DoNotShowPage = true;
class TempPage extends Page
function Show(): string
global $TempPageContent;
return $TempPageContent;
function ShowPageClass($Page)
global $System;
$System->Pages['temporary-page'] = get_class($Page);
$_SERVER['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'] = 'temporary-page';
$System->PathItems = ProcessURL();
function ShowPage(string $Content): void
global $TempPageContent, $System;
$TempPage = new TempPage($System);
$System->Pages['temporary-page'] = 'TempPage';
$_SERVER['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'] = 'temporary-page';
$TempPageContent = $Content;
$System->PathItems = ProcessURL();
function GetMicrotime(): float
list($Usec, $Sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return (float)$Usec + (float)$Sec;
$UnitNames = array('B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB');
function HumanSize(float $Value): string
global $UnitNames;
$UnitIndex = 0;
while ($Value > 1024)
$Value = round($Value / 1024, 3);
return $Value.' '.$UnitNames[$UnitIndex];
function GetQueryStringArray(string $QueryString): array
$Result = array();
$Parts = explode('&', $QueryString);
foreach ($Parts as $Part)
if ($Part != '')
if (!strpos($Part, '=')) $Part .= '=';
$Item = explode('=', $Part);
$Result[$Item[0]] = $Item[1];
return $Result;
function SetQueryStringArray(array $QueryStringArray): string
$Parts = array();
foreach ($QueryStringArray as $Index => $Item)
$Parts[] = $Index.'='.$Item;
return implode('&', $Parts);
function utf2ascii(string $text): string
$return = Str_Replace(
Array("á","č","ď","é","ě","í","ľ","ň","ó","ř","š","ť","ú","ů","ý","ž","Á","Č","Ď","É","Ě","Í","Ľ","Ň","Ó","Ř","Š","Ť","Ú","Ů","Ý","Ž") ,
Array("a","c","d","e","e","i","l","n","o","r","s","t","u","u","y","z","A","C","D","E","E","I","L","N","O","R","S","T","U","U","Y","Z") ,
//$return = Str_Replace(Array(" ", "_"), "-", $return); //nahradí mezery a podtržítka pomlčkami
//$return = Str_Replace(Array("(",")",".","!",",","\"","'"), "", $return); //odstraní ().!,"'
//$return = StrToLower($return); // velká písmena nahradí malými.
return $return;
function GetMonthYears(int $Days): string
$Month = floor($Days / 30);
$Year = floor($Month / 12);
$Days = floor($Days - $Month * 30);
$Month = $Month - $Year * 12;
return $Year.'r '.$Month.'m '.$Days.'d';
function GetTranslateGoogle($System, string $text, bool $withouttitle = false)
// $text = 'Balthule\'s letter is dire. This Cult of the Dark Strand is a thorn in my side that must be removed. I have been dealing with some of the Dark Strand scum northeast of here at Ordil\'Aran. One of their number possesses a soul gem that I believe holds the secret to the cult\'s power.$b$bBring it to me, and I will be able to decipher the secrets held within.';
// $text = htmlspecialchars($text);
$text = str_replace('$B','$B ', $text);
$text = urlencode($text);
// $text = strtolower($text);
// $text = str_replace('&','',$text);
// $text = str_replace(' ','%20',$text);
$User = ModuleUser::Cast($System->GetModule('User'))->User;
$DbResult = $System->Database->select('Language', '`Code`', '`Id`='.$User->Language);
$DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
$lang = $DbRow['Code'];
$url = ''.$lang.'&text='.$text;
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_WARNING);
if (($handle = @fopen($url, "r")) === FALSE) return false;
$data = stream_get_contents($handle);
$data = substr($data, strpos($data, 'result_box'));
$data = substr($data, strpos($data, '>') + 1);
$data = substr($data, 0, strpos($data, ''));
if ($withouttitle)
while ((strpos($data, '>') !== false and (strpos($data, '<') !== false)) and (strpos($data, '>') > strpos($data, '<')))
$partbefore = substr($data, 0, strpos($data, '<'));
// echo $partbefore;
$partafter = substr($data, strpos($data, '>') + 1);
// echo $partafter;
$data = $partbefore.' '.$partafter;
$Encoding = new Encoding();
$data = $Encoding->ToUTF8($data);
//$data = utf8_encode($data);
$data = str_replace('$ ', '$',$data);
$data = str_replace('$b $b', '$b$b', $data);
$data = str_replace('| ', '|', $data);
$data = strip_tags($data);
return $data;
function GetPageList(int $TotalCount): array
global $System;
$QueryItems = GetQueryStringArray($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
$ItemPerPage = $System->Config['Web']['ItemsPerPage'];
$Around = round($System->Config['Web']['VisiblePagingItems'] / 2);
$Result = '';
$PageCount = floor($TotalCount / $ItemPerPage) + 1;
if (!array_key_exists('Page', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['Page'] = 0;
if (array_key_exists('page', $_GET)) $_SESSION['Page'] = $_GET['page'] * 1;
if ($_SESSION['Page'] < 0) $_SESSION['Page'] = 0;
if ($_SESSION['Page'] >= $PageCount) $_SESSION['Page'] = $PageCount - 1;
$CurrentPage = $_SESSION['Page'];
$Result .= 'Počet položek: '.$TotalCount.' Stránky: ';
$Result = '';
if ($PageCount > 1)
if ($CurrentPage > 0)
$QueryItems['page'] = 0;
$Result.= '<< ';
$QueryItems['page'] = ($CurrentPage - 1);
$Result.= '< ';
$PagesMax = $PageCount - 1;
$PagesMin = 0;
if ($PagesMax > ($CurrentPage + $Around)) $PagesMax = $CurrentPage + $Around;
if ($PagesMin < ($CurrentPage - $Around))
$Result.= ' ... ';
$PagesMin = $CurrentPage - $Around;
for ($i = $PagesMin; $i <= $PagesMax; $i++)
if ($i == $CurrentPage) $Result.= ''.($i + 1).' ';
else {
$QueryItems['page'] = $i;
$Result .= ''.($i + 1).' ';
if ($PagesMax < ($PageCount - 1)) $Result .= ' ... ';
if ($CurrentPage < ($PageCount - 1))
$QueryItems['page'] = ($CurrentPage + 1);
$Result.= '> ';
$QueryItems['page'] = ($PageCount - 1);
$Result.= '>>';
$Result = '
return array('SQLLimit' => ' LIMIT '.$CurrentPage * $ItemPerPage.', '.$ItemPerPage,
'Page' => $CurrentPage,
'Output' => $Result,
$OrderDirSQL = array('ASC', 'DESC');
$OrderArrowImage = array('sort_asc.png', 'sort_desc.png');
function GetOrderTableHeader(array $Columns, string $DefaultColumn, int $DefaultOrder = 0): array
global $OrderDirSQL, $OrderArrowImage, $System;
if (array_key_exists('OrderCol', $_GET)) $_SESSION['OrderCol'] = $_GET['OrderCol'];
if (array_key_exists('OrderDir', $_GET) and (array_key_exists($_GET['OrderDir'], $OrderArrowImage)))
$_SESSION['OrderDir'] = $_GET['OrderDir'];
if (!array_key_exists('OrderCol', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['OrderCol'] = $DefaultColumn;
if (!array_key_exists('OrderDir', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['OrderDir'] = $DefaultOrder;
// Check OrderCol
$Found = false;
foreach ($Columns as $Column)
if ($Column['Name'] == $_SESSION['OrderCol'])
$Found = true;
if ($Found == false)
$_SESSION['OrderCol'] = $DefaultColumn;
$_SESSION['OrderDir'] = $DefaultOrder;
// Check OrderDir
if (($_SESSION['OrderDir'] != 0) and ($_SESSION['OrderDir'] != 1)) $_SESSION['OrderDir'] = 0;
$Result = '';
$QueryItems = GetQueryStringArray($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
foreach ($Columns as $Index => $Column)
$QueryItems['OrderCol'] = $Column['Name'];
$QueryItems['OrderDir'] = 1 - $_SESSION['OrderDir'];
if ($Column['Name'] == $_SESSION['OrderCol']) $ArrowImage = '
else $ArrowImage = '';
if ($Column['Name'] == '') $Result .= ''.$Column['Title'].' | ';
else $Result .= ''.$Column['Title'].$ArrowImage.' | ';
return array(
'SQL' => ' ORDER BY `'.$_SESSION['OrderCol'].'` '.$OrderDirSQL[$_SESSION['OrderDir']],
'Output' => ''.$Result.'
'Column' => $_SESSION['OrderCol'],
'Direction' => $_SESSION['OrderDir'],
function ClientVersionSelection(string $Selected): string
global $System;
$Output = '';
return $Output;
function GetLanguageList(): array
global $System;
$Result = array();
$DbResult = $System->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `Language` WHERE `Enabled` = 1');
while ($DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
$Result[$DbRow['Id']] = $DbRow;
return $Result;
$Moderators = array('Překladatel', 'Moderátor', 'Administrátor');
function HumanDate(?string $SQLDateTime): string
if (($SQLDateTime == NULL) or ($SQLDateTime == '')) return ' ';
$DateTimeParts = explode(' ', $SQLDateTime);
if ($DateTimeParts[0] != '0000-00-00')
$DateParts = explode('-', $DateTimeParts[0]);
return ($DateParts[2] * 1).'.'.($DateParts[1] * 1).'.'.($DateParts[0] * 1);
} else return ' ';
function HumanDateTime(?string $SQLDateTime): string
if (($SQLDateTime == NULL) or ($SQLDateTime == '')) return ' ';
$DateTimeParts = explode(' ', $SQLDateTime);
if ($DateTimeParts[0] != '0000-00-00' and $SQLDateTime <> '')
$DateParts = explode('-', $DateTimeParts[0]);
$Output = ($DateParts[2] * 1).'.'.($DateParts[1] * 1).'.'.($DateParts[0] * 1);
} else $Output = ' ';
if (count($DateTimeParts) > 1)
if ($DateTimeParts[1] != '00:00:00')
$TimeParts = explode(':', $DateTimeParts[1]);
$Output .= ' '.($TimeParts[0] * 1).':'.($TimeParts[1] * 1).':'.($TimeParts[2] * 1);
return $Output;
function FollowingTran($TextID, $Table, $GroupId, $Prev = false)
global $System, $Config;
if ($Prev)
$sql = 'SELECT `ID` FROM `'.$Table.'` AS `item` WHERE '.
'(`Language` = '.$Config['OriginalLanguage'].') AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT `entry` '.
'FROM `'.$Table.'` AS `sub` WHERE (`sub`.`Language` <> '.$Config['OriginalLanguage'].') '.
'AND (`sub`.`entry` = `item`.`entry`)) AND (`ID` < '.$TextID.') ORDER BY `ID` DESC LIMIT 1';
else $sql = 'SELECT `ID` FROM `'.$Table.'` AS `item` WHERE '.
'(`Language` = '.$Config['OriginalLanguage'].') AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT `entry` '.
'FROM `'.$Table.'` AS `sub` WHERE (`sub`.`Language` <> '.$Config['OriginalLanguage'].') '.
'AND (`sub`.`entry` = `item`.`entry`)) AND `ID` > '.$TextID.' ORDER BY `ID` LIMIT 1';
$DbResult = $System->Database->query($sql);
$Next = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
if ($Next)
if ($Prev) $Output = 'Předcházející '.$Next['ID'].' ';
else $Output = 'Následující '.$Next['ID'].' ';
return 'form.php?group='.$GroupId.'&ID='.$Next['ID'];
function GetBuildNumber(string $Version): int
global $System, $BuildNumbers;
if (!isset($BuildNumbers)) $BuildNumbers = array();
if (!array_key_exists($Version, $BuildNumbers))
$DbResult = $System->Database->select('ClientVersion', 'BuildNumber', '`Version` = "'.$Version.'"');
if ($DbResult->num_rows == 1)
$DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
$BuildNumbers[$Version] = $DbRow['BuildNumber'];
} else return 0;
return $BuildNumbers[$Version];
// TODO: Client version build number should not be used in internal references
function GetVersionWOW(int $BuildNumber): string
global $System, $VersionsWOW;
if (!isset($VersionsWOW)) $VersionsWOW = array();
if (!array_key_exists($BuildNumber, $VersionsWOW))
$DbResult = $System->Database->select('ClientVersion', 'Version', '`BuildNumber` = "'.$BuildNumber.'"');
if ($DbResult->num_rows == 1)
$Version = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
$VersionsWOW[$BuildNumber] = $Version['Version'];
} else return '';
return $VersionsWOW[$BuildNumber];
// TODO: Client version build number should not be used in internal references
function GetVersionWOWId($BuildNumber)
global $System, $VersionsWOWId;
if (isset($VersionsWOWId[$BuildNumber]) == false)
$sql = 'SELECT `Id` FROM `ClientVersion` WHERE `BuildNumber` = "'.$BuildNumber.'"';
$DbResult = $System->Database->query($sql);
$Version = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
$VersionsWOWId[$BuildNumber] = $Version['Id'];
return $VersionsWOWId[$BuildNumber];
function LoadGroupIdParameter()
global $System;
$TranslationTree = ModuleTranslation::Cast($System->ModuleManager->GetModule('Translation'))->GetTranslationTree();
$GroupId = 0;
if (TryGetUrlParameterInt('group', $GroupId))
if (isset($TranslationTree[$GroupId]) == false) ErrorMessage('Překladová skupina dle zadaného Id neexistuje.');
return $GroupId;
ErrorMessage('Group not valid.');
function LoadCommandLineParameters(): void
if (!array_key_exists('REMOTE_ADDR', $_SERVER) && is_array($_SERVER['argv']))
foreach ($_SERVER['argv'] as $Parameter)
if (strpos($Parameter, '=') !== false)
$Index = substr($Parameter, 0, strpos($Parameter, '='));
$Parameter = substr($Parameter, strpos($Parameter, '=') + 1);
//echo($Index.' ---- '.$Parameter);
$_GET[$Index] = $Parameter;
function ShowTabs(array $Tabs): string
$QueryItems = GetQueryStringArray($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
if (array_key_exists('Tab', $_GET)) $_SESSION['Tab'] = $_GET['Tab'];
if (!array_key_exists('Tab', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['Tab'] = 0;
if (($_SESSION['Tab'] < 0) or ($_SESSION['Tab'] > (count($Tabs) - 1))) $_SESSION['Tab'] = 0;
$Output = '';
return $Output;
function CheckBox($Name, $Checked = false, $Id = '', $Class = '', $Disabled = false)
if ($Id) $Id = ' id="'.$Id.'"'; else $Id = '';
if ($Class) $Class = ' class="'.$Class.'"'; else $Class = '';
if ($Checked) $Checked = ' checked="checked"'; else $Checked = '';
if ($Disabled) $Disabled = ' disabled="disabled"'; else $Disabled = '';
return '';
function RadioButton($Name, $Value, $Checked = false, $OnClick = '', $Disabled = false)
if ($Checked) $Checked = ' checked="checked"'; else $Checked = '';
if ($OnClick != '') $OnClick = ' onclick="'.$OnClick.'"'; else $OnClick = '';
if ($Disabled) $Disabled = ' disabled="disabled"'; else $Disabled = '';
return '';
function SelectOption($Name, $Text, $Selected = false)
if ($Selected) $Selected = ' selected="selected"'; else $Selected = '';
return '';
function DeleteDirectory(string $dirname): bool
if (is_dir($dirname))
$dir_handle = opendir($dirname);
if (!$dir_handle) return false;
while ($file = readdir($dir_handle))
if (($file != '.') and ($file != '..'))
if (!is_dir($dirname.'/'.$file)) unlink($dirname.'/'.$file);
else DeleteDirectory($dirname.'/'.$file);
return true;
function ErrorMessage(string $Text): void
function GetIDbyName(string $Table)
global $System;
$TranslationTree = ModuleTranslation::Cast($System->ModuleManager->GetModule('Translation'))->GetTranslationTree();
foreach ($TranslationTree as $TableID => $Value)
if ($Value['TablePrefix'] == $Table) return $TableID;
function GetTranslatNamesArray(): array
$TablesColumn = array
'TextGameObject' => 'Name',
'TextCreature' => 'name',
'TextTransport' => 'Name',
'TextAreaTriggerTeleport' => 'Name',
'TextAreaTriggerTavern' => 'Name',
'TextArea' => 'Name',
'TextAreaPOI' => 'Name',
'TextCharacterClass' => 'Name',
'TextCharacterRace' => 'Name1',
'TextItemSubClass' => 'Name',
'TextItemSubClass' => 'Name2',
'TextCreatureType' => 'Name',
'TextItem' => 'Name',
'Dictionary' => 'Text',
return $TablesColumn;
function GetTranslatNames($Text, $mode, $TablesColumn, $FirstBig = True)
global $System, $Config;
/* $TablesID = array('gameobject' => 5,
'creature' => 6,
'item' => 4,
'transports' => 'Name',
'areatrigger_teleport' => 'Name',
'areatrigger_tavern' => 'Name',); */
$buff = array();
// change chars by we want to separate
$Text = str_replace('$B$B', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace('$b$b', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace('$G', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace('$I', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace('$N', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace('$R', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace('$g', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace('$i', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace('$n', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace('$r', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace(':', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace(';', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace('!', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace('?', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace('.', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace(',', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace('\'s', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace('<', ' ', $Text);
$Text = str_replace('>', ' ', $Text);
$ArrStr = explode(' ', $Text);
$sqlall = '';
foreach ($TablesColumn as $Table => $Column)
$orderinby = ' ORDER BY ID DESC ';
$sql = 'SELECT `ID`, (SELECT CONCAT(\''.GetIDbyName($Table).'\' )) AS `GroupId`,`'.
$Column.'` AS Orig, (SELECT `'.$Column.'` FROM `'.$Table.'` AS `T` WHERE '.
'(`O`.`Entry` = `T`.`Entry`) AND (`Language` <> '.$Config['OriginalLanguage'].') '.
$orderinby.' LIMIT 1) AS `Tran` FROM `'.$Table.'` AS `O` WHERE ';
$groupby = ' GROUP BY `'.$Column.'` ';
$where = '(`Language` = '.$Config['OriginalLanguage'].') ';
if ($mode == 1)
$where .= ' AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM `'.$Table.
'` AS `Sub` WHERE (`Sub`.`Language` <> '.$Config['OriginalLanguage'].
') AND (`Sub`.`Entry` = `O`.`Entry`))';
if ($mode == 2)
$where .= ' AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM `'.$Table.
'` AS `Sub` WHERE (`Sub`.`Language` <> '.$Config['OriginalLanguage'].
') AND (`Sub`.`Entry` = `O`.`Entry`))';
$where .= ' AND (';
if (array_search('the', $ArrStr))
$where .= '(`O`.`'.$Column.'` LIKE "The %") OR ';
$SqlOK = false;
if (count($ArrStr) > 0)
for ($i = 0; $i < count($ArrStr); $i++)
// find word only if is 3 characters and more, and if starts by upper char, and search only once
if ((strlen($ArrStr[$i]) > 3) or ( ((count($ArrStr) < 6) or ($i == 0)) and (strlen($ArrStr[$i]) > 0) ) ) //length
if ((!$FirstBig) or (ctype_upper(substr($ArrStr[$i], 0, 1))) or (count($ArrStr) < 6) ) //first big
if (array_search($ArrStr[$i], $ArrStr) == $i)
{ // first in array
$where .= '(`O`.`'.$Column.'` LIKE "'.addslashes($ArrStr[$i]).'%") OR ';
$SqlOK = true;
$where = substr($where, 0, strlen($where) - 4);
$where .= ')';
if ($SqlOK)
// $buff[] = array($Line['ID'], GetIDbyName($Table), $Line['Orig'], $Line['Tran']);
if ($sqlall <> '')
$sqlall .= ' UNION ALL ( '.$sql.$where.$groupby.' )';
} else {
$sqlall .= ' ( '.$sql.$where.$groupby.' )';
if ($SqlOK)
$orderby = ' ORDER BY LENGTH(Orig) DESC ';
// echo $sqlall. $orderby;
$DbResult = $System->Database->query($sqlall.$orderby);
// echo ($sql.'|'.$where.'|'.$groupby);
while ($Line = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
$buff[] = array($Line['ID'], $Line['GroupId'], $Line['Orig'], $Line['Tran']);
return $buff;
function ProgressBar($Width, $Percent, $Text = '')
$Pixels = $Width * ($Percent / 100);
if ($Pixels > $Width) $Pixels = $Width;
if ($Text == '') $Text = $Percent;
return '';
function GetLevelMinMax(int $XP): array
$IndexLevel = 100;
if ($XP > 0) $Level = floor(sqrt($XP / $IndexLevel));
else $Level = 0;
$MinXP = $Level * $Level * $IndexLevel;
$MaxXP = ($Level + 1) * ($Level + 1) * $IndexLevel;
$MaxXP = $MaxXP - $MinXP;
$XP = $XP - $MinXP;
return array('Level' => $Level, 'XP' => $XP, 'MaxXP' => $MaxXP);
function GetParameter(string $Name, string $Default = '', bool $Numeric = false, bool $Session = false): string
$Result = $Default;
if (array_key_exists($Name, $_GET)) $Result = $_GET[$Name];
else if (array_key_exists($Name, $_POST)) $Result = $_POST[$Name];
else if ($Session and array_key_exists($Name, $_SESSION)) $Result = $_SESSION[$Name];
if ($Numeric and !is_numeric($Result)) $Result = $Default;
if ($Session) $_SESSION[$Name] = $Result;
return $Result;
function MakeActiveLinks(string $Content): string
$Content = htmlspecialchars($Content);
$Content = str_replace("\n", '
', $Content);
$Content = str_replace("\r", '', $Content);
$Result = '';
$I = 0;
while ((strpos($Content, 'http://') !== false) or (strpos($Content, 'https://') !== false))
if (strpos($Content, 'http://') !== false) $I = strpos($Content, 'http://');
if (strpos($Content, 'https://') !== false) $I = strpos($Content, 'https://');
$Result .= substr($Content, 0, $I);
$Content = substr($Content, $I);
$SpacePos = strpos($Content, ' ');
if ($SpacePos !== false) $URL = substr($Content, 0, strpos($Content, ' '));
else $URL = substr($Content, 0);
$Result .= ''.$URL.'';
$Content = substr($Content, strlen($URL));
$Result .= $Content;
return $Result;
define('MESSAGE_WARNING', 0);
define('MESSAGE_CRITICAL', 1);
function ShowMessage(string $Text, int $Type = MESSAGE_INFORMATION)
global $System;
$IconName = array(
MESSAGE_INFORMATION => 'information',
MESSAGE_WARNING => 'warning',
MESSAGE_CRITICAL => 'critical'
$BackgroundColor = array(
MESSAGE_WARNING => '#ffffe0',
return '!['.
$System->Link('/images/message/'.$IconName[$Type].'.png').') | '.$Text.' |
function ProcessURL(): array
if (array_key_exists('REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING', $_SERVER))
else $PathString = '';
if (substr($PathString, -1, 1) == '/') $PathString = substr($PathString, 0, -1);
$PathItems = explode('/', $PathString);
if (strpos(GetRequestURI(), '?') !== false)
$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = substr(GetRequestURI(), strpos(GetRequestURI(), '?') + 1);
else $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = '';
parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $_GET);
// SQL injection hack protection
foreach ($_GET as $Index => $Item) $_GET[$Index] = addslashes($_GET[$Index]);
return $PathItems;
function WriteLanguages($Selected)
global $System;
$Output = '';
return $Output;
function GetClientProxyAddresses()
else $IP = array();
function GetRemoteAddress()
if (array_key_exists('REMOTE_ADDR', $_SERVER)) $IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
else $IP = '';
return $IP;
function GetRequestURI()
if (array_key_exists('REQUEST_URI', $_SERVER)) return $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
else return $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
function ShowBBcodes($text)
// NOTE : I had to update this sample code with below line to prevent obvious attacks as pointed out by many users.
// Always ensure that user inputs are scanned and filtered properly.
$text = htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
// BBcode array
$find = array(
// HTML tags to replace BBcode
$replace = array(
// Replacing the BBcodes with corresponding HTML tags
return preg_replace($find, $replace, $text);
function NormalizePath(string $Path): string
$Segments = explode('/', $Path);
$Result = array();
for ($I = 0; $I < count($Segments); $I++)
$Segment = $Segments[$I];
if (($Segment == '.') || ((strlen($Segment) == 0) && ($I > 0) && ($I < count($Segments) - 1)))
if ($Segment == '..')
} else
array_push($Result, $Segment);
return implode('/', $Result);
function TryGetUrlParameterInt(string $Name, int &$Value): bool
if (array_key_exists($Name, $_GET))
if (is_numeric($_GET[$Name]))
$Value = $_GET[$Name] * 1;
return true;
return false;
return false;