Name = 'Admin'; $this->Version = '1.0'; $this->Creator = 'Chronos'; $this->License = 'GNU/GPL'; $this->Description = 'Administrator section of the web'; $this->Dependencies = array('Translation'); } function DoStart(): void { Core::Cast($this->System)->RegisterMenuItem(array( 'Title' => T('Administration'), 'Hint' => T('Administration tools'), 'Link' => $this->System->Link('/admin/'), 'Permission' => LICENCE_ADMIN, 'Icon' => '', )); $this->System->RegisterPage(['admin'], 'PageAdmin'); } } class PageAdmin extends Page { function ShowMenu() { $Output = '

'.T('Administration tools').'

'; $Output .= '
'. ''.T('Database management').'
'. 'Rozhraní phpMyAdmin pro přímou správu databáze

'. ''.T('Text import').'
'. 'Načtení zdrojových textů do databáze

'. ''.T('Event log').'
'. 'Procházení všech systémových záznamů akcí a událostí

'. ''.T('Testing').'
'. 'Testovací funkce

'. ''.T('Export of the web interface translation').'
'. 'Exportovat texty z PHP souborů pro překlad rozhraní

'. 'Nastavit nekompletní texty
'. 'Nastaví questy, které jsou v popisu nebo objektu stejné jako nedokončené

'. 'Opravit špatně nastavené VersionEnd
'. 'Nastaví špatné version end a Take na originální text, které vzniklo v důsledku importu a špatně indexovaného indexu Take

'. 'Připravit dbc strukturu
'. 'Otevře dbc soubory převedené do textové formy pro přípravu struktury pro import

'. 'Sjednocení textů
'. 'Sjednotí stejné originální texty v databázi

'; return $Output; } function TestError($P1, $P2) { $s = $TT[0]; } function TestException($P1, $P2) { throw new Exception('Test exception'); } function TestSQLError($Query) { $DbResult = $this->System->Database->query($Query); } function ShowPHPInfo() { return phpinfo(); } function Testing() { $this->Title = T('Testing'); $Output = 'PHP info
'. 'PHP informace

'. 'Testovací chyba
'. 'Vyvolá testovací chybu

'. 'Testovací výjimka
'. 'Vyvolá testovací chybu

'. 'Chybný SQL dotaz
'. 'Vyvolá testovací chybu

'; return $Output; } function Uncomplete() { $DbResult = $this->System->Database->query('SELECT `gs_tran`.`ID`,`gs_tran`.`Details`,`gs_tran`.`Objectives` FROM ' .'`TextQuest` AS `gs_tran` ' .'JOIN `TextQuest` AS `gs_orig` ON `gs_orig`.`Entry` = `gs_tran`.`Entry` ' .'AND `gs_orig`.`Language` =0 ' .'WHERE `gs_tran`.`Language` !=0 ' .'AND `gs_tran`.`Complete` =1 ' .'AND ( (`gs_tran`.`Details` = `gs_orig`.`Details` AND "" != `gs_orig`.`Details` )' .' OR ( `gs_tran`.`Objectives` != `gs_orig`.`Objectives` AND "" = `gs_tran`.`Objectives` )' .' OR ( `gs_tran`.`Details` != `gs_orig`.`Details` AND "" = `gs_tran`.`Details` )' .' OR (`gs_tran`.`Objectives` = `gs_orig`.`Objectives` AND "" != `gs_orig`.`Objectives` ))' ); $Output = 'Questy:
'; while ($quest = $DbResult->fetch_assoc()) { $Output .= $quest['ID'].', '; $this->System->Database->query('UPDATE `TextQuest` SET `complete` = 0 WHERE ID='.$quest['ID']); } $Output .= '

Questy nastaveny jako nedokončené!'; return $Output; } function RepairVersionEnd() { $TranslationTree = ModuleTranslation::Cast($this->System->ModuleManager->GetModule('Translation'))->GetTranslationTree(); $Output = ''; foreach ($TranslationTree as $Group) // $Group = $TranslationTree[1]; { $sql = 'SELECT `T`.`ID`,`T`.`Take`,`sub1`.`ID` as `origID`,T.`VersionStart`,T.`VersionEnd`,`sub1`.`VersionStart` as OrigStart,sub1.`VersionEnd` as `OrigEnd` FROM `'.$Group['TablePrefix'] .'` as `T` '. ' JOIN `'.$Group['TablePrefix'].'` as `sub1` ON `sub1`.`Language` = 0 AND `T`.`Entry` = `sub1`.`Entry` AND `T`.`VersionStart` = `sub1`.`VersionStart` '. ' WHERE `T`.`Take` != `sub1`.`ID` AND `T`.`Language` != 0'. // ' WHERE `T`.`Language` != 0 AND `T`.`VersionEnd` != `sub1`.`VersionEnd` AND `T`.`Take` NOT IN'. // '(Select `ID` FROM `'.$Group['TablePrefix'].'` as `sub2` WHERE `sub2`.`Language` = 0 AND `T`.`Entry` = `sub2`.`Entry` AND `T`.`VersionStart` = `sub2`.`VersionStart`)'. ' '; //LIMIT 1000 $DbResult = $this->System->Database->query($sql); echo ':
'; while ($line = $DbResult->fetch_assoc()) { echo ($line['ID'].', '); $this->System->Database->query('UPDATE `'.$Group['TablePrefix'].'` SET `VersionEnd` = '. $line['OrigEnd'].', `Take` = '.$line['origID'].' WHERE ID='.$line['ID']); } echo '
Verze '.$Group['TablePrefix'].' opraveny!'; } return 'Hotovo!'; } function StripText($Text) { $Text = strtolower($Text); $Text = str_replace(' ', '', $Text); return $Text; } function MergeSameText() { $TranslationTree = ModuleTranslation::Cast($this->System->ModuleManager->GetModule('Translation'))->GetTranslationTree(); $Output = ''; foreach ($TranslationTree as $Group) // $Group = $TranslationTree[1]; { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `'.$Group['TablePrefix'] .'` as `T` '. // ' JOIN `'.$Group['TablePrefix'].'` as `sub1` ON `sub1`.`Language` = 0 AND `T`.`Entry` = `sub1`.`Entry` AND `T`.`VersionStart` < `sub1`.`VersionStart` '. ' WHERE `T`.`Language` = 0 '. ' ORDER BY `T`.`VersionStart`'; //LIMIT 1000 $DbResult = $this->System->Database->query($sql); echo ':
'.$Group['TablePrefix'].': '; while ($line = $DbResult->fetch_assoc()) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `'.$Group['TablePrefix'] .'` as `T` '. ' WHERE `T`.`Language` = 0 AND `T`.`VersionStart` > '.$line['VersionEnd'].' AND `T`.`Entry` = '.$line['Entry']. ' ORDER BY `T`.`VersionStart` LIMIT 1'; //LIMIT 1000 $DbResult2 = $this->System->Database->query($sql); if ($DbResult2->num_rows > 0) { $line2 = $DbResult2->fetch_assoc(); $Same = true; foreach ($TranslationTree[$Group['Id']]['Items'] as $Column) { if ($this->StripText($line[$Column['Column']]) <> $this->StripText($line2[$Column['Column']])) $Same = false; } if ($Same) { echo $line['ID'].'='.$line2['ID'].' ('; // $this->System->Database->query('UPDATE `'.$Group['TablePrefix'].'` SET `Take` = NULL WHERE ID='.$line2['ID']); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `'.$Group['TablePrefix'] .'` as `T` '. ' WHERE `T`.`Entry` = '.$line['Entry'].' AND (`T`.`Take` = '.$line['ID'].' OR `T`.`Take` = '.$line2['ID'].') '; $DbResult3 = $this->System->Database->query($sql); while ($line3 = $DbResult3->fetch_assoc()) { echo $line3['ID'].' '; $this->System->Database->query('UPDATE `'.$Group['TablePrefix'].'` SET `VersionEnd` = '.$line2['VersionEnd'].', `VersionStart` = '.$line['VersionStart'].', `Take` = '.$line['ID'].' WHERE ID='.$line3['ID']); } $this->System->Database->query('DELETE FROM`'.$Group['TablePrefix'].'` WHERE ID='.$line2['ID']); $this->System->Database->query('UPDATE `'.$Group['TablePrefix'].'` SET `VersionEnd` = '.$line2['VersionEnd'].' WHERE ID='.$line['ID']); echo '), '; } } } echo('Texty '.$Group['TablePrefix'].' sjednoceny!'); } return 'Hotovo!'; } function DbcStructure() { $TranslationTree = ModuleTranslation::Cast($this->System->ModuleManager->GetModule('Translation'))->GetTranslationTree(); $Output = ''; if (array_key_exists('GameVersion', $_GET)) { $_SESSION['GameVersion'] = $_GET['GameVersion']; } if (!array_key_exists('GameVersion', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['GameVersion'] = Core::Cast($this->System)->Config['Web']['GameVersion']; $Output .= '
Nastavená verze: '.$_SESSION['GameVersion'].'
'; if (array_key_exists('GroupItem', $_GET)) { $DbResult = $this->System->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `ClientVersion` WHERE `Version` = "'.$_SESSION['GameVersion'].'"'); $Version = $DbResult->fetch_assoc(); $this->System->Database->query('INSERT INTO `GroupItemDBC` (`Id` ,`ClientVersion` ,`GroupItem` ,`ColumnIndex`)VALUES (NULL , \''.$Version['Id'].'\', \''.$_GET['GroupItem'].'\', \''.$_GET['ColumnIndex'].'\')'); $Output .= 'vloženo
'; } if (array_key_exists('id', $_GET)) { $Group = $TranslationTree[$_GET['id']]; // $Output .= '
'; // foreach ($Group['Items'] as $GroupItem) // { // $Output .= $GroupItem['Column'].':
'; // } // $Output .= '
'; $FileName = NormalizePath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../source/'.$_SESSION['GameVersion'].'/dbc/'.$Group['DBCFileName'].'.dbc.csv'); $File = new FileStream(); $File->OpenFile($FileName); //while (!$File->EOF()) $Output .= ''; $Output .= ''; $Output .= '
'; $Line = $File->ReadLine(); for ($i = 0; $i < substr_count($Line, ','); $i++) { $Output .= $i; $Output .= ''; } $Output .= '
'; for ($i = 0; $i < substr_count($Line, ','); $i++) { foreach ($Group['Items'] as $GroupItem) { $Output .= ' '. $GroupItem['Column'].'
'; } $Output .= '
'; } $Output .= '
'; $Output .= str_replace(',', '', $Line); $Output .= '
'; for ($i = 0; $i < 50; $i++) { $Line = $File->ReadLine(); $Output .= str_replace(',', '', $Line); $Output .= '
'; } $Output .= '
'; } else { $DbResult = $this->System->Database->query('SELECT * FROM `ClientVersion`'); while ($Version = $DbResult->fetch_assoc()) { $Output .= ''.$Version['Version'].' '; } $Output .= '

'; foreach ($TranslationTree as $Group) { if ($Group['DBCFileName'] <> '') $Output .= ''.$Group['DBCFileName'].'
'; } } return $Output; } function ShowLocale() { Core::Cast($this->System)->LocaleManager->UpdateAll(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); $Output = 'Překlad rozhraní přegenerován'; $Output .= ''; foreach (Core::Cast($this->System)->LocaleManager->CurrentLocale->Texts->Data as $Index => $Item) $Output .= ''; $Output .= '
'; $Output .= 'Překladové soubory zaktualizovány'; return $Output; } function Show(): string { $User = ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User; $this->Title = T('Administration'); $Output = ''; if ($User->Licence(LICENCE_ADMIN)) { if (array_key_exists('action', $_GET)) { if ($_GET['action'] == 'error') $Output .= $this->TestError(12, 'test'); else if ($_GET['action'] == 'exception') $Output .= $this->TestException(12, 'test'); else if ($_GET['action'] == 'sqlerror') $Output .= $this->TestSQLError('SELECT dads FROM sdas'); else if ($_GET['action'] == 'testing') $Output .= $this->Testing(); else if ($_GET['action'] == 'phpinfo') $Output .= $this->ShowPHPInfo(); else if ($_GET['action'] == 'locale') $Output .= $this->ShowLocale(); else if ($_GET['action'] == 'uncomplete') $Output .= $this->Uncomplete(); else if ($_GET['action'] == 'repairversion') $Output .= $this->RepairVersionEnd(); else if ($_GET['action'] == 'dbcstructure') $Output .= $this->DbcStructure(); else if ($_GET['action'] == 'merge') $Output .= $this->MergeSameText(); else $Output .= $this->ShowMenu(); } else $Output .= $this->ShowMenu(); } else $Output .= ShowMessage(T('Access denied'), MESSAGE_CRITICAL); return $Output; } }