iMember = (int)$iMember; $this->aMemberInfo = getProfileInfo($this->iMember); $this->aConfSite = $aSite; $this->aConfDir = $aDir; parent::BxDolPageView('member'); } function getBlockCode_Mailbox () { $sInboxC = _t('_Inbox'); $sSentC = _t('_Sent'); $sWriteC = _t('_Write'); $sTrashC = _t('_Trash'); $sContactsC = _t('_Contacts'); $sLettersC = _t('_letters'); $sUnreadC = strtolower(_t('_Unread')); $sUnopenedC = strtolower(_t('_Unopened')); $sComposeNewLetterC = strtolower(_t('_COMPOSE_H')); $sFriendsC = strtolower(_t('_Friends')); $sFavesC = strtolower(_t('_Faves')); $sContactedC = strtolower(_t('_Contacted')); $sInboxIcon = getTemplateIcon('mailbox_inbox32.png'); $sSentIcon = getTemplateIcon('mailbox_sent32.png'); $sWriteIcon = getTemplateIcon('mailbox_write32.png'); $sTrashIcon = getTemplateIcon('mailbox_trash32.png'); $sContactsIcon = getTemplateIcon('mailbox_contacts32.png'); $iChMemberID = ($this->aMemberInfo['ID'] > 0) ? $this->aMemberInfo['ID'] : $this->iMember; bx_import('BxTemplMailBox'); $iInboxAllCnt = BxDolMailBox::getCountInboxMessages($iChMemberID, '0'); $iInboxNewCnt = BxDolMailBox::getCountInboxMessages($iChMemberID, '1'); $iSentAllCnt = BxDolMailBox::getCountSentMessages($iChMemberID, '0'); $iSentNewCnt = BxDolMailBox::getCountSentMessages($iChMemberID, '1'); $iTrashAllCnt = BxDolMailBox::getCountTrashedMessages($iChMemberID, '0'); $iTrashNewCnt = BxDolMailBox::getCountTrashedMessages($iChMemberID, '1'); $aInboxKeys = array ( 'notify_icon' => $sInboxIcon, 'notify_caption' => '' . $sInboxC . '', 'notify_text1' => $iInboxAllCnt . ' ' . $sLettersC, 'notify_text1_class' => 'smallInfoUnit', 'bx_if:allow_2nd_line' => array( 'condition' => true, 'content' => array( 'notify_text2' => $iInboxNewCnt . ' ' . $sUnreadC, 'notify_text2_class' => 'smallInfoUnit' ) ) ); $sInbox = $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('member_mail_notify_box.html', $aInboxKeys); $aSentKeys = array ( 'notify_icon' => $sSentIcon, 'notify_caption' => '' . $sSentC . '', 'notify_text1' => $iSentAllCnt . ' ' . $sLettersC, 'notify_text1_class' => 'smallInfoUnit', 'bx_if:allow_2nd_line' => array( 'condition' => true, 'content' => array( 'notify_text2' => $iSentNewCnt . ' ' . $sUnopenedC, 'notify_text2_class' => 'smallInfoUnit' ) ) ); $sSent = $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('member_mail_notify_box.html', $aSentKeys); $aWriteKeys = array ( 'notify_icon' => $sWriteIcon, 'notify_caption' => '' . $sWriteC . '', 'notify_text1' => $sComposeNewLetterC, 'notify_text1_class' => 'smallShortInfoUnit', 'bx_if:allow_2nd_line' => array( 'condition' => false, 'content' => array() ) ); $sWrite = $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('member_mail_notify_box.html', $aWriteKeys); $aTrashKeys = array ( 'notify_icon' => $sTrashIcon, 'notify_caption' => '' . $sTrashC . '', 'notify_text1' => $iTrashAllCnt . ' ' . $sLettersC, 'notify_text1_class' => 'smallInfoUnit', 'bx_if:allow_2nd_line' => array( 'condition' => true, 'content' => array( 'notify_text2' => $iTrashNewCnt . ' ' . $sUnreadC, 'notify_text2_class' => 'smallInfoUnit' ) ) ); $sTrash = $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('member_mail_notify_box.html', $aTrashKeys); $aContactsKeys = array ( 'notify_icon' => $sContactsIcon, 'notify_caption' => '' . $sContactsC . '', 'notify_text1' => $sFriendsC . ', ' . $sFavesC . ', ' . $sContactedC, 'notify_text1_class' => 'smallShortInfoUnit', 'bx_if:allow_2nd_line' => array( 'condition' => false, 'content' => array() ) ); $sContacts = $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('member_mail_notify_box.html', $aContactsKeys); $sInboxClick = "location.href='" . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'mail.php?mode=inbox' . "'"; $sInboxBlock = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->genNotifyMessage($sInbox, 'none', true, $sInboxClick); $sOutboxClick = "location.href='" . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'mail.php?mode=outbox' . "'"; $sSentBlock = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->genNotifyMessage($sSent, 'none', true, $sOutboxClick); $sComposeClick = "location.href='" . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'mail.php?mode=compose' . "'"; $sWriteBlock = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->genNotifyMessage($sWrite, 'none', true, $sComposeClick); $sTrashClick = "location.href='" . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'mail.php?mode=trash' . "'"; $sTrashBlock = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->genNotifyMessage($sTrash, 'none', true, $sTrashClick); $sContactsClick = "location.href='" . BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'communicator.php' . "'"; $sContactsBlock = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->genNotifyMessage($sContacts, 'none', true, $sContactsClick); $sMailboxButtons = '
'; return $sMailboxButtons; //return $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->centerContent ($sMailboxButtons, '.notify_message'); } function getBlockCode_Friends() { $iLimit = 10; $sAllFriends = 'viewFriends.php?iUser=' . $this->iMember; $sOutputHtml = null; // count all friends ; $iCount = getFriendNumber($this->iMember); $sPaginate = ''; if ($iCount) { $iPages = ceil($iCount/ $iLimit); $iPage = ( isset($_GET['page']) ) ? (int) $_GET['page'] : 1; if ( $iPage < 1 ) { $iPage = 1; } if ( $iPage > $iPages ) { $iPage = $iPages; } $sqlFrom = ($iPage - 1) * $iLimit; $sqlLimit = "LIMIT {$sqlFrom}, {$iLimit}"; } else { return ; } $aAllFriends = getMyFriendsEx($this->iMember, '', 'image', $sqlLimit); $iCurrCount = count($aAllFriends); foreach ($aAllFriends as $iFriendID => $aFriendsPrm) { $sOutputHtml .= '
'; $sOutputHtml .= get_member_thumbnail( $iFriendID, 'none', true, 'visitor', array('is_online' => $aFriendsPrm[5])); $sOutputHtml .= '
'; } $sOutputHtml = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->centerContent($sOutputHtml, '.member_block'); $oPaginate = new BxDolPaginate(array( 'page_url' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'count' => $iCount, 'per_page' => $iLimit, 'page' => $iPage, 'per_page_changer' => true, 'page_reloader' => true, 'on_change_page' => 'return !loadDynamicBlock({id}, \'member.php?page={page}&per_page={per_page}\');', 'on_change_per_page' => '' )); $sPaginate = $oPaginate->getSimplePaginate($sAllFriends); return array( $sOutputHtml, array(), $sPaginate); } function getBlockCode_AccountControl() { global $oTemplConfig, $site, $aPreValues; //--- Load cache of sys_account_custom_stat_elements ---// $aAccountCustomStatElements = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->fromCache('sys_account_custom_stat_elements', 'getAllWithKey', 'SELECT * FROM `sys_account_custom_stat_elements`', 'ID'); //--- Load cache of sys_stat_member ---// $aPQStatisticsElements = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->fromCache('sys_stat_member', 'getAllWithKey', 'SELECT * FROM `sys_stat_member`', 'Type'); //--- end of loading caches ---// //Labels $sUsernameC = _t('_NickName'); $sProfileStatusC = _t('_Profile status'); $sPresenceC = _t('_Presence'); $sMembershipC = _t('_Membership2'); $sLastLoginC = _t('_Last login'); $sRegistrationC = _t('_Registration'); $sEmailC = _t('_Email'); $sGreetedC = _t('_greeted'); $sGreetedMeC = _t('_Greeted me'); $sBlockedC = _t('_blocked'); $sViewedMeC = _t('_Viewed me'); $sMembersC = ' ' . _t('_Members'); $sEditProfileInfoC = _t('_Edit profile info'); $sProfileC = _t('_Profile'); $sAccountInfoC = _t('_Account Info'); $sActivityC = _t('_Tracker'); $sCustomC = _t('_Custom'); $sMaleIcon = getTemplateIcon('male.png'); $sFemaleIcon = getTemplateIcon('female.png'); // Values $sUsername = $this->aMemberInfo['NickName']; $sUserLink = getProfileLink($this->aMemberInfo['ID']); $sOwnerThumb = get_member_thumbnail($this->aMemberInfo['ID'], 'none', true); $iYears = age($this->aMemberInfo['DateOfBirth']); $sYearsOld = _t('_y/o', $iYears); $sProfileIcon = ($this->aMemberInfo['Sex'] == 'male') ? $sMaleIcon : $sFemaleIcon; $sCountryName = _t($aPreValues['Country'][ $this->aMemberInfo['Country'] ]['LKey']); $sCityName = $this->aMemberInfo['City']; $sCountryPic = ($this->aMemberInfo['Country']=='') ? '' : ' '.$this->aMemberInfo['Country'].''; $sProfileStatus = _t( "__{$this->aMemberInfo['Status']}" ); $sProfileStatusMess = ''; switch ( $this->aMemberInfo['Status'] ) { case 'Unconfirmed': $sProfileStatusMess = _t( "_ATT_UNCONFIRMED", $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowWidth, $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowHeight ); break; case 'Approval': $sProfileStatusMess = _t( "_ATT_APPROVAL", $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowWidth, $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowHeight ); break; case 'Active': $sProfileStatusMess = _t( "_ATT_ACTIVE", $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowWidth, $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowHeight ); break; case 'Rejected': $sProfileStatusMess = _t( "_ATT_REJECTED", $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowWidth, $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowHeight ); break; case 'Suspended': $sProfileStatusMess = _t( "_ATT_SUSPENDED", $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowWidth, $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowHeight ); break; } $sMembership = ''; $sMembStatus = GetMembershipStatus($this->aMemberInfo['ID']); $sMembership = << {$sMembershipC}: {$sMembStatus} EOF; $oForm = bx_instance('BxDolFormCheckerHelper'); if ( !$this->aMemberInfo['DateLastLogin'] || $this->aMemberInfo['DateLastLogin'] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00" ) { $sLastLogin = 'never'; } else { $sLastLoginTS = $oForm->_passDateTime($this->aMemberInfo['DateLastLogin']); $sLastLogin = getLocaleDate($sLastLoginTS, BX_DOL_LOCALE_DATE); } if ( !$this->aMemberInfo['DateReg'] || $this->aMemberInfo['DateReg'] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00" ) { $sRegistration = 'never'; } else { $sRegistrationTS = $oForm->_passDateTime($this->aMemberInfo['DateReg']); $sRegistration = getLocaleDate($sRegistrationTS, BX_DOL_LOCALE_DATE); } $sEmail = $this->aMemberInfo['Email']; $this->aMemberInfo = getProfileInfo($this->aMemberInfo['ID']); //my greeted contacts $sMGCSQL = $aPQStatisticsElements['mgc']['SQL']; $sMGCSQL = str_replace('__member_id__', $this->aMemberInfo['ID'], $sMGCSQL); $iGreetedContactsCnt = (int)db_value($sMGCSQL); //my greeted me contacts $sMGMCSQL = $aPQStatisticsElements['mgmc']['SQL']; $sMGMCSQL = str_replace('__member_id__', $this->aMemberInfo['ID'], $sMGMCSQL); $iGreetedMeContactsCnt = (int)db_value($sMGMCSQL); //my blocked contacts $sMBCSQL = $aPQStatisticsElements['mbc']['SQL']; $sMBCSQL = str_replace('__member_id__', $this->aMemberInfo['ID'], $sMBCSQL); $iBlockedContactsCnt = (int)db_value($sMBCSQL); $iViewedMeContactsCnt = (int)$this->aMemberInfo['Views']; $bModuleExists = false; $aCustomElements = array(); $aCustomElements['header5'] = array( 'type' => 'block_header', 'caption' => $sCustomC, 'collapsable' => true ); foreach ($aAccountCustomStatElements as $iID => $aMemberStats) { $sUnparsedLabel = $aMemberStats['Label']; $sUnparsedValue = $aMemberStats['Value']; $sLabel = _t($sUnparsedLabel); $sUnparsedValue = str_replace('__site_url__', $site['url'], $sUnparsedValue); //step 1 - replacements of keys $sLblTmpl = '__l_'; $sTmpl = '__'; while ($iStartPos = strpos($sUnparsedValue, $sLblTmpl)) { $iEndPos = strpos($sUnparsedValue, $sTmpl, $iStartPos + 1); if ($iEndPos > $iStartPos) { $sSubstr = substr($sUnparsedValue, $iStartPos + strlen($sLblTmpl), $iEndPos-$iStartPos - strlen($sLblTmpl)); $sKeyValue = strtolower(_t('_' . $sSubstr)); $sUnparsedValue = str_replace($sLblTmpl.$sSubstr.$sTmpl, $sKeyValue, $sUnparsedValue); } else { break; } } //step 2 - replacements of Stat keys while (($iStartPos = strpos($sUnparsedValue, $sTmpl, 0)) >= 0) { $iEndPos = strpos($sUnparsedValue, $sTmpl, $iStartPos + 1); if ($iEndPos > $iStartPos) { $iCustomCnt = 0; $sSubstr = process_db_input( substr($sUnparsedValue, $iStartPos + strlen($sTmpl), $iEndPos-$iStartPos - strlen($sTmpl)), BX_TAGS_STRIP); if ($sSubstr) { $sCustomSQL = $aPQStatisticsElements[$sSubstr]['SQL']; $sCustomSQL = str_replace('__member_id__', $this->aMemberInfo['ID'], $sCustomSQL); $sCustomSQL = str_replace('__profile_media_define_photo__', _t('_ProfilePhotos'), $sCustomSQL); $sCustomSQL = str_replace('__profile_media_define_music__', _t('_ProfileMusic'), $sCustomSQL); $sCustomSQL = str_replace('__profile_media_define_video__', _t('_ProfileVideos'), $sCustomSQL); $sCustomSQL = str_replace('__member_nick__', process_db_input($this->aMemberInfo['NickName'], BX_TAGS_NO_ACTION, BX_SLASHES_NO_ACTION), $sCustomSQL); $iCustomCnt = ($sCustomSQL!='') ? (int)db_value($sCustomSQL) : ''; } $sUnparsedValue = str_replace($sTmpl.$sSubstr.$sTmpl, $iCustomCnt, $sUnparsedValue); } else { break; } } $sCustomElements .= << {$sLabel}: {$sUnparsedValue} EOF; $sTrimmedLabel = trim($sUnparsedLabel, '_'); $aCustomElements[$sTrimmedLabel] = array( 'type' => 'custom', 'name' => $sTrimmedLabel, 'content' => '' . $sLabel . ': ' . $sUnparsedValue, 'colspan' => true ); if (! $bModuleExists) $bModuleExists = true; } $aCustomElements['header5_end'] = array( 'type' => 'block_end' ); $sProfileInfoCont = <<
{$sCountryPic} {$sCountryName}, {$sCityName}
EOF; require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolUserStatusView.php' ); $oStatusView = new BxDolUserStatusView(); $sUserStatus = ''; if ($oStatusView -> aStatuses){ foreach($oStatusView -> aStatuses as $sKey => $aItems) { $sTitle = _t($aItems['title']); $sOnclick = (strtolower($this->aMemberInfo['UserStatus']) == strtolower($sKey)) ? "" : "onclick=\"if (typeof oBxUserStatus != 'undefined' ) { oBxUserStatus.setUserStatus('$sKey', $(this).parents('ul:first')); $('#user_status_ac .block_collapse_btn').attr('src', aDolImages['collapse_closed']); $('#user_status_ac').parent().toggleClass('collapsed').next('tbody').fadeOut(400); location.reload(); }return false\""; $aTemplateKeys = array ( 'bx_if:item_img' => array ( 'condition' => ( true ), 'content' => array ( 'item_img_src' => $GLOBALS['oFunctions'] -> getTemplateIcon($aItems['icon']), 'item_img_alt' => $sTitle, 'item_img_width' => 16, 'item_img_height' => 16, ), ), 'item_link' => 'javascript:void(0)', 'item_onclick' => $sOnclick, 'item_title' => $sTitle, 'extra_info' => null, ); $sUserStatus .= $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate'] -> parseHtmlByName( 'account_control_member_status.html', $aTemplateKeys ); } } $aForm = array( 'form_attrs' => array( 'action' => '', 'method' => 'post', ), 'params' => array( 'remove_form' => true, ), 'inputs' => array( 'header1' => array( 'type' => 'block_header', 'caption' => $sProfileC, 'collapsable' => true ), 'Info' => array( 'type' => 'custom', 'name' => 'Info', 'content' => $sProfileInfoCont, 'colspan' => true ), 'header1_end' => array( 'type' => 'block_end' ), 'header2' => array( 'type' => 'block_header', 'caption' => $sPresenceC, 'collapsable' => true, 'collapsed' => true, 'attrs' => array ( 'id' => 'user_status_ac', ), ), 'UserStatus' => array( 'type' => 'custom', 'name' => 'Info', 'content' => $sUserStatus, 'colspan' => true ), 'header2_end' => array( 'type' => 'block_end' ), 'header3' => array( 'type' => 'block_header', 'caption' => $sAccountInfoC, 'collapsable' => true ), 'Username' => array( 'type' => 'custom', 'name' => 'Username', 'content' => '' . $sUsernameC . ': ' . $sUsername . '', 'colspan' => true ), 'Email' => array( 'type' => 'custom', 'name' => 'Email', 'content' => '' . $sEmailC . ': ' . $sEmail, 'colspan' => true ), 'Status' => array( 'type' => 'custom', 'name' => 'Status', 'content' => '' . $sProfileStatusC . ': ' . $sProfileStatus . ' ' . $sProfileStatusMess, 'colspan' => true ), 'Membership' => array( 'type' => 'custom', 'name' => 'Membership', 'content' => '' . $sMembershipC . ': ' . $sMembStatus, 'colspan' => true ), 'LastLogin' => array( 'type' => 'custom', 'name' => 'LastLogin', 'content' => '' . $sLastLoginC . ': ' . $sLastLogin, 'colspan' => true ), 'Registration' => array( 'type' => 'custom', 'name' => 'Registration', 'content' => '' . $sRegistrationC . ': ' . $sRegistration, 'colspan' => true ), 'header3_end' => array( 'type' => 'block_end' ), 'header4' => array( 'type' => 'block_header', 'caption' => $sActivityC, 'collapsable' => true ), 'ViewedMe' => array( 'type' => 'custom', 'name' => 'ViewedMe', 'content' => '' . $sViewedMeC . ': ' . _t('_N times', $iViewedMeContactsCnt), 'colspan' => true ), 'Blocked' => array( 'type' => 'custom', 'name' => 'Blocked', 'content' => '' . $sBlockedC . ': ' . $iBlockedContactsCnt . $sMembersC, 'colspan' => true ), 'Greeted' => array( 'type' => 'custom', 'name' => 'Greeted', 'content' => '' . $sGreetedC . ': ' . _t('_N times', $iGreetedContactsCnt), 'colspan' => true ), 'GreetedMe' => array( 'type' => 'custom', 'name' => 'GreetedMe', 'content' => '' . $sGreetedMeC . ': ' . $iGreetedMeContactsCnt . $sMembersC, 'colspan' => true ), 'header4_end' => array( 'type' => 'block_end' ), ), ); //custom if ($bModuleExists) $aForm['inputs'] = array_merge($aForm['inputs'], $aCustomElements); $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm); return '
' . $oForm->getCode() . '
'; } function getBlockCode_QuickLinks() { bx_import('BxTemplMenuQlinks2'); $oMenu = new BxTemplMenuQlinks2(); $sCodeBlock = $oMenu->getCode(); return $sCodeBlock; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // --------------- page variables and login $_page['name_index'] = 81; $_page['css_name'] = array( 'member_panel.css', 'categories.css', 'alert.css', ); $_page['extra_js'] = ""; $_page['header'] = _t( "_My Account" ); // --------------- GET/POST actions $member['ID'] = process_pass_data($_POST['ID']); $member['Password'] = process_pass_data($_POST['Password']); $bAjxMode = ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) and $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest' ) ? true : false; if ( !( $_POST['ID'] && $_POST['Password'] ) && ( $_COOKIE['memberID'] && $_COOKIE['memberPassword'] ) ) { if ( !( $logged['member'] = member_auth( 0, false ) ) ) login_form( _t( "_LOGIN_OBSOLETE" ), 0, $bAjxMode ); } else { if ( !isset($_POST['ID']) && !isset($_POST['Password']) ) { // this is dynamic page - send headers to do not cache this page send_headers_page_changed(); login_form('', 0, $bAjxMode); } else { require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolAlerts.php'); $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('profile', 'before_login', 0, 0, array('login' => $member['ID'], 'password' => $member['Password'], 'ip' => getVisitorIP())); $oZ->alert(); if ((int)getParam('ipBlacklistMode') == 2) { if (isIPLoggedBanned()) { $_page['name_index'] = 55; $_page['css_name'] = ''; $_ni = $_page['name_index']; $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = MsgBox(_t('_Sorry, your IP been banned')); PageCode(); exit; } } $member['ID'] = getID($member['ID']); if (isLoggedBanned($member['ID'])) { $_page['name_index'] = 55; $_page['css_name'] = ''; $_ni = $_page['name_index']; $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = MsgBox(_t('_member_banned')); PageCode(); exit; } // Ajaxy check if ($bAjxMode) { echo check_password($member['ID'], $member['Password'], BX_DOL_ROLE_MEMBER, false) ? 'OK' : 'Fail'; exit; } // Check if ID and Password are correct (addslashes already inside) if ( check_password( $member['ID'], $member['Password'] ) ) { //Storing IP Address if (getParam('enable_member_store_ip')=='on') { $iIP = getVisitorIP(); $sCurLongIP = ip2long($iIP); $sVisitsSQL = "SELECT * FROM `sys_ip_members_visits` WHERE CURRENT_DATE() = DATE(`DateTime`) AND `From`='{$sCurLongIP}' LIMIT 1"; db_res($sVisitsSQL); if (db_affected_rows()!=1) { $sInsertSQL = "INSERT INTO `sys_ip_members_visits` SET `From`='{$sCurLongIP}', `DateTime`=NOW()"; db_res($sInsertSQL); } } $p_arr = bx_login($member['ID'], (bool)$_POST['rememberMe']); if( !$sUrlRelocate = $_REQUEST['relocate'] or $_REQUEST['relocate'] == $site['url'] or basename( $_REQUEST['relocate'] ) == 'join.php' ) $sUrlRelocate = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $_page['name_index'] = 150; $_page['css_name'] = ''; $_ni = $_page['name_index']; $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = MsgBox( _t( '_Please Wait' ) ); $_page_cont[$_ni]['url_relocate'] = htmlspecialchars( $sUrlRelocate ); PageCode(); } exit; } } /* ------------------ */ $member['ID'] = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID']; $member['Password'] = $_COOKIE['memberPassword']; $_ni = $_page['name_index']; // --------------- [END] page components // --------------- page components functions // this is dynamic page - send headers to do not cache this page send_headers_page_changed(); $oNew = new BxDolMember($member['ID'], $site, $dir); $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = $oNew->getCode(); PageCode(); ?>