login($_REQUEST['user_name'], $_REQUEST['user_password']); // authController will set the authenticated_user_id session variable if(isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'])) { // Login is successful global $record; global $current_user; $GLOBALS['module'] = !empty($_REQUEST['login_module']) ? '?module='.$_REQUEST['login_module'] : '?module=Home'; $GLOBALS['action'] = !empty($_REQUEST['login_action']) ? '&action='.$_REQUEST['login_action'] : '&action=index'; $GLOBALS['record']= !empty($_REQUEST['login_record']) ? '&record='.$_REQUEST['login_record'] : ''; // awu: $module is somehow undefined even though the super globals is set, so we set the local variable here $module = $GLOBALS['module']; $action = $GLOBALS['action']; $record = $GLOBALS['record']; //C.L. Added $hasHistory check to respect the login_XXX settings if they are set $hasHistory = (!empty($_REQUEST['login_module']) || !empty($_REQUEST['login_action']) || !empty($_REQUEST['login_record'])); if(isset($current_user) && !$hasHistory){ $modListHeader = query_module_access_list($current_user); //try to get the user's tabs $tempList = $modListHeader; $idx = array_shift($tempList); if(!empty($modListHeader[$idx])){ $module = '?module='.$modListHeader[$idx]; $action = '&action=index'; $record = ''; } } } else { // Login has failed $module ="?module=Users"; $action="&action=Login"; $record=""; } // construct redirect url $url = 'Location: index.php'.$module.$action.$record; //adding this for bug: 21712. $GLOBALS['app']->headerDisplayed = true; sugar_cleanup(); header($url); ?>