= 2) and ($Text[0] == '"') and (mb_substr($Text, -1, 1) == '"')) return mb_substr($Text, 1, -1); else return $Text; } class FioAPI { public string $Token; public string $Encoding; public string $Format; function __construct() { $this->Encoding = 'utf-8'; $this->Format = 'csv'; } function Import(int $TimeFrom, int $TimeTo): array { if ($this->Token == '') throw new Exception('Missing value for Token property.'); // URL format: https://fioapi.fio.cz/v1/rest/periods/{token}/{datum od}/{datum do}/transactions.{format} // Send request $RequestURL = '/v1/rest/periods/'.$this->Token.'/'. date('Y-m-d', $TimeFrom).'/'.date('Y-m-d', $TimeTo).'/transactions.'.$this->Format; $Response = ''; $Response = @file_get_contents('https://fioapi.fio.cz'.$RequestURL); if ($Response == FALSE) { throw new Exception('Connection error'); } else { if ($this->Format == 'gpc') $Response = iconv('windows-1250', $this->Encoding, $Response); $Response = explode("\n", $Response); if ($this->Format == 'gpc') { // Parse all GPC lines $GPC = new GPC(); $Result = array(); foreach ($Response as $Index => $Line) { if (($Index == 0) and (substr($Line, 0, strlen(GPC_TYPE_REPORT)) != GPC_TYPE_REPORT)) $this->NoValidDataError($Response); $GPCLine = $GPC->ParseLine($Line); if ($GPCLine != NULL) $Result[] = $GPCLine; } } else if ($this->Format == 'csv') { $Result = array( 'Items' => array(), ); // CVS header while ((count($Response) > 0) and ($Response[0] != '')) { $Line = explode(';', $Response[0]); if ($Line[0] == 'accountId') $Result['AccountNumber'] = $Line[0]; else if ($Line[0] == 'bankId') $Result['BankId'] = $Line[0]; else if ($Line[0] == 'currency') $Result['Currency'] = $Line[0]; else if ($Line[0] == 'iban') $Result['IBAN'] = $Line[0]; else if ($Line[0] == 'bic') $Result['BIC'] = $Line[0]; else if ($Line[0] == 'openingBalance') $Result['OpeningBalance'] = $Line[0]; else if ($Line[0] == 'closingBalance') $Result['ClosingBalance'] = $Line[0]; else if ($Line[0] == 'dateStart') $Result['DateStart'] = $Line[0]; else if ($Line[0] == 'dateEnd') $Result['DateEnd'] = $Line[0]; else if ($Line[0] == 'idFrom') $Result['IdFrom'] = $Line[0]; else if ($Line[0] == 'idTo') $Result['IdTo'] = $Line[0]; array_shift($Response); } array_shift($Response); // Remove empty line if ((count($Response) == 0) or ($Response[0] != 'ID pohybu;Datum;Objem;Měna;Protiúčet;Název protiúčtu;Kód banky;Název banky;KS;VS;SS;Uživatelská identifikace;Zpráva pro příjemce;Typ;Provedl;Upřesnění;Komentář;BIC;ID pokynu') ) throw new Exception('Unsupported CSV header'); array_shift($Response); array_pop($Response); foreach ($Response as $Index => $Line) { $Line = explode(';', $Line); $Date = explode('.', $Line[1]); $Date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $Date[1], $Date[0], $Date[2]); $NewRecord = array('ID' => $Line[0], 'Date' => $Date, 'Value' => $Line[2], 'CurrencyCode' => $Line[3], 'OffsetAccount' => $Line[4], 'OffsetAccountName' => $Line[5], 'BankCode' => $Line[6], 'BankName' => RemoveComma($Line[7]), 'ConstantSymbol' => $Line[8], 'VariableSymbol' => $Line[9], 'SpecificSymbol' => $Line[10], 'UserIdent' => RemoveComma($Line[11]), 'Message' => RemoveComma($Line[12]), 'Type' => RemoveComma($Line[13]), 'User' => RemoveComma($Line[14]), 'Details' => RemoveComma($Line[15]), 'Comment' => RemoveComma($Line[16]), 'BIC' => $Line[17], 'OrderID' => $Line[18]); $Result['Items'][] = $NewRecord; } } return $Result; } } function NoValidDataError(array $Response): void { // Try to get error message // If something go wrong fio show HTML login page and display error message $Response = implode('', $Response); $ErrorMessageStart = '