config_load($conf_file,'item'); $id = $podrazdel; if(!$item = load_cache(5, $id)) { unset($item); global $DB; global $allitems; global $allspells; global $item_cols; global $spell_cols; // Информация о вещи... $item = iteminfo($podrazdel, 1); // Поиск мобов с которых эта вещь лутится $drops_cr = drop('creature_loot_template',$item['entry']); if ($drops_cr) { $item['droppedby'] = array(); foreach($drops_cr as $lootid => $drop) { $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT c.?#, c.entry { , l.name_loc?d as `name_loc` , l.subname_loc'.$_SESSION['locale'].' as `subname_loc` } FROM ?_factiontemplate, creature_template c { LEFT JOIN (locales_creature l) ON l.entry=c.entry AND ? } WHERE lootid=?d AND factiontemplateID=faction_A ', $npc_cols[0], ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? $_SESSION['locale']: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? 1: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $lootid ); foreach ($rows as $numRow=>$row) $item['droppedby'][] = array_merge(creatureinfo2($row), $drop); } unset ($rows); unset ($lootid); unset ($drop); } unset ($drops_cr); // Поиск объектов, из которых лутится эта вещь $drops_go = drop('gameobject_loot_template',$item['entry']); if ($drops_go) { $item['containedinobject'] = array(); $item['minedfromobject'] = array(); $item['gatheredfromobject'] = array(); foreach($drops_go as $lootid => $drop) { // Сундуки $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT g.entry,, g.type, a.lockproperties1 FROM gameobject_template g, ?_lock a WHERE g.data1=?d AND g.type=?d AND a.lockID=g.data0 ', $lootid, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CHEST, LOCK_PROPERTIES_HERBALISM, LOCK_PROPERTIES_MINING ); foreach ($rows as $numRow=>$row) { if ($row['lockproperties1'] == LOCK_PROPERTIES_MINING) { // Залежи руды $item['minedfromobject'][] = array_merge(objectinfo2($row), $drop); } elseif ($row['lockproperties1'] == LOCK_PROPERTIES_HERBALISM) { // Собирается с трав $item['gatheredfromobject'][] = array_merge(objectinfo2($row), $drop); } else { // Сундуки $item['containedinobject'][] = array_merge(objectinfo2($row), $drop); } } } if (!($item['containedinobject'])) unset ($item['containedinobject']); if (!($item['minedfromobject'])) unset ($item['minedfromobject']); if (!($item['gatheredfromobject'])) unset ($item['gatheredfromobject']); unset ($rows); } unset ($drops_go); // Поиск вендеров, которые эту вещь продают $rows_soldby = $DB->select(' SELECT ?#, c.entry, v.ExtendedCost, v.maxcount AS stock { , l.name_loc?d as `name_loc` , l.subname_loc'.$_SESSION['locale'].' as `subname_loc` } FROM npc_vendor v, ?_factiontemplate, creature_template c { LEFT JOIN (locales_creature l) ON l.entry=c.entry AND ? } WHERE v.item=?d AND c.entry=v.entry AND factiontemplateID=faction_A ORDER BY 1 DESC, 2 DESC ', $npc_cols['0'], ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? $_SESSION['locale']: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? 1: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $item['entry'] ); if ($rows_soldby) { $item['soldby'] = array(); foreach ($rows_soldby as $numRow=>$row) { $item['soldby'][$numRow] = array(); $item['soldby'][$numRow] = creatureinfo2($row); $item['soldby'][$numRow]['stock'] = ($row['stock']==0)? -1 : $row['stock']; if ($row['ExtendedCost']) { $item['soldby'][$numRow]['cost'] = array(); $extcost = $DB->selectRow('SELECT * FROM ?_item_extended_cost WHERE extendedcostID=?d LIMIT 1', $row['ExtendedCost']); if ($extcost['reqhonorpoints']>0) $item['soldby'][$numRow]['cost']['honor'] = (($row['A']==1)? 1: -1) * $extcost['reqhonorpoints']; if ($extcost['reqarenapoints']>0) $item['soldby'][$numRow]['cost']['arena'] = $extcost['reqarenapoints']; $item['soldby'][$numRow]['cost']['items'] = array(); for ($j=1;$j<=5;$j++) if (($extcost['reqitem'.$j]>0) and ($extcost['reqitemcount'.$j]>0)) { allitemsinfo($extcost['reqitem'.$j], 0); $item['soldby'][$numRow]['cost']['items'][] = array('item' => $extcost['reqitem'.$j], 'count' => $extcost['reqitemcount'.$j]); } } else { $item['soldby'][$numRow]['cost']['money'] = $item['BuyPrice']; } } unset($extcost); unset($numRow); unset($row); } unset($rows_soldby); // Поиск квестов, для выполнения которых нужен этот предмет $rows_qr = $DB->select(' SELECT ?# FROM quest_template WHERE ReqItemId1=?d OR ReqItemId2=?d OR ReqItemId3=?d OR ReqItemId4=?d ', $quest_cols[2], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'] ); if ($rows_qr) { $item['objectiveof'] = array(); foreach ($rows_qr as $numRow=>$row) $item['objectiveof'][] = GetQuestInfo($row, 0xFFFFFF); } unset ($rows_qr); // Поиск квестов, наградой за выполнение которых, является этот предмет $rows_qrw = $DB->select(' SELECT ?# FROM quest_template WHERE RewItemId1=?d OR RewItemId2=?d OR RewItemId3=?d OR RewItemId4=?d OR RewChoiceItemId1=?d OR RewChoiceItemId2=?d OR RewChoiceItemId3=?d OR RewChoiceItemId4=?d OR RewChoiceItemId5=?d OR RewChoiceItemId6=?d ', $quest_cols[2], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'] ); if ($rows_qrw) { $item['rewardof'] = array(); foreach ($rows_qrw as $numRow=>$row) $item['rewardof'][] = GetQuestInfo($row, 0xFFFFFF); } unset ($rows_qrw); // Поиск вещей, в которых находятся эти вещи $drops_cii = drop('item_loot_template',$item['entry']); if ($drops_cii) { $item['containedinitem'] = array(); foreach($drops_cii as $lootid => $drop) { $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT c.?#, c.entry, maxcount { , l.name_loc?d AS `name_loc`} FROM ?_icons, item_template c { LEFT JOIN (locales_item l) ON l.entry=c.entry AND ? } WHERE c.entry=?d AND id=displayid ', $item_cols[2], ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? $_SESSION['locale']: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? 1: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $lootid ); foreach ($rows as $numRow=>$row) $item['containedinitem'][] = array_merge(iteminfo2($row, 0), $drop); } unset ($drops_cii); unset ($rows); unset ($lootid); unset ($drop); } // Какие вещи содержатся в этой вещи if (!($item['contains'] = loot('item_loot_template', $item['entry']))) unset ($item['contains']); // Поиск созданий, у которых воруется вещь $drops_pp = drop('pickpocketing_loot_template',$item['entry']); if ($drops_pp) { $item['pickpocketingloot'] = array(); foreach($drops_pp as $lootid => $drop) { $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT c.?#, c.entry { , l.name_loc?d as `name_loc` , l.subname_loc'.$_SESSION['locale'].' as `subname_loc` } FROM ?_factiontemplate, creature_template c { LEFT JOIN (locales_creature l) ON l.entry=c.entry AND ? } WHERE pickpocketloot=?d AND factiontemplateID=faction_A ', $npc_cols[0], ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? $_SESSION['locale']: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? 1: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $lootid ); foreach ($rows as $numRow=>$row) $item['pickpocketingloot'][] = array_merge(creatureinfo2($row), $drop); } unset ($rows); unset ($lootid); unset ($drop); } unset ($drops_pp); // Поиск созданий, с которых сдираеццо эта шкура $drops_sk = drop('skinning_loot_template',$item['entry']); if ($drops_sk) { $item['skinnedfrom'] = array(); foreach($drops_sk as $lootid => $drop) { $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT c.?#, c.entry { , l.name_loc?d as `name_loc` , l.subname_loc'.$_SESSION['locale'].' as `subname_loc` } FROM ?_factiontemplate, creature_template c { LEFT JOIN (locales_creature l) ON l.entry=c.entry AND ? } WHERE skinloot=?d AND factiontemplateID=faction_A ', $npc_cols[0], ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? $_SESSION['locale']: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? 1: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $lootid ); foreach ($rows as $numRow=>$row) $item['skinnedfrom'][] = array_merge(creatureinfo2($row), $drop); } unset ($rows); unset ($lootid); unset ($drop); } unset ($drops_sk); // Поиск вещей, из которых перерабатывается эта вещь $drops_pr = drop('prospecting_loot_template',$item['entry']); if ($drops_pr) { $item['prospectingloot'] = array(); foreach($drops_pr as $lootid => $drop) { $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT c.?#, c.entry, maxcount { , l.name_loc?d as `name_loc` } FROM ?_icons, item_template c { LEFT JOIN (locales_items l) ON l.entry=c.entry AND ? } WHERE entry=?d AND id=displayid ', $item_cols[2], ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? $_SESSION['locale']: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? 1: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $lootid ); foreach ($rows as $numRow=>$row) $item['prospectingloot'][] = array_merge(iteminfo2($row, 0), $drop); } unset ($rows); unset ($lootid); unset ($drop); } unset ($drops_pr); // Дизенчантитcя в: if (!($item['disenchanting'] = loot('disenchant_loot_template', $item['DisenchantID']))) unset ($item['disenchanting']); // Получается дизэнчантом из.. $drops_de = drop('disenchant_loot_template',$item['entry']); if ($drops_de) { $item['disenchantedfrom'] = array(); foreach($drops_de as $lootid => $drop) { $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT c.?#, c.entry, maxcount { , l.name_loc?d as `name_loc` } FROM ?_icons, item_template c { LEFT JOIN (locales_item l) ON l.entry=c.entry AND ? } WHERE DisenchantID=?d AND id=displayid ', $item_cols[2], ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? $_SESSION['locale']: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? 1: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $lootid ); foreach ($rows as $numRow=>$row) $item['disenchantedfrom'][] = array_merge(iteminfo2($row, 0), $drop); } unset ($rows); unset ($lootid); unset ($drop); } unset ($drops_de); // Поиск сумок в которые эту вещь можно положить if ($item['BagFamily'] == 256) { // Если это ключ $item['key'] = true; } elseif ($item['BagFamily'] > 0 and $item['ContainerSlots'] == 0) { $rows_cpi = $DB->select(' SELECT c.?#, c.entry, maxcount { , l.name_loc?d as `name_loc` } FROM ?_icons, item_template c { LEFT JOIN (locales_item l) ON l.entry=c.entry AND ? } WHERE BagFamily=?d AND ContainerSlots>0 AND id=displayid ', $item_cols[2], ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? $_SESSION['locale']: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? 1: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $item['BagFamily'] ); if ($rows_cpi) { $item['canbeplacedin'] = array(); foreach ($rows_cpi as $numRow=>$row) $item['canbeplacedin'][] = iteminfo2($row, 0); } unset ($rows_cpi); } // Реагент для... $rows_r = $DB->select(' SELECT ?#, spellID FROM ?_spell s, ?_spellicons i WHERE (( reagent1=?d OR reagent2=?d OR reagent3=?d OR reagent4=?d OR reagent5=?d OR reagent6=?d OR reagent7=?d OR reagent8=?d ) AND ( ', $spell_cols[2], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'] ); if ($rows_r) { $item['reagentfor'] = array(); $quality = 1; foreach ($rows_r as $numRow=>$row) { $item['reagentfor'][$numRow] = array(); $item['reagentfor'][$numRow]['entry'] = $row['spellID']; $item['reagentfor'][$numRow]['name'] = $row['spellname']; $item['reagentfor'][$numRow]['school'] = $row['resistancesID']; $item['reagentfor'][$numRow]['level'] = $row['levelspell']; $item['reagentfor'][$numRow]['quality'] = '@'; for ($j=1;$j<=8;$j++) if ($row['reagent'.$j]) { $item['reagentfor'][$numRow]['reagents'][]['entry'] = $row['reagent'.$j]; $item['reagentfor'][$numRow]['reagents'][count($item['reagentfor'][$numRow]['reagents'])-1]['count'] = $row['reagentcount'.$j]; allitemsinfo($row['reagent'.$j], 0); } for ($j=1;$j<=3;$j++) if ($row['effect'.$j.'itemtype']) { $item['reagentfor'][$numRow]['creates'][]['entry'] = $row['effect'.$j.'itemtype']; $item['reagentfor'][$numRow]['creates'][count($item['reagentfor'][$numRow]['creates'])-1]['count'] = 1 + $row['effect'.$j.'BasePoints']; allitemsinfo($row['effect'.$j.'itemtype'], 0); @$item['reagentfor'][$numRow]['quality'] = 6 - $allitems[$row['effect'.$j.'itemtype']]['quality']; } // Добавляем в таблицу спеллов allspellsinfo2($row); } unset ($quality); } unset ($rows_r); // Создается из... $rows_cf = $DB->select(' SELECT ?#, s.spellID FROM ?_spell s, ?_spellicons i WHERE ((s.effect1itemtype=?d OR s.effect2itemtype=?d OR s.effect3itemtype=?) AND ( = s.spellicon)) ', $spell_cols[2], $item['entry'], $item['entry'], $item['entry'] ); if ($rows_cf) { $item['createdfrom'] = array(); foreach ($rows_cf as $numRow=>$row) { $skillrow = $DB->selectRow(' SELECT skillID, min_value, max_value FROM ?_skill_line_ability WHERE spellID=?d LIMIT 1', $row['spellID'] ); $item['createdfrom'][] = spellinfo2(array_merge($row, $skillrow)); } unset ($skillrow); } unset ($rows_cf); // Ловится в ... $drops_fi = drop('fishing_loot_template',$item['entry']); if ($drops_fi) { $item['fishedin'] = array(); foreach($drops_fi as $lootid => $drop) { // Обычные локации $row = $DB->selectRow(' SELECT name, areatableID as id FROM ?_zones WHERE areatableID=?d AND (x_min!=0 AND x_max!=0 AND y_min!=0 AND y_max!=0) LIMIT 1 ', $lootid ); if ($row) { $item['fishedin'][] = array_merge($row, $drop); } else { // Инсты $row = $DB->selectRow(' SELECT name, mapID as id FROM ?_zones WHERE areatableID=?d LIMIT 1 ', $lootid ); if ($row) $item['fishedin'][] = array_merge($row, $drop); } } unset ($row); unset ($num); } unset ($drops_fi); save_cache(5, $item['entry'], $item); } global $page; $page = array( 'Mapper' => false, 'Book' => false, 'Title' => $item['name'].' - '.$smarty->get_config_vars('Items'), 'tab' => 0, 'type' => 3, 'typeid' => $item['entry'], 'path' => '[0,0,'.$item['classs'].','.$item['subclass'].']', ); $smarty->assign('page', $page); // Комментарии $smarty->assign('comments', getcomments($page['type'], $page['typeid'])); // Количество MySQL запросов $smarty->assign('mysql', $DB->getStatistics()); if (IsSet($allitems)) $smarty->assign('allitems', $allitems); if (IsSet($allspells)) $smarty->assign('allspells', $allspells); $smarty->assign('item', $item); $smarty->display('item.tpl'); ?>