using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using AI;
namespace CevoAILib
enum Building
None = 28,
Pyramids = 0, TempleOfZeus = 1, HangingGardens = 2, Colossus = 3, Lighthouse = 4,
GreatLibrary = 5, Oracle = 6, SunTsusWarAcademy = 7, LeonardosWorkshop = 8, MagellansExpedition = 9,
MichelangelosChapel = 10, NewtonsCollege = 12, BachsCathedral = 13,
StatueOfLiberty = 15, EiffelTower = 16, HooverDam = 17, ShinkansenExpress = 18, ManhattanProject = 19,
MIRSpaceStation = 20,
WonderRange = 28, // for logic only, < WonderRange means wonder (better use Cevo.Pedia(Building).Kind)
Barracks = 29, Granary = 30, Temple = 31, Marketplace = 32, Library = 33, Courthouse = 34,
CityWalls = 35, Aqueduct = 36, Bank = 37, Cathedral = 38, University = 39,
Harbor = 40, Theater = 41, Factory = 42, MfgPlant = 43, RecyclingCenter = 44,
PowerStation = 45, HydroelectricDam = 46, NuclearPlant = 47, OffshorePlatform = 48, TownHall = 49,
SewerSystem = 50, Supermarket = 51, Superhighways = 52, ResearchLab = 53, SAM = 54,
CoastalFortress = 55, Airport = 56, Dockyard = 57,
Palace = 58, GreatWall = 59, Colosseum = 60, Observatory = 61, MilitaryAcademy = 62,
CommandBunker = 63, AlgaePlant = 64, StockExchange = 65, SpacePort = 66,
ColonyShipComponent = 67, PowerModule = 68, HabitationModule = 69,
enum CityEvent
CivilDisorder = 0, ProductionComplete = 1, PopulationGrowth = 2, PopulationDecrease = 3, UnitDisbanded = 4,
ImprovementSold = 5, ProductionSabotaged = 6, MaximumSizeReached = 7, Pollution = 8, CityUnderSiege = 9,
WonderAlreadyExists = 10, EmigrationDelayed = 11, CityFounded = 12, TakeoverComplete = 13
//enum ExploitableLocationStatus { Available = 0, ExploitedByOtherCity = 1, Siege = 2, DisallowedByTreaty = 4 }
enum UnitProductionOptions { None = 0x00, AllowDisbandCity = 0x01, AsConscripts = 0x02 }
/// Input parameter for City.OptimizeExploitedLocations__Turn method
class ResourceWeights
public enum Op {Add = 0, Multiply = 1}
/// predefined value: max growth
public static readonly ResourceWeights MaxGrowth = new ResourceWeights(120, Op.Add, 0.125, Op.Add, 0.0625, Op.Add, 0.0625, Op.Add);
/// predefined value: max production
public static readonly ResourceWeights MaxProduction = new ResourceWeights(0.0625, Op.Add, 120, Op.Add, 30, Op.Add, 1, Op.Add);
/// predefined value: max research
public static readonly ResourceWeights MaxResearch = new ResourceWeights(0.0625, Op.Add, 4, Op.Add, 4, Op.Add, 8, Op.Add);
/// predefined value: hurry production
public static readonly ResourceWeights HurryProduction = new ResourceWeights(0.5, Op.Multiply, 8, Op.Add, 2, Op.Add, 1, Op.Add);
/// predefined value: hurry research
public static readonly ResourceWeights HurryResearch = new ResourceWeights(0.5, Op.Multiply, 1, Op.Add, 1, Op.Add, 1, Op.Add);
/// INTERNAL - only access from CevoAILib classes!
public readonly uint Code;
/// Weights resources using a formula of the shape Pow(A1,wA1) * Pow(A2,wA2) * ... * (B1*wB1 + B2*wB2 + ...).
/// weight of food
/// operation for food weight, Multiply = A part, Add = B part of formula
/// weight of production
/// operation for production weight, Multiply = A part, Add = B part of formula
/// weight of tax
/// operation for tax weight, Multiply = A part, Add = B part of formula
/// weight of science
/// operation for science weight, Multiply = A part, Add = B part of formula
public ResourceWeights(double foodWeight, Op foodOp, double productionWeight, Op productionOp, double taxWeight, Op taxOp, double scienceWeight, Op scienceOp)
Code = (ItemCode(foodWeight, foodOp) << 24)
+ (ItemCode(productionWeight, productionOp) << 16)
+ (ItemCode(taxWeight, taxOp) << 8)
+ ItemCode(scienceWeight, scienceOp);
uint ItemCode(double weight, Op op)
int exp = (int)(Math.Log(weight, 2.0) + Math.Log(32.0 / 31.0, 2.0) + 990) - 993;
if (exp >= 4)
return 0x3F | ((uint)op << 7); // above maximum
if (exp < -4)
exp = -4;
uint mant = (uint)(weight * (1 << (4 - exp)) / 16.0 + 0.5);
if (mant > 15)
mant = 15;
if (exp < 0)
return mant | ((uint)(exp + 4) << 4) | ((uint)op << 7) | 0x40;
return mant | ((uint)exp << 4) | ((uint)op << 7);
/// set of the 3 basic resources (food, material, trade)
struct BaseResourceSet
public int Food;
public int Material;
public int Trade;
public BaseResourceSet(int food, int material, int trade)
this.Food = food;
this.Material = material;
this.Trade = trade;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("F{0} M{1} T{2}", Food, Material, Trade);
//struct ExploitableLocation
// public readonly Location Location;
// public readonly RC RC;
// public readonly ExploitableLocationStatus Status;
// public readonly BaseResourceSet PotentialResources;
// public ExploitableLocation(Location location, RC RC, ExploitableLocationStatus status, BaseResourceSet potentialResources)
// {
// this.Location = location;
// this.RC = RC;
// this.Status = status;
// this.PotentialResources = potentialResources;
// }
/// basic city information as available for both own and foreign cities
interface ICity
bool Exists { get; }
int ID { get; }
Location Location { get; }
Nation Nation { get; }
Nation Founder { get; }
int SerialNo { get; }
int Size { get; }
bool Has(Building building);
/// own city, abstract base class
unsafe abstract class ACity : ICity
protected readonly Empire theEmpire;
protected readonly int id;
public ACity(Empire empire, int indexInSharedMemory)
this.theEmpire = empire;
IndexInSharedMemory = indexInSharedMemory;
id = address[3] & 0xFFFF; // save to be able to find city back
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0}.{1}@{2}", (id >> 12) & 0xF, id & 0xFFF, address[0]);
#region ICity Members
/// true - city still exists, false - city has been destroyed
public bool Exists { get { return indexInSharedMemory >= 0; } }
/// unique city ID
public int ID { get { return id; } }
public Location Location { get { return new Location(theEmpire, address[0]); } }
public Nation Nation { get { return theEmpire.Us; } }
public Nation Founder { get { return new Nation(theEmpire, (id >> 12) & 0xF); } }
/// number of cities the founding nation founded before this one
public int SerialNo { get { return id & 0xFFF; } }
public int Size { get { return (address[3] >> 16) & 0xFFFF; } }
/// Whether the city has a specific building or wonder.
/// the building
/// whether building exists in this city
public bool Has(Building building) { return ((byte*)(address + 10))[(int)building] > 0; }
/// City area, i.e. the locations of all tiles that might potentially be exploited by the city, including the city location.
/// Usually the array has 21 elements, but it's less if the city is close to the upper or lower end of the map.
OtherLocation[] Area { get { return Location.Distance5Area; } }
/// Whether a location is in the area of the city, i.e. might potentially be exploited by it.
/// the location
/// true if in area, false if not
public bool AreaSpans(Location otherLocation) { return otherLocation.IsValid && (otherLocation - Location).Distance <= 5; }
/// whether the city had a specific event in this turn
/// the event
/// true if event occurred, false if not
public bool HadEvent__Turn(CityEvent cityEvent) { return (address[7] & (1 << (int)cityEvent)) != 0; }
/// If city was captured, turns until the takeover is complete and the city can be managed. Always 0 for cities that were not captured.
public int TurnsTillTakeoverComplete { get { return (address[7] >> 16) & 0xF; } }
/// food collected by the city
public int FoodPile { get { return address[5] & 0xFFFF; } }
/// material collected by the city
public int MaterialPile { get { return address[6] & 0xFFFF; } }
/// pollution accumulated in the city
public int PollutionPile { get { return (address[5] >> 16) & 0xFFFF; } }
/// size of food storage
public int StorageSize { get { return Cevo.StorageSize[theEmpire.DifficultyLevel]; } }
/// number of units that might have their home in this city without requiring material support
public int FreeSupport { get { return Size * Cevo.Pedia(theEmpire.Government).FreeSupport / 2; } }
#region report
public int Morale { get { UpdateReport(); return report[3]; } }
public int Control { get { UpdateReport(); return report[9]; } }
public int Wealth { get { UpdateReport(); return report[20]; } }
public int Unrest { get { UpdateReport(); return 2 * report[8]; } }
public int HappinessBalance { get { UpdateReport(); return report[21]; } }
public int FoodSupport { get { UpdateReport(); return report[4]; } }
public int MaterialSupport { get { UpdateReport(); return report[5]; } }
public int ProductionCost { get { UpdateReport(); return report[6]; } }
public BaseResourceSet TotalResourcesFromArea { get { UpdateReport(); return new BaseResourceSet(report[10], report[11], report[12]); } }
public int FoodSurplus { get { UpdateReport(); return report[14]; } }
public int MaterialSurplus { get { UpdateReport(); return report[15]; } }
public int PollutionPlus { get { UpdateReport(); return report[16]; } }
public int Corruption { get { UpdateReport(); return report[17]; } }
public int TaxOutput { get { UpdateReport(); return report[18]; } }
public int ScienceOutput { get { UpdateReport(); return report[19]; } }
public int NumberOfExploitedLocations
int array = address[8];
int count = 0;
for (int V21 = 1; V21 < 27; V21++)
if ((array & (1 << V21)) != 0)
return count;
public Location[] ExploitedLocations
int[] distance5IDs = new int[28];
theEmpire.Map.GetDistance5IDs(Location.ID, distance5IDs);
Location[] exploitedLocations = new Location[NumberOfExploitedLocations];
int array = address[8];
int count = 0;
for (int V21 = 1; V21 < 27; V21++)
if ((array & (1 << V21)) != 0)
exploitedLocations[count] = new Location(theEmpire, distance5IDs[V21]);
return exploitedLocations;
//public XC GetExploitableLocations__Turn(ref ExploitableLocation[] exploitableLocations)
// XC result;
// int[] distance5IDs = new int[28];
// theEmpire.Map.GetDistance5IDs(Location.ID, distance5IDs);
// fixed (int* cityAreaInfo = new int[28], tileInfo = new int[4])
// {
// result = theEmpire.Play(Protocol.sGetCityAreaInfo, Location.ID, cityAreaInfo);
// if (result.OK)
// {
// int count = 0;
// for (int V21 = 1; V21 < 27; V21++)
// {
// if (distance5IDs[V21] >= 0)
// count++;
// }
// exploitableLocations = new ExploitableLocation[count];
// count = 0;
// for (int V21 = 1; V21 < 27; V21++)
// {
// if (distance5IDs[V21] >= 0)
// {
// int dy = (V21 >> 2) - 3;
// int dx = ((V21 & 3) << 1) - 3 + ((dy + 3) & 1);
// tileInfo[3] = indexInSharedMemory;
// theEmpire.Play(Protocol.sGetHypoCityTileInfo, distance5IDs[V21], tileInfo);
// exploitableLocations[count] = new ExploitableLocation(
// new Location(theEmpire, distance5IDs[V21]),
// new RC((dx + dy) >> 1, (dy - dx) >> 1),
// (ExploitableLocationStatus)cityAreaInfo[V21],
// new BaseResourceSet(tileInfo[0], tileInfo[1], tileInfo[2]));
// count++;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// return result;
/// model of unit currently in production, null if production project is not a unit
public Model UnitInProduction
int project = address[4] & 0xFFFF;
if ((project & Protocol.cpImp) != 0)
return null;
return theEmpire.Models[project & Protocol.cpIndex];
/// building currently in production, Building.None if production project is not a building
public Building BuildingInProduction
int project = address[4] & 0xFFFF;
if ((project & Protocol.cpImp) == 0)
return Building.None;
return (Building)(project & Protocol.cpIndex);
public bool CanSetBuildingInProduction__Turn(Building building)
return theEmpire.TestPlay(Protocol.sSetCityProject, indexInSharedMemory, ((int)building & Protocol.cpIndex) | Protocol.cpImp).OK;
/// persistent custom value
public int Status
get { return address[1]; }
set { address[1] = value; }
#region effective methods
//public XC SetExploitedLocations__Turn(Location[] locations)
// int[] distance5IDs = new int[28];
// theEmpire.Map.GetDistance5IDs(Location.ID, distance5IDs);
// int array = 0;
// foreach (Location location in locations)
// {
// int V21 = Array.IndexOf(distance5IDs, location.ID);
// if (V21 < 0)
// return new XC(ServerReturnCode.TileNotAvailable);
// array += 1 << V21;
// }
// XC result = theEmpire.Play(Protocol.sSetCityTiles, indexInSharedMemory, array);
// if (result.Effective)
// InvalidateReport();
// return result;
/// Change selection of tiles to exploit by the city.
/// Does not touch the tile selection of other cities.
/// selection strategy: how to weight the different resource types
/// result of operation
public PlayResult OptimizeExploitedLocations__Turn(ResourceWeights resourceWeights)
PlayResult result;
fixed (uint* cityTileAdvice = new uint[20])
cityTileAdvice[0] = resourceWeights.Code;
result = theEmpire.Play(Protocol.sGetCityTileAdvice, indexInSharedMemory, cityTileAdvice);
if (result.OK)
result = theEmpire.Play(Protocol.sSetCityTiles, indexInSharedMemory, (int)cityTileAdvice[1]);
if (result.Effective)
return result;
/// Do no longer exploit any tile except the tile of the city itself. Combined with OptimizeExploitedLocations, this can
/// be used to set priorities for tile exploitation between cities with overlapping area. Typical sequence:
/// (1) LowPriorityCity.StopExploitation
/// (2) HighPriorityCity.OptimizeExploitedLocations
/// (3) LowPriorityCity.OptimizeExploitedLocations
/// Usually calling this should be followed by an OptimizeExploitedLocations for the same city within the same turn. Otherwise
/// the city will remain in the non-exploiting state and start to decline.
/// result of operation
public PlayResult StopExploitation__Turn()
PlayResult result = theEmpire.Play(Protocol.sSetCityTiles, indexInSharedMemory, 1<<13);
if (result.Effective)
return result;
/// Change production project to a unit.
/// model of the unit to produce
/// options
/// result of operation
public PlayResult SetUnitInProduction__Turn(Model model, UnitProductionOptions options)
int optionArray = 0;
if ((options & UnitProductionOptions.AsConscripts) != 0)
optionArray += Protocol.cpConscripts;
if ((options & UnitProductionOptions.AllowDisbandCity) != 0)
optionArray += Protocol.cpDisbandCity;
PlayResult result = theEmpire.Play(Protocol.sSetCityProject, indexInSharedMemory, model.IndexInSharedMemory | optionArray);
if (result.Effective)
return result;
/// Change production project to a unit.
/// model of the unit to produce
/// result of operation
public PlayResult SetUnitInProduction__Turn(Model model)
return SetUnitInProduction__Turn(model, UnitProductionOptions.None);
/// Change production project to a buiding or wonder.
/// the building to produce
/// result of operation
public PlayResult SetBuildingInProduction__Turn(Building building)
PlayResult result = theEmpire.Play(Protocol.sSetCityProject, indexInSharedMemory, ((int)building & Protocol.cpIndex) | Protocol.cpImp);
if (result.Effective)
return result;
/// stop production and set production to trade goods
/// result of operation
public PlayResult StopProduction__Turn()
return SetBuildingInProduction__Turn(Building.None);
/// buy material to complete the production in the next turn
/// result of operation
public PlayResult BuyMaterial__Turn()
return theEmpire.Play(Protocol.sBuyCityProject, indexInSharedMemory);
/// sell an existing building
/// the building to sell
/// result of operation
public PlayResult SellBuilding__Turn(Building building)
PlayResult result = theEmpire.Play(Protocol.sSellCityImprovement, indexInSharedMemory, (int)building);
if (result.Effective)
if (building == Building.Palace || building == Building.StockExchange || building == Building.SpacePort)
return result;
/// rebuild an existing building
/// the building to rebuild
/// result of operation
public PlayResult RebuildBuilding__Turn(Building building)
PlayResult result = theEmpire.Play(Protocol.sRebuildCityImprovement, indexInSharedMemory, (int)building);
if (result.Effective)
if (building == Building.Palace || building == Building.StockExchange || building == Building.SpacePort)
return result;
#region template internal stuff
int indexInSharedMemory = -1;
int* address;
int[] report = new int[22];
bool isReportValid = false;
void UpdateReport()
if (!isReportValid)
report[0] = -1;
report[1] = -1;
report[2] = -1;
fixed (int* data = report)
theEmpire.Play(Protocol.sGetCityReportNew, indexInSharedMemory, data);
isReportValid = true;
/// INTERNAL - only access from CevoAILib classes!
public int IndexInSharedMemory
get { return indexInSharedMemory; }
if (value != indexInSharedMemory)
indexInSharedMemory = value;
if (indexInSharedMemory >= 0)
address = (int*)theEmpire.address[5] + ROReadPoint.SizeOfCity * indexInSharedMemory;
/// INTERNAL - only call from CevoAILib classes!
public void InvalidateReport() { isReportValid = false; }
/// foreign city, abstract base class
unsafe abstract class AForeignCity : ICity
protected readonly Empire theEmpire;
protected readonly int id;
public AForeignCity(Empire empire, int indexInSharedMemory)
this.theEmpire = empire;
IndexInSharedMemory = indexInSharedMemory;
id = (address[3] >> 16) & 0xFFFF; // save to be able to find city back
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0}.{1}@{2}", (id >> 12) & 0xF, id & 0xFFF, address[0]);
#region ICity Members
/// true - city still exists, false - city has been destroyed
public bool Exists { get { return indexInSharedMemory >= 0; } }
/// unique city ID
public int ID { get { return id; } }
public Location Location { get { return new Location(theEmpire, address[0]); } }
public Nation Nation { get { return new Nation(theEmpire, address[3] & 0xFFFF); } }
public Nation Founder { get { return new Nation(theEmpire, (id >> 12) & 0xF); } }
/// number of cities the founding nation founded before this one
public int SerialNo { get { return id & 0xFFF; } }
public int Size { get { return address[4] & 0xFFFF; } }
/// Whether the city has a specific building or wonder.
/// Only works for buildings which are known if built in a foreign city.
/// These are: wonders, palace, space port and all defense facilities.
/// For all others, the return value is always false.
/// the building
/// whether building exists in this city
public bool Has(Building building)
switch (building)
case Building.Palace:
return (address[4] & (Protocol.ciCapital << 16)) != 0;
case Building.SpacePort:
return (address[4] & (Protocol.ciSpacePort << 16)) != 0;
case Building.CommandBunker:
return (address[4] & (Protocol.ciBunker << 16)) != 0;
case Building.CityWalls:
return (address[4] & (Protocol.ciWalled << 16)) != 0;
case Building.CoastalFortress:
return (address[4] & (Protocol.ciCoastalFort << 16)) != 0;
case Building.SAM:
return (address[4] & (Protocol.ciMissileBat << 16)) != 0;
if (building < Building.WonderRange)
return theEmpire.Wonder_IsInCity(building, this);
return false; // unknown
/// city size and building information dates back to this turn
public int TurnOfInformation { get { return Location.TurnObservedLast; } }
/// persistent custom value
public int Status
get { return address[1]; }
set { address[1] = value; }
#region template internal stuff
int indexInSharedMemory = -1;
int* address;
/// INTERNAL - only access from CevoAILib classes!
public int IndexInSharedMemory
get { return indexInSharedMemory; }
if (value != indexInSharedMemory)
indexInSharedMemory = value;
if (indexInSharedMemory >= 0)
address = (int*)theEmpire.address[8] + ROReadPoint.SizeOfCityInfo * indexInSharedMemory;