LastQuery = $Query; if ($this->error <> '' and $this->Debug) $this->error.': '.$this->LastQuery; return(parent::query($Query)); } function select($Table, $What = '*', $Condition = 1) { $this->LastQuery = "SELECT ".$What." FROM `".$this->Prefix.$Table."` WHERE ".$Condition; $resul = $this->query($this->LastQuery); if ($this->error <> '' and $this->Debug) echo $this->error.': '.$this->LastQuery; $this->LastNumRows = $resul->num_rows; if ( $this->LastNumRows > 0 ) { $this->LastDataSet = true; } else { $this->LastDataSet = false; } return($resul); } function delete($Table, $Condition) { $this->LastQuery = "DELETE FROM `".$this->Prefix.$Table."` WHERE ".$Condition; $this->query($this->LastQuery); if ($this->error <> '' and $Debug) echo $this->error.': '.$this->LastQuery; } function insert($Table, $Data) { $Name = ''; $Values = ''; foreach($Data as $Key => $Value) { $Value = strtr($Value, '"', '\"'); $Name .= ',`'.$Key.'`'; if($Value == 'NOW()') $Values .= ",".$Value; else $Values .= ",'".$Value."'"; } $Name = substr($Name, 1); $Values = substr($Values, 1); $this->LastQuery = 'INSERT INTO `'.$this->Prefix.$Table.'` ('.$Name.') VALUES('.$Values.')'; $this->query($this->LastQuery); if ($this->error <> '' and $Debug) echo $this->error.': '.$this->LastQuery; } function update($Table, $Condition, $Data) { $Values = ''; foreach($Data as $Key => $Value) { $Value = strtr($Value, '"', '\"'); if($Value != 'NOW()') $Value = "'".$Value."'"; $Values .= ", ".$Key."=".$Value; } $Values = substr($Values, 2); $this->LastQuery = 'UPDATE `'.$this->Prefix.$Table.'` SET '.$Values.' WHERE ('.$Condition.')'; $this->query($this->LastQuery); if ($this->error <> '' and $this->Debug) echo $this->error.': '.$this->LastQuery; } function replace($Table, $Data) { $Name = ''; $Values = ''; foreach($Data as $Key => $Value) { $Value = strtr($Value, '"', '\"'); $Name .= ',`'.$Key.'`'; if($Value == 'NOW()') $Values .= ",".$Value; else $Values .= ',"'.$Value.'"'; } $Name = substr($Name, 1); $Values = substr($Values, 1); //echo('REPLACE INTO `'.$this->Prefix.$Table.'` ('.$Name.') VALUES ('.$Values.')
'); $this->LastQuery = 'REPLACE INTO `'.$this->Prefix.$Table.'` ('.$Name.') VALUES('.$Values.')'; $this->query($this->LastQuery); //echo($this->error().'
'); } function charset($Charset) { $this->LastQuery = 'SET CHARACTER SET '.$Charset; $this->query($this->LastQuery); } } ?>