oPF = new BxDolProfileFields($iPFArea); $this->aFilterSortSettings = array(); } function collectFilteredSettings() { //$this->aFilterSortSettings $sSort = (isset($_GET['sort'])) ? process_db_input($_GET['sort'], BX_TAGS_STRIP) : null; // $sPhotos = (isset($_GET['photos_only'])) ? $_GET['photos_only'] : null; // $sOnline = (isset($_GET['online_only'])) ? $_GET['online_only'] : null; // $sInfoMode = (isset($_GET['search_result_mode']) && $_GET['search_result_mode'] == 'ext') ? 'ext' : 'sim'; $this->aFilterSortSettings = array ( //'f_photos' => $sPhotos, //'f_online' => $sOnline, 'sort' => $sSort, //'s_mode' => $sInfoMode ); } function getBlockCode_SearchForm() { global $logged; $aProfile = $logged['member'] ? getProfileInfo(getLoggedId()) : array(); // default params for search form $aDefaultParams = array( 'LookingFor' => isset($_GET['LookingFor']) ? $_GET['LookingFor'] : ($aProfile['Sex'] ? $aProfile['Sex'] : 'male'), 'Sex' => isset($_GET['Sex']) ? $_GET['Sex'] : ($aProfile['LookingFor'] ? $aProfile['LookingFor'] : 'female'), 'Country' => isset($_GET['Country'][0]) ? $_GET['Country'][0] : ($aProfile['Country'] ? $aProfile['Country'] : getParam('default_country')), 'DateOfBirth' => isset($_GET['DateOfBirth']) ? $_GET['DateOfBirth'] : getParam('search_start_age') . '-' . getParam('search_end_age'), 'Tags' => isset($_GET['Tags']) ? $_GET['Tags'] : '', 'online_only' => isset($_GET['online_only']) ? $_GET['online_only'] : '', 'photos_only' => isset($_GET['photos_only']) ? $_GET['photos_only'] : '' ); $sForms = $this->oPF->getFormCode(array('default_params' => $aDefaultParams)); $bSimAct = ($this->oPF->iAreaID == 9) ? true : false; $bAdvAct = ($this->oPF->iAreaID == 11) ? true : false; $bQuiAct = ($this->oPF->iAreaID == 10) ? true : false; $sLinks = BxDolPageView::getBlockCaptionMenu(mktime(), array( 'simple' => array('href' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?search_mode=sim', 'title' => _t('Simple'), 'onclick' => '', 'active' => $bSimAct), 'advanced' => array('href' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?search_mode=adv', 'title' => _t('Adv'), 'onclick' => '', 'active' => $bAdvAct), 'quick' => array('href' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?search_mode=quick', 'title' => _t('Quick'), 'onclick' => '', 'active' => $bQuiAct), )); return DesignBoxContent(_t('_Search profiles'), $sForms, 1, $sLinks); } function showMatchProfiles($iBlockID) { $iProfileId = getLoggedId(); if (!$iProfileId) return array('', MsgBox(_t('_Empty'))); $sSort = isset($_REQUEST['sort']) ? $_REQUEST['sort'] : 'none'; $aProfiles = getMatchProfiles($iProfileId, false, $sSort); if (empty($aProfiles)) return array('', MsgBox(_t('_Empty'))); $sBaseUri = 'search.php?show=match'; $sTopLinksUri = ''; $sPaginateUri = ''; foreach ($_REQUEST as $sKey => $sVal) { switch ($sKey) { case 'page': $sPaginateUri .= '&page=' . $sVal; break; case 'per_page': $sPaginateUri .= '&per_page=' . $sVal; break; case 'sort': $sPaginateUri .= '&sort=' . $sVal; break; case 'mode': $sTopLinksUri .= '&mode=' . $sVal; break; } } $aPaginate = array( 'page_url' => $sBaseUri . $sTopLinksUri . '&page={page}&per_page={per_page}&sort={sorting}', 'info' => true, 'page_links' => true, 'per_page' => isset($_REQUEST['per_page']) ? (int)$_REQUEST['per_page'] : 25, 'sorting' => $sSort, 'count' => count($aProfiles), 'page' => isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? (int)$_REQUEST['page'] : 1, 'page_reloader' => true, 'per_page_changer' => true ); $sMode = isset($_REQUEST['mode']) ? $_REQUEST['mode'] : 'simple'; $oPaginate = new BxDolPaginate($aPaginate); $oSearchProfile = new BxBaseSearchProfile(); $aExtendedCss = array( 'ext_css_class' => 'search_filled_block'); $sTemplateName = $sMode == 'extended' ? 'search_profiles_ext.html' : 'search_profiles_sim.html'; $iIndex = 0; $sOutputHtml = ''; for ($i = ($aPaginate['page'] - 1) * $aPaginate['per_page']; $i < $aPaginate['page'] * $aPaginate['per_page'] && $i < $aPaginate['count']; $i++) { $aProfile = getProfileInfo($aProfiles[$i]); if ($aProfile['Couple']) { $aCoupleInfo = getProfileInfo($aProfile['Couple']); if (!($iIndex % 2)) $sOutputHtml .= $oSearchProfile->PrintSearhResult($aProfile, $aCoupleInfo, null, $sTemplateName); else $sOutputHtml .= $oSearchProfile->PrintSearhResult($aProfile, $aCoupleInfo, $aExtendedCss, $sTemplateName); } else { if (!($iIndex % 2)) $sOutputHtml .= $oSearchProfile->PrintSearhResult($aProfile, '', null, $sTemplateName); else $sOutputHtml .= $oSearchProfile->PrintSearhResult($aProfile, '', $aExtendedCss, $sTemplateName); } $iIndex++; } $aSortingParam = array ( 'none' => _t('_None'), 'activity' => _t('_Latest activity'), 'date_reg' => _t('_FieldCaption_DateReg_View'), ); // gen sorting block ( type of : drop down ) ; $sSortBlock = $oPaginate->getSorting($aSortingParam); $sSortElement = <<
EOF; $sOutputHtml .= '
'; $sContent = $sSortElement . $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('view_profiles.html', array('content' => $sOutputHtml)) . $oPaginate->getPaginate(); $aItems = array( _t('_Simple') => array( 'href' => $sBaseUri . $sPaginateUri . '&mode=simple', 'dynamic' => true, 'active' => $sMode == 'simple' ), _t('_Extended') => array( 'href' => $sBaseUri . $sPaginateUri . '&mode=extended', 'dynamic' => true, 'active' => $sMode == 'extended' ) ); $sLinks = BxDolPageView::getBlockCaptionItemCode($iBlockID, $aItems); return array( $sLinks, $sContent ); } function getBlockCode_Results($iBlockID) { //collect inputs $aRequestParams = $this->oPF->collectSearchRequestParams(); if( isset( $_REQUEST['Tags'] ) and trim( $_REQUEST['Tags'] ) ) $aRequestParams['Tags'] = trim( process_pass_data( $_REQUEST['Tags'] ) ); if( isset( $_REQUEST['distance'] ) and (int)$_REQUEST['distance'] ) $aRequestParams['distance'] = (int)$_REQUEST['distance']; // start page generation $oProfile = new BxBaseProfileGenerator((int)$_COOKIE['memberID']); switch($_REQUEST['show']) { case 'match': list($sLinks, $sResults) = $this->showMatchProfiles($iBlockID); break; case 'calendar': list($sResults, $aDBTopMenu, $sPagination, $sTopFilter) = $oProfile->GenProfilesCalendarBlock(); $sLinks = (is_array($aDBTopMenu) && count($aDBTopMenu)>0) ? $this->getBlockCaptionItemCode($iBlockID, $aDBTopMenu) : ''; break; default: $this->collectFilteredSettings(); list($sResults, $aDBTopMenu, $sPagination, $sTopFilter) = $oProfile->GenSearchResultBlock($this->oPF->aBlocks, $aRequestParams, $this->aFilterSortSettings); $sLinks = (is_array($aDBTopMenu) && count($aDBTopMenu)>0) ? $this->getBlockCaptionItemCode($iBlockID, $aDBTopMenu) : ''; break; } return DesignBoxContent($this->getTitle(), $sTopFilter . $sResults . $sPagination, 1, $sLinks); } function getTitle() { $sHeaderTitle = _t('_Search profiles'); switch($_REQUEST['show']) { case 'match': $sHeaderTitle = _t('_Match'); break; /*case 'online': $sHeaderTitle = _t('_Online'); break;*/ case 'featured': $sHeaderTitle = _t('_Featured'); break; case 'top_rated': $sHeaderTitle = _t('_Top Rated'); break; case 'popular': $sHeaderTitle = _t('_Popular'); break; case 'birthdays': $sHeaderTitle = _t('_Birthdays'); break; case 'world_map': $sHeaderTitle = _t('_World_Map'); break; case 'calendar': $sHeaderTitle = _t('_People_Calendar'); break; } return $sHeaderTitle; } } check_logged(); $_page['name_index'] = 81; $_page['css_name'] = 'search.css'; $oSearchView = new BxDolSearchPageView(); $sHeaderTitle = $oSearchView->getTitle(); $_page['header'] = $sHeaderTitle; $_ni = $_page['name_index']; $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = $oSearchView->getCode(); PageCode(); exit; ?>