_stripEOL(fgets($socket, 4096)) == "[TS]")) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Closes the connection to the Teamspeak server function _closeConnection($socket) { fputs($socket, "quit\n"); fclose($socket); } // odstrannie diakritiky function Kodovani ($string) { $st_new = ToUTF8($string); // $st_new = strtr($string, "\xe1\xe4\xe8\xef\xe9\xec\xed\xbe\xe5\xf2\xf3\xf6\xf5\xf4\xf8\xe0\x9a\x9d\xfa\xf9\xfc\xfb\xfd\x9e\xc1\xc4\xc8\xcf\xc9\xcc\xcd\xbc\xc5\xd2\xd3\xd6\xd5\xd4\xd8\xc0\x8a\x8d\xda\xd9\xdc\xdb\xdd\x8e","aacdeeillnoooorrstuuuuyzAACDEEILLNOOOORRSTUUUUYZ" ); $st_new = htmlspecialchars($st_new); return $st_new; } // Returns the part of evalString until a tab (or the end of a string) and deletes the // returned part from evalString (including the possible tab that follows) function _stripPartFromString(&$evalString) { $pos = strpos($evalString, "\t"); if(is_integer($pos)) { $result = substr($evalString, 0, $pos); $evalString = substr($evalString, $pos + 1); } else { $result = $evalString; $evalString = ""; } return $result; } // Removes the surrounding quotes from evalString and returns the result function _stripQuotes($evalString) { if(strpos($evalString, '"') == 0) $evalString = substr($evalString, 1, strlen($evalString) - 1); if(strrpos($evalString, '"') == strlen($evalString) - 1) $evalString = substr($evalString, 0, strlen($evalString) - 1); return $evalString; } // Request, read and parse the server info: function _getServerInfo($socket) { fputs($socket, "si\n"); $result = array(); do { $buffer = $this->_stripEOL(fgets($socket, 4096)); if (($buffer != "OK") && (strtoupper(substr($buffer, 0, 5)) != "ERROR")) { $pos = strpos($buffer, '='); if ($pos !== False) { $result[substr($buffer, 0, $pos)] = substr($buffer, $pos + 1); } } } while (($buffer != "OK") && (strtoupper(substr($buffer, 0, 5)) != "ERROR") && (!feof($socket))); return $result; } function _setPlayerDisplayImage(&$playerInfo) { // Determine the right userpicture: if (($playerInfo["attribute"] & 8) == 8) { $playerImage = "away"; } else if (($playerInfo["attribute"] & 32) == 32) { $playerImage = "mutespeakers"; } else if (($playerInfo["attribute"] & 16) == 16) { $playerImage = "mutemicrophone"; } else if (($playerInfo["attribute"] & 1) == 1) { $playerImage = "channelcommander"; } else { $playerImage = "normal"; } $playerInfo["displayimage"] = $playerImage; } function _setPlayerDisplayName(&$playerInfo) { // Determine the player status (U = Unregistered, R = Registered, SA = Server Admin, // CA = Channel Admin, AO = Auto-Operator, AV = Auto-Voice, O = Operator, V = Voice) if (($playerInfo["userstatus"] & 4) == 4) { $playerstatus = "R"; } else { $playerstatus = 'U'; } if (($playerInfo["userstatus"] & 1) == 1) { $playerstatus .= " SA"; } if (($playerInfo["privileg"] & 1) == 1) { $playerstatus .= " CA"; } if (($playerInfo["privileg"] & 8) == 8) { $playerstatus .= " AO"; } if (($playerInfo["privileg"] & 16) == 16) { $playerstatus .= " AV"; } if (($playerInfo["privileg"] & 2) == 2) { $playerstatus .= " O"; } if (($playerInfo["privileg"] & 4) == 4) { $playerstatus .= " V"; } if (($playerInfo["attribute"] & 64) == 64) { $playerstatus .= " Rec"; } // Determine the player attributes to be listed behind the player status (WV = Want Voice) if (($playerInfo["attribute"] & 2) == 2) { $playerattributes = ' WV'; } else { $playerattributes = ''; } $playerInfo["displayname"] = $playerInfo["playername"] . " (" . $playerstatus . ")" . $playerattributes; } function _getPlayerList($socket) { // Request, read and parse the player list fputs($socket, "pl\n"); $buffer = $this->_stripEOL(fgets($socket, 4096)); $result = array(); if (strtoupper(substr($buffer, 0, 5)) == "ERROR") { return $result; } do { $buffer = $this->_stripEOL(fgets($socket, 4096)); if (($buffer != "OK") && (strtoupper(substr($buffer, 0, 5)) != "ERROR")) { $playerid = $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer); $result[$playerid] = array( "playerid" => $playerid, "channelid" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "receivedpackets" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "receivedbytes" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "sentpackets" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "sentbytes" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "paketlost" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer) / 100, "pingtime" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "totaltime" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "idletime" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "privileg" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "userstatus" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "attribute" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "ip" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "playername" => $this->_stripQuotes($this->_stripPartFromString($buffer)), "loginname" => $this->_stripQuotes($this->_stripPartFromString($buffer)) ); $this->_setPlayerDisplayImage($result[$playerid]); $this->_setPlayerDisplayName($result[$playerid]); } } while (($buffer != "OK") && (strtoupper(substr($buffer, 0, 5)) != "ERROR") && (!feof($socket))); return $result; } function _getLimitedPlayerList($socket, $channelList) { $playerList = $this->_getPlayerList($socket); $result = array(); foreach($playerList as $playerInfo) { foreach($channelList as $channelInfo) { if ($playerInfo["channelid"] == $channelInfo["channelid"]) { $result[$playerInfo["playerid"]] = $playerInfo; } } } return $result; } function _setChannelDisplayName(&$channelInfo) { if ($channelInfo["parent"] != -1) { $channelInfo["displayname"] = $channelInfo["channelname"]; } else { // Determine the channel status (U = Unregisterd, R = Registered, M = Moderated, // P = Passworded, S = Sub-channels, D = Default). if (($channelInfo["flags"] & 1) == 1) { $channelstatus = 'U'; } else { $channelstatus = 'R'; } if (($channelInfo["flags"] & 2) == 2) { $channelstatus .= 'M'; } if (($channelInfo["flags"] & 4) == 4) { $channelstatus .= 'P'; } if (($channelInfo["flags"] & 8) == 8) { $channelstatus .= 'S'; } if (($channelInfo["flags"] & 16) == 16) { $channelstatus .= 'D'; } $channelInfo["displayname"] = $channelInfo["channelname"] . " (" . $channelstatus . ")"; } } function _getChannelList($socket) { // Request, read and parse the channel list fputs($socket, "cl\n"); $buffer = $this->_stripEOL(fgets($socket, 4096)); $result = array(); if (strtoupper(substr($buffer, 0, 5)) == "ERROR") { return $result; } do { $buffer = $this->_stripEOL(fgets($socket, 4096)); if (($buffer != "OK") && (strtoupper(substr($buffer, 0, 5)) != "ERROR")) { $channelid = $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer); $result[$channelid] = array( "channelid" => $channelid, "codec" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "parent" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "order" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "maxplayers" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "channelname" => $this->_stripQuotes($this->_stripPartFromString($buffer)), "flags" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "password" => $this->_stripPartFromString($buffer), "topic" => $this->_stripQuotes($this->_stripPartFromString($buffer)) ); $this->_setChannelDisplayName($result[$channelid]); } } while (($buffer != "OK") && (strtoupper(substr($buffer, 0, 5)) != "ERROR") && (!feof($socket))); return $result; } function _getLimitedChannelList($socket, $limitChannel) { $channelList = $this->_getChannelList($socket); $result = array(); foreach($channelList as $channelInfo) { if ($channelInfo["parent"] == -1) { if ($channelInfo["channelname"] == $limitChannel) { $result[$channelInfo["channelid"]] = $channelInfo; foreach($channelList as $subChannelInfo) { if ($subChannelInfo["parent"] == $channelInfo["channelid"]) { $result[$subChannelInfo["channelid"]] = $subChannelInfo; } } } } } return $result; } function _selectServer($socket, $port) { // Request the server to select the server which is hosted on the port set in serverUDPPort fputs($socket, "sel ".$port . "\n"); // Read server response on request to select a server return ($this->_stripEOL(fgets($socket, 4096)) == "OK"); } // Queries the Teamspeak server function queryTeamspeakServerEx($settings) { $result = array(); // Try to establish a connection to the teamspeak server if (! $this->_openConnection($socket, $settings["serveraddress"], $settings["serverqueryport"], 0.3)) { $result["queryerror"] = 1; } else if (! $this->_selectServer($socket, $settings["serverudpport"])) { $result["queryerror"] = 2; $this->_closeConnection($socket); } else { $result["queryerror"] = 0; $result["serverinfo"] = $this->_getServerInfo($socket); $result["channellist"] = ($settings["limitchannel"] == "") ? $this->_getChannelList($socket) : $this->_getLimitedChannelList($socket, $settings["limitchannel"]); $result["playerlist"] = ($settings["limitchannel"] == "") ? $this->_getPlayerList($socket) : $this->_getLimitedPlayerList($socket, $result["channellist"]); $this->_closeConnection($socket); } return $result; } function queryTeamspeakServer($serverAddress, $serverUDPPort, $serverQueryPort) { $settings = $this->getDefaultSettings(); $settings["serveraddress"] = $serverAddress; $settings["serverudpport"] = $serverUDPPort; $settings["serverqueryport"] = $serverQueryPort; return $this->queryTeamspeakServerEx($settings); } function _orderAlphaGetString($string) { $lowerstring = strtolower($string); $result = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($lowerstring); $i++) { if (strpos("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", substr($lowerstring, $i, 1)) !== false) { $result .= substr($lowerstring, $i, 1); } } return $result; } function _orderAlpha($str1, $str2) { return strcmp($this->_orderAlphaGetString($str1), $this->_orderAlphaGetString($str2)); } function _compareChannel($a, $b) { if ($a["order"] != $b["order"]) { return ($a["order"] < $b["order"]) ? -1 : 1; } else { return $this->_orderAlpha($a["displayname"], $b["displayname"]); } } function _comparePlayer($a, $b) { // Determine userlevel (0 = Not server admin, 1 = Server admin) $userlevela = $a["userstatus"] & 1; $userlevelb = $b["userstatus"] & 1; if ($userlevela != $userlevelb) { return ($userlevela < $userlevelb) ? 1 : -1; } else { return $this->_orderAlpha($a["displayname"], $b["displayname"]); } } function sortServerInfo(&$serverInfo) { usort($serverInfo["channellist"], array($this, "_compareChannel")); usort($serverInfo["playerlist"], array($this, "_comparePlayer")); } function _formatTime($totaltime) { $hours = floor($totaltime / 3600); $minutes = floor(($totaltime % 3600) / 60); return (($hours < 10) ? "0" : "") . $hours . ":" . (($minutes < 10) ? "0" : "") . $minutes; } // Returns the codec name function _getCodecName($codec) { if ($codec == 0) { return "CELP 5.1 Kbit"; } else if ($codec == 1) { return "CELP 6.3 Kbit"; } else if ($codec == 2) { return "GSM 14.8 Kbit"; } else if ($codec == 3) { return "GSM 16.4 Kbit"; } else if ($codec == 4) { return "CELP Windows 5.2 Kbit"; } else if ($codec == 5) { return "Speex 3.4 Kbit"; } else if ($codec == 6) { return "Speex 5.2 Kbit"; } else if ($codec == 7) { return "Speex 7.2 Kbit"; } else if ($codec == 8) { return "Speex 9.3 Kbit"; } else if ($codec == 9) { return "Speex 12.3 Kbit"; } else if ($codec == 10) { return "Speex 16.3 Kbit"; } else if ($codec == 11) { return "Speex 19.5 Kbit"; } else if ($codec == 12) { return "Speex 25.9 Kbit"; } else { return "Unknown (" . $codec . ")"; } } function getDefaultSettings() { $result = array(); $result["serveraddress"] = ""; $result["serverudpport"] = 8767; $result["serverqueryport"] = 51234; $result["limitchannel"] = ""; $result["forbiddennicknamechars"] = "()[]{}"; return $result; } // Main function (queries, sorts and displays the teamspeak serverinfo). Its code is not // very readable... well what shall I say about it... it was hard to write so it should // be hard to read >:) function displayTeamspeakEx($settings) { global $html; $serverInfo = $this->queryTeamspeakServerEx($settings); echo("
\n"); if ($serverInfo["queryerror"] != 0) { $popupInfo = "Server address: " . $settings["serveraddress"] . (($settings["serverudpport"] != 8767) ? (":" . $settings["serverudpport"]): ""); if ($serverInfo["queryerror"] == 1) { $popupInfo .= ", Error: could not connect to query port"; } else { $popupInfo .= ", Error: no server running on port " . $settings["serverudpport"]; } echo("
"); echo("Link('/inc/teamspeakdisplay/teamspeak_offline.png')."\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">"); echo(""); echo("Server offline"); echo("
\n"); } else { $this->sortServerInfo($serverInfo); // Generate javascript for teamspeak hyperlinks $jsTeamspeakId = md5($settings["serveraddress"] . ":" . $settings["serverudpport"]); echo("\n"); $popupInfo = "Server address: " . $settings["serveraddress"] . (($settings["serverudpport"] != 8767) ? (":" . $settings["serverudpport"]): "") . ", Max players: " . $serverInfo["serverinfo"]["server_maxusers"] . ", Uptime: " . $this->_formatTime($serverInfo["serverinfo"]["server_uptime"]); // Print the topmost element of the teamspeak tree echo("
"); echo("Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/teamspeak_online.png")."\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">"); echo(""); echo(""); echo(str_replace(" ", " ", $this -> Kodovani($serverInfo["serverinfo"]["server_name"]))); echo(""); echo("
\n"); // Count the number of channels to be listed: $currentchannels = 0; foreach($serverInfo["channellist"] as $channelInfo) { if ($channelInfo["parent"] == -1) { $currentchannels++; } } // Initialize the channelcounter to zero $counter = 0; // Loop through all channels: foreach($serverInfo["channellist"] as $channelInfo) { if ($channelInfo["parent"] == -1) { // determine number of players in channel $currentplayers = 0; foreach($serverInfo["playerlist"] as $playerInfo) { if($playerInfo["channelid"] == $channelInfo["channelid"]) $currentplayers++; } // Count the number of channels to be listed: $currentplayersandsubchannels = $currentplayers; foreach($serverInfo["channellist"] as $subchannelInfo) { if ($subchannelInfo["parent"] == $channelInfo["channelid"]) { $currentplayersandsubchannels++; } } $popupInfo = "Max players: " . $channelInfo["maxplayers"] . ", Codec: " . $this->_getCodecName($channelInfo["codec"]); if ($channelInfo["topic"] != "") { $popupInfo = $popupInfo . ", Topic: " . $channelInfo["topic"]; } // Display channel: echo("
"); echo("Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter + 1) == $currentchannels) ? "3" : "2") . ".png")."\" alt=\"\">"); echo("Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/channel.png")."\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">"); echo(""); echo(""); echo(str_replace(" ", " ", $this -> Kodovani($channelInfo["displayname"]))); echo(""); echo("
\n"); // Initialize the playercounter for this channel to zero $counter_playerandsubchannels = 0; // Loop through all players in the current channel: foreach($serverInfo["playerlist"] as $playerInfo) { // Is the current player in the current channel? if ($playerInfo["channelid"] == $channelInfo["channelid"]) { $popupInfo = "Time online: " . $this->_formatTime($playerInfo["totaltime"]) . ", Time idle: " . $this->_formatTime($playerInfo["idletime"]) . ", Ping: " . $playerInfo["pingtime"] . "ms"; // Display player: echo("
"); echo("Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter + 1) == $currentchannels) ? "4" : "1") . ".png")."\" alt=\"\">"); echo("Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter_playerandsubchannels + 1) == $currentplayersandsubchannels) ? "3" : "2") . ".png")."\" alt=\"\">"); echo("Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/player_" . $playerInfo["displayimage"] . ".png")."\" alt=\"" . $playerInfo["displayimage"] . "\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">"); echo(""); echo(str_replace(" ", " ", $this -> Kodovani($playerInfo["displayname"]))); echo("
\n"); // Increase the player counter: $counter_playerandsubchannels++; } } // Loop through all channels: foreach($serverInfo["channellist"] as $subchannelInfo) { if ($subchannelInfo["parent"] == $channelInfo["channelid"]) { // determine number of players in channel $currentplayers = 0; foreach($serverInfo["playerlist"] as $playerInfo) { if($playerInfo["channelid"] == $subchannelInfo["channelid"]) $currentplayers++; } $popupInfo = "Max players: " . $subchannelInfo["maxplayers"] . ", Codec: " . $this->_getCodecName($subchannelInfo["codec"]); if ($subchannelInfo["topic"] != "") { $popupInfo = $popupInfo . ", Topic: " . $subchannelInfo["topic"]; } // Display channel: echo("
"); echo("Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter + 1) == $currentchannels) ? "4" : "1") . ".png")."\" alt=\"\">"); echo("Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter_playerandsubchannels + 1) == $currentplayersandsubchannels) ? "3" : "2") . ".png")."\" alt=\"\">"); echo("Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/channel.png")."\" alt=\"\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">"); echo(""); echo(""); echo(str_replace(" ", " ", $this -> Kodovani($subchannelInfo["displayname"]))); echo(""); echo("
\n"); // Initialize the playercounter for this channel to zero $counter_player = 0; // Loop through all players in the current channel: foreach($serverInfo["playerlist"] as $playerInfo) { // Is the current player in the current channel? if ($playerInfo["channelid"] == $subchannelInfo["channelid"]) { $popupInfo = "Time online: " . $this->_formatTime($playerInfo["totaltime"]) . ", Time idle: " . $this->_formatTime($playerInfo["idletime"]) . ", Ping: " . $playerInfo["pingtime"] . "ms"; // Display player: echo("
"); echo("Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter + 1) == $currentchannels) ? "4" : "1") . ".png")."\" alt=\"\">"); echo("Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter_playerandsubchannels + 1) == $currentplayersandsubchannels) ? "4" : "1") . ".png")."\" alt=\"\">"); echo("Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/treeimage" . ((($counter_player + 1) == $currentplayers) ? "3" : "2") . ".png")."\" alt=\"\">"); echo("Link("/inc/teamspeakdisplay/player_" . $playerInfo["displayimage"] . ".png")."\" alt=\"" . $playerInfo["displayimage"] . "\" title=\"" . $popupInfo . "\">"); echo(""); echo(str_replace(" ", " ", $this -> Kodovani($playerInfo["displayname"]))); echo("
\n"); // Increase the player counter: $counter_player++; } } // Increase the channelcounter $counter_playerandsubchannels++; } } // Increase the channelcounter $counter++; } } } echo("
\n"); } function displayTeamspeak($serverAddress, $serverUDPPort=8767, $serverQueryPort=51234) { $settings = $this->getDefaultSettings(); $settings["serveraddress"] = $serverAddress; $settings["serverudpport"] = $serverUDPPort; $settings["serverqueryport"] = $serverQueryPort; $this->displayTeamspeakEx($settings); } } // Create an instance of the Teamspeak Display Class $teamspeakDisplay = new teamspeakDisplayClass; ?>