oProfileGen = new BxBaseProfileGenerator( $aMemberInfo['ID'] ); $this->aConfSite = $site; $this->aConfDir = $dir; parent::BxDolPageView($sPageName); $this->iMemberID = getLoggedId(); $this->aMemberInfo = &$aMemberInfo; } /** * Function will generate profile's general information ; * * @return : (text) - html presentation data; */ function getBlockCode_GeneralInfo($iBlockID) { return $this -> getBlockCode_PFBlock($iBlockID, 17); } /** * Function will generate profile's additional information ; * * @return : (text) - html presentation data; */ function getBlockCode_AdditionalInfo($iBlockID) { return $this -> getBlockCode_PFBlock($iBlockID, 20); } /** * Function will generate profile's additional information ; * * @return : (text) - html presentation data; */ function getBlockCode_Description() { if(!$this->aMemberInfo['DescriptionMe']) return; return array($this->aMemberInfo['DescriptionMe']); } } //-- init some needed variables --//; $iViewedID = ( isset($_GET['ID']) ) ? (int) $_GET['ID'] : 0; $sOutputHtml = MsgBox ( _t( '_Profile NA' ) ); $GLOBALS['oTopMenu'] -> setCurrentProfileID($iViewedID); // fill array with all profile informaion $aMemberInfo = getProfileInfo($iViewedID); // build page; $_ni = $_page['name_index']; if ( is_array($aMemberInfo) and !empty($aMemberInfo) ) { // prepare all needed keys ; $aMemberInfo['window_width'] = $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowWidth; $aMemberInfo['window_height'] = $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowHeight; $aMemberInfo['anonym_mode'] = $oTemplConfig -> bAnonymousMode; $aMemberInfo['member_pass'] = $aMemberInfo['Password']; $aMemberInfo['member_id'] = $aMemberInfo['ID']; $bDisplayType = ( getParam('enable_new_dhtml_popups')=='on' ) ? 0 : 1; $aMemberInfo['display_type'] = $bDisplayType; $aMemberInfo['url'] = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT; $oProfileInfo = new BxDolProfileInfoPageView('profile_info', $aMemberInfo); $sOutputHtml = $oProfileInfo->getCode(); } $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = $sOutputHtml; PageCode();