DefaultWidth = 800;
$this->DefaultHeight = 200;
$this->FontSize = 10;
$this->FontFileName = 'Arial.ttf';
$this->ValueToImageHeigthCoefficient = 0.9;
function Render()
if(array_key_exists('Debug', $_GET)) $Debug = $_GET['Debug'];
else $Debug = 0;
if(!array_key_exists('From', $_GET)) die('Musíte zadat čas počátku');
$StartTime = addslashes($_GET['From']);
if(!array_key_exists('To', $_GET)) die('Musíte zadat čas konce');
$EndTime = addslashes($_GET['To']);
if($EndTime < $StartTime) $EndTime = $StartTime + 60;
$TimeDifference = $EndTime - $StartTime;
if(!array_key_exists('Measure', $_GET)) die('Musíte zadat měřenou veličinu');
$MeasureId = addslashes($_GET['Measure']);
if(!array_key_exists('Width', $_GET)) $Width = $this->DefaultWidth;
else $Width = addslashes($_GET['Width']);
if(!array_key_exists('Height', $_GET)) $Height = $this->DefaultHeight;
else $Height = addslashes($_GET['Height']);
if(!array_key_exists('Differential', $_GET)) $Differential = $this->Config['Application']['DefaultVariables']['Differential'];
else $Differential = addslashes($_GET['Differential']);
$VerticalLinesCount = round($Height / ($this->FontSize + 4));
$PrefixMultiplier = new PrefixMultiplier();
$StopWatchStart = $this->System->GetMicrotime();
$Measure = new Measure($this->System);
$Measure->LevelReducing = $this->Config['Application']['LevelReducing'];
$Measure->ReferenceTime = $this->Config['Application']['ReferenceTime'];
$Measure->MaxLevel = $this->Config['Application']['MaxLevel'];
$Measure->DivisionCount = $this->Config['Application']['DivisionCount'];
$Measure->Differential = $this->Config['Application']['DefaultVariables']['Differential'];
$Measure->Debug = $Debug;
$DbResult2 = $this->Database->select('MeasureMethod', '*', 'Id='.$Measure->Data['Method']);
$MeasureMethod = $DbResult2->fetch_assoc();
$FontSize = $this->FontSize;
$FontFile = dirname(__FILE__).'/../Style/'.$this->Config['System']['Style'].'/'.$this->FontFileName;
$Level = floor(log(($EndTime - $StartTime) / $Measure->DivisionCount / 60) / log($Measure->LevelReducing)) - 1;
if($Level < 0) $Level = 0;
if($Level > $Measure->MaxLevel) $Level = $Measure->MaxLevel;
//$Level = 0;
$Points = $Measure->GetValues($StartTime, $EndTime, $Level);
if($Debug) echo('Points count: '.count($Points).'
//if($Debug) foreach($Points as $Index => $Item)
// echo($Index.': '.$Item['min'].'
// Calculate total max, avg, min value
$MaxValue = -1000000000000000000;
$AvgValue = 0;
$MinValue = 1000000000000000000;
foreach($Points as $Index => $Item)
//$Points[$Index]['min'] = $Points[$Index]['min'] / $Measure['Divider'];
//$Points[$Index]['avg'] = $Points[$Index]['avg'] / $Measure['Divider'];
//$Points[$Index]['max'] = $Points[$Index]['max'] / $Measure['Divider'];
if($Points[$Index]['Avg'] > $MaxValue) $MaxValue = $Points[$Index]['Avg'];
if($Points[$Index]['Avg'] < $MinValue) $MinValue = $Points[$Index]['Avg'];
if($Points[$Index]['Max'] > $MaxValue) $MaxValue = $Points[$Index]['Max'];
if($Points[$Index]['Min'] < $MinValue) $MinValue = $Points[$Index]['Min'];
$AvgValue = $AvgValue + $Points[$Index]['Avg'];
//$MinValue = round($MinValue * $Measure['Divider']) / $Measure['Divider'];
//$MaxValue = round($MaxValue * $Measure['Divider']) / $Measure['Divider'];
$AvgValue = $AvgValue / count($Points); //round( * $Measure['Divider']) / $Measure['Divider'];
// Generate polygon and recalculate y values to fit graph height
$PointsMin = array(0, $Height - 1);
$PointsAvg = array(0, $Height - 1);
$PointsMax = array(0, $Height - 1);
if(($MaxValue - $MinValue) == 0) $MaxValue = $MinValue + 1;
foreach($Points as $Index => $Item)
$PointsMin[] = $Index * $Width / $Measure->DivisionCount;
$PointsMin[] = $Height - 1 - ($Points[$Index]['Min'] - $MinValue) /
($MaxValue - $MinValue) * $Height * $this->ValueToImageHeigthCoefficient;
$PointsAvg[] = $Index * $Width / $Measure->DivisionCount;
$PointsAvg[] = $Height - 1 - ($Points[$Index]['Avg'] - $MinValue) /
($MaxValue - $MinValue) * $Height * $this->ValueToImageHeigthCoefficient;
$PointsMax[] = $Index * $Width / $Measure->DivisionCount;
$PointsMax[] = $Height - 1 - ($Points[$Index]['Max'] - $MinValue) /
($MaxValue - $MinValue) * $Height * $this->ValueToImageHeigthCoefficient;
//echo($Index.' - '.$Item.' '.$Points[$Index].'
$PointsMin[] = $Width - 1;
$PointsMin[] = $Height - 1;
$PointsAvg[] = $Width - 1;
$PointsAvg[] = $Height - 1;
$PointsMax[] = $Width - 1;
$PointsMax[] = $Height - 1;
$PointsMin[] = $Width - 1;
$PointsMin[] = $Height - 1;
$PointsAvg[] = $Width - 1;
$PointsAvg[] = $Height - 1;
$PointsMax[] = $Width - 1;
$PointsMax[] = $Height - 1;
//array_unshift($Points, $Height - 1);
//array_unshift($Points, 0);
//$Points[] = $Width - 1;
//$Points[] = $Height - 1; echo('sds');
// Generate image
Header('Content-type: image/png');
Header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); // Dynamic graph - no cache
$Image = @imagecreate($Width, $Height);
$BackgroundColor = imagecolorallocate($Image, 255, 255, 255);
$Black = imagecolorallocate($Image, 0, 0, 0);
$White = imagecolorallocate($Image, 255, 255, 255);
$Gray = imagecolorallocate($Image, 200, 200, 200);
$DarkGray = imagecolorallocate($Image, 100, 100, 100);
$LightBlue = imagecolorallocate($Image, 150, 150, 255);
$Blue = imagecolorallocate($Image, 0, 0, 255);
$LightRed = imagecolorallocate($Image, 255, 150, 150);
$Red = imagecolorallocate($Image, 255, 0, 0);
$Green = imagecolorallocate($Image, 0, 200, 0);
$LightGreen = imagecolorallocate($Image, 150, 255, 150);
imagefilledpolygon($Image, $PointsMax, count($PointsMax) / 2, $LightRed);
imagefilledpolygon($Image, $PointsAvg, count($PointsAvg) / 2, $LightGreen);
imagefilledpolygon($Image, $PointsMin, count($PointsMin) / 2, $LightBlue);
$TimeMarks = array(1, 60, 60*60, 60*60*24, 60*60*24*7, 60*60*24*30, 60*60*24*365, 60*60*24*365*10);
$TimeRange = $EndTime - $StartTime;
$TimeMarksIndex = 0;
while(($TimeRange / $TimeMarks[$TimeMarksIndex]) > 1) $TimeMarksIndex += 1;
if($TimeMarksIndex < 2) $TimeMarksIndex = 2;
$MajorTimeMarks = $TimeMarks[$TimeMarksIndex - 1];
$MinorTimeMarks = $TimeMarks[$TimeMarksIndex - 2];
$TimeShift = $Measure->AlignTime($StartTime, $MajorTimeMarks) - $StartTime;
//imagestring($Image, 10, 40, 50, $TimeShift, $Black);
// Zobraz měřítko Y
$VerticalLinesDistance = $Height / $VerticalLinesCount;
for($I = 1; $I <= $VerticalLinesCount; $I++)
$Y = $Height - 1 - ($VerticalLinesDistance * $I);
for($X = 1; $X < $Width; $X = $X + 3) imagesetpixel($Image, $X, $Y, $Gray);
//imageline($Image, 30, $Y, $Width-1, $Y, IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
$TimeShift = $Measure->AlignTime($StartTime, $MinorTimeMarks) - $StartTime;
// Zobraz měřítko X
$LastTextEnd = 0;
for($Time = $StartTime; $Time < $EndTime; $Time += $MajorTimeMarks)
$X = round(($Time - $StartTime + $TimeShift) / $TimeRange * $Width) % $Width;
//imageline($Image, 30, $Y, $Width-1, $Y, IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
if(($MajorTimeMarks > 60 * 60 * 24)) $Text = date('j.n.Y', $Time + $TimeShift);
else $Text = date('j.n.Y G:i', $Time + $TimeShift);
$BoundBox = imagettfbbox($FontSize, 0, $FontFile, $Text);
if($LastTextEnd < ($X - ($BoundBox[2] - $BoundBox[0] + 20) / 2))
for($Y = 0; $Y < $Height; $Y = $Y + 1) imagesetpixel($Image, $X, $Y, $Gray);
imagettftext($Image, $FontSize, 0, $X - ($BoundBox[2] - $BoundBox[0]) / 2,
$Height - 2, $Black, $FontFile, $Text);
$LastTextEnd = $X + ($BoundBox[2] - $BoundBox[0]) / 2;
else for($Y = 0; $Y < $Height; $Y = $Y + 3) imagesetpixel($Image, $X, $Y, $Gray);
// Popisky osy Y
for($I = 1; $I <= $VerticalLinesCount; $I++)
$Y = $Height - 1 - ($VerticalLinesDistance * $I);
//$Y = $Height - 1 - ($VerticalLinesDistance * $I / ($MaxValue - $MinValue) * $this->Config['Application']['ValueToImageHeigthCoefficient'] * $Height);
$Text = $PrefixMultiplier->Add(round(($I * $VerticalLinesDistance /
$Height / $this->ValueToImageHeigthCoefficient * ($MaxValue - $MinValue) + $MinValue)), $MeasureMethod['Unit'], 3);
$BoundBox = imagettfbbox($FontSize, 0, $FontFile, $Text);
if(($Y - ($BoundBox[5] - $BoundBox[1]) / 2) > 10)
imagettftext($Image, $FontSize, 0, 2, $Y - ($BoundBox[5] - $BoundBox[1]) / 2, $Black, $FontFile, $Text);
$GenerationTime = floor(($this->System->GetMicrotime() - $StopWatchStart) * 1000 ) / 1000;
$Left = $Width - 10;
$Text = ' Max. '.$PrefixMultiplier->Add($MaxValue, $MeasureMethod['Unit']);
$BoundingBox = imagettfbbox($FontSize, 0, $FontFile, $Text);
$Left -= ($BoundingBox[2] - $BoundingBox[0]);
imagettftext($Image, $FontSize, 0, $Left, 14, $Red, $FontFile, $Text);
$Text = ' Avg. '.$PrefixMultiplier->Add($AvgValue, $MeasureMethod['Unit']);
$BoundingBox = imagettfbbox($FontSize, 0, $FontFile, $Text);
$Left -= ($BoundingBox[2] - $BoundingBox[0]);
imagettftext($Image, $FontSize, 0, $Left, 14, $Green, $FontFile, $Text);
$Text = ' Min. '.$PrefixMultiplier->Add($MinValue, $MeasureMethod['Unit']);
$BoundingBox = imagettfbbox($FontSize, 0, $FontFile, $Text);
$Left -= ($BoundingBox[2] - $BoundingBox[0]);
imagettftext($Image, $FontSize, 0, $Left, 14, $Blue, $FontFile, $Text);
//imagestring($Image, 2, 70, 20, 'Vygenerováno za '.$GenerationTime.' sekund', $Black);
//imagestring($Image, 2, 50, 30, 'Level: '.$Level, $Black);
imagettftext($Image, $FontSize, 0, 70, 14, $Black, $FontFile, $Measure->Data['Description']);
imagerectangle($Image, 0, 0, $Width - 1, $Height - 1, $Black); // Frame border