' . $check_res[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE] . ''; } // Check if profile found if( !$profile ) { $ret = _t_err("_PROFILE_NOT_AVAILABLE"); return $ret; } $action_result = ""; $get_result = MemberFreeEmail( $member['ID'], $profile ); switch ( $get_result ) { case 7: $action_result = _t_err( "_PROFILE_NOT_AVAILABLE" ); break; case 13: $action_result = _t_err( "_YOUR PROFILE_IS_NOT_ACTIVE" ); break; case 20: $action_result = _t_err( "_FREEMAIL_NOT_ALLOWED" ); break; case 21: $action_result = _t_err( "_FREEMAIL_ALREADY_SENT", $ID ); break; case 25: $action_result = _t_err( "_FREEMAIL_BLOCK", $ID ); break; case 44: $action_result = _t_err( "_FREEMAIL_NOT_KISSED", $ID ); break; case 45: $action_result = _t_err("_FREEMAIL_ERROR"); break; default: $action_result = _t( "_FREEMAIL_SENT", $profile['NickName'] ); break; } if ( $get_result ) { $_page['header_text'] = _t( "_Contact information not sent" ); } else { $_page['header_text'] = _t( "_Contact information sent" ); } $ret = '
' . $action_result . '
' . "\n"; if($bAjxMod) showAjaxModeResult($action_result, $ID); return $ret; } function showAjaxModeResult($sMessage, $iId) { $sJQueryJS = genAjaxyPopupJS($iId); echo MsgBox($sMessage) . $sJQueryJS; exit; } function MemberFreeEmail( $recipientID, $profile ) { global $site; $anon_mode = getParam('anon_mode'); $recipientID = (int)$recipientID; $aRecipientArr = db_arr( "SELECT `Email` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `ID` = '$recipientID' AND `Status` = 'Active'", 0 ); if (isBlocked($profile['ID'], $recipientID)) { return 25; } if ( !db_arr( "SELECT `ID` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `ID` = '{$profile['ID']}' AND `Status` = 'Active'", 0 ) ) { return 7; } if ($anon_mode) { return 20; } $rEmailTemplate = new BxDolEmailTemplates(); $aTemplate = $rEmailTemplate -> getTemplate( 't_FreeEmail', $recipientID ) ; if ( $recipientID ) { $recipient = $aRecipientArr['Email']; } else { if ( $_GET['Email'] ) $recipient = $_GET['Email']; else return 45; } $contact_info = "Email: {$profile['Email']}"; if ( strlen( $profile['Phone'] ) ) $contact_info .= "\nPhone: {$profile['Phone']}"; if ( strlen( $profile['HomeAddress'] ) ) $contact_info .= "\nHomeAddress: {$profile['HomeAddress']}"; if ( strlen( $profile['HomePage'] ) ) $contact_info .= "\nHomePage: {$profile['HomePage']}"; if ( strlen( $profile['IcqUIN'] ) ) $contact_info .= "\nICQ: {$profile['IcqUIN']}"; $aPlus = array(); $aPlus['profileContactInfo'] = $contact_info; $aPlus['profileNickName'] = $profile['NickName']; $aPlus['profileID'] = $profile['ID']; $mail_ret = sendMail( $aRecipientArr['Email'], $aTemplate['Subject'], $aTemplate['Body'], $recipientID, $aPlus ); if ( $mail_ret ) // Perform action checkAction( $memberID, ACTION_ID_GET_EMAIL, true ); else return 10; return 0; } ?>