Name = 'Stock'; $this->Version = '1.0'; $this->Creator = 'Chronos'; $this->License = 'GNU/GPLv3'; $this->Description = 'Stock and products'; $this->Dependencies = array(ModuleUser::GetName(), ModuleCustomer::GetName(), ModuleNetwork::GetName(), ModuleDocument::GetName()); $this->Models = array(Product::GetClassName(), StockSerialNumber::GetClassName(), Stock::GetClassName(), StockMoveGroup::GetClassName(), StockMove::GetClassName(), StockMoveItem::GetClassName(), StockItemHistory::GetClassName(), StockMoveItemSerialRel::GetClassName()); } function DoStart(): void { $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('Product', array( 'Title' => 'Produkty', 'Table' => 'Product', 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Name', 'Items' => array( 'Manufacturer' => array('Type' => 'TSubject', 'Caption' => 'Výrobce', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true), 'Code' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Kód', 'Default' => ''), 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''), 'SellPrice' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Prodejní cena', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Kč'), 'BuyPrice' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Kupní cena', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Kč'), 'VAT' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'DPH', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => '%'), 'Consumption' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Spotřeba', 'Default' => '', 'Suffix' => 'Watt'), 'Supplier' => array('Type' => 'TSubject', 'Caption' => 'Dodavatel', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true), 'UnitOfMeasure' => array('Type' => 'TUnitOfMeasure', 'Caption' => 'Měrná jednotka', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true), 'StockSerialNumbers' => array('Type' => 'TStockSerialNumberListProduct', 'Caption' => 'Položky na skladě', 'Default' => ''), 'StockState' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Počet na skladě', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true, 'SQL' => 'SELECT IFNULL(SUM(`Amount`), 0) FROM `StockMoveItem` WHERE `StockMoveItem`.`Product`=#Id'), 'StockMinCount' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Skladové minimum', 'Default' => '0'), 'StockMoves' => array('Type' => 'TStockMoveItemListProduct', 'Caption' => 'Pohyby na skladě', 'Default' => ''), 'NetworkDevices' => array('Type' => 'TNetworkDeviceListProduct', 'Caption' => 'Síťová zařízení', 'Default' => ''), 'StockShortage' => array('Type' => 'TStockState', 'Caption' => 'Stav skladu', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true, 'SQL' => 'SELECT (IFNULL(SUM(`Amount`), 0) >= `StockMinCount`) FROM `StockMoveItem` WHERE `StockMoveItem`.`Product`=#Id'), ), )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('StockSerialNumber', array( 'Title' => 'Skladové položky', 'Table' => 'StockSerialNumber', 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Id', 'Items' => array( 'Stock' => array('Type' => 'TStock', 'Caption' => 'Sklad', 'Default' => ''), 'Product' => array('Type' => 'TProduct', 'Caption' => 'Produkt', 'Default' => ''), 'TimeEnlistment' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Datum zařazení', 'Default' => ''), 'TimeElimination' => array('Type' => 'Date', 'Caption' => 'Datum vyřazení', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true), 'SellPrice' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Prodejní cena', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Kč'), 'BuyPrice' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Kupní cena', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Kč'), 'Amount' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Množství', 'Default' => '1'), 'SerialNumber' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Sériové číslo', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true), 'RegNumber' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Evidenční číslo', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true), 'Location' => array('Type' => 'TMember', 'Caption' => 'Umístění', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true), 'Esemble' => array('Type' => 'TStockSerialNumber', 'Caption' => 'Celek', 'Default' => ''), 'Parts' => array('Type' => 'TStockSerialNumberListStockSerialNumber', 'Caption' => 'Části', 'Default' => ''), 'History' => array('Type' => 'TStockItemHistoryListStockSerialNumber', 'Caption' => 'Historie', 'Default' => ''), 'Sériové čísla' => array('Type' => 'TStockMoveItemSerialListSerial', 'Caption' => 'Skladové pohyby', 'Default' => ''), ), )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('Stock', array( 'Title' => 'Sklady', 'Table' => 'Stock', 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Name', 'Items' => array( 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Jméno', 'Default' => ''), 'Location' => array('Type' => 'TMember', 'Caption' => 'Umístění', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true), 'Items' => array('Type' => 'TStockSerialNumberListStock', 'Caption' => 'Položky', 'Default' => ''), 'ItemsCount' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Položek', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true, 'SQL' => '(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `StockSerialNumber` WHERE '. '(`StockSerialNumber`.`Stock`=#Id) AND (`StockSerialNumber`.`TimeElimination` IS NULL))'), 'TotalPrice' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Celková cena', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true, 'SQL' => '(SELECT SUM(`SellPrice`) FROM `StockSerialNumber` WHERE '. '(`StockSerialNumber`.`Stock`=#Id) AND (`StockSerialNumber`.`TimeElimination` IS NULL))', 'Suffix' => 'Kč'), 'Moves' => array('Type' => 'TStockMoveStock', 'Caption' => 'Pohyby', 'Default' => ''), ), )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('StockMove', array( 'Title' => 'Skladový pohyb', 'Table' => 'StockMove', 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Time', 'Items' => array( 'Group' => array('Type' => 'TStockMoveGroup', 'Caption' => 'Skupina', 'Default' => ''), 'BillCode' => array('Type' => 'TDocumentLineCode', 'Caption' => 'Označení', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true), 'Time' => array('Type' => 'DateTime', 'Caption' => 'Čas', 'Default' => ''), 'Stock' => array('Type' => 'TStock', 'Caption' => 'Sklad', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true), 'File' => array('Type' => 'TFile', 'Caption' => 'Doklad', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true), 'Price' => array('Type' => 'Float', 'Caption' => 'Cena', 'Default' => '', 'ReadOnly' => true, 'Suffix' => 'Kč', 'SQL' => '(SELECT SUM(`StockMoveItem`.`UnitPrice` * `StockMoveItem`.`Amount`) FROM `StockMoveItem` '. 'WHERE `StockMoveItem`.`StockMove`=#Id)'), 'Items' => array('Type' => 'TStockMoveItemListStockMove', 'Caption' => 'Položky', 'Default' => ''), ), 'BeforeInsert' => array($this, 'BeforeInsertStockMove'), //'AfterInsert' => array($this, 'AfterInsertStockMove'), //'BeforeModify' => array($this, 'BeforeModifyStockMove'), )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('StockMoveItem', array( 'Title' => 'Položka skladového pohybu', 'Table' => 'StockMoveItem', 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Product', 'Items' => array( 'StockMove' => array('Type' => 'TStockMove', 'Caption' => 'Skladový pohyb', 'Default' => ''), 'Product' => array('Type' => 'TProduct', 'Caption' => 'Produkt', 'Default' => ''), 'UnitPrice' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Jednotková cena', 'Default' => '0', 'Suffix' => 'Kč'), 'Amount' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Množství', 'Default' => '1'), 'Total' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Celkem', 'Default' => '', 'Suffix' => 'Kč', 'ReadOnly' => true, 'SQL' => 'ROUND(`UnitPrice` * `Amount`, '.$this->System->Config['Finance']['Rounding'].')'), 'Položky pohybů' => array('Type' => 'TStockMoveItemSerialListItem', 'Caption' => 'Vztahy sériových čísel', 'Default' => ''), 'Sériové čísla' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Sériové čísla', 'ReadOnly' => true, 'SQL' => 'SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(`StockSerialNumber`.`RegNumber` SEPARATOR ", ") FROM `StockMoveItemSerialRel` '. 'LEFT JOIN `StockSerialNumber` ON `StockSerialNumber`.`Id`=`StockMoveItemSerialRel`.`StockSerialNumber` '. 'WHERE `StockMoveItemSerialRel`.`StockMoveItem`=#Id'), ), )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('StockMoveGroup', array( 'Title' => 'Skupina skladových pohybů', 'Table' => 'StockMoveGroup', 'Items' => array( 'Name' => array('Type' => 'String', 'Caption' => 'Název', 'Default' => '0'), 'DocumentLine' => array('Type' => 'TDocumentLine', 'Caption' => 'Dokladová řada', 'Default' => '0'), 'ValueSign' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceValueSign', 'Caption' => 'Znaménko hodnoty', 'Default' => '0'), 'Direction' => array('Type' => 'TFinanceDirection', 'Caption' => 'Směr', 'Default' => '0'), 'Items' => array('Type' => 'TStockMoveListGroup', 'Caption' => 'Operace', 'Default' => ''), ), )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('StockItemHistory', array( 'Title' => 'Historie skladové položky', 'Table' => 'StockItemHistory', 'DefaultSortColumn' => 'Time', 'Items' => array( 'Time' => array('Type' => 'DateTime', 'Caption' => 'Čas', 'Default' => ''), 'StockSerialNumber' => array('Type' => 'TStockSerialNumber', 'Caption' => 'Sériové číslo', 'Default' => ''), 'Text' => array('Type' => 'Text', 'Caption' => 'Text', 'Default' => ''), ), )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('StockMoveItemSerialRel', array( 'Title' => 'Vztah položky skladových pohybů a sériových čísel', 'Table' => 'StockMoveItemSerialRel', 'Items' => array( 'StockMoveItem' => array('Type' => 'TStockMoveItem', 'Caption' => 'Položky pohybu', 'Default' => ''), 'StockSerialNumber' => array('Type' => 'TStockSerialNumber', 'Caption' => 'Sériové číslo', 'Default' => ''), ), )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TStockMoveItemListStockMove', array( 'Type' => 'ManyToOne', 'Table' => 'StockMoveItem', 'Id' => 'Id', 'Ref' => 'StockMove', 'Filter' => '1', )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TStockMoveItemListProduct', array( 'Type' => 'ManyToOne', 'Table' => 'StockMoveItem', 'Id' => 'Id', 'Ref' => 'Product', 'Filter' => '1', )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TStockMoveListGroup', array( 'Type' => 'ManyToOne', 'Table' => 'StockMove', 'Id' => 'Id', 'Ref' => 'Group', 'Filter' => '1', )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TStockMoveStock', array( 'Type' => 'ManyToOne', 'Table' => 'StockMove', 'Id' => 'Id', 'Ref' => 'Stock', 'Filter' => '1', )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TStockMoveItemSerialListItem', array( 'Type' => 'ManyToOne', 'Table' => 'StockMoveItemSerialRel', 'Id' => 'Id', 'Ref' => 'StockMoveItem', 'Filter' => '1', )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TStockMoveItemSerialListSerial', array( 'Type' => 'ManyToOne', 'Table' => 'StockMoveItemSerialRel', 'Id' => 'Id', 'Ref' => 'StockSerialNumber', 'Filter' => '1', )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TStockMove', array( 'Type' => 'Reference', 'Table' => 'StockMove', 'Id' => 'Id', 'Name' => '(SELECT `DocumentLineCode`.`Name` FROM `DocumentLineCode` WHERE `Id`=`StockMove`.`BillCode`)', 'Filter' => '1', )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TStockMoveItem', array( 'Type' => 'Reference', 'Table' => 'StockMoveItem', 'Id' => 'Id', 'Name' => '(SELECT `Name` FROM `Product` WHERE `Product`.`Id`=`StockMoveItem`.`Product`)', 'Filter' => '1', )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TProduct', array( 'Type' => 'Reference', 'Table' => 'Product', 'Id' => 'Id', 'Name' => 'Name', 'Filter' => '1', )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TStock', array( 'Type' => 'Reference', 'Table' => 'Stock', 'Id' => 'Id', 'Name' => 'Name', 'Filter' => '1', )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TStockMoveGroup', array( 'Type' => 'Reference', 'Table' => 'StockMoveGroup', 'Id' => 'Id', 'Name' => 'Name', 'Filter' => '1', )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TStockSerialNumber', array( 'Type' => 'Reference', 'Table' => 'StockSerialNumber', 'Id' => 'Id', 'Name' => 'RegNumber', 'Filter' => '1', )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TStockItemHistoryListStockSerialNumber', array( 'Type' => 'ManyToOne', 'Table' => 'StockItemHistory', 'Id' => 'Id', 'Ref' => 'StockSerialNumber', 'Filter' => '1', )); $this->System->FormManager->RegisterFormType('TStockState', array( 'Type' => 'Enumeration', 'States' => array('Nedostatek', 'Dostatek'), )); } function BeforeInsertStockMove(Form $Form): array { $Finance = &ModuleFinance::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Finance'))->Finance; if (array_key_exists('Time', $Form->Values)) $Year = date("Y", $Form->Values['Time']); else $Year = date("Y", $Form->Values['ValidFrom']); $Group = $Finance->GetFinanceGroupById($Form->Values['Group'], 'StockMoveGroup'); $Form->Values['BillCode'] = ModuleDocument::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Document'))->GetNextDocumentLineNumberId($Group['DocumentLine'], $Year); return $Form->Values; } } class Product extends Model { static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc { $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddReference('Manufacturer', Subject::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddString('Code'); $Desc->AddString('Name'); $Desc->AddInteger('SellPrice'); $Desc->AddInteger('BuyPrice'); $Desc->AddInteger('VAT'); $Desc->AddInteger('Consumption'); $Desc->AddReference('Supplier', Subject::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddReference('UnitOfMeasure', UnitOfMeasure::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddInteger('StockMinCount'); return $Desc; } } class StockSerialNumber extends Model { static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc { $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddReference('Stock', Stock::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddReference('Product', Product::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddDate('TimeEnlistment'); $Desc->AddDate('TimeElimination'); $Desc->AddInteger('SellPrice'); $Desc->AddInteger('BuyPrice'); $Desc->AddInteger('Amount'); $Desc->AddString('SerialNumber'); $Desc->AddString('RegNumber'); $Desc->AddReference('Location', Member::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddReference('Esemble', StockSerialNumber::GetClassName()); return $Desc; } } class Stock extends Model { static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc { $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddString('Name'); $Desc->AddReference('Location', Member::GetClassName()); return $Desc; } } class StockMove extends Model { static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc { $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddReference('Group', StockMoveGroup::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddDateTime('Time'); $Desc->AddReference('Stock', Stock::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddReference('File', File::GetClassName()); return $Desc; } } class StockMoveItem extends Model { static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc { $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddReference('StockMove', StockMove::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddReference('Product', Product::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddInteger('UnitPrice'); $Desc->AddInteger('Amount'); return $Desc; } } class StockMoveGroup extends Model { static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc { $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddString('Name'); $Desc->AddReference('DocumentLine', DocumentLine::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddInteger('ValueSign'); $Desc->AddInteger('Direction'); return $Desc; } } class StockItemHistory extends Model { static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc { $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddReference('StockSerialNumber', StockSerialNumber::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddDateTime('Time'); $Desc->AddText('Text'); return $Desc; } } class StockMoveItemSerialRel extends Model { static function GetModelDesc(): ModelDesc { $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddReference('StockMoveItem', StockMoveItem::GetClassName()); $Desc->AddReference('StockSerialNumber', StockSerialNumber::GetClassName()); return $Desc; } }