// Work in progress... {$IFDEF INTERFACE} // TGMatrix = class TGMatrix = class public type TSortCompare = function(const Item1, Item2: TGMatrixItem): Integer of object; TToStringConverter = function(Item: TGMatrixItem): string; TFromStringConverter = function(Text: string): TGMatrixItem; TRow = array of TGMatrixItem; TMerge = function(Item1, Item2: TGMatrixItem): TGMatrixItem of object; TIndex = record X: TGMatrixIndexX; Y: TGMatrixIndexY; end; private FItems: array of array of TGMatrixItem; FCount: TIndex; function GetItemXY(X: TGMatrixIndexX; Y: TGMatrixIndexY): TGMatrixItem; function GetItem(Index: TIndex): TGMatrixItem; function GetCapacity: TIndex; function GetLast: TGMatrixItem; function GetFirst: TGMatrixItem; procedure SetCapacity(const AValue: TIndex); procedure SetLast(AValue: TGMatrixItem); procedure SetFirst(AValue: TGMatrixItem); procedure PutItemXY(X: TGMatrixIndexX; Y: TGMatrixIndexY; const AValue: TGMatrixItem); virtual; procedure PutItem(Index: TIndex; const AValue: TGMatrixItem); virtual; procedure SetCount(const AValue: TIndex); public function Add(Item: TGMatrixItem): TIndex; procedure AddMatrix(Values: array of TRow); procedure AddList(List: TGMatrix); procedure Assign(Source: TGMatrix); procedure Clear; virtual; procedure Contract; function CreateIndex(X: TGMatrixIndexY; Y: TGMatrixIndexX): TIndex; procedure Delete(Index: TIndex); virtual; procedure DeleteItems(Index, Count: TIndex); function EqualTo(List: TGMatrix): Boolean; procedure Expand; function Extract(Item: TGMatrixItem): TGMatrixItem; procedure Exchange(Index1, Index2: TIndex); property First: TGMatrixItem read GetFirst write SetFirst; procedure FillAll(Value: TGMatrixItem); procedure Fill(Start, Count: TIndex; Value: TGMatrixItem); function Implode(RowSeparator, ColSeparator: string; Converter: TToStringConverter): string; procedure Explode(Text, Separator: string; Converter: TFromStringConverter; SlicesCount: Integer = -1); function IndexOf(Item: TGMatrixItem; Start: TIndex = 0): TIndex; function IndexOfList(List: TGMatrix; Start: TIndex = 0): TIndex; procedure Insert(Index: TIndex; Item: TGMatrixItem); procedure InsertList(Index: TIndex; List: TGMatrix); procedure InsertArray(Index: TIndex; Values: array of TGMatrixItem); procedure Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: TIndex); procedure MoveItems(CurIndex, NewIndex, Count: TIndex); procedure Merge(Index: TIndex; Source: TGMatrix; Proc: TMerge); procedure Replace(Index: TIndex; Source: TGMatrix); function Remove(Item: TGMatrixItem): TIndex; procedure Reverse; procedure ReverseHorizontal; procedure ReverseVertical; procedure Sort(Compare: TSortCompare); procedure SetArray(Values: array of TGMatrixItem); property Count: TIndex read FCount write SetCount; property Capacity: TIndex read GetCapacity write SetCapacity; property ItemsXY[X: TGMatrixIndexX; Y: TGMatrixIndexY]: TGMatrixItem read GetItemXY write PutItemXY; default; property Items[Index: TIndex]: TGMatrixItem read GetItem write PutItem; property Last: TGMatrixItem read GetLast write SetLast; end; {$UNDEF INTERFACE} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF IMPLEMENTATION_USES} uses RtlConsts; resourcestring SMatrixIndexError = 'Matrix index error [X: %d, Y: %d]'; {$UNDEF IMPLEMENTATION_USES} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF IMPLEMENTATION} { TGMatrix } procedure TGMatrix.Replace(Index: TIndex; Source: TGMatrix); var X: TGMatrixIndexX; Y: TGMatrixIndexY; begin Y := 0; while Y < Source.Count.Y do begin X := 0; while X < Source.Count.X do begin ItemsXY[Index.X + X, Index.Y + Y] := Source.ItemsXY[X, Y]; X := X + 1; end; Y := Y + 1; end; end; procedure TGMatrix.Merge(Index: TIndex; Source: TGMatrix; Proc: TMerge); var X: TGMatrixIndexX; Y: TGMatrixIndexY; begin Y := 0; while Y < Source.Count.Y do begin X := 0; while X < Source.Count.X do begin ItemsXY[Index.X + X, Index.Y + Y] := Proc(ItemsXY[Index.X + X, Index.Y + Y], Source.ItemsXY[X, Y]); X := X + 1; end; Y := Y + 1; end; end; function TGMatrix.CreateIndex(X: TGMatrixIndexY; Y: TGMatrixIndexX): TIndex; begin Result.X := X; Result.Y := Y; end; function TGMatrix.GetCapacity: TIndex; begin Result.Y := Length(FItems); if Result.Y > 0 then Result.X := Length(FItems[0]) else Result.X := 0; end; procedure TGMatrix.SetCapacity(const AValue: TIndex); var Y: TGMatrixIndexY; begin if (Capacity.X <> AValue.X) and (Capacity.Y <> AValue.Y) then begin (* SetLength(FItems, AValue.Y); Y := 0; while Y < Length(FItems) do begin SetLength(FItems[Y], AValue.X); Y := Y + 1; end; end; *) SetLength(FItems, AValue.Y, AValue.X); end; end; function TGMatrix.GetItemXY(X: TGMatrixIndexX; Y: TGMatrixIndexY): TGMatrixItem; begin if (X < 0) or (X >= Count.X) or (Y < 0) or (Y >= Count.Y) then raise EListError.CreateFmt(SMatrixIndexError, [X, Y]); Result := FItems[Y, X]; end; function TGMatrix.GetItem(Index: TIndex): TGMatrixItem; begin if (Index.X < 0) or (Index.X >= Count.X) or (Index.Y < 0) or (Index.Y >= Count.Y) then raise EListError.CreateFmt(SMatrixIndexError, [Index.X, Index.Y]); Result := FItems[Index.Y, Index.X]; end; procedure TGMatrix.PutItemXY(X: TGMatrixIndexX; Y: TGMatrixIndexY; const AValue: TGMatrixItem); begin if (X < 0) or (X >= Count.X) or (Y < 0) or (Y >= Count.Y) then raise EListError.CreateFmt(SMatrixIndexError, [X, Y]); FItems[Y, X] := AValue; end; procedure TGMatrix.PutItem(Index: TIndex; const AValue: TGMatrixItem); begin if (Index.X < 0) or (Index.X >= Count.X) or (Index.Y < 0) or (Index.Y >= Count.Y) then raise EListError.CreateFmt(SMatrixIndexError, [Index.X, Index.Y]); FItems[Index.Y, Index.X] := AValue; end; procedure TGMatrix.SetCount(const AValue: TIndex); begin Capacity := AValue; FCount := AValue; end; procedure TGMatrix.Assign(Source: TGMatrix); var Index: TIndex; begin Count := Source.Count; Index.Y := 0; while Index.Y < Count.Y do begin Index.X := 0; while Index.X < Count.X do begin Items[Index] := Source.Items[Index]; Index.X := Index.X + 1; end; Index.Y := Index.Y + 1; end; end; procedure TGMatrix.Expand; var IncSize: TIndex; NewCapacity: TIndex; begin if (FCount.X = Capacity.X) then begin IncSize.X := 4; if Capacity.X > 3 then IncSize.X := IncSize.X + 4; if Capacity.X > 8 then IncSize.X := IncSize.X + 8; if Capacity.X > 63 then IncSize.X := IncSize.X + Capacity.X shr 2; NewCapacity.X := Capacity.X + IncSize.X; end; if (FCount.Y = Capacity.Y) then begin IncSize.Y := 4; if Capacity.Y > 3 then IncSize.Y := IncSize.Y + 4; if Capacity.Y > 8 then IncSize.Y := IncSize.Y + 8; if Capacity.Y > 63 then IncSize.Y := IncSize.Y + Capacity.Y shr 2; NewCapacity.Y := Capacity.Y + IncSize.Y; end; Capacity := NewCapacity; end; procedure TGMatrix.Contract; var NewCapacity: TIndex; begin if (Capacity.X > 256) and (FCount.X < Capacity.X shr 2) then begin NewCapacity.X := Capacity.X shr 1; end; if (Capacity.Y > 256) and (FCount.Y < Capacity.Y shr 2) then begin NewCapacity.Y := Capacity.Y shr 1; end; Capacity := NewCapacity; end; function TGMatrix.Extract(Item: TGMatrixItem): TGMatrixItem; var I: TIndex; begin (* I := IndexOf(Item); if I >= 0 then begin Result := Item; Delete(I); end else raise EListError.CreateFmt(SListIndexError, [0]); *) end; function TGMatrix.IndexOf(Item: TGMatrixItem; Start: TIndex): TIndex; begin (* Result := Start; while (Result < FCount) and not CompareMem(Addr(FItems[Result]), Addr(Item), SizeOf(TGMatrixItem)) do Result := Result + 1; if Result = FCount then Result := -1; *) end; procedure TGMatrix.Insert(Index: TIndex; Item: TGMatrixItem); begin (* if (Index < 0) or (Index > FCount ) then raise EListError.CreateFmt(SListIndexError, [Index]); if FCount = Capacity then Expand; if Index < FCount then System.Move(FItems[Index], FItems[Index + 1], (FCount - Index) * SizeOf(TGMatrixItem)); FItems[Index] := Item; FCount := FCount + 1; *) end; procedure TGMatrix.InsertList(Index: TIndex; List: TGMatrix); var I: TIndex; begin (* I := 0; while (I < List.Count) do begin Insert(Index + I, List[I]); I := I + 1; end; *) end; function TGMatrix.IndexOfList(List: TGMatrix; Start: TIndex): TIndex; var I: TIndex; begin (* if List.Count > 0 then begin Result := IndexOf(List[0], Start); if Result <> -1 then begin I := 1; while I < List.Count do begin if not CompareMem(Addr(FItems[Result + I]), Addr(List.FItems[I]), SizeOf(TGMatrixItem)) then begin Result := -1; Break; end; I := I + 1; end; end; end else Result := -1; *) end; function TGMatrix.GetLast: TGMatrixItem; begin (* if FCount = 0 then raise EListError.CreateFmt(SListIndexError, [0]) else Result := Items[FCount - 1]; *) end; procedure TGMatrix.SetLast(AValue: TGMatrixItem); begin (* if FCount = 0 then raise EListError.CreateFmt(SListIndexError, [0]) else Items[FCount - 1] := AValue; *) end; function TGMatrix.GetFirst: TGMatrixItem; begin (* if FCount = 0 then raise EListError.CreateFmt(SListIndexError, [0]) else Result := Items[0]; *) end; procedure TGMatrix.SetFirst(AValue: TGMatrixItem); begin (* if FCount = 0 then raise EListError.CreateFmt(SListIndexError, [0]) else Items[0] := AValue; *) end; procedure TGMatrix.Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: TIndex); var Temp: TGMatrixItem; begin (* if ((CurIndex < 0) or (CurIndex > Count - 1)) then raise EListError.CreateFmt(SListIndexError, [CurIndex]); if ((NewIndex < 0) or (NewIndex > Count -1)) then raise EListError.CreateFmt(SlistIndexError, [NewIndex]); Temp := FItems[CurIndex]; if NewIndex > CurIndex then begin System.Move(FItems[CurIndex + 1], FItems[CurIndex], (NewIndex - CurIndex) * SizeOf(TGMatrixItem)); end else if NewIndex < CurIndex then begin System.Move(FItems[NewIndex], FItems[NewIndex + 1], (CurIndex - NewIndex) * SizeOf(TGMatrixItem)); end; FItems[NewIndex] := Temp; //Delete(CurIndex); //Insert(NewIndex, Temp);*) end; procedure TGMatrix.MoveItems(CurIndex, NewIndex, Count: TIndex); var S: Integer; D: Integer; begin (* if CurIndex < NewIndex then begin S := CurIndex + Count - 1; D := NewIndex + Count - 1; while S >= CurIndex do begin Move(S, D); S := S - 1; D := D - 1; end; end else if CurIndex > NewIndex then begin S := CurIndex; D := NewIndex; while S < (CurIndex + Count) do begin Move(S, D); S := S + 1; D := D + 1; end; end;*) end; function TGMatrix.Remove(Item: TGMatrixItem): TIndex; begin (* Result := IndexOf(Item); if Result <> -1 then Delete(Result); *) end; function TGMatrix.EqualTo(List: TGMatrix): Boolean; var I: TIndex; begin (* Result := Count = List.Count; if Result then begin I := 0; while I < Count do begin if not CompareMem(Addr(FItems[I]), Addr(List.FItems[I]), SizeOf(TGMatrixItem)) then begin Result := False; Break; end; I := I + 1; end; end; *) end; procedure TGMatrix.Reverse; var X: TGMatrixIndexX; Y: TGMatrixIndexY; begin Y := 0; while Y < (Count.Y - 1) do begin X := 1 + Y; while X < Count.X do begin Exchange(CreateIndex(X, Y), CreateIndex(Y, X)); X := X + 1; end; Y := Y + 1; end; end; procedure TGMatrix.ReverseHorizontal; var X: TGMatrixIndexX; Y: TGMatrixIndexY; begin Y := 0; while Y < Count.Y do begin X := 0; while X < (Count.X div 2) do begin Exchange(CreateIndex(X, Y), CreateIndex(Count.X - 1 - X, Y)); X := X + 1; end; Y := Y + 1; end; end; procedure TGMatrix.ReverseVertical; var X: TGMatrixIndexX; Y: TGMatrixIndexY; begin X := 0; while X < Count.X do begin Y := 0; while Y < (Count.Y div 2) do begin Exchange(CreateIndex(X, Y), CreateIndex(X, Count.Y - 1 - Y)); Y := Y + 1; end; X := X + 1; end; end; procedure TGMatrix.Sort(Compare: TSortCompare); begin (* if FCount > 1 then QuickSort(0, FCount - 1, Compare); *) end; procedure TGMatrix.AddMatrix(Values: array of TRow); var I: TIndex; begin (* I := 0; while I <= High(Values) do begin Add(Values[I]); I := I + 1; end; *) end; procedure TGMatrix.SetArray(Values: array of TGMatrixItem); var I: TIndex; begin (* Clear; I := 0; while I <= High(Values) do begin Add(Values[I]); I := I + 1; end; *) end; procedure TGMatrix.InsertArray(Index: TIndex; Values: array of TGMatrixItem); var I: TIndex; begin (* I := 0; while I <= High(Values) do begin Insert(Index + I, Values[I]); I := I + 1; end; *) end; function TGMatrix.Implode(RowSeparator, ColSeparator: string; Converter: TToStringConverter): string; var Y: TGMatrixIndexY; X: TGMatrixIndexX; begin Result := ''; Y := 0; while Y < Count.Y do begin X := 0; while X < Count.X do begin Result := Result + Converter(ItemsXY[X, Y]); if X < (Count.X - 1) then Result := Result + ColSeparator; X := X + 1; end; if Y < (Count.Y - 1) then Result := Result + RowSeparator; Y := Y + 1; end; end; procedure TGMatrix.Explode(Text, Separator: string; Converter: TFromStringConverter; SlicesCount: Integer = -1); begin (* Clear; while (Pos(Separator, Text) > 0) and ((Count < (SlicesCount - 1)) or (SlicesCount = -1)) do begin Add(Converter(Copy(Text, 1, Pos(Separator, Text) - 1))); System.Delete(Text, 1, Pos(Separator, Text) + Length(Separator) - 1); end; Add(Converter(Text)); *) end; function TGMatrix.Add(Item: TGMatrixItem): TIndex; begin (* if FCount = Capacity then Self.Expand; FItems[FCount] := Item; Result := FCount; FCount := FCount + 1; *) end; procedure TGMatrix.AddList(List: TGMatrix); var I: TIndex; begin (* I := 0; while I < List.Count do begin Add(List[I]); I := I + 1; end; *) end; procedure TGMatrix.Clear; begin Count := CreateIndex(0, 0); Capacity := CreateIndex(0, 0); end; procedure TGMatrix.Delete(Index: TIndex); begin (* if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then raise EListError.CreateFmt(SListIndexError, [Index]); FCount := FCount - 1; System.Move(FItems[Index + 1], FItems[Index], (FCount - Index) * SizeOf(TGMatrixItem)); Contract; *) end; procedure TGMatrix.DeleteItems(Index, Count: TIndex); var I: TIndex; begin (* I := Index; while I < (Index + Count) do begin Delete(Index); I := I + 1; end; *) end; procedure TGMatrix.Fill(Start, Count: TIndex; Value: TGMatrixItem); var X: TGMatrixIndexX; Y: TGMatrixIndexY; begin Y := Start.Y; while Y < Count.Y do begin X := Start.X; while X < Count.X do begin ItemsXY[X, Y] := Value; X := X + 1; end; Y := Y + 1; end; end; procedure TGMatrix.FillAll(Value: TGMatrixItem); begin Fill(CreateIndex(0, 0), CreateIndex(Count.X - 1, Count.Y - 1), Value); end; procedure TGMatrix.Exchange(Index1, Index2: TIndex); var Temp: TGMatrixItem; begin if (Index1.X < 0) or (Index1.X >= Count.X) or (Index1.Y < 0) or (Index1.Y >= Count.Y) then raise EListError.CreateFmt(SMatrixIndexError, [Index1.X, Index1.Y]); if (Index2.X < 0) or (Index2.X >= Count.X) or (Index2.Y < 0) or (Index2.Y >= Count.Y) then raise EListError.CreateFmt(SMatrixIndexError, [Index2.X, Index2.Y]); Temp := FItems[Index1.Y, Index1.X]; FItems[Index1.Y, Index1.X] := FItems[Index2.Y, Index2.X]; FItems[Index2.Y, Index2.X] := Temp; end; {$UNDEF IMPLEMENTATION} {$ENDIF}