CZWOW_QuestObjective_count=1;CZWOW_QuestObjective_1={ ["bring tharil'zun's head to marshal marris in redridge."]="Prines Tharil\'zunovu hlavu Maršalovi Marrisovi v Redridge. ", ["dispatch 12 befouled water elementals at mystral lake, due east of the talondeep path and southwest of splintertree post. scout the gazebo on mystral lake that overlooks the nearby alliance outpost. return to mastok wrilehiss at splintertree post, ashenvale."]="Odstran z okolia Mystral Lake 12 Poskrvnenych Vodnych Elementalov, su priamo na vychod Talondeepu, juhozapadne od Splintertree Post.\r\n\r\nPreskumaj vyhliadkovu vezu na Mystral Lake, ktora lezi blizko Alliance outpost.\r\n\r\nPotom sa vrat k Mastok-ovi Wrilehiss do Splintertree Post v Ashenvale.", ["return to thunder bluff and show turak runetotem the pendant of the sea lion."]="Vrat sa do Thunder Bluff a ukaz Turak Runetotem privesok morskeho leva.", ["bring 7 putrid claws to deathguard dillinger in brill."]="Prines 7 Putrid Claws Deathguardovi Dillingerovi v Brille.", ["enter warsong gulch and defeat the horde, obtain a warsong gulch mark of honor, and return to sentinel farsong at the silverwing grove."]="Vstup do Warson Gulch a znič Hordu, získej Warsong Gulch of Honor a vráť se do Sentinel Farsong v Silwering Grove. ", ["speak with tor'gan."]="Promluv si s Tor\'gan.", ["seek out gaerolas talvethren in starbreeze village."]="Pohladaj Gaerolas Talvethren v Starbreeze Village.\r\n ", ["return to athridas bearmantle in dolanaar."]="Vrat sa k Athridas Bearmantle v Dolanaare.", ["retrieve the contents of one of the dalaran wizards' crates. you will find pyrewood village to the south."]="Ziskaj obsah jednej z Dalaran wizards\' crates.Pyrewood Village mozes najst na juhu.", ["bring grimbooze thunderbrew a bundle of charred oak."]="Prines Grimbooze Thunderbrew batoztek plny duboveho dreva.", ["speak with tabetha after her ritual."]="Promluv si s Tabetha ako urobi ritual.", ["remy \"two times\" wants you to speak with marshal dughan in goldshire."]="Remy \'Two Times\' aby jsi promluvil s Marshal Dughan v Goldshire.", ["gryan stoutmantle wants you to talk to wiley in lakeshire."]="Gryan Stoutmantle si ziada, aby si sa priatelsky porozpraval s Wileym v Lakeshire.", ["verna furlbrow in westfall wants you to bring her 8 handfuls of oats."]="Verna Furlbrow vo Westfall chce aby si jej doniesol 8 Handfuls of Oats.", ["speak with dendrite starblaze in the village of nighthaven, moonglade."]="Hovor s Dendrite Starblaze v dedinke Nighthaven v Moonglade.", ["find a shrine bauble in lake elune'ara. and take it to the shrine of remulos in northwestern moonglade. once there. use the shrine bauble. you must speak with tajarri at the shrine afterwards in order to complete the trial."]="Najdi Relikvilarnu Hracku pri jazere Elune\'ara a vezmi ho k Remulovej Svatyni na severozapad Moonglade. Niekde tam pouzi Shrine Bauble.\r\n\r\nMusis sa porozpravat s Tajarri v svatyni a potom dokoncit moju skusku.", ["speak with senani thunderheart at splintertree post, ashenvale."]="Pohovor si so Senani Thunderheart v Splintertree Poste, v Ashenvale.", ["seek out the clerk daltry in the darkshire town hall."]="Najdi Clerka Daltryho v Darkshirske Town Hall.", ["bring the torch of the dormant flame to telf joolam in durotar."]="Dones Torch of the Dormant Flame k Telf Joolam v Durotar.", ["gather 8 wendigo manes and bring them to pilot stonegear."]="Získej 8 Wendigo Manes a přines je k Pilot Stonegear.", ["speak with eagan peltskinner."]="Promluv s Eaganem Peltskinnerem.", ["bring 12 raptor heads to gazrog at the crossroads."]="Dones 12 hláv raptorov Gazrogovi v Crossroads.", ["redeem 50 darkmoon faire prize tickets for last year's mutton."]="Vyplať 50 Darkmoonskych Karnevalovych víťazných lístkov za Minuloročnú Baraninu.", ["redeem 12 darkmoon faire prize tickets for a lesser darkmoon prize."]="Vyplať 12 Darkmoonskych Karnevalovych víťazných lístkov za Menšiu Darkmoonsku Cenu.", ["redeem 40 darkmoon faire prize tickets for a greater darkmoon prize."]="Vyplať 40 Darkmoonskych Karnevalovych víťazných lístkov za Väčšiu Darkmoonsku Cenu.", ["redeem 5 darkmoon faire prize tickets for a darkmoon flower."]="Vyplať 5 Darkmoonskych Karnevalovych víťazných lístkov za Darkmoonsky Kvet.", ["redeem 1200 darkmoon faire prize tickets for an orb of the darkmoon."]="Vyplať 1200 Darkmoonskych Karnevalovych víťazných lístkov za Darkmoonsku Guľu.", ["redeem 1200 darkmoon faire prize tickets for an amulet of the darkmoon."]="Vyplať 1200 Darkmoonskych Karnevalovych víťazných lístkov za Darkmoonsky Amulet.", ["redeem 5 darkmoon faire prize tickets for a minor darkmoon prize."]="Vyplať 5 Darkmoonskych Karnevalovych víťazných lístkov za .", ["redeem 50 darkmoon faire prize tickets for a darkmoon storage box."]="Vyplať 50 Darkmoonskych Karnevalovych víťazných lístkov za Darkmoonsku Uskladňovaciu Krabicu.", ["redeem 10 darkmoon faire prize tickets for last month's mutton."]="Vyplať 10 Darkmoonskych Karnevalovych víťazných lístkov za Minulomesačnú Baraninu.", ["buy a gryphon ride to sentinel hill from the gryphon master dungar longdrink, then take osric's crate to lewis at sentinel hill."]="Kúp si jazdu do Sentinel Hill od gryfonského majstra Dungara Longdrinka, potom vezmi Osricovu krabicu Lewisovi v Sentinel Hill.", ["speak with hamuul runetotem."]="Porozprávaj sa s Hamuulom Runetotemom.", ["deliver 60 wool cloth to rashona straglash."]="Doprav 60 wool cloth pre Rashona Stranglash.", ["find iverron by the cave to the north."]="Nájdi Iverron pri jaskyni na severe.", ["buy a wind rider to thunder bluff from the wind rider master devrak, then bring the bundle of hides to ahanu in thunder bluff."]="Kúp si wind rider do Thunder Bluff od wind rider majstera Dervak, potom prines Bundle of Hides pre Ahanu v Thunder Bluff.", ["kill kobold vermin, 2 of em."]="Zabi Kobolda Vermina, 2 z em.", ["bring sharptalon's claw to senani thunderheart at splintertree post, ashenvale."]="Prines Sharptalon\'s Claw Senani Thunderheartovi do Splintertree Post v Ashenvale.", ["speak with jesthenis sunstriker - the paladin class trainer - inside the sunspire on sunstrider isle."]="Porozprávaj sa s Jesthenis Sunstrikerom - trénerom Paladinov - vnútri Sunspire, na ostrove Sunstrider.", ["kill grundig darkcloud and 6 grimtotem brutes, and return to makaba flathoof near the southeastern edge of stonetalon."]="Zabi Grundig Darkcloud a 6 Grimtotem Brutes, potom sa vráť ku Makaba Flathoof v blízkosti juhovýchodneho okraja Stonetalon.\r\n", ["mudcrush durtfeet in northern dustwallow wants 8 mirefin heads."]="Mudcrush Durtfeet v severnom Dustwallow chce 8 Mirefin Heads.", ["locate parshah in the magma fields and speak to him."]="Nájdi Parshah v Magma Fields a pohovor s nim.", ["speak with anastasia hartwell."]="Porozprávaj sa s Anastasiou Hartwell.", ["bring balnir snapdragons to anastasia hartwell in the mage quarter of the undercity."]="Prines Balnir Snapdragons ku Anastasia Hartwell v Mage Quarter v Undercity.", ["feed the elixir of pain to stanley."]="Nakrm Stanleyho s Elixir of Pain. ", ["maggran earthbinder in sun rock retreat wants you to slay 7 bloodfury harpies, 7 bloodfury ambushers, 7 bloodfury slayers and 7 bloodfury roguefeathers."]="Maggran Earthbinder v Sun Rock Retreat chce, aby si zabil 7 Bloodfury Harpies, 7 Bloodfury Ambushers, 7 Bloodfury Slayers a 7 Bloodfury Roguefeathers.", ["windcaller proudhoof wants you to speak to the ancients ashyen and keleth at cenarion refuge and obtain their blessings."]="Windcaller Proudhoof chce, aby si sa porozprával s prastarými Ashyenom a Kelethom v Cenarion Refuge, a získal tak ich požehnania.", ["fill the crystal phial and bring it back to tenaron stormgrip atop aldrassil."]="Naplň Crystal Phial a prines to naplnené späť ku Tenaron Stormgripovi na úplnom vrchu Aldrassil.", ["investigate the cause of the water depletion at umbrafen lake. then return to ysiel windsinger at the cenarion refuge in zangarmarsh."]="Vyšetri príčinu klesania vodnej hladiny v Umbrafen Lake. Potom sa vráť ku Ysiel Windsingerovi v Cenarion Refuge v Zangarmarshi.", ["buy a wind rider to the crossroads from the wind rider master doras, then bring gryshka's letter to zargh at the crossroads."]="Kúp si jazdu na vzdušnej letke do Crossroads od veliteľa vzdušných letiek Dorasa, a potom priens Gryshkov List ku Zarghovi v Crossroads.", ["marvon rivetseeker in tanaris wants you to collect 30 gahz'ridian ornaments."]="Marvon Rivetseeker v Tanarise chce, aby si mu nazbieral 30 Gahz\'ridian Ornaments.", ["kill 8 thornfang ravagers and 8 thornfang venomspitters, and then return to mahuram stouthoof at the cenarion post in hellfire peninsula."]="Zabi 8 Thornfang Ravagers a 8 Thornfang Venomspitters, a potom sa vráť ku Mahuram Stouthoofovi v Cenarion Post v Hellfire Peninsula.", ["capture the overlook, the stadium and broken hill, then return to warrant officer tracy proudwell in honor hold in hellfire peninsula."]="Prevezmi kontrolu nad Overlook, the Stadium and Broken Hill, a potom sa vráť ku Warrant Officer Tracy Proudwell v Honor Hold v Hellfire Peninsula.", ["bring 6 moongraze buck hides to acteon at azure watch."]="Prines 6 Moongraze Buck Hides ku Acteonovi v Azure Watch.", ["collect 3 gloom weed and deliver them to junior apothecary holland in the brill graveyard."]="Pozbieraj 3 Gloom Weed a doruč ich ku Junior Apothecary Hollandovi, ktorý sa nachádza na cintoríne v Brille.", ["somewhere in the slag pit of the cauldron you will find the secret plans: fiery flux that overseer maltorius stole. find those plans and return them to master smith burninate in the searing gorge."]="Niekde v Slag Pitskej prepadline nájdeš Tajné Plány: na výrobu výbušnej zmesi, tie ktoré ukradol Overseer Maltorius. Nájdi tie plány a vrát ich Master Smith Burninateovi v Searing Gorge.\r\n", ["bring stoley's shipment to stoley in steamwheedle port."]="Prines Stoley\'s Shipment ku Stoleymu do Steamwheedle Portu.", ["bring 3 warsong marks of honor to a horde warbringer outside the battlegrounds."]="Prines 3 Warsong Marks of Honor ku Horde Warbringerovi mimo bojového poľa.", ["speak with yorus barleybrew."]="Porozprávaj sa s Yorus Barleybrewom.", ["speak with jonathan lecraft about the wabbits."]="Porozprávaj sa s Jonathan LeCraft o omrvinách.", ["return to thrallmar and speak with nazgrel."]="Vráť sa do Thrallmaru porozprávaj sa s Nazgrelom.\r\n", ["ph: go to honor hold."]="PH: Choď do Honor Hold.", ["use the draenei fishing net to catch 10 red snappers. return both the fish and the net to diktynna on azuremyst isle when the task is complete."]="Použi draeneiskú rybársku sieť na chytenie 10 červených piraní. Keď skončíš, dones ryby, aj sieť späť Diktynne na ostrove Azuremyst.", ["oben rageclaw wants you to kill his soulless body, and then use the voodoo charm."]="Oben Rageclaw chce, aby si gzabil:zabila; jeho bezduché telo a potom naňho gpoužil:použila; amulet voodoo.", ["sister aquinne wants you to speak with priestess a'moora in the temple of the moon."]="Sestra Aquinne chce, aby si gišiel:išla; za kňažkou A\'moorou v mesačnom chráme.", ["bring stormpike's request to furen longbeard in stormwind."]="Prines Stormpikeovu žiadosť Furenovi v meste Stormwind.", ["bring deathclaw's paw to harbinger mikolaas in blood watch."]="Dones Deathclawov pazúr Harbingerovi Mikolaasovi v Blood Watch.", ["bring prospector anvilward's head to aeldon sunbrand at falconwing square in eversong woods."]="Prines hlavu prospektora Anvilwarda Aeldonovi Sunbrandovi vo štvrti Falconwing v Eversong Woods", };if not CZWOW_QuestDescription then CZWOW_QuestDescription=0;end;CZWOW_QuestDescription=CZWOW_QuestDescription+68;