Version 1.0.0 (2018-12-22) ========================== * Added: Syntax highlighting. * Added: Theming support. * Added: Allow to enable individual code optimization from settings dialog. * Added: Actions to format or shrink target BF code. * Modified: Enabled DPI scaling. * Added: New CSharp target. * Added: New optimization using relative indexes to eliminate lots of pointer inc/dec operations. * Added: New command "multiply" extended command to replace while loops used for cell multiplication. Also added related optimization. * Added: Show meaningful error message if target compiler or executor doesn't exist. * Added: New Python target. * Added: Windows installer script for InnoSetup. * Added: Packaging files for creation of .deb packages. * Added: About dialog. * Added: Remember position and size of main form after close of application. * Added: Confirmation dialog for closing and saving file. * Added: Optimization to eliminate redundant source code. * Added: Optimization level option in Options dialog. * Added: Free Pascal Compiler as supported target. * Added: Log window to examine output from background execute compilers. * Added: Support for high DPI screens. If not detected automatically correctly then user can specify desired values. * Added: Remember last opened file name. * Added: Some self-interpretters to examples. * Added: Dialog for setting target options. * Added: Optimization of sequence [-] in PHP target. * Added: Tool button with drop down menu of available targets. * Added: Target list have icons. * Added: Clipboard manipulation support in source code form. * Added: Show execution path in Target list. * Added: New Java target. * Added: Program can be started using Step in, Step over and Run to cursor actions. * Added: Function to show execution point in code if program is paused. * Added: Function for switching position between source code and target code. * Added: Compiler target for C. * Added: List of supported compiler targets. * Added: Tool for number generation using '+' symbol. * Added: Option to reopen last opened project. * Added: Action to shrink source code by remove all non printable characters. * Added: Optimalization for generated code by Delphi and PHP compiler. All same language commands laying side by side will be converted to single generated operation. * Added: Compiler to PHP. * Added: Loading list of available compilers and list them for selection in menu Program - Target. * Added: Interpreter form show speed in steps per second. * Added: All nonusable characters are removed before starting interpretter program. * Added: Function for formating source using text indentation according loop nesting. * Added: Support for multiple interface languages. * Added: Support for memory cell up to Integer size. Default 256. * Fixed: Application now can be closed if running program is waiting to new key press. * Added: Options form. * Added: Display source code caret position in statusbar. * Added: Easy compiler to Delphi. * Added: BrainFuck code examples. * Added: View of data memory in interpretter. * Added: Show execution information in interpretter form. * Added: Import project.