Name = 'Translation'; $this->Version = '1.0'; $this->Creator = 'Chronos'; $this->License = 'GNU/GPL'; $this->Description = 'Translation of text items and groups from original language to other languages.'; $this->Dependencies = array('News', 'Search'); } function DoStart(): void { $this->System->RegisterPage(['comparison.php'], 'PageTranslationComparison'); $this->System->RegisterPage(['form.php'], 'PageTranslationForm'); $this->System->RegisterPage(['save.php'], 'PageTranslationSave'); $this->System->RegisterPage(['progress'], 'PageProgress'); $this->System->RegisterPage(['translation-groups'], 'PageTranslationGroups'); $this->System->RegisterPage(['TranslationList.php'], 'PageTranslationList'); $this->System->RegisterPage(['LoadNames.php'], 'PageLoadNames'); $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules['News']->RegisterRSS(array('Title' => T('Last translations'), 'Channel' => 'translation', 'Callback' => array($this, 'ShowRSS'), 'Permission' => LICENCE_ANONYMOUS)); Core::Cast($this->System)->RegisterMenuItem(array( 'Title' => T('Completion status'), 'Hint' => 'Stav dokončení překládů', 'Link' => $this->System->Link('/progress/'), 'Permission' => LICENCE_ANONYMOUS, 'Icon' => '', ), 1); Core::Cast($this->System)->RegisterMenuItem(array( 'Title' => T('Data source'), 'Hint' => 'Informace o překladových skupinách', 'Link' => $this->System->Link('/translation-groups/'), 'Permission' => LICENCE_ANONYMOUS, 'Icon' => '', )); if (array_key_exists('Search', $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules)) { $TranslationTree = $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules['Translation']->GetTranslationTree(); foreach ($TranslationTree as $Group) { $Table = $Group['TablePrefix']; $Columns = array('ID', 'Entry'); foreach ($Group['Items'] as $Item) { if ($Item['Column'] != '') $Columns[] = $Item['Column']; } $this->System->ModuleManager->Modules['Search']->RegisterSearch('group'.$Group['Id'], sprintf(T('Translation group "%s"'), $Group['Name']), $Columns, '`'.$Table.'`', $this->System->Link('/TranslationList.php?group='. $Group['Id'].'&user=0&state=0&entry=&text=')); } } Core::Cast($this->System)->RegisterPageBarItem('Right', 'TranslatedMenu', array($this, 'ShowTranslatedMenu')); } function ShowRSS() { $Items = array(); $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`Date`) AS `Date`, `User`.`Name` AS `UserName`, `Text` FROM `Log` '. 'JOIN `User` ON `User`.`ID` = `Log`.`User` WHERE `Type` = 1 ORDER BY `Date` DESC LIMIT 100'); while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc()) { $Items[] = array ( 'Title' => strip_tags($DbRow['Text'].' ('.$DbRow['UserName'].')'), 'Link' => 'http://'.Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['Web']['Host'].$this->System->Link('/'), 'Description' => $DbRow['Text'], 'Time' => $DbRow['Date'], ); } $Output = GenerateRSS(array ( 'Title' => Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['Web']['Title'].' - '.T('Last translations'), 'Link' => 'https://'.Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['Web']['Host'].$this->System->Link('/'), 'Description' => Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['Web']['Description'], 'WebmasterEmail' => Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['Web']['AdminEmail'], 'Items' => $Items, )); return $Output; } function ShowBox() { $Count = 40; $Output = ''.T('Last translated').':'; $Output .= '
'; $GroupListQuery = 'SELECT `Group`.* FROM `Group`'; $Query = ''; $UnionItems = array(); $DbResult = $this->Database->query($GroupListQuery); if ($DbResult->num_rows > 0) { while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc()) { $UnionItems[] = 'SELECT `T`.`ID`, `T`.`Take`, `T`.`User`, `T`.`ModifyTime`, `T`.`Group`, `T`.`GroupName` '. 'FROM (SELECT `T`.`User`, `T`.`ID`, `T`.`ModifyTime`, '. $DbRow['Id'].' AS `Group`, "'.addslashes($DbRow['Name']).'" AS `GroupName`, `T`.`Take` FROM `'. $DbRow['TablePrefix'].'` AS `T`'. ' WHERE (`T`.`Complete` = 1) AND (`T`.`Language` != '.Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['OriginalLanguage'].') ORDER BY `T`.`ModifyTime` DESC LIMIT '. $Count.') AS `T`'; } $Query = 'SELECT `TT`.*, `User`.`Name` AS `UserName`, `User`.`Id` AS `UserId` '. ' FROM ('.implode(' UNION ', $UnionItems).') AS `TT`'. ' JOIN `User` ON `User`.`Id` = `TT`.`User`'. ' ORDER BY `ModifyTime` DESC LIMIT '.$Count; $DbResult = $this->Database->query($Query); $Output .= ''; while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc()) { $Output .= ''. ''. ''. ''. ''; } $Output .= '
'; } $Output .= '
'; return $Output; } function GetTranslationTree() { if (isset($this->TranslationTree)) return $this->TranslationTree; else { $Result = array(); $Groups = array(); $DbResult = $this->System->Database->query('SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`LastImport`) AS `LastImportTime` FROM `Group`'); while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc()) $Groups[T($DbRow['Name'])] = $DbRow; ksort($Groups); foreach ($Groups as $Group) { $Group['Items'] = array(); $Group['Game'] = T($Group['Name']); $Result[$Group['Id']] = $Group; } $DbResult = $this->System->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `GroupItem` ORDER BY `Group`, `Sequence`'); while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc()) { $Result[$DbRow['Group']]['Items'][] = $DbRow; } $this->TranslationTree = $Result; return $Result; } } function ShowTranslatedMenu() { $User = ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User; $TranslationTree = $this->GetTranslationTree(); $Output = ''.T('Translate groups').':
'; $DbResult = $this->System->Database->select('Group', '`Id`, `Name`', '1 ORDER BY `Name`'); while ($Group = $DbResult->fetch_assoc()) { $Groups[T($Group['Name'])] = $Group; } ksort($Groups); foreach ($Groups as $Group) { $Output .= ''. '
'; $Output .= ' '.T('Untranslated').'
'. ' '.T('Translated').'
'; if (isset($User) and $User->Licence(LICENCE_USER)) { $Output .= ' '.T('Unfinished').'
'. ' '.T('Own').'
'; } $Output .= ' '.T('Filter').'
'; $Output .= '
'; } $Output .= '
'; return $Output; } static function Cast(Module $Module): ModuleTranslation { if ($Module instanceof ModuleTranslation) { return $Module; } throw new Exception('Expected '.ModuleTranslation::GetClassName().' type but got '.gettype($Module)); } }