object FormAbout: TFormAbout Left = 562 Height = 397 Top = 277 Width = 473 Caption = 'About' ClientHeight = 397 ClientWidth = 473 OnCreate = FormCreate OnShow = FormShow Position = poScreenCenter LCLVersion = '' object LabelAppName: TLabel Left = 20 Height = 54 Top = 20 Width = 433 Align = alTop BorderSpacing.Around = 20 Caption = 'Acronym Decoder' Font.Height = -40 ParentColor = False ParentFont = False end object LabelDescription: TLabel Left = 20 Height = 40 Top = 94 Width = 433 Align = alTop BorderSpacing.Around = 20 Caption = 'Simple tool for quick searching of meaning for various acronyms and abbreviations.' ParentColor = False WordWrap = True end object ButtonClose: TButton Left = 378 Height = 25 Top = 357 Width = 75 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom] Caption = 'Close' ModalResult = 1 TabOrder = 0 end object LabelContent: TLabel Left = 20 Height = 20 Top = 154 Width = 433 Align = alTop BorderSpacing.Around = 20 Caption = ' ' ParentColor = False end object ButtonHomePage: TButton Left = 16 Height = 25 Top = 357 Width = 139 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom] Caption = 'Home page' OnClick = ButtonHomePageClick TabOrder = 1 end object ApplicationInfo1: TApplicationInfo Identification = 1 VersionMajor = 1 VersionMinor = 2 VersionBugFix = 0 CompanyName = 'Chronosoft' HomePage = 'http://svn.zdechov.net/trac/AcronymDecoder' AuthorsName = 'Chronos' EmailContact = 'robie@centrum.cz' AppName = 'Acronym Decoder' ReleaseDate = 42584 RegistryKey = '\Software\' RegistryRoot = rrKeyCurrentUser License = 'GNU/GPL' left = 200 top = 253 end end