AddString('Name'); $Desc->AddString('Title'); $Desc->AddString('Description'); $Desc->AddString('Unit'); $Desc->AddBoolean('Continuity'); $Desc->AddInteger('Period'); $Desc->AddString('PermissionAdd'); $Desc->AddString('PermissionView'); $Desc->AddBoolean('Enabled'); $Desc->AddString('DataType'); $Desc->AddString('DataTable'); return $Desc; } function Load(int $Id): void { $Result = $this->Database->select('Measure', '*', 'Id='.$Id); if ($Result->num_rows > 0) { $this->Data = $Result->fetch_assoc(); if ($this->Data['Continuity'] == 0) $this->Data['ContinuityEnabled'] = 0; // non continuous else $this->Data['ContinuityEnabled'] = 2; // continuous graph } else throw new Exception('Measure not found'); } function TimeSegment($Base, $Level) { return pow($this->LevelReducing, $Level) * $Base; } function StatTableName(int $Level): string { if ($Level == 0) return 'Data'; else return 'DataCache'; } function AlignTime($Time, $TimeSegment) { return round(($Time - $this->ReferenceTime) / $TimeSegment) * $TimeSegment + $this->ReferenceTime; } function AddValue($Value = array('Min' => 0, 'Avg' => 0, 'Max' => 0), $Level = 0, $Time = 0) { if ($Time == 0) $Time = time(); $Result = $this->Database->select($this->Data['DataTable'], '*', 'Measure='. $this->Data['Id'].' AND Level='.$Level.' ORDER BY Time DESC LIMIT 2'); if ($Result->num_rows == 0) { $this->Database->insert($this->Data['DataTable'], array('Min' => $Value['Min'], 'Avg' => $Value['Avg'], 'Max' => $Value['Max'], 'Level' => $Level, 'Measure' => $this->Data['Id'], 'Time' => TimeToMysqlDateTime($Time), 'Continuity' => 0)); } else if ($Result->num_rows == 1) { $this->Database->insert($this->Data['DataTable'], array('Min' => $Value['Min'], 'Avg' => $Value['Avg'], 'Max' => $Value['Max'], 'Level' => $Level, 'Measure' => $this->Data['Id'], 'Time' => TimeToMysqlDateTime($Time), 'Continuity' => 1)); } else { $LastValue = $Result->fetch_assoc(); $NextToLastValue = $Result->fetch_assoc(); if ((($Time - MysqlDateTimeToTime($LastValue['Time'])) < 0.75 * $this->Data['Period']) and ($Level == 0)) { echo('Too short period. Minimal period is '.(0.75 * $this->Data['Period'])." seconds\n"); } else { if (($Time - MysqlDateTimeToTime($LastValue['Time'])) < 1.25 * $this->Data['Period']) $Continuity = 1; else $Continuity = 0; if (($LastValue['Min'] == $NextToLastValue['Min']) and ($LastValue['Min'] == $Value['Min']) and ($LastValue['Avg'] == $NextToLastValue['Avg']) and ($LastValue['Avg'] == $Value['Avg']) and ($LastValue['Max'] == $NextToLastValue['Max']) and ($LastValue['Max'] == $Value['Max']) and ($LastValue['Continuity'] == 1) and ($Continuity == 1)) { $this->Database->update($this->Data['DataTable'], '(Time="'.$LastValue['Time']. '") AND (Level='.$Level.') AND (Measure='.$this->Data['Id'].')', array('Time' => TimeToMysqlDateTime($Time))); } else { $this->Database->insert($this->Data['DataTable'], array('Min' => $Value['Min'], 'Avg' => $Value['Avg'], 'Max' => $Value['Max'], 'Level' => $Level, 'Measure' => $this->Data['Id'], 'Time' => TimeToMysqlDateTime($Time), 'Continuity' => $Continuity)); } } // Update next level if ($Level < $this->MaxLevel) { $Level = $Level + 1; $TimeSegment = $this->TimeSegment($this->Data['Period'], 1); $EndTime = $this->AlignTime($Time, $TimeSegment); //if ($EndTime < $Time) $EndTime = $EndTime + $TimeSegment; $StartTime = $EndTime - $TimeSegment; // Load values in time range $Values = array(); //.'" AND Time < "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($EndTime).'" AND Measure='.$Measure['Id'].' AND Level='.($Level - 1).' ORDER BY Time'); $Result = $this->Database->select($this->Data['DataTable'], '*', '(Time > "'. TimeToMysqlDateTime($StartTime).'") AND (Time < "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($EndTime). '") AND (Measure='.$this->Data['Id'].') AND (Level='.($Level - 1).') ORDER BY Time'); while ($Row = $Result->fetch_assoc()) { $Row['Time'] = MysqlDateTimeToTime($Row['Time']); $Values[] = $Row; } //if (count($Values) > 2) { //array_pop($Values); // Load subsidary values $Values = array_merge($this->LoadLeftSideValue($Level - 1, $StartTime), $Values, $this->LoadRightSideValue($Level - 1, $EndTime)); $Point = $this->ComputeOneValue($StartTime, $EndTime, $Values, $Level); $this->Database->delete($this->Data['DataTable'], '(Time > "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($StartTime). '") AND (Time < "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($EndTime).'") AND Measure='.$this->Data['Id'].' AND Level='.$Level); $this->Data['Period'] = $TimeSegment; $this->AddValue(array('Min' => $Point['Min'], 'Avg' => $Point['Avg'], 'Max' => $Point['Max']), $Level, $StartTime + ($EndTime - $StartTime) / 2); } } } } function Interpolation($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $X) { $Y = ($Y2 - $Y1) / ($X2 - $X1) * ($X - $X1) + $Y1; return $Y; } function ComputeOneValue($LeftTime, $RightTime, $Values, $Level) { $NewValue = array('Min' => +1000000000000000000, 'Avg' => 0, 'Max' => -1000000000000000000); // Trim outside parts foreach ($this->ValueTypes as $ValueType) { $Values[0][$ValueType] = $this->Interpolation($Values[0]['Time'], $Values[0][$ValueType], $Values[1]['Time'], $Values[1][$ValueType], $LeftTime); } $Values[0]['Time'] = $LeftTime; foreach ($this->ValueTypes as $ValueType) { $Values[count($Values) - 1][$ValueType] = $this->Interpolation($Values[count($Values) - 2]['Time'], $Values[count($Values) - 2][$ValueType], $Values[count($Values) - 1]['Time'], $Values[count($Values) - 1][$ValueType], $RightTime); } $Values[count($Values) - 1]['Time'] = $RightTime; // Perform computation foreach ($this->ValueTypes as $ValueType) { // Compute new value for ($I = 0; $I < (count($Values) - 1); $I++) { if ($ValueType == 'Avg') { if ($Values[$I + 1]['Continuity'] == $this->Data['ContinuityEnabled']); else if ($this->Differential == 0) { $NewValue[$ValueType] = $NewValue[$ValueType] + ($Values[$I + 1]['Time'] - $Values[$I]['Time']) * (($Values[$I + 1][$ValueType] - $Values[$I][$ValueType]) / 2 + $Values[$I][$ValueType]); } else { $NewValue[$ValueType] = $NewValue[$ValueType] + ($Values[$I + 1]['Time'] - $Values[$I]['Time']) * (($Values[$I + 1][$ValueType] - $Values[$I][$ValueType]) / 2); } } else if ($ValueType == 'Max') { if ($Values[$I + 1]['Continuity'] == $this->Data['ContinuityEnabled']) { if (0 > $NewValue[$ValueType]) $NewValue[$ValueType] = 0; } else { if ($this->Differential == 0) { if ($Values[$I + 1][$ValueType] > $NewValue[$ValueType]) $NewValue[$ValueType] = $Values[$I + 1][$ValueType]; } else { $Difference = $Values[$I + 1][$ValueType] - $Values[$I][$ValueType]; if ($Difference > $NewValue[$ValueType]) $NewValue[$ValueType] = $Difference; } } } else if ($ValueType == 'Min') { if ($Values[$I + 1]['Continuity'] == $this->Data['ContinuityEnabled']) { if (0 < $NewValue[$ValueType]) $NewValue[$ValueType] = 0; } else { if ($this->Differential == 0) { if ($Values[$I + 1][$ValueType] < $NewValue[$ValueType]) $NewValue[$ValueType] = $Values[$I + 1][$ValueType]; } else { $Difference = $Values[$I + 1][$ValueType] - $Values[$I][$ValueType]; if ($Difference < $NewValue[$ValueType]) $NewValue[$ValueType] = $Difference; } } } } $NewValue[$ValueType] = $NewValue[$ValueType]; } //if (($RightTime - $LeftTime) > 0) if ($this->Data['Cumulative'] == 0) { $NewValue['Avg'] = $NewValue['Avg'] / ($RightTime - $LeftTime); } return $NewValue; } function GetTimeRange($Level) { // Get first and last time $Result = $this->Database->select($this->Data['DataTable'], '*', 'Measure='.$this->Data['Id'].' AND Level='.$Level.' ORDER BY Time LIMIT 1'); if ($Result->num_rows > 0) { $Row = $Result->fetch_assoc(); $AbsoluteLeftTime = MysqlDateTimeToTime($Row['Time']); } else $AbsoluteLeftTime = 0; $Result = $this->Database->select($this->Data['DataTable'], '*', 'Measure='.$this->Data['Id'].' AND Level='.$Level.' ORDER BY Time DESC LIMIT 1'); if ($Result->num_rows > 0) { $Row = $Result->fetch_assoc(); $AbsoluteRightTime = MysqlDateTimeToTime($Row['Time']); } else $AbsoluteRightTime = 0; if ($this->Debug) { echo('AbsoluteLeftTime: '.$AbsoluteLeftTime.'('.TimeToMysqlDateTime($AbsoluteLeftTime).')
'); echo('AbsoluteRightTime: '.$AbsoluteRightTime.'('.TimeToMysqlDateTime($AbsoluteRightTime).')
'); } return array('Left' => $AbsoluteLeftTime, 'Right' => $AbsoluteRightTime); } function LoadRightSideValue($Level, $Time) { $Result = array(); $DbResult = $this->Database->select($this->Data['DataTable'], '*', 'Time > "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($Time).'" AND Measure='.$this->Data['Id'].' AND Level='.$Level.' ORDER BY Time ASC LIMIT 1'); if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0) { $Row = $DbResult->fetch_assoc(); $Row['Time'] = MysqlDateTimeToTime($Row['Time']); return array($Row); } else { //$Time = $Values[count($Values)-1]['Time'] + 60; //array_push($Values, array('Time' => $Time, 'Min' => 0, 'Avg' => 0, 'Max' => 0, 'Continuity' => 0)); $Result[] = array('Time' => ($Time + $this->TimeSegment($this->Data['Period'], $Level)), 'Min' => 0, 'Avg' => 0, 'Max' => 0, 'Continuity' => 0); $DbResult = $this->Database->select($this->Data['DataTable'], '*', 'Time < "'. TimeToMysqlDateTime($Time).'" AND Measure='.$this->Data['Id'].' AND Level='.$Level.' ORDER BY Time DESC LIMIT 1'); if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0) { $Row = $DbResult->fetch_assoc(); array_unshift($Result, array('Time' => (MysqlDateTimeToTime($Row['Time']) + 10), 'Min' => 0, 'Avg' => 0, 'Max' => 0, 'Continuity' => 0)); } // if ($Debug) print_r($Result); return $Result; } } function LoadLeftSideValue($Level, $Time) { $Result = array(); $DbResult = $this->Database->select($this->Data['DataTable'], '*', '(Time < "'. TimeToMysqlDateTime($Time).'") AND (Measure='.$this->Data['Id'].') AND (Level='.$Level.') ORDER BY Time DESC LIMIT 1'); if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0) { $Row = $DbResult->fetch_assoc(); $Row['Time'] = MysqlDateTimeToTime($Row['Time']); return array($Row); } else { //$Time = $Values[0]['Time'] - 60; //array_unshift($Values, array('Time' => $Time, 'Min' => 0, 'Avg' => 0, 'Max' => 0, 'Continuity' => 0)); if ($this->Debug) echo($this->TimeSegment($this->Data['Period'], $Level)); $Result[] = array('Time' => ($Time - $this->TimeSegment($this->Data['Period'], $Level)), 'Min' => 0, 'Avg' => 0, 'Max' => 0, 'Continuity' => 0); $DbResult = $this->Database->select($this->Data['DataTable'], '*', 'Time > "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($Time).'" AND Measure='.$this->Data['Id'].' AND Level='.$Level.' ORDER BY Time ASC LIMIT 1'); if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0) { $Row = $DbResult->fetch_assoc(); array_push($Result, array('Time' => (MysqlDateTimeToTime($Row['Time']) - 10), 'Min' => 0, 'Avg' => 0, 'Max' => 0, 'Continuity' => 0)); } return $Result; } } function GetValues($TimeFrom, $TimeTo, $Level) { if ($this->Debug) echo('TimeFrom: '.$TimeFrom.'('.TimeToMysqlDateTime($TimeFrom).')
'); if ($this->Debug) echo('TimeTo: '.$TimeTo.'('.TimeToMysqlDateTime($TimeTo).')
'); //$AbsoluteTime = GetTimeRange($MeasureId); // if (($TimeFrom > $AbsoluteLeftTime) and ($TimeStart < $AbsoluteRightTime) and // ($TimeTo > $AbsoluteLeftTime) and ($TimeTo < $AbsoluteRightTime)) // { // Load values in time range $Result = $this->Database->select($this->Data['DataTable'], 'Time, Min, Avg, Max, Continuity', '(Time > "'. TimeToMysqlDateTime($TimeFrom).'") AND (Time < "'. TimeToMysqlDateTime($TimeTo).'") AND (Measure='. $this->Data['Id'].') AND (Level='.$Level.') ORDER BY Time'); // echo($Level.' '.TimeToMysqlDateTime($TimeFrom).' '.TimeToMysqlDateTime($TimeTo)); $Values = array(); // echo(DB_NumRows()); // $III = 0; while ($Row = $Result->fetch_assoc()) { // echo($III.' '.$Row['Time'].' '.memory_get_usage().','); // $III++; $Values[] = array('Time' => MysqlDateTimeToTime($Row['Time']), 'Min' => $Row['Min'], 'Avg' => $Row['Avg'], 'Max' => $Row['Max'], 'Continuity' => $Row['Continuity']); } // array_pop($Values); if ($this->Debug) echo('Item count: '.count($Values)); $Points = array(); if (count($Values) > 0) { $Values = array_merge($this->LoadLeftSideValue($Level, $TimeFrom), $Values, $this->LoadRightSideValue($Level, $TimeTo)); $StartIndex = 0; $Points = array(); if ($this->Debug) print_r($Values); for ($I = 0; $I < $this->DivisionCount; $I++) { $TimeStart = $TimeFrom + (($TimeTo - $TimeFrom) / $this->DivisionCount) * $I; $TimeEnd = $TimeFrom + (($TimeTo - $TimeFrom) / $this->DivisionCount) * ($I + 1); if ($this->Debug) echo('TimeEnd '.$I.': '.$TimeEnd.'('.TimeToMysqlDateTime($TimeEnd).')
'); $EndIndex = $StartIndex; while (($Values[$EndIndex]['Time'] < $TimeEnd) and ($EndIndex < count($Values))) $EndIndex = $EndIndex + 1; //while (($Values[$EndIndex]['Time'] < $TimeEnd)) $EndIndex = $EndIndex + 1; $SubValues = array_slice($Values, $StartIndex, $EndIndex - $StartIndex + 1); $Points[] = $this->ComputeOneValue($TimeStart, $TimeEnd, $SubValues, $Level); $StartIndex = $EndIndex - 1; } if ($this->Debug) print_r($Points); } else $Points[] = array('Min' => 0, 'Avg' => 0, 'Max' => 0); return $Points; } function RebuildMeasureCache() { echo('Veličina '.$this->Data['Name']."
\n"); if ($this->Data['Continuity'] == 0) $this->Data['ContinuityEnabled'] = 0; // non continuous else $this->Data['ContinuityEnabled'] = 2; // continuous graph // Clear previous items $DbResult = $this->Database->select($this->Data['DataTable'], 'COUNT(*)', 'Level > 0 AND Measure='.$this->Data['Id']); $Row = $DbResult->fetch_row(); echo("Mazu starou cache (".$Row[0]." polozek)..."); $this->Database->delete($this->Data['DataTable'], 'Level > 0 AND Measure='.$this->Data['Id']); echo("
\n"); for ($Level = 1; $Level <= $this->MaxLevel; $Level++) { echo('Uroven '.$Level."
\n"); $TimeRange = $this->GetTimeRange($Level - 1); $TimeSegment = $this->TimeSegment($this->Data['Period'], $Level); $StartTime = $this->AlignTime($TimeRange['Left'], $TimeSegment) - $TimeSegment; $EndTime = $this->AlignTime($TimeRange['Right'], $TimeSegment); $BurstCount = 500; echo('For 0 to '.round(($EndTime - $StartTime) / $TimeSegment / $BurstCount)."
\n"); for ($I = 0; $I <= round(($EndTime - $StartTime) / $TimeSegment / $BurstCount); $I++) { echo($I.' '); $StartTime2 = $StartTime + $I * $BurstCount * $TimeSegment; $EndTime2 = $StartTime + ($I + 1) * $BurstCount * $TimeSegment; $Values = array(); $DbResult = $this->Database->select($this->Data['DataTable'], '*', 'Time > "'. TimeToMysqlDateTime($StartTime2).'" AND Time < "'.TimeToMysqlDateTime($EndTime2).'" AND Measure='.$this->Data['Id'].' AND Level='.($Level - 1).' ORDER BY Time'); while ($Row = $DbResult->fetch_assoc()) { $Row['Time'] = MysqlDateTimeToTime($Row['Time']); $Values[] = $Row; } if (count($Values) > 0) { $Values = array_merge($this->LoadLeftSideValue($Level - 1, $StartTime2), $Values, $this->LoadRightSideValue($Level - 1, $this->Data, $EndTime2)); $StartIndex = 0; for ($B = 0; $B < $BurstCount; $B++) { echo('.'); $StartTime3 = $StartTime2 + (($EndTime2 - $StartTime2) / $BurstCount) * $B; $EndTime3 = $StartTime2 + (($EndTime2 - $StartTime2) / $BurstCount) * ($B + 1); $EndIndex = $StartIndex; while ($Values[$EndIndex]['Time'] < $EndTime3) $EndIndex = $EndIndex + 1; $SubValues = array_slice($Values, $StartIndex, $EndIndex - $StartIndex + 1); if (count($SubValues) > 2) { $Point = $this->ComputeOneValue($StartTime3, $EndTime3, $SubValues, $Level); $Continuity = $SubValues[1]['Continuity']; $this->Database->insert($this->Data['DataTable'], array('Level' => $Level, 'Measure' => $this->Data['Id'], 'Min' => $Point['Min'], 'Avg' => $Point['avg'], 'max' => $Point['Max'], 'Continuity' => $Continuity, 'Time' => TimeToMysqlDateTime($StartTime3 + ($EndTime3 - $StartTime3) / 2))); } $StartIndex = $EndIndex - 1; } } // Load values in time range //array_pop($NextValues); } echo("Uroven dokoncena
\n"); $DbResult = $this->Database->select($this->Data['DataTable'], 'COUNT(*)', 'Level='.$Level.' AND Measure='.$this->Data['Id']); $Row = $DbResult->fetch_row(); echo("Vloženo ".$Row[0]." položek.
\n"); } } function RebuildAllMeasuresCache() { // echo("Vytvarim novou cache...\n"); // Load measures $Measures = array(); $Result = $this->Database->select('Measure', '*'); while ($Row = $Result->fetch_assoc()) { $Measure = new Measure($this->System); $Measure->Load($Row['Id']); } foreach ($Measures as $Measure) { $Measure->RebuildMeasureCache(); echo('Velicina dokoncena
'); } } function InitMeasureDataTable() { $this->Database->query('CREATE TABLE `Data'.$this->Data['Name'].'` ( `Time` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , `Avg` '.$this->Data['DataType'].' NOT NULL , `Continuity` BOOL NOT NULL ) ENGINE = MYISAM ;'); $this->Database->query('CREATE TABLE `Data'.$this->Data['Name'].'Cache` ( `Time` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , `Level` TINYINT NOT NULL , `Min` '.$this->Data['DataType'].' NOT NULL , `Avg` '.$this->Data['DataType'].' NOT NULL , `Max` '.$this->Data['DataType'].' NOT NULL , `Continuity` BOOL NOT NULL ) ENGINE = MYISAM ;'); } }