FormManager = &$FormManager; $this->Database = $FormManager->Database; $this->Definition = array(); $this->Values = array(); $this->ValuesFilter = array(); $this->ValuesValidate = array(); $this->OnSubmit = ''; } function LoadDefaults(): void { foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item) { if (!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne'))) { if (!array_key_exists($Index, $this->Values)) { if (isset($Item['Default'])) $this->Values[$Index] = $Item['Default']; else $this->Values[$Index] = null; } } } } function SetClass(string $Name): void { $this->Definition = &$this->FormManager->Classes[$Name]; $this->LoadDefaults(); } function GetValue(string $Index, string $Event = 'OnView'): string { $Item = $this->Definition['Items'][$Index]; $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item); $Result = $this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, $Event, array('Value' => $this->Values[$Index], 'Name' => $Index, 'Type' => $Item['Type'], 'Values' => $this->Values, 'Filter' => $this->Values[$Index])); if ($Result == null) return ''; return $Result; } function ShowViewForm(): string { $Table = array( //'Header' => array('Položka', 'Hodnota'), 'Rows' => array(), ); foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item) if (!array_key_exists('Hidden', $Item) or ($Item['Hidden'] == false)) if (!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne'))) { $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item); $Edit = $this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'OnView', array('Value' => $this->Values[$Index], 'Name' => $Index, 'Type' => $Item['Type'], 'Values' => $this->Values, 'Filter' => $this->ValuesFilter[$Index])); if (array_key_exists('Suffix', $Item)) $Edit .= ' '.$Item['Suffix']; if (!$this->FormManager->Type->IsHidden($UseType)) array_push($Table['Rows'], array($Item['Caption'].':', $Edit)); } $Output = '
'.$this->Definition['Title'].''.Table($Table). '
'; return $Output; } function ShowEditForm(): string { if (!array_key_exists('SubmitText', $this->Definition)) $this->Definition['SubmitText'] = 'Uložit'; $Output = '
'.$this->ShowEditBlock(). '
'. '
'; return $Output; } function ShowEditBlock(string $Context = ''): string { $Hidden = ''; $IsHidden = false; $Table = array( //'Header' => array('Položka', 'Hodnota'), 'Rows' => array(), ); if ($Context != '') $Context = $Context.'-'; foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item) { if (!array_key_exists('ReadOnly', $Item)) $Item['ReadOnly'] = false; if ($Item['ReadOnly'] == false) if (!array_key_exists('Hidden', $Item) or ($Item['Hidden'] == false)) if (!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne'))) { $Parameters = array('Value' => $this->Values[$Index], 'Name' => $Index, 'Type' => $Item['Type'], 'Values' => $this->Values); if (array_key_exists('Null', $Item)) $Parameters['Null'] = $Item['Null']; else unset($Parameters['Null']); if (array_key_exists('OnPreset', $Item)) $Parameters['OnPreset'] = $Item['OnPreset']; else unset($Parameters['OnPreset']); $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item); $Edit = $this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'OnEdit', $Parameters); if (array_key_exists('Suffix', $Item)) $Edit .= $Item['Suffix']; $Caption = $Item['Caption'].':'; if (array_key_exists($Index, $this->ValuesValidate) and $this->ValuesValidate[$Index]) { $Format = $this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'GetValidationFormat', array()); if ($Format != '') $Caption .= '
'.$Format.''; $Caption = ''.$Caption.''; } if (!$this->FormManager->Type->IsHidden($UseType)) array_push($Table['Rows'], array($Caption, $Edit)); else $Hidden .= $Edit; } } $Output = '
'.$this->Definition['Title'].''.Table($Table). $Hidden.'
'; return $Output; } function GetItemType($Item): string { if (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes)) { if (!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->Type->TypeDefinitionList)) $this->FormManager->Type->RegisterType($Item['Type'], '', $this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]); if ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] == 'Reference') $UseType = 'OneToMany'; else if ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] == 'Enumeration') $UseType = 'Enumeration'; } else $UseType = $Item['Type']; return $UseType; } function LoadValuesFromDatabase(string $Id): void { foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item) { if (!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne'))) { $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item); if (!array_key_exists('SQL', $Item)) $Item['SQL'] = ''; else $Item['SQL'] = str_replace('#Id', $Id, $Item['SQL']); $Columns[] = $this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'OnFilterNameQuery', array('Name' => $Index, 'Type' => $Item['Type'], 'SQL' => $Item['SQL'])); } } $Columns = implode(',', $Columns); if (array_key_exists('SQL', $this->Definition)) $SourceTable = '('.$this->Definition['SQL'].') AS `TX`'; else $SourceTable = '`'.$this->Definition['Table'].'` AS `TX`'; $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT '.$Columns.' FROM '.$SourceTable.' WHERE `TX`.`Id`='.$Id); $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_array(); foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item) { if (!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne'))) { $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item); $this->Values[$Index] = $this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'OnLoadDb', array('Value' => $DbRow[$Index], 'Name' => $Index, 'Type' => $Item['Type'], 'Values' => $this->Values)); $this->ValuesFilter[$Index] = $DbRow[$Index.'_Filter']; } } } function SaveValuesToDatabase(string $Id) { $Values = array(); foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item) { if (array_key_exists($Index, $this->Values)) if (!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne'))) { $Parameters = array('Value' => $this->Values[$Index], 'Name' => $Index, 'Type' => $Item['Type'], 'Values' => $this->Values); $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item); $Values[$Index] = $this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'OnSaveDb', $Parameters); if (($Item['Type'] == 'Password') and ($Values[$Index] == '')) unset($Values[$Index]); } } if ($Id == 0) { $Values['Id'] = $Id; $this->Database->insert($this->Definition['Table'], $Values); } else $this->Database->update($this->Definition['Table'], 'Id='.$Id, $Values); } function HasAllPostVariables(): bool { $Result = array_key_exists('submit', $_POST); foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item) { if (!array_key_exists('ReadOnly', $Item)) $Item['ReadOnly'] = false; if ($Item['ReadOnly'] == false) if (!array_key_exists('Hidden', $Item) or ($Item['Hidden'] == false)) if (!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne'))) { $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item); if (!$this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'OnCanLoad', array('Value' => $this->Values[$Index], 'Name' => $Index, 'Type' => $Item['Type'], 'Values' => $this->Values, 'Filter' => $this->Values[$Index]))) { $Result = false; break; } } } return $Result; } function LoadValuesFromForm(): void { $this->Values = $this->LoadValuesFromFormBlock(); } function LoadValuesFromFormBlock(string $Context = ''): array { if ($Context != '') $Context = $Context.'-'; $Values = array(); foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item) { if (!array_key_exists('Hidden', $Item) or ($Item['Hidden'] == false)) { if ((!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne'))) and (!array_key_exists('ReadOnly', $Item) or (array_key_exists('ReadOnly', $Item) and ($Item['ReadOnly'] != true)))) { //if (array_key_exists($Context.$Index, $_POST)) $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item); $Parameters = array('Name' => $Index, 'Type' => $Item['Type'], 'Values' => $this->Values); if (array_key_exists('Null', $Item)) $Parameters['Null'] = $Item['Null']; else unset($Parameters['Null']); $Values[$Index] = $this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'OnLoad', $Parameters); } } else { if (isset($Item['Default'])) { if (isset($Item['Null']) and ($Item['Null'] == true)) $Values[$Index] = null; else $Values[$Index] = $Item['Default']; } } } return $Values; } // Check if filled value is in valid form function Validate(): bool { $Valid = true; foreach ($this->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item) { if ((!array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) or (array_key_exists($Item['Type'], $this->FormManager->FormTypes) and ($this->FormManager->FormTypes[$Item['Type']]['Type'] != 'ManyToOne'))) and (!array_key_exists('ReadOnly', $Item) or (array_key_exists('ReadOnly', $Item) and ($Item['ReadOnly'] != true)))) { //if (array_key_exists($Context.$Index, $_POST)) $UseType = $this->GetItemType($Item); $Parameters = array('Value' => $this->Values[$Index]); if (array_key_exists('Null', $Item)) $Parameters['Null'] = $Item['Null']; else $Parameters['Null'] = false; if (!$this->FormManager->Type->ExecuteTypeEvent($UseType, 'Validate', $Parameters)) { $this->ValuesValidate[$Index] = true; $Valid = false; } } } if ($Valid == false) throw new Exception('not validated'); return $Valid; } } function MakeLink(string $Target, string $Title): string { return ''.$Title.''; } function Table(array $Table): string { $Result = ''; if (array_key_exists('Header', $Table)) { $Result .= ''; foreach ($Table['Header'] as $Item) $Result .= ''; $Result .= ''; } foreach ($Table['Rows'] as $Row) { $Result .= ''; foreach ($Row as $Index => $Item) { if ($Index == 0) $Class = ' class="Header"'; else $Class = ''; $Result .= ''.$Item.''; } $Result .= ''; } $Result .= '
'; return $Result; }