function fetch_array()
return $this->PDOStatement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);
function fetch_row()
return $this->PDOStatement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
class Database
public string $Prefix;
public array $Functions;
public string $Type;
public PDO $PDO;
public string $Error;
public string $insert_id;
public string $LastQuery;
public bool $ShowSQLError;
public bool $ShowSQLQuery;
public bool $LogSQLQuery;
public string $LogFile;
public string $Database;
function __construct()
$this->Prefix = '';
$this->Functions = array('NOW(', 'CURDATE(', 'CURTIME(', 'UUID(', 'SHA1(');
$this->Type = 'mysql'; // mysql, pgsql
$this->Error = '';
$this->LastQuery = '';
$this->ShowSQLError = false;
$this->ShowSQLQuery = false;
$this->LogSQLQuery = false;
$this->LogFile = dirname(__FILE__).'/../../Query.log';
$this->Database = '';
function Connect(string $Host, string $User, string $Password, string $Database): void
if ($this->Type == 'mysql') $ConnectionString = 'mysql:host='.$Host.';dbname='.$Database;
else if ($this->Type == 'pgsql') $ConnectionString = 'pgsql:dbname='.$Database.';host='.$Host;
else $ConnectionString = '';
$this->Database = $Database;
try {
$this->PDO = new PDO($ConnectionString, $User, $Password);
} catch (Exception $E)
throw new Exception($E->getMessage());
function Disconnect(): void
function Connected(): bool
return isset($this->PDO);
function select_db(string $Database)
$this->query('USE `'.$Database.'`');
function query($Query): DatabaseResult
if (!$this->Connected()) throw new Exception(T('Not connected to database'));
if (($this->ShowSQLQuery == true) or ($this->LogSQLQuery == true)) $QueryStartTime = microtime_float();
$this->LastQuery = $Query;
//echo('a'.$this->ShowSQLQuery.'<'.$QueryStartTime.', '.microtime_float());
if (($this->ShowSQLQuery == true) or ($this->LogSQLQuery == true))
$Time = round(microtime_float() - $QueryStartTime, 4);
$Duration = ' ; '.$Time. ' s';
if (($this->LogSQLQuery == true) and ($Time != 0))
file_put_contents($this->LogFile, $Query.$Duration."\n", FILE_APPEND);
if ($this->ShowSQLQuery == true)
$Result = new DatabaseResult();
$Statement = $this->PDO->query($Query);
if ($Statement)
$Result->PDOStatement = $Statement;
$Result->num_rows = $Statement->rowCount();
$this->insert_id = $this->PDO->lastInsertId();
} else
$Error = $this->PDO->errorInfo();
$this->Error = $Error[2];
if (($this->Error != '') and ($this->ShowSQLError == true))
echo('SQL Error: '.$this->Error.'
throw new Exception('SQL Error: '.$this->Error.', Query: '.$Query);
return $Result;
function select(string $Table, string $What = '*', string $Condition = '1'): DatabaseResult
return $this->query('SELECT '.$What.' FROM `'.$this->Prefix.$Table.'` WHERE '.$Condition);
function delete(string $Table, string $Condition): void
$this->query('DELETE FROM `'.$this->Prefix.$Table.'` WHERE '.$Condition);
function insert(string $Table, array $Data): int
$this->query($this->GetInsert($Table, $Data));
$this->insert_id = $this->PDO->lastInsertId();
return $this->insert_id;
function IsFunction(string $Text): bool
$Pos = strpos($Text, '(');
return ($Pos !== false) && in_array(substr($Text, 0, $Pos + 1), $this->Functions);
function GetInsert(string $Table, array $Data): string
$Name = '';
$Values = '';
foreach ($Data as $Key => $Value)
$Name .= ',`'.$Key.'`';
if (is_null($Value)) $Value = 'NULL';
else if (!$this->IsFunction($Value))
$Value = $this->PDO->quote($Value);
$Values .= ','.$Value;
$Name = substr($Name, 1);
$Values = substr($Values, 1);
return 'INSERT INTO `'.$this->Prefix.$Table.'` ('.$Name.') VALUES('.$Values.')';
function update(string $Table, string $Condition, array $Data): void
$this->query($this->GetUpdate($Table, $Condition, $Data));
function GetUpdate(string $Table, string $Condition, array $Data): string
$Values = '';
foreach ($Data as $Key => $Value)
if (is_null($Value)) $Value = 'NULL';
else if (!$this->IsFunction($Value))
$Value = $this->PDO->quote($Value);
$Values .= ', `'.$Key.'`='.$Value;
$Values = substr($Values, 2);
return 'UPDATE `'.$this->Prefix.$Table.'` SET '.$Values.' WHERE ('.$Condition.')';
function replace(string $Table, array $Data): void
$Name = '';
$Values = '';
foreach ($Data as $Key => $Value)
if (is_null($Value)) $Value = 'NULL';
else if (!$this->IsFunction($Value))
$Value = $this->PDO->quote($Value);
$Name .= ',`'.$Key.'`';
$Values .= ','.$Value;
$Name = substr($Name, 1);
$Values = substr($Values, 1);
//echo('REPLACE INTO `'.$this->Prefix.$Table.'` ('.$Name.') VALUES ('.$Values.')
$this->query('REPLACE INTO `'.$this->Prefix.$Table.'` ('.$Name.') VALUES('.$Values.')');
function charset(string $Charset): void
$this->query('SET NAMES "'.$Charset.'"');
function real_escape_string(string $Text): string
return addslashes($Text);
function quote(string $Text): string
return $this->PDO->quote($Text);
public function __sleep(): array
return array('LastQuery');
public function __wakeup(): void
public function Transaction(array $Queries): void
foreach ($Queries as $Query)
$Statement = $this->PDO->prepare($Query);
public function TableExists(string $Name): bool
$DbResult = $this->query('SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = "'.$this->Database.
'" AND table_name = "'.$Name.'" LIMIT 1');
return $DbResult->num_rows != 0;
function TimeToMysqlDateTime($Time)
if ($Time == NULL) return NULL;
else return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $Time);
function TimeToMysqlDate($Time)
if ($Time == NULL) return NULL;
else return date('Y-m-d', $Time);
function TimeToMysqlTime($Time)
if ($Time == NULL) return NULL;
else return date('H:i:s', $Time);
function MysqlDateTimeToTime($DateTime)
if ($DateTime == '') return NULL;
$Parts = explode(' ', $DateTime);
$DateParts = explode('-', $Parts[0]);
$TimeParts = explode(':', $Parts[1]);
$Result = mktime($TimeParts[0], $TimeParts[1], $TimeParts[2], $DateParts[1], $DateParts[2], $DateParts[0]);
return $Result;
function MysqlDateToTime($Date)
if ($Date == '') return NULL;
return MysqlDateTimeToTime($Date.' 0:0:0');
function MysqlTimeToTime($Time)
if ($Time == '') return NULL;
return MysqlDateTimeToTime('0000-00-00 '.$Time);