Version 1.3.7 (2025-02-26) ========================== * Added: AppImage packaging files. * Added: AI upscaled C-evo icon to 1024x1024 resolution. * Modified: Improved brains libraries enumeration. * Modified: Detect data files usr/share/c-evo directory on Linux as relative directory to usr/bin directory. * Modified: Updated french translation. * Modified: Used larger icon for the executable. * Fixed: Recalculate unit list size if the main window was resized. * Fixed: Do not scroll map if mouse is outside of window region. * Fixed: Restored background transparency in C-evo icons. * Fixed: Invalidated rectangle in AI tournament was not properly scaled. * Fixed: Log and AI tournament windows were not shown correctly. Version 1.3.6 (2024-09-16) ========================== * Added: Allow to scroll map with Ctrl+arrows/num keys. * Added: New editor menu action to create filled map from selected tile. * Added: Allow to rename city with mouse right click on city caption in City screen. * Added: Spiral of death map. * Modified: Show windows by default on primary screen if multiple monitors present. * Modified: Do not use Screen Width and Height values for Offscreen bitmap size initialization to improve multi monitor support. * Modified: Map scrolling with mouse on window borders instead of screen borders to support mouse scrolling in windowed mode and on multiple monitors. * Modified: Precalculate scaling coefficients also for from native values conversions for faster speed. * Modified: Scroll just by single row with mouse wheel in tile units list. * Fixed: Do not process keyboard input during unit move on Linux. * Fixed: Resize main window controls on game start if map size changed. * Fixed: Allow full screen switching in editor and movie mode. * Fixed: Do not overflow city name text in City screen. * Fixed: Repaint main screen after city and unit rename. * Fixed: Rows scrolling of high number of units in single map tile. Version 1.3.5 (2024-08-11) ========================== * Modified: Remember last selected map between application restarts. * Modified: Draw graphical preview for maps which doesn't have associated image. * Fixed: Avoided more GTK2 crashes. * Fixed: Build StdAI with -O1 optimization level to avoid crash. * Fixed: With selected map it was not possible to start a new game due to wrong map path. * Fixed: Error after ending turn of loaded auto saved game. Version 1.3.4 (2024-05-23) ========================== * Added: Allow to scroll tech tree form also with keyboard arrows. * Added: Capital AI C beta as the latest available version of Capital AI. * Removed: Unsupported .NET Liberator AI. * Modified: Unsupported C# AI template replaced by latest Pascal AI template from original vesion 1.1.0 and adjusted it for Lazarus IDE. * Modified: Start form changed to use Offscreen bitmap for drawing as Qt5 doesn't support copying from form canvas. * Modified: Optimized BitBltBitmap scaling function. * Modified: ScaleToNative made inline. * Fixed: Task bar shouldn't be visible in full screen mode on Windows. * Fixed: Do not pack Liberator AI to Windows installer as it requires .NET. * Fixed: Draw right side of scaled frame outside of client area to not be visible. * Fixed: Workaround for incorrectly styling TEdit controls under Gtk2. * Fixed: Custom draw ListBox items to keep consistent style on Linux. * Fixed: Last game name index error if no saved games. * Fixed: Resize Term window offscreen bitmap on screen size change. Needed for tablet PC where screen can rotate. Version 1.3.3 (2024-04-24) ========================== * Modified: Optimized high DPI scaling. Use lookup table for scaled values. Draw only terrain textures with precise scaling. * Modified: Optimize code with earlier break from for cycle evaluating boolean result. * Fixed: Bad unit drawing in battle dialog. * Fixed: Incorrect range checking in scaled bitmap drawing method. * Fixed: Correct translation of offered players AIs. Version 1.3.2 (2024-04-16) ========================== * Added: High DPI support. It can be overriden in settings dialog. * Added: French localization and more german and russian localization files. * Modified: Build with Lazarus 3.2. * Modified: Use slow mouse scrolling by default. * Modified: Do not initialize all local player windows at the start of the game but later when they are really opened. This also fixes window initialization under Qt5 widgetset. * Fixed: Eliminated unwanted second map resize and redraw during displaying of the main game window. * Fixed: First letter in help page titles were not correctly read as UTF-8 character. * Fixed: Error by typing letters in list of maps. * Fixed: Missing unit stat dialog position initialization for enemy city. * Fixed: Saving maps from the editor didn't work due to wrong file names. * Fixed: Chinese language list selection in Settings window didn't work correctly. * Fixed: Corruption external help image referenced with incorrect file name case. * Fixed: Chinese and Russian translation converted to UTF-8. Version 1.3.1 (2022-05-18) ========================== * Modified: Build with Lazarus 2.2.0. * Modified: Also automatically detect new localizations in Localization directory. * Modified: Sort key bindings alphabetically in the settings dialog. * Modified: Improved Settings dialog controls alignment to better use available space. * Modified: Improved Czech translation. * Fixed: Possible exception during cities or units rename with right mouse click if new name is too long. * Fixed: Show correctly buttons on task bar with localized captions in windowed mode on both Windows and Linux. * Fixed: Incorrectly displayed radio items in Options menu under Linux Gtk2. * Fixed: Use localization files with first capital letter to work correctly on Linux. * Fixed: Use correct text color and background in settings form key bindings edit boxes. * Fixed: Always use initial back background for windows so they less flicker during first draw. This was more visible on Linux systems with white system theme. * Fixed: Contact page link. * Fixed: Styling of settings edit boxes under Windows. Version 1.3.0 (2021-11-02) ========================== * All from original game C-evo 1.2.0 * Supported platforms: Windows and Linux * Supported architectures: 32-bit and 64-bit x86 * Localizations included: Czech, German, Italian, Russian, Chinese Simplified and Traditional * Graphics files converted from BMP to PNG * Game text files .txt converted to UTF-8 encoding * Removed external Configurator application written in C#/.NET. Used in-game configuration interface. * Used latest available Delphi StdAI. * Added installer scripts for Windows, Ubuntu/Debian and Fedora/RHEL/Centos Linux. * Design time components converted to Lazarus package (cevocomponents.lpk) * User configurable key bindings * Zoom-able map in three levels by mouse wheel