field_name = $field_name; } function set_for_soap($filename, $file) { $this->stored_file_name = $filename; $this->use_soap = true; $this->file = $file; } /** * wrapper for this::get_file_path() * @param string stored_file_name File name in filesystem * @param string bean_id note bean ID * @return string path with file name */ function get_url($stored_file_name,$bean_id) { global $sugar_config; return UploadFile::get_file_path($stored_file_name,$bean_id); } /** * builds a URL path for an anchor tag * @param string stored_file_name File name in filesystem * @param string bean_id note bean ID * @return string path with file name */ function get_file_path($stored_file_name,$bean_id) { global $sugar_config; global $locale; // if the parameters are empty strings, just return back the upload_dir if ( empty($bean_id) && empty($stored_file_name) ) return $sugar_config['upload_dir']; if (file_exists($sugar_config['upload_dir'] . $bean_id . rawurlencode($stored_file_name))){ if (!rename($sugar_config['upload_dir'] . $bean_id . rawurlencode($stored_file_name), $sugar_config['upload_dir'] . $bean_id)){ $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("unable to rename file in {$sugar_config['upload_dir']}"); } } else if (file_exists($sugar_config['upload_dir'] . $bean_id . urlencode($stored_file_name))){ if (!rename($sugar_config['upload_dir'] . $bean_id . urlencode($stored_file_name), $sugar_config['upload_dir'] . $bean_id)){ $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("unable to rename file in {$sugar_config['upload_dir']}"); } } else if (file_exists($sugar_config['upload_dir'] . $bean_id . $stored_file_name)){ if (!rename($sugar_config['upload_dir'] . $bean_id . $stored_file_name, $sugar_config['upload_dir'] . $bean_id)){ $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("unable to rename file in {$sugar_config['upload_dir']}"); } } else if (file_exists($sugar_config['upload_dir'] . $bean_id . $locale->translateCharset( $stored_file_name, 'UTF-8', $locale->getExportCharset() ))){ if (!rename($sugar_config['upload_dir'] . $bean_id . $locale->translateCharset( $stored_file_name, 'UTF-8', $locale->getExportCharset() ), $sugar_config['upload_dir'] . $bean_id)){ $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("unable to rename file in {$sugar_config['upload_dir']}"); } } return $sugar_config['upload_dir'] . $bean_id; } /** * duplicates an already uploaded file in the filesystem. * @param string old_id ID of original note * @param string new_id ID of new (copied) note * @param string filename Filename of file (deprecated) */ function duplicate_file($old_id, $new_id, $file_name) { global $sugar_config; // current file system (GUID) $source = $sugar_config['upload_dir'] . $old_id; if(!file_exists($source)) { // old-style file system (GUID.filename.extension) $oldStyleSource = $source.$file_name; if(file_exists($oldStyleSource)) { // change to new style if(copy($oldStyleSource, $source)) { // delete the old if(!unlink($oldStyleSource)) { $GLOBALS['log']->warn("upload_file could not unlink [ {$oldStyleSource} ]"); } } else { $GLOBALS['log']->warn("upload_file could not copy [ {$oldStyleSource} ] to [ {$source} ]"); } } } $destination = $sugar_config['upload_dir'] . $new_id; if(!copy($source, $destination)) { $GLOBALS['log']->warn("upload_file could not copy [ {$source} ] to [ {$destination} ]"); } } /** * standard PHP file-upload security measures. all variables accessed in a global context * @return bool True on success */ function confirm_upload() { global $sugar_config; if(!is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$this->field_name]['tmp_name'])) { return false; } elseif($_FILES[$this->field_name]['size'] > $sugar_config['upload_maxsize']) { die("ERROR: uploaded file was too big: max filesize: {$sugar_config['upload_maxsize']}"); } if(!is_writable($sugar_config['upload_dir'])) { die("ERROR: cannot write to directory: {$sugar_config['upload_dir']} for uploads"); } $this->mime_type =$this->getMime($_FILES[$this->field_name]); $this->stored_file_name = $this->create_stored_filename(); $this->temp_file_location = $_FILES[$this->field_name]['tmp_name']; return true; } function getMimeSoap($filename){ if( function_exists( 'ext2mime' ) ) { $mime = ext2mime($filename); } else { $mime = ' application/octet-stream'; } return $mime; } function getMime(&$_FILES_element) { $filename = $_FILES_element['name']; if( $_FILES_element['type'] ) { $mime = $_FILES_element['type']; } elseif( function_exists( 'mime_content_type' ) ) { $mime = mime_content_type( $_FILES_element['tmp_name'] ); } elseif( function_exists( 'ext2mime' ) ) { $mime = ext2mime( $_FILES_element['name'] ); } else { $mime = ' application/octet-stream'; } return $mime; } /** * gets note's filename * @return string */ function get_stored_file_name() { return $this->stored_file_name; } /** * creates a file's name for preparation for saving * @return string */ function create_stored_filename() { global $sugar_config; if(!$this->use_soap) { $stored_file_name = $_FILES[$this->field_name]['name']; $this->original_file_name = $stored_file_name; /** * cn: bug 8056 - windows filesystems and IIS do not like utf8. we are forced to urlencode() to ensure that * the file is linkable from the browser. this will stay broken until we move to a db-storage system */ if(is_windows()) { // create a non UTF-8 name encoding // 176 + 36 char guid = windows' maximum filename length $end = (strlen($stored_file_name) > 176) ? 176 : strlen($stored_file_name); $stored_file_name = substr($stored_file_name, 0, $end); $this->original_file_name = $_FILES[$this->field_name]['name']; } } else { $stored_file_name = $this->stored_file_name; $this->original_file_name = $stored_file_name; } $ext_pos = strrpos($stored_file_name, "."); if(!empty($ext_pos)) $this->file_ext = substr($stored_file_name, $ext_pos + 1); // cn: bug 6347 - fix file extension detection foreach($sugar_config['upload_badext'] as $badExt) { if(strtolower($this->file_ext) == strtolower($badExt)) { $stored_file_name .= ".txt"; $this->file_ext="txt"; break; // no need to look for more } } return $stored_file_name; } /** * moves uploaded temp file to permanent save location * @param string bean_id ID of parent bean * @return bool True on success */ function final_move($bean_id) { global $sugar_config; $destination = clean_path($this->get_upload_path($bean_id)); if($this->use_soap) { $fp = sugar_fopen($destination, 'wb'); if(!fwrite($fp, $this->file)){ die("ERROR: can't save file to $destination"); } fclose($fp); } else { if(!move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$this->field_name]['tmp_name'], $destination)) { die("ERROR: can't move_uploaded_file to $destination. You should try making the directory writable by the webserver"); } } return true; } /** * returns the path with file name to save an uploaded file * @param string bean_id ID of the parent bean * @return string */ function get_upload_path($bean_id) { global $sugar_config; $file_name = $bean_id; // cn: bug 8056 - mbcs filename in urlencoding > 212 chars in Windows fails $end = (strlen($file_name) > 212) ? 212 : strlen($file_name); $ret_file_name = substr($file_name, 0, $end); return $sugar_config['upload_dir'].$ret_file_name; } /** * deletes a file * @param string bean_id ID of the parent bean * @param string file_name File's name */ function unlink_file($bean_id,$file_name) { global $sugar_config; return unlink($sugar_config['upload_dir'].$bean_id.$file_name); } } ?>