produce" msgstr "Připraveno k výrobě" #. module: mrp_operations #: field:stock.move,move_dest_id_lines:0 msgid "Children Moves" msgstr "Podřízené pohyby" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:mrp_operations.mrp_production_wc_action_planning msgid "Work Orders Planning" msgstr "Plánování pracovních příkazů" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 #: field:mrp.workorder,date:0 msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.workorder,month:0 msgid "November" msgstr "Listopad" #. module: mrp_operations #: help:mrp.production.workcenter.line,delay:0 msgid "This is lead time between operation start and stop in this Work Center" msgstr "Toto je čekací čas mezi započetím a zastavením operace v tomto pracovním centru" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.workorder:0 msgid "Search" msgstr "Hledat" #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.workorder,month:0 msgid "October" msgstr "Říjen" #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.workorder,month:0 msgid "January" msgstr "Leden" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.node,note:mrp_operations.process_node_doneoperation0 msgid "Finish the operation." msgstr "Dokončit operaci" #. module: mrp_operations #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:450 #, python-format msgid "Operation is not started yet !" msgstr "Operace ještě nebyla zahájena !" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.node,note:mrp_operations.process_node_productionorder0 msgid "Information from the production order." msgstr "Informace z výrobního příkazu." #. module: mrp_operations #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:450 #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:457 #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:470 #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:473 #, python-format msgid "Sorry!" msgstr "Promiňte!" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.workorder:0 msgid "Current" msgstr "Aktuální" #. module: mrp_operations #: field:mrp_operations.operation,code_id:0 #: field:mrp_operations.operation.code,code:0 msgid "Code" msgstr "Kód" #. module: mrp_operations #: code:addons/mrp_operations/mrp_operations.py:473 #, python-format msgid "Operation is Already Cancelled !" msgstr "Operace je již zrušena !" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.module.module,shortdesc:mrp_operations.module_meta_information msgid "Work Center Production start end workflow" msgstr "Pracovní tok začátku a konce pracovního centra" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:mrp_operations.mrp_production_code_action msgid "Operation Codes" msgstr "Kódy operací" #. module: mrp_operations #: field:mrp.production.workcenter.line,qty:0 msgid "Qty" msgstr "Množ." #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.node,name:mrp_operations.process_node_doneoperation0 msgid "Operation Done" msgstr "Operace dokončena" #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.production.workcenter.line,production_state:0 #: view:mrp.workorder:0 #: selection:mrp_operations.operation.code,start_stop:0 msgid "Done" msgstr "Dokončeno" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:mrp_operations.report_code_barcode msgid "Start/Stop Barcode" msgstr "Začít/Zastavit čárkový kód" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production:0 #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Zrušit" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:mrp_operations.mrp_production_wc_action_form msgid "Work Orders is the list of operations to be performed for each manufacturing order. Once you start the first work order of a manufacturing order, the manufacturing order is automatically marked as started. Once you finish the latest operation of a manufacturing order, the MO is automatically done and the related products are produced." msgstr "Pracovní příkazy je seznam operací, které mají být vykonány pro každý výrobní příkaz. Jakmile zahájíte první pracovní příkaz výrobního příkazu, výrobní příkaz je automaticky označen jako zahájený. Jakmile dokončíte poslední operaci výrobního příkazu, výrobní příkaz je automaticky dokončen a související výrobky jsou vyrobeny." #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.node,name:mrp_operations.process_node_startoperation0 msgid "Start Operation" msgstr "Začít operaci" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 msgid "Information" msgstr "Informace" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.actions.report.xml,name:mrp_operations.report_wc_barcode msgid "Work Centers Barcode" msgstr "Čárkový kód pracovního centra" #. module: mrp_operations #: constraint:stock.move:0 msgid "You must assign a production lot for this product" msgstr "Pro tento výrobek musíte přiřadit výrobní dávku." #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 msgid "Late" msgstr "Zpožděné" #. module: mrp_operations #: field:mrp.workorder,delay:0 msgid "Delay" msgstr "Zpoždění" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 #: view:mrp.workorder:0 #: field:mrp.workorder,production_id:0 #: field:mrp_operations.operation,production_id:0 msgid "Production" msgstr "Výroba" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 msgid "Search Work Orders" msgstr "Hledat pracovní příkazy" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 msgid "Real" msgstr "Skutečný" #. module: mrp_operations #: field:mrp.production.workcenter.line,date_planned:0 msgid "Scheduled Date" msgstr "Plánovaný datum" #. module: mrp_operations #: field:mrp.production.workcenter.line,product:0 #: view:mrp.workorder:0 #: field:mrp.workorder,product_id:0 msgid "Product" msgstr "Výrobek" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.workorder:0 #: field:mrp.workorder,total_hours:0 msgid "Total Hours" msgstr "Celkem hodin" #. module: mrp_operations #: help:mrp.production,allow_reorder:0 msgid "Check this to be able to move independently all production orders, without moving dependent ones." msgstr "Zaškrtněte toto, abyste byli schopni přesunout nezávisle všechny výrobní příkazy bez přesouvání na nich závisejících." #. module: mrp_operations #: report:mrp.code.barcode:0 msgid ")" msgstr ")" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:mrp_operations.menu_report_mrp_workorders_tree msgid "Work Order Analysis" msgstr "Analýza pracovních příkazů" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production:0 #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 #: selection:mrp.production.workcenter.line,state:0 #: selection:mrp.workorder,state:0 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Dokončeno" #. module: mrp_operations #: field:mrp.production.workcenter.line,uom:0 msgid "UOM" msgstr "MJ" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 msgid "Hours by Work Center" msgstr "Hodiny podle pracovního centra" #. module: mrp_operations #: field:mrp.production.workcenter.line,delay:0 msgid "Working Hours" msgstr "Pracovní hodiny" #. module: mrp_operations #: field:mrp.production.workcenter.line,date_finished:0 #: field:mrp.production.workcenter.line,date_planned_end:0 #: field:mrp_operations.operation,date_finished:0 msgid "End Date" msgstr "Datum ukončení" #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.workorder,month:0 msgid "February" msgstr "Únor" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.transition,name:mrp_operations.process_transition_startcanceloperation0 msgid "Operation cancelled" msgstr "Operace zrušena" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.node,note:mrp_operations.process_node_startoperation0 msgid "Start the operation." msgstr "Začít operaci." #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.workorder,month:0 msgid "April" msgstr "Duben" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.transition,name:mrp_operations.process_transition_startdoneoperation0 msgid "Operation done" msgstr "Operace dokončena" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.workorder:0 msgid "#Line Orders" msgstr "#Řádek objednávek" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.transition,note:mrp_operations.process_transition_startdoneoperation0 msgid "When the operation is finished, the operator updates the system by finishing the work order." msgstr "Když je operace dokončena, obsluha zaktualizuje systém dokončením pracovního příkazu." #. module: mrp_operations #: selection:mrp.workorder,month:0 msgid "May" msgstr "Květen" #. module: mrp_operations #: model:process.transition,name:mrp_operations.process_transition_workstartoperation0 msgid "Details of the work order" msgstr "Podrobnosti pracovního příkazu" #. module: mrp_operations #: field:mrp.production.workcenter.line,production_state:0 msgid "Production State" msgstr "Stav výroby" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.workorder:0 #: field:mrp.workorder,year:0 msgid "Year" msgstr "Rok" #. module: mrp_operations #: view:mrp.production.workcenter.line:0 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Trvání" #. module: mrp_operations #: constraint:mrp.production:0 msgid "Order quantity cannot be negative or zero !" msgstr "Množství objednávky nemůže být záporné nebo nulové !" #. module: mrp_operations #: constraint:stock.move:0 msgid "You try to assign a lot which is not from the same product" msgstr "Snažíte se přiřadit dávku, která není ze stejného výrobku" #~ msgid "Workcenter" #~ msgstr "Pracovní centrum"