using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using AI;
namespace CevoAILib
enum ModelDomain { Ground = 0, Sea = 1, Air = 2 }
enum ModelKind
OwnDesign = 0x00, ForeignDesign = 0x01, LongBoats = 0x08, TownGuard = 0x10, Glider = 0x11,
Slaves = 0x21, Settlers = 0x22, SpecialCommando = 0x23, Freight = 0x24, Engineers = 0x122
enum ModelProperty
Weapons = 0, Armor = 1, Mobility = 2, SeaTransport = 3, Carrier = 4,
Turbines = 5, Bombs = 6, Fuel = 7, AirTransport = 8, Navigation = 9,
RadarSonar = 10, Submarine = 11, Artillery = 12, Alpine = 13, SupplyShip = 14,
Overweight = 15, AirDefence = 16, SpyPlane = 17, SteamPower = 18, NuclearPower = 19,
JetEngines = 20, Stealth = 21, Fanatic = 22, FirstStrike = 23, PowerOfWill = 24,
AcademyTraining = 25, LineProduction = 26
struct Stage
public readonly int MaximumWeight;
public readonly int StrengthMultiplier;
public readonly int TransportMultiplier;
public readonly int CostMultiplier;
readonly int upgradeArray;
bool ContainsUpgrade(int upgrade) { return (upgradeArray & (1 << upgrade)) != 0; }
public Stage(int maximumWeight, int strengthMultiplier, int transportMultiplier, int costMultiplier, int upgradeArray)
this.MaximumWeight = maximumWeight;
this.StrengthMultiplier = strengthMultiplier;
this.TransportMultiplier = transportMultiplier;
this.CostMultiplier = costMultiplier;
this.upgradeArray = upgradeArray;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("x{0}", StrengthMultiplier);
/// basic model information as available for both own and foreign models
abstract class ModelBase
#region abstract
public abstract int ID { get; }
public abstract ModelKind Kind { get; }
public abstract Nation Nation { get; }
public abstract ModelDomain Domain { get; }
public abstract int Attack { get; }
public abstract int AttackPlusWithBombs { get; }
public abstract int Defense { get; }
public abstract int Speed { get; }
public abstract int Cost { get; }
public abstract int TransportCapacity { get; }
public abstract int CarrierCapacity { get; }
public abstract int Fuel { get; }
public abstract int Weight { get; }
public abstract bool HasFeature(ModelProperty feature);
/// whether model has 2 tiles observation range (distance 5) instead of adjacent locations only
public bool HasExtendedObservationRange
return (Kind == ModelKind.SpecialCommando ||
Domain == ModelDomain.Air ||
HasFeature(ModelProperty.RadarSonar) ||
HasFeature(ModelProperty.AcademyTraining) ||
CarrierCapacity > 0);
public bool HasZoC { get { return Domain == ModelDomain.Ground && Kind != ModelKind.SpecialCommando; } }
public bool IsCivil { get { return Attack + AttackPlusWithBombs == 0 || Kind == ModelKind.SpecialCommando; } }
/// whether units of this model are capable of doing settler jobs
public bool CanDoJobs { get { return Kind == ModelKind.Settlers || Kind == ModelKind.Engineers || Kind == ModelKind.Slaves; } }
public bool CanCaptureCity { get { return Domain == ModelDomain.Ground && !IsCivil; } }
public bool CanBombardCity
return Attack + AttackPlusWithBombs > 0 &&
((Domain == ModelDomain.Sea && HasFeature(ModelProperty.Artillery)) ||
Domain == ModelDomain.Air);
/// whether units of this model pass hostile terrain without damage
public bool IsTerrainResistant { get { return Domain != ModelDomain.Ground || Kind == ModelKind.Engineers; } }
/// By which value the size of a city grows when a unit of this model is added to it. 0 if adding to a city is not possible.
public int AddsToCitySize
switch (Kind)
case ModelKind.Settlers: return 2;
case ModelKind.Slaves: return 1;
default: return 0;
/// own model, abstract base class
unsafe abstract class AModel : ModelBase
protected readonly Empire theEmpire;
public AModel(Empire empire, int indexInSharedMemory)
this.theEmpire = empire;
this.IndexInSharedMemory = indexInSharedMemory;
address = (int*)theEmpire.address[6] + ROReadPoint.SizeOfModel * indexInSharedMemory;
protected AModel(Empire empire) // for Blueprint only
this.theEmpire = empire;
this.IndexInSharedMemory = -1;
address = theEmpire.address + ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 19;
public override string ToString()
if (Kind == ModelKind.OwnDesign || Kind == ModelKind.ForeignDesign)
return string.Format("Model{0}.{1}({2}/{3}/{4})", (address[2] >> 12) & 0xF, address[2] & 0xFFF, Attack, Defense, Speed);
return string.Format("{0}", Kind);
byte* capacity { get { return (byte*)(address + 10); } }
#region IModel Members
/// unique model ID
public override int ID { get { return (address[2] & 0xFFFF); } }
public override ModelKind Kind
ModelKind kind = (ModelKind)(address[4] & 0xFF);
if (kind == ModelKind.Settlers && ((address[5] >> 16) & 0xFFFF) > 150) // assume fast settlers are engineers
return ModelKind.Engineers;
return kind;
public override Nation Nation { get { return theEmpire.Us; } }
public override ModelDomain Domain { get { return (ModelDomain)((address[4] >> 8) & 0xFF); } }
public override int Attack { get { return (address[4] >> 16) & 0xFFFF; } }
public override int AttackPlusWithBombs { get { return capacity[(int)ModelProperty.Bombs] * Stage.StrengthMultiplier * 2; } }
public override int Defense { get { return address[5] & 0xFFFF; } }
public override int Speed { get { return (address[5] >> 16) & 0xFFFF; } }
public override int Cost { get { return address[6] & 0xFFFF; } }
public override int CarrierCapacity { get { return capacity[(int)ModelProperty.Carrier] * Stage.TransportMultiplier; } }
public override int Fuel { get { return capacity[(int)ModelProperty.Fuel]; } }
public override int Weight { get { return (address[7] >> 16) & 0xFF; } }
public override int TransportCapacity
if (Domain == ModelDomain.Air)
return capacity[(int)ModelProperty.AirTransport] * Stage.TransportMultiplier;
return capacity[(int)ModelProperty.SeaTransport] * Stage.TransportMultiplier;
/// Whether model has a certain feature.
/// Does not work for capacities (Weapons, Armor, Mobility, SeaTransport, Carrier, Turbines, Bombs, Fuel), always returns false for these.
/// the feature
/// true if model has feature, false if not
public override bool HasFeature(ModelProperty feature)
if ((int)feature >= Protocol.mcFirstNonCap)
return capacity[(int)feature] > 0;
return false; // to maintain consistency with AForeignModel (capacities have special properties)
public bool RequiresDoubleSupport { get { return (address[9] & Protocol.mdDoubleSupport) != 0; } }
public int TurnOfIntroduction { get { return (address[2] >> 16) & 0xFFFF; } }
public Stage Stage { get { return new Stage((address[7] >> 24) & 0xFF, (address[6] >> 16) & 0xFFFF, address[7] & 0xFF, (address[7] >> 8) & 0xFF, address[8]); } }
public int NumberBuilt { get { return address[3] & 0xFFFF; } }
public int NumberLost { get { return (address[3] >> 16) & 0xFFFF; } }
/// persistent custom value
public int Status
get { return address[0]; }
set { address[0] = value; }
#region template internal stuff
/// INTERNAL - only access from CevoAILib classes!
public int IndexInSharedMemory;
int* address;
/// foreign model, abstract base class
unsafe abstract class AForeignModel : ModelBase
protected readonly Empire theEmpire;
public AForeignModel(Empire empire, int indexInSharedMemory)
this.theEmpire = empire;
this.indexInSharedMemory = indexInSharedMemory;
address = (int*)theEmpire.address[9] + ROReadPoint.SizeOfModelInfo * indexInSharedMemory;
public override string ToString()
if (Kind == ModelKind.OwnDesign || Kind == ModelKind.ForeignDesign)
return string.Format("Model{0}.{1}({2}/{3}/{4})", (address[1] >> 12) & 0xF, address[1] & 0xFFF, Attack, Defense, Speed);
return string.Format("{0}", Kind);
#region IModel Members
/// unique model ID
public override int ID { get { return address[1] & 0xFFFF; } }
public override ModelKind Kind
ModelKind kind = (ModelKind)((address[1] >> 16) & 0xFF);
if (kind == ModelKind.Settlers && (address[3] & 0xFFFF) > 150) // assume fast settlers are engineers
return ModelKind.Engineers;
return kind;
public override Nation Nation { get { return new Nation(theEmpire, address[0] & 0xFFFF); } }
public override ModelDomain Domain { get { return (ModelDomain)((address[1] >> 24) & 0xFF); } }
public override int Attack { get { return address[2] & 0xFFFF; } }
public override int AttackPlusWithBombs { get { return (address[4] >> 16) & 0xFFFF; } }
public override int Defense { get { return (address[2] >> 16) & 0xFFFF; } }
public override int Speed { get { return address[3] & 0xFFFF; } }
public override int Cost { get { return (address[3] >> 16) & 0xFFFF; } }
public override int TransportCapacity { get { return address[4] & 0xFF; } }
public override int Weight { get { return (address[6] >> 8) & 0xFF; } }
public override int CarrierCapacity
if (Domain == ModelDomain.Sea)
return (address[4] >> 8) & 0xFF;
return 0;
public override int Fuel
if (Domain == ModelDomain.Air)
return (address[4] >> 8) & 0xFF;
return 0;
/// Whether model has a certain feature.
/// Does not work for capacities (Weapons, Armor, Mobility, SeaTransport, Carrier, Turbines, Bombs, Fuel), always returns false for these.
/// the feature
/// true if model has feature, false if not
public override bool HasFeature(ModelProperty feature)
if ((int)feature >= Protocol.mcFirstNonCap)
return (address[5] & (1 << ((int)feature - Protocol.mcFirstNonCap))) != 0;
return false;
public int NumberDefeatet { get { return (address[6] >> 16) & 0xFFFF; } }
#region template internal stuff
int indexInSharedMemory = -1;
int* address;
/// INTERNAL - only access from CevoAILib classes!
public int IndexInNationsSharedMemory { get { return (address[0] >> 16) & 0xFFFF; } }
/// Model blueprint for military research. Class of AEmpire.Blueprint.
class Blueprint : AModel
public Blueprint(Empire empire)
: base(empire)
/// Set domain of model. Do this before setting properties.
/// the domain
/// result of operation
public PlayResult SetDomain__Turn(ModelDomain domain)
if (theEmpire.Researching == Advance.MilitaryResearch)
return new PlayResult(PlayError.ResearchInProgress);
return theEmpire.Play(Protocol.sCreateDevModel, (int)domain);
/// Set property of model. Do this after setting the domain. Earlier calls for the same property are voided.
/// the property
/// for capacities: count of usage, for features: 1 = use, 0 = don't use
/// result of operation
public PlayResult SetProperty__Turn(ModelProperty property, int value)
if (theEmpire.Researching == Advance.MilitaryResearch)
return new PlayResult(PlayError.ResearchInProgress);
return theEmpire.Play(Protocol.sSetDevModelCap + (value << 4), (int)property);