Config = array(); $this->Menu = array(); $this->RSSChannels = array(); $this->DoNotShowPage = false; $this->OnPageNotFound = array(); $this->Pages = array(); $this->Bars = array(); $this->PageHeaders = array(); $this->BaseURL = ''; } function Init() { global $GlobalLocaleManager, $Config; $this->Config = $Config; if (isset($this->Config['Web']['Timezone'])) date_default_timezone_set($this->Config['Web']['Timezone']); mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); if (isset($this->Config['Database'])) { $this->Database->Connect($this->Config['Database']['Host'], $this->Config['Database']['User'], $this->Config['Database']['Password'], $this->Config['Database']['Database']); $this->Database->charset($this->Config['Database']['Charset']); $this->Database->ShowSQLQuery = $this->Config['Web']['ShowSQLQuery']; $this->Database->ShowSQLError = $this->Config['Web']['ShowSQLError']; $this->Database->LogSQLQuery = $this->Config['Web']['LogSQLQuery']; } $this->LocaleManager = new LocaleManager($this); $this->LocaleManager->Dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/locale'; $this->LocaleManager->Available = array( 'cs' => array('Code' => 'cs', 'Title' => 'Česky'), 'en' => array('Code' => 'en', 'Title' => 'English'), ); $GlobalLocaleManager = $this->LocaleManager; $this->LinkLocaleExceptions = array('images', 'style', 'tmp', 'files', 'aowow', 'banners' ); if (GetRemoteAddress() != '') { $this->BaseURL = $_SERVER["CONTEXT_PREFIX"]; if (substr($this->BaseURL, -1, 1) == '/') $this->BaseURL = substr($this->BaseURL, 0, -1); } $this->PathItems = ProcessURL(); // Detect interface locale if (isset($this->Config['Web']['Locale'])) $this->LocaleManager->DefaultLangCode = $this->Config['Web']['Locale']; $this->LocaleManager->LangCode = $this->LocaleManager->DefaultLangCode; if (count($this->PathItems) > 0) { $NewLangCode = $this->PathItems[0]; if (array_key_exists($NewLangCode, $this->LocaleManager->Available)) { array_shift($this->PathItems); $this->LocaleManager->LangCode = $NewLangCode; } } if (array_key_exists($this->LocaleManager->LangCode, $this->LocaleManager->Available)) $this->LocaleManager->LoadLocale($this->LocaleManager->LangCode); $this->Menu = array ( /* array( 'Title' => T('Files'), 'Hint' => 'Stahování různých pomocných souborů a programů', 'Link' => $this->Link('/download.php'), 'Permission' => LICENCE_ANONYMOUS, 'Icon' => '', ), array( 'Title' => T('IRC chat'), 'Hint' => 'IRC chat pro překladatele', 'Link' => '', 'Permission' => LICENCE_ANONYMOUS, 'Icon' => '', ), */ ); } static function Cast(System $System): Core { if ($System instanceof Core) { return $System; } throw new Exception('Expected Core type but '.gettype($System)); } function Run(): void { global $ScriptStartTime, $StopAfterUpdateManager, $UpdateManager; $ScriptStartTime = GetMicrotime(); //if (GetRemoteAddress() != '') session_start(); // SQL injection hack protection foreach ($_POST as $Index => $Item) { if (is_array($_POST[$Index])) foreach ($_POST[$Index] as $Index2 => $Item2) $_POST[$Index][$Index2] = addslashes($Item2); else $_POST[$Index] = addslashes($_POST[$Index]); } foreach ($_GET as $Index => $Item) $_GET[$Index] = addslashes($_GET[$Index]); $this->RegisterPageBar('Top'); $this->RegisterPageBar('Left'); $this->RegisterPageBar('Right'); $this->Init(); $this->StartModules(); $this->BaseView = new BaseView($this); if ($this->DoNotShowPage == false) { $this->ShowPage(); } } function StartModules(): void { $ModuleSetup = $this->ModuleManager->LoadModule(dirname(__FILE__).'/../Packages/Common/Modules/Setup.php'); ModuleSetup::Cast($ModuleSetup)->UpdateManager->VersionTable = 'DbVersion'; $ModuleSetup->Install(); $ModuleSetup->Start(); $this->ModuleManager->LoadModules(); $this->ModuleManager->LoadModule(dirname(__FILE__).'/../Packages/Common/Modules/ModuleManager.php'); if (file_exists($this->ModuleManager->FileName)) $this->ModuleManager->LoadState(); if (ModuleSetup::Cast($ModuleSetup)->CheckState()) { $this->ModuleManager->StartAll(array(ModuleCondition::Enabled)); } } function GetMicrotime() { list($Usec, $Sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); return (float)$Usec + (float)$Sec; } function Link(string $Target): string { if (substr($Target, 0, strlen($this->BaseURL)) == $this->BaseURL) $Remaining = substr($Target, strlen($this->BaseURL)); else $Remaining = $Target; $TargetParts = explode('/', $Remaining); if ((count($TargetParts) > 0) and ($TargetParts[0] == '')) array_splice($TargetParts, 0, 1); if (count($TargetParts) > 0) { if (in_array($TargetParts[0], $this->LinkLocaleExceptions)) { $Result = $this->BaseURL.$Target; } else $Result = $this->LinkLocale($Target); } else $Result = $this->LinkLocale($Target); return $Result; } function TranslateURL($URL, $Locale) { // Try translate URL directory parts from current locale to target locale $Remaining = $URL; $RemainingParts = explode('?', $Remaining); $Directory = $RemainingParts[0]; if (count($RemainingParts) > 1) { $Params = $RemainingParts[1]; } else { $Params = ''; } $TargetLocaleManager = new LocaleManager($this); $TargetLocaleManager->Dir = $this->LocaleManager->Dir; $TargetLocaleManager->Available = $this->LocaleManager->Available; $TargetLocaleManager->LoadLocale($Locale); $DirectoryParts = explode('/', $Directory); foreach ($DirectoryParts as $Index => $Item) { $NewText = $TargetLocaleManager->CurrentLocale->Texts->Translate($Item, 'URL'); $DirectoryParts[$Index] = $NewText; } $Directory = implode('/', $DirectoryParts); $Remaining = $Directory; if ($Params != '') $Remaining .= '?'.$Params; return $Remaining; } function TranslateReverseURL($URL, $Locale) { // Try translate URL directory parts from current locale to target locale $Remaining = $URL; $RemainingParts = explode('?', $Remaining); $Directory = $RemainingParts[0]; if (count($RemainingParts) > 1) { $Params = $RemainingParts[1]; } else { $Params = ''; } $TargetLocaleManager = new LocaleManager($this); $TargetLocaleManager->Dir = $this->LocaleManager->Dir; $TargetLocaleManager->Available = $this->LocaleManager->Available; $TargetLocaleManager->LoadLocale($Locale); $DirectoryParts = explode('/', $Directory); foreach ($DirectoryParts as $Index => $Item) { $NewText = $TargetLocaleManager->CurrentLocale->Texts->TranslateReverse($Item, 'URL'); $DirectoryParts[$Index] = $NewText; } $Directory = implode('/', $DirectoryParts); $Remaining = $Directory; if ($Params != '') $Remaining .= '?'.$Params; return $Remaining; } function LinkLocale($Target, $Locale = '') { if ($Locale == '') $Locale = $this->LocaleManager->LangCode; $Target = $this->TranslateURL($Target, $Locale); if ($Locale == $this->LocaleManager->DefaultLangCode) return $this->BaseURL.$Target; return $this->BaseURL.'/'.$Locale.$Target; } function RegisterMenuItem($MenuItem, $Pos = NULL) { if (is_null($Pos)) $this->Menu[] = $MenuItem; else { array_splice($this->Menu, $Pos, 0, array($MenuItem)); } } function SearchPage($PathItems, $Pages) { if (count($PathItems) == 0) $PathItems = array(''); $PathItem = $PathItems[0]; $PathItem = $this->LocaleManager->CurrentLocale->Texts->TranslateReverse($PathItem, 'URL'); if (array_key_exists($PathItem, $Pages)) { if (is_array($Pages[$PathItem])) { array_shift($PathItems); return $this->SearchPage($PathItems, $Pages[$PathItem]); } else { if (count($PathItems) == 1) return $Pages[$PathItem]; else return ''; // Unexpected subpages } } else return ''; } function PageNotFound() { // Send correct HTTP status code to signal unknown page if (array_key_exists('SERVER_PROTOCOL', $_SERVER)) Header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 404 Not Found'); if (array_key_exists('HTTP_REFERER', $_SERVER)) $Referer = ' Referer: '.$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; else $Referer = ''; if (isset($this->ModuleManager->Modules['Log'])) $this->ModuleManager->Modules['Log']->WriteLog('Stránka "'. implode('/', $this->PathItems).'" nenalezena'.$Referer, LOG_TYPE_PAGE_NOT_FOUND); return ShowMessage(sprintf(T('Page "%s" not found'), implode('/', $this->PathItems)), MESSAGE_CRITICAL); } function ShowPage() { $Output = ''; /* @var $Page Page */ $ClassName = $this->SearchPage($this->PathItems, $this->Pages); if (($ClassName != '') and (class_exists($ClassName))) { $Page = new $ClassName($this); $Output = $Page->GetOutput(); $this->BaseView->Title = $Page->Title; if ($Page->RawPage == false) $Output = $this->BaseView->ShowPage($Output); } else { $Output2 = ''; if ((count($this->OnPageNotFound) == 2) and method_exists($this->OnPageNotFound[0], $this->OnPageNotFound[1])) $Output2 = call_user_func_array($this->OnPageNotFound, array()); if ($Output2 != '') $Output .= $this->BaseView->ShowPage($Output2); else { $Output = $this->PageNotFound(); $this->BaseView->Title = T('Page not found'); $Output = $this->BaseView->ShowPage($Output); } } echo($Output); } function RegisterPageBar($Name) { $this->Bars[$Name] = array(); } function UnregisterPageBar($Name) { unset($this->Bars[$Name]); } function RegisterPageBarItem($BarName, $ItemName, $Callback) { $this->Bars[$BarName][$ItemName] = $Callback; } function RegisterPageHeader($Name, $Callback) { $this->PageHeaders[$Name] = $Callback; } function HumanDate($Time) { return date('j.n.Y', $Time); } }