Name = 'Download'; $this->Version = '1.0'; $this->Creator = 'Maron'; $this->License = 'GNU/GPL'; $this->Description = 'Show list of selected export and link to static files'; $this->Dependencies = array(); } function DoStart(): void { $this->System->RegisterPage(['download'], 'PageDownload'); Core::Cast($this->System)->RegisterMenuItem(array( 'Title' => T('Download'), 'Hint' => T('List of files for download'), 'Link' => $this->System->Link('/download/'), 'Permission' => LICENCE_ANONYMOUS, 'Icon' => '', ), 1); } } class PageDownload extends Page { function ShowFiles() { $fileslink = $this->System->Link('/files'); $Output = '

'.T('Accessories for client').'

'. 'wowpatcher - '.T('Tool to command line, which search and edit file wow.exe for support editing files Glue Strings.lua and GlobalStrings.lua.').' '. T('Designed for one-time creation of new modified version of wow.exe. Help can be called with the - help option. The ability to modify future versions not guaranteed.').' '. '

'. 'WowLua - '.T('Specific modified version of WoW.exe for free servers with support for translation Lua files').'
'. 'enGB a enUS: '. ' 3.3.5a'. ' 3.3.3a'. ' 3.3.2'. ' 3.3.0a'. ' 2.4.3'. ' 1.12.1'. '

'. 'WoWMe - '.T('Edited files wow.exe with support of translation dbc files').':
'. '4.3.4 '. '3.2.0 '. '3.1.3 '. '3.0.3 '. '2.4.3 '. '

'. 'CzechWoW - '.T('Czech for client with edited client files (old)').'
'; $Output .= 'Instalace CzechWoW 3.3.5a 2010-09-09.exe
'. 'Instalace CzechWoW 3.3.3a 2010-04-23.exe
'. 'Instalace CzechWoW 3.3.2 2010-04-12.exe
'. '
'. ''.T('Other add-ons').':
'. ''.T('Czech fonts for game').' - '.T('original fonts from game with added czech symbols.').'
'. ''.T('Czech shouts from W3').' - '.T('sound files taken from Warcraft 3 and used in wow.').'

'. '

'.T('Add-ons for server').':

'. ''.T('Czech to Minimanager').'
'.T('Czech for AoWoW').' '.T('Czech for AoWoW').' (zip) - '.T('Web viewer database for emulator mangos like').'

'; $Output .= '

'.T('Tools for help').':

'. 'Ladik\'s MPQ Editor '.T('Author page').'
'. 'mpq.exe '.T('command line program for adding files to MPQ archives, created by Maron').'
'. 'WoWsig.exe addon signature generator by wad (2005)
'. 'DBCtoCSV - '.T('tool for transform DBC files to CSV').'
'. 'ClientDBExtractor.exe - '.T('tool for exporting dbc files from game client').'
'; return $Output; } function ShowDownload() { $Output = '

'.T('Download files').'

'; $Output .= T('Additional files: modified wow.exe, fonts to game, translated interface aowow and more can be found on page'). ' '.T('Files').'
'; $Output .= T('If none of these files is suitable for you, for example, to the Czech without the translated interface. You can generate your own section in section').' '.T('Export').'

'; $Output .= T('The following files are generated every day, if needed. That means if is added new translation to database. Therefore, if you translate a translation or correct the mistake, tomorrow you can download the new patched version. Or you can rebuild and download for a few minutes the repaired file.').'
'; $Output .= T('If you no longer want translation in game, you can uninstall it by file Uninstall.exe at the directory of game.').'
'; $Output .= '

'; $DbResult = $this->System->Database->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Export` WHERE `Featured`=1'); $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row(); $PageList = GetPageList($DbRow[0]); $Output .= $PageList['Output']; $TableColumns = array( array('Name' => 'Version', 'Title' => T('Download')), array('Name' => 'Title', 'Title' => T('Name2'),), array('Name' => 'TimeCreate', 'Title' => T('Creation date')), array('Name' => 'Description', 'Title' => T('Description')), ); $Order = GetOrderTableHeader($TableColumns, 'Id', 1); $Output .= ''. $Order['Output']; $DbRows = $this->Database->query('SELECT `ClientVersion`.`Version` AS `Version`, '. '`Export`.`Id`, `Export`.`ClientVersion`, `Export`.`OutputType`, `Export`.`Title`, '. '`Export`.`Description` FROM `Export` '. 'JOIN `ClientVersion` as `ClientVersion` ON `ClientVersion`.`Id`=`Export`.`ClientVersion` '. 'WHERE `Featured`=1 '.$Order['SQL'].$PageList['SQLLimit']); while ($DbExport = $DbRows->fetch_assoc()) { $ExportId = $DbExport['Id']; if ($DbExport['OutputType'] == 10) $filename = Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['Web']['TempFolder'].'Export/'.$ExportId.'/'.'Instalace_CzechWoW_'.$DbExport['Version'].'.exe'; if ($DbExport['OutputType'] == 7) $filename = Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['Web']['TempFolder'].'Export/'.$ExportId.'/'.'CzWoW_Addon-'.$DbExport['Version'].'.zip'; if ($DbExport['OutputType'] == 10) $Output .= ''; else if ($DbExport['OutputType'] == 7) $Output .= ''; else $Output .= ''; $Output .= ''; //.''; if ((($DbExport['OutputType'] == 10) or ($DbExport['OutputType'] == 7)) and (file_exists($filename))) $Output .= ''; else $Output .= ''; $Output .= ''. ''; } $Output .= '
Export '.$ExportId.'
Export '.$ExportId.'
'.T('Make export').'
Export '.$ExportId.'
'.$DbExport['Title'].''.$DbExport['ClientVersion'].''.date('d.m.y H:i',filemtime($filename)).' '.str_replace("\n", '
'. $PageList['Output']; return $Output; } function Show(): string { $this->Title = T('Download'); $Output = ''; if (isset($_GET['Files'])) $Output .= $this->ShowFiles(); else $Output .= $this->ShowDownload(); return $Output; } }