Title = 'Historie chatu';
$this->Description = 'Výpis historie chatu';
$this->ParentClass = 'PagePortal';
function dechexr($Num)
$Num = dechex($Num);
return substr($Num, 4, 2).substr($Num, 2, 2).substr($Num, 0, 2);
function Show(): string
global $MonthNames;
if (!ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User->CheckPermission('Chat', 'Display')) return 'Nemáte oprávnění';
if (array_key_exists('date', $_GET)) $Date = $_GET['date'];
else $Date = date('Y-m-d');
$DateParts = explode('-', $Date);
$DbResult = $this->Database->select('ChatHistory', 'MAX(Time), MIN(Time)');
$RowTotal = $DbResult->fetch_array();
$StartDateTimeParts = explode(' ', $RowTotal['MIN(Time)']);
$StartDateParts = explode('-', $StartDateTimeParts[0]);
$EndDateTimeParts = explode(' ', $RowTotal['MAX(Time)']);
$EndDateParts = explode('-', $EndDateTimeParts[0]);
if (!array_key_exists('year', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['year'] = date('Y', time());
if (array_key_exists('year', $_GET)) $_SESSION['year'] = addslashes($_GET['year']);
if (!array_key_exists('month', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['month'] = date('n', time());
if (array_key_exists('month', $_GET)) $_SESSION['month'] = addslashes($_GET['month']);
$Output = '
for ($Year = $EndDateParts[0]; $Year >= $StartDateParts[0]; $Year--)
if ($_SESSION['year'] == $Year)
$Output .= '
if ($Year == $StartDateParts[0]) $StartMonth = ($StartDateParts[1] + 0); else $StartMonth = 1;
if ($Year == $EndDateParts[0]) $EndMonth = ($EndDateParts[1] + 0); else $EndMonth = 12;
for ($Month = $EndMonth; $Month >= $StartMonth; $Month--)
if ($_SESSION['month'] == $Month)
$Output .= '
if (($Year == $StartDateParts[0]) and ($Month == $StartDateParts[1])) $StartDay = ($StartDateParts[2]+0); else $StartDay = 1;
if (($Year == $EndDateParts[0]) and ($Month == $EndDateParts[1])) $EndDay = ($EndDateParts[2]+0); else $EndDay = date('t',mktime(0,0,0,$Month,0,$Year));
for ($Day = $StartDay; $Day <= $EndDay; $Day++)
$Text = ''.$Day.' ';
if (($DateParts[0] == $Year) and ($DateParts[1] == $Month) and ($DateParts[2] == $Day)) $Text = ''.$Text.'';
$Output .= $Text;
$Output .= '';
} else $Output .= '
'.$MonthNames[$Month].' ';
$Output .='
} else $Output .= '
$Output .= '
$DbResult = $this->Database->select('ChatHistory', 'Nick, Color, Text, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Time)', "RoomType = 0 AND Time > '".$Date." 00:00:00' AND Time < '".$Date." 23:59:59' ORDER BY Time DESC");
$Output .= '';
if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0)
while ($Row = $DbResult->fetch_array())
$Text = $Row['Text'];;
// StrTr($Row['text'], "\x8A\x8D\x8E\x9A\x9D\x9E", "\xA9\xAB\xAE\xB9\xBB\xBE");
$Output .= '['.date('d.m.Y H:i:s',$Row['UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Time)']).'] <'.$Row['Nick'].'> '.(htmlspecialchars($Text)).'
else $Output .= 'V daném dni nebyly zaznamenány žádné zprávy.';
$Output .= '
return $Output;
class ModuleChat extends Module
function __construct(System $System)
$this->Name = 'Chat';
$this->Version = '1.0';
$this->Creator = 'Chronos';
$this->License = 'GNU/GPLv3';
$this->Description = 'Show history of IRC chat and previous SunriseChat';
$this->Models = array(ChatHistory::GetClassName());
function DoStart(): void
$this->System->Pages['chat'] = 'PageChatHistory';
class ChatHistory extends Model
static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc
$Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
return $Desc;