using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Common;
using CevoAILib.Diplomacy;
using AI;
namespace CevoAILib
enum Phase { BeginOfTurn, Turn, EndOfTurn, ForeignTurn };
enum Relation { NoContact = 0, NoTreaty = 1, CeaseFire = 2, Peace = 3, FriendlyContact = 4, Alliance = 5, Identity = 6 }
enum Attitude { Hostile = 0, Icy = 1, Uncooperative = 2, Neutral = 3, Receptive = 4, Cordial = 5, Enthusiastic = 6 }
enum Government { Anarchy = 0, Despotism = 1, Monarchy = 2, Republic = 3, Fundamentalism = 4, Communism = 5, Democracy = 6, FutureSociety = 7 }
enum EmpireEvent { ResearchComplete = 0, AnarchyOver = 3, GliderLost = 8, AircraftLost = 9, PeaceViolation = 10, PeaceEvacuation = 11 }
enum Advance
None = -1, MilitaryResearch = 0x800,
AdvancedFlight = 0, AmphibiousWarfare = 1, Astronomy = 2, AtomicTheory = 3, Automobile = 4,
Ballistics = 5, Banking = 6, BridgeBuilding = 7, BronzeWorking = 8, CeremonialBurial = 9,
Chemistry = 10, Chivalry = 11, Composites = 12, CodeOfLaws = 13, CombinedArms = 14,
CombustionEngine = 15, Communism = 16, Computers = 17, Conscription = 18, Construction = 19,
TheCorporation = 20, SpaceFlight = 21, Currency = 22, Democracy = 23, Economics = 24,
Electricity = 25, Electronics = 26, Engineering = 27, Environmentalism = 28, TheWheel = 29,
Explosives = 30, Flight = 31, Espionage = 32, Gunpowder = 33, HorsebackRiding = 34,
ImpulseDrive = 35, Industrialization = 36, SmartWeapons = 37, Invention = 38, IronWorking = 39,
TheLaser = 40, NuclearPower = 41, Literature = 42, TheInternet = 43, Magnetism = 44,
MapMaking = 45, Masonry = 46, MassProduction = 47, Mathematics = 48, Medicine = 49,
Metallurgy = 50, Miniaturization = 51, MobileWarfare = 52, Monarchy = 53, Mysticism = 54,
Navigation = 55, NuclearFission = 56, Philosophy = 57, Physics = 58, Plastics = 59,
Poetry = 60, Pottery = 61, Radio = 62, Recycling = 63, Refrigeration = 64,
Monotheism = 65, TheRepublic = 66, Robotics = 67, Rocketry = 68, Railroad = 69,
Sanitation = 70, Science = 71, Writing = 72, Seafaring = 73, SelfContainedEnvironment = 74,
Stealth = 75, SteamEngine = 76, Steel = 77, SyntheticFood = 78, Tactics = 79,
Theology = 80, TheoryOfGravity = 81, Trade = 82, TransstellarColonization = 83, University = 84,
AdvancedRocketry = 85, WarriorCode = 86, Alphabet = 87, Polytheism = 88, Refining = 89,
ComputingTechnology = 90, NanoTechnology = 91, MaterialTechnology = 92, ArtificialIntelligence = 93,
FirstCommon = 0, LastCommon = 89, FirstFuture = 90, LastFuture = 93
struct Economy
public readonly int TaxRate;
public readonly int Research;
public readonly int Wealth;
public Economy(int taxRate, int wealth)
this.TaxRate = taxRate;
this.Wealth = wealth;
this.Research = 100 - taxRate - wealth;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("T{0} R{1} W{2}", TaxRate, Research, Wealth);
struct ColonyShipParts
public readonly int ComponentCount;
public readonly int PowerCount;
public readonly int HabitationCount;
public int this[Building part]
switch (part)
case Building.ColonyShipComponent: return ComponentCount;
case Building.PowerModule: return PowerCount;
case Building.HabitationModule: return HabitationCount;
default: return 0;
public ColonyShipParts(int componentCount, int powerCount, int habitationCount)
this.ComponentCount = componentCount;
this.PowerCount = powerCount;
this.HabitationCount = habitationCount;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("C{0} P{1} H{2}", ComponentCount, PowerCount, HabitationCount);
unsafe struct Nation
public static Nation None { get { return new Nation(null, -1); } }
readonly AEmpire theEmpire;
public readonly int ID;
public Nation(AEmpire empire, int id) // empire refers to the own empire, not the one of the nation
this.theEmpire = empire;
this.ID = id;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0}", ID);
public static bool operator ==(Nation nation1, Nation nation2) { return nation1.ID == nation2.ID; }
public static bool operator !=(Nation nation1, Nation nation2) { return nation1.ID != nation2.ID; }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { return ID == ((Nation)obj).ID; }
public override int GetHashCode() { return ID; }
int* report { get { return (int*)theEmpire.address[10 + ID]; } }
/// whether this nation is still in the game
public bool Subsists
if (ID < 0)
return false;
return (theEmpire.address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 2] & (1 << ID)) != 0;
/// whether this nation has a specific wonder in one of its cities AND this wonder's effect has not yet expired
/// the wonder
/// true if nation has wonder and wonder is effective, false if it has not or wonder is expired
public bool HasWonder(Building wonder)
if (ID < 0)
return false;
return theEmpire.address[ROReadPoint.Wonder + 2 * (int)wonder + 1] == ID;
/// government form of this nation
public Government Government
if (this == theEmpire.Us)
return (Government)theEmpire.address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 13];
return (Government)report[5 + Protocol.nPl];
/// credibility of this nation
public int Credibility
if (this == theEmpire.Us)
return theEmpire.address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 5];
return report[4];
/// colony ship of this nation
public ColonyShipParts ColonyShip
return new ColonyShipParts(theEmpire.address[ROReadPoint.Ship + 3 * ID],
theEmpire.address[ROReadPoint.Ship + 3 * ID + 1],
theEmpire.address[ROReadPoint.Ship + 3 * ID + 2]);
interface IDossier
int TurnOfReport { get; }
int Treasury { get; }
bool Has(Advance advance);
bool HasAlmost(Advance advance);
int FutureTechnology(Advance advance);
Advance Researching { get; }
int ResearchPile { get; }
Relation RelationTo(Nation nation);
/// own empire, abstract base class
unsafe abstract class AEmpire : IDossier
#region abstract
protected abstract void NewGame();
protected abstract void Resume();
protected abstract void OnTurn();
protected abstract void OnStealAdvance(Advance[] selection);
protected abstract void OnForeignMove(IUnitInfo unit, Location destination);
protected abstract void OnBeforeForeignCapture(Nation nation, ICity city);
protected abstract void OnAfterForeignCapture();
protected abstract void OnBeforeForeignAttack(IUnitInfo attacker, Location target, BattleOutcome outcome);
protected abstract void OnAfterForeignAttack();
protected abstract void OnChanceToNegotiate(Phase situation, Nation Opponent, ref bool wantNegotiation, ref bool cancelTreatyIfRejected);
protected abstract void OnNegotiate(Negotiation negotiation);
public readonly Nation Us;
public readonly Map Map;
public readonly ToughSet Units = new ToughSet();
public readonly ForeignUnitList ForeignUnits;
public readonly List Models = new List();
public readonly List ForeignModels = new List();
public readonly ToughSet Cities = new ToughSet();
public readonly ToughSet ForeignCities = new ToughSet();
/// Model blueprint for military research.
public readonly Blueprint Blueprint;
/// persistent memory
public readonly Persistent Persistent;
public AEmpire(int nationID, IntPtr serverPtr, IntPtr dataPtr, bool isNewGame)
int* data = (int*)dataPtr;
serverCall = (ServerCall)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(serverPtr, typeof(ServerCall));
address = (int*)data[4 + Protocol.nPl + nationID];
DifficultyLevel = data[4 + nationID];
TurnWhenGameEnds = data[3];
this.isNewGame = isNewGame;
foreignTurnUpdateAreas = UpdateArea.All;
Us = new Nation(this, nationID);
Map = new Map(this, data[0], data[1], data[2]);
ForeignUnits = new ForeignUnitList(this);
Blueprint = new Blueprint((Empire)this);
Persistent = new Persistent((Empire)this, (IntPtr)address[0]);
debugMapAddress = (int*)address[ROReadPoint.OracleIncome + 1];
// for convenience, map all members of Us to empire
public bool Subsists { get { return Us.Subsists; } }
public Government Government { get { return Us.Government; } }
public int Credibility { get { return Us.Credibility; } }
public bool HasWonder(Building wonder) { return Us.HasWonder(wonder); }
public ColonyShipParts ColonyShip { get { return Us.ColonyShip; } }
#region IDossier members
public int TurnOfReport { get { return Turn; } }
public int Treasury { get { return address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 14]; } }
/// whether an advance has been completely researched
/// the advance
/// true if researched, false if not
public bool Has(Advance advance) { return ((sbyte*)(address + ROReadPoint.Tech))[(int)advance] >= 0; }
/// whether an advance was gained from a trade with another nation or from the temple of zeus wonder
/// the advance
/// true if gained, false if not
public bool HasAlmost(Advance advance) { return ((sbyte*)(address + ROReadPoint.Tech))[(int)advance] == -1; }
/// science points collected for current research
public int ResearchPile { get { return address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 17]; } }
/// advance currently researched
public Advance Researching
int ad = address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 18];
if (ad < 0)
return Advance.None;
return (Advance)ad;
/// relation to specific other nation
/// the other nation
/// the relation
public Relation RelationTo(Nation nation)
if (nation == Us)
return Relation.Identity;
return (Relation)(address[ROReadPoint.Attitude + Protocol.nPl + nation.ID] + 1);
/// number of future technologies developed
/// the future technology
/// number
public int FutureTechnology(Advance advance)
sbyte raw = ((sbyte*)(address + ROReadPoint.Tech))[(int)advance];
if (raw <= 0)
return 0;
return raw;
public bool IsMyTurn { get { return phase != Phase.ForeignTurn; } }
public int Turn { get { return address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 1]; } }
/// whether a specific nation level event occurred in this turn
/// the event
/// true if the event occurred, false if not
public bool HadEvent__Turn(EmpireEvent empireEvent) { return (address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 3] & (1 << (int)empireEvent)) != 0; }
public readonly int DifficultyLevel;
//bool IsManipulationActivated(Manipulation manipulation); todo !!!
public readonly int TurnWhenGameEnds;
public int TurnOfAnarchyBegin { get { return address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 4]; } }
public int MaximumCredibilityLeft { get { return address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 6]; } }
/// current economy settings, call ChangeEconomy__Turn to change
public Economy Economy { get { return new Economy(address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 15], address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 16]); } }
public int IncomeFromOracle { get { return address[ROReadPoint.OracleIncome]; } }
public bool CanSetResearch__Turn(Advance advance) { return TestPlay(Protocol.sSetResearch, (int)advance).OK; }
public RelationDetails RelationDetailsTo(Nation nation) { return new RelationDetails(this, nation); }
public BattleHistory BattleHistory { get { return new BattleHistory(this); } }
/// number of nations that are still in the game
public int NumberOfSubsistingNations
int aliveArray = address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 2];
int count = 0;
for (int nationID = 0; nationID < Protocol.nPl; nationID++)
if ((aliveArray & (1 << nationID)) != 0)
return count;
/// set of nations that are still in the game
public Nation[] SubsistingNations
Nation[] subsistingNations = new Nation[NumberOfSubsistingNations];
int aliveArray = address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 2];
int count = 0;
for (int nationID = 0; nationID < Protocol.nPl; nationID++)
if ((aliveArray & (1 << nationID)) != 0)
subsistingNations[count] = new Nation(this, nationID);
return subsistingNations;
/// science points to collect before the current research is complete
public int CurrentResearchCost
fixed (int* researchCost = new int[1])
Play(Protocol.sGetTechCost, 0, researchCost);
return researchCost[0];
/// Whether a specific building is built in one of the own cities.
/// Applicable to wonders and state improvements.
/// In case of wonders true is only returned if this wonder's effect has not yet expired.
/// the wonder
/// true if built and effective, false if not
public bool Has(Building building)
if (building < Building.WonderRange)
return Us.HasWonder(building);
return ((sbyte*)(address + ROReadPoint.NatBuilt))[(int)building - (int)Building.WonderRange] > 0;
public bool Wonder_WasBuilt(Building wonder) { return address[ROReadPoint.Wonder + 2 * (int)wonder] != -1; }
public bool Wonder_WasDestroyed(Building wonder) { return address[ROReadPoint.Wonder + 2 * (int)wonder] == -2; }
public bool Wonder_IsInCity(Building wonder, ICity city) { return address[ROReadPoint.Wonder + 2 * (int)wonder] == city.ID; }
public Dossier LastDossier(Nation nation) { return new Dossier(this, nation); }
public MilitaryReport LastMilitaryReport(Nation nation) { return new MilitaryReport(this, nation); }
#region effective methods
/// Start revolution.
/// result of operation
public PlayResult Revolution__Turn()
PlayResult result = Play(Protocol.sRevolution);
if (result.OK)
return result;
/// Set government form. Requires AnarchyOver event to have occurred this turn.
/// new government form
/// result of operation
public PlayResult SetGovernment__Turn(Government newGovernment)
PlayResult result = Play(Protocol.sSetGovernment, (int)newGovernment);
if (result.Effective)
return result;
/// Change economy settings.
/// new economy settings
/// result of operation
public PlayResult ChangeEconomy__Turn(Economy economy)
PlayResult result = Play(Protocol.sSetRates, (economy.TaxRate / 10 & 0xf) + ((economy.Wealth / 10 & 0xf) << 4));
if (result.Effective)
return result;
/// Set new advance to research. Requires ResearchComplete event to have occurred this turn.
/// If advance is MilitaryResearch Blueprint must have been designed as desired already.
/// advance to research
/// result of operation
public PlayResult SetResearch__Turn(Advance advance) { return Play(Protocol.sSetResearch, (int)advance); }
/// Steal advance as offered by the temple of zeus wonder.
/// Call from OnStealAdvance handler only.
/// the advance to steal
/// result of operation
public PlayResult StealAdvance__Turn(Advance advance) { return Play(Protocol.sStealTech, (int)advance); }
/// change attitude to other nation
/// the nation
/// the attitude
/// result of operation
public PlayResult ChangeAttitudeTo(Nation nation, Attitude attitude) { return Play(Protocol.sSetAttitude + (nation.ID << 4), (int)attitude); }
#region template internal stuff
delegate int ServerCall(int command, int nation, int subject, void* data);
readonly ServerCall serverCall;
readonly bool isNewGame;
/// INTERNAL - only access from CevoAILib classes!
public readonly int* address;
/// INTERNAL - only access from CevoAILib classes!
public readonly int* debugMapAddress;
/// INTERNAL - only access from CevoAILib classes!
public readonly Unit[] UnitLookup = new Unit[Cevo.MaxUnitsPerNation];
/// INTERNAL - only access from CevoAILib classes!
public readonly City[] CityLookup = new City[Cevo.MaxCitiesPerNation];
readonly byte[] foreignCityLookup = new byte[Cevo.MaxCitiesPerNation * Cevo.MaxNumberOfNations];
bool called = false;
Phase phase = Phase.ForeignTurn;
bool foreignMoveSkipped;
bool foreignMoveIsCapture;
UpdateArea foreignTurnUpdateAreas;
// diplomacy
Nation possibleNegotiationWith = Nation.None;
bool cancelTreatyIfRejected = false;
List nationsContacted = new List();
List nationsNotToContact = new List();
Negotiation currentNegotiation = null;
/// INTERNAL - only call from CevoAILib classes!
public void StealAdvance()
List stealable = new List();
for (Advance testAdvance = Advance.FirstCommon; testAdvance <= Advance.LastCommon; testAdvance++)
if (TestPlay(Protocol.sStealTech, (int)testAdvance).OK)
if (stealable.Count > 0)
/// INTERNAL - only call from CevoAILib classes!
public PlayResult Play(int command, int subject, void* data)
return new PlayResult(serverCall(command, Us.ID, subject, data));
/// INTERNAL - only call from CevoAILib classes!
public PlayResult Play(int command, int subject, int data)
fixed (int* dataPtr = new int[1])
dataPtr[0] = data;
return new PlayResult(serverCall(command, Us.ID, subject, dataPtr));
/// INTERNAL - only call from CevoAILib classes!
public PlayResult Play(int command, int subject)
return new PlayResult(serverCall(command, Us.ID, subject, null));
/// INTERNAL - only call from CevoAILib classes!
public PlayResult Play(int command)
return new PlayResult(serverCall(command, Us.ID, 0, null));
/// INTERNAL - only call from CevoAILib classes!
public PlayResult TestPlay(int command, int subject, void* data)
return new PlayResult(serverCall(command - Protocol.sExecute, Us.ID, subject, data));
/// INTERNAL - only call from CevoAILib classes!
public PlayResult TestPlay(int command, int subject, int data)
fixed (int* dataPtr = new int[1])
dataPtr[0] = data;
return new PlayResult(serverCall(command - Protocol.sExecute, Us.ID, subject, dataPtr));
/// INTERNAL - only call from CevoAILib classes!
public PlayResult TestPlay(int command, int subject)
return new PlayResult(serverCall(command - Protocol.sExecute, Us.ID, subject, null));
/// INTERNAL - only call from CevoAILib classes!
public PlayResult TestPlay(int command)
return new PlayResult(serverCall(command - Protocol.sExecute, Us.ID, 0, null));
/// INTERNAL - only call from CevoAILib classes!
public void InvalidateAllCityReports() { foreach (City city in Cities) city.InvalidateReport(); }
public enum UpdateArea { Basic = 0x00, Units = 0x01, Cities = 0x02, ForeignCities = 0x08, All = 0xFF }
/// INTERNAL - only call from CevoAILib classes!
/// update the lists Models and ForeignModels
/// and to correct the lists Units, Cities and ForeignCities
/// this includes address correction of objects, adding objects for new items,
/// removing objects of destroyed items and marking these objects
public void UpdateLists(UpdateArea areas)
// models
int* sharedMemoryList = (int*)address[6];
int sharedMemoryCount = address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 9];
for (int indexInSharedMemory = Models.Count; indexInSharedMemory < sharedMemoryCount; indexInSharedMemory++)
Models.Add(new Model((Empire)this, indexInSharedMemory));
// foreign models
sharedMemoryList = (int*)address[9];
sharedMemoryCount = address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 12];
for (int indexInSharedMemory = ForeignModels.Count; indexInSharedMemory < sharedMemoryCount; indexInSharedMemory++)
ForeignModels.Add(new ForeignModel((Empire)this, indexInSharedMemory));
// cities
bool doCities = true;
bool doCities = (areas & UpdateArea.Cities) != 0;
if (doCities)
sharedMemoryList = (int*)address[5];
sharedMemoryCount = address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 8];
Array.Clear(CityLookup, 0, sharedMemoryCount);
foreach (City city in Cities)
int indexInSharedMemory = city.IndexInSharedMemory; // items do only move backward in shared memory
int originalIndex = indexInSharedMemory;
while (indexInSharedMemory >= 0 &&
(indexInSharedMemory >= sharedMemoryCount || // index beyond bounds
(sharedMemoryList[ROReadPoint.SizeOfCity * indexInSharedMemory + 3] & 0xFFFF) != city.ID || // not the right city
sharedMemoryList[ROReadPoint.SizeOfCity * indexInSharedMemory] < 0)) // LID < 0 indicates gap in list
if (indexInSharedMemory < 0)
{ // city was captured or destroyd, remove
if ((areas & UpdateArea.Cities) == 0) // debug check fails
throw new Exception("UpdateLists: City removal is not updated!");
city.IndexInSharedMemory = -1;
{ // city still exists, correct shared memory index
if (indexInSharedMemory != originalIndex)
if ((areas & UpdateArea.Cities) == 0) // debug check fails
throw new Exception("UpdateLists: City index change is not updated!");
city.IndexInSharedMemory = indexInSharedMemory;
CityLookup[indexInSharedMemory] = city;
for (int indexInSharedMemory = 0; indexInSharedMemory < sharedMemoryCount; indexInSharedMemory++)
if (CityLookup[indexInSharedMemory] == null &&
sharedMemoryList[ROReadPoint.SizeOfCity * indexInSharedMemory] >= 0) // LID < 0 indicates gap in list
{ // shared memory object not in list
if ((areas & UpdateArea.Cities) == 0) // debug check fails
throw new Exception("UpdateLists: City creation is not updated!");
City city = new City((Empire)this, indexInSharedMemory);
CityLookup[indexInSharedMemory] = city;
// foreign cities
bool doForeignCities = true;
bool doForeignCities = (areas & UpdateArea.ForeignCities) != 0;
if (doForeignCities)
sharedMemoryList = (int*)address[8];
sharedMemoryCount = address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 11];
Array.Clear(foreignCityLookup, 0, sharedMemoryCount);
foreach (ForeignCity city in ForeignCities)
int indexInSharedMemory = city.IndexInSharedMemory; // items do only move backward in shared memory
int originalIndex = indexInSharedMemory;
while (indexInSharedMemory >= 0 &&
(indexInSharedMemory >= sharedMemoryCount || // index beyond bounds
((sharedMemoryList[ROReadPoint.SizeOfCityInfo * indexInSharedMemory + 3] >> 16) & 0xFFFF) != city.ID || // not the right city
sharedMemoryList[ROReadPoint.SizeOfCityInfo * indexInSharedMemory] < 0)) // LID < 0 indicates gap in list
if (indexInSharedMemory < 0)
{ // city was captured or destroyd, remove
if ((areas & UpdateArea.ForeignCities) == 0) // debug check fails
throw new Exception("UpdateLists: Foreign city removal is not updated!");
city.IndexInSharedMemory = -1;
{ // city still exists, correct shared memory index
if (indexInSharedMemory != originalIndex)
if ((areas & UpdateArea.ForeignCities) == 0) // debug check fails
throw new Exception("UpdateLists: Foreign city index change is not updated!");
city.IndexInSharedMemory = indexInSharedMemory;
foreignCityLookup[indexInSharedMemory] = 1;
for (int indexInSharedMemory = 0; indexInSharedMemory < sharedMemoryCount; indexInSharedMemory++)
if (foreignCityLookup[indexInSharedMemory] == 0 &&
sharedMemoryList[ROReadPoint.SizeOfCityInfo * indexInSharedMemory] >= 0) // LID < 0 indicates gap in list
if ((areas & UpdateArea.ForeignCities) == 0) // debug check fails
throw new Exception("UpdateLists: Foreign city creation is not updated!");
ForeignCities.Add(new ForeignCity((Empire)this, indexInSharedMemory));
// units
bool doUnits = true;
bool doUnits = (areas & UpdateArea.Units) != 0;
if (doUnits)
sharedMemoryList = (int*)address[4];
sharedMemoryCount = address[ROReadPoint.TestFlags + 7];
Array.Clear(UnitLookup, 0, sharedMemoryCount);
foreach (Unit unit in Units)
int indexInSharedMemory = unit.IndexInSharedMemory; // items do only move backward in shared memory
int originalIndex = indexInSharedMemory;
while (indexInSharedMemory >= 0 &&
(indexInSharedMemory >= sharedMemoryCount || // index beyond bounds
(sharedMemoryList[ROReadPoint.SizeOfUn * indexInSharedMemory + 3] & 0xFFFF) != unit.ID || // not the right unit
sharedMemoryList[ROReadPoint.SizeOfUn * indexInSharedMemory] < 0)) // LID < 0 indicates gap in list
if (indexInSharedMemory < 0)
{ // unit was destroyd, remove
if ((areas & UpdateArea.Units) == 0) // debug check fails
throw new Exception("UpdateLists: Unit removal is not updated!");
unit.IndexInSharedMemory = -1;
{ // unit still exists, correct shared memory index
if (indexInSharedMemory != originalIndex)
if ((areas & UpdateArea.Units) == 0) // debug check fails
throw new Exception("UpdateLists: Unit index change is not updated!");
unit.IndexInSharedMemory = indexInSharedMemory;
UnitLookup[indexInSharedMemory] = unit;
for (int indexInSharedMemory = 0; indexInSharedMemory < sharedMemoryCount; indexInSharedMemory++)
if (UnitLookup[indexInSharedMemory] == null &&
sharedMemoryList[ROReadPoint.SizeOfUn * indexInSharedMemory] >= 0) // LID < 0 indicates gap in list
{ // shared memory object not in list
if ((areas & UpdateArea.Units) == 0) // debug check fails
throw new Exception("UpdateLists: Unit creation is not updated!");
Unit unit = new Unit((Empire)this, indexInSharedMemory);
UnitLookup[indexInSharedMemory] = unit;
// internal
void ForeignTurnUpdate()
foreignTurnUpdateAreas = UpdateArea.Basic;
/// INTERNAL - only call from Plugin class!
public void Process(int command, IntPtr dataPtr)
if (!called)
if (isNewGame)
called = true;
int* data = (int*)dataPtr;
switch (command)
case Protocol.cTurn:
case Protocol.cContinue:
if (!Subsists)
if (command == Protocol.cTurn)
phase = Phase.BeginOfTurn;
if (Researching != Advance.MilitaryResearch)
Play(Protocol.sCreateDevModel, (int)ModelDomain.Ground); // keep blueprint current
if (command == Protocol.cContinue && possibleNegotiationWith != Nation.None)
{ // that means a negotiation attempt was made but rejected
if (cancelTreatyIfRejected && RelationTo(possibleNegotiationWith) >= Relation.Peace)
currentNegotiation = null;
possibleNegotiationWith = Nation.None;
cancelTreatyIfRejected = false;
InvalidateAllCityReports(); // turn begin and after negotiation
while (true)
if (Government != Government.Anarchy)
foreach (Nation nation in SubsistingNations)
if (nation != Us &&
RelationTo(nation) != Relation.NoContact &&
nation.Government != Government.Anarchy &&
!(nationsContacted.Contains(nation)) &&
!(nationsNotToContact.Contains(nation)) &&
TestPlay(Protocol.scContact + (nation.ID << 4)).OK)
bool wantNegotiation = false;
cancelTreatyIfRejected = false;
OnChanceToNegotiate(phase, nation, ref wantNegotiation, ref cancelTreatyIfRejected);
if (wantNegotiation)
possibleNegotiationWith = nation;
Play(Protocol.scContact + (nation.ID << 4));
if (phase == Phase.BeginOfTurn)
phase = Phase.Turn;
phase = Phase.EndOfTurn;
UpdateLists(UpdateArea.Basic); // check for list update problems
foreignTurnUpdateAreas = UpdateArea.Units; // units might be disbanded in after-turn processing
phase = Phase.ForeignTurn;
case Protocol.scContact:
if (phase != Phase.ForeignTurn)
throw new Exception("Error in logic: scDipStart should not be called in own turn!");
possibleNegotiationWith = new Nation(this, data[0]);
bool wantNegotiation = false;
bool dummy = false;
OnChanceToNegotiate(phase, possibleNegotiationWith, ref wantNegotiation, ref dummy);
if (wantNegotiation)
case Protocol.scDipStart:
case Protocol.scDipNotice:
case Protocol.scDipAccept:
case Protocol.scDipCancelTreaty:
case Protocol.scDipOffer:
case Protocol.scDipBreak:
if (currentNegotiation == null)
currentNegotiation = new Negotiation(this, phase, possibleNegotiationWith);
possibleNegotiationWith = Nation.None;
cancelTreatyIfRejected = false;
if (command == Protocol.scDipStart) // no statements yet in this negotiation
if (phase == Phase.ForeignTurn)
throw new Exception("Error in logic: scDipStart should only be called in own turn!");
currentNegotiation.SetOurNextStatement(new SuggestEnd());
bool afterTrade = (command == Protocol.scDipAccept || // opponent accepted our suggested trade
(currentNegotiation.History.Count > 0 && currentNegotiation.OurNextStatement is AcceptTrade)); // we accepted opponent suggested trade
if (phase == Phase.ForeignTurn)
if (afterTrade)
foreignTurnUpdateAreas |= UpdateArea.ForeignCities; // in case map was traded
if (afterTrade)
UpdateLists(UpdateArea.ForeignCities); // in case map was traded
IStatement oppenentStatement = StatementFactory.OpponentStatementFromCommand(this, currentNegotiation.Opponent, command, data);
if (currentNegotiation.History.Count == 0 && phase == Phase.ForeignTurn)
currentNegotiation.History.Insert(0, new ExchangeOfStatements(new SuggestEnd() /*imaginary, has not happened*/, oppenentStatement));
currentNegotiation.History.Insert(0, new ExchangeOfStatements(currentNegotiation.OurNextStatement, oppenentStatement));
if (oppenentStatement is CancelTreaty || oppenentStatement is Break)
currentNegotiation.SetOurNextStatement(new Notice()); // initialize with standard response
currentNegotiation.SetOurNextStatement(new SuggestEnd()); // initialize with standard response
if (currentNegotiation.OurNextStatement is SuggestTrade)
fixed (int* tradeData = new int[14])
Play(currentNegotiation.OurNextStatement.Command, 0, tradeData);
case Protocol.cShowEndContact: { currentNegotiation = null; break; }
case Protocol.cShowMoving:
case Protocol.cShowCapturing:
if (phase != Phase.ForeignTurn)
throw new Exception("Error in logic: cShowMoving should not be called in own turn!");
foreignMoveIsCapture = (command == Protocol.cShowCapturing);
Relation relationToMovingNation = (Relation)(address[ROReadPoint.Attitude + Protocol.nPl + data[0]] + 1);
foreignMoveSkipped = !foreignMoveIsCapture && relationToMovingNation == Relation.Alliance;
// allied movement: low relevance, high frequency, so skip
if (foreignMoveSkipped)
foreignTurnUpdateAreas |= UpdateArea.ForeignCities; // allies movement might gain new city information
MovingUnit unit = new MovingUnit(this, data);
RC test = new RC((data[6] + data[7]) >> 1, (data[7] - data[6]) >> 1);
Location target = unit.Location + new RC((data[6] + data[7]) >> 1, (data[7] - data[6]) >> 1);
OnForeignMove(unit, target);
if (foreignMoveIsCapture)
OnBeforeForeignCapture(unit.Nation, target.City);
case Protocol.cShowAttacking:
if (phase != Phase.ForeignTurn)
throw new Exception("Error in logic: cShowAttacking should not be called in own turn!");
MovingUnit unit = new MovingUnit(this, data);
Location target = unit.Location + new RC((data[6] + data[7]) >> 1, (data[7] - data[6]) >> 1);
OnBeforeForeignAttack(unit, target, new BattleOutcome(data[8], data[9]));
case Protocol.cShowAfterMove:
if (phase != Phase.ForeignTurn)
throw new Exception("Error in logic: cShowAfterMove should not be called in own turn!");
if (foreignMoveIsCapture && !foreignMoveSkipped)
OnAfterForeignCapture(); // cShowCityChanged was already called here
case Protocol.cShowAfterAttack:
if (phase != Phase.ForeignTurn)
throw new Exception("Error in logic: cShowAfterAttack should not be called in own turn!");
foreignTurnUpdateAreas |= UpdateArea.Units; // if city was destroyed by attack, cShowCityChanged was already called here
case Protocol.cShowCityChanged:
if (phase != Phase.ForeignTurn)
throw new Exception("Error in logic: cShowCityChanged should not be called in own turn!");
foreignTurnUpdateAreas |= UpdateArea.All; // not called very often, so full update doesn't hurt
unsafe struct RelationDetails
readonly AEmpire theEmpire;
readonly Nation nation;
public RelationDetails(AEmpire empire, Nation nation)
this.theEmpire = empire;
this.nation = nation;
int* report { get { return (int*)theEmpire.address[10 + nation.ID]; } }
public Attitude OurAttitudeToThem { get { return (Attitude)theEmpire.address[ROReadPoint.Attitude + nation.ID]; } }
public Attitude TheirAttitudeToUs { get { return (Attitude)report[4]; } }
public int TurnOfLastNegotiation { get { return report[0]; } }
public int TurnOfLastCancellingTreaty { get { return theEmpire.address[ROReadPoint.nBattleHistory + 3 + nation.ID]; } }
public int TurnOfPeaceEvacuationBegin { get { return theEmpire.address[ROReadPoint.Attitude + 2 * Protocol.nPl + nation.ID]; } }
unsafe struct Dossier : IDossier
readonly AEmpire theEmpire;
readonly Nation nation;
public Dossier(AEmpire empire, Nation nation)
this.theEmpire = empire;
this.nation = nation;
public override string ToString()
if (TurnOfReport >= 0)
return string.Format("{0}", TurnOfReport);
return "NA";
public bool IsAvailable { get { return TurnOfReport >= 0; } }
int* report { get { return (int*)theEmpire.address[10 + nation.ID]; } }
public int TurnOfReport { get { return report[1]; } }
public int Treasury { get { return report[6 + Protocol.nPl]; } }
/// whether an advance has been completely researched
/// the advance
/// true if researched, false if not
public bool Has(Advance advance) { return ((sbyte*)(report + 9 + Protocol.nPl))[(int)advance] >= 0; }
/// whether an advance was gained from a trade with another nation or from the temple of zeus wonder
/// the advance
/// true if gained, false if not
public bool HasAlmost(Advance advance) { return ((sbyte*)(report + 9 + Protocol.nPl))[(int)advance] == -1; }
/// science points collected for current research
public int ResearchPile { get { return report[8 + Protocol.nPl]; } }
/// advance currently researched
public Advance Researching
int ad = report[7 + Protocol.nPl];
if (ad < 0)
return Advance.None;
return (Advance)ad;
/// relation to specific other nation
/// the other nation
/// the relation
public Relation RelationTo(Nation thirdNation)
if (thirdNation == nation)
return Relation.Identity;
return (Relation)(report[5 + thirdNation.ID] + 1);
/// number of future technologies developed
/// the future technology
/// number
public int FutureTechnology(Advance advance)
sbyte raw = ((sbyte*)(report + 9 + Protocol.nPl))[(int)advance];
if (raw <= 0)
return 0;
return raw;
unsafe struct MilitaryReport
readonly AEmpire theEmpire;
readonly Nation nation;
public MilitaryReport(AEmpire empire, Nation nation)
this.theEmpire = empire;
this.nation = nation;
public override string ToString()
if (TurnOfReport >= 0)
return string.Format("{0}", TurnOfReport);
return "NA";
public bool IsAvailable { get { return TurnOfReport >= 0; } }
int* report { get { return (int*)theEmpire.address[10 + nation.ID]; } }
public int TurnOfReport { get { return report[2]; } }
// todo !!!
unsafe struct BattleHistory
readonly AEmpire theEmpire;
public BattleHistory(AEmpire empire)
theEmpire = empire;
// todo !!!