query('SELECT id FROM hosts WHERE online=1 AND block=0 AND user>0'); $Vyber = ''; $Podminka = ''; while ($Row = $DbResult->fetch_array()) $Vyber .= $Row['id'].','; $Podminka .= ' AND (host IN ('.substr($Vyber,0,-1).'))'; //echo($Podminka.'
'); $Database->select_db('share'); // Maxim�ln� vno�en� $MaxNesting = 20; // Najde cestu ke ke�enu function PlnaCesta($Row) { global $MaxNesting, $Database; // Vyhled�n� cesty $Otec = $Row['parent']; $Cesta = ''; //$Row['name']; $i = 0; while (($Otec>1)&&($i<$MaxNesting)) { $DbResult = $Database->query("SELECT id,name,parent FROM items WHERE id=$Otec"); $Row = $DbResult->fetch_array(); $Cesta = $Row['name'].'\\'.$Cesta; $Otec = $Row['parent']; $i++; } if ($i >= $MaxNesting) $Cesta = '?'.'\\'.$Cesta; return '\\\\'.$Cesta; } function mime_content_type($FileName) { //$FileInfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME); //return $FileInfo->file($FileName); return ''; } $Name = 'playlist.m3u'; Header('Content-type: audio/x-mpegurl'); Header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$Name); echo("#EXTM3U\n"); $Parent = '0'; $Dir = ''; $DbResult = $Database->select('items', '*', 'ext="mp3"'.$Podminka); //.' LIMIT 0,1000'); while ($Row = $DbResult->fetch_array()) { if ($Parent != $Row['parent']) $Dir = PlnaCesta($Row); //echo('d'.PlnaCesta($Row)."\n"); $Parent = $Row['parent']; echo($Dir.$Row['name'].'.'.$Row['ext']."\n"); }