Name = 'Import'; $this->Version = '1.0'; $this->Creator = 'Chronos'; $this->License = 'GNU/GPL'; $this->Description = 'Support for import of data.'; $this->Dependencies = array('Translation'); } function DoStart(): void { $this->System->RegisterPage(['import'], 'PageImport'); } } class Import { var $Version; var $Group; var $NewItemCount; var $System; function __construct(System $System) { $this->System = &$System; } function SetVersion($Version) { $DbResult = $this->System->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `ClientVersion` WHERE `Version` = "'.$Version.'"'); $this->Version = $DbResult->fetch_assoc(); } function InsertItem($Value) { $insert = true; $Columns = ''; //$Values = ''; foreach ($this->Group['Items'] as $GroupItem) { $Columns .= ', `'.$GroupItem['Column'].'` '; // $Values .= ', "'.$Value[$GroupItem['Column']].'"'; } $Columns = substr($Columns, 1); $Where = ' (`'.$this->Group['PrimaryKeyItem'].'` = "'.$Value[$this->Group['PrimaryKeyItem']].'") AND (`Language`=0) ' ; $DbResultMiddle = $this->System->Database->query('SELECT `VersionEnd`,`VersionStart`, `ID`, `Entry`, '.$Columns.' FROM `'.$this->Group['TablePrefix'].'` WHERE '.$Where.' AND `VersionStart` <= '.$this->Version['BuildNumber'].' AND `VersionEnd` >= '.$this->Version['BuildNumber'].' ORDER BY `VersionEnd` DESC LIMIT 1'); $DbResultBefore = $this->System->Database->query('SELECT `VersionEnd`,`VersionStart`, `ID`, `Entry`, '.$Columns.' FROM `'.$this->Group['TablePrefix'].'` WHERE '.$Where.' AND `VersionEnd` <= '.$this->Version['BuildNumber'].' ORDER BY `VersionEnd` DESC LIMIT 1'); $DbResultAfter = $this->System->Database->query('SELECT `VersionEnd`,`VersionStart`, `ID`, `Entry`, '.$Columns.' FROM `'.$this->Group['TablePrefix'].'` WHERE '.$Where.' AND `VersionStart` >= '.$this->Version['BuildNumber'].' ORDER BY `VersionStart` LIMIT 1'); if (($DbResultMiddle->num_rows > 0) or ($DbResultBefore->num_rows > 0) or ($DbResultAfter->num_rows > 0)) { // Update existed text $DbRowMiddle = $DbResultMiddle->fetch_assoc(); $DbRowAfter = $DbResultAfter->fetch_assoc(); $DbRowBefore = $DbResultBefore->fetch_assoc(); if ($this->HaveSameText($this->Group, $DbRowBefore, $Value) and ($DbResultBefore->num_rows > 0)) { $insert = false; if ($this->Group['Id'] == 1) { $set = ' , EndText = "'.$Value['EndText'].'" , ObjectiveText1 = "'.$Value['ObjectiveText1'].'"'.' , ObjectiveText2 = "'.$Value['ObjectiveText2'].'"'.' , ObjectiveText3 = "'.$Value['ObjectiveText3'].'"'.' , ObjectiveText4 = "'.$Value['ObjectiveText4'].'"'; } else $set = ''; $this->System->Database->query('UPDATE `'.$this->Group['TablePrefix'].'` SET `VersionEnd` = "'.$this->Version['BuildNumber'].'" '.$set.' WHERE `ID`='.$DbRowBefore['ID']); echo('b '); } else if ($this->HaveSameText($this->Group, $DbRowAfter, $Value) and ($DbResultAfter->num_rows > 0)) { $insert = false; if ($this->Group['Id'] == 1) { $set = ' , EndText = "'.$Value['EndText'].'" , ObjectiveText1 = "'.$Value['ObjectiveText1'].'"'.' , ObjectiveText2 = "'.$Value['ObjectiveText2'].'"'.' , ObjectiveText3 = "'.$Value['ObjectiveText3'].'"'.' , ObjectiveText4 = "'.$Value['ObjectiveText4'].'"'; } else $set = ''; $this->System->Database->query('UPDATE `'.$this->Group['TablePrefix'].'` SET `VersionStart` = "'.$this->Version['BuildNumber'].'" '.$set.' WHERE `ID`='.$DbRowAfter['ID']); echo('a '); } else { if (isset($DbRowAfter['VersionStart'])) { if ($DbRowAfter['VersionStart'] <= $this->Version['BuildNumber']) { echo('Allready imported '.$DbRowBefore['Entry'].' '); $insert = false; } } if (isset($DbRowBefore['VersionEnd'])) { if ($DbRowBefore['VersionEnd'] >= $this->Version['BuildNumber']) { echo('Allready imported '.$DbRowBefore['Entry'].' '); $inserted = false; } } // if [DEPRECATED] do not import foreach ($this->Group['Items'] as $GroupItem) { if (false !== strpos($Value[$GroupItem['Column']],'[DEPRECATED')) { echo('d '.$DbRowBefore['Entry'].' '); $insert = false; } } if ($insert) { $insert = false; foreach ($this->Group['Items'] as $GroupItem) { if ($Value[$GroupItem['Column']] <> '') $insert = true; } } if (isset($DbRowMiddle['Entry'])) $insert = false; if (isset($DbRowAfter['Entry'])) $Value['Entry'] = $DbRowAfter['Entry']; if (isset($DbRowBefore['Entry'])) $Value['Entry'] = $DbRowBefore['Entry']; if ($insert) { $Columns = '`Entry`, `Language`, `VersionStart`, `VersionEnd`'; $Values = $Value['Entry'].', 0, '.$this->Version['BuildNumber'].', '.$this->Version['BuildNumber']; foreach ($this->Group['Items'] as $GroupItem) { $Columns .= ', `'.$GroupItem['Column'].'`'; $Values .= ', "'.$Value[$GroupItem['Column']].'"'; } $this->System->Database->query('INSERT `'.$this->Group['TablePrefix'].'` ('.$Columns.') VALUES ('.$Values.')'); echo(' '.$Value['Entry'].' = '.$DbRowBefore['VersionStart'].'.'.$DbRowBefore['VersionEnd'].'< '.$this->Version['BuildNumber'].' <'.$DbRowAfter['VersionStart'].'.'.$DbRowAfter['VersionEnd'].'... '.$DbRowMiddle['VersionStart'].' '.$DbRowMiddle['VersionEnd'].' '); if (false !== strpos($Values,'[DEPRECATED')) echo($Values); echo('# '); $InsertId = $this->System->Database->insert_id; $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules['Log']->WriteLog('Text '.$InsertId.' ('.$Value['Entry'].') ze skupiny '.$this->Group['Name'].' byl v nové verzi '.$this->Version['Version'].' změněn.', LOG_TYPE_IMPORT); } } } else { // Insert new text if (is_numeric($Value[$this->Group['PrimaryKeyItem']])) $Value['Entry'] = $Value[$this->Group['PrimaryKeyItem']]; else { // Get new unused Entry for tables without numeric id $Value['Entry'] = 1; $DbResult = $this->System->Database->query('SELECT MAX(`Entry`) FROM `'.$this->Group['TablePrefix'].'`'); if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0) { $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_row(); $Value['Entry'] += $DbRow[0]; } } $Columns = '`Entry`, `Language`, `VersionStart`, `VersionEnd`'; $Values = $Value['Entry'].', 0, '.$this->Version['BuildNumber'].', '.$this->Version['BuildNumber']; $insert = false; foreach ($this->Group['Items'] as $GroupItem) { $Columns .= ', `'.$GroupItem['Column'].'`'; $Values .= ', "'.$Value[$GroupItem['Column']].'"'; if ($Value[$GroupItem['Column']] <> '') $insert = true; } if ($insert) { $this->System->Database->query('INSERT `'.$this->Group['TablePrefix'].'` ('.$Columns.') VALUES ('.$Values.')'); $InsertId = $this->System->Database->insert_id; echo('+ '); $this->NewItemCount++; $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules['Log']->WriteLog('Text '.$InsertId.' ('.$Value['Entry'].') ze skupiny '.$this->Group['Name'].' byl v nové verzi '.$this->Version['Version'].' přidán.', LOG_TYPE_IMPORT); } } } function ImportLUA() { $Output = 'Načítání textů z LUA souboru...'; if (($this->Group['LuaFileName'] != '') and ($this->Group['TablePrefix'] != '')) { $Output .= '
'; // if ($this->Group['LastVersion'] < $this->Version['BuildNumber'] + 1) { $File = new FileStream(); $File->OpenFile(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../source/'.$this->Version['Version'].'/lua/'.$this->Group['LuaFileName'].'.lua'); $this->NewItemCount = 0; $Count = 0; while (!$File->EOF()) { $Line = $File->ReadLine(); if (strpos($Line, '=') !== false) { $LineParts = explode('=', $Line, 2); $Value['ShortCut'] = trim($LineParts[0]); $Line = trim($LineParts[1]); if ($Line[0] == '"') { // Quoted string value $Line = substr($Line, 1); // Skip start qoute $TempLine = str_replace('\"', ' ', $Line); // Temporary remove slashed quotes $Value['Text'] = substr($Line, 0, strpos($TempLine, '"')); $Value['Text'] = str_replace('\n', "\n", $Value['Text']); $Value['Text'] = addslashes(stripslashes($Value['Text'])); $Line = trim(substr($Line, strpos($TempLine, '"') + 1)); // Skip closing quote and semicolon } else { // Nonstring value $Value['Text'] = substr($Line, 0, strpos($Line, ';')); } $Line = substr($Line, strpos($Line, ';') + 1); $Value['Comment'] = addslashes(stripslashes(substr($Line, 3))); // Skip " --" $this->InsertItem($Value); }; $Count++; } $Output .= '
Celkem: '.$Count.' Nových: '.$this->NewItemCount.'
'; $this->UpdateLastVersion(); } // else $Output .= ShowMessage('Již importován pro verzi '.$this->Version['Version'], MESSAGE_CRITICAL); } else $Output .= ShowMessage('Není definováno jméno zdrojového souboru', MESSAGE_CRITICAL); $Output .= ShowMessage('Dokončeno.'); return $Output; } function UpdateTranslated() { $TranslationTree = $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules['Translation']->GetTranslationTree(); $Output = '

Začínám se synchronizací VersionEnd u přeložených textů
'; foreach ($TranslationTree as $Group) { $Output .= '
'.$Group['Name'].' '; $do = true; while ($do) { $DbResult = $this->System->Database->query('SELECT `gs_tran`.`ID`, '. '`gs_tran`.`VersionEnd` AS `VersionEnd_tran`, '. '`gs_tran`.`VersionStart` AS `VersionStart_tran`, '. '`gs_orig`.`VersionEnd` AS `VersionEnd_orig`, '. '`gs_orig`.`VersionStart` AS `VersionStart_orig` FROM `'. $Group['TablePrefix'].'` AS `gs_tran` JOIN `'.$Group['TablePrefix']. '` AS `gs_orig` ON `gs_orig`.`ID` = `gs_tran`.`Take` WHERE '. '`gs_tran`.`VersionEnd` <> `gs_orig`.`VersionEnd` OR `gs_tran`.`VersionStart` <> `gs_orig`.`VersionStart`'); $do = ($DbResult->num_rows > 0); while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc()) { echo('`'); $this->System->Database->query('UPDATE `'.$Group['TablePrefix'].'` SET `VersionEnd` = '.$DbRow['VersionEnd_orig'].', `VersionStart` = '.$DbRow['VersionStart_orig'].' WHERE `ID` = '.$DbRow['ID']); $Output .= '. '; } } $Output .= 'Dokončeno.'; } return $Output; } function HaveSameText($Group, $DbRow2, $Value) { $result = true; foreach ($Group['Items'] as $GroupItem) { $old = $DbRow2[$GroupItem['Column']]; $old = str_replace(chr(10), '', $old); $old = str_replace(chr(13), '', $old); $old = str_replace('\n', '', $old); $old = str_replace('\r', '', $old); $old = str_replace('\"', '"', $old); $old = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $old); $old = str_replace('\32', '32', $old); $old = str_replace('\124', '124', $old); $old = str_replace("\'", "'", $old); $old = str_replace("Â", "", $old); $old = str_replace("�", "", $old); $old = str_replace('-', '', $old); $old = str_replace(' ', '', $old); $old = strtolower($old); $old = str_replace('$b', '', $old); if ($this->Group['Id'] == 1) { while ($part = substr($old, strpos($old, '<'), strpos($old, '>')-strpos($old, '<'))) { if ($part <> '') { $old = str_replace($part.'>', '', $old); } } } if (($GroupItem['MangosColumn'] <> '') and ($Group['MangosDatabase'] == 'mangos')) $new = $Value[$GroupItem['MangosColumn']]; else $new = $Value[$GroupItem['Column']]; $new = str_replace(chr(10), '', $new); $new = str_replace(chr(13), '', $new); $new = str_replace('\n', '', $new); $new = str_replace('\r', '', $new); $new = str_replace('\"', '"', $new); $new = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $new); $new = str_replace('\32', '32', $new); $new = str_replace('\124', '124', $new); $new = str_replace("\'", "'", $new); $new = str_replace("Â", "", $new); $new = str_replace("�", "", $new); $new = str_replace('-', '', $new); $new = str_replace(' ', '', $new); $new = strtolower($new); $new = str_replace('$b', '', $new); if ($this->Group['Id'] == 1) { while ($part = substr($new, strpos($new, '<'), strpos($new, '>')-strpos($new, '<'))) { if ($part <> '') { $new = str_replace($part.'>', '', $new); } } } if (($old == 'null') or ($old == 'NULL')) $old = ''; if (($new == 'null') or ($new == 'NULL')) $new = ''; if (($new <> '') and ($old <> $new) and ($GroupItem['Column'] <> 'Comment')) { // echo $old.'X'.$new; if ( ($GroupItem['Column'] <> 'EndText') and ($GroupItem['Column'] <> 'ObjectiveText1') and ($GroupItem['Column'] <> 'ObjectiveText2') and ($GroupItem['Column'] <> 'ObjectiveText3') and ($GroupItem['Column'] <> 'ObjectiveText4') ) $result = false; } } return $result; } function ImportDBC() { global $System; $Output = 'Načítání textů z DBC souboru...'; if (($this->Group['DBCFileName'] != '') and ($this->Group['TablePrefix'] != '')) { $Output .= '
'; // Load string column index list $DbResult = $System->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `GroupItem` JOIN `GroupItemDBC` ON `GroupItem`.`Id` = `GroupItemDBC`.`GroupItem` AND `GroupItemDBC`.`ClientVersion` = '.$this->Version['Id'].' WHERE `GroupItem`.`Group` = '.$this->Group['Id']); $ColumnIndexes = array(); $ColumnFormat = array(); while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc()) { $ColumnFormat[$DbRow['ColumnIndex']] = FORMAT_STRING; $ColumnIndexes[$DbRow['GroupItem']] = $DbRow['ColumnIndex']; } $DBCFile = new DBCFile(); $DBCFile->OpenFile(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../source/'.$this->Version['Version'].'/dbc/'.$this->Group['DBCFileName'].'.dbc', $ColumnFormat); $ItemCount = $DBCFile->GetRecordCount(); $this->NewItemCount = 0; $Count = 0; for ($I = 0; $I < $ItemCount; $I++) { foreach ($this->Group['Items'] as $GroupItem) if (array_key_exists($GroupItem['Id'], $ColumnIndexes)) { $Value[$GroupItem['Column']] = addslashes($DBCFile->GetString($I, $ColumnIndexes[$GroupItem['Id']])); } // Get multicolumn value $Columns = explode(',', $this->Group['DBCIndex']); $ColumnValue = ''; foreach ($Columns as $Column) { $ColumnValue .= '_'.$DBCFile->GetUint($I, $Column); } $ColumnValue = substr($ColumnValue, 1); $Value[$this->Group['PrimaryKeyItem']] = $ColumnValue; $this->InsertItem($Value); $Count++; } $Output .= '
Celkem: '.$Count.' Nových: '.$this->NewItemCount.'
'; $this->UpdateLastVersion(); } $Output .= 'Dokončeno.'; return $Output; } function ImportGroup($GroupId) { $TranslationTree = $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules['Translation']->GetTranslationTree(); $this->Group = $TranslationTree[$GroupId]; if ($this->Group['SourceType'] == 'dbc') $Output = $this->ImportDBC(); else if ($this->Group['SourceType'] == 'sql') $Output = $this->ImportSQL(); else if ($this->Group['SourceType'] == 'lua') $Output = $this->ImportLUA(); else $Output = ShowMessage('Neznámý typ zdroje pro import', MESSAGE_CRITICAL); $Output .= $this->UpdateTranslated(); return $Output; } function ImportSQL() { $Output = ''; $File = new FileStream(); $File->OpenFile(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../source/'.$this->Version['Version'].'/sql/'.$this->Group['MangosTable'].'.sql'); $this->NewItemCount = 0; $Count = 0; $FollowStructure = false; $i = 0; while ((!$File->EOF())) { $Line = $File->ReadLine(); // Struktura if (strpos($Line, 'CREATE TABLE `'.$this->Group['MangosTable'].'`') !== false) { $Line = ''; $FollowStructure = true; $i = 0; } if ((strpos($Line, ';') !== false) and ($FollowStructure == true)) { $FollowStructure = false; } if (($FollowStructure == true) and ($Line != '')) { $str = substr($Line, 0, strpos($Line, '`')); $Line = substr($Line, strpos($Line, '`') + 1); $Line = substr($Line, 0, strpos($Line, '`')); if (strlen($str) < 3) $structure[$i] = $Line; $i++; } // data if ((strpos($Line, 'INSERT INTO `'.$this->Group['MangosTable'].'`') !== false) and (isset($structure))) { while ((strpos($Line, ');') === false) or ($File->EOF())) $Line = $Line.$File->ReadLine(); $Line = str_replace("),\n(", '),(', $Line); $Line = substr($Line, strpos($Line, '(') + 1); $Line = substr($Line, 0, strpos($Line, ');')); $LineParts = explode('),(', $Line); unset($Line); $value_buff = ''; $Value = ''; foreach ($LineParts as $LinePart) { unset($Value, $value_buff); foreach ($structure as $i => $column) { if (substr($LinePart, 0, 1) != "'") { $value_buff = substr($LinePart, 0, strpos($LinePart, ',')); $LinePart = substr($LinePart, strlen($value_buff) + 1); } else { $LinePart = substr($LinePart, 1); $value_buff = substr($LinePart, 0, strpos($LinePart, "'")); while (substr($value_buff, strlen($value_buff) - 1, 1) == "\\") { $str = substr($LinePart, strlen($value_buff)); $str2 = substr($str, 0, strpos($str, "'", 1)); $value_buff = $value_buff.$str2; $str = substr($str, strlen($str2)); } $LinePart = substr($LinePart, strlen($value_buff) + 2); } if (($value_buff != 'null') and ($value_buff != 'NULL')) { $str = ''; while (substr($value_buff, strlen($value_buff) - 1,1) == " ") { $value_buff = substr($value_buff, 0, strlen($value_buff) - 1); $str .= ' '; } $str2 = ''; while (substr($value_buff, 0, 1) == ' ') { $value_buff = substr($value_buff, 1, strlen($value_buff) - 1); $str2 .= ' '; } $Value[$column] = $str2.trim($value_buff).$str; } else { $Value[$column] = ''; } } foreach ($this->Group['Items'] as $GroupItem) { if ($GroupItem['MangosColumn'] != '') { if (isset($Value[$GroupItem['MangosColumn']])) { $Value[$GroupItem['Column']] = $Value[$GroupItem['MangosColumn']]; } else { $Value[$GroupItem['Column']] = ''; $Value[$GroupItem['MangosColumn']] =''; } } } // Get multicolumn value $Columns = explode(',', $this->Group['MangosTableIndex']); $ColumnValue = ''; foreach ($Columns as $Column) { $ColumnValue .= '_'.$Value[$Column]; } $ColumnValue = substr($ColumnValue, 1); $Value[$this->Group['PrimaryKeyItem']] = $ColumnValue; $this->InsertItem($Value); $Count++; } } } $Output = '
Celkem: '.$Count.' Nových: '.$this->NewItemCount.'
'; $this->UpdateLastVersion(); return $Output; } function UpdateLastVersion() { $DbResult = $this->System->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `Group` WHERE `Id`='.$this->Group['Id']); $Version = $DbResult->fetch_assoc(); if ($Version['LastVersion'] < $this->Version['BuildNumber']) $this->System->Database->query('UPDATE `Group` SET `LastVersion` = "'.$this->Version['BuildNumber'].'", `LastImport` = NOW() WHERE `Id`='.$this->Group['Id']); } }