
Top rated servers.

', 'top_online' => '

Biggest servers.

', 'banned' => 'Your account is banned.', 'wrong_pass' => 'Wrong password or login.', 'loging_ok' => 'Login successful
This window will close in few seconds.', 'name' => 'Name', 'pass' => 'Password', 'pass_again' => 'Password again', 'pass_ok' => 'Password is correct.', 'pass_error' => 'Passwords have to MATCH', 'login_ok' => 'This name is correct.', 'login_error' => 'This name is already taken.', 'no_pass' => 'You have to enter passweord.', 'email_ok' => 'Email entered is all right.', 'email_wrong' => 'Email entered is in incorrect form.', 'email_used' => 'Email you entered is already registred.', 'no_login' => 'You have to enter name.', 'subject' => 'Registration on WoW Server Status', 'email_body' => 'Visit this webpage.
', 'regiter_success' => 'Check your e-mail for activation code.', 'regist_finishing_error' => 'Account not found!', 'registr_finished' => ' activated
Continue by loging in.', 'add_server_name_used' => 'Theres already server with that name.', 'add_server_not_accept' => 'You have to agree with rules.', 'add_server_not_name' => 'You have to fill in Server name.', 'add_server_success_msg' => 'Server successfuly added.', 'players' => 'Players', 'info_owner' => 'Owner', 'info_avarage_players' => 'Avearge online players', 'info_place' => 'Location', 'vote_only' => 'Only registred users can vote, and only one time per server.', 'comment_h3' => 'Comments', 'no_comments' => 'There are no comments so far.', 'added_comment' => 'Comment added', 'add_comment'=> 'Add comment', 'deny_adding_comments' => 'Only registred users are able to post comments.', 'add_comment' => 'Add comment', 'server_added_info' => 'Added', 'order_by' => 'Sort by', 'abroad_servers' => 'Foreign servers', 'th_players' => 'Players', 'th_recommend' => 'Recommended', 'th_online_state' => 'Online', 'th_latency' => 'Latency', 'th_xp' => 'XP rate', 'th_type' => 'Type', 'th_version' => 'Version', 'th_rating' => 'Rating', 'th_created' => 'Added', 'info_servers' => 'Servers', 'info_num_of_servers' => 'Number of servers', 'info_num_of_comments' => 'Number of comments', 'users' => 'Users', 'only_logged' => 'Only registred users are able to add servers.\nLog-in, please', 'add_server_not_web' => 'You have to fill Server webpages and Registration page in.', 'latency' => 'Latency', ); $text['add_server_h2'] = 'Add server'; $text['reg_name_server'] = 'Server name'; $text['reg_type_server'] = 'Server type'; $text['reg_place_server'] = 'Server location'; $text['reg_web_page'] = 'Server webpages'; $text['reg_web_reg'] = 'Registration page'; $text['reg_desc'] = 'Short description of server'; $text['reg_czech'] = 'Czech'; $text['reg_abroad'] = 'Foreign'; $text['add_server_h3'] = 'Rules for adding servers'; $text['add_server_rules'] = '1. As "Server name" use server name ONLY
2. Your server is free, that means people dont have to pay for accounts/being able to play
3. Server is NOT using Hamachi network
4. All these informations are valid.'; $text['reg_accept_rules'] = 'I agree with these rules.'; $dny["Mon"] = "Monday"; $dny["Tue"] = "Tuesday"; $dny["Wed"] = "Wednesday"; $dny["Thu"] = "Thursday"; $dny["Fri"] = "Friday"; $dny["Sat"] = "Saturday"; $dny["Sun"] = "Sunday"; $mesice = array(1=>"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"); $menu['mm1'] = 'Partner Program'; $menu['mm2'] = 'Recommended servers'; $menu['mm3'] = 'Czech/Slovak servers'; $menu['mm4'] = 'Foreign servers'; $menu['mm5'] = 'Users'; $menu['mm6'] = 'Add server'; $text['home']='

WoW Server Status Partner Program

What is "WSS Partner Program"?
Basicaly, its exchange of adverteisments between servery.wowresource.eu service and World of Warcraft servers itself.

What you have to do to be able to join WSS Partner Program?
You have to put our banner on a VISIBLE place on your websites.

How can i join?
By sending e-mail with your request, or by asking on our forums (wowresource.eu) in proper thread.

What are the requierements of WSS Partner Program?
    1. You have to have a server registred at servery.wowresource.eu
    2. You have to have our banner on a visible place on your websites
    3. You have to provide 100% valid informations on WSS

I have applied, how would you check my server?
In few days after making application, we will make sure that your server meet our requierements.

Our server sucesfuly passed all tests. What can you offer?
We are offering so called „Star of WoWresource“, which indicates that all informations about your server at WSS are valid. Star of WoWresource is a mark of quality as well. We wont give it to all servers...only to the best ones.

Is our server going to be a bit different from other servers listed at WSS?
As we stated above, in column "recommended" will be "Star of wowresource", which indicates you have passed our tests.


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