config_load($conf_file, 'npc'); global $DB; global $spell_cols; global $npc_cols; // Заголовок страницы $id = $podrazdel; if(!$npc = load_cache(1, intval($id))) { unset($npc); // Ищем NPC: $npc = array(); $row = $DB->selectRow(' SELECT ?#, c.entry,, { l.name_loc'.$_SESSION['locale'].' as `name_loc`, l.subname_loc'.$_SESSION['locale'].' as `subname_loc`, ?, } as `faction-name`, ft.factionID as `factionID` FROM ?_factiontemplate ft, ?_factions f, creature_template c { LEFT JOIN (locales_creature l) ON l.entry=c.entry AND ? } WHERE c.entry=? AND ft.factiontemplateID=c.faction_A AND f.factionID=ft.factionID LIMIT 1 ', $npc_cols[1], ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? 1: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, ($_SESSION['locale']>0)? 1: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $id ); if ($row) { $npc = $row; $npc['name'] = $row['name_loc']?$row['name_loc']:$row['name']; $npc['subname'] = $row['subname_loc']?$row['subname_loc']:$row['subname']; if($npc['rank'] == 3) { $npc['minlevel'] = '??'; $npc['maxlevel'] = '??'; } $npc['mindmg'] = round($row['mindmg']+$row['attackpower']/7); $npc['maxdmg'] = round($row['maxdmg']+$row['attackpower']/7); $toDiv = array('minhealth', 'maxmana', 'minmana', 'maxhealth', 'armor', 'mindmg', 'maxdmg'); // Разделяем на тысячи (ххххххххх => ххх,ххх,ххх) foreach($toDiv as $element) { $current = array(); $length = strlen($npc[$element]); if($length<=3) continue; $cell1 = $length%3>0?$length%3:3; $cell = $cell1; for($i=0;$i<$length/3;$i++) { $pos = $i>0?$cell1+($i>1?($i-1)*3:0):0; $current[] = substr($npc[$element], $pos, $cell); $cell=3; } $npc[$element] = implode(",", $current); } $npc['rank'] = $smarty->get_config_vars('rank'.$npc['rank']); // faction_A = faction_H $npc['faction_num'] = $row['factionID']; $npc['faction'] = $row['faction-name']; // Деньги $money = ($row['mingold']+$row['maxgold']) / 2; $npc['moneygold'] = floor($money/10000); $npc['moneysilver'] = floor(($money - ($npc['moneygold']*10000))/100); $npc['moneycopper'] = floor($money - ($npc['moneygold']*10000) - ($npc['moneysilver']*100)); // Дроп $lootid=$row['lootid']; // Используемые спеллы $npc['ablities'] = array(); $i=0; for($j=0;$j<=4;++$j) if(isset($row['spell'.$j]) && $row['spell'.$j] > 0) $npc['abilities'][] = spellinfo($row['spell'.$j], 0); if (!($npc['ablities'])) unset ($npc['ablities']); } // Обучает: // Если это пет со способностью: $row = $DB->selectRow(' SELECT Spell1, Spell2, Spell3, Spell4 FROM petcreateinfo_spell WHERE entry=?d ', $npc['entry'] ); if ($row) { $npc['teaches'] = array(); for ($j=1;$j<=4;$j++) if ($row['Spell'.$j]) for ($k=1;$k<=3;$k++) { $spellrow = $DB->selectRow(' SELECT ?#, spellID FROM ?_spell, ?_spellicons WHERE spellID=(SELECT effect'.$k.'triggerspell FROM ?_spell WHERE spellID=?d AND (effect'.$k.'id IN (36,57))) AND id=spellicon LIMIT 1 ', $spell_cols[2], $row['Spell'.$j] ); if ($spellrow) { $num = count($npc['teaches']); $npc['teaches'][$num] = array(); $npc['teaches'][$num] = spellinfo2($spellrow); } } } unset ($row); // Если это просто тренер $teachspells = $DB->select(' SELECT ?#, spellID FROM npc_trainer, ?_spell, ?_spellicons WHERE entry=?d AND spellID=Spell AND id=spellicon ', $spell_cols[2], $npc['entry'] ); if ($teachspells) { if (!(IsSet($npc['teaches']))) $npc['teaches'] = array(); foreach ($teachspells as $teachspell) { $num = count($npc['teaches']); $npc['teaches'][$num] = array(); $npc['teaches'][$num] = spellinfo2($teachspell); } } unset ($teachspells); // Продает: $rows_s = $DB->select(' SELECT ?#, i.entry, i.maxcount, n.`maxcount` as `drop-maxcount`, n.ExtendedCost {, l.name_loc?d AS `name_loc`} FROM npc_vendor n, ?_icons, item_template i {LEFT JOIN (locales_item l) ON l.entry=i.entry AND ?d} WHERE n.entry=? AND i.entry=n.item AND id=i.displayid ', $item_cols[2], ($_SESSION['locale'])? $_SESSION['locale']: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, ($_SESSION['locale'])? 1: DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $id ); if ($rows_s) { $npc['sells'] = array(); foreach ($rows_s as $numRow=>$row) { $npc['sells'][$numRow] = array(); $npc['sells'][$numRow] = iteminfo2($row); $npc['sells'][$numRow]['maxcount'] = $row['drop-maxcount']; $npc['sells'][$numRow]['cost'] = array(); if ($row['ExtendedCost']) { $extcost = $DB->selectRow('SELECT * FROM ?_item_extended_cost WHERE extendedcostID=?d LIMIT 1', $row['ExtendedCost']); if ($extcost['reqhonorpoints']>0) $npc['sells'][$numRow]['cost']['honor'] = (($npc['A']==1)? 1: -1) * $extcost['reqhonorpoints']; if ($extcost['reqarenapoints']>0) $npc['sells'][$numRow]['cost']['arena'] = $extcost['reqarenapoints']; $npc['sells'][$numRow]['cost']['items'] = array(); for ($j=1;$j<=5;$j++) if (($extcost['reqitem'.$j]>0) and ($extcost['reqitemcount'.$j]>0)) { allitemsinfo($extcost['reqitem'.$j], 0); $npc['sells'][$numRow]['cost']['items'][] = array('item' => $extcost['reqitem'.$j], 'count' => $extcost['reqitemcount'.$j]); } } if ($row['BuyPrice']>0) $npc['sells'][$numRow]['cost']['money'] = $row['BuyPrice']; } unset ($row); unset ($numRow); unset ($extcost); } unset ($rows_s); // Дроп if (!($npc['drop'] = loot('creature_loot_template', $lootid))) unset ($npc['drop']); // Кожа if (!($npc['skinning'] = loot('skinning_loot_template', $lootid))) unset ($npc['skinning']); // Воруеццо if (!($npc['pickpocketing'] = loot('pickpocketing_loot_template', $lootid))) unset ($npc['pickpocketing']); // Начиниают квесты... $rows_qs = $DB->select(' SELECT ?# FROM creature_questrelation c, quest_template q WHERE AND ', $quest_cols[2], $id ); if ($rows_qs) { $npc['starts'] = array(); foreach ($rows_qs as $numRow=>$row) { $npc['starts'][] = GetQuestInfo($row, 0xFFFFFF); } } unset ($rows_qs); // Заканчивают квесты... $rows_qe = $DB->select(' SELECT ?# FROM creature_involvedrelation c, quest_template q WHERE AND ', $quest_cols[2], $id ); if ($rows_qe) { $npc['ends'] = array(); foreach ($rows_qe as $numRow=>$row) { $npc['ends'][] = GetQuestInfo($row, 0xFFFFFF); } } unset ($rows_qe); // Необходимы для квеста.. $rows_qo = $DB->select(' SELECT ?# FROM quest_template WHERE ReqCreatureOrGOId1=? OR ReqCreatureOrGOId2=? OR ReqCreatureOrGOId3=? OR ReqCreatureOrGOId4=? ', $quest_cols[2], $id, $id, $id, $id ); if ($rows_qo) { $npc['objectiveof'] = array(); foreach ($rows_qo as $numRow=>$row) { $npc['objectiveof'][] = GetQuestInfo($row, 0xFFFFFF); } } unset ($rows_qo); // Положения созданий божих: $data = $DB->select('SELECT map AS m, position_x AS x, position_y AS y, spawntimesecs FROM creature WHERE id=?d', $id); position($data); save_cache(1, intval($id), $npc); } global $page; $page = array( 'Mapper' => true, 'Book' => false, 'Title' => $npc['name'].' - '.$smarty->get_config_vars('NPCs'), 'tab' => 0, 'type' => 1, 'typeid' => $npc['entry'], 'path' => '[0,4,'.$npc['type'].']' ); $smarty->assign('page', $page); // Комментарии $smarty->assign('comments', getcomments($page['type'], $page['typeid'])); // Если хоть одна информация о вещи найдена - передаём массив с информацией о вещях шаблонизатору if (IsSet($allitems)) $smarty->assign('allitems',$allitems); if (IsSet($allspells)) $smarty->assign('allspells',$allspells); $smarty->assign('npc',$npc); // Количество MySQL запросов $smarty->assign('mysql', $DB->getStatistics()); // Запускаем шаблонизатор $smarty->display('npc.tpl'); ?>